Dear Black Lives Matter movement people,

I got your message.

You forgot to tell me what you wanted me to do about it.

I agree with you. If you'd like to talk to me, feel free to send me an email. I'm willing to talk, rather than just mill around making noise and blocking traffic.

Black Lives Matter more than that.

Of course, nobody has to listen - either way.

The truth is, North America is a white society. That's why black people in it are called a minority. You may not like it; you may not agree with it; you may not even believe it, but that's the way it is. We used to have two societies, one black and one white. It was called segregation. Enough black people didn't like it that we got rid of it. There are still little black societies all over the USA, mostly in big cities. They are called ghettos. Live in one of them if you like. But if you want the whole country to be black, you gotta move to someplace in Africa, or maybe in the Caribbean, 'cause it just ain't gonna happen here.

You don't have to be white to live in a white society any more than you have to be Christian to live in a Christian society, if there is such a thing. But every society has customs and unwritten rules of conduct that mark its members as part of the group and those who don't comply as being different and alien. In a white society, one mark of membership is obviously being white, but that is only a very small part of membership identification in the mostly white United States. If the only difference between you and most of the other people around you is the color of your skin, few people will give it a second thought. But if you make yourself conspicuous by dressing, grooming, talking and doing everything else differently than most other people, especially if it annoys them, they're going to think you don't belong and treat you that way, and they'll be right!

There are legal and effective ways to change what you don't like in this Country, but you aren't using a single one of them. That's why you're having so much trouble getting the respect you want. You're doing it wrong!

I'm about two and half times as old as the average black person, and almost twice as old as the average whitey. I know from experience that you're making the same mistakes as the "By Any Means Necessary" movement, the "I Am A Man" movement, the "Burn, Baby, Burn" movement, the "Black is Beautiful" movement, the "Freedom Now" movement, the "We Shall Overcome" movement, the "Power to the People" movement, the "I Have a Dream" movement, and the "Black Power" movement. They didn't accomplish anything lasting, either. Marching to Selma just gets you to Selma. I've been there. Trust me, it ain't worth the trip!

Now it's the "Black Lives Matter" movement. What's it going to be next month?

You keep making the same mistakes over and over again, and you keep getting the same results, the same as ISIS. Expecting a different outcome is called insanity!

You know about ISIS. Those people are real badasses. They don't just shoot a cop here and there or just kill somebody and take a picture or wipe their asses with somebody else's flag. They take over whole cities! They line people up and cut off their heads and post videos of it on international television!

You're all Americans. When did Americans ever let a bunch of unwashed morally bankrupt thugs make us do things?

ISIS is losing people, land and credibility because they're dumb as low grade rocks. They think they can win a war against Americans, just like the Japs. Just like the Nazis.

ISIS has rifles and machine guns and rocket launchers and even a few old rusty tanks and artillery pieces. We have brand new weapons and factories and international industry and aircraft and bombs and artillery and tear gas and nuclear weapons and the smartest people in the whole world!

Right now we're letting Iraq and Syria deal with ISIS because ISIS is not even a minor annoyance here. Those people who claim they're fighting for ISIS here are just common thugs. Their lives don't even matter to each other. I say shoot the sons of bitches dead and be done with them! If we ever decide the real ISIS people are irritating enough that we have to do something about them, we'll squash them like the cockroaches they are!

Their lives don't matter at all - even to themselves!

There's an old movie called "Gone With The Wind" about the US Civil War. You may have seen it, the slave owners thought they could win a war with nothing more than demonstration and noise. They were stupid.

Just like some people today!

I grew up with people called "mobsters." They built a criminal empire that exists to this very day. They built Las Vegas out of a crossroads saloon.

The reason they were so successful is because they were smart. One of the smartest things they did was never, ever shoot cops!

Some people don't agree with them. Those people are just not very smart! A lot of 'em are dead as well!

Black Lives Matter more than that!

About one out of every eight people who live in the United States calls himself "black." Yet almost half of all prison inmates are "black."

Almost half of all convicts sentenced to death are "black." Very nearly half of all murder victims are "black." Why?

One of the reasons is that too many black people like to commit crimes. Driving around with midnight black window tints and broken tail lights and screeching your tires while you blast through a red light is bound to attract attention from the cops. If you let them catch you doing anything illegal, even jaywalking, loitering on private property, or driving without a license or registration or proof of insurance, they have the right to stop you, search you and arrest you and take you to jail.

And if you run or fight with them, or have anything illegal on you or in the car you're driving, you just committed a felony! That's prison time, bro! "That ain't mine!" doesn't mean a damned thing as far as the law is concerned. Neither does "They disrespected me" or "They picked on me because I'm black!" Ask any good lawyer! (By the way, there are good black lawyers, but being black doesn't make them necessarily good. Choose wisely!)

Black lives matter more than that!

Another reason there are so many black convicts is that black criminals make themselves ridiculously easy to catch. They stay near the crime scene and brag about what they did. They even do it on Facebook and Twitter, sometimes even before they commit the crime. Then one of their own friends or neighbors calls the police, they pick him up, and he gets convicted with his own evidence. Could anybody be more stupid than that?

It would be nice if their loved ones worked as hard at producing information that would help exonerate them as they do to get them arrested or convicted. For example, Rakeyia Scott's cellphone video of the police encounter with her husband Keith that resulted in his death includes multiple pictures of the police cars, trees, rocks, grass, pavement, and cops. Unfortunately, there isn't a single frame that shows Mr. Scott holding the book that was not found at the scene of the tragedy or of him not holding the gun that all the cops were ordering him to drop and fitted neatly into the ankle holster he was wearing.

Mrs. Scott can also be heard several times yelling, "Don't you do it, Keith," creating in any reasonable juror's mind the logical question about whether she was pleading with him not to shoot somebody with the gun with his DNA and fingerprints on it shown next to his body moments after a black officer shot him dead - and was considered to have been "justified!" Mrs. Scott's video didn't show anything that might have led to an indictment of anyone except her husband.

Black Lives Matter more than that!

White racism doesn't even come close to the damage that black people are doing to each other. The "Black Lives Matter movement" is pissing off everyone who might otherwise be inclined to agree with or help them. If you don't give a damn what whitey thinks, whom are you trying to convince? He can't possibly do more harm to you than you are doing to yourselves - right now!

People, you have to stop murdering each other! You just have to! A recent nation-wide study revealed that non-Hispanic black men were over 10 times as likely to be murdered as their white counterparts, even though they were only 40% as likely to die by suicide. This is in addition to spouses killing each other; parents murdering their kids; siblings slaughtering siblings; leaving children to die in hot cars; eliminating babies after kidnapping them! It's just SICKENING! Who needs people who do things like that? Blaming whitey or racism or poverty or slavery or who the President is or poor community relations or oppression or anything else is a failed, cowardly excuse! Sure, those are factors in the injustices done upon you, but they are factors over which you have little, if any, control. What you DO have control over is killing each other. Just STOP! If you think you have to have a gun to do something, DON'T DO THAT!

It might be a good idea also to consider whether establishing the "legitimacy of your blackness," (whatever the hell that means) is worth the catastrophic price of social rejection, discrimination, segregation and enslavement you and all of your descendants have to pay for it.

What part of "Black Lives Matter" don't you understand?

Committing crimes just isn't smart! Creating evidence about committing crimes isn't smart! Getting caught for committing any crime isn't smart! Getting caught for committing murder isn't smart! Getting convicted for committing murder isn't smart! Getting yourself murdered isn't smart, especially if you're "black."

Black Lives Matter more than that!

The "Black Lives Matter movement" isn't doing a thing about police brutality except promoting and giving the police more and more reasons to do it to you! Black people are getting killed by police in ever increasing numbers. Something ain't right here!

One of the things that "ain't right" is segregation. Ever since the end of slavery, dedicated citizens, black and white, worked to get rid of segregation so that everybody would be equal before the law.

Some of them may have been your own parents and grandparents! One of them was me.

Thanks to real black leaders like the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior and Malcolm X, their goal was achieved in 1968. The passage of the Fair Housing Act essentially ended legal segregation.

Black Lives Mattered!

For some reason, black people just turned around and reimposed segregation on their own selves. They called it Black Pride, thus demonstrating conclusively why pride has been recognized throughout history as a deadly sin! "Black" gangs, neighborhoods, music, speech, mannerisms, clothing and grooming styles, religions and even first names sprang up all over like noxious weeds!

The perniciousness of this form of segregation has perhaps been most effectually demonstrated by the recent establishment of the National Museum of African American History and Culture of the Smithsonian Institution, designed by David Adjaye, a Ghanaian British (non-American) architect. It's between 14th and 15th Streets NW, on Constitution Avenue. It opened on September 24, 2016, in a ceremony led by President Barack Obama.

To many black people, this museum represents a certification that Black Lives Matter, like the tee shirts otherwise jobless people hawk outside it, but its very existence is just one more demonstration of the manic determination of too many black Americans to be separate, (African) rather than equal (American). People are even bitching about somebody leaving "symbols of oppression and slavery" in a museum dedicated to "symbols of oppression and slavery!" What the hell?

There is a good reason that there are no German American, French American, Polish American, Chinese American, Vietnamese American or other "something American" museums. Those other people don't want them. They are all represented by the Museum of American History. They aren't marching around protesting that their lives matter, either, because everybody already recognizes that from what they have all contributed to our society!

Whatever else that museum is, as long as it stands it remains a reminder that African Americans like being unequal to other Americans. Those who think this is a good thing need to take a look around!

Black Lives Matter!

By the way, there is also a National Museum of the American Indian. They're not doing so well segregated, either.

And speaking of history, at this very moment workers are removing the last of four statues in New Orleans to Confederate war heroes who collectively represent black history, what the ancestors of black Americans overcame!

Black history matters more than that!

The deadliness of the sin of racial pride is obvious, as Michelle Obama herself pointed out. For segregated people, their life is not good. They are divided into a community that is just downright mean. They are guided by fear. They've become a society of cynics, sloths, and complacents, a population of struggling folks who are barely making it every day. They're just jammed up, and it's gotten worse over her lifetime - her words.

"Black" people can be identified not only by the color of their skin, but by the way they talk and how they wear their pants and what their names are on job applications and over the phone. It's worse now than when the Supreme Court declared "separate" as being "unequal" in 1954, almost ten years before Mrs. Obama was even born!

Now people who haven't ever seen them know they're "black!" Blind bigots can hate them, too! A recent study in Seattle and Boston found that Uber and Lyft drivers were more likely to cancel rides for people with "African American" sounding names. Is this discrimination? Sure! Whose fault is it? How did they get those strange names, anyway? Why?

How's that working out? Does it make anyone richer? More successful? More respected? Happier? What's wrong with American names, like James, John, Robert, Michael, Mary, Patricia, Jennifer or Elizabeth? Children of German, French, Polish, Chinese, and Vietnamese parents have 'em, and they don't have an ounce less of "racial pride" than you! My parents were French and German Americans, and my name is "John," not "Jacques" or "Johan," or "Guillaume" or "Wolfgang!"

It seems to me that if people are so proud of what they actually are, they wouldn't be into things that are so obviously fake! Fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake jewelry, fake teeth, padding and butt augmentation and hair colors and straighteners and cheap, offensive tattoos! What's wrong with the real you? Why?

It's getting worse and worse every day, even though we had a black President for eight years, without a trace of "fake!" Did things really change for the better? Check out the news!

Now, when a black-as-they-come cop in Milwaukee shoots an armed black burglar with loot still in his possession, thousands of rioters go ape shit and burn down businesses that have absolutely nothing to do with what happened.

Meanwhile, when a black mother in Houston deliberately drowns her two little (black) kids, she's described as a real nice person!

And when Philando Castile's so-called "girlfriend" Diamond Reynolds complains on her smart phone about police brutality while he lays dying beside her, nobody even suggests that he might still be alive if she had given him first aid, or called an ambulance or done anything, anything at all, to save his black life!


Is it Black Lives that matter, or just the lives of black lawbreakers? Do other lives matter, too? Do you want police to let dangerous criminals to go free as long as they're black? What's your position? What are you saying? Who's listening, do you suppose? (Besides me, of course!)

What are you doing about it? What is happening as a result? Is that really what you wanted?

One of the things you wanted is for more police body cameras. You got your wish! Now, juries can see criminals assaulting police from multiple angles, and the police get to decide what does and what does not get recorded. How many police have been convicted from body camera images? How many black suspects? Is this really a good idea?

Don't Black Lives Matter more than that?

And when somebody gets assaulted in a neighborhood where somebody else shot at a cop, the police take their time to show up, if at all. Then they arrive in force with fingers on the triggers - ready to shoot dead anybody who even looks like a cop killer!

Congratulations! How's that working out for you?

Maybe the dumbest thing ever done in the name of "Black Lives Matter" is shooting cops. Successful criminals never do that. That's why they're successful!

"Justice" has nothing to do with shooting a cop because he's white, or because some other cop he didn't even know hundreds of miles away was involved in the death of a black kid. If anybody thinks it does, he's just plain wrong - and even more stupid! That's revenge! That's racism!

Plus, the people who do that end up dead!

They shouldn't be dead! Black Lives Matter!

War with the police is a losing battle. That "no peace no justice" thing works both ways, and so far, it's working against you! Police have the law on their side - cops and judges and juries and jailers and prison wardens and executioners. They have police radios and swat teams and fast cars and helicopters with night vision and armored vehicles and tear gas and grenades and bomb-carrying robots and bulletproof vests and guns of all kinds.

They also have the legal right to kill you! That's why they have the guns! You may not like it, but that's the way it is!

Nobody I know wants to have his hard-earned tax money spent on somebody else who shoots other people, especially if those other people are police officers doing their job. Everybody wins if he loses the gunfight. Shot dead - problem solved! Next case!

Tramping around and irritating people and setting things on fire isn't going to change that. It's only going to make it worse, and guess who the losers will be! Most people like the idea that their police can kill threats to their own safety. People want them to do that. Most people's lives matter more to them than somebody else's does. You definitely aren't going to change their minds by pissing them off!

Yeah, it's probably fun to drive down a busy street, maybe near a hotel or hospital, with your windows rolled down so you can rattle whitey's rib cage with your super loud stereo, but is that going to make him respect you? Will it make him more likely to like you? Trust you? Hire you? Do business where you work? Not report you to your employer or the police if you make a mistake or goof off a little? Is pissing him off really worth what it costs you and your brothers? Really? Why?

Alicia Garza thinks there should be "police-free communities." I happen to agree with her. I would suggest that Ms. Garza consider moving to Somalia, where black people are a vast majority, law enforcement is sporadic at best, the things black people get arrested for here are considered just good ole' boys having fun there, and police there never shoot people just because they're black.

It works well here in Native American communities, where state law doesn't apply and federal law allows residents to govern themselves. It should work in African American communities as long as they stay there. Unfortunately, rabble-rousing criminals don't do that. That's the problem, they travel all over the country, stirring up trouble where other people live. That's why I want effective police presence in my neighborhood. I'm OK with the criminals getting killed if they threaten me or mine. It saves the cost of a trial, too!

For example, if the little bastard who did tens of thousands of dollars of damage shooting at our neighborhood cars and windows with his BB gun manages hopefully to get himself shot dead by somebody who claims it looked like he had a real gun, only his momma will probably be sad. Everyone else I know, including likely jurors at the shooter's trial, will consider it "good riddance." I certainly will!

And if the police kill somebody, they go to jail only if it is proved, proved mind you, that they (1) shouldn't have done it, and (2) did it with malicious intent.

Regardless of whether they should have killed him or not, if the person who got killed threatened the cops, it's not malicious intent. If he resisted arrest, it's not malicious intent. If he didn't obey the orders of the police officer, it's not malicious intent. If he displayed something that might have been a weapon, it's not malicious intent. If it looked like he was reaching for a weapon, even if the window turned out to be closed, it's not malicious intent.

If somebody called 911 and claimed that he had a weapon, or was acting hostile, it's not malicious intent. If he was a credible threat to other people, regardless of which way he was running, it's not malicious intent.

Those cases have already been decided - over and over again!

That evidence alone is enough to keep the cops who killed him from being convicted of anything, regardless of how much his life mattered.

If you're a black parent, you might want to pass this information on to your kid if he or she is carrying a gun around. Juveniles who show their guns to the cops tend to get themselves shot dead!

Regardless of their age, Black Lives Matter!

(My kids weren't allowed to have guns, but other parents think differently, even if they're actually toys that just look like real guns. I don't know why! I also don't know why they are so surprised when their kids get in trouble - or shot dead!)

And regardless of the evidence against them, killer cops don't get convicted by an inadequate quitter prosecuting attorney who was appointed because she's a black woman. Yeah, I'm talking about that inept prosecutor Marilyn Mosby and her incompetent mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

What happens is that she loses three cases and then just quits! Then she blames somebody else - and the suspects go free to get their jobs back with back pay, and Freddie Gray is not one bit less dead.

Shouldn't his Black Life Matter more than that?

And what about all those black chiefs of police making excuses on TV about their cops shooting black people. Why are their departments having so much trouble? How did they get the job, anyway? Why?

If you appoint a mayor, or a police chief, or a prosecutor, or any other leader because they're black instead of because they're competent, you get black leadership instead of competent leadership.

There's nothing wrong with black leadership, of course; hell, we had a black President! It's just not a substitute for ability. Fortunately, President Obama had lots of that. I'll let you decide about other "black leaders."

Unfortunately, too many of President Obama's supporters pissed off the American electorate so much they managed to torpedo the candidacy of his Secretary of State (and former Senator, "the most qualified Presidential candidate in history") and elect the totally unqualified racist, egomaniacial asshole bully who followed him! How's that working out for you guys, by the way?

Black Lives Matter more than that!

According to Wikipedia, over the past two years, Two hundred seven law enforcement officers, including Border Patrol and FBI agents, black and white, died in the line of duty.

During the same period, over 800 people in the US, black and white, were killed by police or died in police custody. You can check out the statistics here. This is what they will tell you:

Forty two people were killed trying to hit police with vehicles. Eighteen police officers died by vehicular assault or by being struck by a vehicle.

Eleven more suspects were killed committing other assaults on police. Four police officers died from them.

Accidents, usually involving police cars, accounted for fifty one deaths. Forty five officers died in automobile accidents, six in motorcycle accidents, and two in aircraft accidents.

Six people in custody died while trying to escape. Seven officers died in vehicle pursuits, and one in a foot pursuit.

One hundred sixty three suspects were killed resisting arrest. Twenty six officers had heart attacks while on duty.

Seven people in custody died from previous injuries or medical conditions. Two officers died from duty related illnesses, and three more from lingering 9/11 related medical problems

Another seven victims, including officers, were involved in suicides. Two officers drowned.

An additional twenty two suspects were killed during a standoff, often involving hostages. Six officers were killed by bombs.

Officers were charged in nineteen other homicides. Twenty four others are still under investigation. Two deaths, of unidentified people, remain undetermined.

One hundred thirty two people were killed because they shot at police. Officers killed three hundred eight people who just displayed weapons, including real guns, knives, swords and fake weapons that just looked real. An additional fifteen people were killed because the police believed that they were armed. Ninety one officers were killed by gunfire.

The moral here is clear. Using a dangerous weapon, threatening with a dangerous weapon, just displaying a dangerous weapon, even pretending you have a dangerous weapon may enable you to murder a cop every so often, but it will also get you killed! Cop killers' black lives may matter, but they don't matter nearly as much as the lives of cops. When was the last time you saw a community parade for a dead cop killer?

Then your life won't matter at all - ever again!

Just so you know, the bullseye on the targets those police marksmen shoot at is over the heart! That's what they aim at when they shoot you!

Another thing everybody should know is that putting your "hands up" has never meant "don't shoot." "Hands up" with palms out is a promise of surrender! Anything you do afterward that even implies that you are breaking that promise, such as not following police instructions, or running away or getting back into your car, gives whoever you made it to the legal and moral authority to use deadly force whether or not you had a weapon!

As an example, Keenan Anderson was accused by the alledged victim of causing a traffic accident while trying to steal a car and "being in a very paranoid state," he did everything he possibly could, with his hands up, palms out, to resist arrest. This included running through traffic, disobeying police instructions, and shouting, "They're trying to George Floyd me!" I watched the police body cameras, and it appeared to my baby blue eyes that Keenan was absolutely terrified and trying his best to get away. One has to wonder if "being black," or having all that marijuana and cocaine that was found in his body, contributed to his, um, exceptionally unwise behavior at the scene of a very real traffic accident.

People who don't believe in complying with police instructions tend to end up dead! Black Lives Matter more than that!

And everybody should know the difference between police and EMTs. The police officer is not your momma or your doctor. He's there to arrest you, not soothe your hurts! If you have a "medical condition" that makes it dangerous for you to resist arrest, don't resist arrest! DUH!

Something else these tables tell you is how dangerous it is to be a criminal and where. During this time in Wyoming, for example, police killed three suspects. That's not very many, but there aren't that many people in Wyoming.

The death rate for lawbreakers in Wyoming was the third highest of any state, one for every 195,369 people living there. If you're going to commit a crime, don't plan to do it in Wyoming! They're more likely than almost anyone else to kill you!

It's about twice as safe to be a criminal in Georgia. Twenty six lawbreakers were killed in the act during this time, but there are more than seventeen times as many people in Georgia as in Wyoming so you're only half as likely to get killed committing a crime there.

On the other hand, in the last two years, twenty six people did get killed committing crimes in Georgia. Plus, Georgia is one of the foremost death penalty jurisdictions in the world! Murderers who survive a police shootout are still likely to die in prison, like Troy Davis.

Their lives don't matter anymore. They're gone!

Police in Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands didn't kill anybody during this time. I wonder why! There don't seem to have been any "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations there.

They don't seem to have much crime in those places either. Why do you suppose that is?

The second table below tells you how many suspects got killed in the cities with more than one incident each. If you're planning to commit a crime, you'd best avoid Los Angeles, or Chicago, or San Francisco, or New York City, or Houston, or Phoenix, or those other well-policed places.

If you believe your life matters, don't commit crimes in the places at the top of the lists. Their police don't mess around!

You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see more black ladies and gentlemen and happy, respectful children, like the Obamas. I'd like to see more kind black people, more compassionate black people, more dignified black people, more refined black people, more sophisticated black people, more black people working to get along with others, to work together, to make their lives matter more for themselves and for their children.

I'd like to see more Black Lives Matter people trying to be nice for a change! I'd like to see them "come together as a community" instead of demanding that the community come together with them while they're stirring things up!

Instead of annoying innocent bystanders that can't help them accomplish anything they're trying to do, I'd like to see them do something worthwhile for themselves instead of trying to make whitey do it!

Instead of spending their money on signs and banners and trips here and there, I'd like to see the Black Lives Matter Movement conduct a real class in a real school using a real lawyer and a real cop who can really tell the kids how they should really behave with real police in real situations. "The talk" just isn't doing that!

Instead of all those Black Lives Matter Movement people marching around pissing people off, I'd like to see them organize a job fair for people who can't find work.

Instead of making motorists late for work and keeping working moms from picking up their kids on time, I'd like to see the Black Lives Matter Movement operate a shelter and kitchen for homeless people.

Instead of leaving trash all over, I'd like to see the Black Lives Movement build an inner city park, maybe with a zoo and an arboretum and maybe an aquarium, so that inner city kids could play someplace safe and learn about nature.

I'd like to see Black Lives Matter volunteers teach reading and spelling and math to school kids who are having trouble with those things, helping old people keep up their yards, or helping sick people get to the doctor.

And I'd really like to see some of these brain-damaged multimillionaires who play games for a living instead of doing something useful use some of their enormous wealth to help their struggling brothers and sisters instead of disrespecting the National Anthem and bitching about how tough it is to be black!

Frankly, I'd like to see more Meghan Markles and Neil deGrasse Tysons and fewer Sandra Blands and Troy Davises!

But most of all, I'd like to see black people stop killing each other! You know why? It's because I believe that Black Lives Matter!

John Lindorfer

Here are the tables I talked about.

Incident Rate by State
StateNumber of
Incidents per
Million People
Oklahoma 223,911,3385.62
Arizona 356,828,0655.13
Wyoming 3586,1075.12
Hawaii 71,431,6034.89
Montana 51,032,9494.84
New Mexico 102,085,1094.80
District of Columbia 3672,2284.46
Utah 132,995,9194.34
West Virginia 81,844,1284.34
Delaware 4945,9344.23
Louisiana 194,670,7244.07
Nevada 112,890,8453.81
Idaho 61,654,9303.63
California 13839,144,8183.53
Mississippi 102,992,3333.34
Tennessee 226,600,2993.33
Kentucky 144,425,0923.16
Nebraska 61,896,1903.16
Colorado 175,456,5743.12
Texas 8027,469,1142.91
Missouri 176,083,6722.79
Alaska 2738,4322.71
New Jersey 248,958,0132.68
Alabama 134,858,9792.68
Georgia 2610,214,8602.55
Washington 187,170,3512.51
Maryland 156,006,4012.50
Ohio 2811,613,4232.41
South Dakota 2858,4692.33
Maine 31,329,3282.26
Oregon 94,028,9772.23
Minnesota 125,489,5942.19
Florida 4420,271,2722.17
Kansas 62,911,6412.06
Iowa 63,123,8991.92
Virginia 168,382,9931.91
South Carolina 94,896,1461.84
Pennsylvania 2212,802,5031.72
Illinois 2212,859,9951.71
Indiana 116,619,6801.66
New Hampshire 21,330,6081.50
Massachusetts 96,794,4221.32
North Dakota 1756,9271.32
New York 2619,795,7911.31
Wisconsin 75,771,3371.21
North Carolina 1110,042,8021.10
Arkansas 32,978,2041.01
Michigan 109,922,5761.01
Connecticut 33,590,8860.84
Puerto Rico03,474,1820
Rhode Island01,056,2980
American Samoa0no data0
Guam0no data0
U.S. Virgin Islands0no data0
Northern Mariana Islands1no datacannot compute

If you are interested in which cities most of these incidents occurred in, here it is. Cities with just one incident aren't listed.

Cities with Two or More Police Homicides, Past Two Years
CityIncidentsStateIncidents per
million people
Los Angeles18California3.53
San Francisco9California3.53
New York City9New York1.31
New Orleans7Louisiana4.07
Oklahoma City7Oklahoma5.62
San Jose6California3.53
St. Louis5Missouri2.79
Las Vegas5Nevada3.81
El Paso5Texas2.91
San Bernardino4California3.53
San Diego4California3.53
Brooklyn4New York1.31
Long Beach3California3.53
Washington3District of Columbia4.46
Atlanta 3Georgia2.55
Des Moines3Iowa1.92
North Las Vegas3Nevada3.81
Albuquerque 3New Mexico4.80
Las Cruces3New Mexico4.80
Fort Worth3Texas2.91
San Antionio3Texas2.91
Tuscaloosa2Alabama 2.68
Palm Bay2Florida2.17
Palm Beach Gardens2Florida2.17
DeKalb County2Georgia2.55
Baton Rouge2Louisiana4.07
Saint Paul2Minnesota2.19
Kansas City2Missouri2.79
Bridgeton2New Jersey2.69
Secaucus2New Jersey2.69
Bronx2New York1.31
Queens2New York1.31
Charlotte2North Carolina1.10
Wake Forest2North Carolina1.10
Mount Vernon2Ohio2.41
Charleston2South Carolina1.84
Virginia Beach2Virginia1.91
Morgantown2West Virginia4.34

Police Homicides in the US, Two Year Time Span
Date of
2016-07-17Gavin Long29Baton Rouge, LouisianaShot at police
2016-07-13Richard Dinneny56Middletown, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-11Orville Edwards39New York, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-11Pablo Medina41Romulus, MichiganDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-11Jason Brooks41East St. Louis, IllinoisResisted arrest
2016-07-11Joseph Mann50Sacramento, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-11Larry Donnell Gordon44St. Joseph, MichiganAttempted escape
2016-07-09Alva Braziel37Houston, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-08Abraham Smith30Tucson, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-08Micah Xavier Johnson25Dallas, TexasKilled during standoff
2016-07-07Vinson Lee Ramos30Bell, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-07Adam Smith38Clovis, CaliforniaVehicular assault
2016-07-06Philando Castile32Falcon Heights, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-05Alton Sterling37Baton Rouge, LouisianaResisted arrest
2016-07-04Unidentified--Rosser, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-07-04Pedro Villanueva19Fullerton, CaliforniaVehicular assault
2016-06-25Dylan Noble19Fresno, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2016-06-22Deravis Caine Rogers22Atlanta, GeorgiaOfficer(s) charged
2016-06-12Omar Mir Seddique Mateen29Orlando, FloridaShot at police
2016-06-08William Powell63Stockbridge, GeorgiaResisted arrest
2016-06-06Henry Green V23South Linden, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-05-29Dionisio Garza25Houston, TexasShot at police
2016-05-23Jorge Zambrano35Auburn, MassachusettsShot at police
2016-05-19Jessica Williams29San Francisco, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2016-05-17Luke L. Sanders36Siskiyou County, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2016-05-06Burt Johnson38Milwaukee, WisconsinShot at police
2016-05-05Corey DiGiovanni36Gretna, LouisianaResisted arrest
2016-05-04Richard Ferretti52Overbrook, PennsylvaniaVehicular assault
2016-04-17Eric John Wilson22El Paso, TexasResisted arrest
2016-04-15Storm Allen Smith--Muncie, IndianaResisted arrest
2016-04-11Pierre Loury16Chicago, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-04-09Quron Williams--Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaResisted arrest
2016-04-09Diahlo Grant27New Brunswick, New JerseyShot at police
2016-04-08Melissa Abbott25Lake Hallie, WisconsinDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-04-07Luis Gongora45San Francisco, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-04-07Lance McIntire44Omaha, NebraskaResisted arrest
2016-04-06Leronda Sweatt40Gallatin, TennesseeResisted arrest
2016-04-05Cesar Frias20Los Angeles, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2016-04-03Darrin Martin25Austin, TexasShot at police
2016-04-01Jesse Juarez65Lockhart, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-23Raymond Gonzalez34Fresno, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-22Travis Blair33Fredericksburg, VirginiaVehicular assault
2016-03-19Dylan Whitaker23White Plains, KentuckyShot at police
2016-03-15Daniel J. Wooters38Evansville, IndianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-14Lamar Harris29Chicago, IllinoisShot at police
2016-03-13Jacai Colson28Landover, MarylandAccident
2016-03-13Jose Raul Cruz16Addison, TexasAttempted escape
2016-03-11Tyre Privott25Norfolk, VirginiaResisted arrest
2016-03-10Wesley Sheppard37Biloxi, MississippiDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-07Byron Rosas45San Jose, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2016-03-06James Anthony Scott42Bismarck, North DakotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-03Sergio Ochoa27Gilbert, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-02Daniel Burkhardt41Johnstown, PennsylvaniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-03-02Travis Bradley36Bel Air, MarylandShot at police
2016-03-01Mickey Dewayne Sweatt37Gautier, MississippiKilled during standoff
2016-03-01Dimitri Corcino39Palm Bay, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-02-29Akiel Denkins24Raleigh, North CarolinaResisted arrest
2016-02-28Nathan Grissom41Ashville, AlabamaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-02-26Kionte Spencer18Roanoke County, VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-02-25Cedric Ford38Hesston, KansasResisted arrest
2016-02-25Greg Gunn58Montgomery, AlabamaOfficer(s) charged
2016-02-25Luke Miller37Evans, ColoradoShot at police
2016-02-24Victor Rivera27Phoenix, ArizonaVehicular assault
2016-02-21Che Taylor46Seattle, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-02-20Charles Lee Lambert45Tishomingo County, MississippiKilled during standoff
2016-02-12Peter Fanfan29Dorchester, MassachusettsShot at police
2016-02-11Mohamed Barry30Columbus, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-02-10David Bryan Evans67Abingdon, MarylandShot at police
2016-02-08David Joseph17Austin, TexasResisted arrest
2016-02-08Shalamar Longer33Chester, PennsylvaniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-02-06Stephen Davis47Kenton, OhioShot at police
2016-01-31Bruce Kelley37Wilkinsburg, PennsylvaniaResisted arrest
2016-01-29Randolph McClain33Lynn, MassachusettsDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-01-27Israel Vladimir Rodriguez26Cobb County, GeorgiaShot at police
2016-01-26Robert LaVoy Finicum55Burns, OregonDisplayed weapon(s)
2016-01-18Daniel Shaver26Mesa, ArizonaOfficer(s) charged
2016-01-17Cory Henderson31Holladay, UtahShot at police
2016-01-16Clarence Layfield Jr.55Petroleum, West VirginiaVehicular assault
2016-01-15William Waldron26Elkins, West VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015=09-03Freddy Centeno40Fresno, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-12-31Keith Childress23Las Vegas, NevadaResisted arrest
2015-12-30John Randall Veach39Rawlins, WyomingResisted arrest
2015-12-30Fred Perez55Fresno, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-12-29Tien Hua33Rosemead, CaliforniaKilled during standoff
2015-12-28Corey Achstein28Suffolk, VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-12-26Quintonio LeGrier19Chicago, IllinoisShot at police
2015-12-26Bettie Jones55Chicago, IllinoisAccident
2015-12-26Lonnie Niesen46Phoenix, ArizonaAssaulted police
2015-12-25William David Raff31Palo Alto, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-12-24Daquan Antonio Westbrook18Charlotte, North CarolinaResisted arrest
2015-12-14Mark Toney33Mount Hope, West VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-12-12Nicholas Robertson28Lynwood, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-12-12Andrew Joseph Todd20East Stroudsburg, PennsylvaniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-12-02Syed Rizwan Farook28San Bernardino, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-12-02Tashfeen Malik29San Bernardino, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-12-02Mario Woods26San Francisco, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-11-26Andrew Thomas26Paradise, CaliforniaAccident
2015-11-23Barry Kirk50Columbus, OhioResisted arrest
2015-11-23Thomas Joseph McEniry32Las Vegas, NevadaResisted arrest
2015-11-21Michael Lee Marshall50Denver, ColoradoResisted arrest
2015-11-16Jamar Clark24Minneapolis, MinnesotaResisted arrest
2015-11-09Dale Hudson26Lewis County, West VirginiaShot at police
2015-11-05David Romonaski48Morgantown, West VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-11-04Faisal Mohammad18Merced, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-11-03Jeremy Mardis6Marksville, LouisianaOfficer(s) charged
2015-11-01Jack Yantis62Council, IdahoResisted arrest
2015-10-26Kevin Brunson45Frederick, MarylandDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-10-18Corey Jones31Palm Beach Gardens, FloridaOfficer(s) charged
2015-10-18Krikor Ekizian28Fresno, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-10-16Ricky Ball26Columbus, MississippiUnder investigation
2015-10-16Johnny Angel Rangel25Valinda, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-10-15Jonathan Peña27WestHollywood, CaliforniaAccident
2015-09-29Brandon L. Johnson28Beckley, West VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-09-26Kylie Lindsey17Carrollton, GeorgiaAccident
2015-09-26Isabella Chinchilla16Carrollton, GeorgiaAccident
2015-09-23Jeremy McDole28Wilmington, DelawareBelieved armed
2015-09-10Eddie Tapia41Downey, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-09-10Tian Ma31Potsdam, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-09-05Angelo Delano Perry35Virginia Beach, VirginiaShot at police
2015-09-05India Kager27Virginia Beach, VirginiaAccident
2015-08-30William Rippley45Loveland, ColoradoResisted arrest
2015-08-28Gilbert Flores41San Antonio, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-21Alan Rushton38Wake Forest, North CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-21Charles Hall30North East, MarylandResisted arrest
2015-08-20Wade Allen--Waynesville, North CarolinaShot at police
2015-08-20Unidentified17Ontario, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-20Unidentified50Tuscaloosa, AlabamaAssaulted police
2015-08-19Mansur Ball-Bey18St. Louis, MissouriUnder investigation
2015-08-17Unidentified--San Jose, CaliforniaUnder investigation
2015-08-16Unidentified--Kerrville, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-16Unidentified--San Jose, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-15Allen Matthew Baker III--Sunnyvale, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-15John Unsworth--Hansworth, IndianaAssaulted police
2015-08-14Asshams Manley--Prince George's County, MarylandResisted arrest
2015-08-14Garland Tyree--New York, New YorkShot at police
2015-08-14Unidentified--Boerne, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-13Christopher Anderson53Manchester, ConnecticutDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-13William Smith--Hobbs, New MexicoAccident
2015-08-12Randal Hughs-Lance--Waco, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-12Unidentified21Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-12Nathaniel Wilks--Oakland, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-08-11Casey Alacorn34Sandpoint, IdahoResisted arrest
2015-08-10Andre Green15Indianapolis, IndianaResisted arrest
2015-08-09Patrick Quinn77Pittston, PennsylvaniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-09Unidentified--San Jose, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-08Kevin McDaniel49Spokane, WashingtonShot at police
2015-08-08Shamir Palmer24Summerville, South CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-08Mark Keckhaser53Superior, MontanaVehicular assault
2015-08-08Jeffrey Clyde Wilkes--Gastonia, North CarolinaShot at police
2015-08-07Christian Taylor19Arlington, TexasResisted arrest
2015-08-06Gustavo Ponce--Elsmere, KentuckyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-05Vincente David Montano29Antioch, TennesseeResisted arrest
2015-08-05Kesawhn Dominique Hargrove20Richmond, VirginiaShot at police
2015-08-05Raymond Hodge--Maui, HawaiiShot at police
2015-08-05Jason Galvaiz40Tacoma, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-08-03Joseph Malave18Campbelltown, PennsylvaniaResisted arrest
2015-08-03Antonio Clements49Oakland, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-07-27Samuel Forgy22Boulder, ColoradoResisted arrest
2015-07-26Zachary Hammond19Seneca, South CarolinaVehicular assault
2015-07-24 Unidentified--New Orleans, LouisianaResisted arrest
2015-07-24Seth Raines44Los Angeles, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-07-23Derek Wolfsteller31Plymouth, MinnesotaResisted arrest
2015-07-23Brian Stortzum32Converse County, WyomingDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-22Devon Guisherd26Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaShot at police
2015-07-21Darren Wilson47Bartow, GeorgiaAssaulted police
2015-07-20Samuel DuBose43Cincinnati, OhioOfficer(s) charged
2015-07-19David Wheat22Fort Collins, ColoradoDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-18Antonio Gonzales29Wauwatosa, WisconsinDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-17Albert Davis23Orlando, FloridaResisted arrest
2015-07-16Edward Foster35Homestead, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-16Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez24Chattanooga, TennesseeShot at police
2015-07-13Sandra Bland28Hempstead, TexasSuicide
2015-07-13Paul Castaway35Denver, ColoradoDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-13Jason Davis--Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-11Anthony Dewayne Ware35Tuscaloosa, AlabamaAccident
2015-07-06Hagen Esty-Lennon42Bath, New HampshireDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-07-05Neil Van De Putte25Forked River, New JerseyAccident
2015-07-05John Deming19Pleasanton, CaliforniaAssaulted police
2015-07-03Ton Nguyen60San Diego, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-26Richard Matt49Malone, New YorkResisted arrest
2015-06-19 Santos Laboy--Boston, MassachusettsDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-18Oleg Tcherniak58New York, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-15Kris Jackson22South Lake Tahoe, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-06-13James Boulware35Hutchins, TexasKilled during standoff
2015-06-11Raymond Peralta-lantigua19Bronx, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-11Raymond K. Phillips86Columbia, TennesseeDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-10Isiah Hampton19Bronx, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-09Ryan Keith Bolinger28Des Moines, IowaUnder investigation
2015-06-09Randy Howard65Lynchburg, TennesseeShot at police
2015-06-09QuanDavier Hicks22Cincinnati, OhioResisted arrest
2015-06-09Jeremy J. Linhart30Findlay, OhioResisted arrest
2015-06-07Gene Marshall53Woodland, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-06Alejandro Campos Fernandez45Watsonville, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-06-06James Smillie53North Port, FloridaResisted arrest
2015-06-06Demouria Hogg30Oakland, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-06-05Christie L. Cathers45Morgantown, West VirginiaVehicular assault
2015-06-04Andrew Ellerbe33Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaShot at police
2015-06-03Sherman Byrd24Chester, PennsylvaniaAccident
2015-06-03Lorenzo Jr. Garza46Delano, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-06-03Ronald Neal56Byram Township, New JerseyBelieved armed
2015-06-02Usaama Rahim26Boston, MassachusettsDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-06-01Joseph M. Ladd23Greece, New YorkResisted arrest
2015-06-01Kamal Dajani26Azle, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-31James Bushey47Palestine, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-31Jeffrey Scott Pitts36Conyers, GeorgiaShot at police
2015-05-30Alexander Tirado Rivera39Nashville, TennesseeResisted arrest
2015-05-29Nehemiah Fischer35Okmulgee County, OklahomaBelieved armed
2015-05-29Kevin Allen36Lyndhurst, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-28Kenneth Joel Dothard40Carrollton, GeorgiaResisted arrest
2015-05-28Kyle Baker18Trenton, MichiganAssaulted police
2015-05-28James Edward Strong32Brighton, ColoradoShot at police
2015-05-28Scott McAllister39Middletown, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-27Feras Morad20Long Beach, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-05-26Jessie Nicholas Williams24Bossier City, LouisianaResisted arrest
2015-05-26Millard J. Tallant III62Monroe, WashingtonUnder investigation
2015-05-26Dalton Branch51Brooklyn, New YorkShot at police
2015-05-25Anthony Dewayne Briggs36Huntsville, AlabamaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-23Eric Robinson40Eagar, ArizonaShot at police
2015-05-23James Jr. Horn47Knob Noster, MissouriResisted arrest
2015-05-22Michael Lowery40Somerset, PennsylvaniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-21Javoris Washington29Fort Lauderdale, FloridaKilled during standoff
2015-05-21Jerome Thomas Caldwell32Charleston, South CarolinaKilled during standoff
2015-05-21Elvin Diaz24Hackensack, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-21David Alejandro Gandara22El Paso, TexasResisted arrest
2015-05-20Marcus D. Wheeler26Omaha, NebraskaShot at police
2015-05-20Jonathan Colley52Green, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-19David Gaines17Grand Junction, ColoradoResisted arrest
2015-05-17Austin Goodner18St. Petersburg, FloridaShot at police
2015-05-17Timothy Jones27Ruidoso, New MexicoResisted arrest
2015-05-17Dennis Richard Fiel34San Diego, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-05-14Sean Pelletier37Portage, MichiganDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-12Bruce Zalonka46Honolulu, HawaiiResisted arrest
2015-05-12D'Angelo Stallworth28Jacksonville, FloridaResisted arrest
2015-05-11Justin Way--Tacoma, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-11Stephen Cunningham47Tacoma, WashingtonResisted arrest
2015-05-09Sam Holmes31Fridley, MinnesotaVehicular assault
2015-05-08Shaun Johnson35Kearny, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-07Joseph Roy72Lawrenceville, GeorgiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-05-07Michael G. Murphy35Beacon, New YorkResisted arrest
2015-05-06Jason Champion41Secaucus, New JerseyAccident
2015-05-06Nuwanah Laroche34Secaucus, New JerseyAccident
2015-05-06David William Johnson18Wake Forest, North CarolinaBelieved armed
2015-05-05Thong Kien Ma32South El Monte, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-05-05Brendon Glenn29Venice/LA, CaliforniaUnder investigation
2015-05-05Robert Frost46Pulaski, VirginiaShot at police
2015-05-03Elton Simpson30Garland, TexasShot at police
2015-05-03Nadir Soofi34Garland, TexasShot at police
2015-05-03Kevin Vance Norton36Roosevelt, UtahBelieved armed
2015-05-03Billy Grimm44Albuquerque, New MexicoUnder investigation
2015-05-02Kenneth Mathena52Smyrna, DelawareUnder investigation
2015-04-30Alexia Christian25Atlanta, GeorgiaShot at police
2015-04-30Fridoon Zalberg Rawshannehad42San Diego, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-29Erick Emmanuel Sanchez22El Paso, TexasAssaulted police
2015-04-29John Acree53Nashville, TennesseeShot at police
2015-04-29Joshua Deysie33Mesa, ArizonaKilled during standoff
2015-04-28Jared Johnson21New Orleans, LouisianaResisted arrest
2015-04-26Dean Kristian Genova45Fountain Valley, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-04-25David Felix24Manhattan, New YorkResisted arrest
2015-04-24Gary Timmie Collins63Miami, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-24Mark Cecil Hawkins49Salem, OregonKilled during standoff
2015-04-24Todd Jamal Dye20Trinidad, ColoradoDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-23Hector Morejon19Long Beach, CaliforniaBelieved armed
2015-04-23Andrew George Valadez26Sylmar/Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-23Terry Lee Chatman48Houston, TexasAccident
2015-04-23David Levi Dehmann33Mount Vernon, OhioAccident
2015-04-22Karen Janks46Sebastopol, CaliforniaVehicular assault
2015-04-22Jonathan Efraim30Queens, New YorkShot at police
2015-04-22William L. II Chapman18Portsmouth, VirginiaResisted arrest
2015-04-21Daniel Wolfe35Union, New JerseyVehicular assault
2015-04-21Daniel Covarrubias37Lakewood, WashingtonBelieved armed
2015-04-19Michael Foster40Wilmore, KentuckyBelieved armed
2015-04-18Thaddeus McCarroll23Jennings, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-16Darrell Brown31Hagerstown, MarylandMedical problem
2015-04-16Frank Shephard41Houston, TexasResisted arrest
2015-04-14Colby Robinson26Dallas, TexasAttempted escape
2015-04-13Isaac Jiminez27Alton, IllinoisResisted arrest
2015-04-12Freddie Gray25Baltimore, MarylandAccident
2015-04-12Richard Dale Weaver83Oklahoma City, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-12Mack Long36Indianapolis, IndianaShot at police
2015-04-11Donald Allen66Sand Springs, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-09Don Smith29Lafayette, IndianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-09Gordon Talmage Kimbrell22Navarre, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-09Phillip Burgess28Boiling Springs, South CarolinaResisted arrest
2015-04-08Roberto Rodriguez39Los Angeles, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-04-08Joseph Weber28Sunnyvale, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-08Dexter Bethea42Valdosta, GeorgiaVehicular assault
2015-04-07Erick Rose32Pottawatomie County, OklahomaShot at police
2015-04-06Tyrell Larsen31Bonneville County, IdahoDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-04Justus Howell17Zion, IllinoisResisted arrest
2015-04-04Walter L. Scott50North Charleston, South CarolinaOfficer(s) charged
2015-04-04Ethan Noll34Edgewood, New MexicoKilled during standoff
2015-04-04Paul Anderson31Orange, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-03Christopher Prevatt38Frederick County, VirginiaResisted arrest
2015-04-02Darrin Langford32Rock Island, IllinoisResisted arrest
2015-04-02Eric Harris44Tulsa, OklahomaOfficer(s) charged
2015-04-01Sean Clyde36Hamilton, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-04-01Robert Washington38Hawthorne, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-03-31Philip White32Vineland, New JerseyUnder investigation
2015-03-30Brian Babb49Eugene, OregonDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-30Ricky "Mya" Shawatza Hall27Fort Meade, MarylandVehicular assault
2015-03-29Jason Moland29Modesto, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-29Byron Herbert29Elizabethtown, KentuckyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-27Gary Kendrick56Encinitas, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-27Adrian Hernandez23Bakersfield, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-03-27Aaron Pope34Toledo, OhioAccident
2015-03-24Walter J. Brown III29Portsmouth, VirginiaVehicular assault
2015-03-24Nicholas Thomas23Smyrna, GeorgiaVehicular assault
2015-03-24Joseph Tassinari63Glendale, ArizonaResisted arrest
2015-03-24Scott Dunham57San Jose, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-03-22Enoch Gaver21Cottonwood, ArizonaShot at police
2015-03-22Alissa Allen24Bridgeton, New JerseyUnder investigation
2015-03-21Devin Gates24Santa Clara, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-03-21Richard White63New Orleans, LouisianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-20Justin Fowler24Navajo Nation, ArizonaShot at police
2015-03-19Brandon Jones18Cleveland, OhioResisted arrest
2015-03-18Garland Lee Wingo I64Tallahassee, FloridaResisted arrest
2015-03-17Askari Roberts38Floyd County, GeorgiaResisted arrest
2015-03-17Alice Brown24San Francisco, CaliforniaVehicular assault
2015-03-16Sheldon Haleck38Honolulu, HawaiiResisted arrest
2015-03-16Jason Todd Tolkinen28Saint Paul, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-13Salome Rodriguez Jr.23Ontario, CaliforniaOfficer(s) charged
2015-03-13James Jimenez41Napa, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-03-12Bobby Gross35Washington, District of ColumbiaResisted arrest
2015-03-11James Greenwell31Memphis, TennesseeShot at police
2015-03-09Anthony Hill27Chamblee, GeorgiaResisted arrest
2015-03-06Bernard Moore--Atlanta, GeorgiaAccident
2015-03-06Anthony Robinson19Madison, WisconsinResisted arrest
2015-03-06Naeschylus Vinzant37Aurora, ColoradoUnder investigation
2015-03-05Tyson Hubbard34Lincoln, NebraskaResisted arrest
2015-03-04Derek Cruice26Deltona, FloridaResisted arrest
2015-03-04Carl Lao28Stockton, CaliforniaShot at police
2015-03-03Matthew Metz25Tempe, ArizonaResisted arrest
2015-03-03Fednel Rhinvil25Salisbury, MarylandDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-02Shaquille Barrow20Joliet, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-01Darrell Gatewood47Oklahoma City, OklahomaResisted arrest
2015-03-01Jessica Uribe28Tucson, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-03-01Donald Matkins49George County, MississippiKilled during standoff
2015-03-01Jeffrey C. Surnow63South Kohala, HawaiiAccident
2015-03-01Charley Leundeu Keunang--Los Angeles, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-02-28Thomas Allen34Wellston, MissouriResisted arrest
2015-02-28Deven Guilford17Grand Ledge, MichiganResisted arrest
2015-02-28Ian Sherrod40Tarboro, North CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-27Ernesto Javier Canepa Diaz--Santa Ana, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-02-26Amilcar Perez Lopez21San Francisco, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-25Francis Lamantia Spivey43Las Vegas, NevadaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-24Unidentified--Green Bay, WisconsinResisted arrest
2015-02-23Daniel Elrod39Omaha, NebraskaResisted arrest
2015-02-22Bradford Samuel Leonard50Palm Bay, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-20Ruben Garcia Villalpando31Grapevine, TexasResisted arrest
2015-02-20Stanley Lamar Grant38Homewood, AlabamaShot at police
2015-02-18Janisha Fonville20Charlotte, North CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-17Michael Steven Ireland31Springfield, MissouriResisted arrest
2015-02-17Doug Sparks30Tewksbury, MassachusettsResisted arrest
2015-02-17Pedro Saldivar Pete50Del Rio, TexasResisted arrest
2015-02-16Daniel Lawrence Caldwell56Marana, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-15Cody Evans24Provo, UtahDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-13Jason Hendrix16Baltimore, MarylandShot at police
2015-02-11Phillip Watkins23San Jose, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-10Antonio Zambrano-Montes35Pasco, WashingtonResisted arrest
2015-02-09Larry Hostetter41Nocona, TexasResisted arrest
2015-02-06Herbert Hill26Oklahoma City, OklahomaShot at police
2015-02-06Jimmy Ray Robinson Jr.51Waco, TexasResisted arrest
2015-02-05John Sawyer36Calimesa, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-04Wilber Castillo-Gongora35Wichita Falls, TexasResisted arrest
2015-02-04Salvador Muna28Tempe, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-04Joaquin Hernandez28Tempe, ArizonaResisted arrest
2015-02-04Jeremy Lett28Tallahassee, FloridaResisted arrest
2015-02-04Markell Atkins36Memphis, TennesseeDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-04Paul Alferd Eugene Johnson59Corona, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-02-04Anthony Purvis45Douglas, GeorgiaResisted arrest
2015-02-04Izzy Colon37Orlando, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-03Yuvette Henderson38Emeryville, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-03Natasha McKenna37Alexandria, VirginiaResisted arrest
2015-02-03Dewayne Deshawn Ward Jr.29Antioch, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-03Ledarius Williams23St. Louis, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-02-02 Unnamed--Houston, TexasUnder investigation
2015-02-02David A Kassick59Hummelstown, PennsylvaniaOfficer(s) charged
2015-02-02Francis Murphy Rose III42Apple Valley, CaliforniaUnder investigation
2015-01-31Edward Donnell Bright Sr.56Randallstown, MarylandDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-31Victor Manuel Reyes31Houston, TexasResisted arrest
2015-01-30John Berry Marshall48Billings, MontanaResisted arrest
2015-01-29Alan James31Wyoming, MichiganShot at police
2015-01-29Wendell King40Fort Worth, TexasShot at police
2015-01-29Ralph W. Willis43Stillwater, OklahomaResisted arrest
2015-01-28 Unnamed Male--Rosenberg, TexasShot at police
2015-01-28Larry Kobuk33Anchorage, AlaskaResisted arrest
2015-01-28Alan Lance Alverson45Wise County, TexasResisted arrest
2015-01-28Nicholas Tewa25Phoenix, ArizonaVehicular assault
2015-01-27Tiffany D. Terry39Omaha, NebraskaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-27Matautu Nuu35Stockton, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2015-01-27Jermonte Fletcher33Columbus, OhioShot at police
2015-01-27Raymond Kmetz69New Hope, MinnesotaShot at police
2015-01-26David Garcia33Wasco, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-26Joshua Omar Garcia24Tahoka, TexasResisted arrest
2015-01-26Chris Ingram29Morenci, ArizonaShot at police
2015-01-26Rhiannon L. Steele35Salem, OregonAccident
2015-01-26Alvin Haynes57San Francisco, CaliforniaUnder investigation
2015-01-25William Campbell59Winslow, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-25Orlando Jude Lopez26Pueblo, ColoradoShot at police
2015-01-25Jessica Hernandez17Denver, ColoradoVehicular assault
2015-01-24Darin Hutchins26Baltimore, MarylandDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-24Darryl Myler41Rexburg, IdahoShot at police
2015-01-23Robert Francis Mesch61Austin, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-23Jose Antonio Espinoza Ruiz--Levelland, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-23Demaris Turner29Lauderhill, FloridaVehicular assault
2015-01-22Kristiana Coignard17Longview, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-22Isaac Holmes19St. Louis, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-22Tiano Meton25Sierra Blanca, TexasBelieved armed
2015-01-22Todd Allan Hodge36Riverside, CaliforniaKilled during standoff
2015-01-21Andrew Toto54Derry, New HampshireShot at police
2015-01-21John Ballard Gorman45Tunica County, MississippiAccident
2015-01-21Miguel de Santos-Rodriguez36Chapeño, TexasShot at police
2015-01-20Dewayne Carr45Scottsdale, ArizonaVehicular assault
2015-01-19Paul Campbell49Weymouth, MassachusettsDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-19Carter Ray Castle--Gunlock, KentuckyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-19Quincy Reed Reindl24Bloomington, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-18Sinthanouxay Khottavonsa57Hennepin County, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-18Jonathan Guillory32Maricopa, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-17Daniel Brumley27Fort Worth, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-17Terence D. Walker21Muskogee, OklahomaResisted arrest
2015-01-17Pablo Meza24Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-16Kavonda Earl Payton39Aurora, ColoradoResisted arrest
2015-01-16 Unnamed Male--Houston, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-16Zaki Shinwary48Fremont, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-16 Unnamed Male--Kaufman, TexasResisted arrest
2015-01-16Christina Prestianni37Nutley, New JerseySuicide
2015-01-16Rodney Walker23Tulsa, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-15Mario A. Jordan34Chesapeake, VirginiaShot at police
2015-01-15Nathan Massey--Acadiana, LouisianaResisted arrest
2015-01-15Howard Robbins69Stanford, KentuckyAccident
2015-01-15Jose Ceja36Fairfield, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-15Donte Sowell27Indianapolis, IndianaAttempted escape
2015-01-14Michael Goebel29St. Louis, MissouriVehicular assault
2015-01-14Jeffrey R. Nielson34Draper, UtahDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-14Marcus Golden24Saint Paul, MinnesotaVehicular assault
2015-01-14Talbot Schroeder75Old Bridge, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-14Robert Edwards68Lake Jackson, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-14Louis F. Becker87Syracuse, New YorkAccident
2015-01-13Richard McClendon43Jourdanton, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-13John Edward Okeefe35Albuquerque, New MexicoShot at police
2015-01-11Thomas Hamby49Syracuse, UtahShot at police
2015-01-11Tommy Smith39Arcola, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-11Brian Barbosa23Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-11Salvador Figueroa29Las Vegas, NevadaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-09Loren Simpson28Billings, MontanaVehicular assault
2015-01-09Andy Martinez33El Paso, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-09Jimmy Foreman--England, ArkansasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-08Artago Damon Howard36Monroe, ArkansasResisted arrest
2015-01-08James Barker--Salt Lake City, UtahDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-07Andre Larone Murphy Sr42Norfolk, NebraskaResisted arrest
2015-01-07Joseph Caffarello31Rosemont, IllinoisVehicular assault
2015-01-07Nicholas Ryan Brickman30Des Moines, IowaAttempted escape
2015-01-07Ronald Sneed31Freeport, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-07Brock Nichols35Saline County, KansasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-07Brian Pickett26Los Angeles, CaliforniaAccident
2015-01-07Omarr Jackson37New Orleans, LouisianaShot at police
2015-01-07Hashim Harif Abdul-Rasheed41Columbus, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-06Ned Womack47Pickens County, GeorgiaShot at police
2015-01-06Leslie Sapp III47Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-06Patrick Wayne Wetter25Stockton, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-06Autumn Mae Steele34Burlington, IowaAccident
2015-01-05Andrew McIlvain39Volusia County, FloridaAccident
2015-01-05Kenneth Buck22Chandler, ArizonaShot at police
2015-01-04Kenneth Brown18Guthrie, OklahomaResisted arrest
2015-01-04Michael Ray Rodriguez29Evans, ColoradoDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-04Matthew Hoffman32San Francisco, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-03Michael Kocher Jr.19Kauai, HawaiiAccident
2015-01-03Tim Elliot53Shelton, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-03John Paul Quintero23Wichita, KansasDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-02Matthew Ajibade22Savannah, GeorgiaAccident
2015-01-02Lewis Lembke47Aloha, OregonDisplayed weapon(s)
2015-01-01Roberto Fausto Ornelas18Largo, FloridaAccident
2015-01-01Garrett Gagne22Chatham, MassachusettsAccident
2014-12-31Eric Tyrone Forbes28Miami, FloridaResisted arrest
2014-12-31Joseph Pacini52Upper Darby Tshp, PennsylvaniaVehicular assault
2014-12-31Kaileb Cole Williams20Missoula, MontanaResisted arrest
2014-12-31Unidentified--Olive Hill, KentuckyShot at police
2014-12-31Unidentified--Compton, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-30Jerame Reid36Bridgeton, New JerseyResisted arrest
2014-12-29Robert Battaglia28Paradise, CaliforniaAssaulted police
2014-12-28David Scott28Jacksonville, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-27Matt McCloskey10Franklin Township, New JerseyAccident
2014-12-27Nicholas McGehee28Stansbury Park, UtahDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-27Darren Kindgren51Holly Pond, AlabamaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-27 unidentified51Dewey, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-27Craig Schiffer54East Islip, New YorkAccident
2014-12-26John Hebebrand43Bedford, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-26Quentin Smith23Cocoa, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-26Carlton Smith20Texas City, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-26Terrence Gilbert25Chicago, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-25Francisco Cesena40San Diego, CaliforniaAccident
2014-12-25Omar Rodriguez39Coachella, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-12-24Khamis Shatara21Palm Beach, FloridaOfficer(s) charged
2014-12-24Gregory Gray33Washington, District of ColumbiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-24Robert Jenkins55Reedsport, OregonBelieved armed
2014-12-24Antonio Martin18Berkeley, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-24Nicholas Frazier28Deer Lodge, MontanaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-22Austin Leake20DeKalb County, GeorgiaShot at police
2014-12-22Jose Salas29Las Cruces, New MexicoDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-22Allen Todd27Independence, KentuckyResisted arrest
2014-12-22James Monroe61Lakeland, FloridaKilled during standoff
2014-12-21James Long52Dover, DelawareDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-21William Corson53Auburn, CaliforniaKilled during standoff
2014-12-20Allen Locke30Rapid City, South DakotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-19Andrew Bohatch59Perryopolis, PennsylvaniaAccident
2014-12-19Richard Champion35Perryopolis, PennsylvaniaAccident
2014-12-19Joanna Vitug--Saipan, Northern Mariana IslandsSuicide
2014-12-18Richard Estrada17Willow Creek, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-18Sandra Simpson33Midland, TexasSuicide
2014-12-18Chad Simpson34Midland, TexasSuicide
2014-12-18Brent Krout39Zionsville, IndianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-18Joshua Dawson35Phoenix, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-17Johnathon Mar18Shoreview, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-17Julius Pinson48Costa Mesa, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-12-17Adam Padilla34Albuquerque, New MexicoResisted arrest
2014-12-17Unidentified21Tacoma, WashingtonShot at police
2014-12-17Henry Castoreno48San Antionio, TexasVehicular assault
2014-12-16William Osterlind18Phoenix, ArizonaKilled during standoff
2014-12-16Andrew Worsfold25Marshalltown, IowaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-15Cody Healey28Pensacola, FloridaResisted arrest
2014-12-15Valerie Morrow40Glenolden, PennsylvaniaOfficer(s) charged
2014-12-15Xavier McDonald16Nashville, TennesseeShot at police
2014-12-15Michael Sutton23Ridgeland, MississippiShot at police
2014-12-15Dennis Grigsby35Texarkana, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-14Daniel Torres51St. Johns County, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-14Brandon Tate-Brown26Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaResisted arrest
2014-12-13Charles Gluchacki65Perris, CaliforniaBelieved armed
2014-12-13Logan Patrick Hall22Mt. Vernon, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-12Joseph Rodriquez--Topeka, KansasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-12Randall Gordon27Sevierville, TennesseeDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-12Thurrell Jowers22Poplar Bluff, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-12Anthony Landi27Palm Beach Gardens, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-10Unidentified--Wildomar, CaliforniaUndetermined
2014-12-10Brandon Atencio28Canon City, ColoradoDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-10Travis Faison24Sanford, North CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-10Randall Minier27Lansing Township, MichiganDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-10Franklin Lee58Cairo, GeorgiaMedical problem
2014-12-09Thomas Degutis78Middle River, MarylandAccident
2014-12-09John Laco84Lake Station, IndianaShot at police
2014-12-09Joshua Merritt31Yulee, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-08Calvin Peters49New York City, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-08Christopher Doss41San Antonio, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-07Guadalupe Ochoa-Manza27Oakland, CaliforniaVehicular assault
2014-12-07Jerry Nowlin39Oklahoma City, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-07Anthony Moore31Las Vegas, NevadaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-05Joseph Glenn FolsomJr.Camden, South CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-05Delbert Rodriguez Gutierrez21Wynwood, FloridaAccident
2014-12-05David Wear42Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-04Alejandro Cordero-Rivera32Orlando, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-04William Lee Honea33Grant, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-04Raymond Keith Martinez51West Monroe, LouisianaOfficer(s) charged
2014-12-04Karin Moller55South Berwick, MaineDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-02William Jones50Red Springs, North CarolinaUnder investigation
2014-12-02Rumain Brisbon34Phoenix, ArizonaResisted arrest
2014-12-02Gilbert Reyna55Fort Worth, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-02Unidentified--Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-01John Earl Pepper45Anderson County, South CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-01Lincoln Price24Oklahoma City, OklahomaShot at police
2014-12-01Rosendo Gino Rodriquez49Midland, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-12-01Unidentified--Harris County, TexasUndetermined
2014-11-30Fernando Escovedo19Carson, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-30Tabanico Pirtle24Elko, NevadaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-28Larry Steve McQuilliams49Austin, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-28Myles Roughsurface27Flora Vista, New MexicoDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-28Unidentified59Dearborn, MichiganDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-28Mark Allan Bartlett42Pearl, MississippiDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-26Randall Roden41Versailles, MissouriShot at police
2014-11-26Daniel Cedar Saulsbury39Point Arena, CaliforniaUnder investigation
2014-11-26Davis Thomas22Lewisville, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-25Sebastian T. Lewandowski31Vancouver, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-25Jon Jaquez26Pueblo, ColoradoVehicular assault
2014-11-25Robert Edwin Eaves51Cleveland, TennesseeDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-25Eric Ricks30Balch Springs, TexasUnder investigation
2014-11-24Juan Jose Enriquez27West Covina, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-11-24Leonardo Marquette Little33Jacksonville, FloridaResisted arrest
2014-11-23Justin Roady33Lake Havasu City, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-23Donald Wendt50Bradenton, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-22Pamela Edwards40Eustis, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-22Jennifer Bond--Crittenden, KentuckyUnder investigation
2014-11-22Ty Elvin Worthington26South Jordan, UtahUnder investigation
2014-11-22Bruce Thomas Snyder29Sonora, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-11-22Nestor Cruz-Ciriaco27Seaside, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-22Curtis Wade Holley53Tallahassee, FloridaShot at police
2014-11-22Tamir Rice12Cleveland, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-21Elton R. Loughrey Jr.--Clarkton, MissouriShot at police
2014-11-21Carey Smith-Viramontes18Long Beach, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-20Akai Gurley28New York City, New YorkOfficer(s) charged
2014-11-20Chelsea Fresh29Beaverton, OregonDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-20Charles Marcus McCauley35Shreveport, LouisianaResisted arrest
2014-11-20Myron May31Tallahassee, FloridaShot at police
2014-11-19Keara Crowder29Memphis, TennesseeOfficer(s) charged
2014-11-18Vincent Martinez34Riverside, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-18Michael Case34Dunedin, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-18Charles McBennett45Fayetteville, North CarolinaShot at police
2014-11-17Thomas Read36Phillipsburg, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-16Christopher Horine42Shelby County, KentuckyDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-16Lenny Miles34Klamath Falls, OregonShot at police
2014-11-16Cecil Chaney Tinker-Smith37Deming, WashingtonShot at police
2014-11-16Dawn Cameron46Inverness, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-16John Smelko40Dayton, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-16Eduardo Bermundez26Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-15Juventino Arenas33McMinnville, OregonDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-14Wesley Castillo35Chula Vista, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-14Sharrinder Garcha20Lafayette, WisconsinResisted arrest
2014-11-14William McNulty41Claymont, DelawareVehicular assault
2014-11-14Christina Tahhahwah37Lawton, OklahomaMedical problem
2014-11-14Shonda Mikelson33Boyceville, WisconsinDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-13Taneisha Anderson37Cleveland, OhioResisted arrest
2014-11-13Andrew Brady Davidson33Butler Township, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-13James Christopher McCoun33Knox County, TennesseeShot at police
2014-11-13George Armando Ramirez35San Bernardino, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-11-13Darnell Stafford31Trenton, New JerseyShot at police
2014-11-13Ramiro James Villegas22Bakersfield, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-11-12Jose Avalos26Concord, CaliforniaVehicular assault
2014-11-11Aaron Forgash38Perris, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-11-11David McBrayer26Jacksonville, AlabamaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-11Trung Thanh Do31Tampa Bay, FloridaResisted arrest
2014-11-11Jerry Matheny52Menlo Park, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-11-09Ashif Anwar38Irving, TexasVehicular assault
2014-11-09Josue Fuentes22Los Angeles, CaliforniaBelieved armed
2014-11-09Christopher O¹Neal56Lucerne, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-09Aura Rosser40Ann Arbor, MichiganDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-09Jorge Trejo34Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-09Daniel Zamora48Phoenix, ArizonaResisted arrest
2014-11-08Keith Atkinson23Manchester, New JerseyAccident
2014-11-08Carlos Davenport51Kansas City, KansasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-08David Wyatt Grayson57Sansom Park, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-08Troy Hart27Westland, MichiganDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-08Jeremy Michael Sherbon34Oklahoma City, OklahomaShot at police
2014-11-08Joy Ann Sherman52Mitchell, South DakotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-08Adam Thomas27Hemet, CaliforniaOfficer(s) charged
2014-11-07William Spargur36Palmdale, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-06Cinque D'Jahspora20Jackson, TennesseeAssaulted police
2014-11-06Daniel Young26Jerome, IdahoDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-05Robert Hampton33Reno, NevadaVehicular assault
2014-11-05William Anderson71Hartselle, AlabamaAccident
2014-11-05Anthony Laviolette27Yakima, WashingtonShot at police
2014-11-04Ernest McKnight64Kitts Hill, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-03Unidentified60s-70sGolden Glades, FloridaShot at police
2014-11-03Caleb Ryan24Blountsville, AlabamaResisted arrest
2014-11-03Aaron Fulton28Marietta, OhioAccident
2014-11-03Raupheal Thomas29Akron, OhioResisted arrest
2014-11-03Christopher Anderson27Highland Park, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-02William Collins28El Dorado Springs, MissouriShot at police
2014-11-02Charles Emmett Logan68Maplewood, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-02Jesus Luviano20Indio, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-01Richard Barrett62Long Beach, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-11-01John Brantley43Garden Grove, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-11-01Rodrigo Cabral27Visalia, CaliforniaAccident
2014-11-01Francisco Galvez49Tucson, ArizonaAccident
2014-11-01John Wilson22North Las Vegas, NevadaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-31Jaime Garcia35Salinas, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-10-31John Kolata75Leslie, ArkansasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-29Jennifer Chauvin33Au Sable, New YorkAccident
2014-10-29Roger Shipton49Suisun City, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-29Robert Vercher26Natchitoches, LouisianaShot at police
2014-10-28William Mattingly38Louisville, KentuckyShot at police
2014-10-28Angel Frescas22Phoenix, ArizonaResisted arrest
2014-10-28Jeremy Martin29Las Cruces, New MexicoOfficer(s) charged
2014-10-26Shaun Ramo36Bayou Pigeon, LouisianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-26Jeffery Holden18Wichita, KansasShot at police
2014-10-25Craig Hall29Maywood, IllinoisBelieved armed
2014-10-25Daniel Walsh27Huntington Beach, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-24Richard Scheuermann39Easton, PennsylvaniaVehicular assault
2014-10-23Cesar Cepeda27Brownsville, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-23Luis Roman25Dartmouth, MassachusettsShot at police
2014-10-23Jeremy Bustos43Avondale, ArizonaVehicular assault
2014-10-23Zale Thompson32Queens, New YorkAssaulted police
2014-10-21Jose Calzada35Roy, UtahKilled during standoff
2014-10-20Gary Lee54Colonial Heights, VirginiaKilled during standoff
2014-10-20Laquan McDonald17Chicago, IllinoisOfficer(s) charged
2014-10-20Julian Magdaleno29Bellmead, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-20Marco Perez22El Paso, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-18Tim Rook38Southaven, MississippiDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-18Terrell Lucas22Indianapolis, IndianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-17Adam Madison28Warrior, AlabamaResisted arrest
2014-10-16Dennis Hoke42Staunton, VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-14Ye Hua Jian32Norwalk, ConnecticutDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-13Jerry Jr. Hermes32New Braunfels, TexasKilled during standoff
2014-10-13Freddie Cooper36Spiro, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-13Macario Garcia54Pleasanton, TexasMedical problem
2014-10-12Ronald Johnson25Chicago, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-12Michelle Sloyan49Bartlett, TennesseeAccident
2014-10-12Danny Floyd63Bartlett, TennesseeAccident
2014-10-12Jack Jacquez27Rocky Ford, ColoradoOfficer(s) charged
2014-10-12Alan Gillotti52Ludlow, MaineUnder investigation
2014-10-11Elisha Glass20Columbus, OhioResisted arrest
2014-10-11Qusean Whitten18Columbus, OhioResisted arrest
2014-10-10Frank Kerr40Tucson, ArizonaShot at police
2014-10-09Thomas Holt51Minneapolis, MinnesotaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-08Miguel Reyes20Paramus, New JerseyResisted arrest
2014-10-08Jason Rodgers35Tulsa, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-08Ymauo Erwin41Kansas City, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-08Vonderri Myers Jr.18St. Louis, MissouriShot at police
2014-10-08Reginald Owens34Huntsville, AlabamaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-07Aljarreau Cross29North Las Vegas, NevadaShot at police
2014-10-07O'Shaine Evans26San Francisco, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-07Armondo Ochoa36Houston, TexasResisted arrest
2014-10-06Michael Abney35Washington, District of ColumbiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-04Johnny Martinez29Los Angeles, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-03Lashano Gilbert31New London, ConnecticutResisted arrest
2014-10-03Carl Blossomgame48San Bernardino, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-10-03Miguel Benton19DeKalb, GeorgiaShot at police
2014-10-03Dennis Volchkin28Brooklyn, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-03Michael Daryle Rose49Flagstaff, ArizonaMedical problem
2014-10-02Larry Miller69Christiansburg, VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-10-01Unidentified--Houston, TexasShot at police
2014-10-01Tracy Wade39Louisville, KentuckyKilled during standoff
2014-09-30David Kedra26Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaAccident
2014-09-30Randall Williams40Casper, WyomingDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-30Javonta Darden20Athens, GeorgiaShot at police
2014-09-30Marlon Woodstock38Sunrise, FloridaResisted arrest
2014-09-29Rafael Laureano51Brooklyn, New YorkAccident
2014-09-29Francisco Carvajal47Brooklyn, New YorkDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-28Nancy Joyce Garrett68city, CaliforniaAccident
2014-09-28Oliver Gregoire26Baytown, TexasResisted arrest
2014-09-27Eugene Williams38Kansas City, MissouriMedical problem
2014-09-27 unidentified42Homestead, FloridaUnder investigation
2014-09-27Shad Gerken34Chester, MaineDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-26Dillion McGee18Madison County, TennesseeVehicular assault
2014-09-26Steven Paul Presley34Paris, TexasShot at police
2014-09-26Cody Dempsey25Warren, OhioShot at police
2014-09-25Giovany Contreras Sandoval34San Francisco, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-09-24David Hooks59East Dublin, GeorgiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-24Craig Majors39Los Angeles, CaliforniaSuicide
2014-09-24Jacob Navarre25DeRidder, LouisianaVehicular assault
2014-09-24Nolan Anderson50New Orleans, LouisianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-24Matthew Stoddard25Pasco, WashingtonBelieved armed
2014-09-23Brian Rice57Goose Creek, South CarolinaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-23Joseph Lee32Elkhart, IndianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-23Thomas Klessig23University Park, TexasResisted arrest
2014-09-23Cameron Tillman14New Orleans, LouisianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-23John Jolly23Louisville, KentuckyDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-22James Cave54Davenport, IowaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-22Gustavo Segura Acosta36Fresno, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-21Shane Lambert39Mansfield, OhioResisted arrest
2014-09-21Daniel Satre43Ballston Spa, New YorkResisted arrest
2014-09-21Brian Beeler41Des Moines, IowaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-20Kela Souter49Homosassa, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-20Edward Miller52Daytona Beach, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-19Paul Marval39Anaheim, CaliforniaKilled during standoff
2014-09-19Levi Weaver18Cedartown, GeorgiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-19Gerald Cole54San Angelo, TexasDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-19William Smith33Las Cruces, New MexicoKilled during standoff
2014-09-18Ricky Lynn Bunch40Grainger, TennesseeDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-18Charles Smith29Savannah, GeorgiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-18Michael Willis42Jennings, MissouriDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-17Tommy McClain22Eureka, CaliforniaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-16William Buchanan Stingley Jr.40Pelahatchie, MississippiDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-16Matthew Porraz21Fresno, CaliforniaAttempted escape
2014-09-16Kashad Ashford23Rutherford, New JerseyVehicular assault
2014-09-16Carrey Brown26Lacey, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-15Joel Allen34Dallas, TexasVehicular assault
2014-09-15Michael Bonty23Wasilla, AlaskaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-15Chris Mitchell37Cincinnati, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-14Caesar Adams36New Orleans, LouisianaShot at police
2014-09-14Richard Perez24Richmond, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-09-13James Bradley Phillips43Knoxville, TennesseeUnder investigation
2014-09-13Jesse Gibbons29Richmond, KentuckyResisted arrest
2014-09-13Fredi Morales20Wheeling, IllinoisAccident
2014-09-13Ricky Hinkle47Birmingham, AlabamaUnder investigation
2014-09-12Elijah Jackson33Knoxville, TennesseeVehicular assault
2014-09-12Jeff Johnson33Abilene, TexasShot at police
2014-09-11James Nicholas48Houston, TexasShot at police
2014-09-11Inez Trujillo42Duval County, TexasMedical problem
2014-09-11Benjamin Schroff37St. George, UtahShot at police
2014-09-10Darrien Nathaniel Hunt22Saratoga Springs, UtahDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-09Robert Miller34Radnor, PennsylvaniaSuicide
2014-09-09Shawn Brown20Atlantic City, New JerseyDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-09Christopher Roskelley38Ogden, UtahDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-08Michael Oswald38Charleston County, South CarolinaShot at police
2014-09-08Alphonse Edward Perkins50Los Angeles, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-09-08Benito Gonzales45San Patricio County, TexasShot at police
2014-09-08Tyler Caraway24Austin, TexasShot at police
2014-09-08Christopher LeBlanc40Pineville, LouisianaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-07Thomas Carberry50Wilton Manors, FloridaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-06Thomas Davis44Honolulu, HawaiiAccident
2014-09-05Steven Howell23Dayton, TennesseeDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-05Naim Owens22New York, New YorkShot at police
2014-09-03James Bowman42Reno, NevadaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-03Karen Cifuentes19Oklahoma City, OklahomaVehicular assault
2014-09-03Ronald Henry Jr58Tucson, ArizonaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-02Kendrick Brown35Cleveland, OhioDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-02Richard Ray Aceves55Phoenix, ArizonaShot at police
2014-09-02Mark Kelley45Tulsa, OklahomaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-09-01Jesse Castillo Jr.--Henryetta, OklahomaResisted arrest
2014-07-30Richard Nelson52Waikiki, HawaiiVehicular assault
2014-07-29Josh Edwards25Pana, IllinoisShot at police
2014-07-28Charles Mozdir32New York, New YorkShot at police
2014-07-28Steven Isby53Chicago, IllinoisResisted arrest
2014-07-27Robert Henderson37Huntington, West VirginiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-07-25Nicholas Lister31Millcreek, UtahShot at police
2014-07-25Luis Jobel33Los Angeles, CaliforniaResisted arrest
2014-07-24Lori Knowles37Henry County, GeorgiaDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-07-22Joaquin Cibrian29La Joya, TexasKilled during standoff
2014-07-20Richard Duncalf28Kent, WashingtonShot at police
2014-07-18Kenneth Johnson34North Las Vegas, NevadaBelieved armed
2014-07-17Eric Garner43Staten Island, New YorkUnder investigation
2014-07-17Misty Holt-Singh41Stockton, CaliforniaAccident
2014-07-17Gilbert Renteria Jr. 30Stockton, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-07-17Alex Gregory Martinez27Stockton, CaliforniaShot at police
2014-07-17Justin Davis--Germantown, MarylandShot at police
2014-07-13David Brandstetter26Maricopa County, ArizonaResisted arrest
2014-07-13Lawrence Campbell--Jersey City, New JerseyShot at police
2014-07-09Steven Minch45Granite City, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-07-08James McKinney29Hayward, CaliforniaAssaulted police
2014-07-08Jeannette Riley35Sandpoint, IdahoDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-07-05Warren Robinson16Chicago, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-07-04Pedro Rios14Chicago, IllinoisDisplayed weapon(s)
2014-07-01Austin Derby36Seattle, WashingtonDisplayed weapon(s)

Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty
2016-07-17Deputy Brad GarafolaEast Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Ofc, LAGunfire
2016-07-17Officer Matthew GeraldBaton Rouge Police Department, LAGunfire
2016-07-17Officer Montrell JacksonBaton Rouge Police Department, LAGunfire
2016-07-11Security Supervisor Joseph ZangaroBerrien County Courthouse Security, MIGunfire
2016-07-11Court Officer Ronald KienzleBerrien County Courthouse Security, MIGunfire
2016-07-07Officer Brent ThompsonDallas Area Rapid Transit, TXGunfire
2016-07-07Officer Michael SmithDallas Police Department, TXGunfire
2016-07-07Officer Patrick ZamarripaDallas Police Department, TXGunfire
2016-07-07Officer Michael KrolDallas Police Department, TXGunfire
2016-07-07Officer Lorne AhrensDallas Police Department, TXGunfire
2016-06-14Officer Michael KathermanSan Jose Police Department, CAAuto accident
2016-05-18Officer David GlasserPhoenix Police Department, AZGunfire
2016-05-09Detective Brad LancasterKansas City Police Department, KSGunfire
2016-04-12Officer Steven M. SmithColumbus Division of Police, OHGunfire
2016-03-20Deputy Carl A. KoontzHoward County Sherriffs Office, INGunfire
2016-03-18Officer David HoferEuless Police Department, TXGunfire
2016-03-18Officer Allen JacobsGreenville Police Department, SCGunfire
2016-03-12Deputy John Robert Kotfila, Jr.Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office, FLAuto accident
2016-03-04Sergeant Scot Fitzgerald South Jacksonville Police Department, ILAuto accident
2016-02-27Officer Ashley GuindonPrince William County PD, VAGunfire
2016-02-11Major Gregory E. "Lem" BarneyRiverdale Police Department, GAGunfire
2016-02-11Officer Jason MoszerFargo Police Department, NDGunfire
2016-02-10Deputy Sheriff Scott BallantyneTulare County Sheriff's Office, CAAircraft accident
2016-02-10Deputy Derek GeerMesa County Sheriff's Office, COGunfire
2016-02-10Deputy Mark LogsdonHarford County Sheriff's Office, MDGunfire
2016-02-10Deputy Patrick DaileyHarford County Sheriff's Office, MDGunfire
2016-02-05Sergeant Jason GooddingSeaside Police Department, ORGunfire
2016-01-20Correctional Officer Adam ConradMarion County Sheriff's Office, ILAuto accident
2016-01-17Officer Thomas W. Cottrell, Jr.Danville Police Department, OHGunfire
2016-01-17Officer Douglas BarneyPolice Department Salt Lake City, UTGunfire
2015-12-29Police Officer Juan FelicianoNew York City Police Department, NYHeart attack
2015-12-28Commander Frank Román-RodríguezPuerto Rico Police Department, PRGunfire
2015-12-28Lieutenant Luz M. Soto-SegarraPuerto Rico Police Department, PRGunfire
2015-12-28Agent Rosario Hernández de HoyoPuerto Rico Police Department, PRGunfire
2015-12-21Special Agent Adrianna VorderbruggenUSAF Office of Special InvestigationsBomb
2015-12-21Special Agent Michael A. CincoUSAF Office of Special InvestigationsBomb
2015-12-21Special Agent Peter W. TaubUSAF Office of Special InvestigationsBomb
2015-12-21Special Agent Chester J. McBrideUSAF Office of Special InvestigationsBomb
2015-12-21Special Agent Joseph G. LemmUSAF Office of Special InvestigationsBomb
2015-12-21Special Agent Louis M. BonocasaUSAF Office of Special InvestigationsBomb
2015-12-17Trooper Eli M. McCarsonNew Jersey State Police, NJAuto accident
2015-12-12Police Officer Jesse Arthaniel TarplinMARTA Police Department, GACycle accident
2015-12-10Police Officer Noah LeottaMontgomery Cty Police Department, MDVehicular assault
2015-11-28Police Officer Lloyd E. Reed, Jr.St. Clair Township Police Department, PAGunfire
2015-11-27Police Officer Garrett Preston SwaseyU/ Colorado at Colorado Springs PD, COGunfire
2015-11-23Police Officer Ryan P. CopelandMcFarland Police Department, WIAuto accident
2015-11-20Special Investigator Diane DiGiacomoASPCA Humane Law Enforcement, NY9/11 Related
2015-11-19Corporal William Matthew SolomonGeorgia Ports Authority PD, GAVehicular assault
2015-11-18Police Officer Ricardo GalvezDowney Police Department, CAGunfire
2015-11-15Trooper Jaimie Lynn JursevicsColorado State Patrol, COVehicular assault
2015-11-10Chief of Police Darrell Lemond AllenMarlin Police Department, TXGunfire
2015-11-07Police Officer Stacy Lynn CaseColumbia Police Department, SCAuto accident
2015-11-06Police Officer Daniel Neil EllisRichmond Police Department, KYGunfire
2015-11-05Police Officer Bryce Edward HanesSan Bernardino Police Department, CAVehicular assault
2015-10-29Police Officer Daniel Scott WebsterAlbuquerque Police Department, NMGunfire
2015-10-29Sergeant William Karl KeeseeTexas Highway Patrol, TXAuto accident
2015-10-28Deputy Constable Jeffrey RadfordBell County Constable's Office, TXAuto accident
2015-10-25Park Ranger James Marvin Wallen, Jr.Hamilton Parks and Recreation Dept, TNAuto accident
2015-10-20Detective Randolph A. HolderNew York City Police Department, NYGunfire
2015-10-18Investigator Steven Martin SandbergAitkin County Sheriff's Office, MNGunfire
2015-10-06Police Officer Anthony LossiahCherokee Indian Police Department, TRDuty illness
2015-09-30Police Officer Gregory Thomas AliaForest Acres Police Department, SCGunfire
2015-09-28Deputy Sheriff Rosemary VelaMadison County Sheriff's Office, TNAuto accident
2015-09-22Deputy Sheriff Bill MyersOkaloosa County Sheriff's Office, FLGunfire
2015-09-21Trooper Nathan-Michael William SmithVirginia State Police, VAAuto accident
2015-09-19Police Officer Kevin Jermaine ToatleyDeKalb County Police Department, GAAuto accident
2015-09-17Sergeant Eric MeierCrawford Police Department, NYHeart attack
2015-09-17Trooper Kyle D. YoungVermont State Police, VTDuty illness
2015-09-16Deputy Sheriff Richard Allen HallChatham County Sheriff's Office, GAAuto accident
2015-09-14Deputy Sheriff Dwight Darwin ManessMcHenry County Sheriff's Office, ILGunfire
2015-09-13Trooper Joseph Cameron PonderKentucky State Police, KYGunfire
2015-09-13Deputy Sheriff Steven "Brett" HawkinsHarrison County Sheriff's Office, MOHeart attack
2015-09-12Deputy Chief John P. McKeeCity U of NY Dept of Public Safety, NY9/11 Related
2015-09-10Lieutenant Roy McLaughlinYonkers Police Department, NY9/11 Related
2015-09-07Sergeant Miguel Perez-RiosPuerto Rico Police Department, PRGunfire
2015-08-28Trooper Chad H. WolfMichigan State Police, MICycle accident
2015-08-28Trooper James Matthew BavaMissouri State Highway Patrol, MOVehicle pursuit
2015-08-28Deputy Sheriff Darren GoforthHarris County Sheriff's Department, TXGunfire
2015-08-26Officer Henry NelsonSunset Police Department, LAGunfire
2015-08-24Sergeant Peggy VassalloBellefontaine Neighbors PD, MOStruck by vehicle
2015-08-23Trooper Steven VincentLouisiana State Trooper, LAGunfire
2015-08-20Detention Officer Tronoski JonesHarris County Sheriff's Office, TXHeart attack
2015-08-15Deputy Sheriff Carl HowellCarson City Sheriff's Department, NVGunfire
2015-08-14Sergeant Joseph J. AbdellaDetroit Police Department, MIHeart attack
2015-08-11Deputy Sheriff Craig WhisenandTazewell County Sheriff's Office, ILAuto accident
2015-08-09First Lieutenant Arthur A. Green, IIIMichigan Dept of Natural Resources, MIAircraft accident
2015-08-06Detective Brent L. HangerWashington State Patrol, WAHeart attack
2015-08-05Police Officer Thomas Joseph LaValleyShreveport Police Department, LAGunfire
2015-08-02Police Officer Sean Michael BoltonMemphis Police Department, TNGunfire
2015-08-01Deputy Sheriff Delton DanielsMarlboro County Sheriff's Office, SCAuto accident
2015-07-22Sergeant Scott LungerHayward Police Department, CAGunfire
2015-07-17Police Officer Vernell Brown, Jr.New Orleans Police Department, LAStruck by vehicle
2015-07-15Corrections Officer Timothy DavisonTexas Department of Criminal Justice, TXAssault
2015-07-12Patrolman John James WildingScranton Police Department, PAFoot pursuit (fall)
2015-07-07Correctional Officer Gregory MitchellGeorgia Department of Corrections, GAAccidental
2015-06-26Police Officer David Joseph NelsonBakersfield Police Department, CAVehicle pursuit
2015-06-25Sergeant Korby KennedySan Angelo Police Department, TXCycle accident
2015-06-24Sergeant Christopher KelleyHutto Police Department, TXVehicular assault
2015-06-23Trooper Eric K. ChrismanKentucky State Police, KYAuto accident
2015-06-20Police Officer Daryle HollowayNew Orleans Police Department, LAGunfire
2015-06-19Police Officer Sonny KimCincinnati Police Department, OHGunfire
2015-06-18Police Officer Rick SilvaChehalis Police Department, WAAssault
2015-06-16Sheriff Ladson O'ConnorMontgomery County Sheriff's Office, GAAuto accident
2015-05-30Trooper Anthony RaspaNew Jersey State Police, NJAuto accident
2015-05-28Police Officer Toure HeywoodGeorgia State University PD, GAStruck by vehicle
2015-05-25Officer Gregg "Nigel" BennerRio Rancho Police Department, NMGunfire
2015-05-25Sergeant Iris Janett SmithMS Department of Corrections, MSAuto accident
2015-05-24Patrolman James Bennett, Jr.Housing Authority of NOPD, LAGunfire
2015-05-23Trooper Taylor ThyfaultColorado State Patrol, COVehicular assault
2015-05-21Inspector Robert James BowlingNC DMV License and Theft Bureau, NCAuto accident
2015-05-20Detective Kerrie OrozcoOmaha Police Department, NEGunfire
2015-05-18Police Officer Richard MartinHouston Police Department, TXVehicular assault
2015-05-15Reserve Deputy Sonny SmithJohnson County Sheriff's Office, ARGunfire
2015-05-09Police Officer Liquori TateHattiesburg Police Department, MSGunfire
2015-05-09Police Officer Benjamin DeenHattiesburg Police Department, MSGunfire
2015-05-05Lieutenant Eric A. EslaryLigonier Township PD, PAAuto accident
2015-05-05Sergeant Greg MooreCoeur d'Alene Police Department, IDGunfire
2015-05-05Detective Paul J. KoropalAllegheny County DA's Office, PAHeart attack
2015-05-02Police Officer Brian MooreNew York Police Department, NYGunfire
2015-04-20Deputy Sheriff Gil DatanCoos County Sheriff's Office, ORAccidental
2015-04-12Police Officer Michael VillarrealPearsall Police Department, TXAuto accident
2015-04-10Corporal Scott R. ThompsonManchester Township PD, NJHeart attack
2015-04-07Police Officer Juandre GilliamJeanerette Police Department, LAVehicle pursuit
2015-04-06Police Officer Jared ForsythOcala Police Department, FLAccidental gunfire
2015-04-04Police Officer David Lee ColleyMontgomery Police Department, ALAuto accident
2015-03-24Police Officer Michael JohnsonSan Jose Police Department, CAGunfire
2015-03-24Trooper Trevor CasperWisconsin State Patrol, WIGunfire
2015-03-19Police Officer Alex YazzieNavajo Division of Public Safety, TRGunfire
2015-03-18Patrolman Adrian ArellanoEl Paso Police Department, TXCycle accident
2015-03-17Lieutenant Richard WoodsPell City Police Department, ALHeart attack
2015-03-15Police Officer Darryl WallaceClayton County Police Department, GAAuto accident
2015-03-13Trooper Donald R. Fredenburg, Jr.New York State Police, NYHeart attack
2015-03-12Patrolman George S. NissenStone Park Police Department, ILAssault
2015-03-11Police Officer Burke RhoadsNicholasville Police Department, KYAuto accident
2015-03-10Deputy U.S. Marshal Josie Wells United States Marshals Service, U.S.Gunfire
2015-03-10Deputy Sheriff Johnny GatsonWarren County Sheriff's Office, MSAuto accident
2015-03-07Police Officer Brennan RabainPrince George's County PD, MDAuto accident
2015-03-05Police Officer Robert Wilson, IIIPhiladelphia Police Department, PAGunfire
2015-03-05Lieutenant C. Scott TravisBullitt County Detention Center, KYHeart attack
2015-03-04Detective Terence Avery GreenFulton County Police Department, GAGunfire
2015-02-23Captain Neville Stanley Kealii ColburnHonolulu Police Department, HIHeart attack
2015-02-14Police Officer III Siegfred D. R. MorteraGuam Police Department, GUHeart attack
2015-01-31Trooper Nicholas DeesOklahoma Highway Patrol, OKStruck by vehicle
2015-01-30Detective Michael StarrettJacksboro Police Department, TNAuto accident
2015-01-28Patrolman Roger O'DellTown Creek Police Department, ALHeart attack
2015-01-28Deputy Sheriff Rodney CondallOrleans Parish Sheriff's Office, LAHeart attack
2015-01-26Sergeant Charles Kerry MitchumLoxley Police Department, ALAuto accident
2015-01-21Detective John Scott StevensOcean County Prosecutor's Office, NJAuto accident
2015-01-21Director of Investigations John GormanMississippi Gaming Commission, MSAccidental gunfire
2015-01-20Motor Officer Michael KernOlathe Police Department, KSHeart attack
2015-01-14Corrections Officer V Christopher DavisTexas Department of Criminal Justice, TXAuto accident
2015-01-14Corrections Officer V Eligio GarciaTexas Department of Criminal Justice, TXAuto accident
2015-01-10Assistant Chief Carl BorderlonBall Police Department, LAHeart attack
2015-01-09Police Officer Craig ChandlerBaltimore City Police Department, MDVehicle pursuit
2015-01-03Sergeant Sean RenfroJefferson County Sheriff's Office, COStruck by vehicle
2014-12-30Police Officer James E. Foster, Jr.Denham Springs Police Department, LACycle accident
2014-12-30Harbor Patrol Assistant Timothy MitchellAvalon Harbor Patrol, CADrowned
2014-12-29Special Police Officer Stephen PetruzzelloCliffside Park Police Department, NJStruck by vehicle
2014-12-29Bridge and Tunnel Officer Thomas ChoiTriborough B&T Authority Police, NYStruck by vehicle
2014-12-27Police Officer Tyler Jacob StewartFlagstaff Police Department, AZGunfire
2014-12-21Police Officer Charles KondekTarpon Springs Police Department, FLGunfire
2014-12-21Patrolman First Class Jamel ClagettCharles County Sheriff's Office, MDAuto accident
2014-12-20Police Officer Wenjian LiuNew York City Police Department, NYGunfire
2014-12-20Police Officer Rafael RamosNew York City Police Department, NYGunfire
2014-12-16Deputy Sheriff John Robert StreetGeorge County Sheriff's Office, MSAuto accident
2014-12-14Police Officer Richard ChampionPerryopolis Borough Police Dept, PAVehicle pursuit
2014-12-07Deputy Sheriff Grant William WhitakerIngham County Sheriff's Office, MIVehicle pursuit
2014-11-30Police Officer Ernest MontoyaNavajo Division of Public Safety, TRHeart attack
2014-11-26Agent Edwin O. Roman-AcevedoSan Juan Police Department, PRGunfire
2014-11-23Deputy Sheriff James "Bart" HartElmore County Sheriff's Office, ALAuto accident
2014-11-22Deputy Sheriff Christopher SmithLeon County Sheriff's Office, FLGunfire
2014-11-21Sergeant Alejandro "Alex" MartinezWillacy County Sheriff's Office, TXAuto accident
2014-11-19Sergeant Jeffrey Wayne GreeneUnion County Sheriff's Office, NCAuto accident
2014-11-16Police Officer Justin WinebrennerAkron Police Department, OHGunfire
2014-11-14Police Officer Ronald A. LeisureVeterans Affairs Police Services, U.S.Heart attack
2014-11-05Investigator Holmes SmithClarendon County Sheriff's Dept, SCAuto accident
2014-11-04Deputy Sheriff Darrell PerrittMaury County Sheriff's Department, TNVehicle pursuit
2014-11-02Deputy Sheriff Matthew ChismCedar County Sheriff's Office, MOGunfire
2014-11-01Constable Robert Parker WhiteEl Paso County Constable's Office , TXAssault
2014-10-31Police Officer David PayneChandler Police Department, AZVehicular assault
2014-10-29Deputy Sheriff Jesse Valdez, IIIHarris County Sheriff's Office, TXVehicular assault
2014-10-29Police Officer Shaun Richard DiamondPomona Police Department, CAGunfire
2014-10-28Deputy Sheriff Eugene KostiuchenkoVentura County Sheriff's Office, CAVehicular assault
2014-10-27Sergeant Jeffrey W. GarrettDothan Police Department, ALHeart attack
2014-10-26Officer Anthony HaaseRio Rancho Police Department, NMAuto accident
2014-10-26Patrolman Robert BlajszczakSummerville Police Department, SCHeart attack
2014-10-25Deputy Sheriff John WilliamsonButler County Sheriff's Office, ALHeart attack
2014-10-24Deputy Sheriff Danny OliverSacramento County Sheriff's Dept, CAGunfire
2014-10-24Investigator Michael David Davis, Jr.Placer County Sheriff's Department, CAGunfire
2014-10-24Detective Kagan DindarClarksville Police Department, TNHeart attack
2014-10-20Police Officer Eddie Johnson, Jr.Alton Police Department, MOAuto accident
2014-10-09Sergeant Michael Joe NaylorMidland County Sheriff's Office, TXGunfire
2014-09-30Police Officer Jordan CorderCovina Police Department, CACycle accident
2014-09-30Trooper David KedraPennsylvania State Police, PAAccidental gunfire
2014-09-21Police Officer Michael WilliamsNew York City Police Department, NYAuto accident
2014-09-18Senior Deputy Jessica Laura HollisTravis County Sheriff's Office, TXDrowned
2014-09-16Police Officer Reinaldo Arocha, Jr.Newark Police Department, NJHeart attack
2014-09-14Deputy Sheriff Michael NorrisMonroe County Sheriff's Office, GAGunfire
2014-09-12Border Patrol Agent Tyler R. Robledo United States Border Patrol, U.S.Auto accident
2014-09-12Corporal Bryon Keith Dickson, IIPennsylvania State Police, PAGunfire
2014-09-08Deputy Sheriff Joseph MatuskovicCharleston County Sheriff's Office, SCGunfire
2014-09-07Patrolman II Nickolaus E. SchultzMerrillville Police Department, INGunfire
2014-09-07Corporal Jason E. HarwoodTopeka Police Department, KSGunfire
2014-09-03Police Officer Daryl PiersonRochester Police Department, NYGunfire
2014-08-28Constable Cleve JohnsonTitus County Constable's Office, TXAuto accident
2014-08-25Agent Geniel Amaro-FantauzziPuerto Rico Police Department, PRGunfire
2014-08-23Chief of Police Michael PimentelElmendorf Police Department, TXGunfire
2014-08-14Deputy Sheriff Joseph James DunnCascade County Sheriff's Office, MTVehicular assault
2014-08-12Sheriff Mark A. HeckerButler County Sheriff's Office, NEHeart attack
2014-08-12Lieutenant Patrick LibertoneLos Angeles County Sheriff's Dept, CAHeart attack
2014-07-30Police Officer Scott PatrickMendota Heights Police Department, MNGunfire
2014-07-17Police Officer Christopher GoodellWaldwick Police Department, NJAuto accident
2014-07-13Detective Melvin SantiagoJersey City Police Department, NJGunfire
2014-07-06Patrolman Jeffrey Brady WesterfieldGary Police Department, INGunfire
2014-07-05Officer Perry W. RennIndianapolis Metropolitan Police Dept, INGunfire

First Names of Persons in Foregoing Tables
May All of Them Rest In Peace
Police Homicides in the US, Two Year Time SpanLaw Enforcement
Officers Killed in
the Line of Duty
Aaron (3)AbrahamAdam (4)Adam
Alan (4)AlbertAlejandro (2)Adrianna
Allen (3)AlphonseAltonAllen
AlvaAlvinAmilcarAnthony (3)
Andre (2)Andrew (9)AndyArthur
AngelAngeloAnthony (8)Ashley
Antonio (4)ArmondoArtagoBenjamin
AuraAustin (3)AutumnBrad (2)
BernardBettieBillyBrent (2)
BobbyBradfordBrandon (5)Brian
BrentBrian (6)BrockBryce
Bruce (3)BurtByron (2)Bryon
CameronCareyCarl (2)Carl (3)
CarterCaseyCecilCharles (2)
ChadCharles (8)CharleyChristopher (4)
CheChelseaChris (2)Cleve
ChristianChristieChristina (2)Craig (4)
Christopher (8)CinqueClarenceDaniel (2)
Cody (3)ColbyCorey (3)Danny
CoryCraig (3)CurtisDarrell (2)
Daniel (14)Danny FloydDaquanDarryl
DarinDarnellDarrell (2)Daryl
Darren (2)DarrienDarrin (2)Daryle
DarrylDavid (18)DavisDavid (6)
DemarisDemouriaDennis (4)Derek
DeravisDerek (2)DevenDiane
DevinDevonDewayne (2)Donald
Donald (3)DonteDougEddie
Dylan (2)Eddie TapiaEduardoEdwin
Edward (3)ElijahElishaEli
Elton (2)ElvinEnochEligio
Eric (6)Erick (2)ErnestEric (3)
FernandoFrancis (2)Francisco (3)Frank
Frank (2)FranklinFredGarrett
Freddie (3 (FrediFridoonGeniel
Garland (2)GarrettGary (3)George
GeraldGilbert (3)GiovanyGrant
GuadalupeGustavo (2)HagenGregg
HashimHectorHenry (2)Gregory (3)
IndiaInezIsaac (2)Holmes
IzzyJacaiJack (2)Jaimie
James (18)JanishaJaredJames (5)
Jason (8)JavontaJavorisJared
JeannetteJeffJeffery (5)Jason (3)
Jennifer (2)JerameJeremy (7)Jeffrey (4)
JermonteJeromeJerry (3)Jesse (2)
Jesse (3)Jessica (3)JessieJessica
JesusJimmy (2)JoannaJohn (7)
Joaquin (2)JoelJohn (17)Johnny
JohnathonJohnny (2)JonJordan
Jonathan (4)Jorge (2)Jose (6)Joseph (6)
Joseph (11)Josh (4)JosueJosie
JuliusJustin (4)JustusJuandre
Karen (2)KarinKashadKagan
KavondaKearaKeith (2)Kerrie
KelaKendrickKenneth (5)Kevin
KesawhnKevin (4)KhamisKorby
Larry (5)LashanoLawrenceLloyd
LonnieLorenLorenzoMark (3)
LoriLouisLuis (3)Matthew (2)
Luke (2)MacarioMackMelvin
MansurMarcoMarcus (2)Michael (13)
Mario (2)Mark (5)MarkellMiguel
Matthew (5)MelissaMicahNathan-Michael
Michael (15)MichelleMickeyNeville
Miguel (3)MillardMistyNicholas
NaimNancyNatashaPatrick (3)
Nathan (2)NathanielNedPaul
Nicholas (7)NolanNuwanahPerry
OlegOliverOmar (2)Peter
OrvillePablo (2)PamelaRandolph
Patrick (2)Paul (5)Pedro (3)Reinaldo
PeterPhilandoPhilip (3)Ricardo
PierreQuanDavierQuentinRichard (4)
QuseanRafaelRalphRobert (4)
RamiroRandalRandall (4)Rodney
RandolphRandyRaupheal (7)Roger
ReginaldRhiannonRichard (14)Ronald (2)
Ricky (5)Robert (12)Roberto (2)Rosario
Ronald (4)RosendoRubenRoy
Salvador (2)SamSamuel (2)Scot
Sandra (2)SantosScott (2)Scott (4)
SeanSeanSebastianSean (2)
ShaquilleSharrinderShaun (2)Sonny (2)
Stephen (2)Steven (4)StormSteven (4)
TerenceTerrellTerrenceThomas (3)
TerryThaddeusThomas (9)Timothy (2)
Tim (2)TimothyTodd (2)Tronoski
Tommy (2)TonTracyTyler (2)
Travis (3)TroyTrungVernell
TyrellTysonUsaamaWilliam (2)
ValerieVictor (2)Vincent 
WadeWalter (2)Warren
WendellWesley (2)Wilber
William (18)XavierYe