Some Things I Don't Care About

(That public media seemed to think were newsworthy)

This is Honey Badger. She doesn't care, either.

(Not necessarily in any order)

1) Political correctness
2) What Lady Gaga thinks
3) Kanye West's activities, opinions or problems
4) Paparazzi who get killed paparazziing
5) What happens to sperm donors - or donees (See #537)
6) Which team is likely to win, may win, is winning, or has won - anything
7) Opinions of Jane Valez-Mitchell
8) The Baseball Hall of Fame
9) Anything Honey Boo Boo (or her unpleasant family) does
10) News about Justin Bieber (or his monkey)
11) Reasons for committing suicide
12) The unpleasant consequences of fornication or adultery
13) Excuses for not getting flu shots
14) Arguments about why any jury is wrong
15) What Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy fundamentally believes
16) How, or even if, people who don't buy insurance survive catastrophe
17) What Lance Armstrong says
18) US criticism about how other nations handle terrorists
19) The alleged pain of losing imaginary girlfriends to imaginary leukemia
20) Problems experienced by people who voted for an obvious moron
21) The View (or, for that matter, The Talk)
22) Reasons for letting deranged people run around loose
23) The Special Olympics
24) News reports of what may happen or may have happened - or not
25) Evidence that the President was born other than where his mom was then
26) President Obama's speeches
27) Whether it's live or Memorex
28) How Canadians cut things - anywhere
29) Ideas proposed by New Mexico state Representative Cathrynn N. Brown
30) Dead bullies, even if their mommas think they were sweet kids
31) Opinions of people who claim the Supreme Court is wrong
32) To what political party mass murderers are alleged to belong
33) Organized demonstrations
34) How dung beetles navigate
35) The sexual identity of transgender people
36) Reasons why law-abiding responsible adults should not have weapons
37) Anything about American Idol
38) Apologies from people who don't try to make things right
39) Chris Brown's troubles
40) Analyses by Nancy Grace, and why she looks like the handmaid (See #188)
41) Reasons why productive contributors to society shouldn't be allowed to stay
42) Opinions of the Giffords or Schumer families about guns
43) Compromising pictures of people that end up on the Internet (See #335)
44) What my friends (or I) "like" in cyberspace
45) Surveys that ask customers specific questions why a business sucks
46) Facebook
47) Rhianna's love life
48) Travel problems encountered by people with emotional support animals
49) The insecurity of fashion models
50) Why Hillary cannot (or will) win anything
51) How, where, when, why, with what, or even if, Jodi Arias killed Travis Alexander
52) PETA
53) What or how Sarah Nelson feels
54) Black history
55) What Elijah Black's family thinks
56) Blizzards
57) The citizenship of self-identified terrorists
58) What anybody named Jesse Jackson thinks, claims or believes
59) The opinions of anyone claiming to be Trayvon Martin or Cecil the Lion
60) Strange enemas
61) Suspensions or expulsions of smart-ass high school students
62) Conspiracy theories
63) Anything, anything at all, Oscar Pistorious ever did
64) Maureen O'Connor's medical problem(s)
65) Anything about Howard Stern or his family
66) Ocean cruises to, from, in, near, or resembling, hell
67) Reasons/excuses for being a butthead, especially by members of Congress
68) The problems, traumas or opinions of obnoxious, wimpy teenagers
69) Bill Clinton's military experience - or lack thereof
70) Brendan Fraser's financial troubles
71) Warren Buffett's fridge
72) Tiger being wasted, or his relationship with some blond broad
73) Predictions from Scripture
74) Robin's journey
75) Slurs, epithets, insults, aspersions, and stuff like that
76) Problems single mothers have getting public housing
77) Financial difficulties of people with tattoos
78) Anything in any way related to anyone named "Little Poopy"
79) How parents of fat kids feel about being told their kids are fat
80) Speculation about papal elections
81) Why Bradley Manning did whatever he was eventually convicted of doing
82) Anything having to do with Dennis Rodman
83) Objections of mothers of convicts to the way their kids are treated
84) Anything about Harlem (except Globetrotters)
85) What Joan Rivers said, says, is about to say, or might have said
86) Why Congress can't get its act together
87) Criticisms of Anne Hathaway
88) Westboro Baptist theology or philosophy
89) Reasons for not knowing how to wear pants - or a hat (See #548)
90) Sports Illustrated swimsuit photos, especially those without swimsuits
91) Opinions or demands of anonymous critics
92) Problems resulting from giving children one's smart phone password
93) Hospice residents not getting CPR where they agree in writing not to get CPR
94) Public college band member Darwin Award winners - even if they had help
95) What Representative Frank Wolf wants
96) How Argentines feel about the Falkland Islands
97) Senator Rand Paul's position on anything
98) What happens to anyone who freely enters a lion's cage smelling like food
99) Anti-violence rhetoric from people who condone abortion
100) Blogs
101) Anything self-inflicted by James Egan Holmes
102) The gender or color of people who get arrested, injured or killed for baiting cops
103) Political cartoons
104) How or under what circumstances gangs that steal vehicles get killed in them
105) The consequences of claiming to have had consensual sex with a 16-year-old
106) High-profile politicians who changed their positions on gay marriage
107) Senator Dianne Feinstein's reasons for anything
108) Michael Bloomberg's opinions
109) Anything about "Lil' Wayne"
110) What might, will, does or did frighten cowardly people
111) Arguments that shooting babies is somehow "the community's" fault
112) Condemnation of Mother Teresa
113) Disparagement of Pope Francis (aka Mrs. Bergoglio's son Jorge)
114) Sheryl Sandberg's definitions
115) Where bat-eating spiders live
116) What Madonna Ciccone wants the Boy Scouts of America to do or avoid
117) Opinions of "Michelle Shocked"
118) The unfairness of whatever happens to smart-ass convicted murderers
119) Reactions of people who buy real fur thinking it is fake fur that just looks real
120) Michael Moore and/or Piers Morgan
121) How, why, or to what extent President Obama looks like Satan in "The Bible"
122) Studio juries
123) Whether my neighbors are or are not offended by firearms in my home
124) Objections of fat people to paying their fair share
125) Proposed solutions to violent crime that don't involve getting rid of criminals
126) The racial identity of anybody's ancestors
127) Job discrimination against people who don't mind their own business
128) Reallocation of Senate committee funding
129) Financial problems of Americans who buy bottled water
130) Opportunities missed by buying loud sound systems instead of Internet access
131) Professional sports injuries (See #294)
132) What Newtown families have to say about guns
133) How to become an Icelandic citizen
134) Libertarianism
135) Opinions of Mika Brzezinski and/or Jonathan Chait
136) LinkedIn
137) Criticism about complementing other people
138) Scientific conclusions of Texas Representative Joe Barton
139) Michelle Obama's tears
140) Adverse self images of fat, ugly or obnoxious people
141) Anything having to do with anyone named Jay-Z
142) Financial difficulties of tax cheaters
143) Whom some people think silhouette shooting targets resemble
144) What a real Barbie (or any other fantasy figure) would look like
145) What Representative Steve King has to say
146) The indignation of obnoxious legislators whose asinine bills are defeated
147) Senator Lindsey Graham's opinions
148) Where terrorists purchase(d) their apparel, hardware, or kitchen utensils
149) Problems with Charlie Rangel's ethics censure
150) Consequences of the cinnamon challenge
151) What stupid people, regardless of how many, believe
152) Problems associated with being openly gay
153) What terrorism suspects think is fair
154) The religious affiliation of any public official (including the President)
155) Whom any magazine picks as the most or best anything
156) The Growing Pains of Jonathan Krohn
157) What mean, obnoxious people think about anyone
158) Getting fired for doing things one agreed not to do to get the job
159) Reasons to hate somebody, especially if she's rich, famous and beautiful
160) The gender identification of people who keep it to themselves (See #469)
161) Humiliation from doing socially unacceptable things in public
162) Reasons for not totally forgetting Michael Jackson
163) What a mother of biracial kids has discovered
164) Charles Ramsey's past
165) What psychics have to say about anything
166) Celebrity nail art
167) Cicada recipes and cooking tips
168) Klout
169) What Jaden Smith wants
170) Jean Casarez' gut feelings
171) Twitter
172) How scared/anxious/frustrated/terrified/etc. people were
173) The difference, if any, between prayer and exorcism
174) What, how, for what purpose, or even if, Alice Eve thinks
175) Opinions about food marketing by smart-ass well-fed WASP children
176) Bachelors, bachelorettes or anything about them, including whether or not they are gay
177) Indignation about taxes anyone legally avoided
178) Teenage Moron Ninja Terrorist fantasizers
179) Whatever asinine idea or candidate Newt Gingrich currently endorses
180) Tornadoes in places where there have always been tornadoes
181) Mars rats - or crabs - or floating ladies
182) What happens to car thieves who don't know how to drive
183) How, why, or even if Michael Douglas got throat cancer
184) Why the IRS spent my hard-earned money for stupid shit
185) Polygamy
186) Investigative findings of Yeshiva of Flatbush school
187) Who leads the invocations in anyone's state legislature
188) America Behind Bars (See #40)
189) Any city councilwoman's serious concerns about more guns in homes
190) The unpleasant consequences of disloyalty
191) Antics of Tim Tebow
192) The resulting tribulations of irresponsible jurors
193) People who confuse the meaning of "whistleblower" and "traitor"
194) Anything having to do with daytime Emmy awards
195) Purported reasons why men are responsible for menopause
196) Miss "anything" contestants' answers
197) Statements from the Peoples of African Descent Working Group
198) The Voice
199) Apologies for saying that teens really shouldn't get blind, stupid drunk
200) Whether morbid obesity is a loathsome disease or a lack of self control
201) The legacy of Tony Soprano
202) Why, for what, to what degree, or even if, Paula Deen is really, truly sorry
203) What Irish MPs have to say about our President
204) People who think his family, not a doctor, should decide somebody is dead
205) The tribulations and/or ultimate fate of Edward Snowden
206) Anything about Corey Monteith
207) Scientology
208) The "take" on anything by any animal named "Snoop"
209) Why some people think they are or should be above the law
210) The doings or opinions of Beyonce and/or Jay-Z (See #141)
211) People who are famous for "taking down" other people
212) What happens to jurors who don't do their duty
213) What happens to jurors who do their duty and then bitch about it
214) The "devastation" of other people's beliefs, expressed or otherwise
215) The difference, if any, between a twisted pervert and a despicable monster
216) Etiology of Weiner-Filner Syndrome
217) Complaints about privacy invasion by anyone with a social network account
218) The claims of anyone represented by Gloria Allred - or Benjamin Crump
219) Whether there is bacteria in anything that is supposed to be cooked
220) Pharmaceutical use by professional athletes
221) The opinions of people who consider distressed clothing fashionable
222) Arguments for wearing shower shoes in public
223) How mentally ill a convicted murderer must be to avoid execution
224) Fake boobs
225) The precise distinction between "overabundance of caution" and "cowardliness"
226) Anyone's concern about a thirty eight thousand dollar handbag (!)
227) Reasons for not shooting a cold-blooded murderer and kidnapper
228) Excuses for using campaign contributions as one's private piggy bank
229) What might or might not be in Area 51, wherever that may be
230) Arguments for gays in the military that ignore Bradley Manning
231) Whoever or whatever "Duck Dynasty" is about - or why
232) Jesselyn Radack's opinion on anything
233) Positions espoused by people with zero tolerance
234) Who plays Batman, as long as he's good - and not Mick Jagger
235) "Holding dictators accountable" instead of just eliminating the SOBs
236) Anyone else's dreams
237) Pornography, in color or any combination of black and white
238) Twerking, including fake YouTube videos thereof
239) Breaking Bad
240) People who think being a rap star is a good thing (See #3)
241) Revenge (unless it backfires on the perpetrator, which is usually funny)
242) Whatever ultimately happens to Greenpeace "demonstrators"
243) Who has threatened to sue whom about what
244) What Ariel Castro and his guards did or didn't do in prison
245) Kwame Kilpatrick
246) Why Edward Snowden or his father did, are doing, or will do anything
247) The doings of Bruce and/or Kris (or any other) Jenner
248) Anything having to do with digital currency
249) The consequences of injecting oneself with krokodil
250) What happens to motorcyclists who deliberately disobey traffic laws
251) Excuses for letting one's demented relatives do things that result in their death
252) Why people deliberately set themselves on fire
253) How many times it takes to execute a convict's death sentence (See #316)
254) What celebrities look like doing personal things
255) The problems incurred by people who sass and/or assault police
256) What Robert Downey Jr. says
257) Shopping while black (See #141, also #226)
258) The consequences of threatening people with a fake gun
259) Activities sponsored, instigated, approved, or participated in by Al Sharpton
260) Whether or not Michelle Tanner wore designer clothes
261) Julianne Hough's Halloween makeup
262) Grand jury indictments of people who turned out to be totally innocent
263) Government monitoring of electromagnetic radiation - period
264) The opinions of anyone who favors "unisex" military uniforms
265) What authority is required for concealed carry permit photo processing fees
266) Opinions of fat women in bikinis about anyone else's beach attire
267) Concerns about privacy of people who have public cell phone conversations
268) Who or what killed Yassir Arafat, as long as he's still dead
269) Antics of Canadian mayors
270) The reproductive preferences of male lizards
271) Instagram envy
272) How a Tea Party third candidate could actually be successful
273) What happens to anyone trying to prove that sharks are man's best friends
274) Reasons why William Potts should not immediately be sent back to Cuba
275) What, how, why or under what circumstances Martin MacNeill did with or to his wife
276) Reasons why people involved in car crashes should not be more careful
277) Arguments regarding the Second Amendment that involve hunting
278) Unhappiness of people who help convict their parents of capital crimes
279) Getting groped, even if it actually happened
280) How sorry the President is or isn't about anything
281) Suggestive emails
282) New evidence about the Kennedy assassination - any Kennedy assassination
283) What happens to Anonymous hackers
284) The views on gay marriage of anyone named "Chaney"
285) Google Map or Google Earth images of dead people
286) Movies, stories, books or songs about how bad slavery (or apartheid) was
287) Tori spelling's financial troubles
288) How many people think my doctor should do other than what I want
289) The fate of an American voluntary tourist in North freaking Korea
290) Who suffers from what as the result of their pharmaceutical abuse
291) Martin Bashir's apology - about anything
292) What color Michelle Obama's (or her husband's) ancestors were
293) People who get killed driving (or riding) fast and furiously on a city street
294) Signs of chronic brain injury in living football players (See #131)
295) Dead presidents of other countries
296) The supposed "color" of celebrities most people don't know are "black"
297) What sentences are imposed by judges for crimes that don't involve me
298) Anything any Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade commentator has to say
299) What color Santa Claus is alleged to be or have been
300) Opinions, statements or positions of Brigitte Gabriel
301) The injustice of being killed for deliberately annoying anyone openly carrying a gun
302) Ethical concerns involved in withholding medical treatment from dead people
303) Suffering of professional football players because of bad things said to them
304) What happens to religious people who mess with poisonous snakes
305) How wonderful somebody who died from abusing illegal drugs was
306) Whoever Ted Nugent is or why he's sorry
307) What millionaires think other people should do with their real estate
308) How "used" women who sleep with other women's husbands feel
309) The opinions of anyone who disagrees that Boomer Esiason is a misogynist
310) The "Gay," "Black," "Amish," "Mormon," or even "regular" Mafia
311) Who Andre Johnson or Ray Rice are, what they did, why, or how it all turns out
312) What the Gulfport, Mississippi's "Notify Me" system considers "emergencies"
313) Complaints of sexism by professional cheerleaders - or "beauty contestants"
314) Outrage of millionaires who don't feel their employers respect them
315) And what Spike Lee has to say about it - or anything else
316) "Botched" legal executions - as long as the executee ends up dead (See #253)
317) Pictures of famous people's sick or deceased relatives
318) The unpleasant outcome of throwing rocks where a riot is taking place
319) The unpleasant outcome of watching throwing rocks where a riot is taking place
320) Repercussions of punishing others for expressing contrary opinions
321) Whether "global warming" or "climate change" is the appropriate term
322) Photoshopped yearbook pictures of students who didn't follow the dress code rules
323) Reasons for stopping one's car on the tracks of an oncoming train
324) Whether paparazzi intrusion is more like being "raped" or "violated"
325) The alleged injustice of firing a general officer who screws up - even once
326) "Justifications" for dating somebody of a different race/gender/religion/whatever
327) Theological opinions of JackAsh Craft and/or Kate Kelly
328) The result of voluntarily walking into an elevator that isn't there
329) What happens to people who disregard warnings to leave a military target area
330) What people who commit crimes "just got out of"
331) Criticisms of anyone or anything, especially Israel, by Hamas
332) Deletion of Instagram accounts of people who post selfies in their underwear
333) Reasons for paying any amount of money to terrorists for anything
334) Anything on the Internet, anything at all, about Oprah - or Rachel Ray
335) Where information people put in "the cloud" eventually ends up (See #43)
336) Allegations of racism by Daniele Watts and her ilk
337) Excuses for trying to become a victim, especially if it works
338) "Domestic violence" between consenting adults
339) "Overreaction" to "joking" threats brutally to murder somebody
340) Justifications for appointing incompetent people to head government agencies
341) Claims for vehicular accident injuries by people who weren't wearing seat belts
342) Whether decapitation of a coworker is "workplace violence" or "terrorism"
343) The opinions of people who don't have any positive ideas
344) What happens to those who consider civil rights more important than responsibilities
345) Aliens who invite their sick relatives here and then bitch about it when they die
346) The unpleasant consequences of making a big thing about "coming out"
347) Public concern over diseases that are less likely to kill me than inattentive drivers
348) Loss of civil rights by people who don't pay their bills
349) Online petitions
350) The trials and tribulations of living in or near Ferguson, Missouri
351) Assertions that bureaucrats, not doctors, know best how to protect public health
352) The unpleasant consequences of unwaveringly believing ridiculous crap
353) Who killed Osama bin Laden, as long as he got the job done
354) Alex from Target
355) Full frontal (or backal, sidal, toppal, etc.) nudity
356) Racist Twitter handles
357) Bad things that happen to people who confuse "demonstrating" and "rioting"
358) Accusations of celebrity misconduct made "later" or "again" of to others than "authorities"
359) Arguments against any profiling that demonstrably helps to apprehend actual criminals
360) How Social Security still discriminates against same-sex couples
361) Whether or not anybody I don't personally know had cosmetic surgery
362) Assertions that one's recognized gender is irrevocably defined by an old piece of paper
363) Pressure that was or was not inside anybody's balls except mine
364) The opinions of people who claim that "HIV is OK"
365) What eventually happens to Pamela Gellar and her associates
366) Hardships of people who perform only services nobody needs
367) Subjects about which Prince Charles ever wrote letters
368) Alleged crimes of which Josh Duggar was never convicted
369) Actual or anticipated political positions of the NAACP
370) What people who claim that Happy Meal Minions (or Hachimals) talk dirty believe
371) Repercussions to any woman who starts a physical fight with a man
372) Why the black guy drops broker Chris Hill into the shark tank
373) Ben Carson's life
374) Arguments that it's OK to annoy or endanger others because one has "disabilities"
375) Insane people's lunatic motives for doing crazy things (See #381)
376) The precise difference, if any, between a Socialist and a Democrat
377) Objections of sexist panel moderators to rebukes from their targets
378) Ashley Madison or its (their?) clients
379) Whether, or to what degree, Baltimore Ravens' training is like childbirth
380) Whatever "Straight Outta Compton" is about, unless it's photon scattering
381) Reasons angry pathetic misfits might have for murdering people (See #375)
382) Religious rights of people who accept money for a job they refuse to do
383) Anything that ever happened to James Blake
384) Whether or not the White House blocked some smartass teenager's Twitter account
385) How shamed some nursing mother feels about being told not to hog the aircraft toilet
386) What happens to anyone who spends $75,000 on drugs and whores over one weekend
387) The consequences of going on a hunger strike - no matter how long
388) How, to what degree, or even if one's color makes one's life "matter"
389) The life, times or adventures of "El Chapo"
390) Water in Flint, Michigan
391) Ethnic diversity of the Academy Awards
392) How Russia deals with its rogue secret agents
393) Arguments that people shouldn't pay for municipal utilities they continue to use
394) Misfortunes of people who call 911 to ambush responders
395) Anything having to do with anyone named "Kardassian" - or "Chyna"
396) Reasons for voting for somebody as incompetent as Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
397) Anything that the President's friends, family or supporters have to say about him
398) Concerns about the disposition of the estate of the artist formerly known as "alive"
399) Amber Heard's marital problems
400) The precise difference, if any, between "an act of hate" and "an act of terror"
401) The opinions of anybody who considers "faith" a qualification for public office
402) Weight loss tips from famous fat people (See #670)
403) Anything, anything at all, the federal government promises
404) What David Benham heard the Holy Spirit say during his meeting
405) How many ISIS militants were killed, unless it's "all of them"
406) Anxiety of or about demonstrators with guns where police were, or are being, shot
407) "Brangelina," whatever that is
408) Arguments that anyone with no qualifications for any public office should be President
409) Consequences of holding a sign opposing the candidate at his political rally
410) Emojis
411) "Black" day shopping
412) The misfortune of getting stuck in ductwork of someplace one is trying to rob
413) The alleged injustice of dying while residing illegally in a junk-filled firetrap
414) "Westworld" and/or "Game of Thrones"
415) The supposed "challenge" posed by people doing absolutely nothing
416) George Michael (or his husband(s))
417) The painful results of physically assaulting somebody who can break your face
418) Getting burned by one's own electronic cigarettes
419) Pokemon Go
420) What Emma Watson puts on any of her hair
421) What users of free airline tickets think of the airline's dress code
422) Objections by airline passengers who trigger TSA alarms to being patted down
423) Injuries sustained as a consequence of refusing a lawful order to exit an aircraft
424) Whatever happens to someone who challenges a uniformed police officer to a fight
425) Someone being denied a lung transplant because he smokes - anything
426) Complaints about the "Fearless Girl" statue by any other artist
427) Offenses taken about portrayal of giving somebody a commercial soft drink
428) Prince's drugs - any prince's drugs
429) Opinions of people who confuse "inappropriate" with "unlawful"
430) Reactions of anyone who claims "Looking good, girl" is sexual harassment
431) Outrage about police shooting, or not shooting, children thought to be carrying firearms
432) Deaths of people from diseases against which they chose not to be vaccinated
433) Anything having to do with anyone named "Ne Yo" or "Taye Diggs"
434) Opinions of somebody who claims that "talking into a microphone" is sexually suggestive
435) Anything Oklahoma Representative John R. Bennett says
436) Protests against events that have already occurred
437) Reasons or excuses about why "the gun just went off!"
438) The misfortunes of people with "conditions" who travel without proper preparation
439) The tribulations of those who believe that having a birthday cake makes them special
440) Opinions of people who claim that "Thank you for your service" is insulting
441) Reminders of slavery at or near a museum dedicated to reminders of slavery
442) Destruction of careers of celebrities who deliberately shock and outrage the public
443) What happens to mothers who are complicit in the murders of their children
444) Arguments that felonies are somehow less serious if committed by natural-born citizens
445) Assertions that restricting entry from other countries will keep out British terrorists
446) Reasons for not cooperating on reversing climate change (especially stupid ones)
447) What "color," if any, Jews or Israelis (including Wonder Woman) are
448) Justifications for the President being stupid, ignorant, childish, crazy... whatever
449) Financial woes of any city that spends a million dollars to remove historical memorials
450) Injuries sustained by using one's cell phone instead of watching where she's going
451) Sentences imposed for conviction of interstate travel to participate in a riot
452) Willingness of a notorious habitual liar to tell "his side of the story under oath"
453) Reasons somebody "reached for something" after telling a police officer he had a gun!
454) Excuses for murdering, or being an accessory to murder of, a child
455) Why the rapist thought the underage victim was 18
456) What happens to somebody who sells illegal drugs to children, as long as it's bad
457) The tragic consequences of successfully becoming socially repugnant
458) Contrary opinions of friends or relatives of an alleged victim of an acquitted defendant
459) Feelings of shame of obese people because of problems caused by their size
460) Allegations of racism against a drug dealer who goes by the name "Quarshaud Deshea"
461) Child slaves on any planet (including Mars) other than Earth
462) Financial and other misfortunes of recreational marijuana users
463) The alleged injustice of getting fired for violating employer rules "for a good reason"
464) Losing one's job while he or she is out on strike
465) "Issues" of convicted felons
466) Claims that being stopped for windows so dark the driver can't be seen is "racial profiling"
467) Arguments for exclusion of evidence the defendant posted on the Internet
468) Allegations of discrimination against someone named after a Disney cartoon character
469) Other people's private sexual activities, preferences, fantasies or identity (See #160)
470) Condemnation of contractors for not following non-existent safety regulations
471) Consequences of falsely reporting theft of one's cocaine to police
472) Bankruptcy of parents who think their child's death puts them above the law
473) Allegations by anyone named Trump that anyone else lied about anything
474) Colon Kaepernick (Yeah, I spelled it right!)
475) Whether or not women are biologically or emotionally suited for technical jobs
476) Excuses for advancing on uniformed police officers holding "something"
477) Otto Warmbier and/or Fred Goldman
478) Claims by, or opinions of, Frederica "No Cattle" Wilson or Rose "Bare Butt" McGowan
479) Allegations of sexual harrassment by professional "sex symbols" (See #358)
480) Who killed Biggie and/or Tupac
481) Assertions that claiming "He raped me" by enough people constitutes evidence
482) "Sincerely held religious convictions" of mean-spirited, annoying bigots
483) Anything about Lil Peep or Meek Mill
484) Disasters involving "Mad Mike" Hughes or his fake rocket
485) Positions taken by LaVar Bell or his unpleasant family
486) Reasons for making a film about a dead murdering, rotten, detestible SOB
487) How, why, when, from what, or even if Tom Petty and/or Fredo Santana died
488) Where, with whom (or what), a President alledgedly had consentual sex
489) Excuses for assigning a male pervert as physician for female athletes
490) What anyone named Trump thinks about himself
491) Telephone messages that begin, "This is an important mess..." or "Hello. This is Cong...."
492) Allegations of ex-wives or former partners
493) Religious beliefs expressed by the robocaller of Hurricane Bible Church
494) What "really happened" on The Bachelor, or other crazy-ass show
495) Whatever Jehovah's Witnesses are all about
496) How severely a demonstrator who interferes with emergency traffic is injured
497) Opinions of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students
498) The precise concentration of illegal drugs that constitutes "an exceptionally high level"
499) Activities, opinions, reports, political positions or feelings of Dr. Harold Bornstein
500) Cultural appropriation, regardless of whose "culture" it is
501) How the police handle professional athletes who obstruct handicapped parking spaces
502) Unfortunate consequences of installing a full-time electronic spy in one's home
503) What Jesse Duplantis really believes about Jesus Christ - or anyone else
504) The injustice of "special needs" students having to attend summer school to graduate
505) Reasons for pardoning someone convicted of trafficking in a weapon of mass destruction
506) Anything about Mac Miller
507) To what degree Elizabeth Warren is or is not an American Indian and why anyone else cares
508) What has happened, is happening, may happen, or will happen to Megyn Kelly
509) The tragedy of a boy being bullied because he wears conspicuous nail polish to school (See #551)
510) Endorsement of political candidates by celebrities because they're the same "color"
511) What happens to a man who kisses another man in public without his permission
512) What other people think about whether a mother should let another mother nurse her baby
513) Opinions of people who claim that gender, ethnicity or age are "fluid"
514) Hurt, annoyance, anger, vexation, irritation, frustration or outrage of touchy people (See #604)
515) Blame, shame, or culpability, especially if assigned by somebody else
516) The injustice of enabling one's own victimization
517) The onus of a school not reporting misdeeds that all the victims didn't report, either
518) Judgments of me or others by people who are not, in fact, judges (See #575)
519) The alleged tragedy of social misfits happily doing things that ultimately kill them
520) What the inside of Chris and Shannan Watts' house looks like
521) Halls of fame, and who or what is in, or not in, them
522) The positions, concerns or opinions of anyone wearing a "MAGA" cap
523) The precise difference between a "hip hop" artist and a "rapper," and why they're in jail
524) The dreadfulness of the consequences of poking bears - any bears
525) Allegations of police "torture" by a suspect who forcefully resisted arrest
526) Demands for resignation of elected officials who haven't been convicted of doing anything wrong
527) What happens to someone who fakes his assault to show how prejudiced everybody else is
528) What Rihanna was or was not wearing on my (or anyone else's) birthday
529) The injustice of not being able to make bail and back child support and delinquent rent
530) The legitimacy of anybody's "blackness" - whatever the hell that means!
531) Justification for "all female" events that don't involve having babies or selling cookies
532) Lack of federal support for contests that deliberately exclude potential winners
533) Anybody who calls himself something as stupid as "Nipsey Hustle"
534) "Touching" concerns of people who are OK with "grabbin' 'em by the pussy"
535) Adversities of people whose religion condones hateful behavior
536) Reasons for, or purposes of, Alyssa Milano's unsatisfactory sex life
537) The "heartbreak" of giving birth to the "wrong" perfectly healthy baby boys (See #5)
538) Someone's shame of being told to cover up on an airliner because she's dressed like a whore
539) The regret of not reporting being raped until years after it allegedly happened (See #544)
540) The public image of a celebrity whose spokesperson looks like a thug or a prostitute
541) The harshness of sentences for recording one's kids committing felonies - or on the kids
542) Anything about video game championships
543) LGBTQ history
544) Frustration of past victims because their abusers have died (See #539)
545) How outraged somebody is that her son was killed pulling a gun on a police officer (See #547)
546) Anything about Jeffrey Epstein other than that he's still dead
547) In what part of his body the fleeing suspect was shot by police (See #545)
548) The opinions of anybody who doesn't know how to wear his own clothes in public (See #89)
549) The precise difference between an ICBM and a "projectile" of the exact same design
550) Reasons for IVF impregnation of a post-menopausal woman
551) Problems of grade schoolers caused by deliberately looking like the opposite gender (See #509)
552) Reasons for "freedom dividends," and how they differ from "bribes"
553) Current outrage over lawful things done in private long ago that harmed no one
554) Past, present or future problems of Antonio Brown
555) "Hate On Display" databases, and whatever is in them
556) Civil legislation proposed by Bernie Sanders
557) Positions taken on any issue by the Freedom from Religion Foundation
558) Objections to acts of forgiveness by other people
559) Astonishment that two women can change a voltage regulator in only seven hours
560) Arguments that feminine hygiene products should not suggest use by women (See #685)
561) The opinions of anyone who asserts that all intelligent people are rich
562) The disproportionate impact of communicable diseases on obnoxious people (See #580)
563) Allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, or Tara Reade
564) What happens to people who don't believe in the danger of recognized pandemics (See #582)
565) Why somebody was wandering around in somebody else's house without permission
566) Jobs lost because the employees were protesting instead of working
567) Fired employees who chose not to come to work because unemployment paid more
568) Thoughts, feelings, statements or beliefs of Ilhan Omar
569) Bad things that happen to people who make false, racist accusations to the police
570) Anything having to do with any member of the Tiger royal family
571) Claims of moral outrage or superiority by gangs of rioters and looters (See #576)
572) Exhortations for or against violence by anybody named "Killer"
573) Demands for justice (or anything else) from people involved in a riot
574) People who died from deliberately exposing themselves to a fatal disease
575) Allegations of racism of others by people who themselves are avowed racists (See #518)
576) Demands by anarchists for me to resolve their problems (See #571)
577) Misfortunes caused by choosing to believe that human evolution is not ongoing
578) Claims that supporters of opposing political candidates advocate absurd things
579) The tragic consequences of trying to force a barricade guarded by armed thugs
580) Injury or death of protesters who weren't at home minding their own business (See #562)
581) White House lists of occasions when anyone else was "wrong"
582) Consequences of a belief that protective masks are basically a political statement (See #564)
583) What people who play games for a living, or their teams, are or aren't going to do
584) Anything said, done or thought by anybody who goes by a name that includes "Tha God"
585) Political opinions of minor children
586) Reasons for bringing proscribed medication to a theme park
587) Tips about how not to acquire a fatal disease from people who acquired the fatal distase
588) Concerns about the future of varsity or professional sports
589) Apologies by convicted felons to their victims or their families
590) Anything about Nancy Pelosi's hairdresser
591) Chadwick Boseman
592) Allegations of sexism by Miley Cyrus or her ilk
593) Opinions about Harry and Meghan except those of Harry and Meghan, and maybe the Queen
594) Anything about Eddie Van Halen
595) Increase in crime in communities that defund police
596) What happens to people with body piercings worth more than they are
597) Reasons for breaking into anyone's capitol building
598) Objections of someone to content of TV shows one is voluntarily watching (See #609)
599) Products to make me look, feel, think, act or smell like a member of a disadvantaged minority
600) Rush Limbaugh
601) Where, when, with whom, or for what reason Ted Cruz goes on vacation
602) Astronomical power bills to Texans who freely chose wholesale power rate billing
603) Problems paying off student loans by people who didn't learn anything useful
604) Racial or cultural images in Dr. Seuss books (See #514)
605) Allegations of sexual harassment years after they alledgedly occurred (See #610)
606) Criticism of motion pictures by different standards from those when they were made
607) Acts of other countries' governments against their own people that don't concern me
608) The alledged 17 dirty jokes in childrens' movies, and why they're dirty
609) Offenses to bystanders from others' activities to which they were paying attention (See #598)
610) How many women accuse Mario Cuomo of things they decided later they didn't like (See #605)
611) Reasons why insurrectionists are trying to get themselves killed (especially if they succeed!)
612) Who the richest black person in the world is
613) Not being able to travel to Tokyo for the Olympics
614) Claims of what "The People" want from those who are not, in fact, elected officials
615) Resulting bankruptcy of investors in commodities of no intrinsic value
616) What Sharon Osborne or Piers Morgan are going to do now
617) Consequences of other than police officers carrying loaded firearms into a grocery store
618) What bystanders who interfered with a arrest in progress really wanted to happen
619) Damage to Representative Matt Gaetz's reputation from things he actually did
620) Anybody who was "duped" into giving a candidate more money than they intended
621) Getting shot by police as a direct result of deliberately doing something illegal
622) Violent death of somebody who was basically an obnoxious SOB anyway
623) Consequences of "becoming confrontational" after, or while, "taking to the streets"
624) Opinions of anyone too stupid to wear a surgical mask correctly
625) Pandemic deaths in cities that have to throw away expired vaccine
626) Oprah's experiences as a little girl
627) To precisely what extent Tucker Carlson is certifiably insane
628) Troubles of people who think "making a citizen's arrest" involves kidnapping and murder
629) Criticism by a criminal suspect of the FBI's respect of his Fourth Amendment rights
630) Belief that kissing a woman without her permission is somehow worse than murdering one
631) What happens to a murder suspect who confiscates an escaped tiger, regardless of who owns it
632) The advertised merits of products intended to be used solely by women
633) Opinions of anybody who thinks January 6th, 2021, was "a normal day" at the US Capitol
634) Misfortunes of people who elected Andrew Clyde or Marjorie Taylor Green to represent them
635) What Kevin McCarthy or Jim Jordan think, feel, believe or say
636) How humiliated black kids feel because they are required to obey rules that apply to all
637) Arguments not to consider scholastic achievement as a criterion for college attendance
638) Celebrities who "come out as non-binary" (See #641)
639) Misfortunes of people who carry gasoline in trash bags
640) Unleasant consequences of being or siding with members of HAMAS
641) Assertions that "it" or "its" are not gender neutral English singular pronouns (See #638)
642) Whether or not strangers I meet are vaccinated
643) Opinions of Angela Levin and Kelly Hartog
644) Anything about the Marvel Universe or its inhabitants
645) Fireworks shortages
646) Kardashians, singly or in groups
647) Macy Gray
648) Whether or not I will need a booster shot
649) President Obama's favorite music
650) Why the crazy Fingerhut lady mows her lawn with a non-functional mower
651) Hanes gay themed underwear
652) How Saweetie does it
653) Josh Hawley, his adorable kids, beautiful wife, or "religious faith"
654) Who "celebrities" think should be doing what on TV
655) Distress of performers who flaunt their unhealthy obesity to being "body shamed"
656) What happens to people who take veterinary medication for anything
657) Nick Cannon's sex life, or lack thereof
658) Madonna's butt
659) Why it's hard to maintain a sex life with Will Smith - or that it is - or isn't
660) Outrage over minor retouching of androgynous grade school photos
661) Objections to social media postings of somebody posing next to her father's casket
662) How other people think an entertainer should react to being assaulted on stage (See #684)
663) Opinions of those who claim "self defense" involves chasing and killing people
664) Whether men or women are better investors
665) Matthew McConaughey's position on vaccination - or anything else
666) Toilet habits of famous people, especially jocks
667) Product endorsements by bizarre, creepy, freaky, unnatural or weird people (See #677)
668) Reasons why a minimum wage should be sufficient to support a family (of any size)
669) Anything about Bob Saget
670) Health products or services recommended by obviously unhealthy people (See #402)
671) The "inclusivity" of M&Ms that don't have any white ones
672) The opinions of anyone who refers to a single individual with a plural pronoun
673) Fictional families that consist of distinctly different ethnicities
674) Families who try to get rich from their kids being killed while resisting arrest
675) The defeminizing influence of Minnie Mouse's pantsuit
676) Janet Jackson's problems
677) Product advertisements by people who look or dress like vagrants or whores (See #667)
678) Why the black lady doesn't tell her frustrated husband his glasses are on his head
679) The misfortune of dying from deliberately taking drugs prescribed for others
680) Things that a woman can do just as well as a man
681) The tragedy of weighing over 300 pounds and not fastening one's seat restraint
682) Beliefs of anyone who admires Vladimir Putin or his supporters
683) Detention in a foreign country of travelers possessing illegal substances (See #695)
684) Whether (or where) Will Smith should have slapped Chris Rock or not (See #662)
685) Opinions of those who prefer the term "pregnant people," whatever the reason (See #560)
686) Products advertised with terms such as "down there" or "stinky pits"
687) Anything having to do with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
688) What happens to anyone stupid, or drunk, enough to harass Mike Tyson
689) What a failed US Presidential candidate thinks Queen Elizabeth should or shouldn't do
690) Any response except from a knowledgeable person when I telephone my doctor
690) Violent indignation of women who didn't vote for pro-rights candidates
691) Refusal of family venues to admit people dressed like porn actors
692) Difficulties associated with unnecessary travel on a national holiday
693) How many wounds were found on the corpse of somebody who shot at police
694) Opinions about firearm control of people who confuse "assault" and "high powered" rifles
695) People who won't stand for the National Anthem who want help getting out of foreign jail (See #683)
696) Anything about Lizzo
697) A pastor of poor people getting robbed of a million dollars of personal jewelry
698) Why the lady without the Aqua Care shower wears a medical mask while showering
699) Reports about Jojo Siwa
700) All white actors in European-inspired LOTR and /or all black actors in African Wakanda
701) Excuses why somebody convicted of 59 crimes is still loose in society
702) Products or services endorsed by somebody with body piercings or tattoos or flamboyantly fake hair
703) Reasons not to fire a police chief who lets sombody murder children for whom he is responsible
704) Anything about Hunter Biden's laptop

John Lindorfer