Fifth Grade HTML - An Example of a Personal Web Page

Up to this point, we have been looking at different HTML elements in isolation, but this lesson will put what we have learned together into a single web page. The page we will use is a step in the evolution of my personal web page located at I'm not going to use the actual web page at that location, because I don't want to have to rewrite this tutorial every time I change my own personal web page. The actual page we will be using is the one at PWP.html, which is close enough. You can view it as SOURCE to see how it is composed. We'll look at the source code one line at a time.

I'm using my own page because it contains elements that I like and think my viewers will understand and appreciate, but I don't have a monopoly on HTML writing. If you run across a web page that you think is really neat and you would like to imitate it, download it by Saveing it as source (not text) onto your desktop. If you are a microsoft or Windows fan, change it to a ".txt" file and then open it with your word processor and examine it. I would suggest locking it or saving it as a separate file somewhere else before you start messing with it, because chances are good that you'll mangle it the first few times you try to change it, and have to go back to the original, that might not be there any more.

A little trick I like to use is to change case of the HTML elements from upper to lower or vice versa when editing an existing document. This helps me find the additions or changes in the new document. I left some of these formatting changes in this document. It doesn't make any difference, since the clients recognize either upper or lower case.

The Case for Using HTML Generators

HTML generators provide a handy means of producing HTML documents with minimum fuss, and most web page designers use them for that purpose. They also guarantee that the document will follow all the rules of whatever version of HTML the software generates, so syntactic mistakes in a software generated HTML document are rare.

Since we are trying to learn to compose in hypertext markup language, however, using a HTML generator program at this point is cheating, like using Cliff Notes for a book report. Learning the grade school elements, as we have been doing, is like learning to write in grade school. If you want to become a real journalist, you have to learn at the high school and college level by taking real courses, with books and stuff, and maybe even real teachers. But once you are familiar with the basics, it helps to look at pages written by others to see how they (or their HTML generation software) caused the page to be displayed the way it is, and how you could do the same thing in your web pages.

One of the things you'll notice right away is that most web pages contain stuff you don't understand. Most of this is generated by the HTML generator, the software program that produced the HTML text you're trying to understand. It means something to the client, usually a specific version the rules of which must be followed EXACTLY or the client will get confused. Most clients are pretty forgiving of minor errors in HTML produced by real humans, but if you tell the client that you are using "DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN," you better follow EXACTLY the rules at or your product will be The Web Page from Hell and you'll never get it to display correctly!

My solution is to strip off all that stuff and see if the page still works. All the books I've read claim that you must have a DOCTYPE statement as the first line of an HTML document, but you don't need a DOCTYPE statement if your first entry is <HTML> and the client happily displays the page without one. The only thing you really nead between <head> and </head> are the <title> and </title> tags, and you don't really need those if you don't want a title. Same for comments. Delete anything between <!-- and --> or put in your own comments if you want.

Same with scripts. Delete them. You have to be careful here, because the script is there for a purpose, and the commands that implement it won't work and may make your computer crash. If you find a script that you like, though, copy it, try to figure out how it works, and then use it (unless the writer tells you not to - you don't want to run afoul of copyright restrictions). Otherwise, learn to live without scripts.

The viewer of your document will have decided upon a font size, type face, background color, link colors and so on in his preferences selection, so if you don't have any reason to change those, leave them alone. (I didn't follow this advice in my web page because I wanted it to be impressive.)

Feel free to play around with your sample document as much as you want. You can always reload, and nothing you are likely to do will hurt your computer. If it locks up, restart.

When you're done, save your document as a text file and then change the name to (whatever name you want with no spaces).htm. Then open it with your client (browser). It should show the title in the title space, and whatever stuff you put (or changed) in the body in your browser window.

You can do this over and over again by adding, deleting, and changing things. You can see what the source code looks like by opening the view menu of your client (browser) and choosing source.

If you have a word processor that opens TEXT documents as TEXT, whatever they're called (like I and many other Macintosh users do), just open your source file with your word processor and start creating. SAVE everything as TEXT, or your browser won't even recognize it's there. The name should include ".htm" or ".html" at the end, not ".txt."

The Case for NOT Using HTML Generators

Current Microsoft word processors display HTML documents as web pages, just as the clients designed for that purpose do. I don't like them for that reason. I like a word processor to be a word processor and a web browser to be a web browser. Unfortunately, Microsoft has a vested interest in discouraging people from learning HTML or writing HTML documents from scratch because Microsoft makes big money selling HTML writing programs that do that. Many commercial web page designers use these programs because they (the writers) don't really know how to write HTML, even though they're allegedly in the business of doing precisely that. Pages composed by Microsoft (or other HTML generation programs such as Netscape Composer) are redundant, wasteful of disk space and loading time, and difficult to edit. They also frequently compose documents so that only other browsers from the same company (Microsoft or Netscape, respectively) can read them the way they were intended by the designer. Although the Hypertext Markup Language itself allows one to display a web page in virtually any way he chooses, the HTML generators often make it essentially impossible to do anything the software developers didn't think you needed to do or didn't want you to do (or didn't know how to do themselves).

And as soon as a new version of HTML comes out, your expensive HTML generator program is obsolete!

Using an HTML generator to produce a web page is like hiring a Sanskrit or Bantu writer to write to a friend who happens to know a guy who reads Sanskirt and another one who reads Bantu. Why not just write to your friend in English? It takes a little more time, but you can say exactly what you want.

Having said that, Let's take a look at "John Lindorfer's Home page" at PWP.html. The following table explains the HTML elements it contains.

TextWhat It IsWhat It Does
<HTML>HTML TagIntroduces a HTML document
<HEAD>Head TagIdentifies a document head
<TITLE>Title TagIdentifies the document Title
John Lindorfer's Home pageTextDisplays the text shown as the title
</TITLE>End TitleTagTerminates the document Title
</HEAD>End Head TagTerminates the document Head
Body TagIntroduces the document Body, text colors, and background image
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<H2>Headline TagIntroduces a #2 headline
I'm John Lindorfer and I made this
web page.
TextDisplays the text shown as a #2 headline
</H2>End Headline TagTerminates a #2 headline
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<TABLE BORDER=5 width=242>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border and a width of 242 pixels. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "Dad.gif."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
wizard/Graphics/Dad.gif" ALT="Me"
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "Dad.gif" and displays it with a height of 304 pixels and a width of 232 pixels and the alternate text "Me." Note that this image is used as a link to, which is a protected site.
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
<H3>Headline TagIntroduces a #3 headline
<a target="_blank" href="http://">
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to send a sorry Democrat
to Canada
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</H3>End Headline TagTerminates a #3 headline
<H3>Headline TagIntroduces a #3 headline
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to see our vacation
pictures in Middle Earth
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</H3>End Headline TagTerminates a #3 headline
<H3>Headline TagIntroduces a #3 headline
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to find out how to become
richer than Bill Gates!
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</H3>End Headline TagTerminates a #3 headline
<H3>Headline TagIntroduces a #3 headline
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here for a text only versionTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
- TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Mailto LinkInvokes the e-mail client
Click here to send me e-mailTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</H3>End Headline TagTerminates a #3 headline
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
.gif" ALT="Starship Voyager Flyby"
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "Anim_ente_flyby.gif" and displays it with a height of 83 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<TABLE border=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a border width of 5 pixels. This is the table containing the "Star Trek" song.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD colspan=2 align="left">Table Data TagIntroduces left aligned data in a cell having a span of 2 columns
Come with me on a voyage of
discov'ry; a universe of countless
stars,so very far from home.
TextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
Take my hand, and with my love to
sustain you, eternally, you'll never
be alone.
TextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
Worlds of wonderment and high
fantasy; together, unbounded, our
spirits may roam, oh...
TextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
Take my hand, and all my love to
sustain you, until we take that final
voyage home.
TextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align="center" valign="middle">Table Data TagIntroduces data in a cell, centers it, and aligns it in the middle vertically
width=140 height=16
controls="standard" autostart="true" loop=
Embed TagIdentifies the address of the MIDI file "Voyager.mid" and embeds it with an associated graphic 140 pixels wide and 16 pixels high and passes information (controls="standard" autostart="true" loop="false") to the midi player
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align="center" valign="middle">Table Data TagIntroduces data in a cell, centers it, and aligns it in the middle vertically
Theme from TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">TextDisplays the text shown
<I>Italics TagDisplays the following text in italics
Star Trek, VoyagerTextDisplays the text shown
</I>End Italics TagTerminates display in italics
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
by TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Jerry GoldsmithTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
On my honor I will do my best to do
my duty to God and my country,
TextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
to obey the law; to help other people
at all times; and to keep myself
TextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
physically strong, mentally awake,
and morally straight. -
TextDisplays the text shown
<I>Italics TagDisplays the following text in italics
The Scout OathTextDisplays the text shown
</I>End Italics TagTerminates display in italics
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
<H1>Headline TagIntroduces a #1 headline
<font color="#FFFF00">Font TagChanges the color of the following font to #FFFF00, which is gold
God bless George Bush and the
United States of America!
TextDisplays the text shown
</font>End Font TagTerminates specification of the gold font
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Welcome to my home page.TextDisplays the text shown as a #1 headline
</H1>End Headline TagTerminates a #1 headline
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<table width=100%>Table TagIntroduces a table with a width of 100% of the screen size. This table has no border. It merely serves to align the pictures of the moon and Mars and my card.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align=center valign=bottom>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell, aligned at the bottom
<table>Table TagIntroduces a table to keep the picture of the moon and the caption, "Let's go back to the Moon" centered in the leftmost cell of the larger table.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<img src="
height=144 width=144>
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "Moon.gif" and displays it with a height of 144 pixels and a width of 144 pixels
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align=center>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell,
<font color="#FF0000">Font TagChanges the color of the following font to #FF0000, which is red
Let's go back to the TextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
moon...TextDisplays the text shown in the font format specified
</font>End Font TagTerminates specification of the red font
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell, vertically aligned in the middle
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the card.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
ALT="My card" HEIGHT=144
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "CallingCard.gif" and displays it with a height of 144 pixels and a width of 252 pixels
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
My CardTextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=bottom>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell, aligned on the bottom of the cell
<table>Table TagIntroduces a table containing the image of Mars and the captain "On our way to Mars!" that keeps the caption centered under the image.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<img src="
wizard/Graphics/Mars.gif" height=144
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "Mars.gif" and displays it with a height of 144 pixels and a width of 144 pixels
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align=center>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell
<font color="#FF0000">Font TagChanges the color of the following font to #FF0000, which is red
On our way toTextDisplays the text shown
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
Mars!TextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
</font>End Font TagTerminates specification of the red font
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
CIVILIAN EXPERIENCETextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Currently retired and living the life
of an itinerant wizard.
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to read about my journey
to Middle Earth.
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
7/00 - 5/02 - Instructor in computer science at TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, at the TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Perkinston, Mississippi, CampusTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here for my educational
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
01/95 - 12/99 - Retired as Senior
Engineer at
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Lockheed MartinMichoud Space
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
responsible for verification of laser,
process and radiological safety at the
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
NASAMichoud Assembly FacilityTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
in TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
NewOrleans, Louisiana.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Designated instructor for radiological
safety course required by
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
LAC33:XVTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
.575.TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
01/93 - 09/94 - Senior Engineer at TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
LockheedMartin Energy SystemsTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
in TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Oak Ridge, TennesseeTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. (Active "L" Clearance)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Reviewed engineering transmittals
for design, construction and
modification of radiological facilities
at the Oak Ridge K-25 Plant.
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Advised and assisted Central
Engineering and other agencies to
assure adherence to safety
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Developed and implemented
oversight plans for all subcontractor
work atthe K-25 Plant and
surrounding leased facilities.
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Developed statistical methods for
demonstrating criticality safety of
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Supervised other safety personnel in
the performance of the above duties.
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
09/78 - 12/92 - Senior Engineer for TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
LockheedMartin Michoud Space
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Performed and supervised safety
analyses and studies for design,
construction, modification and
recertification of the Space Shuttle
External Tank.
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Developed computer-related
technologies for automated safety
analyses and hazard investigation.
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Developed and implemented the
PHAROS program for analyses of
space hardware systems and the
automated MORT program for
accident investigation and analysis.
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Participated in preparation of
proposals for new initiatives and
facilities operations at various NASA
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Directed safety program
development and safety analyses of
advanced programs studies including
the Aft Cargo Carrier,
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
International Space StationTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, and Liquid Rocket Booster.TextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
MILITARY EXPERIENCETextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
- TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
U.S. ArmyTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Officer, Active Duty (DOD TS
Clearance) - 08/62 - 02/78
TextDisplays the text shown
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list

Assistant Chief, Maintenance
Engineering Division, U.S. Army
Aviation Systems Command, St. Louis, MO
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Executive Officer for Research,
Development and Engineering, U.S.
ArmyAviation Systems Command, St.
Louis, MO
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Post Engineer, cities of Dalat and
Pleiku, US Army Engineer District,
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
VietnamTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Executive Officer, 577th Engineer
Battalion (Combat), Dalat,
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
VietnamTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Company Commander, 509th
Engineer Company (Portable Bridge),
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
VietnamTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Adjutant, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
937thEngineer Group (Combat),TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Pleiku, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
VietnamTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Headquarters Commandant, 815th
Engineer Battalion,
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
FortBelvoir, VATextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, and Pleiku, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
VietnamTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Instructor, Combat Engineering and
Float Bridge Construction,
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
US Army Engineer SchoolTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Instructor, Atomic Demolition Munitions, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
US Army Engineer SchoolTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Platoon Leader, 600th Engineer
Company (Field Maintenance), Sam
Song Ni,
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
KoreaTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
LICENSES & CERTIFICATESTextDisplays the text shown (Note the use of & for an ampersand.
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Louisiana Certified Industrial
Radiographer EXCD 3, #297
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Certified ManagerTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
#05690TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
ProfessionalEngineerTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
(Safety) in Massachusetts #37623TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Certified Safety ProfessionalTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
#11243TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Private Pilot, Instrument Airplane
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
General Radiotelephone Operator
w/Ship Radar Endorsement #PG-8-15172
TextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
EDUCATIONTextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Tulane University, New Orleans, LATextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
August 1981-June 1983 - 15 hours
toward Ph.D. in Computer Science
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
U.S. Air Force Institute of
Technology,Wright-Patterson AFB,
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, M.S. in Aerospace Engineering,
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Loyola University, New Orleans, LA,TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
B.S., Physics 1962TextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
TRAININGTextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Pelissippi Community CollegeTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
SmallBusiness Seminar 1994TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
OSHATextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Program Management workshop,
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Response 1993
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
NASA TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Certified Safety ProfessionalTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Workshop1992TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
ArmyInstitute for Professional
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
U.S. Army Signal Officer
AdvancedCourse, Nonresident,
Newport News, VA 1984
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
U.S. Army Command and
GeneralStaff College, Nonresident/
Resident, Ft. Leavenworth, KS,
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
1977TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
U.S. Air Cmd and Staff College,
Nonresident, Little Rock AFB, AR,
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
U.S. Army Command Management
School, Ft. Belvoir, VA 1966
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
U.S. Army Engineer Officer Career
Course, Ft. Belvoir, VA 1966
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
U.S. Army Instructor Training
Course, Ft. Belvoir, VA 1964
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
U.S. Army Atomic Demolition Officer
Course, Ft. Belvoir, VA 1962
TextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
ACHIEVEMENTSTextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Received President's Award for
development of statistical method
for demonstrating criticality safety
of radiological facilities at the U.S.
Department ofEnergy Oak Ridge
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Cited by NASA for participation in
the Lightweight Tank development
program and External Tank
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Tied for first place in the 1984
System Safety Society author
competition for analysis of
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
International Space StationTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Safe Haven requirements.TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Received six Martin Marietta
Manned Space Systems achievement
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Technical Author Award from
Martin Marietta Manned Space
Systems, 1984
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Supervised the communications
logistical planning for Army theater
support of operations in Southwest
Asia (Desert Shield and Desert
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Planned and coordinated the first
nationwide teletype network for the
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
377thTheater Army Area Command.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Army decorationsTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
include Meritorious Service Medal
(2), Bronze Star Medal (2),
MeritoriousUnit Commendation (3)
and campaign stars for 6
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
VietnamTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
campaigns.TextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
ACTIVITIESTextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Retired Lieutenant Colonel, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
U.S.Army ReserveTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Former Instructor in System Safety
(evening division),
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
DelgadoCollege, New Orleans, LATextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Former Instructor in Computer
Science (evening division),
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Tulane University, New Orleans
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Expert Programmer on Macintosh
series computers
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Familiar with Intel-based personal
computers, Microsoft Windows, and
Microsoft Office programs
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Qualified Army parachutistTextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<b>Bold TagDisplays the following text in bold type
PERSONAL STUFFTextDisplays the text shown
</b>End Bold TagTerminates display in bold type
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
I live in the best place in the whole
wide world!
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Take a look.TextDisplays the text shown
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<a name="eHarmony">Name TagIdentifies the place in the text with the name "eHarmony"
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
In his book TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
"Date...or Soul Mate? How to Know if
Someone is Worth Pursuing in Two
Dates or Less,"
TextDisplays the text shown
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Dr. Neil Clark Warren suggests a
criteria of ten "must haves" and ten
"can't stands" for evaluating
compatibility with a prospective
partner. I combined mine into a
little song:
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
"I'm a Sucker for a Girl Like That!"TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Then I took one of his "personality
profile" tests. You know, the kind
where they ask you a whole bunch
of questions and then tell you about
yourself. It sounded like Gilbert and
Sullivan to me. It described me as a
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
retired intellectual.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
At the end of the test, there was a
list of questions that other people
who might be interested could ask to
find out more
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
about meTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. I figured I'd save them some time.
What the heck? I'm a pretty open
kind of guy. You can't bear witness
under a bushel!
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
I'm an avid science fiction fan (as if
you couldn't guess) I'm not
necessarily a Star Trek fan, but that
seems to be the baseline for sci-fi
nowadays, and the graphics are
readily available on the Internet.
TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
My real interest in TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Lord of the RingsTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to see my vacation
pictures in Middle Earth
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Member, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Planetary SocietyTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Member, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
National Space SocietyTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Member, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The HTML Writers' GuildTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Active member of St. Paul's Catholic
Church, Pass Christian, MS (Actually,
I combine this with the science
fiction thing at the
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
COASTCONsTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
in the alter ego of Chaplain (Captain)
David Hardy, Imperial Space Naval
Reserve, a character in
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
"TheMote in God's Eye"TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
and TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
"TheGripping Hand"TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
by Larry Niven and Jerry
Pournelle). You might find my
sermons and lectures interesting.
TextDisplays the text shown
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<a name="sermons">Name TagIdentifies the place in the text with the name "sermons"
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
Sermons (They share a secret. Can
you find it?)
TextDisplays the text shown
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Why?TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Comments on Columbine (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
John 13:34TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
SexTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
It's how we resemble God (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Mark 10:7-12TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
It wasn't fair!TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
The Prodigal Son (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Luke 15:11-32TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
SlaveryTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
The True Evils of Slavery (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Matthew 18:23-34TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Because He Was a Good NeighborTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
: The Good Samaritan (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Luke 10:25-37TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Holy Mary, Mother of GodTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
: The Catholic Concept of Mary (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Luke 1:26-55TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A Loving BenedictionTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Why All Dogs Don't Go to Heaven (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
I Cor 15:13-20TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Captain is GodTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
: The Meaning of Divine Providence (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Matthew 8:5-10TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Luke 7:1-9TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
I once met a man who came back
from the dead!
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
The Meaning of Adversity (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Luke 16:19-31TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
As every successful wine maker
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
: The Parable of the Workers in the
Vinyard (
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Matthew 20:1-16TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Not Even The Greatest Angel, In All
His Glory, Can Say That!
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Comments on the Christmas Story (TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
John 1:1-14TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Wisdom To Know The DifferenceTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
: The difference between Caesar and
God (
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Luke 20:20-26TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Mark 12:13-17TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
)TextDisplays the text shown
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
LecturesTextDisplays the text shown
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Baby FaeTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Aliens on EarthTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
God and the CockroachTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Letters of TimothyTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Comments on The BibleTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A Monument to SillinessTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
An Alternative to AbortionTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Moral Implications of WarTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Elephant in the War RoomTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Some Comments on StewardshipTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Judges Rule Siamese Twins Can Be
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Catholic Church Teaching on
Conscientious Objectors
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Argument Against Compulsory
Prayer in Public Schools
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Long Beach School Board policy
on substance abuse testing
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
...And other ramblings:TextDisplays the text shown
<UL>Unordered List TagIntroduces an unordered list
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Big LiesTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
About MeTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Memories of My DadTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A Poem for My DentistTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A Tribute to Grace HopperTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Professionals vs. ManagersTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Send a sorry Democrat to CanadaTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
I'm a Sucker for a Girl Like That!TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
How Does One "Boycott" a Stamp?TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Balls for Bush (A reply to the RNC)TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Hazard Prioritization (VERY stuffy!)TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Catechism of the Catholic ChurchTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
An Outdated List of HTML ResourcesTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
My Neighborhood and Welcome To
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Very Model Parent (Namely,
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A Letter About Military Death
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
My "Profile"TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
(Click here to verify the meter.)TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Y2K Problem and How to Avoid
the Draft
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
How to Become Richer than Bill Gates
(It isn't easy!)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
"The Tanker" (a tribute to Gordon
Duncan, USANG)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Part Criticality By the Numbers
(VERY, VERY stuffy!)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A Refutation of "The Five Deadly
Myths About the Military"
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
My Educational Philosophy (which is
why I'm not a teacher.)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Management Oversight and Risk
Tree, MORT (Also VERY stuffy)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,
Tuesday, May 18, 2004 (used with
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
"Unloading Crew" (or, "Why I didn't
take up science fiction writing as a
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Grandma and the Space Program (or,
"The (Apparent) Conflict Between
Religion and Science")
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<LI>List Item TagIdentifies an item in a list
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
A comparison of the Concept of
Running Totals and Weighted Totals
for Detection of Trends as Applied to
Statistical Data (Even the title puts
people to sleep!)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
</UL>End Unordered List TagTerminates an unordered list
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
I am TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The Very Model of Enlightened
Single Parenthood
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. These are my children. Click on
the little picture to see the full-sized
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<table>Table TagIntroduces the invisible table containing the pictures of the children, which serves to align and center the images.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "MelanieL.jpg."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIdentifies the address of the graphic "Melanie.jpg"
<img src="
ALT="Melanie" height=180
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "MelanieL.jpg" and displays it with a height of 180 pixels and a width of 135 pixels and the alternate text "Melanie"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "StefanieL.gif."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIdentifies the address of the graphic "Stefanie.jpg"
<img src="
ALT="Stefanie" height=180
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "StefanieL.jpg" and displays it with a height of 180 pixels and a width of 135 pixels and the alternate text "Stefanie"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "DavidL.gif."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIdentifies the address of the graphic "David.jpg"
<img src="
ALT="David" height=180
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "DavidL.jpg" and displays it with a height of 180 pixels and a width of 135 pixels and the alternate text "David"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "AaronL."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIdentifies the address of the graphic "Aaron.jpg"
<img src="
ALT="Aaron" height=180
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "AaronL.jpg" and displays it with a height of 180 pixels and a width of 135 pixels and the alternate text "Aaron"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
Melanie has finished her enlistment
in the US Air Force and is now living
in Texas.
TextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
Stefanie works at a beauty salon in
Knoxville, Tennessee
TextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
David works for Bayview Furniture
Company in Long Beach.
TextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<td align=center valign=middle>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell
Aaron is an assistant deli manager in
Knoxville, Tennessee.
TextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<TABLE BORDER=5 WIDTH=232>Table TagIntroduces a table with a border 5 pixels wide and a width of 232 pixels. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "SherlyL.jpg "
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIdentifies the address of the graphic "Sherly.jpg"
ALT="Sherly Medina" HEIGHT=328
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "SherlyL.jpg" and displays it with a height of 328 pixels and a width of 232 pixels and the alternate text "Sherly Medina"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align="center">Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a cell
For 30 years I have sponsored a child
through the
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="http://www.christianchildrens">
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Christian Children's FundTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. This is my sixth one. Her name is
Sherly Medina. Isn't she cute?
TextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
A couple of my buddies in the space
business sent me the link to this
photo. The image is a panoramic
view of the world from the new
space station, taken on a perfect
night with no obscuring atmospheric
conditions. It is a composite night
photo with the lights clearly
indicating the populated areas.
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
You can download the actual picture,
which is almost 3 feet wide, by
clicking on the photo below, and
then scroll east-west and north-
south. Note that Canada's population
is almost exclusively along the U.S.
border. Moving east to Europe, there
is a high population concentration
along the Mediterranean Coast. It's
easy to spot London, Paris,
Stockholm and Vienna. Check out the
development of Israel compared to
the rest of the Arab countries. Note
the Nile River and the rest of the
"Dark Continent." After the Nile, the
lights don't come on again until
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Note the Australian Outback and the
Trans-Siberian Rail Route. Moving
east, the most striking observation is
the difference between North and
South Korea. Compare both to the
density of Japan.
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
It takes a little while to down load
but it is worth it....
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "WorldL.jpg."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address of the graphic "earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg"
ALT="Where the people are"
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "WorldL.jpg" and displays it with a height of 228 pixels and a width of 555 pixels and the alternate text "Where the people are"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
This is our beach at TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Long Beach, MississippiTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. Isn't it beautiful?TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<TABLE BORDER=5>Table TagIntroduces a table with a 5 pixel border. This table is used as a picture frame for the graphic "LongBeach.jpg."
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<a href="">Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
<img src="
ALT="Long Beach" height=414
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "LongBeach.jpg" and displays it with a height of 414 pixels and a width of 521 pixels and the alternate text "Long Beach"
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Talking about beautiful, a friend
from Russia sent me a link to some
absolutely gorgeous Russian
landscapes. They are
TextDisplays the text shown
<I>Italics TagDisplays the following text in italics
BREATHTAKING!TextDisplays the text shown
</I>End Italics TagTerminates display in italics
To see them, go to TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown 0001.shtmlTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
for the first one, and then click on
the little numbers on the bottom to
see the others. Click on the little
pictures to see full sized ones. You
can use them as wallpaper on your
computer. How spacious is their
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<Img src="
gif" ALT="Horizontal rule with
flashing lights" HEIGHT=14
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "PanelLights342x14.gif" and displays it with a height of 14 pixels and a width of 554 pixels
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Does your second grader know more
about HTML than you do? Would
you like to be able to make your
own HTML documents? Start with
"Second Grade HTML" by clicking
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
here.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
What happens when stupid people
with authority over children get
scared? Read the
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Long Beach School Board policy on
substance abuse testing
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
My father died recently. He didn't
want any memorial service, but I
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
these wordsTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
were appropriate.TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to go to Rodney
Safetyfield's Home Page
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
If you are in the safety business
here's your chance to get some
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Here is the text of my Internet
presentation on laser safety
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. It is the text for a one-day class I
taught at Lockheed Martin.
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
The Management Oversight and Risk
Tree (MORT) method of analysis has
gone out of favor somewhat since
the Department of Energy reduced
funding for it.
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Here is a text of a presentation I
gave at the System Safety Society
Convention in 1997 on the use of
MORT to analyze a potentially unsafe
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. You can look at the chart without the
text by
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
clicking hereTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
. (Be careful, the chart is 674,742
bytes! It may take a long time to
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
NASA's method of communication of
hazard information between the
rocket scientists and their managers
isn't very good, as indicated by the
two space shuttle disasters.
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Here is my attempt to fix it.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Their definition and determination
of part criticality isn't much better.
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Here are my thoughts on the subject.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
Finally, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
this is what the real problem is.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="mailto:wizard@datasync.
Mailto LinkInvokes the e-mail client
Feel free to comment.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Would you like to know what the
Catholic Church believes? It's all in
the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
hereTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
for the introduction and then, if
you're still interested, download the
file from there.
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to find out what the
teaching of the Catholic Church really
is about conscientious objectors
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
and TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
here about the Elephant in the war
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
There is so much talk about Islam
these days, and most of it comes
from people who have no idea what
they're talking about. If you are
interested in what the Koran (Al
Quran) says about things, you can
read an
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
English translation by Dr. Rashad
Khalifa, Ph.D., here.
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
And for those who want to read the TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Revised Standard Version of the King
James Bible (RSV)
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, you can find a good source TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
here.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Have you ever had questions about
the meaning of adversity?
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
The answer is here!TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
(Please read it before you form a
TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Why did Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold walk into their high school
and kill 13 fellow students and a
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
This is whyTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
It has always intrigued me that the
Christmas season is so much more
popular than any other religious
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
This is what I think the reason is.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Here are my thoughts on TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
prayer in public schools.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
What are the moral principles
involved when two conjoined twins
share one heart?
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Click here to find outTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
.TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Here is a little story about God and the
TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
Finally, I owe a great debt to my mentor, TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
Mr. Earl McNailTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
, for whom I was privileged to work
for about ten years.
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
ThisTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
is my attempt to repay it.TextDisplays the text shown
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<CENTER>Center TagCenters the following text
<a href="mailto:wizard@datasync.
Mailto LinkInvokes the e-mail client
Click here to send me E-mail.TextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<table>Table TagIntroduces a Table
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
ALT="Made with Macintosh"
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "bluespin.gif" and displays it with a height of 56 pixels and a width of 96 pixels and the alternate text "Made with Macintosh"
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<TD VALIGN=CENTER>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell
I am a member ofTextDisplays the text shown
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
wizard/Graphics/lo-025.gif" ALT=
"HWG Logo" HEIGHT=90 WIDTH=64>
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "lo-025.gif" and displays it with a height of 90 pixels and a width of 64 pixels and the alternate text "HWG Logo"
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<FONT SIZE=-1>Font TagReduces the size of the following font by 1 point
Star Trek graphics on this page were
taken from
TextDisplays the text shown
<a href="
Link TagIntroduces a link to the address shown
the Star Trek Animated GIF ArchiveTextDisplays the text shown as a link
</A>End Anchor TagTerminates a Link
<br>Line Break TagTerminates a line of text
Star Trek and associated names are
© & ® by Paramount
Pictures. This site is maintained
as a hobby and no infringement
is intended.
TextDisplays the text shown in the font format specified
</font>End Font TagTerminates specification of -1 font soze
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<table width=554>Table TagIntroduces a table of a width of 554 pixels
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
<table border=1 bgcolor=black>Table TagIntroduces a table with a border 1 pixel wide and a background color of black to separate the website update information below from the rest of the display by enclosing it in a black rectangle.
<TR>Table Row TagIntroduces a table row
<td align=center>Table Data TagIntroduces centered data in a table cell
<font color="#FF0000" size=-1>Font TagSpecifies a font of color #FF0000, which is red, and reduces the size of the following font by 1 point
This website was updated 4/10/05
by John H. Lindorfer. It has not
been endorsed by Bill Clinton, Jimmy
Carter, Michael Moore, Al Gore, Ed
Bradley, any relative of Michael
Jackson, or a single one of those
sorry Democrats.
TextDisplays the text shown in the font format specified
</font>End Font TagTerminates specification of the red, -1 size font
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
<TD>Table Data TagIntroduces data in a table cell
ALT="Me at work"HEIGHT=48
Image TagIdentifies the address of the image "Madhack.gif" and displays it with a height of 48 pixels and a width of 48 pixels and the alternate text "Me at work"
</TD>Table Data End TagTerminates data in a table cell
</TR>Table Row End TagTerminates a table row
</TABLE>End Table TagTerminates a table
</CENTER>End Center TagEnds centering the text
<p>Paragraph TagMarks a paragraph transition
<script language="JavaScript">Script TagIdentifies the following text as a JavaScript applet (We didn't study these.)
<!--var wait = 50           //sleep time
until next letter (milliseconds)
var message = new Array()
JavaScript Program ElementDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[0] = "                                  
TextThe message shown (all spaces)
message[1] = "There is nothing
wrong with this Country that can't
be cured by being nicer to each
other, getting more exercise, and
refusing to give people things they
don't earn.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[2] = "Nobody is entitled to
my hard-earned tax money because
he abuses himself, doesn't want to
work, or because something bad
happened to him.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[3] = "The only people who
need to be worried about the
economy are those without the skills
or initiative to get a worthwhile job.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[4] = "The government
already provides free education.
Anyone who doesn't take advantage
of that deserves to be poor.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[5] = "Everything a citizen
needs to know should be taught in
high school. Education beyond that
should be restricted to only those
who earn it.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[6] = "People who want
health insurance or accident
insurance or life insurance or
unemployment insurance or any
other kind of insurance should buy
some.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[7] = "Health care benefits
should not be used to prolong the
process of dying.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[8] = "The problem with
social security is that people who are
planning to draw out of it are not
having enough children who will be
paying into it.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[9] = "An expanded space
program will create new
technologies and jobs for people here
on earth so they won't be poor in the
first place.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[10] = "People responsible
for governing us deserve our respect
and support, even if we disagree
with them.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[11] = "Some minds are
already wasted.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[12] = "We don't need to
change the Constitution; we need
legislators and judges who
understand it better the way it is.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[13] = "Real Americans
aren't afraid of terrorists. What we
are afraid of is being treated by our
government as if we were some.      
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[14] = "Irresponsible drivers
have killed 40 times as many people
as terrorists since 9/11/1, and Tom
Ridge isn't doing anything about
them.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[15] = "The most dangerous
terrorists are the ones who can get
into our computers.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[16] = "Laws limit freedom.
We need fewer of them, not more.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[17] = "The best way to deal
with terrorists is to kill them. Not
jail them, not try them, not bring
them to justice, just kill them.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[18] = "Every citizen has an
obligation to vote, pay taxes and
serve society. Those who don't want
to participate are free to leave.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[19] = "People who resist
arrest by uniformed police deserve
to be beat up.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[20] = "Dangerous criminals
are no less dangerous because they
are or used to be disadvantaged
children.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[21] = "One becomes a
criminal by violating a law, not
because someone else claims he did
something she didn't like.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[22] = "People who claim
Iraq didn't have weapons of mass
destruction need to explain all those
dead Kurds.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[23] = "The last war run by a
Democrat killed over 58,000
Americans, 1,500,000 Vietnamese,
cost 150,000,000,000 dollars and
accomplished nothing.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[24] = "Government
employees, elected and otherwise,
are there to serve the public, not to
be provided with a job.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[25] = "Presidential
candidates ought to have some
qualifications for the job. The ability
to criticize is not one of them.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[26] = "Because a candidate
is endorsed by losers, especially Jane
Fonda, is not a reason to vote for
him.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[27] = "Laws that declare
that men and women are equal are
just as valid as laws that declare that
pi equals 4.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[28] = "Judges are paid to
determine what the law says, not
what they think God would like it to
say.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[29] = "Gay marriage is the
lifetime union between one gay man
and one gay woman.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[30] = "A former Navy
officer whose own shipmates despise
him does not deserve to be
Commander in Chief.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[31] = "The most dangerous
Iraqi weapon of mass destruction
was Saddam Hussein, and we
definitely found him.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[32] = "Poverty is
capitalism's method of telling
someone his neighbors don't believe
he's doing his share.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[33] = "Only cowards give up
their Constitutional right to privacy
in exchange for the illusion of
security.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[34] = "Anybody who
appeals to terrorists' mercy is not in
contact with reality.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[35] = "There are very few
cases in equity where one is entitled
to more money than he could ever
expect to earn himself.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[36] = "There is a very good
reason why nature has made same
sex couples incapable of breeding.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[37] = "When American
workers become as concerned about
DOING a job as they are about
HAVING one, the jobs will return.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[38] = "Any law that
discriminates on the basis of one's
color, intentionally or otherwise, is
inherently racist.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[39] = "The only interest the
US has in Haiti is keeping the
Haitians out of the US.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[40] = "It is morally wrong
to make people to serve as spare
parts for other people.                     "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[41] = "One does not become
politically astute because her son or
husband died, regardless of the
cause.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[42] = "Governments have
the power to tax so they can provide
government services for taxpayers.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[43] = "Taking money from
one person to give to another is
called 'stealing,' regardless of who
does it.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[44] = "Society derives no
benefit at all from keeping
unproductive people healthy, or
even alive.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[45] = "Stupid people
shouldn't vote; nobody benefits from
having a stupid government.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[46] = "A man who disagrees
with the teachings of his own church
is probably a hypocrite in other
things, too.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[47] = "Modern arguments
for medical uses of embryos are the
same ones that Nazis used for
medical uses of Jews.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[48] = "People who aren't on
the registration rolls or don't know
where to vote should stay home.
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[49] = "The best way to keep
from being killed in a rowdy crowd
is not to be there.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
message[50] = "Mutiny is mutiny,
regardless of what someone's
momma thinks.                      "
The message shownDisplays the message at the bottom of the document window
var msgs = 50            //Number of
message (0 is first)
var temp = "                    "
           //Do not modify these...
var curmsg = 0
var a = 0
var counter = 0
function typew()
a = a + 1
window.status = message[curmsg]
.substring(0, a)
if(a == message[curmsg].length + 5)
curmsg = curmsg + 1
a = 0
if(curmsg > msgs)
curmsg = 0 }
counter = setTimeout("typew()", wait)
function check()
if(a <= message[curmsg].length)
if(message[curmsg].substring(a, a + 1)
== "                    ")
a = a + 1
// -->
Text (The JavaScript Program)Executes display of the messages sequentially at the bottom of the window
</script>End Script TagTerminates the JavaScript program
</BODY>End Body TagTerminates the body of the HTML document
</HTML>End HTML TagTerminates the HTML document

In Sixth Grade HTML we will talk a little bit about document development.

John Lindorfer