The Catholic Church Teaching on Conscientious Objectors

In a recent article in the Gulf Pine Catholic entitled, "The Church and conscientious objection to war," Father John Dietzen stated that, "Mankind will keep using war and violence to solve its problems until enough young people simply refuse to participate in them." This remark reflects the anti-military attitude frequently advanced by this newspaper. I consider it a supremely slanderous and scandalous insult to every person now in the military and those throughout history who have laid down their lives for their countrymen. One could argue with equal logic that mankind will keep sinning as long as we have people like Jesus Christ willing to die for sinners! Statements like this from a clergyman are an indication of the degree to which Satan has infiltrated the administration of God's kingdom on earth.

The real attitude of the Catholic Church can be found in the memorial in the hallway right next to the Gulf Pine Catholic office, at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 1790 Pass Road, Biloxi, Mississippi, where the American and Mississippi flags frame a votive "home fire" memorial candle and a book in which military families may write the names of their loved ones to be remembered in the bishop's prayers.

Father Dietzen conveniently avoids reference to paragraphs 2310, 2308, 2240 1909 and 1915 of the Catechism which are required for a balanced treatment of "The Church and conscientious objection to war." These prove that the Church rightly considers true conscientious objectors to be in error, even though they are motivated by praiseworthy ideals. One is then faced with the problem of freedom of conscience of a misguided soul, the response to whom is to give him something worthwhile to do in support of the society protected by his more practical, if less idealistic, fellow citizens. As the brother-in-law of a conscientious objector, I am well familiar with the agony these people undergo in reaching their decision and applaud the Church's position regarding them. I am also familiar with those whose claims to conscientious objection arise from baser motives, whose lack of courage and adherence to the truth the Church rightly condemns.

While I recognize that Father Dietzen has a right under the First Amendment to the Constitution (which it is the function of the members of the military to support and defend) to express his opinion, I am convinced that he has an obligation to preach truth, not only that part of it which supports his personal position. The appearance of his editorial in what purports to be a Catholic newspaper does great harm to the honor rightly deserved by the courageous people he despises, and gives aid and comfort to those who have declared us enemies. These same enemies are daily killing our sons and daughters who are working to liberate them from tyranny. It is bigotry, pride, culpable ignorance, hatred, and failure of world leaders to exercise their sacred responsibilities that are the real causes of war. I believe knowledgable Catholics have an obligation to present a fair and balanced exposition of what the teaching of their Church actually is on this issue, and to resolve the current ambiguities which exist in the minds and consciences of other people of good will who are pleading desperately for light in the gathering darkness.

It is not the function of the military to FIGHT wars, but to WIN them, by NOT fighting if possible, so to reimpose peace after it has been squandered by the moral prostitutes and self-styled peacemakers in a world gone mad, as now it appears to be happening before our very eyes!

You may be interested in my comments on the Moral Implications of War.

John Lindorfer