I'm John Lindorfer and I made this web page.


Click here to send a sorry Democrat to Canada

Click here to see our vacation pictures in Middle Earth

Click here to find out how to become richer than Bill Gates!

Click here for a text only version - Click here to send me e-mail

Starship Voyager Flyby

Come with me on a voyage of discov'ry; a universe of countless stars, so very far from home.
Take my hand, and with my love to sustain you, eternally, you'll never be alone.
Worlds of wonderment and high fantasy; together, unbounded, our spirits may roam, oh...
Take my hand, and all my love to sustain you, until we take that final voyage home.
Theme from Star Trek, Voyager by Jerry Goldsmith

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country,
to obey the law; to help other people at all times; and to keep myself
physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. - The Scout Oath

God bless George Bush and the United States of America!

Welcome to my home page.

Let's go back to the
My card

My Card
On our way to

Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights

MILITARY EXPERIENCE - U.S. Army Officer, Active Duty (DOD TS Clearance) - 08/62 - 02/78

Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights


Horizontal rule with flashing lights

I am The Very Model of Enlightened Single Parenthood. These are my children. Click on the little picture to see the full-sized one.

Melanie has finished her enlistment in the US Air Force and is now living in Texas. Stefanie works at a beauty salon in Knoxville, Tennessee David works for Bayview Furniture Company in Long Beach. Aaron is an assistant deli manager in Knoxville, Tennessee.

A couple of my buddies in the space business sent me the link to this photo. The image is a panoramic view of the world from the new space station, taken on a perfect night with no obscuring atmospheric conditions. It is a composite night photo with the lights clearly indicating the populated areas.

You can download the actual picture, which is almost 3 feet wide, by clicking on the photo below, and then scroll east-west and north-south. Note that Canada's population is almost exclusively along the U.S. border. Moving east to Europe, there is a high population concentration along the Mediterranean Coast. It's easy to spot London, Paris, Stockholm and Vienna. Check out the development of Israel compared to the rest of the Arab countries. Note the Nile River and the rest of the "Dark Continent." After the Nile, the lights don't come on again until Johannesburg.

Note the Australian Outback and the Trans-Siberian Rail Route. Moving east, the most striking observation is the difference between North and South Korea. Compare both to the density of Japan.

It takes a little while to down load but it is worth it....

Where the people are

Horizontal rule with flashing lights

This is our beach at Long Beach, Mississippi. Isn't it beautiful?

Long Beach

Talking about beautiful, a friend from Russia sent me a link to some absolutely gorgeous Russian landscapes. They are BREATHTAKING! To see them, go to http://papers.same.ru/nature/0001.shtml for the first one, and then click on the little numbers on the bottom to see the others. Click on the little pictures to see full sized ones. You can use them as wallpaper on your computer. How spacious is their country!

Horizontal rule with flashing lights

Does your second grader know more about HTML than you do? Would you like to be able to make your own HTML documents? Start with "Second Grade HTML" by clicking here.

What happens when stupid people with authority over children get scared? Read the Long Beach School Board policy on substance abuse testing

My father died recently. He didn't want any memorial service, but I thought these words were appropriate.

Click here to go to Rodney Safetyfield's Home Page If you are in the safety business here's your chance to get some respect.

Here is the text of my Internet presentation on laser safety. It is the text for a one-day class I taught at Lockheed Martin.

The Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT) method of analysis has gone out of favor somewhat since the Department of Energy reduced funding for it. Here is a text of a presentation I gave at the System Safety Society Convention in 1997 on the use of MORT to analyze a potentially unsafe condition. You can look at the chart without the text by clicking here. (Be careful, the chart is 674,742 bytes! It may take a long time to download)

NASA's method of communication of hazard information between the rocket scientists and their managers isn't very good, as indicated by the two space shuttle disasters. Here is my attempt to fix it. Their definition and determination of part criticality isn't much better. Here are my thoughts on the subject. Finally, this is what the real problem is. Feel free to comment.

Would you like to know what the Catholic Church believes? It's all in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Click here for the introduction and then, if you're still interested, download the file from there.

Click here to find out what the teaching of the Catholic Church really is about conscientious objectors and here about the Elephant in the war room.

There is so much talk about Islam these days, and most of it comes from people who have no idea what they're talking about. If you are interested in what the Koran (Al Quran) says about things, you can read an English translation by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D., here.

And for those who want to read the Revised Standard Version of the King James Bible (RSV), you can find a good source here.

Have you ever had questions about the meaning of adversity? The answer is here! (Please read it before you form a judgment.)

Why did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walk into their high school and kill 13 fellow students and a teacher? This is why

It has always intrigued me that the Christmas season is so much more popular than any other religious holiday. This is what I think the reason is.

Here are my thoughts on prayer in public schools.

What are the moral principles involved when two conjoined twins share one heart? Click here to find out.

Here is a little story about God and the Cockroach.

Finally, I owe a great debt to my mentor, Mr. Earl McNail, for whom I was privileged to work for about ten years. This is my attempt to repay it.

Click here to send me E-mail.

Made with Macintosh I am a member of HWG Logo

Star Trek graphics on this page were taken from the Star Trek Animated GIF Archive
Star Trek and associated names are © & ® by Paramount Pictures. This site is maintained as a hobby and no infringement is intended.

This website was updated 12/10/04 by John H. Lindorfer. It has not been endorsed by Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore, Al Gore, Ed Bradley, any relative of Michael Jackson, or a single one of those sorry Democrats.
Me at work