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This Koran, in two volumes, once belonged to Thomas Jefferson. It was used by US Representative Keith Ellison, a Muslim, to take his oath of office. In spite of the belief of many Christians and Muslims that the United States is a Christian country, Article VI of the Constitution provides: "...no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." |
The single commandment of Christianity is that we love each other.
Matthew 5:43-46, 7:1 and following, Matthew 19:19 and 22:39; Mark 12:31-33; Luke 6:27, 32, 35 and 10:27; John 13:34-5 and 15:12, 17; Romans 12:9-10 and 13:8-10; Galatians 5:6 and 13-14; Ephesians 4:2 and 5:2; Philippians 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 3:12 and 5:8; Hebrews 10:24-25 and 13:1; James 2:8; I Peter 1:22 and 3:8; I John 3:11, 18, 23, 4:7-8, 11-12, 20 and II John 1:5.
One has only to read or watch the news these days to realize that most Christians are not doing that, especially to our Muslim brothers and sisters. This work is my attempt to change that, to do what I can to reveal to my fellow Christians what I believe the underlying Scripture of Islam teaches and commands. My purpose is to dispel false ideas they may have about what devout Muslims believe, and to reveal Islam for what it is, a different practice of sincere worship of the One, True, God.
Even the most devout are liable to make mistakes when talking about others' religions, but this is the best I can do to love my Muslim neighbors as myself. As a Christian, I simply cannot stand by doing nothing while the whole world goes mad. With intercontinental air travel and nuclear weapons, our planet today is simply too small a place anymore to be divided into "them" and "us." Accordingly, I present in what follows for my Christian friends my understanding of the Koran and its Message.
This work is manifestly not the Koran. The canonical Koran is written in classical Arabic, although there are many reasonably good translations available to those who do not read that language. Most of what follows is based on the free download translation by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D., which has since been removed from the Internet. His text, while easy for English speakers to read, has been criticized by many Muslim scholars as, at best, a less than accurate translation from the Arabic. For this reason, I have compared his text with, and occasionally amended mine based on, less conversational translations by Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Mohammad Pickthall and M.H. Shakir. I have tried make the text more friendly to American ears while maintaining the meaning as I understand it.
My Muslim friends have expressed anxiety regarding the possibility of changing the meaning of their Scripture. While I sympathize with their concern, I believe it is unfounded. First of all, Islam has been wise to preserve the original of its Scripture, compiled by Caliph Uthman, for almost fourteen centuries as a benchmark of unchanging Truth for the faithful. Unlike the various disperate translations of the Bible, there are only minor differences among the variant (Arabic) readings of Islamic Scripture. Therefore, I encourage all who are interested in what the Koran really says to learn Arabic and then read it in the language believed to have been used by God Himself. If you already know Arabic, I invite you to get a true copy of the Koran, read it, and be guided by the moral principles it recommends.
Second, even the most scholarly translations into English available contain significant differences in vocabulary and sentence structure and, in my opinion at least, apparent meaning. Thus, any assertion that one English translation is "better" than another is likely to be controversial. In this case, I have attempted to convey my understanding of the essential thought in the English with which I, along with most of my Christian friends, am most familiar.
Third, all the English translations with which I am familiar appear to be overly formal, difficult for Western English speakers to understand, and oriented toward inspiration and teaching Islam, possibly to potential converts. If they were easy for modern Christians to read, no doubt we would already have done that, and this effort would be unnecessary. My intent, on the other hand, is to familiarize faithful Christians and other non-Muslims regarding what I believe Islam, the most popular religion in the history of mankind, teaches its adherents. I am not trying to debate, proselyte or convert anyone, but it seems to me that the source of inspiration and salvation for one-fifth of the world's population ought to be at least nominally understood by the rest of us who worship the same God, and perhaps other people of good will as well. To help this understanding, I have tried to incorporate concepts, ideas and references familiar to Christians.
To provide historical and cultural context, forwards to each sura are based on Syed Maududi's "The Meaning of the Qur'an," perhaps the most scholarly work on that subject in the English Language. Throughout the text, I have included references to the Bible. These are intended to compare and contrast ideas found in both Scriptures, not to form any kind of judgment. They link to the King James Bible, with which most Christians are familiar. You can find it as a single document here or as specific chapters and verses referred to in this document. They appear within curly brackets in the translated text. These references, in turn, each have links to the corresponding chapter and verse in the New American Bible, Revised Edition, on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website. This is the Bible the Catholic Church uses. Bold numbers in square brackets refer to translated passages in this document. At the end of it, there is a cross reference table with links to all the Biblical citations in the commentary and links to the specific place(s) in this document where they appear.
This is a work in progress, hopefully toward a good end. I am grateful for the support and encouragement of Doctor Mumtaz Malik in this regard. If any Muslims find this effort enlightening (if only to see their own faith from a different perspective), that is an additional welcome benefit. On the other hand, any Islamic scholars who find anything mistaken or objectionable in this publication are invited to e-mail me and set me straight.
In spite of the media fascination with a minuscule minority of radical hypocrites, the overwhelming majority of the world's educated Muslims admire and respect real Christians for our positive beliefs and values, if not, perhaps, for our often incompatible actions. It is high time we reciprocated, especially for those of us who claim to love them.
"It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" - ConfuciusJohn H. Lindorfer"Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make mistakes..." Al-Qur'an
"By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." - Jesus of Nazareth
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love..." - Francis of Assisi
"Peace be upon him,", "Upon whom be God's peace and blessings," or "Salla Allahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam" ("May the blessing and the peace of God be upon him"), or words or acronyms ("PBUH," "SAAS," "SAWS") to that effect, are often added in Muslim literature after the name of a prophet, especially Mohammed or Jesus. For those who consider it appropriate, clicking on the punctuation immediately behind his name (space, period, comma, etc.) links to the above invocation. As a Christian, I do not consider myself bound by this custom, no offense intended.
The Bible | The Koran | |
Shortly after the Roman conquest of Palestine and the Romanization of that territory, a Jewish craftsman known today as Jesus of Nazareth, from what is now northern Israel, taught over a period of about four years that the remedy for the perceived evils of his age was for people to love and care for each other. Drawing on the theological and moral concepts of his time, Jesus taught that the first and greatest commandment of Almighty God was that we should love Him and one another, and that people who did that would obtain eternal life. |
Shortly after the fall of the European Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark Ages, an Arabian trader named Mohammed (or Muhammad), from what is now the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, taught over a period of about twenty three years that the remedy for the perceived evils of his age was to submit totally to the will of God. Drawing on the theological and moral concepts with which he was familiar, the Koran that Mohammed proclaimed taught that the first and greatest commandment of Almighty God was that we should submit to his will, and that people who did that would obtain eternal life. | |
Jesus' teaching attracted a large following. His sayings and the events of his ministry were exchanged by word of mouth until they were eventually written down by some of his followers. Jesus himself did not establish a recognizable religion, but the beliefs and practices that he preached eventually became incorporated into the religion known as Christianity. Its adherents are known as Christians, "followers of the Anointed One." Over 2 billion people consider themselves Christians. They regard Jesus as the greatest of all religious teachers, the Son of God. Some Christians regard Jesus as being the personification of God Himself, "one in being with the Father." |
Mohammed's teaching attracted a large following. His sayings were exchanged by word of mouth. Eventually they were written down by his followers. Mohammed himself maintained he was reestablishing the true religion. The beliefs and practices that he preached eventually became incorporated into the religion known as Islam. Its adherents are known as Muslims, "those who submit." Over 1.2 billion people today call themselves Muslims. They regard Mohammed as the most recent and last of all religious prophets. They regard Jesus as as a predecessor to Mohammed, an acknowledged spokesman for and Prophet of God, but do not consider him to be God or His son. | |
Unfortunately, not all those who claim to be Christians adhere to or practice the teachings of Jesus. These require, first of all, love of one's fellow man. Many of the greatest atrocities of history, such as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust, have been perpetrated by Christian extremists, often in the name of Christianity, even though the Christian Bible forbids hatred of or cruelty toward anyone. |
Unfortunately, not all those who claim to be Muslims adhere to or practice the teachings of the Koran that require, first of all, submission to the will of God. Many of the greatest atrocities of recent times, such as the attack on the World Trade Center, suicide bombings and the beheading of captives, have been perpetrated by Islamic extremists, often in the name of Islam, even though the Koran forbids hatred of or cruelty toward anyone. | |
The written teachings and activities of Jesus were eventually combined with the religious scriptures used by him and other Jews and original works by his followers into what is today known as the Bible. The word "Bible" comes from the Greek "biblos," meaning "book." Christians believe that it is the inspired word of God, intended to be read, understood and followed. The complete Bible was translated into Latin, the popular language of the Roman Empire, under the direction of Pope Damasus, the leader of the Christian Church, by his secretary, St. Jerome, about 383 CE. It was translated into English for use by Christians who spoke that language by a commission established by King James I of England in 1611, and has since been revised several times and translated into every language of the civilized world. Christians believe that it is God's definitive revelation to humanity and the basic Scripture of Christianity. |
According to Wikipedia, in the traditional narrative, several companions of Mohammed served as scribes and were responsible for writing down the revelations. Shortly after his death, the compendium was compiled by his companions who wrote down and memorized parts of it. These codices had differences that motivated the Caliph Uthman to establish a standard version now known as Uthman's Codex, which is generally considered the archetype of the Koran known today, sometimes spelled "Quran" or "Qur'an" in English. Variant readings have mostly minor differences in meaning. The name comes from an Arabic word that means "recitation." Muslims believe it is the inspired literal word of God, intended to be recited, understood, and devoutly observed. It has been translated into every language of the civilized world. Muslims believe that it is God's definitive (and final) revelation, the basic Scripture of Islam. | |
The multiplicity of translations of the Bible is a source of confusion and controversy among Christians, and a large part of Christian ministry is devoted to explaining what it means and applying its precepts to modern times. Nevertheless, the version published by the King James Commission has become so popular that its archaic language is still used in much of Christian liturgy. Some Christians believe that its English direct quotations prove that the persons quoted, such as Jesus himself, actually spoke that language. Literal belief in the expression of secular views and concepts popular at the time the various books of the Bible originated also puts some Christians at odds with modern scientific thought and methods. As a result, some Christians maintain that there is a conflict between science and religion. This tends to stifle participation in scientific inquiry by fundamentalist Christians. |
The Koran avoids the confusion and controversy among its adherents over a multiplicity of translations by maintaining only the Arabic version as canonical. Therefore, Muslim ministry is devoted primarily to reciting its text and applying it to modern concerns. Arabic is still the language used in Muslim liturgy. Because it is the literal word of God, Many Muslims believe that God Himself actually employs that language. Because the Koran limits itself to theological and moral themes, it avoids religious promulgation of the expression of secular views and concepts popular at the time it originated. Muslims therefore have few religions problems with modern scientific thought and methods. As a result, Muslims do not see a conflict between science and religion. Many modern sciences, notably arithmetic, medicine and astronomy, were invented by Muslim scholars, and are fully compatible with Muslim beliefs and practices. | |
The diversity of authors, intended audiences, cultures and social conventions of the various books of the Bible make it difficult for modern believers to understand. Many of the fundamental differences of Christian religions are due to this problem. In addition, much of the Bible was written at a time when religious teaching was intended exclusively for men, and therefore many of its books contain the bias against women peculiar to the time of their writing. Catholic Christians believe that the Catholic Church, established by Jesus Christ, exists to explain and interpret Scripture and carry out its commands. They accept its definitive teachings as infallible, that is, incapable of error. Most Protestants consider the Bible itself to be the only true source of inspiration and accept even conflicting contradictory interpretations as "true" for the people who believe them. | The Koran has a single author, and arises from a single culture, language and set of social conventions. In spite of the fact that its cultural basis makes it appear to be written only for men, it is intended for all mankind, and contains the most progressive guarantees of women's rights of its time. These factors make it easier for devout believers to understand and apply its teachings. The differences in Muslim traditions are therefore comparatively superficial, in spite of the passions they inflame. Muslims believe that the Koran itself is "an infallible guide for those who fear God" (Sura 2:2). They accept its definitive teachings as incapable of error. Most Muslims agree with Protestants that Scripture itself is the only true source of inspiration and accept conflicting contradictory interpretations as the only definitive guide for people who believe them. | |
The Christian Bible, the New Testament, incorporates earlier Jewish scriptures, the Old Testament. It mentions a number of historical figures, such as Adam, Enoch, Noah, Heber, Shelah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Aaron, Moses, and Ezra, from Jewish tradition, and Zechariah, Jesus, his mother Mary and John the Baptist from the Christian addition. Far from being a single book, the Bible is a disparate collection of religious writings by numerous authors over thousands of years to various audiences, the number of books and verses considered to be authentic is one of the controversies of Christianity. Modern Bibles incorporate them in roughly chronological order from the "Book of Beginnings" (Genesis) to "The Final Things" (Revelation). In addition to clearly religious teaching, the Bible contains a large amount of Jewish and Christian traditional folktales and ethnic literature. | The Koran assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in the Bible. It mentions a number of historical figures, such as Adam, Enoch, Noah, Heber, Shelah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Aaron, Moses, Ezra, Zechariah, Jesus, his mother Mary, and John the Baptist. The Koran is a single book consisting of 114 suras, or chapters, totaling 6348 ayats, or verses, counting the introductory invocations. The intended audience is all mankind, including, specifically, Christians and Jews. The sequence in which the ayats and suras appear is believed not to be the same as that in which the text was written or dictated, so that the subject matter often appears to change abruptly, and the train of thought may seem somewhat discontinuous. The central theme remains religious teaching and inspiration, and includes very little history or folklore. | |
The concept of God in modern Christianity and Judaism derives from man's instinctive belief, evident in every culture, in a powerful, supernatural being. Abraham grew up in a culture that worshiped Marduk, the "Most High God, creator of heaven and earth" identified in {Genesis 14:20}, to whom all other gods were subordinate. Moses expanded this concept of the "Most High" God, claiming that He was the only God, fundamentally different from all others, with a secret name, unlimited power and a special affection for Jews. Armed only with this concept and a staff, Moses developed a society, an ethnic group, a code of laws, and a mighty nation based on this single unifying belief.
The concept of God in modern Islam derives from man's instinctive belief, evident in every culture, in a powerful, supernatural being. Mohammed grew up in a culture that worshiped Allah, the "Most High God, to whom all other gods were subordinate. Mohammed expanded this concept of the "Most High" God, claiming that He was the only God, fundamentally different from all others, with unlimited power and a special affection for all mankind. The Koran categorically states that it was this God, identified in the Bible, whom both Abraham ([2:131-138], [3:84, 95], [4:125], [6:161] and [22:78]) and Moses ([4:164], [6:91, 154], [7:103-158], [10:75-84], [11:17], [11:96], [14:5], 17:2], etc.) worshiped. | |
The names for God in the Bible show a development in the concept of a living, spiritual, monotheistic Deity over time. The story of the golden calf shows a fundamental confusion among Jews of Moses' time with pagan concepts. The earliest Biblical reference consists of the Hebrew letters yod, heh, and vav, pronounced "Yahweh" by some Christians and "Jehovah" by others. Orthodox Jews pronounce the name of God in Hebrew only in solemn religious rituals, and write "G-d" in English. The capitalized term "God" in English, "Theos" in Greek and "Deus" in Latin refers to the Jewish and Christian (and Muslim) "Most High" God, while the uncapitalized "god" is a common noun that is pronounced "elohim" in Hebrew. God is also addressed in English Bibles as "Lord," (Hebrew "Adonai," Latin "Dominus.") as a form of respectful address, reflecting the English and Roman concept of someone of the noble class. |
The name for God in the Koran shows the maturity of the concept of the Christian and Jewish Deity at the time of Mohammed. The term "god" is used in the Koran to refer to pagan, or "false" gods. Reference to God in the Koran uses the proper name "Allah," which means, literally, "The Most High God." "Allah" is therefore a proper name and also a theological definition or description. The closest Hebrew equivalent is written in English as "YHWH," ("He who is") because written Hebrew has no vowels. Orthodox Muslims pronounce "Allah" only with reverence, in compliance with the commandment not to take the name of God in vain. The term "God" will be used in what follows because there is no equivalent word for "Allah" in English, Greek or Latin. These languages simply phonetically reproduce the sound of the Arabic name. The Koran also uses the term "Lord" as a form of respectful address. | |
The earliest extant Bible is the Greek translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew, known as the Septuagint. It was used by the early Christians, and it is from this source that Luke and Paul draw their discourses on the prophesies fulfilled by Jesus. An addition to the Septuagint, a gathering together of the Gospels, Acts, the various Epistles, and Revelation, written in Greek, is what we know today as the New Testament. This compilation and their official translations in the Catholic and Protestant churches have been extensively copied, revised, rewritten, and retranslated, so that modern translations are culturally disconnected from the societies in which they were written. Much biblical study today is concerned with discovering the meanings originally intended by the authors, about many of whom little or nothing is known. |
Each verse of the Koran was recited by the Prophet Mohammed. Initially, they were transcribed by his listeners on anything that happened to be available: leaves, pieces of wood, parchment, leather, or flat stones. Several hundred of his companions memorized the entire text, but after the heavy casualties of the disastrous Battle of Yamamah, in which many of them were killed, the written verses were collected and word for word copies were made and distributed throughout the world to this day. This absolute preservation of the language and style of the original texts provides a clear historical picture not only of Mohammed's Message, but also of the culture of the people about whom he spoke. It therefore gives Christians and Jews, as well as Muslims, a telescope back in time to a period of the early evolution of their religion. | |
As a physical object, the Bible is as varied as its interpretations. It has been reproduced in all manageable sizes, from simple and plain to ornate and fancy. There is virtually no limit to what can pay for a copy of the Holy Bible, but the Gideons will give you one for nothing. Bibles are treated with varying degrees of reverence by Christians, who often place it in a place of honor, or at least visibility, in their homes and churches. It is considered sinful among the devout and bad luck among the superstitious to desecrate a Bible. |
The Koran exists in many manuscript forms. It has been reproduced in all manageable sizes, from simple and plain to ornate and fancy. There is virtually no limit to what can pay for a copy of the Koran, but there is no prohibition against giving one to a devout reader. Copies of the Koran are treated by Muslims with the reverence appropriate to the divine literal word. They often wash and perform other rituals before reading or reciting it. It is considered sinful among the devout and bad luck among the superstitious to desecrate a Koran. | |
Much of Jewish and Christian belief and practice contained in the Bible represents wisdom, good advice, and common sense. One does not have to be a Jew or Christian to recognize in the teachings of the Prophets, Jesus and his disciples the reasonable, logical and practical prescriptions for living a happy, peaceful and rewarding life. In spite of portions of it with which we may respectfully disagree, the Bible is not a book simply for Christians and Jews, it is a practical guide for righteous living for people of good will everywhere. | Much of Muslim belief and practice contained in the Koran represents wisdom, good advice, and common sense. One does not have to be a Muslim to recognize in the revelations of the Prophet Mohammed the reasonable, logical and practical prescriptions for living a happy, peaceful and rewarding life. In spite of portions of it with which we may respectfully disagree, the Koran is not a book simply for Muslims, it is a practical guide for righteous living for people of good will everywhere. |
Table of Contents | |
2: Al-Baqara - The Cow (87) 3: Al-e-Imran - The Family (House) of Imran (89) 4: An-Nisa - Women (92) 5: Al-Maeda - The (Festive) Table (112) 6: Al-Anaam - The Cattle (Livestock) (55) 7: Al-A'araf - The Elevated Places (Heights) (39) 8: Al-Anfal - The Spoils of War (88) 9: Al-Tawba - Repentance (113) 10: Yunus - Jonah (51) 11: Hud (52) 12: Yousuf - Joseph (53) 13: Al-Rad - The Thunder (96) 14: Ibrahim - Abraham (72) 15: Al-Hijr - The Rock (54) 16: An-Nahl - The Bee (70) 17: Banu Israel - The Israelites (50) 18: Al-Kahf - The Cave (69) 19: Maryam - Mary (44) 20: Ta Ha - T. H. (45) 21: Al-Anbiyaa - The Prophets (73) 22: Al-hajj - The Pilgrimage (103) 23: Al-Muminun - The Believers (74) 24: Al-Noor - The Light (102) 25: Al-Furqan - the Statute Book (42) 26: Ash-Shuaraa - The Poets (47) 27: Al-Naml - The Ant (48) 28: Al-Qasas - The Stories (49) 29: Al-Ankaboot - The Spider (85) 30: Ar-Room - The Byzantines (84) 31: Luqman - Luqman (The Sage) (57) 32: Al-Sajdah - Prostration (75) 33: Al-Ahzab - The Confederates (90) 34: Saba - Sheba (58) 35: Fatir - The Initiator (43) 36: Ya Sin - Y. S. (41) 37: Al-Saffat - the Arrangers (56) 38: Suad - S. (38) 39: Al-Zumar - The Throngs (59) 40: Al-Mu'min - The Believer (60) 41: Ha Mim - H. M. (Fussilat; Explained in Detail) (61) 42: Ash-Shura - Consultation (62) 43: Al-Zukhruf - The Ornaments (63) 44: Ad-Dukhan - The Smoke (64) 45: Al-Jathiyah - The Kneeling (65) 46: Al-Ahqaf - The Sand Dunes (66) 47: Mohammed - Mohammed (95) 48: Al-Fath - The Victory (111) 49: Al-Hujurat - The Walls (106) 50: Qaf - Q. (34) 51: Al-Dhareyat - The Winds (67) 52: At-Toor - The Mountain (Mt. Sinai). (76) 53: An-Najm - The Star (23) 54: Al-Qamar - The Moon (37) 55: Al-Rahman - Most Gracious (97) 56: Al-Waqia - The Inevitable (46) 57: Al-Hadid - Iron (94) | 59: Al-Hashr - The Exodus (101) 60: Al-Mumtahinah - The Examined One (91) 61: Al-Saff - The Deployment (109) 62: Al-Jumu'ah - The Meeting Day (110) 63: Al-Munaafeqoon - The Hypocrites (104) 64: Al-Taghaabun - Mutual Denunciation (108) 65: Al-Talaaq - Divorce (99) 66: Al-Tahreem - Prohibition (107) 67: Al-Mulk - Sovereignty (77) 68: Al-Qalam - The Pen (N.) (2) 69: Al-Haaqqah - The Calamity (78) 70: Al-Ma'aarej - The Heavenly Stairways (79) 71: Nuh - Noah (71) 72: Al-Jinn - The Djinn (40) 73: Al-Muzzammil - The Enshrouded One (3) 74: Al-Muddaththir - The Cloaked One (4) 75: Al-Qeyaamah - The Resurrection (31) 76: Al-Insaan - Man (98) 77: Al-Mursalaat - Dispatched (33) 78: Al-Naba' - The Event (80) 79: Al-Naaze'aat - The Snatchers (81) 80: 'Abasa - He Frowned (24) 81: Al-Takweer - The Rolling Up (7) 82: Al-Infitaar - The Shattering (82) 83: Al-Mutaffifeen - The Cheaters (86) 84: Al-Inshiqaaq - The Rupture (83) 85: Al-Burooj - The Galaxies (27) 86: Al-Taareq - The Bright Star (36) 87: Al-Allah - The Most High (8) 88: Al-Ghaasheyah - The Overwhelming Occurrence (68) 89: Al-Fajr - The Dawn (10) 90: Al-Balad - The Town (35) 91: Ash-Shams - The Sun (26) 92: Al-Layl - The Night (9) 93: Ad-Duhaa - The Morning (11) 94: Alam-Nashrah - Cooling the Temper (12) 95: Al-Teen - The Fig (28) 96: Al-'Alaq - The Embryo (1 - The first one) 97: Al-Qadr - Destiny (25) 98: Al-Bayyinah - Proof (100) 99: Al-Zalzalah - The Quake (93) 100: Al-'Aaadeyaat - The Chargers (14) 101: Al-Qaare'ah - The Shocker (30) 102: Al-Takaathur - Hoarding (16) 103: Al-'Asr - The Afternoon (13) 104: Al-Humazah - The Backbiter (32) 105: Al-Feel - The Elephant (19) 106: Al-Quraish - The Quraish (29) 107: Al-Maa'oon - Charity (17) 108: Al-Kawthar - Bounty (15) 109: Al-Kaaferoon - The Disbelievers (18) 110: Al-Nassr - Triumph (114 - The last one) 111: Al-Masad - Thorns (6) 112: Al-Ikhlaas - Absoluteness (22) 113: Al-Falaq - Daybreak (20) 114: Al-Naas - People (21) |
Sura # - (Order) 96 - (1) 68 - (2) 73 - (3) 74 - (4) 1 - (5) 111 - (6) 81 - (7) 87 - (8) 92 - (9) 89 - (10) 93 - (11) 94 - (12) 103 - (13) |
Sura # - (Order) 100 - (14) 108 - (15) 102 - (16) 107 - (17) 109 - (18) 105 - (19) 113 - (20) 114 - (21) 112 - (22) 53 - (23) 80 - (24) 97 - (25) 91 - (26) |
Sura # - (Order) 85 - (27) 95 - (28) 106 - (29) 101 - (30) 75 - (31) 104 - (32) 77 - (33) 50 - (34) 90 - (35) 86 - (36) 54 - (37) 38 - (38) 7 - (39) |
Sura # - (Order) 72 - (40) 36 - (41) 25 - (42) 35 - (43) 19 - (44) 20 - (45) 56 - (46) 26 - (47) 27 - (48) 28 - (49) 17 - (50) 10 - (51) 11 - (52) |
Sura # - (Order) 12 - (53) 15 - (54) 6 - (55) 37 - (56) 31 - (57) 34 - (58) 39 - (59) 40 - (60) 41 - (61) 42 - (62) 43 - (63) 44 - (64) 45 - (65) |
Sura # - (Order) 46 - (66) 51 - (67) 88 - (68) 18 - (69) 16 - (70) 71 - (71) 14 - (72) 21 - (73) 23 - (74) 32 - (75) 52 - (76) 67 - (77) 69 - (78) |
Sura # - (Order) 70 - (79) 78 - (80) 79 - (81) 82 - (82) 84 - (83) 30 - (84) 29 - (85) 83 - (86) 2 - (87) 8 - (88) 3 - (89) 33 - (90) 60 - (91) |
Sura # - (Order) 4 - (92) 99 - (93) 57 - (94) 47 - (95) 13 - (96) 55 - (97) 76 - (98) 65 - (99) 98 - (100) 59 - (101) 24 - (102) 22 - (103) 63 - (104) |
Sura # - (Order) 58 - (105) 49 - (106) 66 - (107) 64 - (108) 61 - (109) 62 - (110) 48 - (111) 5 - (112) 9 - (113) 110 - (114) |
SURA 2: Al-Baqara - The Cow
The theme of this Sura is actually divine guidance. The Jews are enjoined to follow the guidance handed down by God, not only that revealed by Mohammed, but also what they had previously received. Much of this sura is concerned with restoring those beliefs and precepts and exhorting the Jews to follow them. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[2:1] A.L.M. | [2:1] Most of the suras begin with the Bismallah and Arabic initials, which are here rendered in English. The significance of the letters is still a matter for discussion. | |
[2:2] This Scripture is an infallible guide for those who fear God.
[2:3] Those who believe in the spiritual things they cannot see and are steadfast in prayer and give to charity out of the riches bestowed upon them, | [2:2] The Opening Prayer, Sura 1, asks God to "guide us in the right path." This "infallible guide" is an answer to that prayer. Because the Scripture itself is an "infallible guide," it does not require (or allow) interpretation. Muslims are expected to become familiar enough with the Koran that they know what it means. | |
[2:4] And who believe in what was revealed to you, and before you, they are absolutely certain of salvation.
[2:5] These are guided by their Lord; it is they who will prosper. [2:6] As for those who choose not to believe, it does not matter who they are, or not, because they cannot believe. [2:7] God seals their minds and their hearing, and their eyes are veiled. Their punishment will be great indeed! |
[2:3] The teachings of this "infallible guide" will be perceived differently by three types of people. They will be received eagerly and profitably by the righteous for their salvation. See also {Matthew 13:23, Mark 4:20, Luke 8:15}.
[2:4] "What was revealed to you (Mohammed)" - The Koran. "What was revealed before you" - the Bible. [2:6-7] Those who choose not to believe will reject this "infallible guide." Compulsion in religion is forbidden. See [2:256]. Only God is able to forcibly convert those who freely repudiate His word, but He doesn't do that. See also {John 12:40, Romans 9:18}. | |
[2:8] Then there are those who claim, "We believe in God and the Last Day," while they are really not believers.
[2:9] In trying to deceive God and the true believers, they only deceive themselves without perceiving their deceit. [2:10] They sicken their minds, and God augments their sickness. They have incurred a terrible punishment for their lies. [2:11] When they are admonished, "the things you are doing are evil," they say, "Oh, no, we are the righteous ones!" [2:12] In fact, they are the evildoers, but they do not perceive that. [2:13] When they are told, "You should behave like the true believers," they reply, "What, should we imitate those pious fools?" In fact, it is they who are the fools, but they do not realize it. |
[2:8-10] Worst of all are the hypocrites, who say they believe in God's word, but behave differently. God concurs in their self-imposed punishment. See also {Matthew 7:15-27, 15:7, Mark 7:6}. At the time this sura was revealed, Muslims from all over Arabia were working to create a Islamic city-state in Medina. They faced fierce political and military opposition from non-Muslims bent on destroying it utterly. The hypocrites were aiding and giving aid and comfort to the enemies of Islam by providing weapons, supplies, sanctuary, intelligence information, and moral support. Since these were the very people that Mohammed hoped to convert, he couldn't just get rid of them. It is a common political problem, which is with us even today.
[2:11-13] Everybody recognizes the evil deeds of the hypocrites except the hypocrites themselves. See also {Matthew 3:9, John 8:39-47} the hypocrites regard the righteous as fools. This is the central theme of this sura, that the wisdom of submission to God, whatever that requires, (such as sacrificing the cow) often appears to the unbelievers as foolish. A similar sentiment can be found in {Isaiah 55:7-9}. | |
[2:14] When they meet true believers, they say, "We agree with you," but when alone with their fellow devils, they say, "We actually agree with you; we were only making fun of those others."
[2:15] In fact, God Himself ridicules them, by allowing them to blunder about blindly. [2:16] They have purchased bungling at the expense of guidance. Such an exchange benefits them not at all, but leaves them directionless. [2:17] Their example is like those who start a fire, then, as it begins to shed light around them, God takes away their light, leaving them in darkness, unable to see. [2:18] Deaf, dumb, and blind; they stumble away from the right path. [2:19] Like people who put their fingers in their ears to escape the mortal danger of thunder and lightning of a violent thunderstorm their actions are worthless, but God knows who they are. |
[2:14-19] The hypocrites' attempted ridicule of the devout results in their own destruction, because they don't accept reality. Even if they occasionally mistakenly do something right (like starting a fire for the light), they still don't benefit, because God knows that they are still hypocrites, and punishes them accordingly. See also {Galatians 6:7-10}.
*The phrase "God knows" or "God is aware" occurs roughly 60 times throughout the Koran. The evils of the time endured by those who reject Mohammed and his Message are considered proof positive that the opponents of its teachings were "stumbling away from the right path." Actually, this writing refers to two specific groups of hypocrites of Mohammed's time; those who pretended to accept his revelations to impress their believing neighbors and attempting to secure the benefits of being of the same faith without practicing it, and enemies who professed to accept Mohammed's revelations to sabotage them from within. Islamic terrorists claim (and may believe) they are following the Koran, but they actually belong to one (or both) of these groups. | |
[2:20] Even though the lightning almost blinds them, they move forward in the light and stand still in the darkness. But God is all powerful; if He chose, He could make them permanently blind and deaf. | [2:20] Even the hypocrites have an occasional flash of insight, but that is no escape from the punishment of God for their evil actions. He could deny them even this blessing if He decided to. | |
[2:21] Oh people, worship only your Lord - He who created you and all your ancestors - so that you may be saved.
[2:22] The One who made the earth habitable for you, and the sky a structure. He sends rain down from the sky, to produce all kinds of fruits for your sustenance. Now that you know about God, do not establish rivals to Him. | [2:21-22] This reiterates the central theme; what appears to be foolishness to the unbelievers and hypocrites is, in fact, the only sane way to behave. It simply doesn't make sense to one who knows a being as powerful as God, who created everything and everyone, to pay allegiance to anything else (an idol, a false prophet) instead. Subsequent discourses in this sura point out the powerlessness of idols in comparison to the limitless power of God. | |
[2:23] If you have any doubt regarding what We* revealed to Our* servant, then produce one sura like these, and call upon your own witnesses against God, if you think you can.
[2:24] If you cannot do this - and you never can - then beware of hellfire that burns both people and the very stones, and awaits those who refuse to believe. |
[2:23-24] Basically, "if you think you have better ideas than those contained in this book, prove it! But beware of the consequences of being wrong!
*We, Our, Us - the royal pronouns. God speaks as the ultimate nobility. Muslims reject any conclusion that this implies a multiplicity (such as the Trinity) in God. See [4:171]. | |
[2:25] Conversely, announce the good news to those who believe and lead a virtuous life that they will have beautiful gardens with flowing streams. They will have delights to remind them of the most delicious fruits they have ever eaten. This is just an allegory to what they will experience. They will have holy spouses and will live there forever.
[2:26] God does not mind using allegory to teach us, from the tiny mosquito to greater things. Believers know that this is a means by which their Lord teaches truth. Those who disbelieve, will say, "What did God mean by such an allegory?" By this strategy God misleads many, and guides many. But He never misleads any except the wicked, [2:27] who violate God's covenant after pledging to uphold it, sever what He commanded to be joined, and do evil. These are the damned! | [2:25-27] The believers and the righteous will achieve Paradise. See also [2:62]. The delights of paradise are so wonderful that they cannot be described except by allegory, although the description here gives some limited idea of how absolutely delightful it will be. The imagery of beautiful gardens, flowing water and delicious fruits is especially attractive to nomads living in a barren, hostile desert, and suggest a beautiful oasis where the righteous will gather. God, of course, works hard to explain this concept in ways limited human beings can understand. The believers will accept this limitation on their understanding of God's truth and accept what He says as all that their finite minds can comprehend. The unbelievers will find in it an excuse to object to and reject God's revelation. Thus the same revelations will enlighten the righteous and condemn the wicked. See {Matthew 13:10-15, Mark 4:10-12}. The wicked are those who break faith with God and repudiate His ordinances. | |
[2:28] How can you possibly disbelieve in God? At first you did not exist at all; then He gave you life! When He puts you to death, he will bring you back to life again, so that you can ultimately return to Him.
[2:29] He created everything on earth for you, and then He created the heavens, out to the uttermost perfection of the universe.* He knows everything! [2:30] Remember, your Lord said to the angels, "I am placing a representative on Earth." They replied, "Are you really going to appoint one who will spread evil there and spill blood, while we continue to sing Your praises, glorify You, and uphold Your absolute authority?" He said, "My wisdom is far greater than yours." |
[2:28-29] This is a continuation of the previous theme that the truths of God (the description of paradise in this case) are beyond human understanding. On the other hand, if God is able to create you in the first place, why should you doubt that He can bring you back from the dead? God is all powerful and all knowing!
*The precise translation mentions "seven" universes, but seven is a common metaphor in both the Bible and Koran for "perfect," or "complete." [2:30] This continues the theme that it is futile to judge God on the basis of creature concepts. His plan to have a mischievous and fallible human being manage the Earth seems foolish even to the angels. God replies that He knows what he is doing. | |
[2:31] He taught Adam the names of all things then presented them to the angels, saying, "If you know what these things are, tell Me."
[2:32] But they said, "All glory to You. We do not know anything except that which You have taught us. Surely, You are the (only) One Who knows everything." [2:33] He said, "O Adam, tell them what these things are." When he told them, God said, "Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth? I know what you reveal, and what you keep hidden." |
[2:31-33] Adam exercises his stewardship over the earth by naming all its creatures. See also {Genesis 2:19} God thus demonstrates to the angels that He did indeed know what He was doing when he created mankind and gave man dominion over the earth.
Naming a thing was thought to exercise power over it. Adam's authority over his wife was established by his naming her {Genesis 3:20}. Moses attempted to gain power over God by trying to get Him to reveal his name in {Exodus 3:13-14}, but God didn't fall for the trick. As a result "I am that I am" is as close as the Jews can come to His name. The word "Allah" in Arabic means "the Most High God, possibly "the First of Many." | |
[2:34] When we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam," they fell prostrate, except Satan; he refused, was too arrogant, and thus became a disbeliever. | [2:34-36] Adam's position as God's representative makes him worthy of honor even from the angels. Satan chooses to dispute this, and thus becomes evil and in turn corrupts Adam. See also {Genesis 3:1.} | |
[2:35] We said, "O Adam, live with your wife in Paradise, and eat anything you desire, but do not approach this tree, because you will then commit a sin."
[2:36] But the devil deceived them, and caused their eviction from Paradise. We said, "Go down as enemies of one another. On Earth shall be your abode and provision for a time." [2:37] Then, Adam received from his Lord instructions by which He redeemed him. He is *the Redeemer, Most Merciful. [2:38] We said, "Go forth, all of you. When I give you guidance, those who follow it will have no fear, nor will they grieve. [2:39] "As for those who refuse to believe and reject our revelations, they will be condemned to Hell, where they will remain forever." |
[2:37] In spite of Adam's betrayal of his trust, God provides escape through redemptive instruction (in the Bible and the Koran). See also {John 3:16}.
*"the Redeemer" - one of the many "names of God" in the Koran. Although the idea of the One, Only God was well developed in Judaism and Christianity in Mohammed's time, the pagan Arabs were still struggling with the concept, and found it difficult to understand that the Most High (Allah) was the only one. The various "names of God" deal with this problem by describing His attributes. See the commentary on names of God. [2:38-39] Every human being still has a choice, whether to accept God's instruction and be saved, or reject it and be condemned. God has already given instruction to the Jews through Adam, Noah, Moses, and the Prophets, and to the Christians through Jesus. They are reminded of this in the following remarks. This is one of many instances in which the Koran appeals to the similarity of Islam with the beliefs of other monotheistic religions. | |
[2:40] Oh Children of Israel, remember My favor that I bestowed upon you. Fulfill your part of the covenant, just as I fulfill mine, and reverence Me.
[2:41] You shall believe what I have revealed herein, confirming what you already have; do not be the first to reject it. Do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price, and listen to Me. [2:42] Do not confuse truth with falsehood, nor conceal what you know is true. [2:43] You shall observe the Necessary Prayers and contribute the Obligatory Charity, and bow down with those who bow down. |
[2:40-41] God calls first upon the Jews, the "elder brothers in the faith, the first to receive His Word" in the Old Testament ("what you already have") to accept the additional Message from Mohammed.
[2:42-43] The Jews are here enjoined to preserve the truth of their religion ("confirming what you already have"), given to them by God Himself, but are also commanded (along with pagan and Christian converts) to perform those other acts required by the Koran. They may continue their Jewish practices, but must perform the "Necessary Prayers" (Salat) and give the "Obligatory Charity" (zakat) (two of the "Five Pillars of Islam" required of all Muslims), and perform the other requirements. | |
[2:44] Do you exhort other people to be virtuous, while forgetting your own selves, even though you read the Scriptures? Use your mind!
[2:45] You shall seek help through steadfastness and the Necessary Prayers. This is difficult indeed, but not so for the reverent, [2:46] who believe that they will meet their Lord; who ultimately return to Him. | [2:44-46] The Jews, schooled in the previous revelations from God, have no right to judge others if they do not practice the tenets of their own faith, which many of them were not doing. Islam imposes new requirements, but it additionally relaxes some of the old ones. If they truly accepted their own Scriptures, they would accept the additional revelation of the Koran and practice what it commands. Conversion is likely to be at least moderately difficult, but those who are really righteous will do it anyway. | |
[2:47] Oh Children of Israel, remember My favor that I bestowed upon you, and remember that I blessed you more than any other people.
[2:48] Beware of the day when no one can help another, no intercession will be accepted, no ransom can be paid, nor can anyone be helped. [2:49] Recall that we saved you from Pharaoh's people who inflicted upon you the worst persecution, slaying your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting test from your Lord. [2:50] Recall that we parted the sea for you; we saved you and drowned Pharaoh's people before your very eyes. [2:51] Yet, when we summoned Musa (Moses) for forty nights, you worshiped the calf in his absence, and turned wicked. [2:52] Still, we pardoned you afterward that you may be properly grateful. |
[2:47-52] God reminds the Jews of His many blessings upon them in spite of their predilection for evil. This is His final revelation and exhortation to humanity. If the Jews reject this Message, they will be lost forever, and no one will be able to save them.
[2:49] See {Exodus 1:15-22}. The "worst persecution" may have been the "sparing" of the daughters, who were thus made prostitutes and concubines in Egypt. Their children, ethnic Jews and therefore of the Chosen People, were nonetheless illegitimate, and were born into slavery to the Egyptians. [2:50] {Exodus 14:5-31} [2:51] {Exodus 32:1-10} [2:52] {Exodus 32:14} the Jews did not appreciate the numerous instances when God saved them from disaster, and continued to commit the same kinds of transgressions that got them into it. They cannot do that any more, because this is the last Message from God that they will receive. If they disregard it this time, they are doomed! | |
[2:53] Recall that we gave Moses the Law and the Prophets to guide you.
[2:54] Remember that Moses said to his people, "O my people, you have wronged your souls by worshiping the calf. You must repent to your Creator. You shall purge yourselves of pride. This is a better way for your Creator to see you." He redeemed you because He is the Most Merciful Redeemer.* [2:55] Recall that you replied, "Oh Moses, we will not believe unless we see God, physically." Then the lightning struck you, as you looked on. [2:56] Then We revived you, after you had died, so that you might be thankful. [2:57] We shaded you with clouds (in Sinai), and sent down to you manna and quails: "Eat from the good things we provided for you." Those who rebelled did not hurt Us; they only hurt themselves. |
[2:53-57] The difficulty that the Jews might have in accepting God's additional communication in the Koran is not new, they (and mankind in general) have a long history of ethnic egoism. This characteristic attitude has gotten them into trouble since the time of Adam. Many of the Jews believed that because they were God's Chosen People, they were automatically saved through the merits of Abraham without any need for righteousness or repentance on their part. It was a problem that made the Pharisees and other Jewish teachers also skeptical of the need for accepting the Message of Jesus, as recorded in {Matthew 3:9, Luke 3:8, John 8:33-40}. God Himself refers to them as "stiff-necked" {Exodus 32:9; 33:3, 5; Deuteronomy 9:13; 10:16}, as does Moses {Deuteronomy 9:6; 31:27} and Hezekiah {II Chronicles 30:8} It is a charge that Stephen leveled against them again in {Acts 7:51}. Unfortunately for them, their pride only hurts themselves, not God, who is beyond being affected by man.
*"Merciful Redeemer" - one of the many "names of God" in the Koran. | |
[2:58] Recall that we said, "Enter this town, where you will find as many provisions as you like. Just enter the gate humbly, and treat the people with respect. We will thus forgive your sins, and increase the reward of the pious."
[2:59] But the wicked among them carried out commands other than those given to them. Therefore, we sent condemnation from the sky upon the transgressors due to their wickedness. [2:60] Recall that when Moses sought water for his people. We said, "Strike the rock with your staff." Whereupon, twelve springs gushed out from the rock, one for each tribe. Eat therefore and drink from the bounty of God's provisions before you. Do not wander around aimlessly, causing trouble. [2:61] Recall that you complained, "Oh Moses, we cannot live with just one kind of food. Call upon your Lord to produce for us earthly crops; beans, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions." He said, "Would you replace what is good with what is inferior? Go into the city, where you can find what you asked for." They have incurred condemnation, humiliation, and disgrace, and brought upon themselves God's wrath. This is because they rejected God's revelations, and murdered the prophets. They disobeyed and sinned. |
[2:58-59] The origin of this passage is obscure, possibly {Deuteronomy 2:2 and following}. It may also have been a folk tale familiar to the Jews and Arabs of Mohammed's time, but not to Christians today. The transgression of "the wicked" is a very serious one, however. Hospitality was (and is) of utmost importance to a nomadic people. Their very survival would have been severely jeopardized by offending the inhabitants of a city on which they depended for supplies.
[2:60] This event is recorded in {Numbers 20:11}. [2:61] Another obscure reference, although it appears to refer to the "murmuring against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness" referred to in {Exodus 17:3} even after the miracles of the manna and quails. The rebuke here is highly complex: God provides their own oases with plenty of water, the people want to forage on their neighbors' property. God gives them all the food and water they need; the people want something else. What they're being given by God enables them to keep moving toward the Promised Land; they want to stop and plant crops. "Go into the city" may refer to the city in [2:58] where they wore out their welcome, in which case the rebuke is "It's your own fault that you can't get groceries in the city." It might also mean "leave the journey to the Promised Land if you can't take the hardship." One translation says "Go back to Egypt," which would obviously be a stinging reproof. | |
[2:62] Certainly, those who believe, Jews, Christians, and the other converts; anyone who (1) believes in God, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, and they won't be sorry. | [2:62] Salvation requires both faith and good works. These together are sufficient. Notice that the Koran specifically teaches that Jews and Christians can be saved. This will be mentioned again in [2:111] and amplified in [2:256]. See also {Matthew 7:21-23} | |
[2:63] We made a covenant with you, as firm as Mount Sinai, saying, "You shall uphold what we have given you strongly, and remember its contents, that you may guard against evil."
[2:64] But you turned away afterward, and if it were not for God's grace towards you and His mercy, you would have been doomed. [2:65] You have known about those among you who desecrated the Sabbath. We said to them, "Be you as despicable as monkeys!" [2:66] We set them up as an example for their generation, as well as subsequent generations, and an enlightenment for the righteous. |
[2:63-64] God reminds the Jews of His revelation contained in the Torah. See also {Deuteronomy 5:1-33} and His frequent forgiveness of their transgressions.
[2:65-66] Possibly as described in {Ezekiel 20:7-24}. The imagery there is one of monkeys or baboons that continually cause trouble without any remorse. They also have a habit of stealing bright, forbidden trinkets and refuse to give them up, even if they might be harmful. (Some translations say "apes," but few Arabs would have known what an "ape" was). Unlike the monkeys, God remembered His promise to them and forgave them over and over again, although He also gave then numerous opportunities to make mistakes so they could learn by them. The imagery of monkeys also appears in [5:60]. | |
[2:67] Moses said to the people, "God commands you to make a sacrifice of a cow." They said, "Are you joking?" He said, "God forbid, that I should be a fool."
[2:68] They said, "Tell your Lord to show us which one." He said, "He says that she is to be in the prime of life. Now, go do what you were told." [2:69] They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what her color is. Musa said: He says, Surely she is a yellow cow; her color is intensely yellow, giving delight to the beholders. [2:70] They said, "Tell your Lord to show us which one. All the cows look alike to us: we need God's guidance." [2:71] He said, "He says she is to be a perfect offering, one that has never been yoked." They said, "Well, finally you have told us the truth." Finally, they reluctantly sacrificed her. |
[2:67-68] This is the discourse from which the title of this sura is taken, {Numbers 19:2-10}. St. Paul follows a similar theme in {I Corinthians 1:18-21; 4:10} and {II Corinthians 11:21-22; 12:11}. The sacrificing of animals as an offering to God is perhaps the oldest religious ritual of the human race. God accepted animal sacrifice from Abel, but not crop sacrifice from Cain. This was the reason that Cain became angry and killed his brother {Genesis 4:4-8}. The directions in {Numbers 19:2-10} are step by step instructions that mandate this practice for the Jewish people. The objection of the Jews here is not recorded in the Numbers narrative, but is added here to illustrate their reluctance to submit to what they believe is a foolish directive.
[2:69] Some texts say a brown or red cow. [2:70-71] "Tell your Lord to show us which one" - the Jews try to find excuses by pleading ignorance of what they are obviously commanded to do. "Your Lord" suggests that they don't want themselves to be identified with the Perpetrator of this "foolishness." | |
[2:72] You killed someone and then argued between yourselves about what to do, but God was about to expose what you tried to conceal.
[2:73] We said, "Strike (the victim) with part (of the heifer)." That is when God brought the victim back to life, and showed you His signs, to make you understand. [2:74] In spite this, your hearts became even harder than rocks, from which issue rivers and gentle streams. Others fall before God, who is never unaware of anything you do. |
[2:72-73] Although most texts take this literally, "killed" may refer to a natural death and the subsequent consternation about what to do with the rotting corpse {Numbers 19:11}. "Back to life" may refer to the remission of uncleanliness (caused by handling a corpse) which this sacrifice was intended to accomplish. {Numbers 19:12}
[2:74] The "hard rocks" of the desert were a frequent source of misery and despair during the Exodus, but God can produce water even from the parched rocks. {Numbers 20:11} In the same way, God knows what can pour forth from hardened hearts. | |
[2:75] Do you expect them to believe as you do, some of whom heard the word of God, and then, knowingly, deliberately distorted it?
[2:76] And when they meet the faithful, they claim to believe but among themselves they say, "Do not tell the believers what God has revealed to you; otherwise, don't you understand that you will provide support for their argument concerning your Lord?" [2:77] Don't realize that God knows everything they conceal, and everything they say? [2:78] Among them are those who are ignorant of Scripture, except through hearsay, but assume that they know it. [2:79] Therefore, woe to those who publish a distortion of Scripture, then claim, "This is from God," seeking cheap material profit. Woe to them for such distortion, and woe to them for their illicit gains. |
[2:75-79] The subject now turns to a warning about preachers. False prophets and teachers will attempt to distort the Word of God for their own purposes. Some of them are merely ignorant, but others know the Truth revealed by God but preach otherwise for their own benefit. See also {Matthew 7:15; 24:11, 24, Mark 13:22, Luke 6:26, II Peter 2:1, and I John 4:1} God knows what they do, and will punish them accordingly. This is an indictment not only of heretical clergy, but the very idea of "official" interpreters of doctrine. The written Koran itself is the only "infallible guide" ([2:2]).
It is also a condemnation of those Muslims, Christians and Jews who criticize each other's Scripture without having a clue about what such Scriptures actually say or require. Many modern so-called "Christian" critics of Islam fall into this category. The language also suggests that there were what we might today call "televangelists" of Mohammed's time who attempted to make a few coins out of false teaching. "Woe to them," indeed! | |
[2:80] Some claim, "We will spend only a limited time in Hell." Say*, "Did God give you such a pledge (God never breaks His promises) or, are you saying something about God that you do not know?"
[2:81] The fact is, those who sins infuse them with evil will live in Hell and remain there forever. [2:82] Those who believe and lead a righteous life will live forever in Paradise. |
[2:80-82] The false teachers claim that they (and possibly all the damned) will spend only a limited time in Hell, in proportion to the evil of the sins they committed. But their sins make them intrinsically evil. The punishment of Hell is therefore eternal, just as the reward of the just in Paradise is eternal.
*Say - This command appears numerous times in the Koran, which was revealed directly to Mohammed through the angel Gabriel. God directs him to recite this revelation. | |
[2:83] We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: "You shall not worship except God. You shall honor your parents and regard the relatives, the orphans, and the poor. You shall treat the people amicably. You shall observe the Necessary Prayers and give the Obligatory Charity." But you turned away, except a few of you, and you became averse.
[2:84] We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your blood, nor shall you evict each other from your homes. You agreed and bore witness. | [2:83-84] The Ten Commandments {Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:7-21}. The prohibition against killing is also in {Numbers 35:33}. The source of the prohibition against eviction is unfamiliar (possibly {Leviticus 25:29}), but in harmony with the other prohibitions. In any case, this is a very serious offense against the hospitality that is absolutely essential in a nomadic or semi-nomadic community, and would have been highly offensive even to the pagans of Mohammed's time. The emphasis here is the Jews' faithlessness not only with respect to God, but also among each other. | |
[2:85] Yet, here you are killing each other, and evicting some of you from their homes, banding against them sinfully and maliciously. Even when they surrendered, you demanded ransom from them, even though you were prohibited from evicting them in the first place. Do you believe only part of the Scripture and disbelieve another part? What should be the punishment for those among you who do this, except humiliation in this life, and a far worse penalty on the Day of Resurrection? God is never unaware of anything you do. | [2:85] This list of indictments is a powerful argument that the Jews did not even treat each other with the respect that their religion required of them, much less their pagan neighbors. In addition, their injustice toward the people with whom they lived was so flagrant and offensive that it humiliated them even among the pagan Arabs, a stinging rebuke! Great as this humiliation is, it is not nearly as terrible as the appropriate punishment from God, who knows everything. The punishment from Him is eternal damnation, for they are irretrievably evil. | |
[2:86] They pay the price of the Hereafter for their sinful lives. Therefore, their punishment will never be commuted, and no one will be able to help them. | [2:86] This may also be a repudiation, intended or not, of the Christian doctrines of Purgatory, the Communion of Saints, and indulgences. | |
[2:87] After all, We gave Moses the Taurat (Torah), and subsequently sent other messengers, We gave you Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), profound miracles and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Yet isn't it true that every time a messenger went to you with anything you disliked, your ego got the best of you? You rejected some of them and killed others. | [2:87] A condemnation repeated in {Matthew 23:34, Luke 6:23; 11:47, Acts 7:52}. The Koran says that Jesus is "the son of Mary" (but not the "son of God") and a messenger of God, who supported him with miracles and the Holy Spirit. He was treated the same as all the other messengers of God, who were rejected and killed (although this ayat does not claim that Jesus was killed. See [3:55].) | |
[2:88] Some claim to have made up their minds, but this is a curse from God, a consequence of their disbelief that keeps most of them from later accepting the truth. | [2:88] People who proudly make up their minds call down a curse from God, their pride in their own judgment denies them the subsequent blessing of His revelation. | |
[2:89] When this Scripture came to them from God, and even though it agrees with, and confirms what they have, and even though they used to prophesy its advent when they talked with the disbelievers, when their own prophecy came to pass, they did not accept it. God's condemnation thus afflicts the disbelievers. | [2:89] In the case of the Jews, they accept previous revelation ("what they have") as they await the coming of the Messiah and his teachings. But since they reject this very revelation contained in the Koran, they lose the blessings to which their heritage as Jews entitles them and suffer the same condemnation as the pagans and gentiles. | |
[2:90] They sold their souls for a small price indeed, rejecting these revelations of God out of jealousy that God should bless whomever He will from among His servants. As a result, they incurred the most severe punishment, a humiliating penalty.
[2:91] When they are told, "Believe these words of God," they say, "We believe only in what we have already received." So, they ignore subsequent revelations, even truth from their Lord, and even though it confirms what they already know! Say, "If you were so devout, why did you kill God's prophets? [2:92] Moses came to you with convincing miracles, yet as soon as he left you alone, you became evil and worshiped the golden calf! |
[2:90] One of the reasons for the Jews' rejection of the Koran is that it provides for the salvation of non-Jews. The early Christians had trouble with this idea as well. See {Acts 10:34-35; 11:17-18}
[2:91] Refusing to believe the divine authorship of the revelations of Mohammed and practice his injunctions is simply another example of the Jews historical practice of rejecting the prophets of God. This in spite of the fact that nothing in the Koran contradicts what the Jews already believe. [2:92] Moses is considered by the Jews the greatest of all prophets "whom the Lord knew face to face" {Deuteronomy 34:10}. Yet many of the Jews didn't even follow Moses' teaching, which Islam considers was corrupted by contemporary Judaism. | |
[2:93] We made a covenant with you, as we raised Mount Sinai above you, saying, "You shall uphold the commandments we have given you, strongly, and listen." They said, "We hear, but we disobey." Their hearts became filled with adoration for the calf, because of their disbelief. Say, "Wretched indeed is the little faith you have that causes you to do this!"
[2:94] Say, "If you really believed that the Hereafter is reserved for you and God, and not to any others, then you should long for death." [2:95] But they are afraid of death, because of what their hands have done. God knows that they are wicked. [2:96] The fact is, they cling to life even more than the pagans, even wishing to live a thousand years. But no matter how long they live, they will eventually receive their punishment, for God sees everything they do. |
[2:93] Possibly a little sarcasm here. The Jews actually said they would obey {Exodus 19:8}, but they didn't do it. They rejected the commandments of the God who had brought them out of Egypt, and instead made a god like the ones to which they had been exposed there. Islam considers that they also perverted Mosaic teaching. God here scolds them for not having enough faith to do what they agreed to.
[2:94-96] If the Jews really believed that they, and they alone, would achieve Paradise (because they are Jews), they would look forward to death as a way of avoiding the cares of earthly life and being united with God. But because many of them know that God is aware of their sinfulness, they are afraid to face Him. The remark about the "thousand years" may refer to the wretched man described in {Ecclesiastes 6} to whom all the pleasures of life, (a large family, a long life, an honorable burial, all highly esteemed by the Jews) are given, yet he cannot enjoy them because he chooses these things over God. Ecclesiastes says that he would be better off dead. | |
[2:97] Say, "Anyone who challenges Jibreel (Gabriel) should know that it is he who filled your heart with this Koran, as God decreed, confirming previous revelation, and bringing new guidance and revelation to those who accept it."
[2:98] Anyone who opposes God, and His angels, and His messengers, and Gabriel and Meekaeel (Michael), should know that God opposes the disbelievers as well. | [2:97-98] The angel Gabriel is a messenger of good news to both non-Jews {Daniel 8:16; 9:21} and Jews {Luke 1:19, 26} as well as Muslims [3:39, 45], [11:69, 71, 74], [12:96], [16:89], [19:7], [29:31]. Here God identifies him as a messenger of the good news of the Koran, which was almost complete at the time of this writing, to Mohammed as well. (Mohammed is believed to have received the Koran from God through the Angel Gabriel.) Those who reject the revelation from Gabriel reject God, in which case God rejects them in like manner. | |
[2:99] Our revelations to you are so clear that only the wicked will reject them.
[2:100] When they make a covenant and pledge to keep it, do not some of them always disregard it? In fact, most of them do not believe. [2:101] Now, when another Messenger from God comes to them, and confirms and ratifies what they have previously believed, some followers of Scripture turn their backs on God's Word, as if they had never heard of it. | [2:99-101] In addition to rejecting belief in the Word of God, "the wicked" reject their promises to follow it. This is something they have done repeatedly as recorded in their entire history. They similarly reject the divine revelation that Mohammed brings, which is equally clear. In doing so, they are simply repeating the mistakes they made in not following the guidance they had already been given, and that would have kept them out of the trouble they kept getting themselves into. Their doom is in the fact that this revelation is the last they shall receive, and so this is their last chance to take advantage of God's attempts to redeem them. | |
[2:102] They pursued what the devils taught concerning the kingdom of Sulaiman (Solomon). Solomon believed, but the devils did not. They taught the people sorcery, and that the revelations of two angels of Babel, Haroot and Maroot. About their revelations these two pointed out: "This is a test. You shall not abuse it." But the people used it in such evil practices as divorce. They can never harm anyone unless God wills. They thus learn what hurts them, not what benefits them, and they know full well that whoever practices witchcraft will have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed is what they sell their souls for, if they only knew. | [2:102] Solomon is an example of this. He turned to idol worship in his old age, as a result of which God became angry with him and divided his kingdom. {I Kings11:4and following} the rest of the passage is unfamiliar. It may refer to the evils that Solomon did by building the temples to the gods Astarte, Milcom, Chemosh, and Moloch, the Ammonite version of Milcom. The moral here is that God allows people to learn what actions to avoid in the future. This is a central theme in the Koran, that worldly evil is part of God's plan. He tolerates it so that good may come of it. Thus, people will eventually avoid those sins that deprive them of Paradise. The magnitude of that loss is unimaginably tragic... | |
[2:103] If they realized that if they have faith and lead a righteous life, the reward from God is far better. | [2:103] ...whereas the rewards of faith and virtue are equally unimaginable. Islam requires faith and good works to attain eternal salvation. | |
[2:104] You who believe, do not say, "Raa'ena" (be our shepherd). Instead, you should say, "Unzurna" (watch over us), and listen. Those who do not believe will suffer grievously. | [2:104] A remark about piety in prayer. The word "Raa'ena" was abused by some Hebrew-speaking people, and twisted to sound like a dirty word, so they were advised to not use it at all. (See also [4:46].) | |
[2:105] Neither the Jewish nor the pagan unbelievers want to see the believers prosper. God, however, blesses whom He chooses.
[2:106] We will replace all forgotten revelations with something better. Don't you know that God is All Powerful?* |
[2:105-106] Potential Jewish converts were worried that new revelations contained in the Koran might replace their existing Scriptures. Here they are told not to worry about it because truth cannot contradict truth, and their previous Scripture is also truth from God.
*"All Powerful" is one of the names of God. | |
[2:107] Don't you realize that God rules the heavens and the earth; that only God is your guardian and helper? | [2:107] In any case, they don't have a choice; they must obey God because He rules the entire universe and sets the standards by which they are judged. | |
[2:108] Would you treat this Messenger the same way you treated Moses in the past? Anyone who chooses disbelief over belief has truly strayed off the right path. | [2:108] Mohammed and his Message are being treated the same way as the Hebrews treated Moses. Those who are persecuting him will suffer the same ultimate fate as those who persecuted Moses. | |
[2:109] Many followers of the Scripture would rather see you revert to disbelief, now that you have believed. They are simply jealous, because they know the truth. Forgive them and leave them be, until God judges them. God is All Powerful. | [2:109] The "followers of the Scripture" are the Jewish teachers who oppose conversion to Islam. The assertion here is that they do so out of evil motives rather than conviction or simple ignorance. The converts here are advised to let God take care of them. | |
[2:110] You shall observe the Necessary Prayers and give the Obligatory Charity. Any good you do for your salvation, you will find it at God, who sees everything you do. | [2:110] Islam requires the "Necessary Prayers" (salat) and "Obligatory Charity" (zakat) not previously required of the Jews, but they will also receive a reward from pious Jewish practices as well. | |
[2:111] Some claim, "No one will enter Paradise except Jews or Christians!" That is only their wishful thinking. Say, "Show us your proof, if you are right."
[2:112] Surely, those who submit themselves absolutely to God alone, and lead a righteous life, will receive their reward from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they be sorry. [2:113] The Jews claim, "The Christians are mistaken," while the Christians claim, "The Jews are mistaken." Yet, both of them read the same Scripture. Their own assertions prove their ignorance. God will judge them on the Day of Resurrection, regarding their disagreements. |
[2:111-113] The assertion that only Jews or Christians (or other religions) can be saved is demonstrably false, for God rewards all devout practices. Here the Koran condemns this idea and challenges the rabbis and priests to show where their own Scripture says that.
The condemnation also extends to the Christians and Jews who read the same Old Testament and come to different conclusions regarding its meaning, especially as regards salvation of those who do not agree with them or follow their teaching. This is one of the arguments for accepting Scripture (the Koran) as the only source of revelation and not having a clergy authorized more than the common man to interpret it. (See [2:62] and [2:256]) | |
[2:114] Who could possibly be more evil than those who stay away from God's mosques, where His name is commemorated, and lead others to do the same? They should be afraid to enter. They will suffer humiliation in this life, and will suffer a terrible punishment in the Hereafter. | [2:114] The condemnation here is of those who would forbid others to pray to the same God that Muslims do because of their doctrinal differences. God desires that people get along with each other regardless of the difference in their beliefs, and common prayer to Him is a means to that end. | |
[2:115] The east and the west belong to God. Wherever you go, God is there. God is everywhere and knows everything. | [2:115] God is not only in the churches or only in the synagogues or only in the mosques; He is everywhere. It is thus appropriate for people to worship together. | |
[2:116] Some claim, "God has begotten a son! All glory to him!" Not so! Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him, and all are subservient to Him.
[2:117] For the Creator of the heavens and the earth: to have anything done, He simply says to it: "Be," and it is. [2:118] The ignorant say, "If only God could speak to us, or some miracle could come to us!" Others have said similar things before; their minds are similar. We do manifest the miracles for those who have attained certainty. [2:119] We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news, as well as a warning. You are not answerable for those who incur Hell. [2:120] Neither the Jews, nor the Christians, will accept you, unless you follow their religion. Say, "God's guidance is the true guidance." If you acquiesce to their wishes, despite the knowledge you have received, you will find no ally or supporter to help you against God. [2:121] Those who received the Scripture, and know it as it should be known, will believe in this. As for those who disbelieve, they are doomed. |
[2:116] One problem is the disagreement between Christians and Jews concerning the identity of Jesus. It is asserted here that they can agree to disagree. This doctrinal difference should not be a barrier to common worship of the One, True God.
[2:117] "He has only to say: 'Be,' and it is" is a manifestation of the absolute creative power of God. The idea here is that whatever God has or has not done is simply irrelevant in the argument for (or against) God's desire for all people to worship Him. [2:118] Believers and disbelievers see the same "signs," but reach different conclusions {Matthew 12:38-39; 16:1-4, Mark 8:11-12 ; Luke 11:16, 29; John 2:18; 4:48; 6:30}. [2:119] One argument of the unbelievers is that Mohammed has not been sufficiently persuasive, so it is his fault if they do not believe him. That is simply not a valid excuse, since the Message itself is God's. [2:120] Here God warns Mohammed not to fall into the trap of political correctness, but to preach God's Message as he has received it, favoring neither Christian nor Jew. [2:121] See {Matthew 11:15; 13:9, 43, Mark 4:9, 23; 7:16, Luke 8:8; 14:35} | |
[2:122] O Children of Israel, remember My favor that I bestowed upon you, and that I blessed you more than any other people. | [2:122] A further reminder of God's blessings upon the Jews in the past. See also [2:40], {Deuteronomy 14:2, 1 Peter 2:9-10} | |
[2:123] Beware of the day when no soul will help another soul, no ransom will be accepted, no intercession will be useful, and no one will be helped.
[2:124] Recall that Ibrahim (Abraham) was put to the test by his Lord, through certain commands, and he fulfilled them. (God) said, "I am appointing you an imam for the people." He said, "And also my descendants?" He said, "My covenant does not include those who do evil." |
[2:123] This is a reminder to those who believe in intercessory prayer that they don't have unlimited time to recant. {Luke 12:20}
[2:124] The Old Testament reference, if any, is obscure, however, see {John 8:39-40, Romans 4:2, 13-22 and Galatians 3:6-9}. The reward of Abraham's righteousness was his alone. Those who do evil do not enjoy the favor of being preeminent among the believers, even if they are descendants of Abraham. | |
[2:125] We have rendered the Kaaba a focal point for the people, and a safe sanctuary. You may use Abraham's shrine as a prayer house. We commissioned Abraham and Ismail (Ishmael): "You shall purify My house for those who visit, those who live there, and those who bow and prostrate." | [2:125] The Kaaba in Mecca is believed to have been built by Abraham {possibly described in Genesis 12:7} and his son Ishmael, the Father of Arab people (as Isaac is the Father of the Jews). It is therefore a holy place, and a "safe sanctuary." The concept of sanctuary or place of refuge is mentioned in [5:97], [29:67], and [38:21]. | |
[2:126] Abraham prayed: "My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and provide its people with fruits. Provide for those who believe in God and the Last Day." (God) said, "I will also provide for those who disbelieve. I will let them enjoy, temporarily, then commit them to the punishment of Hell, and a miserable destiny.
[2:127] As Abraham raised the foundations of the Kaaba, together with Ishmael (they prayed): "Our Lord, accept this from us. You are the One who hears and knows everything." [2:128] "Our Lord, make us submitters to You, and from our descendants let there be a community of submitters to You. Teach us the rites of our religion, and redeem us. You are the Redeemer, Most Merciful. |
[2:126-129] These conversations are not recorded in the Hebrew Old Testament, but the idea of the unjust being allowed to coexist with the just before their eternal punishment is expressed in {Matthew 13:24-43} these verses (ayat) taken together indicate that Abraham himself practiced a religion that was to be formalized as Islam (Submission) by the revelations of the Prophet Mohammed. Although the Hebrew Scripture does not offer the same evidence, it does demonstrate his attitude of submission to the Will of God, which is the essence of Islam. See [4:125], {Genesis 15:6, 9-10; 17:23-27; 21:4, 14; and especially 22:1-10}.
[2:127] "Hearer" and "Omniscient" are names of God. [2:128] "Redeemer" and "Most Merciful" are names of God. | |
[2:129] "Our Lord, and raise among them a Messenger to recite to them Your revelations, teach them the Scripture and wisdom, and purify them. You are the Almighty, Most Wise."
[2:130] Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous. [2:131] When his Lord said to him, "Submit," he said, "I submit to the Lord of the universe." [2:132] Moreover, Abraham exhorted his children to do the same, and so did Yaqoub (Jacob): "O my children, God has pointed out the religion for you; do not die except as submitters to God's will." |
[2:129] "Almighty" and "Most Wise" are names of God.
[2:130] Abraham is the Father of the Arabs (through Ishmael) and the Jews (through Isaac). The "religion of Abraham" is therefore not only submission to God, but also a familial bond between Jews and Arabs that is "counted unto him for righteousness" {Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:6} the Koran asserts repeatedly that Islam is the religion of Abraham. See [3:95], [4:125], [6:161] and [22:78]. [2:131] See {Genesis 22:18}. This is not only an act of faith on Abraham's part, but also an acknowledgment of the absolute majesty of God. Abraham is therefore not only the most righteous, he is also shows his understanding of the nature of God. [2:132] This quotation is not attributable to any one found in the Bible. | |
[2:133] Were you present when Jacob, as he was dying, said to his children, "What will you worship after I die?" they said, "We will worship your God; the God of your fathers Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac; the One God. To Him only do we submit." | [2:133] Another exhortation to the Jews to embrace Islam. Jacob, the Father of the Jews, extracts the promise of his sons (the Patriarchs) to worship the same God as Abraham, Ishmael, and Jacob's own father, Isaac. | |
[2:134] Such is a community from the past. They are responsible for what they earned, and you are responsible for what you earned. You are not answerable for anything they have done. | [2:134] The Jews must themselves embrace Islam; the merits of Abraham are not imparted to the Jews merely because they are Abraham's descendants. See {Matthew 3:9; Luke 3:8; John 8:39; Romans 4:16} See also [2:141]. | |
[2:135] They said, "You have to be Jewish or Christian, to be saved." Say, "We follow Abraham's religion, that of belief in the One True God, not in idols.
[2:136] Say, "We believe in God, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. We submit to Him alone. [2:137] If they believe in God as you do, then they are on the right path. But if they turn away, then they are opposing God Himself. God will defend you against them. He is the One who hears and knows everything. [2:138] Ours is God's religion, and who is better than God at establishing religion? He is the Only one we worship. [2:139] Say, "Would you bicker with us about God, when He is the Lord of us both? Each of us is responsible for his own actions. All of us are devoted to the same God. |
[2:135] The assertion here seems to be that whether one is a Christian or a Jew is of little importance compared to whether one believes in God (as Abraham did) or not.
[2:136] The One True God of Abraham is revealed throughout the ages in Scripture. True believers will accept this truth without concern for religious differences. This is a direct refutation of the belief that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews do. [2:137] The Jews and the Christians, are on the "right path" to salvation, since they believe in the One, True, God. Polytheists oppose God, who will protect His own against them. [2:138] Submission to the Will of God transcends all religious differences, and is a necessary result of knowing who He is and believing in Him. [2:139] It does not make sense to quarrel about religious differences among people who worship the One True God. This is a direct repudiation of the idea that Muslims, Jews and Christians cannot get along with each other. | |
[2:140] Do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs were Jews or Christians? Say, "Are you smarter than God? Who could be more evil that one who refuses to acknowledge what God himself has revealed? God knows everything that you do." | [2:140] The point here is that the Patriarchs themselves did not identify with a particular religion, but worshiped God in the simplicity of their absolute belief in His unique nature, power and majesty. The fact that they are the fathers in faith of us all suggests that we (all) should do likewise. | |
[2:141] That was a community from the past. They are responsible for what they did, and you are responsible for what you do. You are not answerable for anything they did. | [2:141] A reiteration of the assertion in [2:124] that the Jews (and, indeed, all others) cannot rely for justification on what their ancestors did or were promised. Each person is answerable for himself. | |
[2:142] The foolish people would say, "Why did they change the direction of their Qiblah?" Say, "God owns the east and the west; He guides whoever wills in a straight path."
[2:143] We thus made you an impartial society, that you may be witnesses among the people, just as the Messenger is a witness among you. We changed the direction of your original Qiblah only to distinguish those among you who readily follow the Messenger from those who would turn back on their heels. It was a difficult test, but not for those who are guided by God, who never puts your worship to waste. God is Compassionate towards the people, Most Merciful. [2:144] We have seen you turning your face toward heaven. We now assign a Qiblah that is an inspiration to you. From now on, you shall pray towards the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you may be, all of you shall turn your faces towards it. Those who received the previous Scripture know that this is the truth from their Lord. God is never unaware of anything they do. [2:145] Even if you show the followers of the Scripture every kind of miracle, they will not follow your Qiblah. Nor shall you follow their Qiblah. They do not even follow each others' Qiblah. If you conform to their wishes, after the knowledge that has come to you, you will be a sinner like them. |
[2:142-144] "Qiblah" is the direction toward which a Muslim prays, and toward which they face when they are buried. Mosques and Muslim cemeteries, and many public buildings, have a plaque or other indication on them that indicates this direction. Muslims invented astronomy to determine the precise dates of holy days and the exact direction of the Qiblah. Originally, the Qiblah was toward Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem, the First of the Two Qiblahs). According to accounts from the prophet Mohammed's companions, during noon prayer one day in Medina, in a mosque known today as Masjid Al-Qiblatain (Mosque of the Two Qiblahs), Mohammed was leading the prayer when he received a revelation from God instructing him to "turn your face towards the Masjid al Haram" (the Kaaba in Mecca, which was still controlled by Mohammed's enemies, the Quraish). Mohammed, who had been facing Jerusalem, immediately turned around to face Mecca, about 170 degrees, and those praying behind him also did so. The direction of the Qiblah thus identified the true believers from the Jews who still considered Jerusalem to be the preeminent home of God.
The eating of pork was a similar test of fidelity for Jewish converts to Christianity during the Inquisition. [2:145] Some of the Jewish converts objected to the change in Qiblah. They are answered here that the change in direction is from God, and any attempt to compromise on this issue is itself an evil act. | |
[2:146] Those who received the Scripture recognize the truth of this just as much as they recognize their own children. Yet, some of them intentionally conceal it. | [2:146] The devout Jewish converts to Islam recognized the necessity of declaring their new faith by this liturgical change, and accepted it. The hypocrites objected to it. | |
[2:147] This is the truth from your Lord; do not have the slightest doubt. | [2:147] Here they are exhorted not to have any doubts about the necessity of this practice. | |
[2:148] Each of you has the choice of which direction to follow. Hasten therefore towards righteousness. Wherever you may be, God will summon you all. God is Omnipotent. | [2:148] The dedication to their new faith expressed by following the new Qiblah is an analog of the more fundamental dedication involved in doing good for the sake of God... | |
[2:149] Wherever you go, you shall turn your face in prayer towards the Sacred Mosque. This is the truth from your Lord. God is never unaware of anything you all do.
[2:150] Wherever you go, you shall turn your face in prayer towards the Sacred Mosque; wherever you might be, you shall turn your faces in prayer towards it. Thus, the people will have no argument against you, except the sinners among them. Do not fear them, and fear Me instead. I will then perfect My blessings upon you, and guide you... |
[2:149] ...and therefore is a sign of one's submission to God and acceptance of His Message and Messenger (Mohammed).
[2:150] Praying toward Mecca is here commanded of all Muslims by God Himself, and is the mark of a true Muslim even today. Determining the exact direction from where one will be is part of trip planning for all devout Muslims. Muslim astronauts are provided with computer programs that show where Mecca is and how to orient oneself to point that way, as well as what shipboard "time" is appropriate for prayers. | |
[2:151] ...blessings such having sent a Messenger from among you to reveal our revelations to you, purify you, teach you the Scripture and wisdom, and to teach you new things. | [2:151] Those faithful to Islam (by observing the requirement to pray toward Mecca) can expect to continue to receive God's special blessings that include the new things that Mohammed will teach them. | |
[2:152] You shall remember Me, that I may remember you, and be thankful and grateful to Me. | [2:152] The Qiblah is a way of remembering Islam's special relationship with God. See {Isaiah 49:15} | |
[2:153] O you who believe, seek help through steadfastness and the Necessary Prayers. God is with those who steadfastly persevere.
[2:154] Do not speak of those who die in the service of God as if they were dead. They are alive, but you do not recognize it. |
[2:153] This is an exhortation to pray always. See {Luke 21:36, II Thessalonians 1:11}.
[2:154] This is an idea much like that in {John 3:15; 5:39; 6:54, 68; 10:28; 11:25-26; 17:2; Acts 13:48; Romans 2:7; 5:21; 6:23; I Timothy 6:12, 19; Titus 1:2; 3:7; I John 1:2; 2:25; 3:15; 5:11, 13, 20, and Jude 21}. | |
[2:155] We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give (this) good news to the steadfast.
[2:156] When misfortune befalls them, they say, "We belong to God, and to Him we are returning." [2:157] These have deserved blessings from their Lord and mercy. These are on the "Right Path." [2:158] Travel between Safa and Marwah are among the rites decreed by God. Anyone who observes hajj or umrah does well to travel between them. If one volunteers even more righteous works, God is Appreciative, Omniscient.* |
[2:155] The same warning and promise is made in {Matthew 24:6-13; Mark 13:7-13; and Luke 21:9-13}.
[2:156] See also {II Corinthians 1:9} [2:157] See also {Matthew 5:10-13} [2:158] Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are two small hills now located in the Masjid al Haram, the site of the sacred Kaaba, in Mecca. Travel back and forth seven times between them is one of the rituals of the ritual pilgrimages of hajj and umrah *"Appreciative" and "Omniscient" are among the names of God. | |
According to Islamic tradition, Ibrahim (Abraham) was commanded by God to leave Hajarah (Hagar), the mother of his eldest son Ishmael, in the desert along with her infant son and some provisions as a test of Abraham's faith. When the provisions were exhausted, Hagar searched for water. Due to the blistering heat, mirages of water began to appear near the two hills where they were. Because of the mirages, Hagar believed that she had found two oases, and ran back and forth between the hills, thinking that there would be some fruit trees or other nourishment there. After her apparently fruitless search, she returned to Ishmael and found that a spring had sprouted forth from the crying baby's feet. Muslims believe that God provided her with the miraculous surge of water from the well, known as Zamzam. One of the rituals of the hajj commemorates this event. | ||
[2:159] Surely God, as well as the accursed, will condemn those who conceal our revelations and guidance, after God Himself has proclaimed them for the people in His Scripture. | [2:159] Those hypocrites who distort the revelations of Scripture will be cursed even by the accursed themselves. Jesus didn't like them either. See {Matthew 23:13-36, Luke 11:44-52} | |
[2:160] As for those who repent, reform, and proclaim, I redeem them. I am the *Redeemer, Most Merciful.
[2:161] Those who die refusing to believe, have incurred the condemnation of God, the angels, and all mankind. [2:162] They will remain eternally in Hell, where their punishment will never cease and they will never be reprieved. |
[2:160] This idea is also contained in {Matthew 9:12-13}
*"Redeemer" and "Most Merciful" are names of God. [2:161] This is a discourse on the direct relationship between man and God. Islam rejects the (Christian) idea of a personal savior or (that of both Christians and Jews) an ordained clergy. [2:162] Punishment for substituting human teachers for God is the same as for idol worship. See [4:51]. | |
[2:163] There is only One God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. | [2:163] The primacy of the One, true God does not admit of any mediator (i.e. Jesus) of His blessings. | |
[2:164] Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth, the cycle of night and day, the ships that roam the ocean for the benefit of the people, the rain that God sends down from the sky to revive dead land and to spread in it all kinds of creatures, the manipulation of the winds, and the clouds that are placed between the sky and the earth are sufficient proofs for people who understand. | [2:164] Islam teaches that God directly cares for man through His creation of the universe and all its attributes, thus providing for the physical, psychological and commercial needs of man. It is obvious from the nature of the world that God deals directly with His creatures, thus removing the need (or possibility) of any intermediary, such as a personal savior or a sacramental priesthood. | |
[2:165] Yet, some people set up idols to rival God, and worship them as if they are God. Those who believe love God the most. If only the transgressors could see themselves when they see the punishment! they will realize then that all power belongs to God alone, and that God's vengeance is awesome. | [2:165] This passage is seen by Muslims as a repudiation of Christianity and the worship of Jesus. The objection does not apply if Jesus is God (which Muslims reject). This is the fundamental disagreement between Muslims and Christians, but it does not arise from what this ayat says. | |
[2:166] Those who were followed will disown those who followed them. They will see the punishment, and all ties among them will be severed. | [2:166] Anyone who worships people (Son Myung Moon, Marharashi Rashneesh, Jim Jones, etc.) will ultimately be rejected by them in the final judgment. | |
[2:167] Those who followed will say, "If we could have another chance, we would disown them, as they have disowned us now." God thus shows them the consequences of their works as nothing but remorse; they will never exit Hell. | [2:167] Their worshipers, in turn, will regret being led astray, and the choice they made in allowing themselves to be deceived, but it will be too late. They will have made themselves deserving of everlasting punishment by essentially worshiping idols. | |
[2:168] O people, eat from the earth's products all that is lawful and good, and do not follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy. | [2:168] An exhortation to avoid prohibited foods, more relaxed than the prohibitions of Judaism. See {Leviticus 11:2-43} | |
[2:169] He only commands you to commit evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. | [2:169] The temptation to eat forbidden foods comes from the devil. See [16:86], [35:14], [46:6]. | |
[2:170] When they are told to follow what God has finally revealed, the foolish say, "We will follow the example of our ancestors." Why? Their ancestors did not have the guidance they have been given. | [2:170] The dietary restrictions of Islam ([2:173]) are somewhat more relaxed than those observed by the Jews. The exhortation here is the follow the new rules rather than the old because God has changed the rules. | |
[2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand. | [2:171] This is a rebuke of those who would blindly follow the old dietary restrictions (possibly otherwise devout Jewish converts to Islam) in preference to the new ones imposed by God. | |
[2:172] O you who believe, eat from the good things we provided for you, and be thankful to God, if you do worship Him alone. | [2:172] Everything created by God is good, and the new relaxed restrictions are to be seen as a dispensation, a blessing from God. | |
[2:173] He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than God. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [2:173] There are only four restrictions on meat products: (1) death from natural causes, (2) blood, (3) pork, and (4) animals sacrificed to idols. However, if one unknowingly violates these, he is not guilty. See {Luke 10:8, Acts 10:9-15; 15:20, I Corinthians 8:3-13; 10:27-29} and [3:94]. | |
[2:174] Those who conceal God's revelations in the Scripture, in exchange for a cheap material gain, eat but fire into their bellies. God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. They will suffer grievously. | [2:174] With more kinds of food available to the Jewish converts, grocery prices probably fell, and there may have been grocers who sought to conceal the new rules. However, this rebuke may be for those who withhold any of the new revelation. | |
[2:175] It is they who chose to stray instead of being guided, and punishment instead of forgiveness. Because of this, they will burn in Hell. | [2:175] Corrupting the revelation of God for personal gain is a very serious sin, deserving of the most serious everlasting punishment. | |
[2:176] This is because God has revealed the truth of His revelation in his Book. Those who dispute the Scripture are in direct opposition to Him. | [2:176] The truth of God is what is written, and any corruption of the written word is heresy. (This is why Arabic is the only canonical language of the Koran.) | |
[2:177] Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteousness is believing in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; and the giving of money, cheerfully, to one's relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, and the beggars. It includes freeing the slaves; and observing the Necessary Prayers the Obligatory Charity (zakat); and keeping your word whenever you make a promise. It includes steadfastly persevering in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. Those who do these things are people of truth; the righteous. |
[2:177] This is a philosophy shared by Christians as well. See {Matthew 5:44; 6:1-8; 22:39, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27-37, Romans 13:9, Galatians 5:14, James 1:27, 2:8}. In addition, faith, prayer and charitable works are three of the five "pillars" of Islam. See also [2:277] and [3:92].
Of particular interest is the mention, almost in passing, of "freeing (all of) the slaves," a charitable work that the Bible ignores. Freeing a believing slave is the appropriate penance for negligently killing a believer ([4:92]); freeing any slave is the penance for violating an oath ([5:89]) See also the footnote after [4:3]. | |
[2:178] O you who believe, equivalence is the law decreed for you when dealing with murder - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the female for the female. If one is pardoned by the victim's kin, an appropriate response is in order, and an equitable compensation shall be paid. This is an alleviation from your Lord and mercy. Anyone who transgresses beyond this incurs a severe punishment.
[2:179] Equality is a life saving law for you, who understand, that you may be righteous. [2:180] It is decreed that when death approaches, you shall write a will for the benefit of the parents and relatives, equitably. This is a duty upon the righteous. [2:181] If anyone alters a will he had heard, the sin of altering befalls those responsible for such altering. God hears and knows everything. |
[2:178] This is somewhat like the lex talonis in {Exodus 21:24-27 and Leviticus 24:20-22, Deuteronomy 19:21}, but it also contains a sentiment similar to {Matthew 5:39-44}. The maximum penalty is dictated by justice. A man cannot be put to death for killing a woman, or vice versa. The idea here is that while one is not permitted to extract more punishment than the crime merits, he is encouraged to be merciful and forgiving and seek a more compassionate penalty.
[2:179] Righteousness involves dealing fairly even with those by whom one has been wronged. [2:180] Providing for disposition of one's assets upon his death is a religious, as well as a commercial, obligation... [2:181] ...and altering a will is therefore a sin. This was especially important where wills were frequently confided orally to others by people who were often illiterate. | |
[2:182] If one sees gross injustice or bias on the part of a testator, and takes corrective action to restore justice to the will, he commits no sin. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [2:182] Normally, contradicting a formal testimony would be considered rude and possibly sinful, but not for the purpose of redressing an injustice, especially to the deceased, who cannot defend himself. | |
[2:183] O you who believe, you are required to fast, as it was required for those before you, that you may attain salvation. | [2:183] Fasting is one of the five "pillars" of Islam. Muslims are not permitted to eat or drink anything during the daytime of Ramadan. | |
[2:184] There are specific days designated for fasting. If a person is ill or traveling, an equal number of other days may be substituted. Those who can fast, but with great difficulty, may substitute feeding one poor person for each day of breaking the fast. If one volunteers (more righteous works), it is better. But fasting is the best for you, if you only knew. | [2:184] Fasting as a religious ritual is supposed to be a communal as well as a personal activity, and therefore there are specific days designated for it. One excused for a legitimate reason is enjoined to substitute other meritorious works. On the other hand, this substitution does not relieve an individual from the obligation to perform other good works as well. | |
[2:185] Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear revelations, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast during that time. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. God wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify God for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.
[2:186] When My servants ask about Me, I am always near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me. The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, in order walk in the right path. [2:187] You may have sexual intercourse with your wives during the nights of fasting. They are like your clothing, and you are like theirs. God knew that you used to do this anyway, so He has showed mercy toward you. That is why He has permitted this for you. You may eat and drink until it is *light enough to distinguish a white thread from a dark one. Then, you shall fast until the night comes again. You may not have sex if you decide to retreat to the mosque (during the last ten days of Ramadan). These are God's laws; you shall not transgress them. God thus clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may attain salvation. [2:188] You shall not cheat each other out of your money, nor bribe public officials to deprive others of their rights. [2:189] They ask you about the phases of the moon! Say, "They provide a timing device for the people, and determine the time of hajj." It is not righteous to beat around the bush; *righteousness is attained by upholding the commandments and by being straightforward. You shall observe God, that you may succeed. [2:190] Fight in the service of God against those who attack you, but do not be the attacker. God does not love aggressors. |
[2:185] All are enjoined to participate in the formal, communal period of fasting of Ramadan if they are able, since this practice commemorates events of their faith and strengthens the faith of the community. If they are unable, they are required to fast for another equivalent period of time. The purpose of this observance is not to impose a hardship, but to provide an opportunity to grow in knowledge, self control and holiness. It corresponds roughly to Christian lent and the Aseret Yemei Teshuva in Judaism.
[2:186] God is near to those who call upon Him. See {Matthew 18:20}. They point here is that by praying and observing the rules that follow, one is drawn closer to God. [2:187] "Forty days and nights" is an impossibly long time in Scripture. The Flood was caused by forty days and nights of rain {Genesis 7:4, 12, 17} and receded for a like time. {Genesis 8:6} Joseph mourned his father for forty days {Genesis 50:3} Moses {Exodus 24:18, 34:28, Deuteronomy 9:9, 11, 18, 25, 10:10} and Jesus {Matthew 4:2, Mark 1:13, Luke 4:2} fasted for this time. The reconnaissance of Canaan {Numbers 13:25; 14:34}, Elijah's trip to Horeb {I Kings19:8} and the redemption of Nineveh {Jonah 3:4-10} took this long. It took this long for Jesus to prove he was alive {Acts 1:3}. God's permission here makes "forty days of fasting" tolerable. *Note the precise method of telling night from day. [2:188] This expresses the sentiment contained also in {Leviticus 19:11, 13} [2:189] See [36:39]. *The literal Quranic idiom says: "Do not enter the homes through the back doors." The question about the phases of the moon is an example of beating around the bush; there were bad ulterior motives behind this question. [2:190] The Koran specifically forbids attacking anyone for any reason. This is why the extremists maintain that acts like 9/11/01 are "defenses" of Islamic values. See [60:8-9]. | |
[2:191] You may kill those who war against you, and you may evict those who drove you out. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they attack you there. If they do, you may kill them there. This is the just punishment for the unfaithful. | [2:191] The prohibition against aggression does not restrict legitimate defense, even in places of sanctuary that would normally be off limits to any kind of discord. This ayat is sometimes quoted as proof that Muslims will fight anywhere, but that is opposite to what the context says. | |
[2:192] If they refrain, then God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [2:192] Even unjust aggressors must be allowed to surrender. | |
[2:193] You may go to war against them to eliminate religious oppression, but stop when they cease their persecution. You shall have no hostility except against those who practice oppression. | [2:193] War may be declared for a just purpose, but must stop when that purpose is accomplished. This specifically prohibits any kind of revenge against former aggressors of former enemies of any kind. | |
[2:194] During the Sacred Months, aggression may be met by an equivalent response. If they attack you, you may retaliate by inflicting an equitable punishment. You shall observe God and know that God is with the righteous. | [2:194] Although strategic offense is never permitted, offensive tactics are recognized as legitimate military activities except during Ramadan. Muslim forces opposing other Muslims are supposed to observe a truce during this time. | |
[2:195] You shall spend in the cause of God; do not destroy yourselves by your own hands. You shall be charitable, for God loves a cheerful giver. | [2:195] The injunction here is to spend wisely, including being charitable. {Matthew 5:42, 10:8; 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 6:30, 38, also II Corinthians 9:7} | |
[2:196] You shall observe the complete rites of hajj and umrah for God. If you are prevented, you shall send an offering, and do not resume cutting your hair until your offering has reached its destination. If you are ill, or must cut your hair because of a head injury, you shall compensate by fasting, or giving to charity, or some other form of worship. During the normal hajj, if you break the state of Ihram between umrah and hajj, you shall expiate by offering an animal sacrifice. If you cannot afford it, you shall fast three days during hajj and seven when you return home - this completes ten - provided you do not live at the Sacred Mosque. You shall observe God, and know that God is strict in enforcing vengeance. | [2:196] The hajj is the fifth "pillar of Islam," the formal pilgrimage to Mecca required of each Muslim, man or woman, during his or her lifetime "if he is able." The umrah is a less formal visit. Of course, the requirements for beginning and ending the journey are necessarily modified for people who already live in Mecca, or are there for other purposes, such as business or tourism before or after the hajj. Inability to observe part of the ritual does not dispense one wholly from the obligation to participate to the degree that he or she is able. The pilgrim is required to perform other equivalent pious works, and observing what equivalent rituals may be appropriate. Cutting of one's hair or nails or sexual intercourse is prohibited during the "state of Ihram." | |
[2:197] hajj shall be observed in the specified months. Whoever sets out to observe hajj shall refrain from sexual intercourse, misconduct, and arguments throughout hajj. Whatever good you do, God is fully aware thereof. As you prepare your provisions for the journey, the best provision is righteousness. You shall observe Me, O you who possess intelligence. | [2:197] The hajj begins on the 7th and ends on the 10th of certain months in the Muslim calendar. (see [9:37]) Bathing, cleanliness of all kinds and avoidance of any kind of discord are encouraged as ways of making oneself more pleasing to God during this holy time. Part of the ritual is to make proper preparations to support oneself and one's dependents during the journey, so that no one has to face any unnecessary hardship. | |
[2:198] You commit no error by buying what provisions you need. When you stop at Arafat, you shall commemorate God at the Sacred Location. You shall commemorate Him for guiding you when you strayed from the right path. | [2:198] Making preparations does not necessarily require taking everything one will need if he can buy it along the way. Part of the hajj requires listening to a sermon and spending the night at Muzdalifah on Mount Arafat. | |
[2:199] You shall file together, with the rest of the people who file, and ask God for forgiveness. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [2:199] The pilgrim is also required to join his fellows in walking around the Kaaba at the Sacred Mosque, the Masjid Al-Haram, seven times and praying for forgiveness for his past transgressions. | |
[2:200] Once you complete your rites, you shall continue to commemorate God as you commemorate your own fathers, or even better. Some people would say, "Our Lord, give us of this world," while having no share in the Hereafter. | [2:200] The completion of the hajj is a spiritual renewal that brings one closer to God and makes him less concerned with worldly affairs. Reference to "fathers" may be intended for orthodox Jews. | |
[2:201] Others would say, "Our Lord, grant us righteousness in this world, and righteousness in the Hereafter, and spare us the punishment of Hell." | [2:201] They are mistaken, therefore, who see completion of the hajj merely as "fire insurance" and do not use the experience to reform their lives. | |
[2:202] Each of these will receive the share they have earned. God is most efficient in reckoning. | [2:202] God knows each person's secret purpose and will reward (or punish) him accordingly. | |
[2:203] You shall commemorate God for the prescribed number of days. Whoever hastens to do this in two days commits no sin, and whoever stays longer commits no sin, so long as righteousness is maintained. You shall observe God, and know that before Him you will be gathered. | [2:203] Things get rather disorganized in any gathering as large and dense as the hajj, and some (especially the elderly and infirm) are not able to complete all the requirements in the time allotted (if at all). They are here enjoined to do what they can, and not worry if it takes longer than usual. | |
[2:204] Among the people, one may impress you with his utterances concerning this life, and may even call upon God to witness his innermost thoughts, while he is a most ardent opponent. | [2:204] The hajj provides a fertile opportunity for the tellers of tall tales ("as God is my witness") to their less sophisticated brothers. The injunction here is to be wary of these people... | |
[2:205] As soon as he leaves, he roams the earth corruptingly, destroying properties and lives. God does not love corruption. | [2:205] ...especially if they are the cause of disharmony or civil unrest, which could possibly erupt in social strife, religious dissension, or political discord. | |
[2:206] When he is told, "Observe God," he becomes arrogantly indignant. Consequently, his only destiny is Hell; what a miserable abode. | [2:206] These people pervert the purpose of the hajj and therefore deserve the punishment to those who profane what is holy. See {I Timothy 4:7} | |
[2:207] Then there are those who dedicate their lives to serving God; God is compassionate towards such worshipers.
[2:208] O you who believe, submit totally to God. Do not be misled by Satan, for he is your most ardent enemy. |
[2:207] Islam encourages what Christians would call monasticism as holy and pleasing to God.
[2:208] The true believer embraces the totality of what God has revealed, and does not allow himself to be misled by worldly concerns. See {1 Peter 5:8} | |
[2:209] If you backslide, after the clear proofs have come to you, then know that God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [2:209] If one commits a sin, he can still be reconciled, because God, the Forgiver, Most Merciful knows the true extent of his devotion. | |
[2:210] Are they waiting until God Himself comes to them in dense clouds, together with the angels? When this happens, the whole matter will be terminated, and everything will be returned to God. | [2:210] The purpose of life is for human beings to know and serve God by submitting to His will. If one waits for Him to show up with His angels, it will be too late; his fate will already be decided. See {Matthew 25:31-46} | |
[2:211] Ask the Children of Israel how many profound miracles have we shown them! For those who disregard the blessings bestowed upon them by God, God is most strict in vengeance.
[2:212] This worldly life is adorned in the eyes of those who do not believe, and they ridicule those who do. However, the righteous will be far above them on the *Day of Resurrection. God blesses whomever He wills, without limits. |
[2:211] Actually, even the display of miracles will not convince some people to obey God's commands, as the Children of Israel demonstrated in the past.
[2:212] The believers will be finally vindicated against their detractors, for God's limitless blessings do not depend on one's popularity or worth in the eyes of others. *The Day of Resurrection is mentioned 85 times in the Koran. It is the day when all will come before God to be judged individually and to be rewarded or punished for their past lives. | |
[2:213] The people used to be one community when God sent the prophets as bearers of good news, as well as counselors. He sent down with them the Scripture, bearing the truth, to judge among the people in their disputes. Ironically, those who received the Scripture were the ones who rejected any new Scripture, despite clear proofs given to them. This is due to jealousy on their part. God guides those who believe to the truth that is disputed by all others, in accordance with His will. God guides whoever wills in a straight path.
[2:214] Do you expect to enter Paradise without being tested like those before you? They were tested with hardship and adversity, and were shaken up, until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, "Where is God's victory?" God's victory is near. |
[2:213] All humanity consists of a single race, to all of whom God has sent the Prophets and proclaimers of His word throughout history. Mankind, however, has separated itself into religious factions that have the effect of creating jealousy, discord and hard feeling instead of unity and peace as God intended. Christians and Jews are here singled out as being guilty of this. The Koran is God's final attempt to reconcile all human beings to Himself, so that they will all achieve salvation. See {Matthew 25:32, John 1:7, 10:16, Acts 17:30-31}
[2:214] All life is a test of submission to the will of God by accepting adversity. Previous believers knew this and accepted hardships and difficulties as a means of achieving salvation. The greatest adversity will come before the final days. See {Matthew 24:6-22, Mark 13:7-20, Luke 21:9-26} | |
[2:215] They ask you about giving: say, "The charity you give shall go to the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien." Any good you do, God is fully aware thereof. | [2:215] Charity should be shown to those in need of it, from one's immediate family to the itinerant foreigner. God loves any charity. See [2:261]. {Matthew 10:42; 19:21, Mark 9:41, 10:21, Luke 6:38, 12:33} | |
[2:216] Strife may be imposed on you, even though you dislike it. But you may dislike something that is good for you, and you may like something that is bad for you. God knows things that you do not. | [2:216] The word translated as "strife" has many similar meanings. The idea is that life involves a holy war (jihad) against evil that only God fully understands. See {Matthew 10:34-35 and Luke 12:49-53}. | |
[2:217] They ask you about the Sacred Months and fighting during that time: Say, "Fighting then is a sacrilege. However, repelling from the path of God and disbelieving in Him and in the sanctity of the Sacred Mosque, and evicting its people, are greater sacrileges in the sight of God. Oppression is worse than murder." They will always fight you to revert you from your religion, if they can. Those among you who revert from their religion, and die as disbelievers, have nullified their works in this life and the Hereafter. These are the dwellers of Hell, in which they shall remain forever.
[2:218] Those who believe, and those who leave their homes and strive in the cause of God, have deserved God's mercy. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. |
[2:217] One of the evils to be overcome was a favorite trick in tribal conflicts against early Muslims of attacking them while they were praying, or in a place of sanctuary, thus supposedly forcing them to choose between victory and piety. Here God tells Mohammed that such a choice is not necessary. Defeat of the infidels in such cases is a defense of Islam, and is therefore not only permitted but encouraged. This passage is often quoted by Islamic extremists as justifying terrorist acts against those of differing religious convictions, but that is not what this ayat says, or, in fact, allows at all.
[2:218] Leaving one's home and civic and family responsibilities is permitted for the purpose of a fighting oppressors. (Jewish bridegrooms were draft exempt for one year {Deuteronomy 24:5}) | |
[2:219] They ask you about intoxicants and gambling: say, "In them there is a gross sin, and some benefits for the people. But their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit." They also ask you what to give to charity: say, "the excess." God thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect.... | [2:219] Wine in the ancient world was a natural means of obtaining the nourishment and hydration where the purity of water supplies was questionable to begin with and impossible to maintain. Here God tells Mohammed that the harm from boozing and gambling far outweighs the benefits. See {Ephesians 5:17-18} and also [5:90-91]. | |
[2:220] ...upon this life and the Hereafter. And they ask you about the orphans: say, "Bringing them up as righteous persons is the best you can do for them. If you mix their property with yours, you shall treat them as family members." God knows the righteous and the wicked. Had God willed, He could have imposed harsher rules upon you. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [2:220] Converts to Islam bombarded Mohammed with questions regarding religious practices. Here God says that excess wealth should be given to charity, and that orphans should be cared for as one's own family. If the orphans have property, the foster parents may take it as the price of raising them, as God realizes that extra mouths to feed would impose a hardship to the foster family otherwise. See also ayat [4:2]. | |
[2:221] Do not marry idol worshipers unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you find her attractive. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite [their spouses] to Hell, while God invites [them] to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He thus clarifies His revelations for the people, so that they may understand. | [2:221] Marriage between believers and idol worshipers is forbidden, even if they are otherwise attractive, although either the prospective bride or groom may convert to Islam for the sake of marrying a Muslim. Some translations add the sense that it is better to be a believing slave than an idolatrous free person. The reason, of course is that an unbelieving spouse can be a serious temptation against faith. This problem is also addressed in {Leviticus 21:14, I Corinthians 7:12-16, 34, 39, II Corinthians 6:14, 1 Peter 3:1} | |
[2:222] They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by God. God loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean." | [2:222] Bleeding from any source was considered an unhealthy and unclean condition in the old Testament, including menstruation. See {Leviticus 15:19-30}. Jewish converts were naturally interested in whether the same attitude prevailed in Islam. The answer here is that it does not, but sexual activity during menstruation is still prohibited... | |
[2:223] Your women are the bearers of your seed. Thus, you may enjoy this privilege however you like, so long as you maintain righteousness. You shall observe God, and know that you will meet Him. Give good news to the believers. | [2:223] ...but sexual activity at other times is encouraged, as are other naturally good works, to promote marital harmony, relieve sexual tension, and provide for the procreation of children. This may have been extremely "good news" to puritanical converts. | |
[2:224] Do not subject God's name to your casual swearing, that you may appear righteous, pious, or to attain credibility among the people. God hears and knows everything. | [2:224] This is basically a reiteration of the Old Testament injunction not to take God's name in vain. See {Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11; Psalm139:20; Matthew 5:33-37} | |
[2:225] God does not hold you responsible for the mere utterance of oaths; He holds you responsible for your innermost intentions. God is Forgiver, Clement. | [2:225] The sin involved in a spurious oath is the difference between what one says and what one believes or intends. However, God forgives frivolous oaths without evil intent. | |
[2:226] Those who intend to divorce their wives shall wait four months. If they change their minds and reconcile, then God is Forgiver, Merciful. | [2:226] Reconciliation is preferable to divorce. The four months is a "cooling off" period. Final divorce is permitted only afterward. See [4:128] and Sura 65. | |
[2:227] If they go through with the divorce, then God hears and knows everything. | [2:227] If reconciliation is not possible, divorce, with restrictions, is permitted in Islam. | |
[2:228] The divorced women shall remain single for three menstruations. It is not lawful for them to conceal what God creates in their wombs, if they believe in God and the Last Day. The father's wishes shall supersede the mother's wishes, if he wants to remarry her. The women have rights, as well as obligations, equitably. Thus, the man's wishes prevail. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [2:228] The "three menstruations" rule is to guarantee that the divorced woman is not pregnant. An exception is granted if the marriage is not consummated. See [33:49] and [65:1]. If she is pregnant, the father has the right to remarry her in order to raise his child, even if she objects. Otherwise, a divorced woman has the right (not generally recognized in the ancient world) to marry whomever chooses to marry her, without restriction. | |
[2:229] Divorce may be retracted twice. The divorced woman shall be allowed to live in the same home amicably, or leave it amicably. It is not lawful for the husband to take back anything he had given her. However, the couple may fear that they may transgress God's law. If there is fear that they may transgress God's law, they commit no error if the wife willingly gives back whatever she chooses. These are God's laws; do not transgress them. Those who transgress God's laws are the unjust. | [2:229] Jews were allowed to divorce a woman by summarily giving her a "bill of divorcement." See {Deuteronomy 24:1} Islam clearly sees divorce as an evil to be avoided if at all possible, even to allowing the ex-wife to remain in the same house. If she leaves, she is allowed to retain title to any property she has received from her husband, although she may offer it as an inducement to her husband to let her go. This is clearly a guarantee of rights women did not have under Jewish or pagan law. | |
[2:230] If he divorces her (for the third time), it is unlawful for him to remarry her, unless she marries another man, then he divorces her. The first husband can then remarry her, so long as they observe God's laws. These are God's laws; He explains them for people who know.
[2:231] If you divorce the women, once they fulfill their interim (three menstruations), you shall allow them to live in the same home amicably, or let them leave amicably. Do not force them to stay against their will, as a revenge. Anyone who does this wrongs his own soul. Do not take God's revelations in vain. Remember God's blessings upon you, and that He sent down to you the Scripture and wisdom to enlighten you. You shall observe God, and know that God is aware of all things. |
[2:230] A couple thrice divorced clearly has issues that stand in the way of reconciliation. However, a previous husband can marry a woman divorced from another man. This was not permitted under Jewish law. See {Deuteronomy 24:3-4} these laws make it easier for a divorced woman to remarry, and give her more freedom in choosing a husband.
[2:231] Jewish law allowed a divorced woman to be "sent away" {Deuteronomy 24:1} regardless of her ability to support herself. This often resulted in divorced women being forced to beg or to turn to prostitution to survive. Islam forbids imposing such a burden. A man is required support his ex-wife, even to live with her as brother and sister if she wishes to remain, even if she is otherwise able to provide for herself. This is a strong incentive for reconciliation. | |
[2:232] If you divorce the women, once they fulfill their interim, do not prevent them from remarrying their husbands, if they reconcile amicably. This shall be heeded by those among you who believe in God and the Last Day. This is purer and more righteous. God knows more than you. | [2:232] This is another inducement to reconciliation. A divorced couple is not to be prevented from being reconciled by social pressure or ridicule. This is perhaps a warning for Jewish converts, who would have serious misgivings about violating their previous traditions against reconciliation. | |
[2:233] Divorced mothers shall nurse their infants two full years, if the father so wishes. The father shall provide the mother's food and clothing equitably. No one shall be burdened beyond his ability. No mother shall be harmed on account of her infant, nor shall the father be harmed because of his infant. (If the father dies), his inheritor shall assume these responsibilities. If the infant's parents mutually agree to part, after due consultation, they commit no error by doing so. You commit no error by hiring nursing mothers, so long as you pay them equitably. You shall observe God, and know that God sees everything you do. | [2:233] Divorced nursing mothers have special hardship. This is partially resolved by imposing upon the father the duty of supporting both the child and the mother for the first two years of the child's life if she so chooses. This obligation is also inherited (by the child's uncle or brothers). The father may keep the child and hire a nurse (at a fair wage) if the mother agrees, but he is not permitted to take the child by force or do anything to force the mother to give it up. This enforcement of a mother's rights is formally prescribed by God Himself. It goes far beyond what is specifically required by Jewish or Christian teaching and the customs of the time. | |
[2:234] Those who die and leave wives, their widows shall wait four months and ten days (before they remarry). Once they fulfill their interim, you commit no error by letting them do whatever righteous matters they wish to do. God is fully aware of everything you do. | [2:234] Although the inheritor of a man's estate assumes obligations toward the decedent's widows, they do not become the heir's property. The "four months and ten days" rule is enough time to determine if they are pregnant and to arrange an equitable distribution of property to them. | |
[2:235] You commit no sin by announcing your engagement to the women, or keeping it secret. God knows that you will think about them. Do not meet them secretly, unless you have something righteous to discuss. Do not consummate the marriage until their interim is fulfilled. You should know that God knows your innermost thoughts, and observe Him. You should know that God is Forgiver, Clement. | [2:235] Formal "betrothal" is permitted but not required in Islam. What is required is that the marriage is not consummated before it is formally declared. This protects the rights of the bride, who could otherwise be accused of fornication, with no right of recourse. It also protects the rights of the children, who could legally be abandoned as illegitimate unless they are conceived in a recognized family unit. | |
[2:236] You commit no error by divorcing the women before touching them, or before setting the dowry for them. In this case, you shall compensate them - the rich as he can afford and the poor as he can afford - an equitable compensation. This is a duty upon the righteous. | [2:236] Once the couple have formally married, the husband assumes a responsibility toward his wife, whatever else happens. Failure of a marriage to be consummated or of the family to pay the dowry are not excuses to deprive the ex-wife of the rights she would otherwise have in a divorce. | |
[2:237] If you divorce them before touching them, but after you had set the dowry for them, the compensation shall be half the dowry, unless they voluntarily forfeit their rights, or the party responsible for causing the divorce chooses to forfeit the dowry. To forfeit is closer to righteousness. You shall maintain the amicable relations among you. God sees everything you do. | [2:237] The dowry is payment to the husband for assuming responsibility for the wife (to help him provide a home for her). If he divorces her before consummating the marriage, she is still technically a virgin. The ex-husband has the option of giving half to his ex-wife or (preferably) giving back the entire dowry to his father in law. The former would be appropriate if he has already incurred the expenses of a household. | |
[2:238] You shall consistently observe the Contact Prayers, especially the middle prayer, and devote yourselves totally to God. | [2:238] This is a requirement to stop what one is doing, even (especially) in the middle of the day, to pray at the appointed time. | |
[2:239] Under unusual circumstances, you may pray while walking or riding. Once you are safe, you shall commemorate God as He taught you what you did not know. | [2:239] If one is on a journey, through hostile territory, is not necessary to expose himself to attack to pray, but one is still obliged to say the required prayers when he can safely do so. See also [4:102]. | |
[2:240] Those who die and leave wives, a will shall provide their wives with support for a year, provided they stay within the same household. If they leave, you commit no sin by letting them do whatever they wish, so long as righteousness is maintained. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [2:240] The sad plight of widows without insurance is a frequent topic in the Bible. {Matthew 23:14; Mark 12:40, 42-43, Luke 4:25; 7:12; 18:3; 20:47; 21:2-3, Acts 6:1; I Timothy 5:3-5, 16; James 1:27} Islam requires carrying insurance to provide a year's maintenance if they have no one else to provide for them. | |
[2:241] The divorcees also shall be provided for, equitably. This is a duty upon the righteous. | [2:241] The "one year" rule does not include divorcees, but they must be adequately provided for as well. | |
[2:242] God thus explains His revelations for you, that you may understand. | [2:242] This is an obligation imposed by God Himself, not merely a legal requirement. | |
[2:243] Have you noted those who fled their homes - though they were in the thousands - fearing death? God said to them, "Die," then revived them. God showers His grace upon the people, but most people are ungrateful.
[2:244] You shall fight in the cause of God, and know that God hears and knows everything. [2:245] Who would lend God a loan of righteousness, to have it repaid to them multiplied manifold? God is the One who provides and withholds, and to Him you will be returned. [2:246] Have you noted the leaders of Israel after Moses? They said to their prophet, "If you appoint a king to lead us, we will fight in the cause of God." He said, "Is it your intention that, if fighting is decreed for you, you will not fight?" they said, "Why should we not fight in the cause of God, when we have been deprived of our homes, and our children?" Yet, when fighting was decreed for them, they turned away, except a few. God is aware of the transgressors. |
[2:243] The event this references is obscure. It could be something like {Exodus 32:10-14; Judges 2:17-18; II Samuel 24:16; 1 Chronicles 21:15; Jonah 3:10} or perhaps some other event not recorded in the Bible.
[2:244] This perhaps alludes to the previous ayat. Basically, strive for God and He will reward you. [2:245] This is possibly an idea something like {Matthew 25:15-29 or Luke 6:38}. God gives all good things, but a righteous man multiplies them. [2:246] Possibly the event recorded in {I Samuel 8:19-11:15.} During the Philistine invasion of Israel, the people wanted a king to lead them in battle against the invaders. In spite of the protestations of the Prophet Samuel, Saul was appointed king over Israel during the invasion of the Ammonites under Nahash. At first, the armies of Jabesh wanted to appease Nahash. When Saul heard of this, he became enraged and threatened to destroy Jabesh's draft animals if they didn't deploy for battle. Fortunately, they took heart, and destroyed the Ammonites. | |
[2:247] Their prophet said to them, "God has appointed Taloot (Saul) to be your king." They said, "How can he have kingship over us when we are more worthy of kingship than he; he is not even rich?" He said, "God has chosen him over you, and has blessed him with an abundance in knowledge and in body." God grants His kingship to whomever He wills. God is Bounteous, Omniscient. | [2:247] Saul was not immediately accepted as a king by the People of Israel. {I Samuel 10:24-27} the Prophet Samuel, after many arguments against the idea of even having a king, reluctantly proclaimed him to the people, but not everyone accepted him. The stunning victory over the Ammonites under Saul's leadership finally convinced everyone that Saul was indeed chosen by God to be a king over his people. | |
[2:248] Their prophet said to them, "The sign of his kingship is that the Ark of the Covenant will be restored to you, bringing assurances from your Lord, and relics left by the people of Moses and the people of Aaron. It will be carried by the angels. This should be a convincing sign for you, if you are really believers." | [2:248] This Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant {I Samuel 4:11}, to the great sorrow of the People of Israel. But it proved to be a formidable curse to them everywhere it went, so that at last the Philistines returned it to its rightful owners. It was with David's caravan when he evacuated Jerusalem. {II Samuel 15:24} | |
[2:249] When Saul took command of the troops, he said, "God is putting you to the test by means of a stream. Anyone who drinks from it does not belong with me - only those who do not taste it belong with me - unless it is just a single sip." They drank from it, except a few of them. When he crossed it with those who believed, they said, "Now we lack the strength to face Goliath and his troops." Those who were conscious of meeting God said, "Many a small army defeated a large army by God's leave. God is with those who steadfastly persevere."
[2:250] When they faced Goliath and his troops, they prayed, "Our Lord, grant us steadfastness, strengthen our foothold, and support us against the disbelieving people." [2:251] They defeated them by God's leave, and Dawood (David) killed Jalut (Goliath). God gave him kingship and wisdom, and taught him as He willed. If it were not for God's support of some people against others, there would be chaos on earth. But God showers His grace upon the people. |
[2:249-250] This event does not appear to be recorded in the Old Testament. It was, however, not unusual for armies to face each other across a natural barrier, such as a watercourse, and David is said to have chosen the stones he used in his sling "from out of the brook." {I Samuel 17:40}. It is therefore possible that this passage is from an alternate text that has not survived in modern Judeo-Christian Scripture.
(If soldiers are allowed to drink all they want after being dehydrated, they can become so uncomfortable that their ability to fight is jeopardized. The modern solution is to require the soldiers to drink about a liter an hour, or until their urine remains clear, to prevent dehydration.) [2:251] The popular story of David and Goliath is told in great detail in {I Samuel 17:4-58} Nobody expected David to win, but the fight gave Saul's army an opportunity to outflank the Philistines while they were watching it. The remark about "chaos on earth" will be later amplified in [8:73] and elsewhere in discussions about the consequences of unbelief. | |
[2:252] These are God's revelations. We recite them through you, truthfully, for you are one of the messengers. | [2:252] This passage (as well as others) is God's certification for Mohammed's listeners that he is God's Messenger. | |
[2:253] These messengers; we blessed some of them more than others. For example, God spoke to one, and we raised some of them to higher ranks. And we gave Jesus, son of Mary, profound miracles and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Had God willed, their followers would not have fought with each other, after the clear proofs had come to them. Instead, they disputed among themselves; some of them believed, and some disbelieved. Had God willed, they would not have fought. Everything is in accordance with God's will.
[2:254] O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the provisions we have given to you, before a day comes where there is no trade, no nepotism, and no intercession. Those who do not believe are the unjust. |
[2:253] With a few fundamental exceptions, the teachings of Jesus contained in the Bible are completely compatible with the basic beliefs of Islam. (Muslims consider the exceptions to be errors in transcription or translation by Christian clergy for their own ends.) Rejection of the actual teachings of Jesus is therefore a rejection of the same ones contained in Islam as well. The squabbling among Christian factions is seen by Muslims as proof that it was necessary for God to send a final Message (the Koran) and Messenger (Mohammed). See also [2:87], [2:136], [3:45], and [3:84].
[2:254] Because the world has yet to be brought to perfection, there is still inequity and the need for trade. Everyone must contribute to the less fortunate from what God has given him. See {Mark 12:41-44} | |
[2:255] God: there is no other god besides Him, the Living, the Eternal. Never a moment of unawareness or slumber overtakes Him. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Who could intercede with Him, except in accordance with His will? He knows their past, and their future. No one attains any knowledge, except as He wills. His dominion encompasses the heavens and the earth, and ruling them never burdens Him. He is the Most High, the Great. | [2:255] This profession of faith may have been a much more difficult idea to polytheistic idol worshipers than it is to modern Christians and Jews, for whom monotheism is "just common sense." One is reminded of {Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark 12:29 and Romans 11:33-36}. The importance of this passage is illustrated by the fact that to be initiated as a Muslim, one must only say, "I witness that there is One God, and Mohammed is His Prophet" This passage is therefore essentially half of the Muslim creed. | |
[2:256] There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. God is Hearer, Omniscient. | [2:256] Compulsion in religion is not only forbidden, it is impossible. No one can be forced to believe something he doesn't accept. It logically follows from [2:255] that faith and good works are both necessary and sufficient for a pious life. | |
[2:257] God is Lord of those who believe; He leads them out of darkness into the light. As for those who disbelieve, their lords are their idols; they lead them out of the light into darkness - these will be the dwellers of Hell; they remain in it forever.
[2:258] Have you noted the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord, though God had given him kingship? Abraham said, "My Lord grants life and death." He said, "I grant life and death." Abraham said, "God brings the sun from the east, can you bring it from the west?" the disbeliever was stumped. God does not guide the wicked. |
[2:257] Knowledge of God and His Message clearly separates those who choose the light of faith from those who choose the darkness of unbelief. Hell is the everlasting abode of the unbelievers, who have freely chosen to condemn themselves by not believing what God has revealed.
[2:258] The "king" in this case may refer to one of the kings who took Abraham's nephew Lot captive and who was subsequently defeated by Abraham {Genesis 14}. The retort is clever. The "king" suggested that he was equal to God because he had the power of life and death. Abraham asked him if he could move the sun. | |
[2:259] Consider the one who passed by a ghost town and wondered, "How can God revive this after it had died?" God then put him to death for a hundred years, then resurrected him. He said, "How long have you stayed here?" He said, "I have been here a day, or part of the day." He said, "No! You have been here a hundred years. Yet, look at your food and drink; they did not spoil. Look at your donkey - we thus render you a lesson for the people. Now, note how we construct the bones, then cover them with flesh." When he realized what had happened, he said, "Now I know that God is Omnipotent."
[2:260] Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how You revive the dead." He said, "Do you not believe?" He said, "Yes, but I wish to reassure my heart." He said, "Take four birds, study their marks, place a piece of each bird on top of a hill, then call them to you. They will come to you in a hurry. You should know that God is Almighty, Most Wise." [2:261] The example of those who spend their monies in the cause of God is that of a grain that produces seven ears, with a hundred grains in each ear. God multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. God is Bounteous, Knower. [2:262] Those who spend their money in the cause of God, and refrain from following it with insult or injury, will receive their reward from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. [2:263] Kind words and compassion are better than a charity that is followed by insult. God is Rich, Clement. [2:264] O you who believe, do not nullify your charities by inflicting reproach and insult, like one who spends his money to show off, while disbelieving in God and the Last Day. His example is like a rock covered with a thin layer of soil; as soon as heavy rain falls, it washes off the soil, leaving it a useless rock. They gain nothing from their efforts. God does not guide disbelieving people. [2:265] The example of those who give their money seeking God's pleasure, out of sincere conviction, is that of a garden on high fertile soil; when heavy rain falls, it gives twice as much crop. If heavy rain is not available, a drizzle will suffice. God is Seer of everything you do. [2:266] Does any of you wish to own a garden of palm trees and grapes, with flowing streams and generous crops, then, just as he grows old, and while his children are still dependent on him, a holocaust strikes and burns up his garden? God thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect. |
[2:259-260] This is another one of those references that is not incorporated in any Jewish or Christian Scripture. The moral, however, is much like that in the story of the resurrection of the dry bones in {Ezekiel 37}. Whatever the reference, the inference here (probably for the skeptics who claimed that dead believers are just as dead as the dead idol worshipers) is that death of the just is not final; God can resurrect even those who appear to have been dead "for a hundred years." Note that the resurrected here are living once again, not in a reanimated state such as that suggested by vampires, zombies or golems.
A similar story is contained in "The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus," which is referred to in [18:19-25]. Basically, the Roman emperor Decius, around CE 250, sealed up seven young men accused of Christianity, at that time a crime against the Roman Empire, in a cave, where they fell asleep. During the reign of theodosius (379-395), the landowner opened the cave. The men awoke, thinking that they had only been asleep a short time. They were astonished to find crosses on the buildings in Ephesus. The Eastern (Orthodox) Church calls them "the Seven Holy Sleepers, and names them Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Denis, John, Serapion, and Constantine. They are honored in the Byzantine Churches on August 4th and October 22nd. Students of American folklore may be reminded of the story of Rip Van Winkle, who avoided the American Revolutionary War (and his nagging wife) by sleeping through it. [2:261] The beginning of a discourse on charity. Normally a seed would produce a single ear. This seed is overwhelmingly fruitful. The analogy of the righteous to the fruitfulness of grain is also found in {Matthew 13:4-23, Mark 4:26-32 and Luke 8:5-15} [2:262-263] The exhortation here is not to use charity to create an obligation of the recipient or as an occasion of self-aggrandizement. Similar sentiments are contained in {Matthew 6:1-4; 10:8, 42, Mark 9:41 and Luke 6:30}. [2:264] Jesus used similar images in {Matthew 6:2; 13:20-21, Mark 4:16-17, Luke 8:13} [2:265] This analogy is to the spectacular, riot of flowering that takes place in a parched desert after a rainstorm. The result of a rain shower is obvious, but the same miraculous transformation takes place even after an imperceptible light drizzle, demonstrating that the resurrecting power actually comes from God. [2:266] The giver who expects a reward is like the farmer who spends all his life building a beautiful garden, even to the extent of neglecting his children, and then loses everything in a fire. It is far better to give without thought of reward. See {Matthew 6:19-21}. | |
[2:267] O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the good things you earn, and from what we have produced for you from the earth. Do not pick out the bad portion to give away, when you yourselves do not accept it unless your eyes are closed. You should know that God is Rich, Praiseworthy. | [2:267] Charity consists of giving good things to those in need of them, not giving them junk or using them as trash collectors. One is required to give to others only something he would accept himself. See also [3:92]. Jewish practice required computation of the tithe of livestock "blindly" to prevent selecting out the less desirable animals. See {Leviticus 27:32-33} | |
[2:268] The devil promises you poverty and commands you to commit evil, while God promises you forgiveness from Him and grace. God is Bounteous, Omniscient. | [2:268] Lack of charity for fear of making oneself poor is the work of the devil. The cheerful giver receives the riches of forgiveness of his sins and other blessings from God. | |
[2:269] He bestows wisdom upon whomever He chooses, and whoever attains wisdom, has attained a great bounty. Only those who possess intelligence will take heed. | [2:269] One of the blessings that God bestows on a charitable person, is wisdom. This includes the particular wisdom of recognizing the value of charity to the giver. | |
[2:270] Any charity you give, or a charitable pledge you fulfill, God is fully aware thereof. As for the wicked, they will have no helpers.
[2:271] If you declare your charities, they are still good. But if you keep them anonymous, and give them to the poor, it is better for you, and remits more of your sins. God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. [2:272] You are not responsible for guiding anyone. God is the only one who guides whoever chooses (to be guided). Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you, without the least injustice. |
[2:270] One must fulfill a pledge to charity, for God is the guarantor of fulfillment of even the most secret pledge or vow. (the Necessary Charity (zakat) is an obligation in Islam. If. Temporarily, one truly cannot fulfill this obligation, he incurs a solemn obligation to do so at the first opportunity.)
[2:271] Giving to charity is a way of remitting sins. The benefits of anonymous giving were also taught by Jesus. See {Matthew 6:3-4} [2:272] One must not abuse charitable activities as a method of evangelizing. The giver must recognize that the good of charity is already accomplished. God is the author of belief and guidance, and works in His own way. | |
[2:273] Charity shall go to the poor who are suffering in the cause of God, and cannot travel for the purpose of trade. The unaware may think that they are rich, due to the fact that they do not beg. But you can recognize them by certain signs; they never beg from the people persistently. Whatever charity you give, God is fully aware thereof.
[2:274] Those who give to charity night and day, secretly and in public, receive their reward from their Lord; they will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. |
[2:273] The purpose of charity is to provide for those who, for whatever reason, do not have the means to support themselves. Who they are might not be immediately obvious; the giver must look for signs of their distress (malnourishment, worn-out clothing, poor hygiene, homelessness, and so on).
[2:274] Charity does not have to be acknowledged to be praiseworthy. Anything that one contributes freely to those in need will always be rewarded by God, whether others know of it or not. | |
[2:275] Those who charge usury are in the same position as those controlled by the devil's influence. This is because they claim that usury is the same as commerce. However, God permits commerce, and prohibits usury. Thus, whoever heeds this commandment from his Lord, and refrains from usury, he may keep his past earnings, and his judgment rests with God. As for those who persist in usury, they incur Hell, where they remain forever. | [2:275] Usury is excessive or unfair interest on a loan. It is not a valid argument that charging whatever the market will bear is just good business. The fact is just the opposite; unchecked interest can utterly destroy any economy. Here the lenders are cautioned to charge only fair rates of interest. They are permitted to keep the profits from lending money if they are otherwise fair and honest in their financial dealings. | |
[2:276] God condemns usury, and blesses charities. God dislikes every ungrateful disbeliever. | [2:276] The usurer will receive his punishment and the charitable his reward. | |
[2:277] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, and observe the Necessary Prayers, and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), they receive their reward from their Lord; they will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
[2:278] O you who believe, you shall observe God and refrain from all kinds of usury, if you are believers. [2:279] If you do not, then expect a war from God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capitals, without inflicting injustice, or incurring injustice. [2:280] If the debtor is unable to pay, wait for a better time. If you give up the loan as a charity, it would be better for you, if you only realized it. |
[2:277] This reminds us of three of the five "pillars" of Islam: faith, prayer and charitable works.
[2:278] Usurous business practices identify their perpetrators as not being true Muslims, regardless of what they might profess. [2:279] Converts to Islam who are creditors in existing contracts that involve unfair rates of interest are required as part of their acceptance of Islam to renegotiate the loan to what is fair for both the creditor and the debtor. [2:280] Renegotiation may involve extending the time for repayment, or reducing the rate of interest, or foregoing payment for a time. Alternately, the creditor can forgive the debt entirely. This is obviously a more praiseworthy option. | |
[2:281] Beware of the day when you are returned to God, and every soul is paid for everything it had done, without the least injustice.
[2:282] O you who believe, when you transact a loan for any period, you shall write it down. An impartial scribe shall do the writing. No scribe shall refuse to perform this service, according to God's revelations. He shall write, while the debtor dictates the terms. He shall observe God his Lord and never cheat. If the debtor is mentally incapable, or helpless, or cannot dictate, his guardian shall dictate equitably. Two men shall serve as witnesses; if not two men, then a man and two women whose testimony is acceptable to all. Thus, if one woman becomes biased, the other will remind her. It is the obligation of the witnesses to testify when called upon to do so. Do not tire of writing the details, no matter how long, including the time of repayment. This is equitable in the sight of God, assures better witnessing, and eliminates any doubts you may have. Business transactions that you execute on the spot need not be recorded, but have them witnessed. No scribe or witness shall be harmed on account of his services. If you harm them, it would be wickedness on your part. You shall observe God, and God will teach you. God is Omniscient. [2:283] If you are traveling, and no scribe is available, a bond shall be posted to guarantee repayment. If one is trusted in this manner, he shall return the bond when due, and he shall observe God his Lord. Do not withhold any testimony by concealing what you had witnessed. Anyone who withholds a testimony is sinful at heart. God is fully aware of everything you do. [2:284] To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Whether you declare your innermost thoughts, or keep them hidden, God holds you responsible for them. He forgives whomever He wills, and punishes whomever He wills. God is Omnipotent. |
[2:281] Of course, God is the final judge, as suggested by {Matthew 18:24-34}
[2:282] The uneducated and illiterate of Mohammed's time (as now!) were at a severe disadvantage with respect to long term agreements. A scribe employed by only one of the parties had a strong incentive to cheat in favor of his employer, or, sometimes, himself. See {Luke 16:1-8}. Here every public scribe is required honestly to record long term financial transactions when they are brought to him, regardless of complexity. This does not pertain to point of sale transactions, but these must still be witnessed (i.e. not done in secret). The requirement for the debtor to dictate the terms is to assure that he (or his guardian) understands and agrees with them. Two women are required as witnesses in place of a man to avoid the possibility of one witness marrying the other and creating the potential for bias in such a situation. It is specifically forbidden to intimidate a scribe or witness in any way. The function of a witness is a sacred duty, so the bearing of "false witness" {Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20; 19:16-19, Proverbs 12:17; 14:5; 19:5, 9; 21:28; 25:18, Matthew 15:19; 19:18; 25:59-60, Mark 10:19; 14:56-57, Luke 18:20, Acts 6:13, Romans 13:9, I Corinthians 15:15} is a serious crime. See [4:15], [4:135], [5:8], [5:107] and [65:2]. [2:283] This is a statement of business ethics, requirement for both parties to be fair and honest, even if no one can be found to record the transaction. The obligation is on the debtor to post the bond, and on the creditor to return it promptly once the verbal contract has been fulfilled. If he is called upon to do so, a witness is required to reveal all the details he knows of the transaction. [2:284] Traders are here reminded that they are temporary custodians not only of the goods of their clients, but also of the possessions of God. He knows the most intimate details of every business transaction, and requires that each person be honest with his neighbors and a just steward of the goods and responsibilities entrusted to him. | |
[2:285] The Messenger has believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. They believe in God, His angels, His Scripture, and His messengers: "We make no distinction among any of His messengers." They say, "We hear, and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord. To You is the ultimate destiny." | [2:285] This sura comes to a close with a declaration by Mohammed that he has faithfully reported what he received from God, as did the messengers (Jesus, the Prophets, Abraham, etc.) who came before him. See {John 21:24, Revelation 22:18}. Contemporary believers will accept his Message as did those of former times. | |
[2:286] God never burdens a soul beyond its means: to its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. "Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make mistakes. Our Lord, and protect us from blaspheming against You, like those before us have done. Our Lord, protect us from sinning until it becomes too late for us to repent. We ask you to pardon us and forgive us. You are our Lord and Master. *Grant us victory over the disbelieving people." |
[2:286] The sura ends with a summation of Islamic philosophy: God does not ask too much, He rewards goodness and punishes evil. The prayer that follows recalls supplications in the "Lord's Prayer." {Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4}
*The "disbelieving people" include those mentioned in [2:8], and especially the Quraish who were creating serious obstacles to promulgation of Mohammed's Message. |
SURA 4: An-Nisa - Women
This sura is considered controversial because it discusses slavery and term marriages ([4:3]), and a husband's right to discipline his wives ([4:34]). | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[4:1] O people, observe your duty to your Lord; the One who created you from one being and his mate, then spread from the two of them a multitude of men and women. You shall regard God, by whom you demand your own rights, and have due regard for your mothers. Remember, God is always watching over you. [4:2] You shall hand over to the orphans their rightful properties. Do not substitute the bad for the good, and do not consume their properties by combining them with yours. This would be a gross injustice. [4:3] If you fear that you cannot act equitably towards orphans, then marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what you already have (literally: "what your right hands possess"*). Additionally, you are thus more likely to avoid financial hardship. |
[4:1] This introduction to the discourse on women reminds the Muslims that women are responsible for their very existence, and men should therefore be properly respectful. This was a radical idea in a society in which women had been regarded as chattels. The instructions regarding inheritance the rights of orphans were sent down after the Battle of Uhud in which 70 Muslims soldiers died, leaving families at Medina.
[4:2] Orphans are not to be exploited. Although one can use an orphan's property to support him if adopted, ([2:220]), he or she retains ownership otherwise, and the foster family must respect and defend this right. [4:3] A man who has the wealth to adopt many orphans may marry up to four wives to provide mothers for them. This permission is given for the sake of the children, not the husband. Also, up to four wives are permitted, not required. If the husband cannot adequately support multiple wives, either financially or emotionally, he is encouraged to have only one. See also [4:129]. |
*The phrase "except those whom your right hands possess" (ma malakat aymanukum) is deliberately vague, and is the source of endless controversy, even among Muslim scholars. It occurs in [4:3], [4:24], [4:25], [4:36], [16:71], [23:6], [24:31], [24:33], [24:58], [30:28], [33:50], [33:55], and [70:30]. It is often incorrectly interpreted to permit the keeping of concubines, women purchased or captured for sexual purposes, or one contracted to a man as a secondary or temporary mate, with fewer rights and lower status than a wife. This interpretation, however, falls far short of the mark. It has to do rather with the civil rights of female slaves, captives, and live-in housekeepers.
Mohammed was deeply offended by the institution of slavery, but it was a fact of Middle Eastern life with which he had to deal. Islam treats slaves as spiritual (if not social) equals of free persons, and encourages freeing them as an act of charity and expiation for sin. Mohammed adopted as his son Zaid ibn Harithah, a former slave, and Mohammed and his household are believed to have freed a total of 39,237 slaves. Slaves were sold individually, not as a family unit, without regard to what relationships the slaves claimed existed between them. A slave wife might therefore be separated from her husband for the rest of her life, never knowing whether she was still a wife or a widow. Respect of her assumed married status would therefore deprive her of the pleasures of sex and children or, alternately, would force her into zina, fornication, (or adultery) or prostitution. A much more attractive option was for the male owner or guardian to treat an adult female slave with kindness and compassion, to the extent of granting her some, or perhaps all, of the benefits of marriage to him. Any children conceived of such a union are born free. The same considerations apply to women captured in battle. In addition, a military attack, especially against Muslim defenders, is a very serious sin (see [2:190] and [60:8-9]) and subjects the attacker, especially if he is an unbeliever, to the loss of rights, one of which is the defense of his marriage. Therefore, a Muslim woman who seeks refuge from an unbelieving enemy husband is considered to be freed of her (former) obligations, and a captor or provider is therefore free to marry her. Catholics refer to this dispensation as the "Pauline privilege" {I Corinthians 7:15}. In addition, the facts of nomadic life often required Muslim (and other) men to spend years away from their families, often in the intimate company of women whom we would today call maids or housekeepers. In such cases, the men were allowed to marry such women, if they were otherwise eligible, for a specific period of time. The relationship is called a nikah mut'ah (term marriage). The individually negotiated rights, benefits, time limit, and termination settlements are agreed upon by both parties beforehand. Such agreements are open to subsequent negotiation as circumstances warrant. The wives in such cases have the rights agreed upon. Termination is automatic, without the need for divorce, although the woman must observe the "three menstruations rule" in [2:228], which still applies because the father remains responsible for any children of the union. In modern times, nikah mut'ah is the Muslim equivalent of "going steady," although since neither the contract nor the relationship requires any witnesses or documentation, it can easily degenerate into thinly veiled prostitution. The idea here among the devout is that if a man is forced by circumstances to assume the responsibilities of a husband, he has a husband's rights as well. Sex with a ma malakat aymanukum, or within the relationship of a nikah mut'ah, is not considered fornication or adultery (zina). | ||
[4:4] You shall give the women their dowries as a free gift, but if they freely give up to you a portion of it, then you may accept it and enjoy it. | [4:4] The dowry was property a woman brought to her marriage to start a homestead. She retains title to it unless she chooses to give it to her husband. | |
[4:5] Do not give immature orphans the properties that God has entrusted with you as guardians. You shall provide for them from these, and clothe them, and treat them kindly.
[4:6] You shall determine the maturity of the orphans when they reach puberty. As soon as you find them capable of managing it, give them their property. Do not consume it extravagantly in a hurry, before they grow up. The rich guardian shall not charge any wage, but the poor guardian may charge equitably. When you give them their properties, you shall have witnesses. God suffices as Reckoner. |
[4:5] Trust funds, with the foster father as trustee, must be set up to protect the rights to their property of orphans, and disbursements legitimately may be made only for their maintenance. See [2:220].
[4:6] The orphans are to be given their property when they reach intellectual maturity, not before. Some foster families attempted to get around the rule by "maintaining" the orphans in a lavish lifestyle that benefited the foster family more than the child, with the result that the orphan was left with nothing when he became an adult. Such a practice is specifically forbidden here. | |
[4:7] The men get a share of what the parents and the relatives leave behind. The women too shall get a share of what the parents and relatives leave behind. Whether it is a small or a large inheritance, (the women must get) a definite share.
[4:8] During distribution of the inheritances, if relatives, orphans, and needy persons are present, you shall give them from these, and treat them kindly. |
[4:7] Jewish women inherited wealth only if they had no brother(s), but were then required subsequently to marry within their own tribe. See {Numbers 27:7; 36:7-9}. All Muslim daughters are entitled to a "share" of their parents' estate (but not necessarily an equal share with the sons). See also [4:11].
[4:8] Other relatives of the deceased may have a claim to the parents' estate, especially if they are poor. | |
[4:9] Let those who dispose of an estate have the same concern for the heirs as they would have for their own if they had left a helpless family behind: Let them fear God, and speak comforting words. | [4:9] Concern for relatives of the deceased must go far beyond simple justice. They are not to be treated as clients; they are to be treated as family. They are to be comforted and consoled. | |
[4:10] Those who consume the orphans' properties unjustly, eat fire into their bellies, and will suffer in Hell. | [4:10] Exploitation of the orphans, especially by one in a position of trust, is a very serious sin. | |
[4:11] God decrees a will for the benefit of your children; the son gets twice the share of the daughter. If the inheritors are only women, more than two, they get two-thirds of what is bequeathed. If only one daughter is left, she gets one-half. The parents of the deceased get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased has left any children. If he left no children, and his parents are the only inheritors, the mother gets one-third. If he has siblings, then the mother gets one-sixth. All this, after fulfilling any will the deceased has left, and after paying off all debts. When it comes to your parents and your children, you do not know which of them is really the best to you and the most beneficial. This is God's law. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [4:11] Sura [2:180] requires old and sick people who have property to draw up a will. Stipulations in it may supersede these general rules to the contrary. Of course, it often happens that other people die accidentally or unexpectedly, especially in wartime. If a man dies with some property, the son (or father) receives twice what the daughter (or mother) does because the man is expected to be responsible for a family. The woman can expect to be taken care of by her husband. If the deceased has siblings, half of the mother's share is reduced because they are expected to care for her. Note that provisions are made to pay the debts of the estate before dividing it. The last remark is a caution to make wills fair and appropriate to the material needs of the survivors. See also [4:176]. | |
[4:12] You get half of what your wives leave behind, if they had no children. If they had children, you get one-fourth of what they leave. All this, after fulfilling any will they had left, and after paying off all debts. They get one-fourth of what you leave behind, if you had no children. If you had children, they get one-eighth of what you bequeath. All this, after fulfilling any will you had left, and after paying off all debts. If the deceased man or woman was single, and leaves two siblings, male or female, each of them gets one-sixth of the inheritance. If there are more siblings, then they equally share one-third of the inheritance. All this, after fulfilling any will, and after paying off all debts, so that no one is hurt. This is a will decreed by God. God is Omniscient, Clement.
[4:13] These are God's laws. Those who obey God and His Messenger, He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they remain forever. This is the greatest triumph. [4:14] As for the one who disobeys God and His Messenger, and transgresses His laws, He will admit him into Hell, wherein he remains forever. He has incurred a shameful punishment. [4:15] If a woman among you is accused of fornication, you must have four witnesses against her, from among you. If they do bear witness, then you shall keep such women in their homes until they die, or until God creates an respite for them.* |
[4:12] If a woman dies with undistributed property, the husband inherits half of it, unless she has children, in which case he receives one-fourth. If she has children from a previous relationship, they get one-fourth of what the stepfather leaves, unless he has children also, in which case they get one-eighth. Siblings inherit property from their single brothers and sisters. If the inheritance is stock in a business, the voting blocks are interesting! these complicated rules perhaps demonstrate God's concern for the widows and orphans from military campaigns, (the Battle of Uhud).
[4:13] Since these are God's laws, breaking them by defrauding orphans and widows of their rightful inheritance is a sin against God, much more serious than a sin against man. [4:14] The seriousness of the sin is so great that it is a "mortal" sin (what {I John 5:16} calls a "sin unto death). [4:15] Fornication (zina) is such a serious sin (for women) that they must be convicted on the testimony of not less than four witnesses. The punishment is not death (as in the case of adultery, or betrayal of one's spouse), as in {Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:21-24}, but to be placed under house arrest for the rest of her life (possibly to prevent the spread of gonorrhea) unless somebody chooses to marry her. Jewish custom permitted conviction of this capital crime on the flimsiest of evidence* such as in {Deuteronomy 22:20}. |
*There is a story in the Apocrypha {Susanna} about beautiful Susanna, who was convicted of adultery on the sworn statements of two Judges of Israel, both of whom wanted revenge for her having piously rejected their lecherous advances. She was sentenced to death solely on their joint testimony. The Prophet Daniel, knowing Susanna to be a good and holy woman, questioned the judges individually and demonstrated that their stories contradicted each other.
The story concludes: "'Your fine lie has cost you also your head,' said Daniel; 'for the angel of God waits with a sword to cut you in two so as to make an end of you both.' the whole assembly cried aloud, blessing God who saves those that hope in Him. They rose up against the two elders, for by their own words Daniel had convicted them of perjury. According to the law of Moses, they inflicted on them the penalty they had plotted to impose on their neighbor: they put them to death. Thus was innocent blood spared that day." (i.e. "Susanna, don't you cry!") | ||
[4:16] The couple who commits adultery shall be punished. *If they repent and reform, you shall leave them alone. God often returns to mercy, the Most Merciful. | [4:16] Fornicating couples (teenagers?) are not so much a public health risk, and must be punished (possibly by ridicule) and then forgiven if they repent. (The maximum punishment was 100 lashes!) | |
[4:17] Repentance is acceptable by God from those who fall in sin out of ignorance, then repent immediately afterward. God redeems them. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [4:17] Repentance must be genuine to be effective. The sinner must be truly sorry immediately after committing a sin, or after learning that something he did was forbidden or immoral. | |
[4:18] Not acceptable is the repentance of those who commit sins until death comes to them, then say, "Now I repent." Nor is it acceptable from those who die as disbelievers. For these, we have prepared a severe punishment.
[4:19] O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to take widows against their will. You shall not force them to give up anything they inherited from your kinsmen, unless they commit a proven indecency. You shall treat them kindly. If you reject them, you may be rejecting something wherein God has placed a lot of good. [4:20] If you wish to take one wife in place of another, and you have given any of them a large treasure, you shall not take back anything you have given. Would you take it fraudulently, maliciously, and sinfully? [4:21] How could you take it back, after you have been intimate with each other, and they had taken a solemn vow? |
[4:18] One cannot use the claim of repentance as "fire insurance," time after time, without truly reforming their lives. Their punishment is the same as those who do wicked things and do not repent at all.
[4:19] Muslim families are here encouraged to care for their widows. Jewish law required brothers to marry their brothers' widows. {Deuteronomy 25:5-6}. Since widows inherit property from their husbands, ([4:11]) there is a strong incentive to marry them to keep their property in the family. Unless they disgrace the family, they are to be allowed to do what they wish, and be cared for as necessary by other family members. [4:20] This may pertain to divorcing one woman to marry another, or to the order of precedence of multiple wives. A man is not allowed to take from one wife to give to another he likes better. [4:21] Consummation of the marriage is considered a ratification of the whole marriage contract. | |
[4:22] Do not marry the women who were previously married to your fathers - existing marriages are exempted and shall not be broken - for it is a gross offense, and an abominable act. | [4:22] One is permitted to marry his brother's widow, but not his father's (i. e, his stepmother), but existing marriages are not annulled by this rule. St. Paul rebuked the Corinthians for this {I Corinthians 5:1}. | |
[4:23] Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal and maternal aunts, your nieces, your nurses and the girls who nursed from the same woman as you, your mothers in law, and the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated marriage. If the marriage has not been consummated, you may marry the daughter as well. Also prohibited for you are the women who were married to your genetic sons. Also, you shall not marry two sisters at the same time, but do not break up existing marriages to sisters. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [4:23] Mahram are women who are forbidden. This protects against the genetic defects arising from incest and the problems resulting from two related women sharing the same home. (One may not marry his stepdaughter or granddaughter, but he is allowed to marry a woman and her daughter at the same time.) Marrying a woman with an eligible daughter could leave the unmarried daughter without a home. Marrying the daughter (rather than creating the sexual tensions involved in bringing an adult single woman into one's home) is a logical solution. | |
[4:24] Also prohibited are the women who are already married, except those whom your right hands possess. These are God's commandments to you. All other categories are permitted for you in marriage, so long as you pay them their due dowries. You shall maintain your morality, by not committing adultery. Thus, whoever you like among them, you shall pay them the dowry decreed for them. You commit no error by mutually agreeing to any adjustments to the dowry. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [4:24] Muslim men are required to treat all of their sexual partners with respect. Wives are to be allowed to keep any property given to them. Relationship with any other women is subject to the established rules for each, however these are not to be used to justify adultery or fornication (zina). Wives are free to negotiate with their husbands regarding individual property rights (to establish joint ownership, for example), but are not to be deprived of their rights or property by force. | |
[4:25] Those among you who cannot afford to marry free believing women, may marry believing slave women. God knows best about your belief, and you are equal to one another, as far as belief is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them, and pay them their due dowry equitably. They shall maintain moral behavior, by not committing adultery, or having secret lovers. Once they are freed through marriage, if they commit adultery, their punishment shall be half of that for the free women. Marrying a slave shall be a last resort for those unable to wait. To be patient is better for you. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [4:25] The evils of slavery make it more appropriate for a believer to marry a free woman than a slave, but a believing wife is preferred to unbelieving ones of any social order. If a man marries a slave he must obtain the master's permission (unless he already owns her). In any case, he must treat his slave wife just as fairly as he would a free one. This is not license for slaves to fornicate, although a slave emancipated by marriage (possibly by a new husband purchasing her) is considered to be less guilty of adultery than one born free, because of the degrading effects of her previous unwholesome experiences and lack of education. | |
[4:26] God wills to explain things for you, and to guide you through past precedents, and to redeem you. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [4:26] Marriage laws in the Koran took into account the practices of the prevailing cultures, eventually to arrive at more just and moral practices. | |
[4:27] God wishes to redeem you, while those who pursue their lusts wish that you deviate a great deviation. | [4:27] The sexually promiscuous oppose God by wanting the Muslims to behave as they do. | |
[4:28] God wishes to lighten your burden, for the human being is created weak.
[4:29] O you who believe, do not consume each others' properties illicitly - only mutually acceptable transactions are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. God is Merciful towards you. [4:30] Anyone who commits these transgressions, maliciously and deliberately, we will condemn him to Hell. This is easy for God to do. [4:31] If you refrain from committing the deadly sins that are prohibited for you, we will remit your sins, and admit you an honorable admittance. |
[4:28] The rules for marriage (especially term marriages, nikah mut'ah) are therefore somewhat less than optimum. See {Matthew 19:3-12}.
[4:29] This rule prohibits unfair business transactions and specifically prohibits any form of suicide. [4:30] Violation of this rule is a grave sin. God finds it "easy" to condemn transgressors because their wickedness deserves the torments of Hell. [4:31] There are deadly sins and then there are sins "not deadly." Guilt arising from the "not deadly" ones are capable of remission by an otherwise sinless life. See {I John 5:16-17}. | |
[4:32] You shall not covet the qualities bestowed upon each other by God; the men enjoy certain qualities, and the women enjoy certain qualities. You may implore God to shower you with His grace. God is fully aware of all things.
[4:33] For each of you, we have designated shares from the inheritance left by the parents and the relatives. Also those related to you through marriage, you shall give them their due share. God witnesses all things. |
[4:32] This is an exhortation to respect each gender for its unique qualities, and possibly a condemnation of homosexual desires. One with such inclinations is encouraged to ask for help from God.
[4:33] The rules of inheritance are specified in [4:7] and following. "Those related to you through marriage" do not include term wives unless the contract specifies conditions for inheritance and identifies the heirs involved. | |
[4:34] The men are made responsible for the women, and God has endowed them with certain qualities, and made them the bread earners. The righteous women will cheerfully accept this arrangement, since it is God's commandment, and honor their husbands during their absence. If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then you may desert them in bed, then you may beat them. If they obey you, you are not permitted to transgress against them. God is Most High, Supreme. | [4:34] Because the natural function of men is to provide for the physical needs of women immobilized by childbearing, (all) men have a natural responsibility to care for (all) women by working to support them. Obedient women will see this as the natural order of things, and will remain faithful to their provider husbands, even during times of separation. Disobedient women are to be reasoned with, hopefully to be convinced. If that doesn't work, they can be denied sex. They may be physically punished only if all else fails. | |
Considering the contemporary treatment of women, this is a powerful extension of women's rights. Those here enumerated are far more extensive than those of Judaism or Christianity at that time. Although this statement is often referenced by bigots trying to find Koranic justification for their hatred of Muslims, it does not say that husbands are allowed to beat their wives, even though Jews, Christians and pagans in the same culture were allowed to beat their wives. This ayat pertains only to family relationships in the context of faithful religious practice. Faced with a similar concern six centuries previously in the emerging Christian communities of Corinth and Ephesus, St. Paul laid down similar guidelines {I Corinthians 7:3, 10-11, 26-28, 39, Ephesians 5:22-33}, as did Peter {1 Peter 3:7}. This ayat also has nothing to do with the Muslim viewpoint regarding women in business, law, politics, or the arts. The entire theme of the entire sura is women's rights that were essentially nonexistent prior to the time of Mohammed. | ||
[4:35] If a couple fears separation, you shall appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family; if they decide to reconcile, God will help them get together. God is Omniscient, Cognizant.
[4:36] You shall worship God alone, not any other object. You shall show due regard for parents, relatives, the orphans, the poor, your clansmen, the unrelated neighbor, the close associate, the traveling alien, and your slaves and captives (those whom your right hands possess). God does not like those who are proud and arrogant, ... [4:37] ...the ones who are stingy, exhort the people to be stingy, and hide the wealth that God has bestowed upon them from His bounties. We have prepared for these disbelievers a shameful punishment. [4:38] They give money to charity only to show off, while disbelieving in God and the Last Day. If one's companion is the devil, that is the worst companion. [4:39] Why do they not believe in God and the Last Day, and give from God's provisions to them? God is fully aware of them. [4:40] God does not inflict an atom's weight of injustice. On the contrary, He multiplies the reward manifold for the righteous work, and grants from Him a great reward. [4:41] Thus, when the day (of judgment) comes, we will call upon a witness from each community, and you (the Messenger) will serve as a witness among these people. |
[4:35] Divorce is an option of last resort, an "evil practice" in [2:102]. Marriage counseling is done by both families, and reconciliation with God's help is the preferred outcome. See also [4:148] and {Matthew 5:32; 19:8-10, Mark 10:4-9, Luke 16:18}.
[4:36] Muslims are commanded to treat all persons regardless of their religion respectfully, not as people of a lower class. This includes slaves and captives, who are of a lower class, but have no recourse against their oppressors. This admonition is, of course directly contrary to the popular lie that Muslims are supposed to hate and murder people who don't agree with them. [4:37] Part of respectful treatment of the poor and disadvantaged is charitable contribution toward their welfare. In addition to the obligatory charity, zakat, Muslims are encouraged to go beyond what is strictly necessary. [4:38] Jesus didn't think much of these people, either. See {Matthew 6:1-4, Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:4}. [4:39] The exhortation here is to order priorities. See {Matthew 6:19-21; 19:21-24, Mark 10:21-23, Luke 12:16-21, 33-34; 18:22-25}. [4:40] God will reward him who gives until it hurts. [4:41] Mohammed, who has been appointed the Messenger of the Word of God to the world, will also be appointed the judge of the extent to which each person has followed it. | |
[4:42] On that day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish that they were level with the ground; not a single utterance will they be able to hide from God.
[4:43] O you who believe, do not observe the Necessary Prayers while intoxicated, so that you know what you are saying. Nor after sexual orgasm without bathing, unless you are on the road, traveling; if you are ill or traveling, or you had urinary or fecal-related excretion, or sexual contact with women, and you cannot find water, you shall observe Tayammum (dry ablution) by touching clean dry soil, then wiping your faces and hands therewith. God is Pardoner, Forgiver. |
[4:42] On the last day, all will rise to be judged. The faithless and disobedient will wish they were still dead.
[4:43] Muslims are taught to approach God in prayer only with reverence. They use prayer rugs to be symbolically on holy ground and remove their shoes as a sign of respect. {Exodus 3:5}. Here they are enjoined to be as sober and clean as they can. Of course, in a desert, cleanliness is relative, for there is little water for bathing and toilet paper simply doesn't exist. Nevertheless, one must be mindful of the necessity for purity, and observe the rituals to the extent possible. (See [5:56]) This was a most important aspect of the moral and social identity of the emerging Muslim community. | |
[4:44] Have you noted those who received a portion of the Scripture, and how they choose to stray, and wish that you stray from the path? | [4:44] The Muslims are here warned to be on their guard against the seditious local Jews who had made treaties with the Medina community. | |
[4:45] God knows best who your enemies are. God is the only Lord and Master. God is the only Supporter. | [4:45] The faithful had to be constantly alert; only God knew who were plotting to destroy them. | |
[4:46] Among those who are Jewish, some distort the words beyond the truth, and they say, "We hear, but we disobey," and "Your words are falling on deaf ears," and "Raa'ena (be our shepherd)," as they twist their tongues to mock the religion. Had they said, "We hear, and we obey," and "We hear you," and "Unzurna (watch over us)," it would have been better for them, and more righteous. Instead, they have incurred condemnation from God due to their disbelief. Consequently, the majority of them cannot believe. | [4:46] See [2:104]. "Raa'ena" sounded like a dirty word to the Arab converts, possibly because of differences in pronunciation of Arabic and Aramaic or Hebrew, or because of petty attempts by both groups to be irritating to each other. This may be a minor difference not unlike "forgive us our debts" versus "trespasses" versus "sins" in the recitation of the Lord's Prayer {Matthew 6:12, Luke 11:4}. Nevertheless, it was a point of contention between the Arab and Jewish converts, and was best avoided. | |
[4:47] O you who received the Scripture, you shall believe in what we reveal herein, confirming what you have, before we banish certain faces to exile, or condemn them as we condemned those who desecrated the Sabbath. God's command is done. | [4:47] This last warning to the troublesome Jews was given before the Banu Nadir were exiled from Medina. They had been causing no end of trouble for the Muslim community in spite of their peace treaties, and were finally expelled. | |
[4:48] God does not forgive idolatry, *but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside God, has forged a horrendous offense.
[4:49] Have you noted those who exalt themselves? Instead, God is the One who exalts whomever He wills, without the least (literally, "the husk of a date stone") injustice. [4:50] Note how they fabricate lies about God; what a gross offense this is! [4:51] Have you noted those who received a portion of the Scripture, and how they believe in idolatry and false doctrine, then say, "The disbelievers are better guided than the believers?!" [4:52] It is they who incurred God's condemnation, and whomever God condemns, you will not find any helper for him. [4:53] Do they own a share of the sovereignty? If they did, they would not give the people as much as a grain. [4:54] Are they envious of the people because God has showered them with His blessings? We have given Abraham's family the Scripture, and wisdom; we granted them a great authority. [4:55] Some of them believed in it, and some of them repelled from it; Hell is the only just punishment for the disbelievers. |
[4:48] The idea is not that idol worshipers cannot be forgiven, but that those who persist in idolatry until death die condemned. Moses was concerned with the same problem. {Leviticus 19:4, 26:1}.
[4:49-50] Another example of "the first being last" as also expressed in {Matthew 19:30; 20:16, Mark 9:35; 10:31, Luke 13:30. [4:51-53] This may refer to the Christians ("who received a portion of the Scripture") who maintained the sovereignty of the Church and the divinity of Jesus, which Islam considers idolatry. (See [4:171]) the idea of ordained ministers is also at odds with Islam, which has nothing like the Christian practice of the "laying on of hands" {Acts 6:6; 8:17-19; 13:3; 19:6, Hebrews 6:2} which is believed to confer the Spirit of God, based on the works of Jesus in {Matthew 19:13, 15, Mark 5:23; 6:5; 8:23, 25; 10:16; 16:18, Luke 4:40; 13:13}. [4:54] This is possibly an appeal to the belief among the Jewish converts that their racial heritage made them better than the gentile Christians. Many Jews felt superior to gentiles because Abraham was their ancestor. See {Luke 13:16; 19:9, John 8:33, 39} Christian preachers appealed to this same prejudice. {Acts 13:26, Romans 4:16; 11:1, II Corinthians 11:22, Galatians 3:7-9, 28}. [4:55] It is not one's ancestry that saves him, but the devout practice of his faith. | |
[4:56] Surely, those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will condemn them to the Hellfire. Whenever their skins are burnt, we will give them new skins. Thus, they will suffer continuously. God is Almighty, Most Wise.
[4:57] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will admit them into gardens with flowing streams; they live there forever. They will have pure spouses in it. We will admit them into a blissful shade. |
[4:56] Muslim descriptions of the tortures of Hell are remarkably similar to those employed against them by the Spanish Inquisition they are also depicted in descriptions of Hell in Renaissance art and modern Protestant literature.
[4:57] These are contrasted with the delights of Paradise, which are promised to (hopefully) honest leaders who were being appointed in the community at this time. | |
[4:58] God commands you to give back anything the people have entrusted to you. If you judge among the people, you shall judge equitably. The best enlightenment indeed is what God recommends for you. God is Hearer, Seer. | [4:58] The appointees are enjoined to do what is just and right, and to obey God and His Messenger and those entrusted with the conduct of the affairs of the community, including the settlement of disputes. | |
[4:59] O you who believe, you shall obey God, and you shall obey the Messenger, and those in charge among you. If you dispute in any matter, you shall refer it to God and the Messenger, if you do believe in God and the Last Day. This is better for you, and provides you with the best solution.
[4:60] Have you noted those who claim that they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, then uphold the unjust laws of their idols? They were commanded to reject such laws. Indeed, it is the devil's wish to lead them far astray. |
[4:59] This is an exhortation to the Muslim faithful to settle differences in a civilized manner, by appeal to authority and the rules and practices for social responsibility already laid down by God. Any other practice of settling disputes will lead to social disintegration and ultimate disaster.
[4:60] The influence of Islamic law may not have penetrated completely into the daily lives or the courts of those recently converted. Here the undesirable effects of that situation are noted. | |
[4:61] When they are told, "Come to what God has revealed, and to the Messenger," you see the hypocrites shunning you completely. | [4:61] The true colors of the hypocrites are revealed by their refusal to submit to arbitration to settle their differences. | |
[4:62] How will it be when a disaster hits them, as a consequence of their own works? They will come to you then and swear by God: "Our intentions were good and righteous!" | [4:62] When the consequences of their actions catch up with them, they will attempt to defend their behavior with the excuse that they believed they were doing what they were supposed to. | |
[4:63] God is fully aware of their innermost intentions. You shall ignore them, enlighten them, and give them good advice that may save their souls.
[4:64] We did not send any Messenger except to be obeyed in accordance with God's will. Had they, when they wronged their souls, come to you and prayed to God for forgiveness, and the Messenger prayed for their forgiveness, they would have found God Redeemer, Most Merciful. [4:65] Never indeed, by your Lord; they are not believers unless they come to you to judge in their disputes, then find no hesitation in their hearts whatsoever in accepting your judgment. They must submit a total submission. [4:66] Had we decreed for them: "You must offer your lives," or "Give up your homes," they would not have done it, except for a few of them. (Even if such a command was issued), had they done what they were commanded to do, it would have been better for them, and would prove the strength of their faith. [4:67] And we would have granted them a great reward. [4:68] And we would have guided them in the right path. [4:69] Those who obey God and the Messenger belong with those blessed by God - the prophets, the saints, the martyrs, and the righteous. These are the best company. |
[4:63] The hypocrites should be ignored as long as they persist in their wickedness, but admonished and instructed if they repent.
[4:64] The believer must submit to authority, and those who come to believe and turn from their sinful ways by doing the same and asking for forgiveness find God merciful toward them. [4:65] A test of the loyalty of the believers, including recent converts, is that they submit to authority totally, without reservation. [4:66-68] Submission to authority is a reasonable expectation, not like martyrdom or being required to leave one's home. The converts therefore did not have much reason to complain that the requirements of their new religion were too hard to observe. Of course, such requirements could have been imposed by God, and those who fulfilled them would have received a commensurate reward from Him. (Not that this does not say that leaving one's home for the purpose of getting himself killed somehow makes God save him!) [4:69] It usually unnecessary for one to make such great sacrifices to be counted among the blessed of God, which includes the prophets, saints, martyrs and all other good people. It is sufficient to obey God's commands. However, see [4:71] and following, below. | |
[4:70] Such is the blessing from God; God is the best Knower.*
[4:71] O you who believe, you shall remain alert, and mobilize as individuals, or mobilize all together. [4:72] Surely, there are those among you who would drag their feet, then, if a setback afflicts you, they would say, "God has blessed me that I was not martyred with them." |
[4:70] *"the best Knower" is one of the names of God.
[4:71] Sometimes the faithful are called upon to make great sacrifices, and must be ready to do so. [4:72] It is certainly not a blessing to be spared death in battle because one is a coward, even though the cowards themselves may claim that they are "blessed" by not being killed in battle. | |
[4:73] But if you attain a blessing from God, they would say, as if no friendship ever existed between you and them, "I wish I was with them, so I could share in such a great victory."
[4:74] Those who readily fight in the cause of God are those who forsake this world in favor of the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of God, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great reward. |
[4:73] Those killed in defense of their communities are martyrs for their faith. The coward will not understand this blessing, and will wish that he was on the other side to share in their victory even though it was against their former neighbors and friends.
[4:74] The truly blessed are those who support their communities in just causes. Even if they are killed, they receive the reward of the brave. | |
[4:75] Why should you not fight in the cause of God when weak men, women, and children are imploring: "Our Lord, deliver us from this community whose people are oppressive, and be You our Lord and Master."
[4:76] Those who believe are fighting for the cause of God, while those who disbelieve are fighting for the cause of tyranny. Therefore, you shall fight the devil's allies; but the devil is powerless. [4:77] Have you noted those who were told, "You do not have to fight; all you need to do is observe the Necessary Prayers and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat)," then, when fighting was decreed for them, they feared the people as much as they feared God, or even more? They said, "Our Lord, why did You force this fighting on us? If only You respite us for a time!" Say, "The materials of this world are as nothing, while the Hereafter is far better for the righteous, and you never suffer the slightest (literally: "husk of a date stone") injustice." [4:78] Wherever you are, death will catch up with you, even if you live in formidable castles. When something good happens to them, they say, "This is from God," and when something bad afflicts them, they blame you. Say, "Everything comes from God." Why do these people misunderstand almost everything? [4:79] Anything good that happens to you is from God, and anything bad that happens to you is from you. |
[4:75] The believer has an obligation to protect the weak and helpless by participating in their defense.
[4:76] Islam permits only defensive warfare (See [2:190]), therefore, any war is against those who do not follow this rule and thus are "the devil's allies," fighting in the "cause of tyranny." [4:77] One does not fulfill his duty in wartime by being a draft resister. Those who believe they can get out of the fighting because of their piety will find themselves at odds not only with the enemy, but also with the community that expects them to do their duty. The reply to those who believe that they should be exempt from military service because of their piety is that doing their duty is more important than staying safe at home. Those who do their duty will be given the full benefit of their dedication. [4:78] The draft resisters are reminded that they cannot escape death, no matter where they are. Those who consider that the blessed are those to whom only good things happen, and consequently blame Mohammed for the teaching that subjects them to the misfortunes associated with difficult or hazardous duty, are mistaken. [4:79] This addresses the "problem of evil in the world. "God is the author only of good, but the existence of evil is a consequence of human rebellion. See {Genesis 3:17-19} | |
[4:80] We have sent you as a Messenger to the people, and God suffices as witness. Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying God. As for those who turn away, we did not send you as their guardian. | [4:80] The righteousness of Mohammed's Message is God's witness that he is God's Messenger. The disbelievers therefore do not only reject Mohammed, they reject the witness of God. | |
[4:81] They pledge obedience, but as soon as they leave you, some of them harbor intentions contrary to what they say. God records their innermost intentions. You shall disregard them, and put your trust in God. God suffices as an advocate. | [4:81] The hypocrites pretend to be devout and pledge obedience to God, but their actions in private show that they are not to be trusted. God knows what they are thinking. The faithful are here warned not to imitate them, but to trust in God. | |
[4:82] Why do they not study the Koran carefully? If it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions. | [4:82] If the hypocrites would just study the Koran, they would realize that would realize that they should follow it because it comes from God. | |
[4:83] When a rumor that affects security comes their way, they spread it. Had they referred it to the Messenger, and those in charge among them, those who understand these matters would have informed them. If it were not for God's grace towards you, and His mercy, you would have followed the devil, except a few. | [4:83] In addition to their other antisocial activities, the hypocrites are responsible for spreading rumors, instead of referring questionable reports to Mohammed and his lieutenants for confirmation. The panic that resulted was one of the causes of the disaster of the Battle of Uhud, which only God rescued from utter catastrophe. | |
[4:84] You shall fight for the cause of God; you are responsible only for your own soul, and exhort the believers to do the same. God will neutralize the power of those who disbelieve. God is much more powerful, and much more effective.
[4:85] Whoever mediates a good deed receives a share of the credit thereof, and whoever mediates an evil work, incurs a share thereof. God controls all things. |
[4:84] The cure for panic caused by rumors in battle is simple: Everyone must do his duty, lead others by example to do the same, and let God deal with the hypocrites and rumormongers.
[4:85] In this way, one assists others in doing good deeds and participates thereby in their rewards, just as those who assist others to do evil justly share in their punishment. | |
[4:86] When greeted with a greeting, you shall respond with a better greeting or at least an equal one. God reckons all things. | [4:86] The best way to avoid panic is to be positive and upbeat. Greeting each other with good cheer is one way of doing that. | |
[4:87] God: there is no god except He. He will surely summon you on the Day of Resurrection - the inevitable day. Whose narration is more truthful than God's? | [4:87] The idea here is that God is the only absolute truth. He will eventually triumph over the lies of the rumormongers. | |
[4:88] Why should you divide yourselves into two groups regarding hypocrites (among you)? God is the One who condemned them because of their own behavior. Do you want to guide those who are sent astray by God? Whomever God sends astray, you can never find a way to guide them. | [4:88] The problem of the hypocrites, who had become very troublesome at this time, no doubt was a source of debate among the believers as to the wisdom of expelling them from the community. This ayat reminds the faithful that the hypocrites condemned themselves by becoming an intolerable liability to the community. | |
[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of God. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies. | [4:89] The anti-Islamic ideas of the hypocrite neighbors were especially dangerous to the emerging Muslim community. Here the faithful are warned to be on guard against them, and to consider them enemies. If one meets a former neighbor or coworker in battle, he is to be treated as any other enemy combatant. | |
[4:90] Exempted are those who join people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, and those who come to you wishing not to fight you, nor fight their relatives. Had God willed, He could have permitted them to fight against you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then God gives you no excuse to fight them. | [4:90] Peace is always possible with those who renounce warlike intentions. The Muslims are enjoined to accept sincere peace treaties. Note that this ayat is a direct contradiction to the erroneous idea that Muslims are commanded (or, in fact, allowed) to make war on peaceful people. The fact is, "God gives you no excuse to fight" them. | |
[4:91] You will find others who wish to make peace with you, and also with their people. However, as soon as war erupts, they fight against you. Unless these people leave you alone, offer you peace, and stop fighting you, you may fight them when you encounter them. Against these, we give you a clear authorization. | [4:91] Of course, there are those who use peace overtures as an attempt to secure a strategic advantage prior to waging war. These people are legitimate targets in war. They are to be offered the option of surrender, but otherwise may be legitimately killed wherever they are found. They clearly remain dangerous enemies. | |
[4:92] No believer shall kill another believer, unless it is an accident. If one kills a believer by accident, he shall atone by freeing a believing slave, and paying a compensation to the victim's family, unless they forfeit such a compensation as a charity. If the victim belonged to people who are at war with you, though he was a believer, you shall atone by freeing a believing slave. If he belonged to people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, you shall pay the compensation in addition to freeing a believing slave. If you cannot find a slave to free, you shall atone by fasting two consecutive months, in order to be redeemed by God. God is Knower, Most Wise.
[4:93] Anyone who kills a believer on purpose, his punishment is Hell, wherein he remains forever, God is angry with him, and condemns him, and has prepared for him a terrible penalty. |
[4:92] The evil of murder is compared with the evils of slavery, which is considered equivalent to death. Intentional killing of a fellow Muslim is forbidden. {Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17} Negligent homicide requires compensation of the victim's family, and also the freeing of a believing slave, as the restoration of "a life for a life."{Exodus 21:23} This rule applies even if the believer is an enemy soldier killed in battle, but compensation of the enemy is not required. Slavery was recognized as an evil to be abolished in Islam. Christianity, on the other hand, tolerated it. {Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 3:22-4:1}. Where slavery has been abolished, the penance for negligent homicide is two consecutive months of fasting.
[4:93] Murder {Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17} is considered a "mortal" sin, "unto death."{I John 5:16} | |
[4:94] O you who believe, if you strike in the cause of God, you shall be absolutely sure. Do not say to one who offers you peace, "You are not a believer," seeking the spoils of this world. For God possesses infinite spoils. Remember that you used to be like them, and God blessed you. Therefore, you shall be absolutely sure (before you strike). God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [4:94] The rules against strategic offense ([2:190]) and breaking peace treaties ([4:90]) are absolute. One is not allowed to use the defense "but they are infidels!" or the expectation of rich booty as an excuse to break them. The Muslims are reminded that they were once unbelieving infidels themselves, rescued from ignorance only by the unmerited grace of God. | |
[4:95] There is no equality between those except the handicapped who refuse their service or their wealth and those who give freely of both by striving in the cause of God. Those who actively serve God with their money and their lives are far exalted above those who do not. God promises salvation to both, but those who serve Him strenuously will received a far greater reward.
[4:96] The higher ranks come from Him, as well as forgiveness and mercy. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [4:97] Those whose lives are terminated by the angels, while in a state of wronging their souls, the angels will ask them, "What was the matter with you?" they will say, "We were oppressed on earth." They will say, "Was God's earth not spacious enough for you to emigrate to it?" For these, the final abode is Hell, and a miserable destiny. [4:98] Exempted are the weak men, women, and children who do not possess the strength, nor the means to find a way out. [4:99] These may be pardoned by God. God is Pardoner, Forgiver. |
[4:95] This is a reminder that Islam is very much a religion of action, and those who participate passionately will be rewarded far more than those who just get by. It may also be a rebuke of the conscientious objectors, who felt they could legitimately get out of military service by acts of piety and charity. See also [4:97] .
[4:96] God is the One who assigns the ranks of the faithful in the Hereafter. [4:97] Those who die as draft resisters or cowards will be asked why they didn't faithfully serve their community. Those who offer the excuses that they had too many personal troubles will be condemned anyway. They will be reminded that they were not forced to live in the community in the first place, and should have moved somewhere else if they were not prepared to do their civic duty. [4:98] Of course, those who cannot defend the community in which they live, due to circumstances actually beyond their control, are not guilty... [4:99] ...and God knows who they are. | |
[4:100] Anyone who emigrates in the cause of God will find on earth great bounties and richness. Anyone who gives up his home, emigrating to God and His Messenger, then death catches up with him, his reward is reserved with God. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [4:100] Those who perform particularly meritorious service that requires him to leave his home or devote his life to some worthy cause, such as becoming missionaries in the service of God, will be rewarded in this life, as well as in the Hereafter. | |
[4:101] When you travel, during war, you commit no error by shortening your Necessary Prayers, if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you. Surely, the disbelievers are your ardent enemies.
[4:102] When you are with them, and lead the Contact Prayer (Salat) for them, let some of you stand guard; let them hold their weapons, and let them stand behind you as you prostrate. Then, let the other group that has not prayed take their turn praying with you, while the others stand guard and hold their weapons. Those who disbelieved wish to see you neglect your weapons and your equipment, in order to attack you once and for all. You commit no error, if you are hampered by rain or injury, by putting down your weapons, so long as you remain alert. God has prepared for the disbelievers a shameful punishment. [4:103] Once you complete your Contact Prayer (Salat), you shall remember God while standing, sitting, or lying down. Once the war is over, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat); the Necessary Prayers are decreed for the believers at specific times. [4:104] Do not waver in pursuing the enemy. If you suffer, they also suffer. However, you expect from God what they never expect. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. [4:105] We have sent down to you the Scripture, truthfully, in order to judge among the people in accordance with what God has shown you. You shall not side with the betrayers. |
[4:101] The obligatory prayers (Salat) are so important that they must be observed even during wartime. However, if an attack appears imminent (or has actually begun!), they may be shortened (but not avoided) due to military necessity.
[4:102] Since the Salat prayers require prostrating oneself before God, the practical method of praying during battle is for one group to pray, while another group stands guard, then the two groups switch places. If an attack is not imminent (because of inclement weather, for example), or if one is being treated for wounds, it is not necessary to actually hold one's weapons as long as they are immediately available to defend against attack. [4:103] In addition to the Salat prayers, which are said at specific times if one is able and the tactical situation permits, Muslims are exhorted to remember that they are always in the presence of God, and to behave themselves accordingly. [4:104] "When the enemy is on the run, remember that he is worse off than you are. General Patton constantly reminded his troops of this during his rout of the German army in 1945. He may have been influenced by this Islamic philosophy when he was military governor of Morocco. [4:105] Muslims are enjoined to be scrupulously just in all of their dealings, even with their enemies, and especially in disputes between husband and wife. | |
[4:106] You shall implore God for forgiveness. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [4:106] Where they fail, they must seek pardon from God. {Matthew 6:12, 14-15, Luke 11:4} | |
[4:107] Do not argue on behalf of those who have wronged their own souls; God does not love any betrayer, guilty. | [4:107] The entire Muslim community must hold each person personally responsible for his own actions... | |
[4:108] They hide from the people, and do not care to hide from God, though He is with them as they harbor ideas He dislikes. God is fully aware of everything they do. | [4:108] ...just as God holds him personally accountable for them. It is not possible to find excuses from God, because God knows their innermost thoughts and motivations. | |
[4:109] Here you are arguing on their behalf in this world; who is going to argue with God on their behalf on the Day of Resurrection? Who is going to be their advocate? | [4:109] Because God knows all things, there will be no one who will attempt to excuse sinfulness when each person is judged on the Day of Resurrection. | |
[4:110] Anyone who commits evil, or wrongs his soul, then implores God for forgiveness, will find God Forgiving, Most Merciful. | [4:110] God forgives sinners if they are truly repentant, but does not excuse them by ignoring or overlooking the evil things they do. | |
[4:111] Anyone who earns a sin, earns it to the detriment of his own soul. God is Omniscient, Most Wise.
[4:112] Anyone who earns a sin, then accuses an innocent person thereof, has committed a blasphemy and a gross offense. [4:113] If it were not for God's grace towards you, and His mercy, some of them would have misled you. They only mislead themselves, and they can never harm you in the least. God has sent down to you the Scripture and wisdom, and He has taught you what you never knew. Indeed, God's blessings upon you have been great. |
[4:111] Evil deeds do most harm to those who do them, because God knows everything.
[4:112] God is also not fooled by attempting to blame others (parents, society, bad companions, slavery, etc.) for one's own guilt. Attempting to do so is itself a gross offense against God. [4:113] Muslim believers are reminded that their faith is a blessing from God, and is a certain protection against those who attempt to lead the devout astray. This probably refers to political intrigue by the hypocrites and saboteurs as well as religious heresy. | |
[4:114] There is nothing good about their private conferences, except for those who advocate charity, or righteous works, or making peace among the people. Anyone who does this, in response to God's teachings, we will grant him a great reward. | [4:114] The hypocrites in Medina probably tried as hard as they could to convince their fellow citizens to make peace with their enemies. This idea, in itself, is not objectionable, provided that it is advanced in the spirit of justice and charity. | |
[4:115] As for him who opposes the Messenger, after the guidance has been pointed out to him, and follows other than the believers' way, we will direct him in the direction he has chosen, and commit him to Hell; what a miserable destiny! | [4:115] On the other hand, agitators and others who advocate appeasing the enemy when the legitimate authority of the community has already decided to go to war are traitors, and will suffer the traitors' everlasting punishment. | |
[4:116] God does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death), and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside God has strayed far astray.
[4:117] They even worship female gods besides Him; as a matter of fact, they only worship a rebellious devil. [4:118] God has condemned him, and he said, "I will surely recruit a definite share of Your worshipers. [4:119] "I will mislead them, I will entice them, I will command them to mark the ears of livestock, and I will command them to distort the creation of God." Anyone who accepts the devil as a lord, instead of God, has incurred a profound loss. |
[4:116] This is a restatement of [4:48].
[4:117] God is referred to as "He" in the Koran to avoid the blasphemy of using a neuter pronoun, but human gender identification is inappropriate to God. [4:118] The devil has no actual power, because all power belongs to God. Nevertheless, he has his own followers. [4:119] The devil actively recruits his disciples, not by the exercise of power, but by trickery and deceit. This includes marking cattle (possibly intended for military rations) as unfit to eat (perhaps suggesting they are diseased) or otherwise distorting the truth. Those who assist the devil by perpetrating these tricks are lost forever. | |
[4:120] He promises them and entices them; what the devil promises is no more than an illusion. | [4:120] The devil cannot fulfill his promises, because all desirable things come from God. | |
[4:121] These have incurred Hell as their final abode, and can never evade it. | [4:121] The destiny of those who follow the devil is everlasting punishment in Hell. | |
[4:122] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will admit them into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they live forever. Such is the truthful promise of God. Whose utterances are more truthful than God's?
[4:123] It is not in accordance with your wishes, or the wishes of the people of the Scripture: anyone who commits evil pays for it, and will have no helper or supporter against God. [4:124] As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice. [4:125] Who is better guided in his religion than one who submits totally to God, leads a righteous life, according to the creed of Abraham: monotheism? God has chosen Abraham as a beloved friend. [4:126] To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is in full control of all things. |
[4:122] Once again, God Himself promises all those "who believe and lead a righteous life" the eternal pleasures of Paradise. It is interesting that this promise does not single out only Muslims. The reward is promised to all the righteous.
[4:123] The evildoer will be punished, regardless of his excuse. This particular remark may be directed at those who follow Jewish tradition ("the people of Scripture") while opposing the changes of Islam. [4:124] The necessity for righteousness applies equally to men and women. [4:125] The Muslim converts are exhorted to follow the example of Abraham, who believed in the One True God in spite of the polytheistic beliefs of his neighbors. See [6:161]. [4:126] This ayat takes up the subject of family relationships from [4:35]. The discourse on community defense continues in [4:136]. | |
[4:127] They consult you concerning women: say, "God enlightens you regarding them, as recited for you in the Scripture. You shall restore the rights of orphaned girls whom you cheat out of their due dowries when you wish to marry them: you shall not take advantage of them. The rights of orphaned boys must also be protected as well. You shall treat the orphans equitably. Whatever good you do, God is fully aware thereof. | [4:127] Because of the rules of inheritance in [4:7], a good way for a poor man to enjoy a lavish lifestyle was to marry a rich, naive orphan and live off her money. A wife is assumed to be mature, so the prohibition in [4:6] against exploiting juvenile orphans doesn't apply, although it is reiterated here. Orphaned girls who had already been exploited in this way were to be fully compensated. See also [4:4]. | |
[4:128] If a woman senses oppression or desertion from her husband, the couple shall try to reconcile their differences, for conciliation is best for them. Selfishness is a human trait, and if you do good and lead a righteous life, God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [4:128] This applies specifically to the recourse a woman has if she feels that she is being mistreated or neglected. One potential cause of this is selfishness on the part of the husband. Both husband and wife are urged to try to work things out. See also [4:35]. | |
[4:129] You can never be equitable in dealing with more than one wife, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, do not be so biased as to leave one of them hanging (neither enjoying marriage, nor left to marry someone else). If you correct this situation and maintain righteousness, God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [4:129] Although Islam permits polygamy in [4:35] to provide for orphans and widows, it does not encourage it. One problem is the husband favoring one wife to the exclusion of sexual rights of another. This is forbidden. A man must treat all of his wives equitably, or he must let them go. | |
[4:130] If the couple must decide to part, God will provide for each of them from His bounties. God is Bounteous, Most Wise. | [4:130] Neither the neglected wife nor her polygamous husband incurs condemnation if she leaves him for this reason. | |
[4:131] To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and we have enjoined on those who received the Scripture before you, and enjoined on you, that you shall reverence God. If you disbelieve, then to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is in no need, Praiseworthy. | [4:131] Jewish converts may have believed that they were exempt from the necessity of respecting the rights of their wives. Here both Jews (those who were given the Book before you) and others are reminded that the laws prescribed here come from God, who has provided sufficiently for all believers. | |
[4:132] To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is the only Protector.
[4:133] If He wills, He can annihilate you, O people, and substitute others in your place. God is certainly able to do this. | [4:132-133] This is a sentiment not unlike that expressed in {Matthew 6:13-15}. If He wants to, God can subject a parson to any "test," including those concocted by "the evil one." It behooves his followers, therefore, to properly respect His commandments and pray that He will reciprocate. | |
[4:134] Anyone who seeks the materials of this world should know that God possesses both the materials of this world and the Hereafter. God is Hearer, Seer.
[4:135] O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe God, when you serve as witnesses, even against yourselves, or your parents, or your relatives. Whether the accused is rich or poor, God takes care of both. Therefore, do not be biased by your personal wishes. If you deviate or disregard (this commandment), then God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. [4:136] O you who believe, you shall believe in God and His Messenger, and the Scripture He has revealed through His Messenger, and the Scripture He has revealed before that. Anyone who refuses to believe in God, and His angels, and His Scriptures, and His messengers, and the Last Day, has indeed strayed far astray. |
[4:134] The necessity for seeking first the kingdom of God is also expressed in {Matthew 6:33, Luke 12:31}
[4:135] In other words, you shall not bear false witness {Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20}. This is a more extensive explanation of this Commandment. The necessity to be truthful includes all statements, not just those made under oath. It prohibits leaving out essential elements of the truth if one was not specifically asked about them or because of personal considerations. [4:136] The subject returns to community defense. Muslims are warned to be on guard against the heresies of their enemies. Belief in God, Revelation, life after death, and the other teachings of Mohammed are the only things that separate them from the hypocrites. This belief must therefore be the main focus of defense against the unbelievers. | |
[4:137] Surely, those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then plunge deeper into disbelief, God will not forgive them, nor guide them in any way.
[4:138] Inform the hypocrites that they have incurred agonizing punishment. |
[4:137] Defense of Islam requires a firm commitment in both faith and action. God will not provide the benefits of the steadfast to those who are indecisive.
[4:138] This Message is particularly directed at those whose faltering jeopardizes the security of the community. | |
[4:139] They are the ones who ally themselves with disbelievers instead of believers. Are they seeking dignity with them? All dignity belongs with God alone. | [4:139] The believers must exhibit their dedication by separating themselves from the disbelievers in all things, not just religion. | |
[4:140] He has instructed you in the Scripture that: if you hear God's revelations being mocked and ridiculed, you shall not sit with them, unless they delve into another subject. Otherwise, you will be as guilty as they are. God will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers together in Hell. | [4:140] Believers are required to change the subject, take a stand, or separate themselves from the unbelievers who ridicule their faith. Note that this rule does not command that believers argue or fight with infidels, only that they avoid even the appearance of agreeing with them by remaining silent. See also [6:68]. | |
[4:141] They watch you and wait; if you attain victory from God, they say, "Were we not with you?" But if the disbelievers appear victorious, they say, "Did we not side with you, and protect you from the believers?" God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection. God will never permit the disbelievers to prevail over the believers. | [4:141] Taking a stand for one's religious beliefs was particularly important in the emerging Muslim community, where the Muslims and non-Muslims were in open conflict. The hypocrites attempted to please both sides by claiming to support whoever was winning at the time. Here such vacillation is condemned. | |
[4:142] The hypocrites think that they are deceiving God, but He is the One who leads them on. When they get up for the Contact Prayer (Salat), they get up lazily. That is because they only show off in front of the people, and rarely do they think of God. | [4:142] In spite of all the attempts of the hypocrites to ingratiate themselves with whoever is winning in the community, they will eventually encounter a way to be found out. Their lackadaisical attitude toward prayer is one of those ways. | |
[4:143] They waver in between, neither belonging to this group, nor that group. Whomever God sends astray, you will never find a way to guide him.
[4:144] O you who believe, you shall not ally yourselves with the disbelievers, instead of the believers. Do you wish to provide God with a clear proof against you? [4:145] The hypocrites will be committed to the lowest pit of Hell, and you will find no one to help them. |
[4:143] The essence of the attitude of the hypocrites is that they are opportunists, never committing to a specific group. It is not possible to convert such people because they do not want to take a stand.
[4:144] The faithful are warned never to accept them as allies, because they cannot be trusted either to support a specific cause, or to remain neutral. [4:145] Their reward is the punishment of Hell. | |
[4:146] Only those who repent, reform, hold fast to God, and devote their religion absolutely to God alone, will be counted with the believers. God will bless the believers with a great reward.
[4:147] What will God gain from punishing you, if you became grateful and believed? God is Appreciative, Omniscient. [4:148] God does not like the utterance of bad language, unless one is treated with gross injustice. God hears and knows everything. |
[4:146] The hypocrites are contrasted with the true converts, who make a firm commitment to their faith and carry it out. They receive the reward of the just.
[4:147] The converts are no longer liable to God's punishment, because such punishment would have no purpose. [4:148] "Bad language" here probably refers to condemnation, finding fault, blame, criticism, denunciation, and censure, which are permitted only as a form of just admonition or reprimand. | |
[4:149] If you work righteousness - either declared or concealed - or pardon a transgression, God is Pardoner, Omnipotent. | [4:149] This appears to compliment the thought above, that admonishing or reprimanding the sinner, and then pardoning him, is a righteous act. | |
[4:150] Those who disbelieve in God and His messengers, and seek to make distinction among God and His messengers, and say, "We believe in some and reject some," and wish to follow a path in between;
[4:151] These are the real disbelievers. We have prepared for the disbelievers a shameful punishment. [4:152] As for those who believe in God and His messengers, and make no distinction among them, He will grant them their reward. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. |
[4:150] Islam accepts all the prophets, including Jesus, and their Messages. One cannot be a true Muslim, therefore, if he accepts the teachings of some and rejects others. In cases of conflict, resolution is provided by the (final) revelation of Mohammed.
[4:151] Those who do not accept all of the prophets are the real disbelievers. [4:152] Rewards are promised to those who accept all of God's revelation, not just some of it. | |
[4:153] The people of the Scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book from the sky! they have asked Moses for more than that, saying, "Show us God, physically." Consequently, the lightning struck them, as a consequence of their audacity. Additionally, they worshiped the calf, after all the miracles they had seen. Yet, we pardoned all this. We supported Moses with profound miracles. | [4:153] The history of God's messengers contains many signs of confirmation {Exodus 4:8, 17, 30; 7:9-12; 8:23-24; 10:1, Numbers 14:11; 26:10, Deuteronomy 4:34-36, I Kings13:3-5, II Kings 20:9-11, Isaiah 7:14; 19:20-24; 38:7-8; 55:13, Jeremiah 44:29-31, Matthew 12:38-40; 16:4, Mark 16:17, Luke 11:29-30, John 2:18-22; 20:30}. The "sign" described here may be that of {Exodus 19:16-20; 20:18-22 and 32:4} | |
[4:154] And we raised Mount Sinai above them, as we took their covenant. And we said to them, "Enter the gate humbly." And we said to them, "Do not desecrate the Sabbath." Indeed, we took from them a solemn covenant.
[4:155] (They incurred condemnation) for violating their covenant, rejecting God's revelations, killing the prophets unjustly, and for saying, "Our minds are made up!" In fact, God is the One who sealed their minds, due to their disbelief, and this is why they usually fail to believe. [4:156] (They are condemned) for disbelieving and uttering about Mary a gross lie. |
[4:154] This may refer to the events recorded in {Exodus 19:16-21; 20:8-11}
[4:155] This is a summation of condemnations of those of the Jews who were responsible for violating the rules laid down by God and for killing the prophets. Once they had made a decision to reject God, He imposed punishments upon them for their actions, one of which is that even now they refuse to accept His Message. [4:156] The reference is unclear. It may be to those who refused to accept the teaching of Jesus because they claimed he was the illegitimate son of Mary. | |
[4:157] And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him - they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.
[4:158] Instead, God raised him to Him; God is Almighty, Most Wise. [4:159] Everyone among the people of the Scripture was required to believe in him before his death. On the Day of Resurrection, he will be a witness against them. [4:160] Due to their transgressions, we prohibited for the Jews good foods that used to be lawful for them; also for consistently repelling from the path of God. [4:161] And for practicing usury, which was forbidden, and for consuming the people's money illicitly. We have prepared for the disbelievers among them agonizing punishment. [4:162] As for those among them who are well founded in knowledge, and the believers, they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you. They are observers of the Necessary Prayers, and givers of the Obligatory Charity (zakat); they are believers in God and the Last Day. We grant these a great reward. [4:163] We have inspired you, as we inspired Noah and the prophets after him. And we inspired Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, the Patriarchs, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. And we gave David the Psalms. |
[4:157] See [3:55] and [3:169]. Islam teaches that it was only his empty body, not Jesus himself, that was crucified. The "factions who are disputing in this matter" may have been poorly educated Christians seeking refuge in Saudi Arabia from the wars between the Holy Roman Empire and the Persians.
[4:158] Islam maintains that Jesus was raised from the dead by God in the same manner as in the resurrection of any righteous person. Christians would probably tend to agree, but add that Jesus established resurrection from the dead. Catholics would add that since Jesus is God, he raised himself. Muslims consider this idea idolatrous. [4:159] The idea here is that (the holy Prophet) Jesus himself will be a witness against those who believed that he was crucified and rose from the dead. [4:160] The dietary restrictions of {Leviticus 11:2-43} are here seen as a punishment for corrupting the simple Islamic religion of Abraham. Muslim dietary rules are less restrictive. See [2:173]. [4:161] The Jews were also punished for dishonest financial practices. See [2:275]. [4:162] The religious leaders and teachers in the community are those who demonstrate their knowledge of Scripture and who are conspicuous for their piety at prayer and their contribution in support of the community, especially the poor. [4:163] Here God points out that Mohammed is only (the final) one of a long list of people who were selected by God as prophets to His people. | |
[4:164] Messengers we have told you about, and messengers we never told you about. And God spoke to Moses directly. | [4:164] Although Mohammed is the main Messenger, some of these messengers are anonymous (possibly contemporary teachers and missionaries). | |
[4:165] Messengers to deliver good news, as well as warnings. Thus, the people will have no excuse when they face God, after all these messengers have come to them. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [4:165] A prophet is one who speaks for God, both to deliver good news, and to deliver warnings. Since these Messages have already been conveyed, no one from now on can claim that he didn't receive them. | |
[4:166] But God bears witness concerning what He has revealed to you; He has revealed it with His knowledge. And the angels bear witness as well, but God suffices as witness. | [4:166] The wording of the revelations of the Koran shows that the ultimate author is God, not Mohammed. Thus God Himself is a witness to the truth that Mohammed preached. | |
[4:167] Surely, those who disbelieve and lead others from the way of God have strayed far astray. | [4:167] Those who preach otherwise are doing their listeners a grave injustice... | |
[4:168] Those who disbelieve and transgress, God will not forgive them, nor will He guide them in any way; | [4:168] God will not forgive them for this sin, and will withhold his further guidance from them. | |
[4:169] except the way to Hell, wherein they remain forever. This is easy for God to do. | [4:169] The only guidance for such people will be into Hell. They have already condemned themselves. | |
[4:170] O people, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord. Therefore, you shall believe for your own good. If you disbelieve, then to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [4:170] God has sent his Messenger (Mohammed) for the benefit of all mankind. One does not do any disservice to God by not believing in His revelations, because everything belongs to Him anyway. The disbelievers harm only themselves. | |
[4:171] O people of the Scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of God, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in God and His messengers. You shall not say, "Trinity." You shall refrain from this for your own good. God is only One God. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. God suffices as Lord and Master. | [4:171] Muslims agree with Christians that: (1) Jesus was the Messiah; (2) He was the son of Mary; (3) He was a messenger of God, and (4) Mary was notified by God prior to them of the circumstances of his conception and birth. They do not agree with: (1) the doctrine of the Trinity, which they see as polytheism, (2) the divinity of Jesus, which they see as idolatry, or (3) that Jesus is the Son of God, which they see as blasphemy. Islam teaches that Jesus was created directly by God to fulfill the prophecy of {Isaiah 7:14}, and had no father. | |
[4:172] The Messiah would never disdain from being a servant of God, nor would the closest angels. Those who disdain from worshiping Him, and are too arrogant to submit, He will summon them all before Him. | [4:172] Jesus was nonetheless a servant of God, above all the angels, including those who refused to submit to him. They will ultimately be overthrown. {Revelation 12:9-10; 20:10} | |
[4:173] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, He will fully reward them, and shower them with His grace. As for those who disdain and turn arrogant, He will commit them to agonizing punishment. They will find no lord beside God, nor a savior. | [4:173] Jesus himself will reward those who are faithful to the teaching of God, and will punish those who are not, including those who regard anyone but the One, True God as their savior. (Muslims believe this includes those who believe in the Incarnation.) | |
[4:174] O people, a proof has come to you from your Lord; we have sent down to you a profound beacon.
[4:175] Those who believe in God, and hold fast to Him, He will admit them into mercy from Him, and grace, and will guide them to Him in a straight path. |
[4:174] The following three ayats constitute a kind of epilogue to this sura. It is seen as a beacon for those who follow "the right path."
[4:175] God promises mercy and guidance to those who remain steadfast in their belief and service. | |
[4:176] They consult you; say, "God advises you concerning the single person. If one dies and leaves no children, and he had a sister, she gets half the inheritance. If she dies first, he inherits from her, if she left no children. If there were two sisters, they get two-thirds of the inheritance. If the siblings are men and women, the male gets twice the share of the female." God thus clarifies for you, lest you go astray. God is fully aware of all things. | [4:176] This ayat was revealed long after An-Nisa was recited as a complete sura. It is added at the end because it was not incorporated elsewhere by Mohammed, who generally indicated the sequence of ayats in each sura but did not indicate any sequence for the suras themselves. Putting the suras in some kind of order after they were complied was a difficult problem for his followers. The same subject matter as appears in [4:11] and following. |
SURA 5: Al-Maeda - The (Festive) TableThis revelation comes three years after the disaster at Uhud. As a result of their perseverance, the Muslims have extended Islamic culture and the power of the city-state of Medina from Syria to Mecca and from Najd to the Red Sea. After much negotiation with the rulers of Mecca, the Quraish, Medina Muslims gained the right to make an annual pilgrimage (the umrah) there, and the respite from fighting the Quraish that they had long desired, by the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
This sura continues the instructions about the consolidation of the Islamic Community given in An-Nisa. Muslims are directed to observe and fulfill all of their religious and social obligations. They are also warned to guard against the inherent corruption of power and are exhorted to learn lessons from the failings of the Jews and Christians whom they overcame. These are also invited to cast aside their erroneous beliefs and embrace Islam and the definitive religion revealed by God. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[5:1] O you who believe, you shall fulfill your covenants. Permitted for you to eat are the livestock, except those specifically prohibited herein. You shall not permit hunting throughout the hajj.* God decrees whatever He wills. [5:2] O you who believe, do not violate the rites instituted by God, nor the Sacred Months, nor the animals to be offered, nor the garlands marking them, nor the people who head for the Sacred Shrine seeking blessings from their Lord and approval. Once you complete the pilgrimage, you may hunt.* Do not be provoked into aggression by your hatred of people who once prevented you from going to the Sacred Mosque. You shall cooperate in matters of righteousness and piety; do not cooperate in matters that are sinful and evil. You shall observe God. God is strict in enforcing vengeance. |
[5:1] Now that the Muslims have achieved peace, they are exhorted to turn their attention to strict observance of their religion. Included are the dietary restrictions ([2:173]). Jewish rules were more severe, so here the Muslims are reminded that anything that is not specifically forbidden (haraam) is permitted (halaal).
[5:2] *The hajj is the formal visit to Mecca required of all Muslims. Hunting during this time is forbidden, both because it is worldly and because hunting by pilgrims would quickly depopulate the area around Mecca of anything edible, including the residents' livestock. Animals to be purchased for sacrifice and subsequent consumption are marked with garlands during the hajj. The Muslims are warned to be cooperative and respectful and to scrupulously avoid doing anything to violate the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, or annoy the Meccans or their visitors, even though they used to be their enemies. A similar sentiment is contained in {Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27, 35}. | |
[5:3] Prohibited for you are animals that die of themselves, blood, the meat* of pigs, and animals dedicated to idols. (Animals that die of themselves include those) strangled, struck with an object, fallen from a height, gored, attacked by a wild animal (unless you save your animal before it dies) and animals sacrificed on altars. Also prohibited is dividing the meat by arrows;** this is an abomination. Today, the disbelievers have given up concerning your religion; do not fear them and fear Me instead. Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. If one is forced by famine, without being deliberately sinful, then God is Forgiver, Merciful. | [5:3] This is a restatement and further explanation of [2:173]. See also [5:88]. *Note that pork meat is forbidden, but fat is not. Also, requiring an animal to be properly slaughtered protects against rabies or other diseases from sick or infected animals. **The Muslims in hostile Mecca may have been rightly concerned about the qualify of the meat prepared in Meccan restaurants especially among people who were known to dedicate food animals to idols. Here they are told that unless it is seen to be taken from an idol altar or made the subject of superstitious practices (dividing by arrows), they should not worry about the matter. Even then, if it is the only meat available, they are allowed to eat it. Similar instructions were given to early Christians {Luke 10:8, Acts 10:9-15; 15:20, I Corinthians 8:3-13} | |
[5:4] They consult you concerning what is lawful for them; say, "Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you." You train them according to God's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention God's name thereupon. You shall observe God. God is most efficient in reckoning. | [5:4] Meat from animals caught by trained dogs and falcons is acceptable. Some of the prey might have been killed in the process of being caught, but the dogs and falcons would not be employed if they were likely to infect their prey. Here is also the requirement for saying a prayer before killing an animal, a recognition of the sanctity of all life. | |
[5:5] Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the Scripture is lawful for you. Also, you may marry the chaste women among the believers, as well as the chaste women among the followers of previous Scripture, provided you pay them their due dowries. You shall maintain chastity, not committing adultery, nor taking secret lovers. Anyone who rejects faith, all his work will be in vain, and in the Hereafter he will be with those who are lost.
[5:6] O you who believe, when you observe the Necessary Prayers, you shall: (1) wash your faces, (2) wash your arms to the elbows, (3) wipe your heads, and (4) wash your feet to the ankles. If you were unclean due to sexual orgasm, you shall bathe. If you are ill, or traveling, or had any digestive excretion (urinary, fecal, or gas), or had (sexual) contact with the women, and you cannot find water, you shall observe the dry ablution (Tayammum) by touching clean dry soil, then rubbing your faces and hands. God does not wish to make the religion difficult for you; He wishes to cleanse you and to perfect His blessing upon you, that you may be properly grateful. |
[5:5] These prescriptions relax the wartime prohibitions against commerce or cohabitation with the enemy. Muslims are permitted to eat in Jewish and Christian (people of the Scripture) restaurants as well as marry their eligible women. Non-Muslim brides in such cases have the same rights as Muslims, and one has the same obligation to be faithful to them. By implication, Quraish wives taken in battle [4:23] are now mahram (forbidden), and sex with them now constitutes adultery (zina).
[5:6] Muslims are required to achieve ritual purity before formal prayer. Only when they are clean in body as well as mind are they ready to approach God. More emphasis was placed on this practice as the Islamic community became secure and people had a better opportunity for this practice, as well as more of a duty to avoid scandal by observing it. Here an explanation of this practice is also given, and sets forth the principle that the Islamic religious practices, far from being burdensome, are given to the faithful to make them physically pure, mentally alert, and morally impeccable. See [4:43] for instructions while traveling. | |
[5:7] Remember God's blessing upon you, and His covenant that He covenanted with you: you said, "We hear and we obey." You shall observe God; God is fully aware of the innermost thoughts. | [5:7] The Muslims are reminded that God has protected them from their enemies in the past and has finally granted them the peace and security for which they had so fervently prayed during wartime. | |
[5:8] O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe God, when you serve as witnesses. Do not be provoked by your conflicts with some people into committing injustice. You shall be absolutely equitable, for it is more righteous. You shall observe God. God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [5:8] They must not jeopardize the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah by unjust practices among themselves, or with their former enemies. This was exceptionally difficult, because the wars between them had left much hard feeling and bitterness on both sides. The Muslims had to take the responsibility to be the leaders in reconciliation. | |
[5:9] God promises those who believe and lead a righteous life forgiveness and a great reward. | [5:9] Their model is God, who always keeps His word. | |
[5:10] As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they are the dwellers of Hell. | [5:10] The dishonest infidels will be punished for their dishonesty. | |
[5:11] O you who believe, remember God's blessings upon you; when some people extended their hands to aggress against you, He protected you and withheld their hands. You shall observe God; in God the believers shall trust. | [5:11] Muslims are here reminded that God protected them from their enemies as a special blessing to those to whom he gave His Revelation. They will continue to enjoy His blessings by following the His teachings and doing what His Messenger tells them. | |
[5:12] God had taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we raised among them twelve patriarchs. And God said, "I am with you, so long as you observe the Necessary Prayers, give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and believe in My messengers and respect them, and continue to lend God a loan of righteousness. I will then remit your sins, and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. Anyone who disbelieves after this, has indeed strayed off the right path." | [5:12] This little history lesson is a prelude to the somewhat involved dissertation that follows. The Muslims are here reminded that the Jews (many of whom were, or were considered as, former enemies) also received messengers and revelations from God. They received prescriptions for a happy and prosperous life by submitting to His will and following His commandments. The reward of following God's commandments, is for them also to receive the delights of Paradise. | |
[5:13] It was a consequence of their violating the covenant that we condemned them, and we caused their hearts to become hardened. Consequently, they took the words out of context, and disregarded some of the commandments given to them. You will continue to witness betrayal from them, excepting a few of them. You shall pardon them, and disregard them. God loves those who are benevolent.
[5:14] Also from those who said, "We are Christian," we took their covenant. But they disregarded some of the commandments given to them. Consequently, we condemned them to animosity and hatred among themselves*, until the Day of Resurrection. God will then inform them of everything they had done. [5:15] O people of the Scripture, our Messenger has come to you to proclaim for you many things you have concealed in the Scripture, and to pardon many other transgressions you have committed. A beacon has come to you from God, and a profound Scripture. [5:16] With it, God guides those who seek His approval. He guides them to the paths of peace, leads them out of darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them in a straight path. [5:17] Pagans indeed are those who say that God is the Messiah, the son of Mary. Say, "Who could oppose God if He willed to annihilate the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother, and everyone on earth?" To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them. He creates whatever He wills. God is Omnipotent. |
[5:13] Some of the Jews violated the Covenant they had made with God and therefore suffered the consequences of their wicked ways. These included corrupting the Scriptures and ignoring God's commandments. The Muslims are warned against imitating them to avoid the inevitable punishment, but they must refrain from hating them or treating them uncharitably.
[5:14] The Christians are also denounced for disregarding some of the commandments of God, as a result of which there is still* discord among them, which will continue until all mankind is reconciled on the Day of Resurrection. *This Sura was revealed between the Second and Third Council of Constantinople. [5:15] The Revelation of the Koran is proposed as a method of resolving the issues separating the Christians and Jews from each other and from the Muslim converts. Mohammed actually wrote letters to that effect to Jewish and Christian leaders of the ancient world, inviting them to openly embrace Islam. [5:16] The prescriptions of Islam are proposed as the only means of achieving true peace and happiness in the face of the challenges of a hostile world. [5:17] The Christians (who claim that Christ is consubstantial with God) are here likened to idolatrous pagans. The argument is that Jesus, the son of Mary, would not have appeared to die if he had truly been God. Muslims believe that Jesus was a human being created directly by God. See [2:16] and [3:47]. | |
[5:18] The Jews and the Christians said, "We are God's children and His beloved." Say, "Why then does He punish you for your sins? You are just humans like the other humans He created." He forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills. To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, and to Him is the final destiny.
[5:19] O people of the Scripture, our Messenger has come to you, to explain things to you, after a period of time without messengers, lest you say, "We did not receive any preacher or counselor." A preacher and counselor has now come to you. God is Omnipotent. |
[5:18] The success and growth of the Muslim city-state of Medina is considered a valid argument against their former enemies, the Jews and Christians who also claimed to be obedient to God's commandments. They are here admonished to give up their erroneous ways and accept Islam. In order truly to reap the rewards He promises to those who obey Him.
[5:19] Over six hundred years have passed since the time of Jesus, about a thousand since the prophet Malachi. But now that Mohammed has appeared, the contemporary Jews and Christians cannot claim that they must follow their misinterpreted teachings (Judaism and Christianity) of prophets long gone. | |
[5:20] Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, remember God's blessings upon you: He appointed prophets from among you, made you kings, and granted you what He never granted any other people.
[5:21] "O my people, enter the holy land that God has decreed for you, and do not rebel, lest you become lost." [5:22] They said, "O Moses, there are powerful people in it, and we will not enter it, unless they get out of it. If they get out, we are entering." [5:23] Two men who were reverent and blessed by God said, "Just enter the gate. If you just enter it, you will surely prevail. You must trust in God, if you are believers." [5:24] They said, "O Moses, we will never enter it, so long as they are in it. Therefore, go - you and your Lord - and fight. We are sitting right here." [5:25] He said, "My Lord, I can only control myself and my brother. So, allow us to part company with the wicked people." [5:26] He said, "Henceforth, it is forbidden them for forty years, during which they will roam the earth aimlessly. Do not grieve over such wicked people." [5:27] Recite for them the true history of Adam's two sons. They made an offering, and it was accepted from one of them, but not from the other. He said, "I will surely kill you." He said, "God accepts only from the righteous. |
[5:20] This summation of the Torah recalls such blessings as are enumerated in {Deuteronomy 28:1-14} and the ordination of prophets in {Numbers 11:25}. The idea here is that God has already traced out the path of salvation for His people.
[5:21] {Exodus 33} the people refused the first invitation because of their fear of the inhabitants. Their punishment was that they had to die in the desert; only their children were allowed to enter. [5:22] {Numbers 13:31-14:4} records that the people wanted to return to Egypt. [5:23] Possibly Joshua, son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh. {Numbers 14:7-9} records that they were not daunted because "their [enemys'] defense is departed from them, and the Lord is with us." [5:24] {Numbers 14:1-4} says that the people wanted to appoint someone to lead them back to Egypt. [5:25] "My brother" is likely Aaron. The prayer is different than {Numbers 14:19}. There, Moses only asked God's pardon for the people's wickedness. [5:26] God decided to answer Moses' prayer not to destroy the people outright, but made them wander in the desert for 40 years until they had all died from old age. See {Numbers 14:20-33} [5:27] The story in {Genesis 4:3-9} suggests that Cain killed Abel only after his offering was not accepted. It is referenced here to remind the Jews that God does not accept offerings of one who would kill his brother(s). | |
[5:28] "If you extend your hand to kill me, I am not extending my hand to kill you. For I reverence God, Lord of the universe.
[5:29] "I want you, not me, to bear my sin and your sin, then you end up with the dwellers of Hell. Such is the requital for the transgressors." [5:30] His ego provoked him into killing his brother. He killed him, and ended up with the lost. [5:31] God then sent a raven to scratch the soil, to teach him how to bury his brother's corpse. He said, "Woe to me; I failed to be as intelligent as this raven, and bury my brother's corpse." He became ridden with remorse. |
[5:28] This is a sentiment not unlike {Matthew 5:38-44}. It expresses the Islamic concept of respect for life and the seriousness of taking another's life.
[5:29] This is also a concept embraced by Christians. Revenge belongs only to God; He is the One who punishes evildoers. See {Romans 12:19-21}. [5:30] {Genesis 4:8} says that Cain was angry at his brother Abel because God did not "respect" his offering. [5:31] {Genesis 4:13-14} does not record the story of the raven, although Cain was "ridden with remorse" as the result of the punishment God imposed upon him for killing his brother, not because he felt guilty. | |
[5:32] Because of this, we decreed for the Children of Israel that anyone who kills anyone other than one who commits murder or other abomination, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. Our messengers went to them with clear proofs and revelations, but most of them, after all this, are still transgressing. | [5:32] One who is willing to murder one person is a danger to all. Similarly, one who saves the life of one is a comfort to all. Jewish law. prescribes eliminating those who commit horrendous crimes. See {Exodus 19:12; 21:12, 15-17, 22, 29; 22:18-20; 31:14, 15, 35:2, Numbers 1:51; 3:10, 38; 15:32-36; 18:7; 35:16-21, Leviticus 20:2, 9-16, 27; 24:16-17, Deuteronomy 13:1-10; 22:21-24, Joshua 1:18; 7:15-25, I Kings21:13} | |
[5:33] The just punishment for those who fight God and His Messenger, and commit horrendous crimes, is to be killed, or crucified, or to have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or to be banished from the land. This is to humiliate them in this life, then they suffer a far worse penalty in the Hereafter. | [5:33] Islamic law attempts to demonstrate the evil of antisocial behavior by punishment that fits the crime, as in western culture, or by attempts to rehabilitate the criminal by penalties severe enough to convince him of the seriousness of his offense. Execution consists of stoning (taqtil) or crucifixion (taslib). | |
[5:34] Exempted are those who repent before you overcome them. You should know that God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [5:34] On the other hand, there is no legitimate purpose to be served by punishing one who has already repented of his crime(s). | |
[5:35] O you who believe, you shall reverence God and seek the ways and means to Him, and strive in His cause, that you may succeed. | [5:35] The whole purpose of punishment is to turn the criminal's life around and bring him back to the right ways to serve God. | |
[5:36] Certainly, those who disbelieved, if they possessed everything on earth, even twice as much, and offered it as ransom to spare them the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, it would not be accepted from them; they have incurred a severe punishment. | [5:36] The cost of the crime of disbelief is far greater than anyone can pay, even if it were accepted as a reparation for one's sins. This is perhaps an argument against imposing fines, as opposed to physical punishment, for criminal behavior. | |
[5:37] They will want to exit Hell, but alas, they can never exit from there; their punishment is eternal.
[5:38] The thief, male or female, you shall cut off their hands as a punishment for their crime, and to serve as an example from God. God is Almighty, Most Wise. [5:39] If one repents after committing this crime, and reforms, God redeems him. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [5:40] Do you not know that God possesses the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth? He punishes whomever He wills, and forgives whomever He wills. God is Omnipotent. [5:41] O you Messenger, do not be saddened by those who hasten to disbelieve among those who say, "We believe," with their mouths, while their hearts do not believe. Among the Jews, some listened to lies. They listened to people who never met you, and who distorted the words out of context, then said, "If you are given this, accept it, but if you are given anything different, beware." Whomever God wills to divert, you can do nothing to help him against God. God does not wish to cleanse their hearts. They have incurred humiliation in this world, and in the Hereafter, they will suffer a terrible punishment. |
[5:37] Any punishment for sinful behavior is less than that of Hell, and therefore severe punishment is justified if it causes the criminal to renounce his sinful behavior, repent, and change his behavior.
[5:38-40] There is controversy over the definition of "thief" and "cut off" in this context. "Thief" may mean a habitual thief, so that petty larceny, or stealing as the only means of survival, are exempt from this severe form of punishment. Likewise, "cut off" may mean amputating one or more fingers to "serve as an example," not to maim the criminal so severely that he cannot subsequently earn an honest living. Because of the opportunity for repentance, this penalty would be unlikely to be imposed on anyone but the most incorrigible criminal, who might well need a most severe punishment to reform. Jesus preached a similar philosophy {Matthew 5:29-30; 18:8-9, Mark 9:43-47} [5:41] In spite of harsh punishments, there are some criminals and sinners who will not reform. These include those who only pretend to believe, those who remain unconvinced, those who have been misinformed, and those who have been told lies about the teachings of Islam, as in the present day. The parable of the sower and the seed {Matthew 13:3-23, Mark 4:3-20, Luke 8:5-15} treats of the same difficulties in convincing the same kinds of people. | |
[5:42] They are upholders of lies, and eaters of illicit earnings. If they come to you to judge among them, you may judge among them, or you may disregard them. If you choose to disregard them, they cannot harm you in the least. But if you judge among them, you shall judge equitably. God loves those who are equitable. | [5:42] The Muslim community still had to put up with these citizens who had not fully (or at all) converted to Islam. As infidels, they had no right of access to Islamic courts, and could legally be turned away to settle their differences. by their own laws If their cases were heard, however, the judges were required to be impartial in their decisions. | |
[5:43] Why do they ask you to judge among them, when they have the Torah*, containing God's law, and they chose to disregard it? They are not believers. | [5:43] The Jews, in particular, are castigated for appealing to Islamic courts when they didn't even follow their own laws (the Torah). See also [5:46]. | |
[5:44] We have sent down the Torah*, containing guidance and light. Ruling in accordance with it were the Jewish prophets, as well as the rabbis and the priests, as dictated to them in God's Scripture, and as witnessed by them. Therefore, do not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me instead. And do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price. Those who do not rule in accordance with God's revelations are the disbelievers.
[5:45] And we decreed for them in it that: the life for the life, the eye for the eye, the nose for the nose, the ear for the ear, the tooth for the tooth, and an equivalent injury for any injury. If one forfeits what is due to him as a charity, it will atone for his sins. Those who do not rule in accordance with God's revelations are the unjust. [5:46] Subsequent to them, we sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the previous Scripture, the Torah. We gave him the Gospel, containing guidance and light, and confirming the previous Scriptures, the Torah, and augmenting its guidance and light, and to enlighten the righteous. [5:47] The people of the Gospel shall rule in accordance with God's revelations in it. Those who do not rule in accordance with God's revelations are the wicked. |
[5:44] Muslims believe that the Torah, like the Koran, is the inspired word of God, and was given to the Jews by the prophet Moses for their guidance, inspiration and enlightenment. Many of them, however, did not follow its precepts, which put them at odds with devout Muslims. Islamic courts must avoid the effect, as well as even the appearance, violating the mandates of the Scripture that the Jews (and, by implication, the Christians) have already received and which, except for Muslim converts, they are obliged to follow. *See also [5:46].
[5:45] Acceptance of the Torah respects the lex talonis of {Exodus 21:24-25}. However, Muslims, like Christians, are exhorted to forego the justice of this law in favor of charity, as in {Matthew 5:38}. [5:46] Islam also accepts the teachings of Jesus, as recorded in the Gospels, as the authentic teaching of God. *The Torah here probably refers to what Christians call "the Old Testament." [5:47] The Christians claimed that the teaching of the prophet Jesus was for them to love one another recorded in the Gospels {Matthew 5:43-47; 19:19; 23:39, Mark 12:31; Luke 6:27-33; John 13:34-35; 15:12, 17, etc.}, they are therefore required by their own Scripture, revealed by God, to rule by the law of charity. | |
[5:48] Then we revealed to you this Scripture, truthfully, confirming previous Scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with God's revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed laws and different rites. Had God willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given to each of you. You shall compete in righteousness. To God is your final destiny - all of you - then He will inform you of everything you had disputed.
[5:49] You shall rule among them in accordance with God's revelations to you. Do not follow their wishes, and beware lest they divert you from some of God's revelations to you. If they turn away, then know that God wills to punish them for some of their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked. |
[5:48] Although the Islamic courts are required to respect the beliefs of the non-Muslims, they are not permitted to follow them in rendering their decisions if they conflict with Islamic law. Considering the impact of the litigants' religious beliefs was therefore as much of a problem for Islamic judges as it is for civil judges today. God has created this problem to provide an additional avenue for the unbelievers to be converted by seeing the virtue of Islamic law.
[5:49] The judges must observe strictly the requirements of Islamic law when deciding cases involving unbelievers, and to be on guard against conflicts of interest that might arise out of other considerations, especially where they had to rule against Muslims in favor of others. In some cases, it might not be possible to resolve certain issues with unbelievers because of this problem, and in such cases the final decisions must be left up to God. | |
[5:50] Is it the law of the days of ignorance that they seek to uphold? Whose law is better than God's for those who have attained certainty? | [5:50] Those who do not submit to the decisions of Islamic law are at the mercy of the lawlessness of "the days of ignorance," before the coming of Mohammed. | |
[5:51] O you who believe, do not take certain Jews and Christians as allies; these are allies of one another. Those among you who ally themselves with these belong with them. God does not guide the transgressors. | [5:51] Believers must not make friends of those who do not submit to Islamic law (Jews, Christians and the hypocrites, Muslims in name only) in a community that has embraced it. Those who refuse to obey the law of the community are a danger to any society. | |
[5:52] You will see those who harbor doubt in their hearts hasten to join them, saying, "We fear lest we may be defeated." May God bring victory, or a command from Him, that causes them to regret their secret thoughts.
[5:53] The believers will then say, "Are these the same people who swore by God solemnly that they were with you?" their works have been nullified; they are the lost. |
[5:52] There were still converts who were ready to reject Islam with a reverse of fortune. This was especially true in the evolving Muslim community. Here the hope is that there will be a great Muslim victory or some other event that will convince them to cast aside their doubts.
[5:53] The doubters will then be denounced for their lack of conviction. They will suffer the same fate as they would if they had been on the losing side, which was their greatest fear. | |
[5:54] O you who believe, if you revert from your religion, then God will substitute in your place people whom He loves and who love Him. They will be kind with the believers, stern with the disbelievers, and will strive in the cause of God without fear of any blame. Such is God's blessing; He bestows it upon whomever He wills. God is Bounteous, Omniscient.
[5:55] Your real allies are God and His Messenger, and the believers who observe the Necessary Prayers, and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and they bow down. [5:56] Those who ally themselves with God and His Messenger, and those who believed, belong in the party of God; absolutely, they are the victors. |
[5:54] The Message of the Koran is intended as a revelation for all mankind. It is the last revelation that He has sent down for the salvation of all. The Jews and Christians have received the earlier revelation, and thus have been singled out for a special favor by God. On the other hand, if anyone rejects God's Message, he will be replaced in God's eyes with one who accepts it. See also {Exodus 32:8-10, Deuteronomy 9:14, Acts 13:45-51}
[5:55] The allies that can be trusted, the devout believers, can be identified by their observance of the requirements of Islam. [5:56] If one takes only these as allies, he is assured of ultimate victory. | |
[5:57] O you who believe, do not befriend those among the recipients of previous Scripture who mock and ridicule your religion, nor shall you befriend the disbelievers. You shall reverence God, if you are really believers. | [5:57] Muslims are required to try to get along with others, [4:36], but rightly condemn liars [3:61] or those who refuse to get along with them. Religious intolerance is the major cause of friction between East and West today. | |
[5:58] When you call to the Necessary Prayers, they mock and ridicule it. This is because they are people who do not understand. | [5:58] Those who ridicule Islam are more to be pitied than censured, because they are ignorant (among possibly other things). | |
[5:59] Say, "O people of the Scripture, do you not hate us because we believe in God, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed before us, and because most of you are not righteous?" | [5:59] Muslims are exhorted to respond even to ridicule of Islam with kindness and attempts to reconcile by appeal to common beliefs and the inherent injustice of condemning the devout of any religion. | |
[5:60] Say, "Let me tell you who are worse in the sight of God: those who are condemned by God after incurring His wrath until He made them monkeys and pigs, and the idol worshipers. These are far worse, and farther from the right path."
[5:61] When they come to you, they say, "We believe," even though they were full of disbelief when they entered, and they are full of disbelief when they leave. God is fully aware of everything they conceal. |
[5:60] Far worse than the simply ignorant are those who are so wicked that God has already cursed them. The reference to monkeys and pigs probably means people who act like filthy animals, although some have interpreted it to mean that (some) monkeys and pigs are actually cursed (formerly human) idolaters.
[5:61] This is of course a reference to the hypocrites who say they embrace Islam, but actually believe and act otherwise. | |
[5:62] You see many of them readily committing evil and transgression, and eating from illicit earnings. Miserable indeed is what they do. | [5:62] These can be distinguished by their immoral actions, including exploitation of the poor. Both Judaism and Christianity condemn these things. | |
[5:63] If only the rabbis and the priests enjoin them from their sinful utterances and illicit earnings! Miserable indeed is what they commit. | [5:63] The hypocrites get themselves in trouble because they don't even follow the teachings of their former leaders, the rabbis and priests, respectively. | |
[5:64] The Jews even said, "God's hand is tied down!" It is their hands that are tied down. They are condemned for uttering such a blasphemy. Instead, His hands are wide open, spending as He wills. For certain, your Lord's revelations to you will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Consequently, we have committed them to animosity and hatred among themselves until the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they ignite the flames of war, God puts them out. They roam the earth wickedly, and God dislikes the evildoers. | [5:64] The meaning is obscure. It may pertain to the reversal of fortune of the Quraish Jews who were displaced by the growing Muslim community. They may have felt that God's hands were somehow tied to prevent His helping them. A consequence of a loss of national pride is loss of personal pride as well, resulting in a breakdown of morals and cultural practices within the affected group. The Quraish Jews may well have begun squabbling between themselves with conflicts that were short-lived because of lack of organization or commitment among them. | |
[5:65] If only the people of the Scripture believe and lead a righteous life, we will then remit their sins, and admit them into gardens of bliss. | [5:65] If the Jews and Christians had truly understood their own Scriptures, they would have been led to embrace Islam and receive the associated rewards. | |
[5:66] If only they would uphold the Torah and the Gospel, and what is sent down to them herein from their Lord, they would be showered with blessings from above them and from beneath their feet. Some of them are righteous, but many of them are evildoers. | [5:66] If all of the Jews and Christians had actually followed the revelation they had previously been given by God, they would have already received the blessings of the righteous. Some of them have done so, and have received their worldly rewards, but most have not. | |
[5:67] O you Messenger, deliver what is revealed to you from your Lord. Until you do, you have not delivered His Message. God will protect you from the people. God does not guide the disbelieving people.
[5:68] Say, "O people of the Scripture, you have no basis until you uphold the Torah, and the Gospel, and what is sent down to you herein from your Lord." For sure, these revelations from your Lord will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Therefore, do not feel sorry for the disbelieving people. [5:69] Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, and the Christians; any of them who (1) believe in God and (2) believe in the Last Day, and (3) lead a righteous life, have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. |
[5:67] Mohammed was a marked man during the Medina/Meccan wars. He is here commanded to preach Islam to the Jews and Christians in spite of their opposition. (This may have been the motivation for him to write his letters to the world leaders inviting them to embrace Islam.)
[5:68] The Message that Mohammed is to convey is that, to embrace Islam, the Jews and Christians must essentially return to the true teachings of the Scriptures they have already received from God. If they do not, they will deserve the disunity and discord that will result. [5:69] The requirements for salvation for all, Muslims, Jews and Christians alike, are faith and righteousness. Since all three religions preach these things, there should be no problem achieving a commonalty of belief among them. | |
[5:70] We have taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger went to them with anything they disliked, some of them they rejected, and some they killed. | [5:70] Unfortunately, many of the Jews did not accept this idea. They resisted, attacked and sometimes even killed the Muslim diplomats sent to them to resolve the conflicts that had resulted in open warfare. | |
[5:71] They thought that they would not be tested, so they turned blind and deaf, then God redeemed them, but then many of them turned blind and deaf again. God is Seer of everything they do. | [5:71] The Jews are blamed for the conflict with the Muslims because they stubbornly clung to their cultural and religious identity, rather than accepting Islam as the perfection of their previous revelation. | |
[5:72] Pagans indeed are those who say that God is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, "O Children of Israel, you shall worship God; my Lord* and your Lord." Anyone who sets up any idol beside God, God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers.
[5:73] Pagans indeed are those who say that God is a third of a trinity. There is no god except the One God. Unless they refrain from saying this, those who disbelieve among them will incur a severe punishment. |
[5:72] The Christians are also condemned (and compared to pagans) for their belief that Jesus is consubstantial with God {John 10:30; 14:6-11} or the Son of God {Matthew 26:63-64, Mark 1:1, Luke 1:35; 22:70, John 1:34, 49; 3:18; 10:36; 11:4, 27; 19:7; 20:31}, which Muslims consider idolatry. *This quotation noted may be an alternate translation of a New Testament verse, but which one, if any, is not clear.
[5:73] Muslims also condemn their concept (but not necessarily that of Christians) of the doctrine of the Trinity, which they see essentially as polytheistic. | |
[5:74] Would they not repent to God, and ask His forgiveness? God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [5:74] To be accepted as believers, Christians must renounce the doctrine of the Trinity. | |
[5:75] The Messiah, son of Mary, is no more than a messenger like the messengers before him, and his mother was a saint. Both of them used to eat the food. Note how we explain the revelations for them, and note how they still deviate!
[5:76] Say, "Would you worship beside God powerless idols who can neither harm you, nor benefit you? God is Hearer, Omniscient." [5:77] Say, "O people of the Scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion beyond the truth, and do not follow the opinions of people who have gone astray, and have misled multitudes of people; they are far astray from the right path." [5:78] Condemned are those who disbelieved among the Children of Israel, by the tongue of David and Jesus, the son of Mary. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed. |
[5:75] The obvious humanity of Jesus {Matthew 12:1; 26:21, Mark 2:16; 14:8, 22, Luke 4:2; 6:1; 7:36; 11:37; 14:1; 24:43, John 21:12-15} is considered positive refutation of the Christian belief that he was also divine. On the other hand, Muslims reverence Mary much as Catholics (but not all Christians) do.
[5:76] If worship of Jesus, or the claim that he is divine, is idolatry, then that practice of Christianity is nothing more than idol worship, as valueless as the worship of any other idol. [5:77] Muslim view of contemporary Christianity is that the teachings of Jesus have been corrupted by later theologians (notably St. Paul), and therefore it is not the true religion taught by Jesus himself, which resembles in many ways the basic aspects of Islam. [5:78] The condemnation of the beliefs of contemporary Christians includes those of the Jewish converts as well. | |
[5:79] They did not enjoin one another from committing evil. Miserable indeed is what they did. | [5:79] As Jews, they should have known better and helped each other avoid false beliefs. | |
[5:80] You would see many of them allying themselves with those who disbelieve. Miserable indeed is what their hands have sent forth on behalf of their souls. God is angry with them and, consequently, they will be punished forever. | [5:80] The decline of Jewish and Christian influence in the areas in which Islam had begun to flourish is considered proof of the error of contemporary Jewish and Christian beliefs and a harbinger of even worse things to come for them. | |
[5:81] Had they believed in God, and the prophet, and in what was revealed to him herein, they would not have befriended them. But many of them are evil. | [5:81] If the Jews and Christians had believed the truth, they would not have allied themselves with their fellow unbelievers. | |
[5:82] You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant. | [5:82] This statement reiterates the constant theme that Islam does not reject what it sees as authentic Jewish and Christian teaching, only the "perversions" of contemporary practice. Here it is noted that the authentic Christians, the priests and monks who practice the teachings of Christianity, are relatively inoffensive. | |
[5:83] When they hear what was revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes flooding with tears as they recognize the truth in it, and they say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses. | [5:83] This is attributed to the Muslim belief that the priests and monks, who are most familiar with Christian theology, find commonalty between the teachings of Islam and their own theological and moral beliefs. | |
[5:84] "Why should we not believe in God, and in the truth that has come to us, and hope that our Lord may admit us with the righteous people?" | [5:84] The priests and monks meet the three criteria set forth in [5:69], and so, along with the Muslims, have "nothing to fear." | |
[5:85] God has rewarded them for saying this; He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. They live there forever. Such is the reward for the righteous. | [5:85] The priests and monks who preserve the authentic teachings of Christianity have already been blessed by God and will receive the same reward as the Muslims. | |
[5:86] As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they are the dwellers of Hell. | [5:86] The others will be condemned along with the other idolaters. | |
[5:87] O you who believe, do not prohibit good things that are made lawful by God, and do not aggress; God dislikes the aggressors.
[5:88] And eat from the good and lawful things that God has provided for you. You shall reverence God, in whom you are believers. |
[5:87] This exhortation begins a dissertation on what is lawful (halaal) and unlawful (haraam). Islam permits many things that Judaism forbids. The converts are here warned not to be unduly influenced by their former customs.
[5:88] See [5:1-5]. | |
[5:89] God does not hold you responsible for the mere utterance of oaths; He holds you responsible for your actual intentions. If you violate an oath, you shall atone by feeding ten poor people from the same food you offer to your own family, or clothing them, or by freeing a slave. If you cannot afford this, then you shall fast three days. This is the atonement for violating the oaths that you swore to keep. You shall fulfill your oaths. God thus explains His revelations to you, that you may be properly grateful. | [5:89] This is an explanation of the prohibition against taking the name of God in vain {Exodus 20:7, Deuteronomy 5:11}. The sin is not in taking an oath before God, it is in swearing as true something one knows to be false, or swearing to do something one does not, in fact, intend. Muslims must fulfill their oaths if they are able. If they cannot do so because of circumstances beyond their control, they must do penance by performing the actions noted, one of which is "restoring the life" of a slave. | |
[5:90] O you who believe, intoxicants, and gambling, and the altars of idols, and the games of chance are abominations of the devil; you shall avoid them, that you may succeed.
[5:91] The devil wants to provoke animosity and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to distract you from remembering God, and from observing the Necessary Prayers. Will you then refrain? |
[5:90] Any intoxicant is forbidden, as well as any kind of gambling, because these activities are physically and socially harmful. See [2:219]. In addition some types of gambling were attempts to invoke the power of pagan gods, and so were idolatrous and blasphemous as well.
[5:91] One has only to observe the effects of substance abuse and gambling in societies (such as western cultures) that permit such things to see the evil that results from tolerating them. | |
[5:92] You shall obey God, and you shall obey the Messenger, and beware. If you turn away, then know that the sole duty of our Messenger is to deliver the Message efficiently.
[5:93] Those who believe and lead a righteous life bear no guilt by eating any food, so long as they observe the commandments, believe and lead a righteous life, then maintain their piety and faith, and continue to observe piety and righteousness. God loves the righteous. [5:94] O you who believe, God will test you with some game within reach of your hands and your arrows (during pilgrimage). God thus distinguishes those among you who observe Him in their privacy. Those who transgress after this have incurred a severe punishment. |
[5:92] Obedience to God and His Messenger includes the condemnation of drinking and gambling. Mohammed and other Islamic teachers are not responsible for making people refrain from these practices, only to identify them and deliver God's Message regarding proper behavior.
[5:93] This statement begins another discourse on the proper observance of the Islamic dietary laws. The emphasis here is not on eating this or that, it is on submitting to the will of God, as expressed in the commandments communicated by Mohammed, and in steadfastly practicing all of the tenets of their faith. [5:94] The reminds the Muslims of the requirement in [5:2] to refrain from hunting during the hajj, even if the opportunity presents itself. Such a temptation is simply a test of their dedication to their faith. | |
[5:95] O you who believe, do not kill any game during pilgrimage. Anyone who kills any game on purpose, his fine shall be a number of livestock animals that is equivalent to the game animals he killed. The judgment shall be set by two equitable people among you. They shall make sure that the offerings reach the Kaaba. Otherwise, he may expiate by feeding poor people, or by an equivalent fast to atone for his offense. God has pardoned past offenses. But if anyone returns to such an offense, God will avenge it. God is Almighty, Avenger. | [5:95] Those who violate this prohibition against poaching will be required to replace the livestock killed. Because of the difficulty of convening a formal court during the pilgrimage, judgment will be rendered by "two equitable people" on the same trip. If the poacher cannot make adequate compensation (because he doesn't have any livestock and cannot buy any), he must nevertheless replenish the value of the livestock he has taken by providing equivalent meals to the poor (from his supplies or by purchase) or restore the common provisions by foregoing such meals himself. | |
[5:96] All fish of the sea are made lawful for you to eat. During pilgrimage, this may provide for you during your journey. You shall not hunt throughout the pilgrimage. You shall reverence God, before whom you will be summoned. | [5:96] Although hunting is prohibited, fishing is not. (Nobody owns the fish, and they are constantly replenished.) Similar prohibitions among Christians evolved into the rules of fast and abstinence during the 40-day period of lent before Easter. | |
[5:97] God has appointed the Kaaba, the Sacred Mosque, to be a sanctuary for the people, and also the Sacred Months, the offerings (to the Sacred Mosque), and the garlands marking them. You should know that God knows everything in the heavens and the earth, and that God is Omniscient.
[5:98] Know that God is strict in enforcing punishment, and that God is Forgiving, Most Merciful. [5:99] The sole duty of the Messenger is to deliver the Message, and God knows everything you declare and everything you conceal. | [5:97-99] The Kaaba was a sacred site for Semitic pilgrims even in Mohammed's time. Additionally, it was in Mohammed's home town, and therefore was a natural focal point for religious observance of Jews, Arabs and Muslims. Mohammed's tomb, the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi, is also considered sacred by some Muslims, but others maintain that it is not, because the Koran mentions only one, the Kaaba. It is a specious argument, because Mohammed, used to a culture in which the dead were buried in simple graves often without markers, would not likely have condoned the building of any kind of lavish tomb while he was alive. His revelations certainly did not mention one. | |
[5:100] Proclaim: "The bad and the good are not the same, even if the abundance of the bad may impress you. You shall reverence God, (even if you are in the minority) O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed." | [5:100] Here again, the Muslims are warned not to follow the evil practices of those with whom they are forced to associate, even if they are in the minority (as they were in Mecca), but to persist in doing the right things. | |
[5:101] O you who believe, do not ask about matters that, if revealed to you prematurely, would hurt you. If you ask about them in light of the Koran, they will become obvious to you. God has deliberately overlooked them. God is Forgiver, Clement.
[5:102] Others before you have asked the same questions, then became disbelievers in them. [5:103] God did not institute the superstitions livestock that begets certain combinations of males and females, nor livestock allowed to roam freely, nor the one that begets twins, nor the bull that fathers ten. It is the disbelievers who invented such lies about God. Most of them do not understand. [5:104] When they are told, "Come to what God has revealed, and to the Messenger," they say, "What we found our parents doing is sufficient for us." What if their parents knew nothing, and were not guided? [5:105] O you who believe, you should worry only about your own necks. If the others go astray, they cannot hurt you, as long as you are guided. To God is your ultimate destiny, all of you, then He will inform you of everything you had done. [5:106] O you who believe, witnessing a will when one of you is dying shall be done by two equitable people among you. If you are traveling, then two others may do the witnessing. After observing the Contact Prayer (Salat), let the witnesses swear by God, to alleviate your doubts: "We will not use this to attain personal gains, even if the testator is related to us. Nor will we conceal God's testimony. Otherwise, we would be sinners." |
[5:101] One of the tricks of the unbelievers was to get the Muslim converts involved in philosophical arguments for which they were not yet prepared. Here Mohammed points out that what matters is how the Muslims live their own lives, not refuting the arguments of the unbelievers.
[5:102] If the converts get too involved in philosophical arguments, it may be harmful to their faith. [5:103] The superstitions noted were pagan beliefs involving livestock (probably camels, that rarely have twins). Islam rejects any kind of superstition or divination as idolatrous or blasphemous, including those considered harmless by Christians, such as knocking on wood. [5:104] One of the arguments of the unbelievers was that Islam violated some of their ancient cultural traditions. The reply is that these were actually idolatrous or corruptions of previous mandates given by God to their early ancestors. [5:105] The Muslims are reminded that they have a duty to reject anything that does not conform to what they have received through Islam, and not worry about being politically correct. [5:106] Normally, wills ([2:180], [4:11]) would be witnessed by people who would be expected to be known in the community and available when it was probated. This was not always possible in a nomadic culture. Ad hoc witnesses are acceptable if they are Muslims, recognize the seriousness of their responsibility, and swear to discharge it equitably. | |
[5:107] If the witnesses are found to be biased, either intentionally or otherwise, then two others shall be asked to take their places. Choose two persons who were victimized by the first witnesses, and let them swear by God: "Our testimony is more truthful than theirs; we will not be biased. Otherwise, we will be transgressors."
[5:108] This is more apt to encourage an honest testimony on their part, fearing that their oath may be disregarded like that of the previous witnesses. You shall observe God and listen. God does not guide the wicked. [5:109] The day will come when God will summon the messengers and ask them, "How was the response to you?" they will say, "We have no knowledge. You are the Knower of all secrets." [5:110] God will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My blessings upon you and your mother. I supported you with the Holy Spirit, to enable you to speak to the people from the crib, as well as an adult. I taught you the Scripture, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. Recall that you created from clay the shape of a bird by My leave, then blew into it, and it became a live bird by My leave. You healed the blind and the leprous by My leave, and revived the dead by My leave. Recall that I protected you from the Children of Israel who wanted to hurt you, despite the profound miracles you had shown them. The disbelievers among them said, 'This is obviously magic." [5:111] "Recall that I inspired the disciples: 'You shall believe in Me and My Messenger.' they said, 'We have believed, and bear witness that we are submitters to the Will of God.'" |
[5:107-108] If a conflict of interest occurs, two other witnesses may be substituted. Victims of untrustworthy witnesses are preferable to those who might have the same bias. The preference for Muslim witnesses makes it likely that the witnesses would be business associates of the testator or members of his family on the same journey (possibly the hajj) who might have a legitimate personal interest in the provisions of the will that would prevent them from being totally disinterested witnesses.
[5:109] This sura ends with an apocalyptic discussion on the fate of all to whom the Word of God has been revealed; Muslims, Jews and Christians. The first to be summoned will be Mohammed and the Prophets. They will be asked how the people responded to their Message. [5:110] The second to be asked will be Jesus, whose Message God confirmed with "the Holy Sprit and miracles" ([2:87], [2:253], [3:47], and [3:49]) {Matthew 8:1-4; 9:27-30; 11:5; 12:22; 15:30; 20:30-34; 21:14, Mark 1:40-43; 5:35-43; 8:22-25; 10:46-52, Luke 5:12-14; 7:11-15, 21-22; 8:49-55; 17:11-19; 18:35-43, John 9:1-38; 11:1-45}. (There is no mention in the Gospels of the incident with the clay bird reported in [3:49].) His protection from death, according to the Koran, was God's removal of the person of Jesus from his earthly body prior to its crucifixion See [3:55], [3:169] and [4:157]). The disbelievers attributed the miracles of Jesus to black (i.e. satanic) magic. {Matthew 9:34; 12:24, Mark 3:22, Luke 11:15} [5:111] The "disciples" referred to here are probably the associates of Jesus, not those of Mohammed. They may be only the Apostles, or possibly all early Christians. | |
[5:112] Recall that the disciples said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord send down to us a festive table from the sky?" He said, "You should reverence God, if you are believers."
[5:113] They said, "We wish to eat from it, and to reassure our hearts, and to know for sure that you have told us the truth. We will serve as witnesses." [5:114] Said Jesus, the son of Mary, "Our god, our Lord, send down to us a feast from the sky. Let it bring plenty for each and every one of us, and a sign from You. Provide for us; You are the best Provider." [5:115] God said, "I am sending it down. Anyone among you who disbelieves after this, I will punish him as I never punished anyone else." [5:116] God will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Make me and my mother idols beside God?' " He will say, "Be You glorified. I could not utter what was not right. Had I said it, You already would have known it. You know my thoughts, and I do not know Your thoughts. You know every secret. [5:117] "I told them only what You commanded me to say, that: 'You shall worship God, my Lord and your Lord.' I was a witness among them for as long as I lived with them. When You terminated my life on earth, You became the Watcher over them. You witness all things. |
[5:112-115] This is not necessarily the feeding of the multitudes recorded in {Matthew 14:14-21; 15:32-38, Mark 6:34-44; 8:1-9, Luke 9:12-17, John 6:5-13} or anywhere else in the New Testament, although the idea of providing a feast as a blessing and approval of one's followers occurs many times in the Bible, from {Genesis 21:8} to {I Corinthians 5:8}.
[5:116-117] On the Day of Resurrection, Jesus will be asked if he taught that he was the Son of God (that Islam considers idolatry), to which he will of course reply that he did not, because it is not true. Islam notes that Jesus was careful to refer to himself as "Son of Man" {Matthew 8:20; 9:6; 10:23; 11:19; 12:8; 12:32, 40; 13:37, 41; 16:13, 27-28; 17:9, 12, 22; 18:11; 19:28; 20:18, 28; 24:27, 30, 37, 39, 44; 25:13, 31; 26:2, 24, 45, 64, Mark 2:10, 28; 8:31, 38; 9:9, 12, 31; 10:33, 45; 13:26, 34; 14:21, 41, 62, Luke 5:24; 6:5, 22; 7:34; 9:22, 26, 44, 56, 58; 11:30; 12:8, 10, 40; 17:22, 24, 26, 30; 18:8, 31; 19:10; 21:27, 36; 22:22, 48, 69; 24:7, John 1:51; 3:13-14; 5:27; 6:27, 53, 62; 8:28; 12:23, 34; 13:31}. Evidence to the contrary, such as {Matthew 26:63-64, Mark 1:1, Luke 1:35; 22:70, John 1:34, 49; 3:18; 10:36; 11:4, 27; 19:7; 20:31} are regarded as a misquotations or mistaken translations. There is the sense here of "why would you ask such a question, especially since you already know the answer," but Jesus would never be so familiar with God. Here he is careful to praise God for His glory, and acknowledge his inferiority and submission to Him. | |
[5:118] "If You punish them, they are Your constituents. If You forgive them, You are the Almighty, Most Wise." | [5:118] God can treat the idolaters with justice, by condemning them, or with mercy, by forgiving them. Either way, it's more than they deserve. | |
[5:119] God will proclaim, "This is a day when the truthful will be saved by their truthfulness." They have deserved gardens with flowing streams. They live there forever. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. This is the greatest triumph. | [5:119] God's predicted response to Jesus' praise is highly significant. He proclaims that the "truthful will be saved," and that He is "pleased with them," but He does not here condemn those who may have been simply misled into believing that Jesus is the Son of God. | |
[5:120] To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything in them, and He is Omnipotent. | [5:120] God can do whatever He wants, without the slightest diminution of His majesty and power. This sura closes with this profound thought. |
SURA 7: Al-A'araf - The Elevated Places (Heights)The principal subject of this sura is invitation to the Divine Message, along with a warning. Mohammed had spent a long time with the people of Mecca, who were so antagonistic that he was about to leave them and turn to others more receptive to his Message. Here he warns the Meccans of the grave consequences of their rejection. The concluding portion of his exhortation is directed at the Jews. They are reminded of the dire consequences of their former treatment of their prophets, as Mohammed was about to reveal his Message to the entire world.
The sura concludes with instructions to Mohammed and his followers to be patient and restrained with their opponents, so that they do nothing to lose the moral superiority of their cause. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[7:1] A. L. M. S. | [7:1] In this passage, the people are invited to follow the Message revealed through Mohammed, and warned of the consequences rejecting it. Like the other suras that begin with letters, the significance of this is not known. | |
[7:2] This Scripture has been revealed to you - you shall not harbor doubt about it in your heart - that you may warn with it, and to provide a reminder for the believers. | [7:2] This is a directive from God to Mohammed, telling him that he is to use what will presently be revealed to him as a warning and a reminder for those who have already embraced Islam. | |
[7:3] You shall all follow what is revealed to you from your Lord; do not follow any idols besides Him. Rarely do you take heed. | [7:3] The people to whom Mohammed is to take this warning must take it seriously, unlike they have done in the past. | |
[7:4] Many a community we annihilated; they incurred our punishment while they were asleep, or wide awake. | [7:4] God has destroyed communities in the past that have not taken His warning seriously. | |
[7:5] Their utterance when our punishment came to them was: "Indeed, we have been transgressors." | [7:5] When the calamity occurred, they finally admitted that they had been remiss in their duty to God. | |
[7:6] We will certainly question those who received the Message, and we will question the messengers.
[7:7] We will inform them authoritatively, for we were never absent. [7:8] The scales will be set on that day, equitably. Those whose weights are heavy will be the victorious. |
[7:6] Mohammed and his messengers as well as the hearers of his Message will be tested by the events that are to come.
[7:7] God will certainly reveal His presence in what is about to transpire, because He is always present. [7:8] When that happens, the believers will triumph. | |
[7:9] As for those whose weights are light, they will be the ones who lost their souls as a consequence of disregarding our revelations, unjustly. | [7:9] Those who are found lacking, who did not believe will be lost because they did not listen to Mohammed and his Message. | |
[7:10] We have established you on earth, and we have provided for you the means of support in it. Rarely are you grateful. | [7:10] God has provided Mohammed with everything he needs to preach God's Message effectively, even though Mohammed does not fully appreciate it. | |
[7:11] We created you, then we shaped you, then we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam." They fell prostrate, except Iblis (Shaitan, Satan); he was not among them.
[7:12] He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?" He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud." [7:13] He said, "Therefore, you must go down, for you are not to be arrogant here. [7:14] He said, "Grant me a respite, until the Day of Resurrection." [7:15] He said, "You are granted a respite." [7:16] He said, "Since You have willed that I go astray, I will skulk for them on Your straight path. [7:17] "I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find that most of them are ungrateful." [7:18] He said, "Get out from there, despised and defeated. Those among them who follow you, I will fill up Hell with all of you! [7:19] "As for you, Adam, dwell with your wife in Paradise, and eat from it as you please, but do not approach this one tree, lest you fall in sin." |
[7:11-18] The devil is not introduced in the Bible until {Leviticus 17:7} and is not named "Satan" until {1 Chronicles 21:1}. In the story of Adam and Eve, it is "the serpent" who tempts them to disobey God. {Genesis 3:1-15} Here the serpent is identified as the djinn Iblis, who is has also become known as Satan. The angels and the djinns are commanded to pay their respects to Adam, who is to be God's vice-regent on earth. (See [2:34] and following.) Iblis protests that he should not be required to honor Adam, God's greatest material creation, since he is better than Adam because God made him (like all djinns) from smokeless fire (lightning), while Adam was made from common mud. For his arrogance, God casts Iblis out of heaven, but, as an act of mercy, grants his request for a respite from Hell until the Day of Resurrection. As a further act of defiance, Iblis (Satan) repays God's mercy by vowing to lead Adam and his progeny away from God and to deprive them thereby of the blessings that God has planned for them. God curses Iblis, and promises that all who follow him will share in his fate. The point to note here is that this story is being told to the very people at risk, so they can know precisely what the risk is, why the curse of Iblis is about to befall them, and what they can do to avoid it. The mercy that God showed Iblis, which was rejected, is now shown to mankind, with an explanation, so that they will not make the same mistake.
[7:19] The story continues with the events narrated in {Genesis 3:1-15}. The "Paradise" in which Adam and Eve lived is considered to be the same "Paradise" (heaven) in which the righteous will eventually spend eternity. | |
[7:20] The devil whispered to them, in order to reveal their bodies, which were invisible to them. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree, except to prevent you from becoming angels, and from attaining eternal existence."
[7:21] He swore to them, "I am giving you good advice." | [7:20-21] This is a minor variation on {Genesis 2:25-3:7}. Genesis says Adam and Eve were naked and didn't care, while the Koran says they couldn't see each other (like the invisible angels) until they sinned. in both cases, the shame is a consequence of their sin, but Judaism sees the shame associated with nudity as being due to sin, while Islam sees nudity as a shamefully evil in itself. | |
[7:22] He thus duped them with lies. As soon as they tasted the tree, their bodies became visible to them, and they tried to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise. Their Lord called upon them: "Did I not enjoin you from that tree, and warn you that the devil is your most ardent enemy?" | [7:22] The emphasis here is somewhat different than the Jewish tradition. Although Satan lies to Adam and Eve in both cases, {Genesis 3:6} suggests that they knew what they were doing was seriously wrong but did it anyway and then tried to pass the blame. The story here suggests that they were tricked by Satan. | |
[7:23] They said, "Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be lost." | [7:23] Adam and Eve's immediate contrition is not apparent in the Jewish story, in which they do not admit their guilt or ask for forgiveness at all. | |
[7:24] He said, "Go down as enemies of one another. On earth shall be your abode and provision for a time." | [7:24] In the Bible, Paradise is a place on the otherwise hostile earth. Here, the pair are driven out of heaven. (See also [13:23]) | |
[7:25] He said, "On it you will live, on it you will die, and from it you will be brought out." | [7:25] Here they are to remain until their death, when they can again return to heaven if they deserve it. | |
[7:26] O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of God's signs, that they may take heed.
[7:27] O children of Adam, do not let the devil dupe you as he did when he caused the eviction of your parents from Paradise, and the removal of their garments to expose their bodies. He and his tribe see you, while you do not see them. We appoint the devils as companions of those who do not believe. |
[7:26] The garments provided by God are to restore the dignity lost by the intrinsic evil of nudity. The best garment is that which restores man's primordial dignity completely, that is, the "garment of righteousness."
[7:27] The devil, being a spiritual being, is invisible to humans, while their bodies are exposed (shamefully) to his vision. Mankind is thus exposed to shame in the sight of the devil because of the sinfulness of their first parents. This shame will continue as long as people continue to tolerate the presence of the devil. | |
[7:28] They commit a gross sin, then say, "We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it." Say, "God never advocates sin. Are you saying about God what you do not know?" | [7:28] They are also admonished not to commit sins (worship idols, etc.) just because their ancestors did so. God never requires obedience to parents if such obedience is sinful. | |
[7:29] Say, "My Lord advocates justice, and to stand devoted to Him alone at every place of worship. You shall devote your worship absolutely to Him alone. Just as He created you, you will ultimately go back to Him." | [7:29] In place of the idolatrous practices of their ancestors, the recipients of Mohammed's Message are invited to embrace the worship of God, to whom they will eventually return, as Adam and Eve did. | |
[7:30] Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of God, yet they believe that they are guided. | [7:30] Of course, not all of their ancestors were deprived of God's guidance. (Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc. were enlightened by God to practice Islam.) | |
[7:31] O children of Adam, you shall be clean and dress nicely when you go to the mosque. And eat and drink moderately; Surely, He does not love the gluttons. | [7:31] One of those practices is to dress appropriately when one is in His formal presence at worship services. Another is to be moderate in food and drink. | |
[7:32] Say, "Who prohibited the nice things God has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say, "Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know. | [7:32] "What kind of person would suggest that people not enjoy properly the gifts that God has bestowed upon them (food, drink, clothing)? Don't you realize that the good things of this life are only a foretaste of the good things that will be bestowed upon the believers on the Day of Resurrection?" | |
[7:33] Say, "My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up beside God powerless idols, and to say about God what you do not know." | [7:33] What God forbids are evil deeds (openly or in secret), violations of His precepts, unjustified aggression and idol worship. God also forbids any attempt to establish (other) religious practices in His name. | |
[7:34] For each community, there is a predetermined life span. Once their interim comes to an end, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it.
[7:35] O children of Adam, when messengers come to you from among you, and recite My revelations to you, those who take heed and lead a righteous life, will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. |
[7:34] The life span of societies, like that of individuals, is fixed, and nothing they can do can change it.
[7:35] Therefore, when God sends messengers to those societies to tell them what to believe and how to live their lives, they should listen and do what they are commanded. If they do this, they don't have to worry about what is coming afterward. | |
[7:36] As for those who reject our revelations, and are too arrogant to uphold them, they have incurred Hell, wherein they remain forever. | [7:36] On the other hand, those who don't listen to the messengers and do what they command will be cast into Hell forever. | |
[7:37] Who is more evil than those who invent lies about God, or reject His revelations? These will get their share, in accordance with the Scripture, then, when our messengers come to terminate their lives, they will say, "Where are the idols you used to implore beside God?" they will say, "They have abandoned us." They will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers. | [7:37] This is another statement of the theme in [6:21-24]. The worst kinds of sinners are those who, like Iblis, lead others astray by telling them that God wants them to do what He in fact forbids (or vice versa). In particular, the idol worshipers will realize that thief gods have abandoned them, and will have to admit that they did not believe the Word of God that Mohammed brought to them. | |
[7:38] He will say, "Enter with the previous communities of djinns and humans into Hell." Every time a group enters, they will curse their ancestral group. Once they are all in it, the latest one will say of the previous one, "Our Lord, these are the ones who misled us. Give them double the punishment of Hell." He will say, "Each receives double, but you do not realize it." | [7:38] The false teachers will be condemned to Hell when they die. Each new arrival will curse the ones already there for leading them away from God. The newcomers will claim that because the residents corrupted others as well as themselves, they should be punished more severely. Of course, the ones who come after them will say the very same things about their corrupters! | |
[7:39] The ancestral group will say to the later group, "Since you had an advantage over us, taste the punishment for your own sins." | [7:39] The response to the newcomers will be that they had the advantages of revelation that the ancients didn't have, so they should be punished more severely. | |
[7:40] Surely, those who reject our revelations and are too arrogant to uphold them, the gates of the sky will never open for them, nor will they enter Paradise until the camel passes through the needle's eye. We thus punish the guilty. | [7:40] Paradise is assumed to be "in the sky." {Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25} the "needle's eye" may have been an architectural feature of walled cities, an easily defended personnel gate through which armies (and camels) could pass only with difficulty, if at all. | |
[7:41] They have incurred Hell as an abode; they will have barriers above them. We thus punish the transgressors. | [7:41] Because the sky is closed to them, the transgressors will have to go "down" into Hell. | |
[7:42] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life - we never burden any soul beyond its means - these will be the dwellers of Paradise. They remain in it forever. | [7:42] The righteous will be admitted to Paradise. God makes the things the saved must do to achieve this reward sometimes difficult, but never impossible. | |
[7:43] We will remove all discord from their hearts. Rivers will flow beneath them, and they will say, "God be praised for guiding us. We could not possibly be guided, if it were not that God has guided us. The messengers of our Lord did bring the truth." They will be called: "This is your Paradise. You have inherited it, in return for your works." | [7:43] Those in Paradise will live happily ever after. The image of a central river is present in Christian tradition also {Revelation 22:1}. So is the depiction of the multitudes of the saved joyously praising God because of the blessings of His salvation that they have received as a just reward. {Revelation 19:5-6}. | |
[7:44] The dwellers of Paradise will call the dwellers of Hell: "We have found our Lord's promise to be the truth; have you found your Lord's promise to be the truth?" they will say, "Yes." An herald between them will announce: "God's condemnation has befallen the transgressors..." | [7:44] Both those in Paradise and those in Hell will agree that their fate is what was promised to them as the consequence of the lives they led. The sense here is that the condemned will admit that they have no excuse, because they were warned of their fate and chose it anyway... | |
[7:45] "...who repel from the path of God, and strive to make it crooked, and, with regard to the Hereafter, they are disbelievers." | [7:45] ...because they didn't really believe that God would punish those who turned away from Him and led others to do the same. | |
[7:46] A barrier separates them, while the elevated places are occupied by men who recognize each side by the marks placed upon them. They will call the dwellers of Paradise: "Peace be upon you," because they hope to enter.
[7:47] When they turn their eyes towards the dwellers of Hell, they will say, "Our Lord, do not put us with these wicked people." [7:48] Those in the elevated places will call on people they recognize by their marks, saying, "Your great numbers did not avail you in any way, nor did your arrogance. [7:49] "Are those the people you swore that God will never touch them with mercy?" "Enter Paradise; you have nothing to fear, nor will you grieve." | [7:46-49] Since Paradise is in "the sky" [7:40] and protected by "barriers" [7:41], the righteous will have to go "up" through the barriers to get there. As they ascend toward Paradise, the differences between the saved and the condemned will become more clear, and the saved will be able to recognize each other this way, exchanging greetings between them. They will also recognize the condemned whom they will reject and whose company they will abhor. The "elevated places," from which this sura takes its name are a kind of entranceway or portico to Paradise. They constitute an intermediate gathering or meeting point where the saved can talk to those already in Paradise before they, themselves, arrive. The phrase is sometimes translated "purgatory," but the lack of similarity to what that word means in Christian tradition probably makes it inappropriate to use where it could be misunderstood. | |
[7:50] The dwellers of Hell will call on the dwellers of Paradise: "Let some of your water, or some of God's provisions to you flow towards us." They will say, "God has forbidden them for the disbelievers."
[7:51] Those who do not take their religion seriously, and are totally preoccupied with this worldly life, we forget them on that day, because they forgot that day, and because they spurned our revelations. |
[7:50] The desire of those in Hell to be relieved by those in Paradise is also illustrated by the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man {Luke 16:19-31}
[7:51] People who are totally concerned with their worldly life have no room in it for God. The word "forget" here is translated in some texts as "forsake," which is perhaps a more revealing term. God forsakes in death those who have forsaken Him in life. | |
[7:52] We have given them a Scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance, and mercy for the people who believe. | [7:52] All the things that mankind needs to know to be "remembered" by God in the afterlife are provided in the Scripture He has revealed to them. | |
[7:53] Are they waiting until all (prophecies) are fulfilled? The day such fulfillment comes to pass, those who disregarded it in the past will say, "The messengers of our Lord have brought the truth. Are there any intercessors to intercede on our behalf? Would you send us back, so that we change our behavior, and do better works than what we did?" they have lost their souls, and their own innovations have caused their doom. | [7:53] Some people are waiting until God fulfills all of His promises before committing to Him, but they aren't going to live that long. When they are judged, they will admit that God's messengers taught them all they needed to know. They will wish that they had someone else to speak for them or that they could go back and live their lives over, but by then it will be too late. They will have lost their souls for putting off their repentance. | |
[7:54] Your Lord is the One God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days,* then assumed all authority. The night overtakes the day, as it pursues it persistently, and the sun, the moon, and the stars are committed to serve by His command. Absolutely, He controls all creation and all commands. Most Exalted is God, Lord of the universe. | [7:54] Mankind must obey God because we are part of His creation. (*Note - The Bible asserts that the earth (with all its creatures) was created in six days {Genesis 1:5-31, Exodus 20:11; 31:17}. The Koran says the earth itself was created in two "periods" and the "foods" were created in an additional four [41:9-10].) | |
[7:55] You shall worship your Lord publicly and privately; He does not love the transgressors. | [7:55] True religion requires public as well as private expression. | |
[7:56] Do not corrupt the earth after it has been set straight, and worship Him out of reverence, and out of hope. Surely, God's mercy is attainable by the righteous. | [7:56] The admonition not to corrupt the earth may refer to the communities who had been converted. The converts are warned not to do anything do jeopardize their faith. | |
[7:57] He is the One who sends the wind with good omen, as a mercy from His hands. Once they gather heavy clouds, we drive them to dead lands, and send down water from them, to produce with it all kinds of fruits. We thus resurrect the dead, that you may take heed. | [7:57] The profusion of blooming plants in an apparently lifeless desert after a rainstorm is a truly miraculous phenomenon, a perfect metaphor for the miraculous transformation involved in mankind's destiny of resurrection from the dead as the result of God's blessings. | |
[7:58] The good land readily produces its plants by the leave of its Lord, while the bad land barely produces anything useful. We thus explain the revelations for people who are grateful. | [7:58] Of course, it is impossible for plants to bloom in a truly lifeless desert. In like manner, those who are truly lost through disbelief or sin are unable to take advantage of the blessings God showers upon them. | |
The revelation at this point turns from the imagery of God's blessings upon His people to that of missionaries who were sent to convert those who had fallen into idolatry. Mohammed is following in the footsteps of generations of prophets before him who have been rejected by societies that have been suffered the consequences of their disbelief. The implication is that those who reject Mohammed and his Message will suffer the same fate. | ||
[7:59] We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people, saying, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god beside Him. I fear for you the punishment of an awesome day." | [7:59] Noah's neighbors received too much rain, because they were wicked {Genesis 6:5-13}. Noah tried to convert them, to no avail. | |
[7:60] The leaders among his people said, "We see that you are far astray."
[7:61] He said, "O my people, I am not astray; I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe. [7:62] "I deliver to you the Messages of my Lord, and I advise you, and I know from God what you do not know. [7:63] "Is it too much of a wonder that a reminder should come to you from your Lord, through a man like you, to warn you, and to lead you to righteousness, that you may attain mercy?" [7:64] They rejected him. Consequently, we saved him and those with him in the ark, and we drowned those who rejected our revelations; they were blind. | [7:60-64] The popularity of the compelling story of Noah and the Ark {Genesis 6:1-8:22} has resulted in its evolution over time, especially as it is often interpreted in modern media. In Genesis, the design, construction and provisioning of the ark are described in detail. There is a whole sura [71] about Noah. In the Koran, the ark is mentioned only in passing [11:37-38, 44], [23:27-28], [26:119], [29:15]. Noah is portrayed here as trying to convince his neighbors to repent to save them from God's punishment in the coming Flood in spite of their ridicule (with an obvious similarity to Mohammed), whereas in the Bible, God speaks only to Noah, Noah doesn't talk to anyone, and his neighbors aren't mentioned at all until the New Testament {Matthew 24:38, Luke 17:27}, where the moral of the story is presented as recounted here. The people are so concerned about their worldly lives that they don't consider God, and are consequently all destroyed. | |
[7:65] To 'Ad we sent their brother Hud. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god beside Him. Would you then observe righteousness?"
[7:66] The leaders who disbelieved among his people said, "We see that you are behaving foolishly, and we think that you are a liar." [7:67] He said, "O my people, there is no foolishness in me; I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe. [7:68] "I deliver to you my Lord's Messages, and I am honestly advising you. [7:69] "Is it too much of a wonder that a Message should come to you from your Lord, through a human being like you, to warn you? Recall that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and multiplied your number. Remember God's blessings, that you may be successful." | [7:65-69] There is a sura [11] named Hud, which includes much of the story narrated here, but he (and the kingdom of 'Ad) do not appear to correspond with anything in the Old Testament. The inhabitants of the kingdom of 'Ad are obviously people who arise after the Flood, because they are described here as "inheritors after the people of Noah." Tradition, although controversial, has them five generations removed. Hud may have been a hero of Arabian folklore. His message is clear, however. Like Noah (and, more to the point, Mohammed), Hud brings God's message to the people to convince them to forsake their idols and worship God alone so they can be saved. Once again, the people to whom he has been sent to preach don't believe him and claim that his message is foolish. The idea of the Message of God seeming to be foolishness to those who refuse to believe it is also examined in Al-Baqura (The Cow). Saint Paul had a similar problem in his preaching to the people of Corinth. {I Corinthians 1:18-25, II Corinthians 11:17-19} See also [11:50] and following. | |
[7:70] They said, "Did you come to make us worship God alone, and abandon what our parents used to worship? We challenge you to bring the doom you threaten us with, if you are telling the truth." | [7:70] Beliefs of long standing ("what our parents used to worship") tend to take on a credibility of their own. See [5:104] and [6:148]. The disbelievers dare Hud to produce the catastrophe he threatens. | |
[7:71] He said, "You have incurred condemnation and wrath from your Lord. Do you argue with me in defense of innovations you have fabricated - you and your parents - that were never authorized by God? Therefore, wait and I will wait along with you." | [7:71] Hud's response is the same as that of Mohammed. The idol worshipers have already incurred the wrath of God, but God has sent His Messenger to rescue them from it. They can still be redeemed, but not if they wait too long to repent. | |
[7:72] We then saved him and those with him, by mercy from us, and we annihilated those who rejected our revelations and refused to be believers. | [7:72] Hud and those who believed his message were saved, but all the rest of the people of the kingdom of 'Ad were annihilated. | |
[7:73] To Thamud we sent their brother Saleh. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god beside Him. Proof has been provided for you from your Lord: here is God's camel, to serve as a sign for you. Let her eat from God's land, and do not touch her with any harm, lest you incur a severe punishment. | [7:73] Saleh is another prophet not mentioned in the Bible. According to legend, he was sent to his people at Thamud, to convince them to give up their idols and worship God. As evidence, God created a female camel that Saleh commanded the idolatrous Thamudi not to kill. They killed the camel anyway. See also [11:61] and following. | |
[7:74] "Recall that He made you inheritors after 'Ad, and established you on earth, building mansions in its valleys, and carving homes from its mountains. You shall remember God's blessings, and do not roam the earth corruptingly." | [7:74] The people of Thamud were said to have carved their homes from the mountains. The city of Petra was constructed in this way, but whether it is associated with the Thamud is conjectural. It cannot be the same town, because Thamud was destroyed. | |
[7:75] The arrogant leaders among his people said to the common people who believed, "How do you know that Saleh is sent by his Lord?" they said, "The message he brought has made us believers."
[7:76] The arrogant ones said, "We disbelieve in what you believe in." [7:77] Subsequently, they slaughtered the camel, rebelled against their Lord's command, and said, "O Saleh, bring the doom you threaten us with, if you are really a messenger." [7:78] Consequently, the quake annihilated them, leaving them dead in their homes. [7:79] He turned away from them, saying, "O my people, I have delivered my Lord's message to you, and advised you, but you do not like any advisers." [7:80] Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination; no one in the world has done it before! [7:81] "You practice sex with the men, instead of the women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people." [7:82] His people responded by saying, "Evict them from your town. They are people who wish to be pure." [7:83] Consequently, we saved him and his family, but not his wife; she was with the doomed. |
[7:75-78] The story of the Thamud is even more graphic than that of 'Ad. Saleh brings his message of monotheism to his people, who reject it as being incompatible with the venerable religion of their ancestors. They challenge Saleh to prove that he is a prophet of God by actually bringing upon them the disaster he threatens, and further tempt God by killing the camel He provided for them (to milk?) as proof of His existence. God takes up the challenge and destroys the Thamud with an earthquake that destroys them in their vulnerable "homes carved from the mountains".
[7:79] Saleh, for his part, turns away from the people who refused his message with at least the comfort that he did all that he could to save them by delivering the message he was given by God. [7:80-83] The story of Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah {Genesis 13:13; 18:20-19:29} is well known among modern Jews and Christians. This is where the word "sodomy" comes from. {Genesis 19:4-5} suggests that the "abomination" involved was homosexuality, as explicitly stated in [7:81]. {Isaiah 1:9-10; 3:9} implies lack of social justice and {Ezekiel 16:46-51} describes it as disregard for the poor. {Jeremiah 23:14} suggests general immorality. Jesus doesn't say {Matthew 10:15; 11:23-24, Mark 6:11, Luke 10:12; 17:28-29}, although {Jude 7} says that it was "fornication, and going after strange flesh." Lot and his daughters were saved, but his disobedient wife was turned into a pillar of salt {Genesis 19:26}. | |
[7:84] We showered them with a unique shower, and that was the end of the guilty. | [7:84] The rain of fire and brimstone {Genesis 19:24} is perhaps the most well known part of the story. | |
[7:85] To Midian we sent their brother Shoaib. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god beside Him. Proof has come to you from your Lord. You shall give full weight and full measure when you trade. Do not cheat the people out of their rights. Do not corrupt the earth after it has been set straight. This is better for you, if you are believers.
[7:86] "Do not lie in wait on every path, seeking to repel those who believe from the path of God, and do not make it crooked. Remember that you used to be few and He multiplied your number. Recall the consequences for the wicked. [7:87] "Now that some of you have believed in what I was sent with, and some have disbelieved, wait until God issues His judgment between us; He is the best judge." [7:88] The arrogant leaders among his people said, "We will evict you, O Shoaib, together with those who believed with you, from our town, unless you revert to our religion." He said, "Are you going to force us? |
[7:85] Shoaib was almost certainly an Arab folk hero. He is sometimes confused with Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, but there is precious little to suggest that the two lived anywhere near the same time, much less that they were the same person. He was not known to (or possibly ignored by) the Hebrew Scriptures, which have little to say about other than Jews and their enemies. In addition to preaching worship of one, God, Shoaib also prescribes Islamic business practices revealed elsewhere in the Koran ([2:282], [6:152], [7:56]) that would have been important to a trading community. See also [11:84] and following.
[7:86-88] The reference to lying in wait is unclear. It may be a prohibition against highway robbery, or perhaps the charging of tolls, basically the same thing, along the major trading highway through Midian. This interpretation is suggested by the assumption that "some of you have believed" and "some have disbelieved" may indicate a community troubled by religious bickering between the monotheists and the idolaters, both of whom were attempting to gain control of the area, or perhaps between groups of travelers of different faiths. | |
[7:89] "We would be blaspheming against God if we reverted to your religion after God has saved us from it. How could we revert back to it against the will of God our Lord? Our Lord's knowledge encompasses all things. We have put our trust in God. Our Lord, grant us a decisive victory over our people. You are the best supporter."
[7:90] The disbelieving leaders among his people said, "If you follow Shoaib, you will be losers." [7:91] The quake annihilated them, leaving them dead in their homes. [7:92] Those who rejected Shoaib vanished, as if they never existed. Those who rejected Shoaib were the losers. |
[7:89-91] The threatened eviction of Shoaib and his fellow monotheists was a severe test of their dedication. It was also a repudiation of the monotheists' message to the idol worshipers, which they did not feel should go unchallenged. Their prayer for a "decisive victory over our people" is therefore to vindicate their claim to prophecy by displaying God's almighty power in the face of ridicule of the "disbelieving leaders." The punishment of the idolatrous Midianites was an earthquake, the same as that of the people of Thamud in [7:78], "The quake annihilated them, leaving them dead in their homes."
[7:92] The land of Midian, along the Gulf of Aqaba, from Moses' time until today, has always been sparsely populated and not extensively developed. Today, it is still a good land for grazing sheep. | |
[7:93] He turned away from them, saying, "O my people, I have delivered to you the messages of my Lord, and I have advised you. How can I grieve over disbelieving people." | [7:93] The reaction of Shoaib is the same as that of Saleh. Having faithfully delivered God's message, he is not responsible for the consequences inflicted on those who choose not to believe it. | |
[7:94] Whenever we sent a prophet to any community, we afflicted its people with adversity and hardship, that they may implore. | [7:94] After reviewing some historical instances of the consequences of rejecting God's messengers, the discussion now turns to why these events occurred. | |
[7:95] Then we substituted peace and prosperity in place of that hardship. But alas, they turned heedless and said, "It was our parents who experienced that hardship before prosperity." Consequently, we punished them suddenly when they least expected. | [7:95] People tend to turn to God in times of trouble, but the children of these people go back to the old ways in the belief that they have nothing to do with what happened to people of a previous age. The cycle of evildoing and punishment thus continues. | |
[7:96] Had the people of those communities believed and turned righteous, we would have showered them with blessings from the heaven and the earth. Since they decided to disbelieve, we punished them for their misdeeds. | [7:96] The people who turn away from God when things are right again not only incur additional disasters that show the evil of their ways (again), but they also deprive themselves of the blessings that God gives to those who remain faithful to Him. | |
[7:97] Did the people of the present communities guarantee that our punishment will not come to them in the night as they sleep?
[7:98] Did the people of today's communities guarantee that our punishment will not come to them in the daytime while they play? [7:99] Have they taken God's plans for granted? None takes God's plans for granted except the lost. |
[7:97-98] God's punishment for turning away from Him can come at any time, night or day. The unexpectedness of the final calamity, what the Koran calls the "Day of Resurrection," is referred to in {Matthew 24:38, 42-43; 25:13, Luke 12:19-20, 39, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10, and Revelation 3:3}.
[7:99] Therefore, those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are invariably doomed to repeat them or suffer even worse disasters. | |
[7:100] Does it ever occur to those who inherit the earth after previous generations that, if we will, we can punish them for their sins, and seal their hearts, causing them to turn deaf? | [7:100] The generations after any great calamity tend to forget that God can not only punish them for their sins, but could, if He so chose, make it impossible for them to do anything to redeem themselves. | |
[7:101] We narrate to you the history of those communities: their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had rejected before. God thus seals the hearts of the disbelievers. | [7:101] This is why God here reminds them of the history of the people who suffered such punishments, because He sent his messengers, just like Mohammed, but the idolaters persisted in their rejection, so finally God sealed their hearts. | |
[7:102] We found that most of them disregard their covenant; we found most of them wicked. | [7:102] Most of them proved themselves not worth saving (so God's attempt to do showed His mercy). | |
[7:103] After (those messengers,) we sent Moses with our signs to Pharaoh and his people, but they transgressed. Note the consequences for the wicked. | [7:103] The messengers mentioned in [7:59] through [7:93] were prior to Moses' time. The history lesson now continues with the story of the Exodus from Egypt. | |
[7:104] Moses said, "O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe.
[7:105] "It is incumbent upon me that I do not say about God except the truth. I come to you with a sign from your Lord; let the Children of Israel go." [7:106] He said, "If you have a sign, then produce it, if you are telling the truth." [7:107] He threw down his staff, and it turned into a tremendous serpent. [7:108] He took out his hand, and it was white to the beholders. [7:109] The leaders among Pharaoh's people said, "This is no more than a clever magician. [7:110] "He wants to take you out of your land; what do you recommend?" [7:111] They said, "Respite him and his brother, and send summoners to every city. [7:112] "Let them summon every experienced magician." [7:114] He said, "Yes indeed; you will even become close to me." [7:115] They said, "O Moses, either you throw, or we are throwing." [7:116] He said, "You throw." When they threw, they tricked the people's eyes, intimidated them, and produced a great magic. |
[7:104-107] {Exodus 7:16} and subsequent passages make it clear that it is the Lord God of Hebrews who commands Pharaoh to let them leave Egypt. The emphasis in Exodus is on the superiority of the Hebrews' God over Pharaoh and the other Egyptian gods, and the belief that God has a special relationship with His "Chosen People." This emphasis is completely lacking in Islam, which stresses that God is, in fact, "Lord of the entire Universe. This difference of viewpoint is one of the major causes of friction between Jews, who see Muslims as latecomers to the acknowledgment of the supremacy of "their" God, and Muslims, who see Jews as arrogantly claiming a special relationship to God (that is carried over into Christianity) not shared by all humanity.
[7:105] {Exodus 7:6} [7:106] {Exodus 7:9} [7:107] {Exodus 7:10} [7:108] The miracle is recorded in {Exodus 4:6-7}, but it is not recorded that it was ever actually used. [7:109] {Exodus 8:19} says that the magicians, after matching some of the signs of Moses and Aaron, finally admitted, "This is the finger of God." [7:110-116] Exodus does not record the gathering of magicians, their conversations with Pharaoh, or the challenge to Moses. The "throwing" may have been of the serpent rods, or attempts at divination. Arabs living among superstitious idol worshipers would have understood that. It is significant that the magicians tried to trick Moses into joining in their idolatrous game, but Moses didn't fall for their subterfuge. | |
[7:117] We then inspired Moses: "Throw down your staff," whereupon it swallowed whatever they fabricated. | [7:117] The serpent contest is in {Exodus 7:10-12}. All the staffs became serpents, but Aaron's serpent ate all of them. | |
[7:118] Thus, the truth prevailed, and what they did was nullified.
[7:119] They were defeated then and there; they were humiliated. [7:120] The magicians fell prostrate. [7:121] They said, "We believe in the Lord of the universe. [7:122] "The Lord of Moses and Aaron." [7:123] Pharaoh said, "Did you believe in him without my permission? This must be a conspiracy you schemed in the city, in order to take its people away. You will surely find out. | [7:118-123] This story in Exodus stresses the contest between the Hebrews' loving and compassionate God and the hard-hearted Pharaoh. God wins by means of the Plagues {Exodus 7:15-10:23}, striking dead the Egyptian firstborn {Exodus 12:29} and finally drowning Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea {Exodus 14:28}. In the commentary here, the emphasis is the demonstration of God's power to the obsequious and idolatrous magicians, who come finally to the righteous worship of the One God in defiance of the evil Pharaoh. They thus come to believe the same message later preached by Mohammed. For his part, Pharaoh nonetheless continues to cling to his idolatrous belief that he can somehow prevent the people from worshiping the One God, just as those who opposed Mohammed. The ayats that follow constitute a kind of "after action report" in which the events of the Exodus are examined for their religious implications. | |
[7:124] "I will cut your hands and feet on alternate sides, then I will crucify you all." | [7:124] The punishments noted are the most severe in Islamic law. Pharaoh must have been really angry! | |
[7:125] They said, "We will then return to our Lord.
[7:126] "You persecute us simply because we believed in the proofs of our Lord when they came to us." "Our Lord, grant us steadfastness, and let us die as submitters." | [7:125-126] Having come to believe in One God, Pharaoh's servants are no longer afraid of his threats. They see them as the persecution they must steadfastly endure because of their conversion to the true faith eventually to be revealed to mankind through Mohammed. | |
[7:127] The leaders among Pharaoh's people said, "Will you allow Moses and his people to corrupt the earth, and forsake you and your gods?" He said, "We will kill their sons, and spare their daughters. We are much more powerful than they are." | [7:127] As always, there are those who cling to the idolatrous beliefs of their ancestors. There, they are the Egyptian leaders who enrage Pharaoh to the point that he decides to kill all the Hebrew men and take all the women to demonstrate the power of his gods. | |
[7:128] Moses said to his people, "Seek God's help, and steadfastly persevere. The earth belongs to God, and He grants it to whomever He chooses from among His servants. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous."
[7:129] They said, "We were persecuted before you came to us, and after you came to us." He said, "Your Lord will annihilate your enemy and establish you on earth, then He will see how you behave." |
[7:128] Moses isn't worried. He urges the Hebrews to pray and hold steadfastly to their belief that God is supreme and that they will ultimately be victorious if they submit to His will.
[7:129] Moses' followers remember the persecution they suffered before Moses came to lead them out of bondage, and the problems they had. Here he tells them not to worry, because God has big plans for them. | |
[7:130] We then afflicted Pharaoh's people with drought, and shortage of crops, that they may take heed. | [7:130] The problems they had were due to collateral damage from the punishments God sent to the Egyptians. | |
[7:131] When good omens came their way, they said, "We have deserved this," but when a hardship afflicted them, they blamed Moses and those with him. In fact, their omens are decided only by God, but most of them do not know. | [7:131] The Hebrews believe they deserved the blessings they received, but blamed Moses when their fortunes were reversed. The moral here is that everything that happened to them is part of God's plan, even though they don't understand it. | |
[7:132] They said, "No matter what kind of sign you show us, to dupe us with your magic, we will not believe." | [7:132] They are here reminded of how stubborn the Egyptians were. God had to use harsh measures against them. | |
[7:133] Consequently, we sent upon them the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, and the blood - profound signs. But they maintained their arrogance. They were evil people. | [7:133] Even after some of these most severe and miraculous afflictions, the evil, slave-owning Egyptians continued to disobey God (to let the Hebrew slaves leave Egypt). | |
[7:134] Whenever a plague afflicted them, they said, "O Moses, implore your Lord - you are close to Him. If you relieve this plague, we will believe with you, and will send the Children of Israel with you." | [7:134] Exodus also records that after the magicians gave up trying to contend with Moses' God, Pharaoh promised time and again that if Moses would remove the plagues, he would let the Hebrews leave Egypt. | |
[7:135] Yet, when we relieved the plague for any length of time, they violated their pledge. | [7:135] When Moses removed each plague, Pharaoh always broke his promise. | |
[7:136] Consequently, we avenged their actions, and drowned them in the sea. That is because they rejected our signs, and were totally heedless thereof. | [7:136] Finally, God punished the Egyptians for refusing to believe in Him and his Messenger (Moses) by being drowned in the Red Sea. | |
[7:137] We let the oppressed people inherit the land, east and west, and we blessed it. The blessed commands of your Lord were thus fulfilled for the Children of Israel, to reward them for their steadfastness, and we annihilated the works of Pharaoh and his people and everything they harvested. | [7:137] This may be a generic statement, or the "land east and west" may refer to the east and west of Palestine. The Hebrews all went east from Lower Egypt and partitioned lands already occupied by the Caananites and others to the tribes of Israel. Pharaoh's kingdom back in Egypt lasted for another 800 years. | |
[7:138] We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. When they passed by people who were worshiping statues, they said, "O Moses, make a god for us, like the gods they have." He said, "Indeed, you are ignorant people. | [7:138] The crossing of the Red Sea is contained in {Exodus 14}; the story of the Golden Calf is in {Exodus 32}. God called the people "stiff-necked" in {Exodus 33:5}, but the Bible does not record the request to Moses or his reply. | |
[7:139] "These people are committing a blasphemy, for what they are doing is disastrous for them. | [7:139] The ease with which the Hebrews fell into idol worship shows their confusion about the nature of God. | |
[7:140] "Shall I seek for you other than God to be your god, when He has blessed you more than anyone else in the world?" | [7:140] This is a general argument against worship of the local idols. It doesn't make sense to reject God, from whom all blessings flow. | |
[7:141] Recall that we delivered you from Pharaoh's people, who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, killing your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial for you from your Lord. | [7:141] {Exodus 1:15-22} recalls the "worst persecution," the killing of all the male children. God spared Moses, so the persecution by the Egyptians served eventually to liberate the Hebrew slaves. | |
[7:142] We summoned Moses for thirty nights, and completed them by adding ten. Thus, the audience with his Lord lasted forty nights. Moses said to his brother Aaron, "Stay here with my people, maintain righteousness, and do not follow the ways of the corrupters."
[7:143] When Moses came at our appointed time, and his Lord spoke with him, he said, "My Lord, let me look and see You." He said, "You cannot see Me. Look at that mountain; if it stays in its place, then you can see Me." Then, his Lord manifested Himself to the mountain, and this caused it to crumble. Moses fell unconscious. When he came to, he said, "Be You glorified. I repent to You, and I am the most convinced believer." [7:144] He said, "O Moses, I have chosen you, out of all the people, with My messages and by speaking to you. Therefore, take what I have given you and be grateful." [7:145] We wrote for him on the tablets all kinds of enlightenments and details of everything: "You shall uphold these teachings strongly, and exhort your people to uphold them. These are the best teachings. I will point out for you the fate of the wicked." [7:146] I will divert from My revelations those who are arrogant on earth, without justification. Consequently, when they see every kind of proof they will not believe. And when they see the path of guidance they will not adopt it as their path, but when they see the path of straying they will adopt it as their path. This is the consequence of their rejecting our proofs, and being totally heedless thereof. |
[7:142] Forty days is an impossibly long time. (See [2:187].) Why the conversation between God and Moses is here reported as forty nights is not clear. The idea here seems to be the meeting took longer than Moses planned. This might explain why the people didn't know what had happened to him.
[7:143] God spoke with Moses face to face {Exodus 33:11} even though Moses couldn't see Him. God pointed out that {Exodus 33:18-20} no man could see Him and live. This account adds an episode in which God reveals himself. The impact is so great that the mountain crumbles and knocks Moses unconscious. Both stories convey the awesome power of God, even the sight of whom is unbearable to all created things. [7:144] This conversation corresponds roughly to a number of conversations between God and Moses in Exodus, beginning with the appearance of the burning bush in {Exodus 3:4} and following. [7:145] This includes not only the Ten Commandments {Exodus 20:1-17} but also {Exodus 20:23-23:19} and others. The Jews had 613 laws, 248 acts that were commanded, and 365 that were forbidden, "all kinds of enlightenments and details of everything." [7:146] This conversation does not appear to be recorded anywhere in the Bible. It follows a common theme, though, that in spite of the wonders that God performs for mankind and the reasonableness of His commands, there are people so arrogant that they simply will not believe. The consequences that they receive are therefore those that they have freely chosen for themselves. | |
[7:147] Those who reject our revelations and the meeting of the Hereafter, their works are nullified. Are they punished only for what they committed? | [7:147] The evil that these people do will eventually come to nothing. They will be held accountable for the consequences of their actions. | |
[7:148] During his absence, Moses' people made from their jewelry the statue of a calf, complete with the sound of a calf.* Did they not see that it could not speak to them, or guide them in any path? They worshiped it, and thus turned wicked.
[7:149] Finally, when they regretted their action, and realized that they had gone astray, they said, "Unless our Lord redeems us with His mercy, and forgives us, we will be lost!" |
[7:148] The story of the golden calf is recorded in detail in {Exodus 32:4-20}, which nevertheless raises many perplexing questions. *The sound of the calf may have been made by wind passing through a hollow construct. Even a small solid idol would have required much more gold than the people were likely to have possessed.
[7:149] {Exodus 33:4} says that the people mourned only after they were severely punished, including the slaying of about three thousand men by the Levites. | |
[7:150] When Moses returned to his people, angry and disappointed, he said, "What a terrible thing you have done in my absence! Could you not wait for the commandments of your Lord?" He threw down the tablets, and took hold of his brother's head, pulling him towards himself. (Aaron) said, "Son of my mother, the people took advantage of my weakness, and almost killed me. Let not my enemies rejoice, and do not count me with the transgressing people." | [7:150] This is essentially the same event recorded in {Exodus 32:19, 21}. The request recalls Moses' reaction when God first told him about the golden calf and threatened to consume the Hebrews. Moses begged God not to do anything that would lead the Egyptians to claim that the God of the Hebrews had led them out of Egypt only to annihilate them in the mountains {Exodus 32:11-14}, which would reflect unfavorably on God as well as the people who trusted Him. | |
[7:151] He said, "My Lord, forgive me and my brother, and admit us into Your mercy. Of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful."
[7:152] Surely, those who idolized the calf have incurred wrath from their Lord, and humiliation in this life. We thus punish the innovators. [7:153] As for those who committed sins, then repented afterward and believed, your Lord - after this, is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [7:154] When Moses' anger subsided, he picked up the tablets, containing guidance and mercy for those who reverence their Lord. |
[7:151-153] The Bible does not record this prayer of Moses or the events immediately following it, including the earthquake. ([7:155]) However, the prayer expresses common Jewish and Christian themes. These include admission of guilt, a request for forgiveness, and acknowledgment of God's supremacy. It also expresses the belief that those who repent of their sins and believe will receive God's mercy, not the punishment they deserve.
[7:154] According to {Exodus 34:1-28}, Moses broke the original tablets that God Himself had written, and had to make new blank ones. God didn't write the new Ten Commandments a second time. Moses wrote them down while God dictated them. | |
[7:155] Moses then selected seventy men from among his people, to come to our appointed audience. When the quake shook them, he said, "My Lord, You could have annihilated them in the past, together with me, if You so willed. Would You annihilate us for the deeds of those among us who are foolish? This must be the test that You have instituted for us. With it, You condemn whomever You will, and guide whomever You will. You are our Lord and Master, so forgive us, shower us with Your mercy; You are the best Forgiver. | [7:155] {Exodus 24:9} records that Moses took "Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel" with him the first time that he climbed Mount Sinai, but they didn't accompany him all the way to God's presence. On that occasion, God provided specifications for the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle of the Lord, the vestments of the priests, Jewish liturgy, and, finally, the Ten Commandments. This is why Moses spent so long on the mountain. The event recorded here appears to describe a different occasion. | |
[7:156] "And decree for us righteousness in this world, and in the Hereafter. We have repented to You." He said, "I will afflict my punishment on whom I will, but My mercy encompasses all things. I will bestow it upon those who do right, practice charity, and believe in Our revelations.
[7:157] "Those who follow the Messenger, the ummi*, whom they will find described in their Torah and Gospel who exhorts them to be righteous, enjoins them from evil, allows for them all good food, and prohibits that which is bad, and unloads the burdens and the shackles imposed upon them. Those who believe in him, respect him, support him, and follow the light that came with him are the successful ones." [7:158] Say, "O people, I am God's messenger to all of you. To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except He. He controls life and death." Therefore, you shall believe in God and His messenger, the gentile prophet, who believes in God and His words. Follow him, that you may be guided. |
[7:156-158] This concludes Moses' prayer and records God's answer to it. Moses prayed for mercy for himself and his people. Both this passage [7:150] and {Exodus 32:12} suggest that Moses attempted to appeal to God's ego by suggesting that destroying the people for their sins could be interpreted as unfaithfulness to the unbelievers. God refuses to take the bait. He points out to Moses that He can destroy whomever He chooses, but that He chooses to bestow mercy on those who follow the practices later established (again) by Mohammed. This is one of the strongest Koranic arguments that these prescriptions actually existed in Moses' time.
*The meaning of "ummi" is imprecise. Some translations suggest that it means "illiterate," but it may mean "uneducated," in which case it may well refer to Mohammed, who was considered to be "uneducated" in the Jewish Scriptures. It could also refer to a number of "uneducated" prophets who preached the same message, including, perhaps, Jesus, who surprised the elders with his wisdom {Mark 6:2, Luke 2:47}. | |
[7:159] Among the followers of Moses there are those who guide in accordance with the truth, and the truth renders them righteous. | [7:159] This may refer to the "seventy elders," and the two "unauthorized prophets," Eldad and Medad, described in {Numbers 11:16-29}. | |
[7:160] We divided them into twelve tribal communities, and we inspired Moses when his people asked him for water: "Strike the rock with your staff," whereupon twelve springs gushed out from it. Thus, each community knew its water. And we shaded them with clouds, and sent down to them manna and quails: "Eat from the good things we provided for you." It is not us that they wronged; it is they who wronged their own souls. | [7:160] The spring arising from striking of the rock is recorded in {Numbers 20:11}, although that record does not describe that was divided into the twelve springs mentioned in this narrative. God reminded the descendants of the witnesses of this event in {Deuteronomy 8:15}. It was for lack of faith in God's power demonstrated here that He denied Moses entry into the Promised Land. The manna and quails are described in {Numbers 11:6-9, 31} | |
[7:161] Recall that they were told, "Go into this town to live, and eat from it as you please, treat the people amicably, and enter the gate humbly. We will then forgive your transgressions. We will multiply the reward for the righteous."
[7:162] But the evil ones among them substituted other commands for the commands given to them. Consequently, we sent upon them condemnation from the sky, because of their wickedness. [7:163] Remind them of the community by the sea, who desecrated the Sabbath. When they observed the Sabbath, the fish came to them abundantly. And when they violated the Sabbath, the fish did not come. We thus afflicted them, as a consequence of their transgression. | [7:161-163] This may be a reference to the same incident described in [2:58-60] that does not appear to be recorded in the Bible. The land through which the Hebrews passed, however, was a part of the Egyptian empire, and was certainly populated, especially along the coast. Estimates of the total number of the Hebrews, or of the exact route they took, vary. The logistics of the provisions needed by the obviously large number of homeless transients would have strained the capabilities of the local merchants in any case. No doubt the horde of Hebrews on the move included a few malcontents who were not above abusing whatever hospitality they met along the way. The identity of the "community by the sea," (obviously a fishing village) is obscure, as is the reason they were punished for violating the Sabbath, which was essentially restricted to the Hebrews, not their perhaps unwilling hosts. | |
[7:164] Recall that a group of them said, "Why should you preach to people whom God will surely annihilate or punish severely?" they answered, "To be blameless before the Lord," that they might be saved. | [7:164] This is clearly an allegory to Mohammed's preaching among the people who did not accept him. At the time of this revelation, Mohammed was discharging his duty by revealing his Message to the entire world. | |
[7:165] When they disregarded what they were reminded of, we saved those who prohibited evil, and afflicted the wrongdoers with a terrible punishment for their wickedness.
[7:166] When they continued to defy the commandments, we said to them, "Be you despicable apes." |
[7:165] The reference here appears to be to the Hebrews, whom God reminded of His commandments to them, saved those who followed them, and punished those who did not.
[7:166] This curse is found in [2:65]. Many of the translations use the word "apes," although the precise reference of the Arabic word is open to question. | |
[7:167] Additionally, your Lord has decreed that He will raise up against them people who will inflict severe persecution upon them, until the Day of Resurrection. Your Lord is most efficient in enforcing punishment, and He is certainly the Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [7:167] God often uses others to punish faithlessness of those He has previously rescued. This was certainly the case in the Old Testament. No sooner were the indigenous people conquered then the land was invaded by the Philistines. | |
[7:168] We scattered them among many communities throughout the land. Some of them were righteous, and some were less than righteous. We tested them with prosperity and hardship, that they may return. | [7:168] The people with whom the Hebrews had to live were very much like those with whom the Muslims of Mohammed's time were required to associate. God tests their faithfulness to Him with many tests. | |
[7:169] Subsequent to them, He substituted new generations who inherited the Scripture. But they opted for the worldly life instead, saying, "We will be forgiven." But then they continued to opt for the materials of this world. Did they not make a covenant to uphold the Scripture, and not to say about God except the truth? Did they not study the Scripture? Certainly, the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who maintain righteousness. Do you not understand? | [7:169] After the Exodus from Egypt and the sojourn in the desert, the Hebrews were obviously happy to have entered the Promised Land in spite of the hardships they still had to undergo. Later on, their descendants began to devote more time to worldly cares than they did to their religion, breaking the promises their ancestors had made and making excuses for doing so in the belief that they would automatically be forgiven. Here they are reminded that they will suffer the consequences of this choice. | |
[7:170] Those who uphold the Scripture, and observe the Necessary Prayers, we never fail to reward the pious. | [7:170] Those who are true to their religion and practice its precepts will be generously rewarded. | |
[7:171] We raised the mountain above them like an umbrella, and they thought it was going to fall on them: "You shall uphold what we have given you, strongly, and remember the contents thereof, that you may be saved." | [7:171] The reference here may be to those who lived in caves who would have been terrified of any earthquake. The admonition is not to test God. He is fully capable of punishing someone by dropping a mountain on him. | |
[7:172] Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: "Am I not your Lord?" they all said, "Yes. We bear witness." Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, "We were not aware of this." | [7:172] The assertion here is that mankind is born with a knowledge of God received from Adam. This is borne out in history because in every age and culture, people have worshiped some kind of deity. The desire to do so appears sociologically to be innate in man. | |
[7:173] Nor can you say, "It was our parents who practiced idolatry, and we simply followed in their footsteps. Will You punish us because of what others have innovated?" | [7:173] Muslim philosophy strongly endorses the responsibility of each individual for his own actions. It is not an excuse that one is just following tradition. | |
[7:174] We thus explain the revelations, to enable the people to redeem themselves. | [7:174] Mohammed's Message is God's last revelation to mankind for its salvation. | |
[7:175] Recite for them the news of the man who was given our proofs, but chose to disregard them. Consequently, the devil pursued him, until he went astray. | [7:175] This may be a parable similar to those told by Jesus, possibly based on a now unknown folk tale. There is nothing here to indicate that it refers to a real person. | |
[7:176] Had we willed, we could have elevated him therewith, but he insisted on sticking to the ground, and pursued his own opinions. Thus, he is like the dog; whether you pet him or scold him, he pants. Such is the example of people who reject our proofs. Proclaim these considerations, that they may reflect. | [7:176] The parable referenced appears to be about a man and his dog, but the story itself is not incorporated. The moral is plain however; there are some people who, like the panting dog, do the same thing no matter what is said to them, whether a complement or a reproof. Some of Mohammed's hearers were like these. | |
[7:177] Bad indeed is the example of people who reject our proofs; it is only their own souls that they wrong. | [7:177] Those who refuse to believe his Message are harming themselves. | |
[7:178] Whomever God guides is the truly guided one, and whomever He commits to straying, these are the lost. | [7:178] No one violates God's will. Those who disobey are also part of God's plan for the salvation of the human race. | |
[7:179] We have committed to Hell multitudes of djinns and humans. They have minds with which they do not understand, eyes with which they do not see, and ears with which they do not hear. They are like animals; no, they are far worse - they are totally unaware. | [7:179] The idea that God prevents some people from understanding after they reject the opportunity to do so is found in {Isaiah 44:18}. Jesus referred to it in {Matthew 13:13-15, Mark 4:12 and Luke 8:10}. Unlike the animals, these people are totally unaware. | |
[7:180] To God belongs the most beautiful names; call upon Him therewith, and disregard those who distort His names. They will be punished for their sins. | [7:180] The reference here is obscure. It may be that some of the "names of God" as noted in the Koran were used in an irreverent manner. | |
[7:181] Among our creations, there are those who guide with the truth, and the truth renders them righteous. | [7:181] Those who adhere to the truth, and pass it on to others will eventually be rewarded... | |
[7:182] As for those who reject our revelations, we lead them on without them ever realizing it. | [7:182] ...while the unbelievers will be allowed to exist for a while before being punished for their evil. | |
[7:183] I will even encourage them; My scheming is formidable. | [7:183] God, in His wisdom, will even allow them to think they are winning. | |
[7:184] Why do they not reflect upon their friend? He is not crazy. He is simply a profound counselor. | [7:184] They should recognize from Mohammed's demeanor that he is not crazy, and so should listen to him. | |
[7:185] Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things God has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near? Which teaching, beside this, do they believe in? | [7:185] One has only to look around at the splendor of material creation to recognize that its author is a powerful being to whose revelations they should pay attention. They should believe in Mohammed's teachings about them. | |
[7:186] Whomever God commits to straying, there is no way for anyone to guide him. He leaves them in their sins, blundering. | [7:186] There are some, however, who just cannot be convinced by any teaching, and are thus left floundering in their ignorance. | |
[7:187] They ask you about the hour and when it will come to pass. Say, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord. Only He reveals its time. Heavy it is, in the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you except suddenly." They ask you as if you are in control thereof. Say, "The knowledge thereof is with God," but most people do not know. | [7:187] Those who plan to keep on sinning right up to the end of the world before they repent are concerned with the exact date and time that will be. Here Mohammed is told to inform those who ask only that it will come at a time that they least expect. This particular knowledge is God's alone. Jesus had the same instruction {Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32}. | |
[7:188] Say, "I have no power to benefit myself, or harm myself. Only what God wills happens to me. If I knew the future, I would have increased my wealth, and no harm would have afflicted me. I am no more than a bearer of warning, and a bearer of good news for those who believe." | [7:188] One question often asked of those who try to convince others is "If you know so much, why aren't you rich?" Here Mohammed's reply is to be that he is not someone who foretells the future, only a Messenger bringing God's Message for acceptance by those who believe. | |
[7:189] He created you from one person. Subsequently, He gives every man a mate to find tranquillity with her. She then carries a light load that she can hardly notice. As the load gets heavier, they implore God their Lord: "If You give us a good baby, we will be thankful." | [7:189] Mohammed compares his Message to the coming of a child. The mother doesn't even feel it at first. Then, as she becomes more obviously pregnant, she spends more time thinking about the baby and praying that it will be born soon and that it will be healthy. | |
[7:190] But when He gives them a good baby, they turn His gift into an idol that rivals Him. God be exalted, far above any partnership. | [7:190] Then the baby is finally born, they devote all of their attention to it, ignoring for a time even each other and God. | |
[7:191] Is it not a fact that they are idolizing idols who create nothing, and are themselves created? | [7:191] The idol worshipers do the same thing with their idols, devoting too much time to them. | |
[7:192] Idols that can neither help them, nor even help themselves? | [7:192] The idols cannot do anything for the people who worship them. | |
[7:193] When you invite them to the guidance, they do not follow you. Thus, it is the same for them whether you invite them, or remain silent. | [7:193] Even so, the idol worshipers pay so much attention to the worship of their gods that they pay little or none to the truth. | |
[7:194] The idols you invoke besides God are creatures like you. Go ahead and call upon them; let them respond to you, if you are right. | [7:194] As proof that the idols are powerless, Mohammed invites those who worship them to get a response from them when they are called upon. | |
[7:195] Do they have legs on which they walk? Do they have hands with which they defend themselves? Do they have eyes with which they see? Do they have ears with which they hear? Say, "Call upon your idols, and ask them to smite me without delay. | [7:195] Mohammed here dares the idols to harm him if they can. It was not an idle challenge. When Mohammed and his army finally captured Mecca, he destroyed all 360 of the idols, and not one of them did anything to defend itself against him and his army. | |
[7:196] "God is my only Lord and Master; the One who revealed this Scripture. He protects the righteous.
[7:197] "As for the idols you set up beside Him, they cannot help you, nor can they help themselves." [7:198] When you invite them to the guidance, they do not hear. And you see them looking at you, but they do not see. |
[7:196] The only God for Mohammed and his followers is the One and only God whom he proclaims as Lord and Master.
[7:197] None of the other gods is worth anything, because there are mere constructs. [7:198] In summation, the idols are worthless, for they can do absolutely nothing for those who worship them. | |
[7:199] You shall resort to pardon, advocate tolerance, and disregard the ignorant. | [7:199] Nevertheless, Mohammed is to be careful to be aware of the sensibilities of the idol worshipers... | |
[7:200] When the devil whispers to you any whisper, seek refuge in God; He is Hearer, Omniscient. | [7:200] ...and to turn to God when he is tempted to be angry or disrespectful of his hearers. | |
[7:201] Those who are righteous, whenever the devil approaches them with an idea, they remember, whereupon they become seers. | [7:201] He must recognize the truth that the tendency to become angry or frustrated is in fact a temptation from the devil... | |
[7:202] Their brethren ceaselessly entice them to go astray. | [7:202] ...the result of which is to drive people away, rather than win them over. | |
[7:203] If you do not produce a miracle that they demand, they say, "Why not ask for it?" Say, "I simply follow what is revealed to me from my Lord." These are enlightenments from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe.
[7:204] When the Koran is recited, you shall listen to it and take heed, that you may attain mercy. [7:205] You shall remember your Lord within yourself, publicly, privately, and quietly, day and night; do not be neglectful. [7:206] Those at your Lord are never too proud to worship Him; they glorify Him and fall prostrate before Him. |
[7:203] When people ask for a miracle as proof of the validity of what he is teaching, Mohammed is to reply that he is simply delivering the Message he has been given, to be passed on to those who believe.
[7:204] One must listen to the recitation of the Koran (Mohammed's Message) with reverence. [7:205] The believers are to behave themselves at all times, either alone or with others, and to be examples to the people around them. [7:206] The true believers are never too proud to practice their religion publicly, as examples of piety and propriety, hopefully to bring others to God. |
SURA 8: Al-Anfal - The Spoils of WarAbout this time, the pagan Arabs of Mohammed's boyhood home of Mecca, especially the Quraish, began to see Islam, still in the early stages of its development, as a serious threat to their way of life. The Arabs of Medina, on the other hand, were readily accepting Islam, and invited Mohammed and his followers to move there to make Medina the "City of Islam." This event is known as the Hijrah, and marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar, July 16th, CE 622. The Medinites realized that this would make enemies of other Arabs, not only because they feared Mohammed, but because the major trade route ran through Medina, which would thus be able to control Mecca's main source of income. To prevent this, the Quraish decided to murder Mohammed. The plot failed, but the Quraish next appealed to Abdullah ibn Ubayy, who had hoped to be king of Medina until Mohammed arrived, to expel Mohammed and his followers. In addition, they began to prevent influential Medina pilgrims from coming to Mecca to worship. In response, Mohammed brokered nonaggression treaties with the surrounding tribes, many of whom were Quraish supporters. He also conducted mock raids on caravans using immigrants from Mecca to demonstrate his political power and create political discord among the Meccans. A crucial point came on March 17, CE 624, when a huge Quraish caravan approached Medina from Syria, north of Medina. Hoping to provoke a confrontation with the Muslims, an outrider from the caravan arrived in Mecca. frantically imploring their assistance to drive off fictitious "Muslim terrorists," in hopes that the responders would attack Medina, which was directly astride the route of the caravan. Faced with this intolerable danger, Mohammed decided the best tactic was to attack the Quraish force with what little ill equipped army he had, about 313 men, mostly on foot. (This did not violate the prohibition against attack in [2:190] because the Muslims were forced into battle.) The expedition leaders supported this decision, but most of the people who joined it were deathly afraid of the outcome. Although nominally Muslims, they were not dedicated to the point of dying for their faith. The two forces met at Badr, 80 miles southwest of Medina, a hastily-formed Muslim militia against a professional force two to three times as strong, representing all of pagan Arabia.
The battle was an absolute disaster for the Quraish! The Muslims fought so fiercely that many of the Quraish soldiers broke and ran. Seventy men of their army were killed and up to seventy captured as prisoners. Their arms and equipment came to the Muslims as spoils of war. All the Quraish leaders, their best soldiers and leaders of opposition to Islam, were killed. This decisive victory elevated Islam to a major political power. Before the Battle of Badr, Islam was a religion within a state, but after the Battle it became the state of Medina itself. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[8:1] They consult you about the spoils of war. Say, "The spoils of war belong to God and the Messenger." You shall observe God, exhort one another to be righteous, and obey God and His Messenger, if you are believers. | [8:1] Contrary to long established Arab tradition and belief, booty gained in battle does not belong to the victors, but to the authority sponsoring the expedition. In this case, it is God and His Messenger (Mohammed). Muslim warriors should respect this, and accept with gratitude the share that is granted to them. It is a concept that will be violated later on in the Battle of Uhud, with disastrous consequences. | |
[8:2] The true believers are those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, their faith is strengthened, and they trust in their Lord. | [8:2] True Muslims fear only God, not His enemies. When the enemy forces approach, their faith will strengthen them with the certain knowledge that everything will go according to God's will. | |
[8:3] They observe the Necessary Prayers, and from our provisions to them, they give to charity. | [8:3] They pray formally even in wartime, and give to the poor and needy from the booty they have recovered. | |
[8:4] Such are the true believers. They attain high ranks at their Lord, as well as forgiveness and a generous provision. | [8:4] A devout Muslim will be worthy of forgiveness of his sins and a generous share in the booty because of his piety and dedication, not his greed. | |
[8:5] When your Lord willed that you leave your home, to fulfill a specific plan, some believers became exposed as reluctant believers. | [8:5] Some of those who were called to battle were, in fact, afraid to go, because their faith was not strong enough to sustain them against their foes. | |
[8:6] They argued with you against the truth, even after everything was explained to them. They acted as if they were being driven to certain death. | [8:6] Even though they were instructed that God would take care of them, they still acted as if they actually saw that they were going to die in battle. | |
[8:7] Recall that God promised you victory over a certain group, but you still wanted to face the weaker group. It was God's plan to establish the truth with His words, and to defeat the disbelievers. | [8:7] Some Muslims wanted to attack the poorly defended caravan. Mohammed's exhortation to his forces explained that this was a battle of Islam against oppression, and that God would therefore assure their victory. | |
[8:8] For He has decreed that the truth shall prevail, and the falsehood shall vanish, in spite of the evildoers. | [8:8] Essentially, the coming battle is seen as a conflict between good and evil, between truth and falsehood. | |
[8:9] Thus, when you implored your Lord to come to the rescue, He responded to you: "I am supporting you with one thousand angels in succession." | [8:9] [3:124] says "three thousand angels", while [3:125] says "five thousand." The idea seems to be that a very large number of angels would be on the side of Islam. | |
[8:10] God gave you this good news to strengthen your hearts. Victory comes only from God. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [8:10] The news of the angel reinforcements was obviously meant to strengthen the Muslims' resolve. It worked exceptionally well! | |
[8:11] He caused peaceful slumber to overtake you and pacify you, and He sent down water from the sky to clean you therewith. He protected you from the devil's curse, reassured your hearts and strengthened your foothold.
[8:12] Recall that your Lord inspired the angels: "I am with you; so support those who believed. I will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved. You may strike them above the necks, and you may strike even every finger." |
[8:11] The first Muslim camp had no water, leaving everyone thirsty (the devil's curse) at the end of their march. Later, they moved onto more favorable terrain with a spring, just as a rain shower started. This settled the dust, gave everyone plenty of water, and allowed them to get a good night's sleep.
[8:12] God Himself went with the angels to support the Muslims. He struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. The tactics mentioned are close-in fighting techniques suitable only for fanatical warriors. | |
[8:13] This is what they have justly incurred by fighting God and His Messenger. For those who fight against God and His Messenger, God's punishment is severe. | [8:13] The Quraish deserve only the most savage treatment because they attempted to fight against God and His Messenger. | |
[8:14] This is to punish the disbelievers; they have incurred the punishment of Hell. | [8:14] In addition to this disaster, the unbelievers will suffer an even worse punishment in the Hereafter. | |
[8:15] O you who believe, if you encounter the disbelievers who have mobilized against you, do not turn back and flee. | [8:15] This admonition is perhaps obvious, but may have been necessary for those who had never seen a battle. (It may also have been censored here!) | |
[8:16] Anyone who turns back on that day, except to carry out a battle plan, or to join his group, has incurred wrath from God, and his abode is Hell; what a miserable destiny! | [8:16] Here the cowards are warned that anyone who does not stand his ground will be punished along with the enemies he is supposed to be fighting. (They were defeated at Uhud because they didn't do that!) | |
[8:17] It was not you who killed them; God is the One who killed them. It was not you who threw when you threw; God is the One who threw. But He thus gives the believers a chance to earn a lot of credit. God is Hearer, Omniscient. | [8:17] The valiant are reminded that it is God who directs their actions, who does the actual killing and who guides the thrown spears. Nevertheless, because they do their duty, they are rewarded by being on the side that wins. | |
[8:18] Additionally, God thus nullifies the schemes of the disbelievers. | [8:18] In this way, God frustrates the battle plans of the enemy forces. | |
[8:19] You sought victory (O disbelievers), and victory did come; it belonged to the believers. If you refrain (from aggression) it would be better for you, but if you return, so will we. Your armies will never help you, no matter how great. For God is on the side of the believers. | [8:19] The disbelievers lost the battle because they were the aggressors, and therefore they were fighting against God. They are here advised to give up their aggression. No matter when or how often they return, they will always be defeated because God is on the Muslims' side. (This turned out not to be the case at Uhud.) | |
[8:20] O you who believe, obey God and His Messenger, and do not disregard him while you hear. | [8:20] The Muslims, on the other hand, must obey the orders of their officers to take advantage of the victory. | |
[8:21] Do not be like those who say, "We hear," when they do not hear. | [8:21] They are warned not to acknowledge an order and then fail to carry it out. | |
[8:22] The worst creatures in the sight of God are the deaf and dumb, who do not understand. | [8:22] The enemies of Islam are even worse than the animals, because they refuse to understand. | |
[8:23] Had God known of any good in them, He would have made them hearers. Even if He made them hearers, they still would turn away in aversion. | [8:23] God would have given them the chance to become Muslims (like the Medinites) if they had been worthy, but they chose to fight against Islam instead. | |
[8:24] O you who believe, you shall respond to God and to the Messenger when he invites you to what gives you life. You should know that God is closer to you than your heart, and that before Him you will be summoned. | [8:24] Many of the Muslim soldiers firmly believes they were going to their deaths. What actually happened was that they were given new life by God, who is always close to those who are true believers in Him. | |
[8:25] Beware of a punishment that may not be limited to the evildoers among you. You should know that God's vengeance is severe. | [8:25] Collateral damage in war includes social change even in the victors' community. They are here told to be on guard against unexpected developments. | |
[8:26] Remember that you used to be few and oppressed, fearing that the people may snatch you, and He granted you a secure sanctuary, supported you with His victory, and provided you with good provisions, that you may be properly grateful. | [8:26] Even in the celebration of victory, they are reminded that they used to be an oppressed people, saved and provisioned only by the power of God. They should appreciate what He has done for them, and not seek additional benefits from their victory. | |
[8:27] O you who believe, do not betray God and the Messenger, and do not betray those who trust you, now that you know. | [8:27] The Muslims are warned to continue to obey their officers so that they do not do anything to jeopardize the benefits of their victory. | |
[8:28] You should know that your money and your children are a test, and that God possesses a great reward. | [8:28] Their properties and family are still at risk back in Medina they are hostages for proper behavior as well as a test of their loyalty. | |
[8:29] O you who believe, if you reverence God, He will enlighten you, remit your sins, and forgive you. God possesses infinite grace. | [8:29] The Muslims should continue to be responsible to God for their actions, in return for which He will continue to bless them. | |
[8:30] The disbelievers plot and scheme to neutralize you, or kill you, or banish you. However, they plot and plan, but so does God. God is the best planner. | [8:30] This battle is the result of many strategies and plans by their enemies to destroy Islam. They are no match, however, for the strategies and plans of God. | |
[8:31] When our revelations are recited to them, they say, "We have heard. If we wanted to, we could have said the same things. These are no more than tales from the past!" | [8:31] The Quraish heard Mohammed's Message in Mecca, but disregarded it, claiming that they had heard it all before (a blatant lie!), and could have said the same things. | |
[8:32] They also said, "Oh God, if this is really the truth from you, then shower us with rocks from the sky, or pour upon us a painful punishment." | [8:32] They dared God to punish them with a great calamity or a miracle if He truly existed and was able to do anything, as Mohammed claimed. | |
[8:33] However, God is not to punish them while you are in their midst; God is not to punish them while they are seeking forgiveness. | [8:33] But God would not do anything that might hurt the faithful, or destroy anyone who might be converted to Islam in the future. | |
[8:34] Have they not deserved God's punishment, by repelling others from the Sacred Mosque, even though they are not the custodians thereof? The true custodians thereof are the righteous, but most of them do not know. | [8:34] They deserved God's punishment by usurping His authority when they denied access to the Kaaba to the Muslim pilgrims who wanted to worship there. The shrine was supposed to be open to everyone. | |
[8:35] Their Necessary Prayers at the shrine were no more than whistling and clapping of hands. Therefore they are told, "Suffer the consequences of your disbelief." | [8:35] In contrast to the devout prayers of the Muslims, the pagan gatherings at the Kaaba were irreverent. God cursed and punished them for their disrespect. | |
[8:36] Those who disbelieve spend their money to repel others from the way of God. They will spend it, then it will turn into sorrow and remorse for them. Ultimately, they will be defeated, and all disbelievers will be summoned to Hell. | [8:36] The pagans spent a fortune to keep the Muslims out of Mecca, and to oppress them in other ways. Eventually they will realize that all their money was wasted, because they will be ultimately defeated and endure the punishment of Hell. | |
[8:37] God will sift away the bad from the good, then pile the bad on top of each other, all in one pile, then throw it in Hell. Such are the lost. | [8:37] They will be thrown away like so much trash. Jesus used a similar analogy of the separation of the good and bad only after coexistence in {Matthew 13:30}. | |
[8:38] Tell those who disbelieved: if they stop, all their past will be forgiven. But if they return, they will incur the same fate as their previous counterparts. | [8:38] Some of the Quraish got away from the battle. They are here offered a truce. If they regroup and attack, they will suffer the same fate as their fellows. | |
[8:39] You shall fight them to ward off oppression, and to practice your religion devoted to God alone. If they refrain from aggression, then God is fully Seer of everything they do. | [8:39] The Muslim fighters are reminded that the purpose of their fighting is not to impose their will on their neighbors, but to defense against oppression and for the right to practice their religion in peace. | |
[8:40] If they turn away, then you should know that God is your Lord and Master; the best Lord and Master, the best supporter. | [8:40] If the Quraish do not renew their hostility, it is because God has created a favorable environment for those who worship Him. | |
[8:41] You should know that if you gain any spoils in war, one-fifth shall go to God and the Messenger, to be given to the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien. You will do this if you believe in God and in what we revealed to our servant on the day of decision, the day the two armies clashed. God is Omnipotent.
[8:42] Recall that you were on this side of the valley, while they were on the other side. Then their caravan had to move to lower ground. Had you planned it this way, you could not have done it. But God was to carry out a predetermined matter, whereby those destined to be annihilated were annihilated for an obvious reason, and those destined to be saved were saved for an obvious reason. God is Hearer, Omniscient. |
[8:41] The spoils of war that have come to the Muslim fighters as the result of their victory do not belong entirely to them, as they might have expected. They are to donate twenty percent of it to Mohammed. He, in turn, is to use it for charitable works, such as those mentioned. This is a test of their faith.
[8:42] The Quraish stopped on favorable ground, only to learn that the caravan had already passed, and was out of danger. The Muslims had to stop on soft sand. The plan of the Quraish, ostensibly to protect the caravan, had to be discarded in favor of attacking the Muslim force. The delay allowed the Muslims to move to more favorable ground. Things couldn't have gone better if they had planned, so it was clear that the event was being orchestrated by God. | |
[8:43] God made them appear in your dream fewer in number. Had He made them appear more numerous, you would have failed, and you would have disputed among yourselves. But God saved the situation. He is Knower of the innermost thoughts. | [8:43] Although he trusted implicitly in God, Mohammed was obviously so worried that his companions wept. God, or course, knew what was in his most secret thoughts. Here He reproves him for being concerned after he was guaranteed the victory. | |
[8:44] And when the time came and you faced them, He made them appear fewer in your eyes, and made you appear fewer in their eyes as well. For God willed to carry out a certain plan. All decisions are made by God. | [8:44] The Muslims took heart because the forces arrayed against them did not look as large as they had feared. The Quraish let their guard down because the forces against them were as small as they had believed. | |
[8:45] O you who believe, when you encounter an army, you shall hold fast and commemorate God frequently, that you may succeed. | [8:45] Of course, if one truly puts his faith in God, he will pray to God and hold his ground against the enemies no matter how large the opposing force is. | |
[8:46] You shall obey God and His Messenger, and do not dispute among yourselves, lest you fail and scatter your strength. You shall steadfastly persevere. God is with those who steadfastly persevere. | [8:46] Arabs have historically taken to looting even in the thick of battle. "Lawrence of Arabia," a staunch supporter, complained about this very characteristic. Here they are warned against this practice. | |
[8:47] Do not be like those who left their homes grudgingly, only to show off, and in fact discouraged others from following the path of God. God is fully aware of everything they do. | [8:47] Not everyone who gloriously marched off to battle actually participated in it; some left only for show, and conspired others to desert before they reached the encampment. God knows who they are! | |
[8:48] The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and said, "You cannot be defeated by any people today," and "I will be fighting along with you." But as soon as the two armies faced each other, he turned back on his heels and fled, saying, "I disown you. I see what you do not see. I am afraid of God. God's punishment is awesome." | [8:48] In a parody of God's promise to support the Muslims ([8:12]), the devil said essentially the same thing to the Quraish, even though he knew what the outcome of the battle would be. Unlike God, the devil abandoned his adherents as soon as the battle was joined because he was shocked at God's awesome power. | |
[8:49] The hypocrites and those who harbored doubt in their hearts said, "These people are deceived by their religion." However, if one puts his trust in God, then God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [8:49] The cowards in the Muslim army thought that the others were being carried away by religious zeal, but the learned that everything will come out all right if one puts his trust in the power of God. | |
[8:50] If you could only see those who disbelieved when the angels put them to death! they will beat them on their faces and their rear ends: "Taste the punishment of Hell. | [8:50] The Quraish were unpleasantly astonished when the battle turned so completely against them, especially at the moment when each of them died and was immediately cast into Hell. | |
[8:51] "This is a consequence of what your hands have sent forth. God is never unjust towards the creatures." | [8:51] Their death was simply the just punishment for their villainy and unbelief. | |
[8:52] This is the same fate as that of Pharaoh's people and those who disbelieved before them. They rejected God's revelations, and God punished them for their sins. God is powerful, and His vengeance is severe. | [8:52] The analogy between Battle of Badr and the destruction of Pharaoh's army {Exodus 15} is obvious, and was a powerful demonstration of the validity of Mohammed's Message and Islam itself for all. | |
[8:53] God does not change a blessing He has bestowed upon any people unless they themselves decide to change. God is Hearer, Omniscient. | [8:53] Once God has made a promise, He always keeps it. However, the people to whom it is made can nullify it by being unfaithful. | |
[8:54] Such was the case with the people of Pharaoh and others before them. They first rejected the signs of their Lord. Consequently, we annihilated them for their sins. We drowned Pharaoh's people; the wicked were consistently punished. | [8:54] Pharaoh, and all the Egyptians, were descendants of Noah (and his son, Ham), to whom God had also given "signs" ([7:59] and following). Like the Quraish, the Egyptians rejected the message from God, and were consequently destroyed. | |
[8:55] The worst creatures in the sight of God are those who disbelieved; they cannot believe. | [8:55] Unlike the merely ignorant, the worst enemies of God are those who refuse to believe in Him. | |
[8:56] You reach agreements with them, but they violate their agreements every time; they are not righteous. | [8:56] They violate their treaties if it seems advantageous because they have no sense of responsibility. | |
[8:57] Therefore, if you encounter them in war, you shall scatter them as an example for those who come after them, that they may take heed. | [8:57] The object in a battle with such people is not only to win, but to win so decisively that the catastrophe inflicted upon them will be a warning to others. | |
[8:58] When you are betrayed by a group of people, you shall mobilize against them in the same manner. God does not love the betrayers. | [8:58] Betrayal (violation of treaties) is an act of aggression, and is a just cause for going to war as a legitimate defense against such people. | |
[8:59] Let not those who disbelieve think that they can get away with it; they can never escape. | [8:59] The pagans must never be allowed to believe that they can evade the power of God. | |
[8:60] You shall prepare for them all the power you can muster, and all the equipment you can mobilize, that you may frighten the enemies of God, your enemies, as well as others who are not known to you; God knows them. Whatever you spend in the cause of God will be repaid to you generously, without the least injustice. | [8:60] Islam requires Muslims to be prepared for war at all times, with whatever expenditure it takes to do that. The purpose is not to actually go to war if it can be avoided, but to be so overwhelmingly prepared that no enemy would dare to attack. Any resources spent to achieve this state of readiness will be repaid by God. | |
[8:61] If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in God. He is the One who hears and knows everything. | [8:61] They are also enjoined to make and accept peace treaties, even if they suspect treachery. | |
[8:62] If they want to deceive you, then God will suffice you. He will help you with His support, and with the believers. | [8:62] God will protect the community of believers against those who make peace treaties in bad faith, or who break them later. | |
[8:63] He has reconciled the hearts (of the believers). Had you spent all the money on earth, you could not reconcile their hearts. But God did reconcile them. He is Almighty, Most Wise. | [8:63] One of the reasons for the converts' fear was that they were not as wealthy or as properly prepared as their enemies. However, no amount of money can compare to the preparations for victory made by God. | |
[8:64] O you prophet, sufficient for you is God and the believers who have followed you. | [8:64] Here God tells Mohammed to stop worrying. God's strength is sufficient for them. | |
[8:65] O you prophet, you shall exhort the believers to fight. If there are twenty of you who are steadfast, they can defeat two hundred, and a hundred of you can defeat a thousand of those who disbelieved. That is because they are people who do not understand. | [8:65] A believing army can defeat an unbelieving one even ten times as large. The comparison of the numbers here is interesting. This may be the source of the saying that "their strength is as the strength of ten, because their hearts are pure." | |
[8:66] Now God has made it easier for you, for He knows that you are not as strong as you used to be. Henceforth, a hundred steadfast believers can defeat two hundred, and a thousand of you can defeat two thousand by God's leave. God is with those who steadfastly persevere. | [8:66] Because of the influx of newcomers after the battle (possibly children who were turned away), the Muslim army is not as effective as it once was. Instead of the strength of ten, each soldier now has only the strength of two, but that is enough, because God is with them. | |
[8:67] No prophet shall acquire captives, unless he participates in the fighting. You people are seeking the materials of this world, while God advocates the Hereafter. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [8:67] This appears to be a rebuke for ransoming prisoners, rather than killing them. Mohammed thought so, but it may mean that only battle-hardened veterans should be allowed to guard them. | |
[8:68] If it were not for a predetermined decree from God, you would have suffered, on account of what you took, a terrible punishment. | [8:68] Either way, God holds Himself bound by the decision of His Prophet, and declines to punish anyone from accepting the ransom paid for the prisoners. | |
[8:69] Therefore, eat from the spoils you have earned, that which is lawful and good, and observe God. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [8:69] The victors are allowed to enjoy the spoils of war. Some translate "enjoy" as "eat." This suggests that they were allowed to eat any captured Quraish meat. | |
[8:70] O you prophet, tell the prisoners of war in your hands, "If God knew of anything good in your hearts, He would have given you better than anything you have lost, and would have forgiven you. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." | [8:70] The prisoners of war are to be informed that they can expect humane treatment from the Muslims who tried to kill them in battle. Both God and the Muslims hold no hard feelings against them because they were former combatants. | |
[8:71] And if they want to betray you, they have already betrayed God. This is why He made them the lost. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [8:71] This is true even though some of the prisoners committed atrocities in battle, Because the Muslims now control them, they can expect only honorable treatment. | |
[8:72] Surely, those who believed, and mobilized, and strove with their money and their lives in the cause of God, as well as those who hosted them, gave them refuge, and supported them; they are each others' allies. As for those who believe, but do not rally with you, you do not owe them any support, until they do mobilize. However, if they need your help, as brethren in faith, you shall help them, except against people with whom you have signed a peace treaty. God is Seer of everything you do. | [8:72] Those who support the Muslim cause with money and other support are just as much allies as the Muslim veterans themselves. The veterans, however, do not owe any debt to their fellow Muslims who did not support the war effort, unless and until they actually do that. Being Muslim soldiers, the veterans do have a duty to come to their aid if they are attacked (to defend Islam), unless the attackers are those with whom they have signed a peace treaty, because God will hold them to it. | |
[8:73] Those who disbelieved are allies of one another. Unless you keep these commandments, there will be chaos on earth, and terrible corruption. | [8:73] The individual enemies of Islam are also in league with one another, so unless the Muslims support each other, they are inviting catastrophe. | |
[8:74] Those who believed and mobilized, and strove in the cause of God, as well as those who hosted them and gave them refuge, and supported them, these are the true believers. They have deserved forgiveness and a generous reward. | [8:74] Those who joined the army and actually fought in the battle, as well as anyone who supported them on the battlefield are considered the true adherents of Islam. They deserve to have their sins forgiven and to receive a generous reward. | |
[8:75] Those who believed afterwards, and emigrated, and strove with you, they belong with you. Those who are related to each other shall be the first to support each other, in accordance with God's commandments. God is fully aware of all things. | [8:75] Many of the prisoners were relatives of the Medinites. Those who converted to Islam later, as well as all the Muslim veterans, must now work together to being a lasting peace and the establishment of the rule of Islam to the community ravaged by the long-standing feud. |
SURA 9: Al-Tawba - RepentanceMohammed next turned his attention to the Byzantine Roman Empire under Emperor Heraclius, who had recently conquered Persia and reestablished Christianity in Jerusalem. A campaign against Byzantine forces the previous year at the town of Mutah, near Karak, Jordan, had done wonders for Muslim morale, but was militarily insignificant. Therefore, upon hearing rumors of a Syrian army being raised to oppose the expansion of Islam, Mohammed assembled a force of about 30,000 men and marched on Tabouk, a small town now south of the Saudi-Jordanian border, in October, CE 630. This Campaign of Tabouk failed to find the Christians, but the size of the Muslim army sufficiently impressed the local Arabs that they agreed to pay protection money (jizya) to Mohammed, thus increasing the influence of Islam up to the very border of the Christian empire. Chronologically, the first discourse ([9:1-37]) should have come last; but being the most important of the three in regard to its subject, imposition of martial law in Mecca, it was placed first in the order of compilation. The second discourse deals with the preparations for the Campaign of Tabouk. It exhorts the Muslims to be generous and brave, and condemns the cowardice of the draft resisters. ([9:38-72]). The third discourse, ([9:73-129]) marks the return from the Campaign of Tabouk, although some of the ayats appear to be from different times. The discourse deals with the social problem posed by the hypocrites and what should be done with them. Mohammed had their meeting places, one of the leaders' homes and a mosque where they had met, completely destroyed.
This is the only sura that does not begin with the bismallah. It is generally agreed that Mohammed did not incorporate one, but nobody knows why. It may have been that invoking the name of God in this context would have been considered profane, but this is just speculation. | ||
[9:1] An ultimatum is herein issued from God and His Messenger to the idol worshipers who enter into a treaty with you. | [9:1] This ultimatum establishes the new rules for the idol worshipers (mushriks) in Mecca, whose power the Muslims have overthrown. | |
[9:2] Therefore, roam the earth freely for four months, and know that you cannot escape from God, and that God humiliates the disbelievers. | [9:2] All existing Muslim treaty obligations with the pagans will become void after a period of four months. This is clearly a serious warning to get out of town! | |
[9:3] A proclamation is herein issued from God and His Messenger to all the people on the great day of pilgrimage, that God has disowned the idol worshipers, and so did His Messenger. Thus, if you repent, it would be better for you. But if you turn away, then know that you can never escape from God. Promise those who disbelieve a severe punishment. | [9:3] This establishes what today would be called "martial law" in Mecca. The city is to be an exclusively Muslim enclave, to enable the Muslims to celebrate the hajj and umrah without interference. The pagans will be allowed to depart, convert, or continue to live in the city subject to Muslim authority and laws and a new Muslim government when it is established. | |
[9:4] If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and do not violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. God loves the righteous. | [9:4] The pagans will still be allowed to negotiate treaties. The Muslims, will abide by the terms of them as long as the pagans do likewise and do not have secret dealings with anyone who has not yet agreed to the Muslim terms. | |
[9:5] Once the Sacred Months are past, you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Necessary Prayers and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), you shall let them go. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [9:5] At the end of the interim period, any Meccan idol worshiper who does not submit to Muslim authority may be summarily killed or punished in other appropriate ways without trial. If they obey the law and pay the necessary taxes (the zakat income tax of 2.5 percent), they will not be molested. | |
[9:6] If one of the idol worshipers sought safe passage with you, you shall grant him safe passage, so that he can hear the word of God, then send him back to his place of security. That is because they are people who do not know. | [9:6] The pagans will be allowed to enter Mecca (for religious instruction), but (as they themselves had done to the Muslims), they will not be allowed to remain (to conduct business, engage in religious or political debate, or establish homesteads). | |
[9:7] How can the idol worshipers demand any pledge from God and from His Messenger? Exempted are those who have signed a peace treaty with you at the Sacred Mosque. If they honor and uphold such a treaty, you shall uphold it as well. God loves the righteous. | [9:7] None of these surrender terms are negotiable, but the Muslims will continue to abide by the terms of any other formal treaties they have made, and that are still in force, until their mutually agreed expiration or unless the pagans do not fulfill their obligations with respect to them. | |
[9:8] How can they (demand a pledge) when they never observed any rights of kinship between you and them, nor any covenant, if they ever had a chance to prevail. They pacified you with lip service, while their hearts were in opposition, and most of them are wicked. | [9:8] Some of the pagans were close relatives of the Muslim occupiers. They did not observe any family obligations toward the Muslims because they oppressed them at every opportunity. They are here accused of bad faith with respect to their previous treaties. | |
[9:9] They traded away God's revelations for a cheap price. Consequently, they repulsed the people from His path. Miserable indeed is what they did! | [9:9] They didn't listen to Mohammed, drove him from the city, and prevented the Muslims from worshiping at the Kaaba shrine. | |
[9:10] They never observe any rights of kinship towards any believer, nor do they uphold their covenants; these are the real transgressors. | [9:10] They didn't act like family or honor their agreements, so they are considered aggressors. (Note: This allows military action against them. See [2:190]) | |
[9:11] If they repent and observe the Necessary Prayers and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), then they are your brethren in religion. We thus explain the revelations for people who know. | [9:11] Many of the pagans decided to convert to Islam, but had difficulty with its concepts. If they act like Muslims, they are assumed to be at least "brothers in religion," (what Catholics call "catechumens"). | |
[9:12] If they violate their oaths after pledging to keep their covenants, and attack your religion, you may fight the leaders of paganism - you are no longer bound by your covenant with them - so that they desist. | [9:12] Nevertheless, if they make trouble, especially after agreeing to submit to Muslim authority, they are considered aggressors and legitimate targets of whatever military force is necessary to restrain them. | |
[9:13] Would you not fight people who violated their treaties, tried to banish the Messenger, and they are the ones who started the war in the first place? Are you afraid of them? God is the One you are supposed to fear, if you are believers. | [9:13] This litany of offenses is perhaps intended to stir up anger and resentment among the God-fearing Muslims by demonizing and making fun of the pagan Meccans. Here they are blamed for causing the war that ultimately resulted in the Muslim occupation. | |
[9:14] You shall fight them, for God will punish them at your hands, humiliate them, grant you victory over them, and cool the chests of the believers. | [9:14] The Muslims are the instruments of God in humiliating the pagans. This will hopefully relieve the anxiety of any Muslims who are still afraid of them. | |
[9:15] He will also remove the rage from the believers' hearts. God redeems whomever He wills. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [9:15] When the occupation is firmly established, the Muslims will be able to relax and enjoy the great victory over evil God has given them. | |
[9:16] Did you think that you will be left alone without God distinguishing those among you who strive, and never ally themselves with God's enemies, or the enemies of His Messenger, or the enemies of the believers? God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [9:16] Occupation of an enemy stronghold is always difficult, made especially difficult in this case because both the occupiers and the occupied are all ethnic Arabs. Here the occupiers are encouraged not to be dismayed because their enemies look just like them. | |
[9:17] The idol worshipers are not to frequent the mosques of God, while confessing their disbelief. These have nullified their works, and they will remain forever in Hell. | [9:17] The pagans will not be allowed to enter the mosques unless they formally convert to Islam. (The mosques are holy places, sacred to God, the infidels might profane, plunder or vandalize them.) | |
[9:18] The only people to frequent God's mosques are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and observe the Necessary Prayers, and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and do not fear except God. These will surely be among the guided ones.
[9:19] Have you considered the watering of the pilgrims and caring for the Sacred Mosque a substitute for believing in God and the Last Day, and striving in the cause of God? They are not equal in the sight of God. God does not guide the wicked people. |
[9:18] The criteria for being allowed to enter the mosques is much more rigorous than simply remaining in the city. Those allowed in must not only act like Muslims ([9:11]), but must acknowledge the supremacy of the Most High God (Allah).
[9:19] The Meccans then, as today, made their livelihood providing for the needs of pilgrims, including providing water for washing and taking care of the sacred buildings. Just because they are involved in the logistics of worship doesn't mean they have the right to be allowed to participate. | |
[9:20] Those who believe, and emigrate, and strive in the cause of God with their money and their lives, are far greater in rank in the sight of God. These are the victorious.
[9:21] Their Lord gives them good news: mercy and approval from Him, and gardens where they rejoice in everlasting bliss. [9:22] They live there forever. God possesses a great reward. |
[9:20] The faithful Muslims, especially those who have moved to Mecca from other places, or have contributed to the capture or maintenance of the shrine, are of far more worth than those who just take care of it, or derive their income from doing so.
[9:21] The ones who have supported the occupation by monetary contributions or otherwise, deserve the blessings that God will ultimately give them. [9:22] This blessing will be everlasting. | |
[9:23] O you who believe, do not ally yourselves even with your parents and your siblings, if they prefer disbelieving over believing. Those among you who ally themselves with them are transgressing. | [9:23] The fact that many Muslims had unbelieving relatives in Mecca was a source of constant concern. Here they are warned not to let family ties get in the way of their religious conviction or obligations. | |
[9:24] Proclaim: "If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than God and His Messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until God brings His judgment." God does not guide the wicked people. | [9:24] For those who are still confused about where their loyalties should lie, this ayat provides a list of people or things that should never take precedence over one's obligation to God. Those who do not heed this admonition will wish they had done so. Jesus had a similar message {Matthew 10:35-37; 19:29, Mark 10:29-30, Luke 12:52-53; 14:26}. | |
[9:25] God has granted you victory in many situations. But on the day of Hunayn, you became too proud of your great number. Consequently, it did not help you at all, and the spacious earth became so straitened around you, that you turned around and fled. | [9:25] The Battle of Hunayn was fought two weeks after the conquest of Mecca with a hostile Bedouin tribe that ambushed the Muslims in a winding gorge. The surprised victims panicked and fled. Only eight of them stood their ground, but eventually prevailed. | |
[9:26] Then God sent down contentment upon His Messenger and upon the believers. And He sent down invisible soldiers; He thus punished those who disbelieved. This is the requital for the disbelievers. | [9:26] Accounts of the battle are confused, but clearly the Bedouins had a logistical train that hampered their maneuvering. The Muslims reportedly captured 6000 women(!) and children and 24,000 camels! | |
[9:27] Ultimately, God redeems whomever He wills. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [9:27] This stunning military success after the total rout was certainly a miracle! | |
[9:28] O you who believe, the idol worshipers are polluted; they shall not be permitted to approach the Sacred Mosque after this year. If you fear loss of income, God will shower you with His provisions, in accordance with His will. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [9:28] The pagans are not to be allowed to even approach the Kaaba after the final imposition of Muslim authority because they are profane (a rule in force today). God will make up any loss of income (souvenir sales, etc.) caused by their segregation. | |
[9:29] You shall fight back against those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor do they prohibit what God and His Messenger have prohibited, nor do they abide by the religion of truth - among those who received the scripture - until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly. | [9:29] This may be one of the most often quoted verses of the Koran by people who don't have a clue about what it means, which is this: Wars against non-Muslims (including Christians and Jews) are considered over when they begin paying the jizya tax that finances administration of their territories. | |
[9:30] The Jews said, "Ezra is the son of God," while the Christians said, "Jesus is the son of God!" these are blasphemies uttered by their mouths. They thus match the blasphemies of those who have disbelieved in the past. God condemns them. They have surely deviated. | [9:30] The blasphemies of the Jews (that are here somewhat exaggerated) and Christians (that aren't) make them as contemptible as the pagans. They are therefore to be treated the same as any other non-Muslims (especially as regards paying the jizya). | |
[9:31] They have set up their religious leaders and scholars as lords, instead of God. Others deified the Messiah, son of Mary. They were all commanded to worship only One God. There is no god except He. Be He glorified, high above having any partners. | [9:31] This no doubt refers to the rabbis and levites and also to the Christian theologians and clergy (who teach, among other things, that Jesus is God. {John 10:30; 14:9-11, 20}). Christianity believes in monotheism too, but Muslims don't see it that way. | |
[9:32] They want to put out God's light with their mouths, but God insists upon perfecting His light, in spite of the disbelievers. | [9:32] This probably refers to the Christians Byzantine empire, which had become hostile to Islam, and was believed to have mobilized against Mohammed's army. | |
[9:33] He is the One who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, and will make it dominate all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers. | [9:33] Muslims, like Christians, fully expect that truth will eventually prevail over falsehood. The extension of Muslim influence is a means to that end. | |
[9:34] O you who believe, many religious leaders and preachers take the people's money illicitly, and repel from the path of God. Those who hoard the gold and silver, and do not spend them in the cause of God, promise them a severe punishment. | [9:34] In addition to the false teachings of the Christians and Jews, there were those among them who were making a profit, and perhaps a living, from evangelizing, without knowing what they were talking about (not unlike televangelists today). See also [2:75-79]. | |
[9:35] The day will come when their gold and silver will be heated in the fire of Hell, then used to burn their foreheads, their sides, and their backs: "This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you have hoarded." | [9:35] The chief punishment in Christian Hell is eternal separation from God. Muslim Hell is a place of torture. Each sinner's punishment a torment befitting his crimes. Dante's Inferno may have been based on this concept. | |
[9:36] The count of months, as far as God is concerned, is twelve. This has been God's law, since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are sacred. This is the perfect religion; you shall not wrong your souls during the Sacred Months. However, you may declare total war against the idol worshipers, when they declare total war against you, and know that God is on the side of the righteous.
[9:37] Altering the Sacred Months is a sign of excessive disbelief; it augments the straying of those who have disbelieved. They alternate the Sacred Months and the regular months, while preserving the number of months consecrated by God. They thus violate what God has consecrated. Their evil works are adorned in their eyes. God does not guide the disbelieving people. |
[9:36] A pagan holiday, "Eid Qurbani" was celebrated on the 14th of Nasi, the first month of the Arab year, based on the phases of the moon. Nasi was sometimes extended into the next month to assure that the feast took place after the spring equinox. Muslims wanted to get rid of pagan practices, so they fixed Nasi as a single month, and eventually eliminated it entirely.
[9:37] The purpose of fixing the calendar, and many other changes, was to eliminate, insofar as possible, every vestige of pagan influence that had so distressed the Muslims when the pagans were in power. Mecca was to become an Islamic city within a totally Islamic state, oriented toward proclaiming and preserving Islam and providing an environment in which the Muslims would be encouraged to practice their faith. | |
[9:38] O you who believe, when you are told, "Mobilize in the cause of God," why do you become heavily attached to the ground? Have you chosen this worldly life in place of the Hereafter? The materials of this world, compared to the Hereafter, are as nothing. | [9:38] This second discourse marks the preparations for the Campaign of Tabouk. As in all battles, there were some men of military age who feared for their lives and preferred to sit at home criticizing the war rather than participate in it. | |
[9:39] Unless you mobilize, He will commit you to agonizing punishment and substitute other people in your place; you can never hurt Him in the least. God is Omnipotent. | [9:39] Not only will God punish them for their cowardice, but He will substitute others. they will receive the rewards and honors when they come home heroes. | |
[9:40] If you fail to support him, God has already supported him. Thus, when the disbelievers chased him, and he was one of two in the cave, he said to his friend, "Do not worry; God is with us." God then sent down contentment and security upon him, and supported him with invisible soldiers. He made the word of the disbelievers lowly. God's word reigns supreme. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [9:40] At age 40, Mohammed received his first revelation in the Cave of Thawr near the mountains surrounding Mecca, the city where he grew up. He is thought to have frequently visited this cave to escape the frantic city life of cosmopolitan Mecca and to pray, meditate and find contentment and security during his early prophetic life. He stayed three days (September 10-12, CE 622) in the Cave during the Hijrah. | |
[9:41] You shall readily mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your money and your lives in the cause of God. This is better for you, if you only knew. | [9:41] The faithful must be ready to leave their homes in the service of God, arming themselves with what weapons, armor and provisions they can afford. | |
[9:42] If there were a quick material gain, and a short journey, they would have followed you. But the striving is just too much for them. They will swear by God: "If we could, we would have mobilized with you." They thus hurt themselves, and God knows that they are liars. | [9:42] Many young men would join the army to get rich or to enjoy a brief adventure if that were possible, but will make excuses to get out of military service when they realize that the campaign is likely to be long and difficult. In doing so, they are only ultimately hurting themselves. | |
[9:43] God has pardoned you: why did you give them permission, before you could distinguish those who are telling the truth from the liars? | [9:43] Because of a famine and limited weapons, Mohammed allowed some cowards to stay home and harvest crops. Here God forgives him for that mistake. | |
[9:44] Those who truly believe in God and the Last Day do not ask your permission to evade the opportunity to strive with their money and their lives. God is fully aware of the righteous. | [9:44] He should have realized that devout Muslims would never have asked to avoid military service for any reason, or to contribute less than all of their resources for the upcoming campaign. | |
[9:45] The only people who wish to be excused are those who do not really believe in God and the Last Day. Their hearts are full of doubt, and their doubts cause them to waver.
[9:46] Had they really wanted to mobilize, they would have prepared for it thoroughly. But God disliked their participation, so He discouraged them; they were told, "Stay behind with those who are staying behind." |
[9:45] The ones who asked to be excused were cowards and doubters who really did not want to participate in the campaign and were looking for a way out.
[9:46] If they had really wanted to participate in the campaign, they would have found a way to do it, regardless of other considerations. Their staying behind was a blessing from God because they wouldn't have been much use anyway. | |
[9:47] Had they mobilized with you, they would have created confusion, and would have caused disputes and divisions among you. Some of you were apt to listen to them. God is fully aware of the transgressors. | [9:47] If they had joined the expedition, they would have been more trouble than they were worth. (Mohammed said that if they didn't catch up; the army was better off without them.) | |
[9:48] They sought to spread confusion among you in the past, and confounded matters for you. However, the truth ultimately prevails, and God's plan is carried out, in spite of them.
[9:49] Some of them would say, "Give me permission; do not impose such a hardship on me." In fact, they have thus incurred a terrible hardship; Hell is surrounding the disbelievers. |
[9:48] Some of those requesting exemption would have been a real liability on the battlefield. It was best for everyone involved for them to have stayed home. Fortunately, God took care of them by allowing them to do precisely that.
[9:49] Some didn't even try to make excuses, they were just afraid to fight. When they get to Hell, they will find themselves surrounded by pagan enemies. | |
[9:50] If something good happens to you, they hurt, and if an affliction befalls you, they say, "We told you so," as they turn away rejoicing. | [9:50] They will be sorry if everything goes well, but will rejoice if something dreadful happens. In that case, they will point out that "We told you so!" | |
[9:51] Say, "Nothing happens to us, except what God has decreed for us. He is our Lord and Master. In God the believers shall trust." | [9:51] They should be told that the true believers trust in God, because they know everything that happens is part of His holy plan. | |
[9:52] Say, "You can only expect for us one of two good things, while we expect for you condemnation from God and vengeance from Him, or at our hands. Therefore, wait, and we will wait along with you." | [9:52] The soldiers will either win or die. Either way, they will be victorious. Those who stay behind will be reviled by the rest and punished by God. Time will prove which side was better. | |
[9:53] Say, "Spend, willingly or unwillingly. Nothing will be accepted from you, for you are evil people." | [9:53] The faithful contributed what they could. The unfaithful were denied even this opportunity. | |
[9:54] What prevented the acceptance of their spending is that they disbelieved in God and His Messenger, and when they observed the Necessary Prayers, they observed them lazily, and when they gave to charity, they did so grudgingly. | [9:54] The reason some were not allowed to contribute to the campaign was because it was recognized from their lackluster performance of their religious duties that they were not devout, and that their contributions would be, at best, of little value. | |
[9:55] Do not be impressed by their money, or their children. God causes these to be sources of His justice for them in this life, and their souls depart while they are disbelievers. | [9:55] Some of the draft resisters were wealthy and had many children, a sure sign of God's blessing. But these blessings were given in life because God knew that they would suffer the fate of the pagans in Hell. | |
[9:56] They swear by God that they belong with you, while they do not belong with you; they are divisive people. | [9:56] These people paid lip service to their support for the campaign, but in fact they did not really support it. | |
[9:57] If they could find a refuge, or caves, or a hiding place, they would go to it, rushing. | [9:57] They would certainly hasten to find a place to hide in, if they could. | |
[9:58] Some of them criticize your distribution of the charities; if they are given from them, they become satisfied, but if they are not given from them, they become objectors.
[9:59] They should be satisfied with what God and His Messenger have given them. They should have said, "God suffices us. God will provide for us from His bounties, and so will His Messenger. We are seeking only God." |
[9:58] The ones who criticize the distribution of charitable donations are always those who don't think they are getting their share. They feel they don't have any obligations because they're being discriminated against.
[9:59] If they were really devout, they would be satisfied with what is given them, and realize that God will provide them with everything they need. | |
[9:60] Charities shall go to the poor, the needy, the workers who collect them, the new converts, to free the slaves, to those burdened by sudden expenses, in the cause of God, and to the traveling alien. Such is God's commandment. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [9:60] Contributions to charity (the zakat, required of all Muslims) are for those in need of them, and to defray the expenses of their collection and distribution. They are not to be used to support those who don't work or fulfill other social obligations. | |
[9:61] Some of them hurt the prophet by saying, "He listens to everyone!" Say, "It is better for you that he listens to you. He believes in God, and trusts the believers. He is a mercy for those among you who believe." Those who hurt God's Messenger have incurred a severe punishment. | [9:61] Agreement about the details of the campaign, as well as its objective, was far from unanimous. In making his command decisions, therefore, Mohammed took into consideration the advice of all who felt they had a say in the matter. This was one of the factors that accounted for the high morale of his soldiers. | |
[9:62] They swear by God to you, to please you, when God and His Messenger are more worthy of pleasing, if they are really believers. | [9:62] Historical accounts suggest that some people supposedly giving advice were merely saying things that they thought Mohammed wanted to hear. | |
[9:63] Did they not know that anyone who opposes God and His Messenger has incurred the fire of Hell forever? This is the worst humiliation. | [9:63] They should have kept their minds on their duty go God and not tried to ingratiate themselves with Mohammed. | |
[9:64] The hypocrites worry that a sura may be revealed exposing what is inside their hearts. Say, "Go ahead and mock. God will expose exactly what you are afraid of." | [9:64] Some of those who agreed to go on the campaign really didn't want to. They grumbled about it with their friends, but were afraid to be overheard by the general population. | |
[9:65] If you ask them, they would say, "We were only mocking and kidding." Say, "Do you realize that you are mocking God, and His revelations, and His Messenger?" | [9:65] If they were inadvertently overheard, they claimed that they were only joking. But it was a sign of moral weakness, and could not be tolerated in a disciplined army. | |
[9:66] Do not apologize. You have disbelieved after having believed. If we pardon some of you, we will punish others among you, as a consequence of their wickedness. | [9:66] Being sorry for jeopardizing military morale doesn't help. The signs of discontent are indications of moral weakness, and must be rooted out of the Muslim community for Islam to prosper. | |
[9:67] The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women belong with each other - they advocate evil and prohibit righteousness, and they are stingy. They forgot God, so He forgot them. The hypocrites are truly wicked.
[9:68] God promises the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, as well as the disbelievers, the fire of Hell, wherein they remain forever. It suffices them. God has condemned them; they have incurred an everlasting punishment. |
[9:67] The grumblers and hypocrites deserve each other. Their continued presence in the Muslim community is a problem the loyal Muslims can do without, because they don't uphold their share of the burden of civic responsibility.
[9:68] Because of their danger to the Muslim community that their grumbling represented, the hypocrites are no better than the pagans. Their ultimate punishment will be the same, everlasting punishment in Hell. | |
[9:69] Some of those before you were stronger than you, and possessed more money and children. They became preoccupied with their material possessions. Similarly, you have become preoccupied with your material possessions, just like those before you have become preoccupied. You have become totally heedless, just as they were heedless. Such are the people who nullify their works, both in this world and in the Hereafter; they are the lost. | [9:69] This has been a problem throughout history. People recently freed from oppression begin to enjoy the life they worked for (a happy and prosperous family). Eventually these concerns become obsessions. In the same way, the hypocrites have become obsessed with their worldly lives and have disregarded their duties to their community. They have thus forfeited the rewards for their good works, both in this life and in the hereafter. | |
[9:70] Have they not learned anything from the previous generations; the people of Noah, 'Ad, Thamud, the people of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian, and the evildoers of the overthrown cities? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs. God never wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls. | [9:70] If they listened as much as they grumbled, they might have learned the lessons of the Scriptures about those who refused their duties to God and suffered the resulting consequences. Just as in the present day, there were prophets who warned them to abandon their evil ways. God did not bring their calamity upon them; they brought it upon themselves. | |
[9:71] The believing men and women are allies of one another. They advocate righteousness and forbid evil, they observe the Necessary Prayers and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and they obey God and His Messenger. These will be showered by God's mercy. God is Almighty, Most Wise.
[9:72] God promises the believing men and the believing women gardens with flowing streams, wherein they remain forever, and magnificent mansions in the gardens of Eden. And God's blessings and approval are even greater. This is the greatest triumph. [9:73] O you prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern in dealing with them. Their destiny is Hell; what a wretched dwelling! |
[9:71] The true believers help and assist each other, and their community, with good works and moral support in times of temptation. They faithfully fulfill all the requirements of their religion, including prayer and charity, and obey the commandments of God and civil authority. God will be merciful to them.
[9:72] God has promised the everlasting delights of Paradise to those who do His will, and the benefits of His blessing are even greater than His promises. There is simply no greater victory than to be approved and rewarded by God. [9:73] The occasion of this third discourse is the triumphant return from the Campaign of Tabouk. Here God tells Mohammed to deal harshly with those who refused to participate. | |
[9:74] They swear by God that they never said it, although they have uttered the word of disbelief; they have disbelieved after becoming submitters. In fact, they gave up what they never had. They have rebelled even though God and His Messenger have showered them with His grace and provisions. If they repent, it would be best for them. But if they turn away, God will commit them to agonizing punishment in this life and in the Hereafter. They will find no one on earth to be their lord and master. | [9:74] The hypocrites claim (after the triumphant return of the Muslim army) that they never said anything against the campaign, but in fact they acted as if they did not believe that it would be successful. Now they claim that they "gave up" the opportunity to participate, but in fact they never had that opportunity, because they were rebellious cowards. In spite of God's many blessings, they are not repentant. They will find no substitute for God in life, and will be punished in death. | |
[9:75] Some of them even pledged: "If God showered us with His grace, we would be charitable, and would lead a righteous life." | [9:75] Some of them still blame God and give excuses for not supporting their religion by the zakat charity and other required practices. | |
[9:76] But when He did shower them with His provisions, they became stingy, and turned away in aversion. | [9:76] God has given them many gifts, but they greedily refuse to share them with the rest of the Muslim community. | |
[9:77] Consequently, He plagued them with hypocrisy in their hearts, till the day they meet Him. This is because they broke their promises to God, and because of their lying. | [9:77] Their bitterness and bad attitude is just a part of the punishment they deserve for breaking faith with their fellow Muslims, giving excuses, and refusing to support the campaign. | |
[9:78] Do they not realize that God knows their secrets, and their conspiracies, and that God is the Knower of all secrets? | [9:78] God knows the innermost secrets of their hearts. Whatever their excuses, the real reason was that they were cowardly and lazy. | |
[9:79] Those who criticize the generous believers for giving too much, and ridicule the poor believers for giving too little, God despises them. They have incurred a severe punishment. | [9:79] Some of the rich had pledged half or even all of their wealth to support the campaign, while the women sold their jewelry and the poor worked extra jobs. The hypocrites criticized them all. | |
[9:80] Whether you ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them - even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times - God will not forgive them. This is because they disbelieve in God and His Messenger. God does not guide the wicked people. | [9:80] No matter how hard you pray for the hypocrites, God will not forgive them because they have rejected Him and Mohammed. God does not redeem those who don't cooperate. (Note: "Seventy" is a metaphor for a huge number, essentially unlimited.) | |
[9:81] The sedentary rejoiced in their staying behind the Messenger of God, and hated to strive with their money and their lives in the cause of God. They said, "Let us not mobilize in this heat!" Say, "The fire of Hell is much hotter," if they could only comprehend. | [9:81] The campaign began in October, while it was still quite hot and the crops, needed to stave off famine, were yet to be harvested. Here they are reminded that the consequences of their failure to support God will be much worse than hunger and the heat of the desert. | |
[9:82] Let them laugh a little, and cry a lot. This is the requital for the sins they have earned. | [9:82] Their ridicule of their fellows is temporary, but their misery in Hell will last forever! | |
[9:83] If God returns you to a situation where they ask your permission to mobilize with you, you shall say, "You will never again mobilize with me, nor will you ever fight with me against any enemy. For you have chosen to be with the sedentary in the first place. Therefore, you must stay with the sedentary."
[9:84] You shall not observe the funeral prayer for any of them when he dies, nor shall you stand at his grave. They have disbelieved in God and His Messenger, and died in a state of wickedness. |
[9:83] Mohammed has been sympathetic to the draft resisters before the Campaign of Tabouk, but this was shown to be a mistake ([9:43-48]). Here he is told that he must root out every trace of cowardice or hesitancy from the Muslim community. If the same situation should arise, again, he must compel anyone who asks to stay behind to do so. They have forsaken their duty to themselves, their fellow Muslims, Islam, and God!
[9:84] The cowards are not to be given the blessing of a Muslim funeral service or burial. | |
[9:85] Do not be impressed by their money or their children; God causes these to be sources of misery for them in this world, and their souls depart as disbelievers.
[9:86] When a sura is revealed, stating: "Believe in God, and strive with His Messenger," even the strong among them say, "Let us stay behind!" [9:87] They chose to be with the sedentary. Consequently, their hearts were sealed, and thus, they cannot comprehend. |
[9:85] Some of these people have received obvious blessings from God, but these will not give them any pleasure, and they will receive the same punishment as the pagans. See also [9:69].
[9:86] Even when they receive a direct message from God Himself to obey the call of Mohammed for the sake of their religion, they don't pay any attention. [9:87] Because they have chosen to disregard God, their hearts were sealed against further guidance from Him. | |
[9:88] As for the Messenger and those who believed with him, they eagerly strive with their money and their lives. These have deserved all the good things; they are the victorious.
[9:89] God has prepared for them gardens with flowing streams, wherein they remain forever. This is the greatest triumph. [9:90] The Nomads made up excuses, and came to you seeking permission to stay behind. This is indicative of their rejection of God and His Messenger - they stay behind. Indeed, those who disbelieve among them have incurred a severe punishment. [9:91] Not to be blamed are those who are weak, or ill, or do not find anything to offer, so long as they remain devoted to God and His Messenger. The righteous among them shall not be blamed. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [9:92] Also excused are those who come to you wishing to be included with you, but you tell them, "I do not have anything on which to carry you." They then turn back with tears in their eyes, genuinely saddened that they could not afford to contribute. [9:93] The blame is on those who ask your permission to stay behind, even though they have no excuse. They have chosen to be with the sedentary. Consequently, God has sealed their hearts, and thus, they do not attain any knowledge. |
[9:88] Those who supported the campaign with their money and their participation deserve all the honor they get from its successful completion.
[9:89] In addition to the honor they receive from their friends and their community, they will also be rewarded in the hereafter. [9:90] "The Nomads" in this case are those who lived in the desert outside (perhaps near Syria) who were also called upon to support the campaign. Some of them also declined with various excuses. This showed that they are not truly committed to Islam. [9:91] There were some who had good reasons for not participating in the campaign. Here the validity of their excuses is examined to establish precedents for future guidance. First are the lame, sick, or destitute. They are nonetheless expected to remain devout and contribute what they can. [9:92] The camel riders took turns, carrying several at a time, but there was still a severe shortage of camels for mounts, and foot soldiers simply cannot keep up with cavalry. Mohammed is said to have turned some who had no mounts away with tears in his eyes. [9:93] The real onus lies on those to asked permission to stay behind, or made up excuses to get out of military service. As punishment, God seals up their hearts, so that they are immune to His future revelations. | |
[9:94] They apologize to you when you return to them (from battle). Say, "Do not apologize; we no longer trust you. God has informed us about you." God will see your works, and so will the Messenger, then you will be returned to the Knower of all secrets and declarations, then He will inform you of everything you had done. | [9:94] True to form, the cowards and hypocrites apologized when the army returned in honor. The veterans were not impressed. They knew that the draft resisters could have gone with them and achieved veterans' benefits, but freely chose not to do so because they were cowards. God will make the truth known eventually. | |
[9:95] They will swear by God to you, when you return to them, that you may disregard them. Do disregard them. They are polluted, and their destiny is Hell, as a requital for the sins they have earned. | [9:95] Some of the cowards even swore to their excuses. Normally, a sworn statement must be assumed to be true, but the oaths of the cowards may be legitimately disregarded because they are worthless. | |
[9:96] They swear to you, that you may pardon them. Even if you pardon them, God does not pardon such wicked people. | [9:96] Even if their friends forgive them, God will not, because God does not pardon those who make excuses instead of admitting their guilt and repenting. | |
[9:97] The Nomads are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the most likely to ignore the laws that God has revealed to His Messenger. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [9:97] "The Nomads" probably refers to those who lived in the desert. Many of them had only recently converted to Islam, and many more were under Syrian (Christian religious and military) control. | |
[9:98] Some Nomads consider their spending to be a loss, and even wait in anticipation that a disaster may hit you. It is they who will incur the worst disaster. God is Hearer, Omniscient. | [9:98] Some of them weren't sure which side to support, and thought they would be better off if the Muslim army would just disappear and leave them alone! their disaster is even worse than this. | |
[9:99] Other Nomads do believe in God and the Last Day, and consider their spending to be a means towards God, and a means of supporting the Messenger. Indeed, it will bring them nearer; God will admit them into His mercy. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [9:99] Some of the Bedouin Arabs saw the advance of Islam against the Byzantine empire to be in their best interests, and eagerly supported the war effort. This unites them in a common purpose with their brother Muslims in Mecca and also merits additional blessings from God. | |
[9:100] As for the vanguard, the first of the Muhajirs and the Banu Quraiza, and those who followed them in goodness,, God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them gardens with flowing streams, wherein they remain forever. This is the greatest triumph. | [9:100] The Muhajirs (immigrants) and the Ansars (natives) were the closest supporters of Mohammed in Medina, and were with him from the earliest days of his prophecy. They will ultimately receive the reward they deserve for their faithfulness to him, the spread of Islam, and their service to God. | |
[9:101] Among the Nomads around you, there are hypocrites. Also, among the city dwellers, there are those who are accustomed to hypocrisy. You do not know them, but we know them. We will double the punishment for them, then they end up committed to a terrible penalty. | [9:101] Those who stayed behind in Mecca were easy to identify. Not so the people in the desert, many of whom were completely anonymous and thus escaped censure. God knows who they are, and those who did not support the campaign, or who actively opposed it, will receive twice the punishment of those already ridiculed. | |
[9:102] There are others who have confessed their sins; they have mixed good deeds with bad deeds. God will redeem them, for God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [9:102] Those who are genuinely sorry, and have some other redeeming qualities, will be forgiven by God because He is always merciful to the truly repentant. | |
[9:103] Take from their money a charity to purify them and sanctify them. And encourage them, for your encouragement reassures them. God is Hearer, Omniscient. | [9:103] One of the good deeds of repentance they can do is contribute to charity or to defray the residual expenses of the war effort. They should be encouraged to do this. | |
[9:104] Do they not realize that God accepts the repentance of His worshipers, and takes the charities, and that God is the Redeemer, Most Merciful? | [9:104] Everyone should understand that doing good deeds as a sign of repentance is accepted by God as a demonstration of true contrition for one's sins. | |
[9:105] Say, "Work righteousness; God will see your work, and so will His Messenger and the believers. Ultimately, you will be returned to the Knower of all secrets and declarations, then He will inform you of everything you had done." | [9:105] The contrite should be encouraged to perform acts of piety and contrition. In this way, God and Mohammed, as well as their neighbors, will see by their external acts what is truly in their hearts, and God will ultimately tell them when they have been redeemed. | |
[9:106] Others are waiting for God's decision; He may punish them, or He may redeem them. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [9:106] Some of them expected some kind of a sign from God that they were forgiven. They might get something else instead! | |
[9:107] There are those who abuse the mosque by practicing idol worship, dividing the believers, and providing comfort to those who oppose God and His Messenger. They solemnly swear: "Our intentions are honorable!" God bears witness that they are liars. | [9:107] Some of the hypocrites built a separate mosque, ostensibly as a demonstration of their piety, but actually as a meeting place where they could plan their opposition to the Muslim campaigns. One of them also used his large, opulent house for this purpose. | |
[9:108] You shall never pray in such a mosque. A mosque that is established on the basis of righteousness from the first day is more worthy of your praying in it. In it, there are people who love to be purified. God loves those who purify themselves. | [9:108] Muslims are forbidden to worship in a mosque that is used for any other purpose (or perhaps that discriminates on the basis of political belief). God accepts worship only from those who are truly dedicated to Him. (Not all Muslims observe this rule!) | |
[9:109] Is one who establishes his building on the basis of reverencing God and to gain His approval better, or one who establishes his building on the brink of a crumbling cliff, that falls down with him into the fire of Hell? God does not guide the transgressing people. | [9:109] The allegory here is the same as that found in {Matthew 7:24-27 and Luke 6:48-49}. He who builds on a firm foundation will remain steadfast, but he who builds on an unstable foundation will be destroyed, by being cast down into Hell. | |
[9:110] Such a building that they have established remains a source of doubt in their hearts, until their hearts are stilled. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [9:110] As long as the buildings remained, they were a monument to weakness within the Muslim community. Mohammed had them both destroyed. | |
[9:111] God has bought from the believers their lives and their money in exchange for Paradise. Thus, they fight in the cause of God, willing to kill and get killed. Such is His truthful pledge in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Koran - and who fulfills His pledge better than God? You shall rejoice in making such an exchange. This is the greatest triumph. | [9:111] Both the Koran and the Bible recount numerous instances of armed conflicts sanctioned by God. In these, cases, both consider getting killed in battle a guarantee of salvation. This has led some Islamic extremists to believe that calling suicide "defense of Islam" guarantees salvation if it kills a few non-Muslims also. Suicide (for any reason) is specifically forbidden in [4:29]. | |
[9:112] They are the repenters, the worshipers, the praisers, the mediators, the bowing and prostrating, the advocators of righteousness and forbidders of evil, and the keepers of God's laws. Give good news to such believers.
[9:113] Neither the prophet, nor those who believe shall ask forgiveness for the idol worshipers, even if they were their nearest of kin, once they realize that they are destined for Hell. |
[9:112] Perhaps as a contradiction of this incongruous belief, those who truly serve God are here identified by the obvious piety of the Islamic practices noted. (This excludes men who get drunk in a strip club the night before flying airplanes into buildings full of civilians!)
[9:113] Those who worship idols, unless they repent, can never be saved. Accordingly, it is blasphemous to pray for their salvation. | |
[9:114] The only reason Abraham asked forgiveness for his father was that he had promised him to do so. But as soon as he realized that he was an enemy of God, he disowned him. Abraham was extremely kind, clement.
[9:115] God does not send any people astray, after He had guided them, without first pointing out for them what to expect. God is fully aware of all things. [9:116] To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He controls life and death. You have none beside God as a Lord and Master. [9:117] God has redeemed the prophet, and the immigrants and the supporters who hosted them and gave them refuge, who followed him during the difficult times. That is when the hearts of some of them almost wavered. But He has redeemed them, for He is Compassionate towards them, Most Merciful. [9:118] Also (redeemed were) the three who stayed behind. The spacious earth became so confining for them that they almost gave up all hope for themselves. Finally, they realized that there was no escape from God, except to Him. He then redeemed them that they may repent. God is the Redeemer, Most Merciful. [9:119] O you who believe, you shall reverence God, and be among the truthful. [9:120] Neither the dwellers of the city, nor the Nomads around them, shall seek to stay behind the Messenger of God (when he mobilizes for war). Nor shall they give priority to their own affairs over supporting him. This is because they do not suffer any thirst, or any effort, or hunger in the cause of God, or take a single step that enrages the disbelievers, or inflict any hardship upon the enemy, without having it written down for them as a credit. God never fails to reward those who work righteousness. [9:121] Nor do they incur any expense, small or large, nor do they cross any valley, without having the credit written down for them. God will surely reward them generously for their works. [9:122] When the believers mobilize, not all of them shall do so. A few from each group shall mobilize by devoting their time to studying the religion. Thus, they can pass the knowledge on to their people when they return, that they may remain religiously informed. |
[9:114] By the time of Abraham, humanity was assumed to have fallen back into idolatry after being rescued in the person of Noah and his family. Abraham is thought to have returned to monotheism. The incident described here does not appear in the Bible.
[9:115] God provides even the idol worshipers with some kind of enlightenment to allow them to repent of their evil ways, but they don't take advantage of it. [9:116] Both the faithful and the idol worshipers therefore owe their situations to the absolute authority, as well as the loving compassion, of God. [9:117] As examples of people redeemed in a war in defense of God are Mohammed himself, the Ansars, (citizens of Medina who gave him refuge during the Hijrah) and the Meccans who accompanied him, the Muhajirs. God redeemed them because of their stoicism in the face of adversity. [9:118] It is not clear who these three are, although the context suggests that they might have been sympathetic pagans who aided Mohammed during the Hijrah and later converted to Islam. They may have been confederates who stayed behind to cover his escape (Muhajirs). They felt bad about being left behind, but eventually realized that they had acted appropriately. [9:119] Here follow some general rules for the faithful in the new (post-Tabouk) order. [9:120] Nobody is to attempt to avoid a military draft or to become overly involved in his personal affairs. They are reminded that everything they do or endure in the service of God or in the spread of Islam will be noted and ultimately rewarded by God. In the final judgment, no one who has served God will fail to receive the appropriate reward for his service. [9:121] Neither will anyone who supports the spread of Islam by incurring any expense. [9:122] However, not everybody will be actively involved in the conflict. Some scholars will remain behind to make sure that there is someone to educate the veterans and their children when they return. (Note: Not making this provision was a mistake at the Battle of Uhud. Most of the 14 Muslims who were killed had begun to memorize Mohammed's revelations. Their loss was a severe blow to their community.) | |
[9:123] O you who believe, you shall fight the disbelievers who attack you - let them find you stern - and know that God is with the righteous.
[9:124] When a sura was revealed, some of them would say, "Did this sura strengthen the faith of anyone among you?" Indeed, it did strengthen the faith of those who believed, and they rejoice in any revelation. |
[9:123] All believers are required to mobilize to repel any attack. This is sometimes interpreted by Muslim children and teenagers to require them to throw rocks at Israeli border guards carrying submachine guns!
[9:124] The scholars who have been left behind should be sure to ask the returning veterans which of their preserved teachings they found especially motivating. | |
[9:125] As for those who harbored doubts in their hearts, it actually added unholiness to their unholiness, and they died as disbelievers. | [9:125] In addition to being simple cowards, many of the draft resisters were heretics or agnostics as well, heaping unholiness upon unholiness. | |
[9:126] Do they not see that they suffer from exacting trials every year once or twice? Yet, they consistently fail to repent, and fail to take heed? | [9:126] These unholy people don't realize that there are one or two major battles every year. If they avoid this one, there will be another one in a few months. | |
[9:127] Whenever a sura was revealed, some of them would look at each other as if to say: "Does anyone see you?" then they left. Thus, God has diverted their hearts, for they are people who do not comprehend. | [9:127] When they come to a portion of Scripture that condemns people like them, they look at each other guiltily and then turn away ashamed. They cannot even find companions among themselves! | |
[9:128] Certainly a Messenger, one of your own people, has come among you; it grieves him that you are falling into distress, because he is solicitous. To the believers he is compassionate. | [9:128] The conclusion of this sura is a summation of its message: Mohammed is saddened by the distress of his people, and is doing everything he can to help them to overcome it. | |
[9:129] But if they turn back, say, "God is enough for me. There is no God but He, the Lord of Mighty Power, Supreme. On Him do I place all my trust. | [9:129] For those who would turn back from the destiny set for them, he offers the Message that the God will sustain them. |
SURA 10: Yunus - JonahThings were not going well for Mohammed. Mecca, his home town, was the home of the Kaaba, a shrine for pagan worshipers from all over Arabia. The city was under the control of the Quraish, who saw Mohammed's Message, the concept of One God and the necessity for righteous living as a prequel to judgment in the afterlife, as a direct threat to their ancestral religion and their pilgrim tourist livelihood. When arguments, ridicule and threats did not stop him, the Quraish decided, correctly as it turned out, that there wasn't room in Mecca for them and Islam.
This sura identifies Mohammed's mission, sets forth the basic theology and eschatology of Islam, and draws parallels with the folklore with which Semitic people were familiar. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[10:1] A.L.R. These are the verses of the book of wisdom. [10:2] Is it too much of a wonder for the people that we inspired a man like them? "You shall warn the people, and give good news to those who believe that they have attained a position of prominence at their Lord." The disbelievers said, "This is a clever magician!" |
[10:1] This is the teaching that Mohammed is bringing to mankind.
[10:2] Mohammed personally had no special claim to religious authority or education. He himself claimed that he was only a Messenger of God, and not a professional evangelist. His hearers (especially those who actively opposed him) found this a difficult claim to accept, and insisted that he must be some kind of magician. The Prophet Amos had the same problem. {Amos 7:12-15} | |
[10:3] Your only Lord is God; the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. He controls all matters. There is no intercessor, except in accordance with His will. Such is God your Lord. You shall worship Him. Would you not take heed? | [10:3] Pagan priests were essential mediators between the people and God. Islam teaches that there is One God, who is Lord and Master of everything, and deals directly with mankind. Unlike Christianity and Judaism, it lacks (and, in fact, repudiates the concept of) priesthood or ordained ministry. | |
[10:4] To Him is your ultimate return, all of you. This is God's truthful promise. He initiates the creation, then repeats it, in order to reward those who believe and lead a righteous life, equitably. As for those who disbelieve, they incur hellish drinks, and a severe punishment for their disbelieving. | [10:4] All life on earth submits to the Will of God and obeys His commandments. All of these for mankind are incorporated (sometimes by reference) in His revelation in the Koran. Those who do not follow this prescription will suffer everlasting punishment in Hell. | |
[10:5] He is the One who rendered the sun radiant, and the moon a light, and He designed its phases that you may learn to count the years and to calculate. God did not create all this, except for a specific purpose. He explains the revelations for people who know. | [10:5] All of creation is the handiwork of God, who can thus be known from the characteristics of His creatures. The single purpose of all creation is to show forth God's infinite goodness and give all mankind the opportunity to share it with Him in the afterlife. | |
[10:6] Surely, in the alternation of night and day, and what God created in the heavens and the earth, there are proofs for people who are righteous. | [10:6] The orderly progression of the universe, such as the cycle of night and day, is by itself sufficient proof of God's almighty power. See also [2:164]. | |
[10:7] Those who are not expecting to meet us, and are preoccupied with this worldly life, and are content with it, and refuse to heed our proofs; | [10:7] Those who do not believe in an afterlife are concerned only with their worldly life, and not with the impressive wonders of the power of God. | |
[10:8] These have incurred Hell as their ultimate abode, as a consequence of their own works. | [10:8] Their refusal to be concerned with the afterlife condemns them to Hell. | |
[10:9] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, their Lord guides them, by virtue of their belief. Rivers will flow beneath them in the gardens of bliss. | [10:9] On the other hand, those who live in accordance with the revelations of God will enjoy the eternal rewards of their righteous life. | |
[10:10] Their prayer in it is: "Be You glorified, our god," their greeting in it is, "Peace," and their ultimate prayer is: "Praise be to God, Lord of the universe."
[10:11] If God hastened the punishment incurred by the people, the way they demand blessings, they would have been annihilated long ago. However, we leave those who do not believe in meeting us in their transgressions, blundering. [10:12] When adversity touches the human being, he implores us while lying down, or sitting, or standing up. But as soon as we relieve his adversity, he goes on as if he never implored us to relieve any hardship! the works of the transgressors are thus adorned in their eyes. |
[10:10] This is a prayer of adoration not unlike those sung by the angels {Luke 2:14 and Revelation 4:8}.
[10:11] Religious practices generally involve asking God (or the gods) for things. If He were as quick to punish people for doing wrong as He is to bless them for doing right, none of them would be left. He allows them time to learn their mistakes. [10:12] When people want something from God, they pray to Him constantly, whatever else they may be doing. After their prayers have been answered, they act as though they have forgotten all about God and the earnestness of their petitions. This kind of relationship with God thus seems appropriate for those who do not understand their true dependence upon Him. | |
[10:13] Many a generation we have annihilated before you when they transgressed. Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they refused to believe. We thus punish the guilty people. | [10:13] God has been rescuing people from their mistakes throughout history by sending prophets with the credentials of obvious truth. The evildoers refuse to believe them, and so get into more trouble. | |
[10:14] Then we made you inheritors of the earth after them, to see how you will do. | [10:14] The present generation has inherited the consequences of the deeds of their ancestors. | |
[10:15] When our revelations are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet us say, "Bring a Koran other than this, or change it!" Say, "I cannot possibly change it on my own. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the punishment of an awesome day." | [10:15] Mohammed never claimed to teach on his own authority, only to be reciting what God revealed to him. The Quraish, on the other hand, didn't want to hear it, and attempted to get him to change it. He replied that he was not responsible for the content of the message. | |
[10:16] Say, "Had God willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would you have known anything about it. I have lived among you a whole life before this Do you not understand?" | [10:16] Mohammed was a well known businessman who had grown up in Mecca. The Meccans had no reason to believe that he was untruthful. It was God, not he, who chose him to reveal His Message. | |
[10:17] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about God, or rejects His revelations. Certainly, the transgressors never succeed. | [10:17] This appears to be a rhetorical question. Both the person who fabricates lies about God and the one who refuses to believe the truth are guilty of evil. | |
[10:18] They worship beside God idols that possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and they say, "These are our intercessors at God!" Say, "Are you informing God of something He does not know in the heavens or the earth?" Be He glorified. He is the Most High; far above needing partners. | [10:18] The pagans had various rituals to placate their gods and petition them for blessings, while the dumb gods just sat there. The priests claimed that they were simply communications instruments, but it was they who were making all the noise. God doesn't need anyone to communicate for Him. | |
[10:19] The people used to be one congregation, then they disputed. If it were not for a predetermined word from your Lord, they would have been judged immediately regarding their disputes. | [10:19] The communality of humanity as an analog of the oneness of God (Tauhid) is a recurring theme in Islam. Here the idolaters are blamed for fomenting discord in opposition to God' desire for unity. | |
[10:20] They say, "How come no miracle came down to him from his Lord?" Say, "The future belongs to God; so wait, and I am waiting along with you." | [10:20] Mohammed's detractors demanded a sign from him. He replied was that he didn't know what was going to happen, so he was waiting, too. | |
[10:21] When we bestow mercy upon the people, after adversity had afflicted them, they immediately scheme against our revelations! Say, "God's scheming is far more effective. For our messengers are recording everything you scheme." | [10:21] When God answers the people's prayers in times of adversity, they immediately try to figure out how to get the benefits without cooperating. God's objectives for them (and humanity in general) go far beyond their ability to plan or manage their destiny. | |
[10:22] He is the One who moves you across the land and sea. You get onto the ships, and they sail smoothly in a nice breeze. Then, while rejoicing in them, violent wind blows, and the waves surround them from every side. This is when they implore God, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone: "If You only save us this time, we will be eternally grateful." | [10:22] Most Arabs made their living by trade and commerce, much of which was transported by sea. The motive power of their ships was supplied by God. They take Him for granted when the winds are favorable, but when a storm comes up, they call upon Him and promise that if He will save them, they will never forget Him again - until the storm is over! | |
[10:23] But as soon as He saves them, they transgress on earth, and oppose the truth. O people, your transgression is only to the detriment of your own souls. You remain preoccupied with this worldly life, then to us is your ultimate return, then we inform you of everything you had done. | [10:23] They not only neglect their duty to worship God, they also neglect their duty to obey Him, stifling the truth and jeopardizing their own salvation. Here they are reminded that this life is transitory, only a prelude to the time when God will reward or punish them for everything they have done in life. | |
[10:24] The analogy of this worldly life is like this: we send down water from the sky to produce with it all kinds of plants from the earth, and to provide food for the people and the animals. Then, just as the earth is perfectly adorned, and its people think that they are in control thereof, our judgment comes by night or by day, leaving it completely barren, as if nothing existed the previous day. We thus explain the revelations for people who reflect. | [10:24] Desert plants come to full bloom only a few hours after the rain. The formerly parched, seemingly lifeless earth become a riot of color and fragrance as the plants blossom in wild profusion taking advantage of the scarce water. A few hours later, the land is seemingly dead again. So will the "dead" believers spring back to a more beautiful life, but the evildoers' existence will become lifeless no matter how delightful they thought their mortal lives were. | |
[10:25] God invites to the abode of peace, and guides whoever wills (to be guided) in a straight path. | [10:25] God wants everyone to enjoy a rewarding life, and provides guidance for everyone to do that. | |
[10:26] For the righteous, the reward will be multiplied manifold. Their faces will never experience any deprivation or shame. These are the dwellers of Paradise; they live there forever.
[10:27] As for those who earned sins, their requital is equivalent to their sin. Humiliation is their lot, and no one beside God can protect them. Their faces will seem overwhelmed by masses of dark night. They will be the dwellers of Hell; they live there forever. |
[10:26] Those who life righteously will receive happiness and admiration in Paradise, where they will live for all eternity.
[10:27] The punishment of Hell is ironic justice. The sinner is tormented as a consequence of the kind of sins he committed. The similarity of this concept to that expressed in Dante Allegheri's Divine Comedy suggests that his description of Hell was at least partially influenced by this concept. See also [9:35]. | |
[10:28] On the day when we summon them all, we will say to those who joined gods, "We have summoned you, together with your gods." We will have them confront each other, and their idols will say to them, "We had no idea that you idolized us. | [10:28] God suggests that on the Last Day, the "gods" will disown those who worshiped them. A more correct translation might be "priests." The priests, who claim to usurp the authority of God, will have to admit that they have no such authority. | |
[10:29] "God suffices as a witness between us and you, that we were completely unaware of your worshiping us."
[10:30] That is when each soul will examine everything it had done. They will be returned to God, their rightful Lord and Master, and the idols they had fabricated will disown them. [10:31] Say, "Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Who controls all the hearing and the eyesight? Who produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living? Who is in control of all things?" they would say, "God." Say, "Why then do you not observe the commandments?" |
[10:29] The service the worshipers of these "gods" give them will have done them no good.
[10:30] Those who worship any other than God, as well as the objects of their adoration, will be confronted with the fact that they have only one Lord and Master, who is the One God. [10:31] It is God who provides everything in the heavens and the earth, who controls everything, creates and sustains life, decrees death, and controls all things. Those who worship other things (or people!) will be forced to admit this fact, and also to admit that it had been revealed and explained to them by God's Messenger. | |
[10:32] Such is God, your rightful Lord. What is there instead of the truth, except falsehood? How could you disregard all of this? | [10:32] The disbelievers will be forced to accept the fact that, by rejecting the truth of Mohammed's Message, they were left with only falsehood. | |
[10:33] This is what your Lord's decision does to those who choose to be wicked: they cannot believe.
[10:34] Say, "Can any of your idols initiate creation, then repeat it?" Say, "God initiates the creation, then repeats it." |
[10:33] Regardless of what these people chose to believe in life, they cannot evade the truth in the hereafter.
[10:34] God repeats His creation (day/night, plants from "dead" soil, etc.). None of the idols can do that. | |
[10:35] Say, "Does any of your idols guide to the truth?" Say, "God guides to the truth. Is one who guides to the truth more worthy of being followed, or one who does not guide, and needs guidance for himself? What is wrong with your judgment?" | [10:35] Idol worship was rituals and ceremonies, with little theological or moral instruction. Mohammed's Message had very little ritual, but extensive, detailed information about God and morals. How could anyone possibly prefer the idols to the God he worshiped? | |
[10:36] Most of them follow nothing but conjecture, and conjecture is no substitute for the truth. God is fully aware of everything they do. | [10:36] The worship of idols was based on little else than tradition and guesswork. Mohammed's theology was infinitely better! | |
[10:37] This Koran could not possibly be authored by other than God. It confirms all previous messages, and provides a fully detailed Scripture. It is infallible, for it comes from the Lord of the universe. | [10:37] There is no rational comparison between the Koran and anything the idol worshipers had. It confirms the Torah in full detail, and includes everything one must know to fulfill his duty to God. | |
[10:38] If they say, "He fabricated it," say, "Then produce one sura like these, and invite whomever you wish, other than God, if you are telling the truth." | [10:38] Anyone who thinks that Mohammed just made it up is challenged to produce something similar, using as much help as he thinks he needs. | |
[10:39] Indeed, they have rejected this without studying and examining it, and before understanding it. Thus did those before them disbelieve. Therefore, note the consequences for the transgressors. | [10:39] The pagans were not interested in whether it was true or not. They saw Islam as a threat to their way of life and wanted it and Mohammed gone. They were driven out of Mecca (forever) in January, 630. | |
[10:40] Some of them believe (in this scripture), while others disbelieve in it. Your Lord is fully aware of the evildoers.
[10:41] If they reject you, then say, "I have my works, and you have your works. You are innocent of anything I do, and I am innocent of anything you do." [10:42] Some of them listen to you, but can you make the deaf hear, even though they cannot understand? |
[10:40] A few of the pagans in Mecca were converted, but not enough to prevent the flight to Medina (the Hijrah).
[10:41] It is not Mohammed's responsibility of the people of his home town refuse to listen to him. He is only God's Messenger, and cannot make anyone believe. [10:42] Even the pagans who listened to Mohammed were hampered by their difficulty in understanding the concept of monotheism. | |
[10:43] Some of them look at you, but can you guide the blind, even though they do not see? | [10:43] They were like blind and deaf, very difficult (but not impossible) to teach (like Helen Keller). | |
[10:44] God never wrongs the people; it is the people who wrong their own souls. | [10:44] Even so, God makes it possible, so those who refused to believe freely chose to do so. | |
[10:45] On the day when He summons all of them, they will feel as if they lasted in this world one hour of the day, during which they met. Lost indeed are those who disbelieved in meeting God; and chose to be misguided. | [10:45] The unbelievers' lives will seem like they only lasted an hour, compared to the eternity they will spend in the company of their friends. Those who thought that time would never come will be disappointed. | |
[10:46] Whether we show you some (of the punishment) we promise them, or terminate your life before that, to us is their ultimate return. God witnesses everything they do. | [10:46] Some will begin their punishment even before they die. But whether it happens now or then, all of them will eventually experience the consequences of their works. | |
[10:47] To each community, a messenger. After their messenger comes, they are judged equitably, without the least injustice. | [10:47] Throughout history, God's messengers have given people God's guidance. The punishment of those who don't listen will be entirely fair. | |
[10:48] They challenge: "When will this prophecy come to pass, if you are telling the truth?" | [10:48] Some of them want Mohammed to foretell when God's punishment will happen. | |
[10:49] Say, "I possess no power to harm myself, or benefit myself; only what God wills takes place." Each community has a predetermined life span. Once their interim comes to an end, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it. | [10:49] Mohammed's reply is that he does not have any special knowledge that would help either him or them (to wait until the last minute). When their time for judgment and condemnation comes, they will not be able to escape it. See also [7:188]. | |
[10:50] Say, "Whether His punishment comes to you by night or by day, why are the transgressors in such a hurry?
[10:51] "If it does happen, will you believe then? Why should you believe then? You used to challenge it to come?" |
[10:50] People don't need to know the future. They need to live righteously to be prepared whenever it comes. Jesus preached a similar theme {Matthew 24:42-50Matthew 25:13">Matthew 25:13; Mark 13:32, Luke 12:39-40}.
[10:51] Even if it happens in this life, what would convince them? They would not believe even then. | |
[10:52] It will be said to the transgressors, "Taste the eternal punishment. Are you not punished precisely for what you have earned?" | [10:52] Those who will be punished in the afterlife will certainly appreciate the fact that they deserved what they will receive. | |
[10:53] They challenge you to prophesy: "Is this really what will happen?" Say, "Yes indeed, by my Lord, this is the truth, and you can never escape." | [10:53] Mohammed is to remain firm in his assertion that those who deserve punishment for the sins of their lives will definitely receive it, and nothing can change that. | |
[10:54] If any wicked soul possessed everything on earth, it would readily offer it as ransom. They will be ridden with remorse when they see the punishment. They will be judged equitably, without the least injustice. | [10:54] Even if the sinners had all the wealth in the world, they would willingly give it up to escape their punishment. They will be sorry, but it will be too late. They cannot escape the consequences of their unbelief and sinful acts. | |
[10:55] Absolutely, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Absolutely, God's promise is truth, but most of them do not know. | [10:55] God is the master of everything. His promise to reward the faithful and punish the sinners is absolute, but the sinners do not realize this. | |
[10:56] He controls life and death, and to Him you will be returned. | [10:56] God is the master of life and death, and everyone will return to Him when they die. | |
[10:57] O people, enlightenment has come to you herein from your Lord, and healing for anything that troubles your hearts, and guidance, and mercy for the believers. | [10:57] God has given mankind a final chance to become believers. If they do this, they will have no cause to worry about the afterlife. | |
[10:58] Say, "With God's grace and with His mercy they shall rejoice." This is far better than any wealth they can accumulate. | [10:58] The blessing of knowing that they will receive an eternal reward is far better than any amount of wealth they could acquire. | |
[10:59] Say, "Did you note how God sends down to you all kinds of provisions, then you render some of them unlawful, and some lawful?" Say, "Did God give you permission to do this? Or, do you fabricate lies and attribute them to God?"
[10:60] Does it ever occur to those who fabricate lies about God that they will have to face Him on the Day of Resurrection? Certainly, God showers the people with His grace, but most of them are ungrateful. |
[10:59] God made all things (probably foods) for people's sustenance. The pagan priests declared some foods profane, but they are here challenged to explain the basis on which they made the distinction.
[10:60] Making up lies about God is a very serious sin. The priests who do this will be required to face God and explain their actions. God gives them the means to lead a righteous life, but they don't appreciate His blessings or His mercy. | |
[10:61] You do not get into any situation, nor do you recite any Koran, nor do you do anything, without us* being witnesses thereof as you do it. Not even an atom's weight is out of your Lord's control, be it in the heavens or the earth. Nor is there anything smaller than an atom, or larger, that is not recorded in an exact record. | [10:61] God knows everything that everyone does, without exception. Absolutely nothing happens without His control, and a record is made of absolutely everything. (*Us - the royal pronoun. God speaks as the ultimate nobility. Muslims reject any conclusion that this implies a multiplicity in God. See [4:171]) | |
[10:62] Absolutely, God's allies have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. | [10:62] Therefore, those who submit to God's will have nothing to be afraid of. | |
[10:63] They are those who believe and lead a righteous life. | [10:63] Those who submit ("Muslims") must (1) believe and (2) live a righteous life. | |
[10:64] For them, joy and happiness in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. This is God's unchangeable law. Such is the greatest triumph. | [10:64] The rewards and greatest triumph for true Muslims are (1) joy and happiness in this world, and (2) joy and happiness in the Hereafter. | |
[10:65] Do not be saddened by their utterances. All power belongs to God. He is the One who hears and knows everything.
[10:66] Absolutely, to God belongs everyone in the heavens and everyone on earth. Those who set up idols beside God are really following nothing. They only think that they are following something. They only guess. |
[10:65] Nobody should feel bad about hearing that they must change their lives, because it is for their own benefit.
[10:66] Everyone is called to this destiny. People who worship any other god not only have nobody to follow, they also have no direction. They can only guess at what they should do to lead a righteous life. | |
[10:67] He is the One who rendered the night for your rest, and rendered the day lighted. These are proofs for people who can hear. | [10:67] All of the things that God has created are in harmony with each other. This proves that God is solicitous to His people. | |
[10:68] They said, "God has begotten a son!" Be He glorified. He is the Most Rich. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. You have no proof to support such a blasphemy. Are you saying about God what you do not know? | [10:68] This is an obvious refutation to the Christian concept of the identity of Jesus. Muslims believe that God created Jesus ([3:47]) the same way He created anything else ([2:117]). Here they challenge the Christians to prove otherwise. | |
[10:69] Proclaim: "Those who fabricate lies about God will never succeed." | [10:69] The preaching of Islam necessarily requires repudiation of the basis of Christianity. | |
[10:70] They get their temporary share in this world, then to us is their ultimate return, then we commit them to severe punishment for their disbelieving. | [10:70] Christians may enjoy happiness and success in life, but in death they return to God, who will punish them for believing blasphemies about Him. | |
[10:71] Recite for them the history of Noah. He said to his people, "O my people, if you find my position and my reminding you of God's revelations too much for you, then I put my trust in God. You should get together with your leaders, agree on a final decision among yourselves, then let me know it without delay. | [10:71] The story of Noah and the Ark in {Genesis 6-9:17} is somewhat different than in the Koran ([7:60-64]). Here, Noah tries to convince his neighbors to repent to save them from God's punishment that he knows is coming in the Flood. In the Bible, God speaks only to Noah, and Noah doesn't talk at all. | |
[10:72] "If you turn away, then I have not asked you for any wage. My wage comes from God. I have been commanded to be a submitter." | [10:72] In the Muslim version, Noah's hearers accuse him of trying to make money as a prophet. He replies that he is merely carrying out the Will of God. | |
[10:73] They rejected him and, consequently, we saved him and those who joined him in the ark; we made them the inheritors. And we drowned those who rejected our revelations. Note the consequences; they have been warned. | [10:73] Because his neighbors rejected Noah's message, they were all drowned. Noah and his family, who accepted and acted on the Word of God, were saved. The analogy between Noah's mission and Mohammed's is obvious. | |
[10:74] Then we sent after him messengers to their people, and they showed them clear proofs. But they were not to believe in what they had rejected in the past. We thus seal the hearts of the transgressors. | [10:74] Noah was the second prophet. The prophets' messages were rejected, as they had been in the past. The worst punishment of not hearing the Word of God is not hearing the Word of God. | |
[10:75] Then we sent after them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his group, with our proofs. But they turned arrogant; and were transgressing people. | [10:75] Moses and Aaron were also prophets. They prophesied to the Egyptians. {Exodus 4:14-6:1, etc.}, but they were too arrogant to accept. | |
[10:76] When the truth came to them from us, they said, "This is obviously magic!" | [10:76] The pagan Egyptian priests used magic tricks to impress the people. So did Moses {Exodus 7:10}. | |
[10:77] Moses said, "Is this how you describe the truth when it comes to you? Is this magic? How can any magicians prevail?" | [10:77] Moses pointed out that the important element of his mission was not magic, but to deliver the Word of God to Pharaoh. | |
[10:78] They said, "Did you come to divert us from what we found our parents doing, and to attain positions of prominence for yourselves? We will never join you as believers." | [10:78] The Bible emphasizes Moses' efforts to free the Hebrew slaves. In the Koran, much more emphasis is placed on Moses' demonstration of the power of God over the practices of the pagan Egyptians. | |
[10:79] Pharaoh said, "Bring to me every experienced magician." | [10:79] This is recorded in {Exodus 7:11}. The rest of the account presented here is not in the Bible. | |
[10:80] When the magicians came, Moses said to them, "Throw whatever you are going to throw."
[10:81] When they threw, Moses said, "What you have produced is magic, and God will make it fail. God does not support the transgressors' work." [10:82] God establishes the truth with His words, despite the criminals. |
[10:80] The "throwing" may have referred to the serpent contest {Exodus 7:12} or a divination practice, in which Moses refused to participate.
[10:81] Moses acknowledged the magicians' tricks, but knew that God would ultimately win. [10:82] This is because the truth of God is able to overcome all the efforts of evildoers to thwart it. | |
[10:83] None believed with Moses except a few of his people, while fearing the tyranny of Pharaoh and his elders. Surely, Pharaoh was much too arrogant on earth, and a real tyrant. | [10:83] The Hebrews were initially hostile to Moses' efforts {Exodus 5:20; 14:12}. Pharaoh heaped more work on them by requiring them to gather the straw they needed to make bricks {Exodus 5:6-19}. | |
[10:84] Moses said, "O my people, if you have really believed in God, then put your trust in Him, if you are really submitters."
[10:85] They said, "We trust in God. Our Lord, save us from the persecution of these oppressive people. [10:86] "Deliver us, with Your mercy, from the disbelieving people." [10:87] We inspired Moses and his brother. "Maintain your homes in Egypt for the time being, turn your homes into synagogues, and maintain the Contact Prayers (Salat). Give good news to the believers." [10:88] Moses said, "Our Lord, you have given Pharaoh and his elders luxuries and wealth in this world. Our Lord, they only use them to repulse others from Your path. Our Lord, wipe out their wealth, and harden their hearts to prevent them from believing, until they see the agonizing punishment." [10:89] He said, "Your prayer has been answered, so be steadfast, and do not follow the ways of those who do not know." [10:90] We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh and his troops pursued them, aggressively and sinfully. When drowning became a reality for him, he said, "I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel have believed; I am a submitter." [10:91] "Too late! For you have rebelled already, and chose to be a transgressor. [10:92] "Today, we will preserve your body, to set you up as a lesson for future generations." Unfortunately, many people are totally oblivious to our signs. |
[10:84-87] In the Bible, Moses is portrayed basically as an emissary from God to Pharaoh on behalf of the Hebrews. Whenever he has a problem, Moses turns to God for enlightenment and to make things right. {Exodus 5:22-23 and following}. The Hebrews are cast basically as pawns in a power struggle that God ultimately wins. In the Koran, Moses is portrayed as a Messenger of God to both Pharaoh and the Hebrews, and is not nearly as personally involved in what happens. He assures the Hebrews that if they pray and remain faithful, everything will turn out all right. The analogy with Jesus (In the Bible) and Mohammed (in the Koran) seems clear.
[10:88] This prayer is not explicitly recorded in the Bible, but Moses' attitude with regard to Pharaoh is clear, nonetheless. Moses asks God not only to take away His obvious blessings upon Pharaoh, but also to deny him the blessing of becoming a believer - a horrible curse indeed! [10:89] God exhorts Moses and Aaron to be steadfast, and then does as Moses requests in a way he did not expect, by the drowning in the Red Sea {Exodus 14:13-31}. [10:90] The Bible had no one to record what Pharaoh said while he was drowning, but God knew, and here allows Mohammed to report it for the benefit of future generations. As his last mortal act, he acknowledges the God "in whom the Children of Israel have believed, thus vindicating Moses." [10:91] Unfortunately for him, it was too late. In order to be a true Muslim, one must do good works, and Pharaoh didn't do any. [10:92] The Egyptians mummified less evil pharaohs, but God preserves this particular pharaoh (at the bottom of the sea) as a warning for others. | |
[10:93] We have endowed the Children of Israel with a position of honor, and blessed them with good provisions. Yet, they disputed when this knowledge came to them. Your Lord will judge them on the Day of Resurrection regarding everything they disputed. | [10:93] This appears to be partly a continuation of God's conversation with Pharaoh, and partly a summation of the Hebrews', ironic justice for both. The people Pharaoh persecuted will receive blessing and honor, but they, in turn, will become rebellious. | |
[10:94] If you have any doubt regarding what is revealed to you from your Lord, then ask those who read the previous Scripture. Indeed, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Do not be with the doubters. | [10:94] The subject returns to the present. Anyone who has doubts about what will happen if they don't accept the Word of God need only to read the story of Moses. No one should side with those who doubters. | |
[10:95] Nor shall you join those who rejected God's revelations, lest you be with the lost. | [10:95] One should not even associate with the doubters; he might be tempted to do the same. | |
[10:96] Surely, those condemned by a decree from your Lord cannot believe. | [10:96] God permits those who choose not to believe to do so, and thus condemn themselves. | |
[10:97] No matter what kind of proof you show them, (they cannot believe), until they see the agonizing punishment.
[10:98] Any community that believes will surely be rewarded for believing. For example, the people of Jonah: when they believed, we relieved the humiliating punishment they had been suffering in this world, and we made them prosperous. [10:99] Had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have believed. Do you want to force the people to become believers? [10:100] No soul can believe except in accordance with God's will. For He places a curse upon those who refuse to understand. |
[10:97] They will never be convinced of the authenticity of Mohammed's message until they experience Hell, but by then it will be too late.
[10:98] The people of Nineveh in the Book of {Jonah} did not wait, but immediately repented of their (unspecified) wickedness after hearing Jonah's prophecy against them. As result, God spared them from the destruction He had planned, at least for 150 years. [10:99] God could force everyone to become believers if He wanted, but that would take away everybody's free will. He never does that. [10:100] Because nothing happens except as God wills, the disbelievers are also somehow part of His plan. | |
[10:101] Say, "Look at all the signs in the heavens and the earth." All the proofs and all the warnings can never help people who decided to disbelieve. | [10:101] As a result, it is not possible for a prophet (or anyone else) to convince propel who choose to ignore the obvious proofs of God's existence and power. | |
[10:102] Can they expect other than the fate of their counterparts in the past? Say, "Just wait, and, along with you, I am also waiting." | [10:102] Their fate will be the same as the disbelievers in the past. All they have to do is wait for their reward, and it will surely come to them. | |
[10:103] We ultimately save our messengers and those who believe. It is our immutable law that we save the believers. | [10:103] Part of the natural order of things is God's salvation of His messengers and those who believe them. | |
[10:104] Say, "O people, if you have any doubt regarding my religion, I do not worship what you worship beside God. I worship God alone; the One who will terminate your lives. I am commanded to be a believer." | [10:104] Here God tells Mohammed to explain that he worships only one, single supreme God. This is the simple Islamic concept of monotheism, which rules out not only worship of idols, but also of any kind of multiple deities. | |
[10:105] I was commanded: "Keep yourself devoted to the religion of monotheism; you shall not practice idol worship. | [10:105] This was not something Mohammed invented on his own; it was directly commanded to him by God. | |
[10:106] "You shall not worship beside God what possesses no power to benefit you or harm you. If you do, you will be a transgressor." | [10:106] This is essentially a restatement of Mohammed's belief, and also an appeal to the First Commandment {Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 5:7}. | |
[10:107] If God touches you with a hardship, none can relieve it except He. And when He blesses you, no force can prevent His grace. He bestows it upon whomever He chooses from among His servants. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [10:107] One of the practices of the idol worshipers was to appeal to the specific "god in charge" for relief from any hardship or for a particular blessing. Here this practice is discredited, because there is only one God in charge of everything. | |
[10:108] Proclaim: "O people, the truth has come to you herein from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray, goes astray to his own detriment. I am not a guardian over you." | [10:108] Mohammed must explain that he is not responsible for convincing anyone of the authenticity of his Message. Those who choose to listen to it will benefit, and those who choose not to will destroy themselves. | |
[10:109] Follow what is revealed to you, and be patient until God issues His judgment; He is the best judge. | [10:109] Bear the present sufferings, and keep the faith. St. Paul had a similar message. {Romans 8:18} |
SURA 11: Hud
This theme is related by the stories of Noah, Hud, Saleh, Shoaib, Lot, and Moses. Also included is an admonition that God and faith must come before anything else, including one's own family. Waiting for a sign of God's imminent punishment is not a good idea, because when it comes, it will destroy all except the devout. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[11:1] A.L.R. This is a scripture whose verses have been perfected, then elucidated. It comes from One Most Wise, Most Cognizant. [11:2] Proclaiming: "You shall not worship except God. I come to you from Him as a counselor, as well as a bearer of good news. [11:3] "You shall seek your Lord's forgiveness, then repent to Him. He will then bless you generously for a predetermined period, and bestow His grace upon those who deserve it. If you turn away, then I fear for you the punishment of an awesome day." [11:4] To God is your ultimate return; He is Omnipotent. [11:5] Indeed, they hide their innermost thoughts, as if to keep Him from knowing them. In fact, as they cover themselves with their clothes, He knows all their secrets and declarations. He knows the innermost thoughts. |
[11:1] Mohammed's revelations came from God completely without error; he hasn't censored or edited any of them.
[11:2] This is a much more direct statement than previously proclaimed about worshiping only God. Mohammed has good news and bad news. [11:3] The tone reflects the Mohammed's response to the continued refusal of the Quraish to accept his message of monotheism and the necessity for repentance. It is a command to repent and turn to God and enjoy the eventual blessings of that decision. Refusal to do this will eventually result in a great calamity. [11:4] Ultimately, everyone will return to God to receive his reward or punishment. [11:5] The loose, flowing clothing worn by desert dwellers prevents sunburn and excessive sweating while permitting ventilation. It is also an effective means of concealing whatever one is carrying. This appears to be an analogy between that and trying to hide ones' thoughts from God. | |
[11:6] There is not a creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by God. And He knows its course and its final destiny. All are recorded in an exact record. | [11:6] Everything is given its existence by God. It is useless to attempt to hide anything from Him, because He knows and governs everything. | |
[11:7] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His (earthly) domain was completely covered with water - in order to test you, to distinguish those among you who work righteousness. Yet, when you say, "You will be resurrected after death," the disbelievers would say, "This is clearly witchcraft." | [11:7] It took God six days to create everything on earth {Genesis 1:31} that was initially covered with water {Genesis 1:9}, proving that He can do anything. Yet the unrighteous maintain that this is not possible, and that anything resembling a resurrection from the dead would have to be some kind of magic trick. | |
[11:8] And if we delay the punishment they have incurred - for we reserve it for a specific community - they say, "What is keeping Him?" In fact, once it comes to them, nothing can stop it, and their mocking will come back to haunt them.
[11:9] Whenever we bless the human being with mercy from us, then remove it, he turns despondent, ungrateful. [11:10] Whenever we bless him, after adversity had afflicted him, he says, "All adversity has gone away from me;" he becomes excited, proud. [11:11] As for those who steadfastly persevere, and lead a righteous life, they deserve forgiveness and a generous reward. [11:12] You may be annoyed by some of what is revealed to you, and wish to disregard it. Also, they may say, "How come no treasure comes down to him, or an angel?" You are only a counselor; God controls all things. [11:13] If they say, "He fabricated it," tell them, "Then produce ten suras like these, fabricated, and invite whomever you can, other than God, if you are telling the truth." |
[11:8-11] Pagans viewed great calamities as punishment from God, but they never knew when they were coming. Their reaction was to try to placate the gods only after the catastrophes had occurred. Their reaction to Mohammed's predictions is the same, "Don't worry about it until it happens, then do whatever it takes to make it stop." Mohammed warns them that this is completely contrary to the spirit of the Message he has been preaching, because once God has decided to punish them, it will be too late for them to do anything about it. In fact, they already deserve the punishment he threatens, but God is holding off, giving them an opportunity to repent. As in the past, they enjoy His blessings, and only appreciate them when He withdraws them. This isn't very wise, since the withdrawal will result in absolute disaster!
[11:12] Their argument is that Mohammed has not shown that he has any special favors from God, so why should they listen to what he has to say. Here God tells him that he has only been sent to warn the people, not to convince them. [11:13] None of the pagan religions had anything remotely like the Koran. Anyone who thinks that Mohammed just made it up is challenged to produce something similar, using as much help as he thinks he needs. (See the same challenge in [10:38]) | |
[11:14] If they fail to meet your challenge, then know that this is revealed with God's knowledge, and that there is no god except He. Will you then submit? | [11:14] Mohammed offers a counter claim, that if the pagan priests cannot produce anything similar, then He must be correct; namely, that there is only God. | |
[11:15] Those who pursue this worldly life and its material vanities, we will pay them for their works in this life, without the least reduction.
[11:16] It is they who gave up their share in the Hereafter, and, consequently, Hell is their lot. All their works are in vain; everything they have done is nullified. |
[11:15] The pagans (and others) who pay attention only to the things of the world and not the things of God will not have anything to show for their labors when they are dead.
[11:16] On the contrary, everything they ever worked for will be gone, and all they will have to show for their vain lives will be the punishment of Hell. | |
[11:17] As for those who are given solid proof from their Lord, reported by a witness from Him, and before it, the book of Moses has set a precedent and a mercy, they will surely believe. As for those who disbelieve among the various groups, Hell is awaiting them. Do not harbor any doubt; this is the truth from your Lord, but most people disbelieve. | [11:17] The Torah sets a precedent as a revelation from God through the messenger Moses to inform his people about God and His mercy so that they can believe in Him. Similarly, Mohammed provides similar revelations from God. They should not have any doubts that those who choose not do believe will be condemned to Hell, even if, as in the present case, they are in the majority. | |
[11:18] Who are more evil than those who fabricate lies about God? They will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied about their Lord. God's condemnation has befallen the transgressors."
[11:19] They repel from the way of God and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter. |
[11:18] Those who make up lies about God (probably the pagans and Christians) will be confronted with their lies by those to whom they told them. God will condemn them accordingly.
[11:19] Not only do they (the Christians?) turn away from God, they attempt to make others do so by making religious practices excessively difficult. | |
[11:20] These will never escape, nor will they find any lords or masters to help them against God. Punishment will be doubled for them. They have failed to hear, and they have failed to see. | [11:20] They can never escape the consequences of their actions, nor find any champions to defend them against the wrath of God. They will be punished twice, once for not hearing, and once for not seeing. | |
[11:21] These are the ones who lose their souls, and the idols they had fabricated will disown them. | [11:21] They (the pagans) will lose everything, and even their false gods will desert them. | |
[11:22] There is no doubt that, in the Hereafter, they will be the worst failures. | [11:22] The pagans, because they have lost even their gods, will be the worse of the worst in the afterlife. | |
[11:23] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, and devote themselves to their Lord, they are the dwellers of Paradise; they live there forever. | [11:23] The eternal rewards of Paradise are promised to those who (1) believe in God, (2) live righteously and (3) devote themselves to God. All are essential. | |
[11:24] The example of these two groups is like the blind and deaf, compared to the seer and hearer. Are they equal? Would you not take heed? | [11:24] The pagans and the believers are like the blind and deaf and those who can see and hear, which would anyone want to be? | |
[11:25] We sent Noah to his people, saying, "I come to you as a clear counselor. | [11:25] This is another allegory to the story of Noah discussed in [7:60-64] and [10:71]. | |
[11:26] That you shall not serve any but Allah, surely I fear for you the punishment of a painful day.
[11:27] The leaders who disbelieved among his people said, "We see that you are no more than a human being like us, and we see that the first people to follow you are the worst among us. We see that you do not possess any advantage over us. Indeed, we think you are liars." [11:28] He said, "O my people, what if I have a solid proof from my Lord? What if He has blessed me out of His mercy, though you cannot see it? Are we going to force you to believe in it? [11:29] "O my people, I do not ask you for any money; my wage comes only from God. I am not dismissing those who believed; they will meet their Lord (and He alone will judge them). I see that you are ignorant people. [11:30] "O my people, who can support me against God, if I dismiss them? Would you not take heed? [11:31] "I do not claim that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know the future, nor do I claim to be an angel. Nor do I say to those despised by your eyes that God will not bestow any blessings upon them. God knows best what is in their innermost thoughts. (If I did this,) I would be a transgressor." [11:32] They said, "O Noah, you have argued with us, and kept on arguing. We challenge you to bring the doom you threaten us with, if you are telling the truth." [11:33] He said, "God is the One who brings it to you, if He so wills, then you cannot escape. [11:34] "Even if I advised you, my advice cannot benefit you if it is God's will to send you astray. He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned." [11:35] If they say, "He made up this story," then say, "If I made it up, then I am responsible for my crime, and I am innocent of any crime you commit." [11:36] Noah was inspired: "No more of your people are going to believe, beyond those who already believe. Do not be saddened by their actions. [11:37] "Build the ark under our watchful eyes, and with our inspiration, and do not implore Me on behalf of those who have transgressed; they are destined to drown." |
[11:26-28] Noah is regarded as a prophet of God. Like the prophets after him, he attempted to turn mankind from its sinful ways back to the worship of God that man had abandoned after the sinfulness of Adam. The story in the Koran differs markedly from that in the Bible {Genesis 6:1-9:17}, although the moral is very much the same. A society that persists in wickedness calls the punishment of God, which none can escape, upon itself. Noah's situation is obviously an allegory to that of Mohammed. They both offer the same evidence, and both are not only rejected, but here they are ridiculed as well. Those who heed the warning of their wicked ways may indeed be "the worst among us," the most in need of God's mercy, or they may be simply portrayed as such.
[11:29] Noah asks nothing for himself, as if he were charging to prophesy, nor is he implementing any new religion. He is simply attempting to turn the people back to the worship of the God of their ancestors (Adam and his children). [11:30] Since Noah has received his commission from God, he dare not abandon it. [11:31] Noah agrees with all the arguments that are put forth against a claim that he does not make. He is not wealthy. He does not foretell the future. He is not an angel. He does not join in the condemnation of the poor and lowly. He is not their judge. If he did these things, he would be guilty of not doing his duty before God. [11:32-33] Noah's hearers challenged him to impose the punishment that he foretold, because they did not believe his message. In answer to their challenge, Noah maintained that he himself had no power, that it was God who threatened to punish them if they did not repent, and they could not escape God. [11:34] Noah's mission is to bring them God's warning of the consequences of their evil ways. He himself has no authority to act as an advocate for the people. [11:35] If Noah made up his message, then it is he who will be punished. If he did not, it is the hearers who will be punished. The safest course of action is to believe and act upon what he says. [11:36] The people didn't do that so God explained to Noah that he should not be saddened because of the punishment that the people brought upon themselves. [11:37] After having done everything he could to forestall the Flood, Noah is finally instructed to build the Ark to save himself. It is not possible to save the people who refuse to listen. | |
[11:38] While he was building the ark, whenever some of his people passed by him they laughed at him. He said, "You may be laughing at us, but we are laughing at you, just as you are laughing. | [11:38] This scene is a popular feature of modern stories of Noah's Ark, even though it does not appear in the Bible at all. Noah is destined to have the last laugh on the people who are making fun of him. | |
[11:39] "You will surely find out who will suffer a shameful punishment, and incur an everlasting punishment." | [11:39] The punishment of Noah's people was the Flood. Here it is described as "everlasting punishment," obviously an allegory for Mohammed's time. | |
[11:40] When our judgment came, and the atmosphere boiled over, we said, "Carry on it a pair of each kind, together with your family, except those who are condemned. Carry with you those who have believed," and only a few have believed with him. | [11:40] In the Bible, Noah is commanded to take only himself, his wife, his sons, their wives {Genesis 6:18} and a breeding pair of "every living thing of all flesh" except for the "clean beasts" and the "fowls," of which he was to take seven pairs {Genesis 7:2-3}. | |
[11:41] He said, "Come on board. In the name of God shall be its sailing, and its mooring. My Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful." | [11:41] Noah, the Ark's captain, warns that he is getting ready to sail. In the Bible, God tells Noah and his family when to enter the Ark {Genesis 7:1}. | |
[11:42] As it sailed with them in waves like hills, Noah called his son, who was isolated: "O my son, come ride with us; do not be with the disbelievers."
[11:43] He said, "I will take refuge on top of a hill, to protect me from the water." He said, "Nothing can protect anyone today from God's judgment; only those worthy of His mercy (will be saved)." The waves separated them, and he was among those who drowned. [11:44] It was proclaimed: "O earth, swallow your water," and "O sky, cease." The water then subsided; the judgment was fulfilled. The ark finally rested on the hills of Judea. It was then proclaimed: "The transgressors have perished." |
[11:42-43] The Bible says all of Noah's family were in the Ark {Genesis 7:7}, in accordance with the central theme that Noah and his family were the only righteous people on earth, and so were the only ones to be saved. The story here emphasizes the constant attempt by God to save the unrighteous people by sending a messenger (Noah), and even attempting to save one of his "sons" who remained unconvinced that only the righteous could be saved.
[11:44] In the Biblical version, God "remembers" Noah and sends a wind to blow the water away {Genesis 8:1}. He also closes the "fountains of the deep" and the "windows of heaven {Genesis 8:2}." Mount Ararat, where the Ark came to rest {Genesis 8:4} is generally believed to lie in Turkey, near the Armenian border. | |
[11:45] Noah implored his Lord: "My Lord, my son is a member of my family, and Your promise is the truth. You are the wisest of the wise."
[11:46] He said, "O Noah, he is not of your family. It is unrighteous to ask Me for something you do not know. I enlighten you, lest you be like the ignorant." [11:47] He said, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You, lest I implore You again for something I do not know. Unless You forgive me, and have mercy on me, I will be among those who are lost." [11:48] It was proclaimed: "O Noah, disembark, with peace and blessings upon you, and upon nations who will descend from your companions. As for the other nations descending from you, we will bless them for a time, then commit them to agonizing punishment." [11:49] This is news from the past that we reveal to you. You had no knowledge about them - neither you, nor your people - before this. Therefore, be patient. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous. [11:50] To 'Ad we sent their brother Hud. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god besides Him. You are inventing. |
[11:45-47] Another element not found in the Bible appears out of sequence here. Noah implores God to allow him to save his wayward son, who thought he could avoid punishment by standing on the mountain top. The point is one of the main morals of this entire sura, that acceptance of Islam must come before even the concerns of family relationships. Noah himself finally acknowledges this by seeking refuge in God alone and asking forgiveness for having asked for something that he wasn't supposed to.
[11:48] The Bible story reiterates the list of eight people, Noah and his family, who were in the Ark when God finally told them to disembark {Genesis 8:15-16}. Here, God promises to bless the descendants of Noah's companions (whoever they are), but Noah's descendants will be blessed only for a while. [11:49] The narration appears to return to the present, where Mohammed explains the purpose of telling the story, apparently one that the Quraish, pagan Arabs (not Jews) had not heard before. [11:50] According to legend, Hud was a great, great grandchild of Noah, a prophet from the tribe of 'Ad, today associated with the ruined city of Ubar, the crossroads of the frankincense trade routes. See also [7:65] and following. | |
[11:51] "O my people, I do not ask you for any wage. My wage comes only from the One who initiated me. Do you not understand?"
[11:52] "O my people, seek forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him. He will then shower you with provisions from the sky, and augment your strength. Do not turn back into transgressors." [11:53] They said, "O Hud, you did not show us any proof, and we are not abandoning our gods on account of what you say. We will never be believers with you. [11:54] "We believe that some of our gods have afflicted you with a curse." He said, "I bear witness before God, and you bear witness as well, that I disown the idols you have set up. |
[11:51] Hud explained that he wasn't a professional prophet, only a messenger of God. This is a common feature of the stories of prophets in the Koran, obviously an allegory to Mohammed.
[11:52] The people worshiped God, as well as idols. Given that they were only five generations removed from the Flood, they were already forgetting what can happen to wicked people. [11:53] His hearers demanded some kind of proof of the authenticity of his message, and refused to abandon their idols just because of his warnings. [11:54] They maintained that Hud had been driven mad by one or more of the idols. He replied with an oath that he disowned all the idols they had made. | |
[11:55] "beside Him. So, give me your collective decision, without delay.
[11:56] "I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is not a creature that He does not control. My Lord is on the right path. [11:57] "If you turn away, I have delivered to you what I was sent with. My Lord will substitute other people in your place; you cannot harm Him in the least. My Lord is in control of all things." [11:58] When our judgment came, we saved Hud and those who believed with him, by mercy from us. We saved them from a terrible punishment. |
[11:55-56] He insisted that they immediately give up idolatry and worship only God as he did. He pointed out that God is the Lord and Master of everything, and that there is nothing on earth that He does not control. They didn't listen.
[11:57] Hud warned them that if they didn't heed his warning and rejected his admonition, God would replace them with others, because everything that happened was under His control. They still didn't listen to Hud. [11:58] So God arranged to save Hud and those few of his companions who listened to him from the punishment that He was planning on impose on those who had false gods beside Him. | |
[11:59] Such was 'Ad. They disregarded the revelations of their Lord, disobeyed His messengers, and followed the ways of every stubborn tyrant. | [11:59] Just like the rebellious people before them, the people of 'Ad disregarded God's revelations and His messengers and continued to do what they wanted. | |
[11:60] Consequently, they incurred condemnation in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, 'Ad rejected their Lord. Indeed, 'Ad, the people of Hud, have perished. | [11:60] They not only made themselves liable on the Day of Resurrection, they incurred condemnation in this world as well because they rejected God. As a result, 'Ad was utterly destroyed. | |
[11:61] To Thamud we sent their brother Saleh. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god beside Him. He initiated you from the earth, then settled you in it. You shall seek His forgiveness, then repent to Him. My Lord is always near, responsive."
[11:62] They said, "O Saleh, you used to be popular among us before this. Are you enjoining us from worshiping what our parents are worshiping? We are full of doubt concerning everything you have told us." |
[11:61] A city that suffered the same fate as the capitol of 'Ad was Thamud. The location is conjectural. Like the other prophets, Saleh explained that there is only One God who created the earth and everything in it, and placed them on it also. Saleh told them that they should repent of their idol worship. See also [7:73].
[11:62] The people rejected Saleh's revelations. They rebuked him for trying to dissuade them from the religion of their ancestors even though he was one of them. They didn't believe anything he told them. | |
[11:63] He said, "O my people, what if I have solid proof from my Lord, and mercy from Him? Who would support me against God, if I disobeyed Him? You can only augment my loss. | [11:63] Saleh asked them what they thought would happen to him if he didn't carry out the mission God commanded of him. their destruction because of his disobedience would only make his failure worse. | |
[11:64] "O my people, this is God's camel to serve as a proof for you. You shall let her eat from God's earth, and do not touch her with any harm, lest you incur an immediate punishment."
[11:65] They slaughtered her. He then said, "You have only three days to live. This is an inevitable prophecy." | [11:64-65] It is not clear how the camel enters into the story, although obviously the killing of the camel was a deliberately rebellious act by the people of Thamud. The camel may have been used as an example of how God gives milk cooking fuel, tent fiber, and transportation to His people. Those who killed the camel threatened to do the same thing to Saleh if he didn't get out of town in three days. | |
[11:66] When our judgment came, we saved Saleh and those who believed with him by mercy from us, from the humiliation of that day. Your Lord is the Most Powerful, the Almighty. | [11:66] Saleh and his companions were not only vindicated, they were saved from the destruction of Thamud. The narration in "The Elevated Places" says it was a "quake," but the location is unknown. | |
[11:67] Those who transgressed were annihilated by the disaster, leaving them in their homes, dead. | [11:67] Whatever it was, it left them "dead in their homes." (See also [7:78].) | |
[11:68] It was as if they never lived there. Indeed, Thamud have rejected their Lord. Absolutely, Thamud have incurred their annihilation. | [11:68] Because the people of Thamud acted as if God did not exist, their punishment was to leave their city as if they had never existed. | |
[11:69] When our messengers went to Abraham with good news, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace," and soon brought a roasted calf. | [11:69] Abraham is a counterexample. When the messengers of God went to him, he welcomed them with generous hospitality {Genesis 18:1-8}. | |
[11:70] When he saw that their hands did not touch it, he became suspicious and fearful of them. They said, "Do not be afraid, we are being dispatched to the people of Lot." | [11:70] Here, the messengers are on their way to the "people of Lot." In the Biblical version {Genesis 18:20-22} they are investigating sinfulness Sodom and Gomorrah. | |
[11:71] His wife was standing, and she laughed when we gave her the good news about Isaac, and after Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqoub (Jacob).
[11:72] She said, "Woe to me, how could I bear a child at my age, and here is my husband, an old man? This is really strange!" | [11:71-72] In the Biblical version {Genesis 18:9-15}, Sarah doesn't get "good news" directly; Inside Abraham's tent, she overhears one of the messengers say that she will have a son within the year. Here, she is told by God that she will be a mother and also a grandmother. (Both of the descendants mentioned are ancestors of the Jews, not the Arabs. Sarah is considered a Jewish ancestress). | |
[11:73] They said, "Do you find it strange for God? God has bestowed His mercy and blessings upon you, O inhabitants of the shrine. He is Praiseworthy, Glorious." | [11:73] The emphasis here is the rewards that God has bestowed on Abraham and his family and friends because of their acceptance of the messengers. | |
[11:74] When Abraham's fear subsided, and the good news was delivered to him, he proceeded to argue with us on behalf of Lot's people. | [11:74] Semitic people have a long cultural history of haggling. Here Abraham haggles with God over the fate of "Lot's people" {Genesis 18:23-32}. | |
[11:75] Indeed, Abraham was clement, extremely kind, and obedient. | [11:75] This underscores the reason that Abraham was so richly rewarded by God. | |
[11:76] "O Abraham, refrain from this. Your Lord's judgment has been issued; they have incurred unavoidable vengeance."
[11:77] When our messengers went to Lot, they were mistreated, and he was embarrassed by their presence. He said, "This is a difficult day." | [11:76-77] Nevertheless, Abraham cannot forestall the punishment that will be inflicted on the people who refused to accept God's message and mistreated his messengers. In the Bible, the homosexual propositions of the messengers {Genesis 19:4-8} simply underscore the people's wickedness. Here, the rejection of the messengers is their downfall. | |
[11:78] His people came rushing; they had grown accustomed to their sinful acts. He said, "O my people, it would be purer for you, if you take my daughters instead. You shall reverence God; do not embarrass me with my guests. Have you not one reasonable man among you?" | [11:78] This is basically the same story as {Genesis 19:4-8}, perhaps to show the Sodomites' hostility toward the messengers of God. This is a clear analogy to Mohammed, who as this time was about to be driven out of Mecca by the Quraish, who were similarly contemptuous of him and his Message. | |
[11:79] They said, "You know well that we have no need for your daughters; you know exactly what we want." | [11:79] This does not specifically say that the wickedness of the Sodomites was homosexual behavior. [7:81] does. | |
[11:80] He said, "I wish I were strong enough, or had a powerful ally!" | [11:80] Another analogy to Mohammed. Lot's ally was God, who ultimately saved him and his daughters. | |
[11:81] (The angels) said, "O Lot, we are your Lord's messengers, and these people cannot touch you. You shall leave with your family during the night, and let not anyone of you look back, except your wife; she is condemned along with those who are condemned. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning soon enough?" | [11:81] The messengers are finally identified here as angels {Genesis 19:1} who have come to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. God's punishment has already been determined {Genesis 19:12-25}, not only for the people of the cities, but also for Lot's wife {Genesis 19:26}. God knew beforehand that she would disobey His commandment not to look back, and so she was already condemned. | |
[11:82] When our judgment came, we turned it upside down, and we showered it with hard, devastating rocks.
[11:83] Such rocks were designated by your Lord to strike the transgressors. | [11:82-83] The Bible says that the cities were destroyed by "brimstone and fire" and that God "overthrew" them {Genesis 19:24-25}. Some archeologists suggest that the cities might have been struck by meteoroids that set fire to nearby exposed petroleum deposits. | |
[11:84] To Midian we sent their brother Shoaib. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other god beside Him. Do not cheat when you measure or weigh. I see that you are prosperous, and I fear for you the punishment of an overwhelming day.
[11:85] "O my people, you shall give full measure and full weight, equitably. Do not cheat the people out of their rights, and do not roam the earth corruptingly. | [11:84-85] Shoaib not only preached monotheism, he also advocated honest business practices revealed elsewhere in the Koran ([2:282], [6:152], [7:56]). This was especially important for the survival of a trading community that depended on foreign commerce along a major trading thoroughfare, which Midian was. At the time of Abraham, possibly a contemporary of Shoaib, it was well established. By the time of Moses, Midian was an empty land, suitable only for grazing sheep. See also [7:85]. | |
[11:86] "Whatever God provides for you, no matter how small, is far better for you, if you are really believers. I am not a guardian over you." | [11:86] Shoaib's admonition about honesty is based on the necessity of living a righteous life, which includes treating everyone justly. | |
[11:87] They said, "O Shoaib, does your religion dictate upon you that we must abandon our parents' religion, or running our businesses in any manner we choose? Surely, you are known for being clement, wise." | [11:87] The Midianites replied that this was just not how things were done in their community, and they were surprised that Shoaib would suggest such a radical departure from their traditional practices. | |
[11:88] He said, "O my people, what if I have solid proof from my Lord; what if He has provided me with a great blessing? It is not my wish to commit what I enjoin you from. I only wish to correct as many wrongs as I can. My guidance depends totally on God; I have put my trust in Him. To Him I have totally submitted. | [11:88] He, in turn, offered to prove the authenticity of his message (possibly by demonstrating that adopting his business ethics would result in repeat customers and more profit). He certainly didn't want to do the same things they did. He pointed out that he depended totally on God, not the prevailing standards. for his guidance. | |
[11:89] "And, O my people, do not be provoked by your opposition to me into incurring the same disasters as the people of Noah, or the people of Hud, or the people of Saleh; and the people of Lot are not too far from you. | [11:89] Shoaib warned his people that they were about to incur the same disasters that had befallen their ancestors. The references to the previous stories suggests that Shoaib lived after the time the events in them occurred. | |
[11:90] "You shall implore your Lord for forgiveness, then repent to Him. My Lord is Most Merciful, Kind." | [11:90] His message is simple: (1) ask forgiveness for your transgressions, and (2) stop doing them. | |
[11:91] They said, "O Shoaib, we do not comprehend many of the things you are telling us, and we see that you are powerless among us. If it were not for your tribe, we would have stoned you. You have no value for us." | [11:91] Shoaib's message was not well received. His hearers claimed that they didn't really understand it, and only tolerated him because he was a well-respected local citizen. Had he been a foreigner, they would have taken him out and killed him. | |
[11:92] He said, "O my people, does my tribe command a greater respect than God? Is this why you have been heedless of Him? My Lord is fully aware of everything you do. | [11:92] This is a stinging rebuke. It is nonsense to make allowances for someone just because he comes from a good family but not because he represents God, who knows what every one of them is doing. | |
[11:93] "O my people, go on doing what you wish, and so will I. You will certainly find out which of us will incur shameful punishment; you will find out who the liar is. Just wait in anticipation, and I will wait in anticipation along with you." | [11:93] This passage, as well as [7:93] suggests that Shoaib was thoroughly disgusted with the opposition of his friends and neighbors whom he was trying to save. He didn't feel too much sympathy for their bitter attitude toward him. | |
[11:94] When our judgment came, we saved Shoaib and those who believed with him, by mercy from us. As for the evil ones, they were struck by a disaster that left them dead in their homes. | [11:94] Because they had remained faithful to Him, God saved Shoaib and his companions from the disaster that befell the idol worshiping traders of Midian when it suddenly came upon them and killed them all. | |
[11:95] It was as though they never existed. Thus, Midian perished, just like Thamud had perished before that. | [11:95] Today Midian is an empty, essentially depopulated Arab/Israeli battleground, just like Thamud, wherever it might be. | |
[11:96] We sent Moses with our signs and a profound authority. | [11:96] See also [10:75], which tells the full story of Moses and Pharaoh. | |
[11:97] To Pharaoh and his elders. But they followed the command of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh's command was not wise. | [11:97] The extensive narration in Yunus is not repeated here, possibly because the point about his hard-heartedness was made there. | |
[11:98] He will lead his people on the Day of Resurrection, all the way to Hell; what a wretched dwelling to live in! | [11:98] One point not made previously is that, as the leader of the Egyptians, Pharaoh will lead them all to Hell. | |
[11:99] They have incurred condemnation in this life, as well as on the Day of Resurrection; what a miserable path to follow! | [11:99] At the time of this revelation, Egypt was a part of the Byzantine Empire. The Christian Egyptians were regarded as already having been punished. | |
[11:100] This is news from the past communities that we narrate to you. Some are still standing, and some have vanished. | [11:100] The purpose of this history lesson is to demonstrate what happens when God's Message (and Messenger) are rejected. | |
[11:101] We never wronged them; they wronged their own souls. Their gods, whom they invoked beside God, could not help them in the least when the judgment of your Lord came. In fact, they only ensured their doom. | [11:101] God never treated any of these communities unjustly, because they freely chose to reject the guidance that He was trying to give them. Their preference for their false gods proved to be their undoing. | |
[11:102] Such was the punishment enforced by your Lord when the communities transgressed. Indeed, His vengeance is painful, devastating. | [11:102] The punishment of God on those who persisted in their evil ways even after He sent messengers to them was shocking and awesome! | |
[11:103] This should be a lesson for those who fear the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a day when all the people will be summoned, a day to be witnessed. | [11:103] The disasters that befell these communities is only a sample of the disaster that will befall them in the afterlife, when everyone will be judged. | |
[11:104] We have appointed a specific time for it to take place. | [11:104] The day is definitely coming: God has already designated the day and date. | |
[11:105] The day it comes to pass, no soul will utter a single word, except in accordance with His will. Some will be miserable, and some will be happy. | [11:105] On that day, no one will pray for help. The good will be rewarded and the bad will be punished. Jesus preached a similar message {Matthew 25:46}. | |
[11:106] As for the miserable ones, they will be in Hell, wherein they sigh and wail. | [11:106] The wicked will be consigned to Hell, where they will suffer miserably. | |
[11:107] They live there forever, for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, in accordance with the will of your Lord. Your Lord is doer of whatever He wills. | [11:107] Some suggest that this means that Hell will last only as long as the earth, and that the condemned eventually will be pardoned. This sura says clearly that Hell is eternal. | |
[11:108] As for the fortunate ones, they will be in Paradise. They will live there forever, for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, in accordance with the will of your Lord; an everlasting reward. | [11:108] The reward of the righteous in Paradise is also eternal. The phrase "heavens and the earth" here should probably be taken as meaning "God's creation," or something similar. | |
[11:109] Do not have any doubt regarding what these people worship; they worship exactly as they found their parents worshiping. We will punish them their due share fully, without reduction. | [11:109] The monotheism of Christians and Jews had been firmly established by this time, so there was not any real confusion between God and idols. One cannot get away with worshiping both. | |
[11:110] We have given Moses the Scripture, but it was disputed, and if it were not for a predetermined word decreed by your Lord, they would have been judged immediately. They are full of doubt about this, suspicious. | [11:110] Islam maintains that it is the religion practiced and by Abraham and Moses. Subsequent generations corrupted this teaching. Had God so chosen, He could have restored it by doing away with the doubters. | |
[11:111] Your Lord will surely reward everyone for their works. He is fully Cognizant of everything they do. | [11:111] Those who remain faithful and live righteously are known to God. He will reward all of them. | |
[11:112] Therefore, continue on the path you have been enjoined to follow, together with those who repented with you, and do not transgress. He is the Seer of everything you do. | [11:112] Those who have accepted Islam are therefore enjoined to continue in their belief, along with the other converts, and not to make the mistakes of those whose civilizations were destroyed. | |
[11:113] Do not lean towards those who have transgressed, lest you incur Hell, and find no allies to help you against God, then end up losers. | [11:113] They are not to get too friendly with the evildoers, lest they be tempted to reject what they have been taught and incur the same punishment. | |
[11:114] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) at both ends of the day, and during the night. The righteous works wipe out the evil works. This is a reminder for those who would take heed. | [11:114] They are reminded to continue to say their morning and night prayers (possibly to distinguish themselves from the idolaters and identify themselves to the other converts) to expiate their past sins. | |
[11:115] You shall steadfastly persevere, for God never fails to reward the righteous. | [11:115] Steadfast perseverance was certainly necessary at this time, during the persecution. | |
[11:116] If only some of those among the previous generations possessed enough intelligence to forbid evil! Only a few of them deserved to be saved by us. As for the transgressors, they were preoccupied with their material luxuries; they were guilty. | [11:116] Previous generations of idolaters should have been intelligent enough to realize that taking idols as their gods was just stupid, even without God's revelation. Unfortunately, they didn't give it too much thought, because they were too busy making money. | |
[11:117] Your Lord never annihilates any community unjustly, while its people are righteous. | [11:117] God never destroys the righteous, even if they have not heard of Him. | |
[11:118] Had your Lord willed, all the people would have been one congregation (of believers). But they will always dispute. | [11:118] He could have revealed Himself so that everyone would believe in Him. That's not the way He works. As a result, there will always be doubters. | |
[11:119] Only those blessed with mercy from your Lord. This is why He created them. The judgment of your Lord has already been issued: "I will fill Hell with djinns and humans, all together." | [11:119] God created all mankind to be blessed with mercy, so those who reject these blessings condemn themselves to Hell. This includes not only the evildoing humans, but also the evil djinns. | |
[11:120] We narrate to you enough history of the messengers to strengthen your heart. The truth has come to you herein, as well as enlightenments and reminders for the believers. | [11:120] The history provided here is enough for the believers to be fortified by understanding that Mohammed's Message is part of revelation from God that has been going on for a long time. | |
[11:121] Say to those who disbelieve, "Do whatever you can, and so will we. | [11:121] The idolaters can do whatever they want, but they will not destroy the Messages. | |
[11:122] "Then wait; we too will wait." | [11:122] The true believers will wait along with them. | |
[11:123] To God belongs the future of the heavens and the earth, and all matters are controlled by Him. You shall worship Him and trust in Him. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do. | [11:123] This sura ends with a summation (again) of Mohammed's Message; the Lord and Master of the Earth is aware of all things. You shall serve Him alone {Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8}. |
SURA 12: Yousuf - Joseph
The two versions of the story, this sura and {Genesis 37:5-47:12} are told from different perspectives. Each contains elements not found in the other. There does not appear to be correspondence in the Koran with {Genesis 37:1-2; 38:1-30; 41:50-52; 42:9-14; 42:21-26; 43:16-25, 30-34; 45:12-24; 46:1-26, 31-34; and 47:1-10}, but ayats 6-7, 13-14, 17, 26-32, 38-40, 51-53, 56-57, 61, 68-69, 75, 77, 79-89, 91, 97-98, 101 and following are not found in Genesis, either. Nevertheless, the two versions are remarkably similar, much more so than, for example, the Gospels of Matthew and John, written by two contemporaries and close companions of Jesus. The Genesis story of Joseph is a historical narrative, whereas this sura is a moral lesson that, by God's design, good will eventually triumph over evil. |
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[12:1] A.L.R. These are proofs of this profound scripture. |
[12:1] This sura is proof of the authenticity of the Koran. |
[12:2] We have revealed it an Arabic Koran, that you may understand. | [12:2] This is the story of Joseph in Arabic, so that the Arabs will know about it. | |
[12:3] We narrate to you the most accurate history through the revelation of this Koran. Before this, you were totally unaware. | [12:3] This is a more accurate version than that contained in the Torah. Those who have only that record don't know the whole story. |
[12:6] "Your Lord has thus blessed you, and has given you good news through your dream. He has perfected His blessings upon you and upon the family of Jacob, as He did for your ancestors Abraham and Isaac before that. Your Lord is Omniscient, Most Wise." | [12:6] Genesis does not record Jacob's lecture to young Joseph recounted here. {Genesis 37:10} suggests that Jacob was somewhat skeptical about the obvious meaning, and warned Joseph to keep it to himself. Joseph responded as a typical seventeen year old! | |
[12:7] In Joseph and his brothers there are lessons for the seekers. | [12:7] This is obviously an analogy between Mohammed and the Quraish and Joseph and his brothers. |
[12:42] He then said to the one to be saved "Remember me at your Lord." Thus, the devil caused him to forget his Lord, and, consequently, he remained in prison a few more years. | [12:42] {Genesis 40:14-15, 23} says that Joseph asked the butler to tell Pharaoh about him, but he forgot. |
[12:56] We thus established Joseph on earth, ruling as he wished. We shower our mercy upon whomever we will, and we never fail to reward the righteous. | [12:56] The Koran adds a little commentary from God to the effect that the whole incident was all part of His plan to establish Joseph as a prophet. | |
[12:57] Additionally, the reward in the Hereafter is even better for those who believe and lead a righteous life. | [12:57] It also adds a remark about the reward of those who believe and lead a righteous life (just like Joseph). |
[12:61] They said, "We will negotiate with his father about him. We will surely do this." | [12:61] Genesis does not record the brothers' lie that they will talk to their father. |
[12:68] When they went (to Joseph), they entered in accordance with their father's instructions. Although this could not change anything decreed by God, Jacob had a private reason for asking them to do this. For he possessed certain knowledge that we taught him, but most people do not know. | [12:68] This is another insertion of moral instruction. As a prophet who knew all along that the brothers had done away with Joseph, Jacob wanted to separate them so they would not be able to conspire among themselves. The plan has the unexpected result of separating Benjamin so Joseph could talk to him alone. | |
[12:69] When they entered Joseph's place, he brought his brother closer to him and said, "I am your brother; do not be saddened by their actions." | [12:69] His revelation (to Benjamin) that he is the long lost brother is before that in the biblical account, where he doesn't reveal that until {Genesis 45:3} |
[12:75] They said, "The punishment, if it is found in his bag, is that the thief belongs to you. We thus punish the guilty." | [12:75] Genesis says that only the one with the cup would be detained. The Koran says that all the brothers are guilty by association, an obvious reference to the Quraish. |
[12:77] They said, "If he stole, so did a brother of his in the past." Joseph concealed his feelings in himself, and did not give them any clue. He said (to himself), "You are really bad. God is fully aware of your accusations." | [12:77] Joseph here indicts all the brothers so that he has a legal basis for arresting and detaining them. Benjamin, knows who Joseph is, so he goes along with the deception. |
[12:78] They said, "O you noble one, he has a father who is elderly; would you take one of us in his place? We see that you are a kind man." | [12:78] {Genesis 44:18-34} |
[12:79] He said, "God forbid that we should take other than the one in whose possession we found our goods. Otherwise, we would be unjust." | [12:79] Since all the brothers are guilty by association, it would be unjust of Joseph to punish just one of them. | |
[12:80] When they despaired of changing his mind, they conferred together. Their eldest said, "Do you realize that your father has taken a solemn pledge from you before God? In the past you lost Joseph. I am not leaving this place until my father gives me permission, or until God judges for me; He is the best Judge. | [12:80] The brothers remember their oath to the father not to return without young Benjamin and start blaming each other for putting themselves in this predicament by losing Joseph. This might be the first time Benjamin learns about the treachery of his older brothers. |
[12:81] "Go back to your father and tell him... | [12:81] The brothers decide to prevail on Jacob to try and bail them out by agreeing to accuse the innocent Benjamin. |
[12:91] They said, "By God, God has truly preferred you over us. We were definitely wrong." | [12:91] Faced with this overwhelming proof, the brothers have no recourse except to admit their culpability. |
[12:97] They said, "Our father, pray for our forgiveness; we were wrong indeed." | [12:97] Old Jacob is vindicated for his trust in God, and the brothers humbly ask for his forgiveness. (The Quraish might well think about doing the same!) | |
[12:98] He said, "I will implore my Lord to forgive you; He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful." | [12:98] Jacob agrees to pray for them and their redemption. |
[12:99] When they entered Joseph's quarters, he embraced his parents, saying, "Welcome to Egypt. God willing, you will be safe here." | [12:99] {Genesis 46:27-30} |
SURA 13: Al-Rad - The Thunder | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[13:1] A.L.M.R. These are proofs of this scripture. What is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe. [13:2] God is the One who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then assumed all authority. He committed the sun and the moon, each running for a predetermined period. He controls all things, and explains the revelations, that you may attain certainty about meeting your Lord. |
[13:1] These are some of the verses of the Scripture that has been revealed to you from God. It is the truth, even if most people do not believe it.
[13:2] The sura begins with a statement of who and what God is, the supreme nature of the "Most High." His absolute magnificence is revealed in the limitless wonders of His creation. Mankind can clearly see, and to a limited extent understand, what God has already created. He is constantly at work, however, in a way that cannot be seen or understood by man. This work of God extends to controlling all things and explaining what is necessary for man's salvation. | |
[13:3] He is the One who constructed the earth and placed on it mountains and rivers. And from the different kinds of fruits, He made them into pairs - males and females. The night overtakes the day. These are solid proofs for people who think. | [13:3] The limitless variety of creation, from the geological features of the entire earth to the profusion of flowering plants that grow and reproduce in an unknown way, as well as the operation of the heavens; all of these phenomena show the magnificence of God. | |
[13:4] On earth, there are adjacent lots that produce orchards of grapes, crops, palm trees, growing out of single roots or otherwise. Although they are irrigated with the same water, we prefer some of them over others in eating. These are solid proofs for people who understand.
[13:5] If you ever wonder, the real wonder is their saying: "After we turn into dust, do we get recreated anew?" These are the ones who have disbelieved in their Lord. These are the ones who have incurred shackles around their necks. These are the ones who have incurred Hell, wherein they remain forever. [13:6] They challenge you to bring doom upon them, rather than turning righteous! Sufficient precedents have been set for them in the past. Indeed, your Lord is full of forgiveness towards the people, in spite of their transgressions, and your Lord is also strict in enforcing punishment. |
[13:4] The same earth and the same water produce a profusion of many different growing things, with varieties of fruits and plants and structural form. Some people prefer one kind; some another, but they are all good. All of them are proofs of the solicitude of God.
[13:5] What is really incomprehensible is the way some people refuse to believe that God can raise them up out of the dust, even though they can clearly see that He does that with the living plants. They refuse to believe and thus hobble themselves with their disbelief. They are the ones who will wind up in Hell. [13:6] The look for a miracle to convince them, rather than doing the right things to avoid destruction that such a miracle might cause. If they want to be convinced, there are plenty of convincing precedents for them. God wants to forgive them for their lack of faith, but He is also strict in punishing those who willingly do wrong. | |
[13:7] Those who disbelieved say, "If only a miracle could come down to him from his Lord (we will then believe)." You are simply a counselor; every community receives a guiding teacher. | [13:7] Here God reminds Mohammed that He does not force people to believe through miracles. He is merely one of many teachers who have been sent to warn of impending doom. (See also [3:27].) | |
[13:8] God knows what every female bears, and what every womb releases, or gains. Everything He does is perfectly measured.
[13:9] The Knower of all secrets and declarations; the Supreme, the Most High. | [13:8-9] God knows absolutely everything about the bringing forth of life, both of animals and plants. He accomplishes this in a perfectly orchestrated manner, in every way that life comes about. He knows all things done in secret and all things done in public, without limit. | |
[13:10] It is the same whether you conceal your thoughts, or declare them, or hide in the darkness of the night, or act in the daylight. | [13:10] No matter how hard one tries to hide his most secret thoughts, or whether he declares them openly, God knows them just the same. | |
[13:11] Shifts (of angels) take turns, staying with each one of you. They are in front of you and behind you. They stay with you, and guard you in accordance with God's commands. Thus, God does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change. If God wills any hardship for any people, no force can stop it. For they have none beside Him as Lord and Master.
[13:12] He is the One who shows you the lightning as a source of fear, as well as hope, and He initiates the loaded clouds. [13:13] The thunder praises His glory, and so do the angels, out of reverence for Him. He sends the lightning bolts, which strike in accordance with His will. Yet, they argue about God, though His power is awesome. |
[13:11] Angels have been mentioned before in the Koran, but this is the first time the current operation of the angels is revealed. Their mission from God is to be the companions and protectors of mankind, to guard in accordance with His direction. However, the angels don't force people do to anything, right or wrong, and they don't protect people from whatever difficulties God wishes to send them. They assure that His will is done on earth, as it is in heaven.
[13:12] The lightning is also a source of hope, even though it can be frightening, for it announces that the life-giving rain is about to fall. [13:13] Even the angels praise God's magnificence, which He reveals in the thunder and lightning, which are completely under His control. Yet there are still people who argue about His very existence. | |
[13:14] Imploring Him is the only legitimate supplication, while the idols they implore beside Him cannot ever respond. Thus, they are like those who stretch their hands to the water, but nothing reaches their mouths. The supplications of the disbelievers are in vain.
[13:15] To God prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows in the mornings and the evenings. |
[13:14] The only one it makes sense to pray to is the One who has control over everything. People who pray to worthless idols are like those who try to drink by touching their hands to water instead of their mouths. The make the motions, but nothing happens.
[13:15] All the things on earth and in heaven, even the lengthening morning and evening shadows they cast, acknowledge the power of God, whether they wish it or not. | |
[13:16] Say, "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?" Say, "God." Say, "Why then do you set up besides Him masters who do not possess any power to benefit or harm even themselves?" Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Is darkness the same as the light?" Have they found idols besides God who created creations similar to His creations, to the point of not distinguishing the two creations? Say, "God is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Supreme." | [13:16] The sense of this ayat might be best expressed in English by prefacing it with, "Are you people all out of your minds?!" the recitation asks: Who is the Lord of heaven and earth? Why do you set up idols? Are you all blind?! Have you all been running around in the dark?! Have your dysfunctional idols ever made anything, anything at all that even remotely resembles the magnificent wonders of God's creation? The reader can almost feel Mohammed's righteous anger and frustration. | |
[13:17] He sends down water from the sky, causing the valleys to overflow. When the floods come, the water has a scum on top. Similarly, when men use fire to refine metals for their jewelry or tools, the liquid metal is topped with slag. God thus cites analogies for truth and falsehood. As for the scum or slag, it goes to waste, while the worthwhile material is underneath. Thus does God demonstrate an analogy. | [13:17] The translation here is difficult. What it seems to say is that one has to look underneath falsehood to find truth. Arabian rivers are permanent geological features, but they only occasionally contain water. When water does flow, it is initially covered with the flotsam that invariably accumulates in the usually dry channel. Slag similarly accumulates on top of molten metal, even gold. In both cases, the real treasure is underneath the worthless refuse on top. | |
[13:18] Those who respond to their Lord deserve the good rewards. As for those who failed to respond to Him, if they possessed everything on earth, even twice as much, they would readily give it up as ransom. They have incurred the worst reckoning, and their final abode is Hell; what a miserable destiny.
[13:19] Is one who recognizes that your Lord's revelations to you are the truth equal to one who is blind? Only those who possess intelligence will take heed. |
[13:18] The people who listen to Mohammed's Message to them will be rewarded, and those who don't will be cast into Hell. Once they realize what a mistake they have made, they would certainly give twice everything they own to get out, but it will be too late.
[13:19] This is another rhetorical question for the disbelievers. Is someone who can see just as well off as someone who is blind? The intelligent person will listen and act, while the stupid one will do nothing and lose his soul. | |
[13:20] They are the ones who fulfill their pledge to God, and do not violate the covenant. | [13:20] The smart ones (probably the converts to Islam) will fulfill their oaths and do what they promised. | |
[13:21] They join what God has commanded to be joined, reverence their Lord, and fear the dreadful reckoning. | [13:21] This may refer to joining the community of believers, the mark of which is acknowledgment of the One God. | |
[13:22] They steadfastly persevere in seeking their Lord, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), spend from our provisions to them secretly and publicly, and counter evil with good. These have deserved the best abode. | [13:22] This seems to refer to the converts in Mecca. They are doing what they are supposed to be doing, saying their daily prayers, distributing their income wisely in business and charitably in private, and overcoming evil by doing good. | |
[13:23] They enter the gardens of Eden, together with the righteous among their parents, their spouses, and their children. The angels will enter in to them from every door. | [13:23] These good people will be rewarded in Paradise. (Islam considers Heaven, the reward of the just, and Eden, where Adam and Eve lived, to be the same place. See [7:24].) | |
[13:24] "Peace be upon you, because you steadfastly persevered. What a joyous destiny." | [13:24] The angels in Paradise will greet ("Salaam Alaykum") those who have steadfastly persevered. | |
[13:25] As for those who violate God's covenant after pledging to keep it, and sever what God has commanded to be joined, and commit evil, they have incurred condemnation; they have incurred the worst destiny. | [13:25] This appears to be directed at those converts who have fallen back into idolatry (possibly as a result of social pressure). They lose their salvation and incur the same fate as those who had never converted. | |
[13:26] God is the One who increases the provision for whomever He wills, or withholds it. They have become preoccupied with this life; and this life, compared to the Hereafter, is as nothing. | [13:26] Perhaps the backsliding converts believed that their fortunes would change for the better, and are disappointed that the miracle didn't happen. They are warned that they should not think that they can bribe God by believing in him. | |
[13:27] Those who disbelieve would say, "If only a miracle could come down to him from his Lord (we would believe)." Say, "God sends astray whomever He wills, and guides to Him only those who obey." | [13:27] This is a restatement of [3:7], one of the main themes of this sura. God does not force people to believe by forcing a miracle upon them. Those who believe have to freely choose to do that. | |
[13:28] They are the ones whose hearts rejoice in remembering God. Absolutely, by remembering God, the hearts rejoice. | [13:28] The true converts are those who rejoice in knowing God and keeping faith with Him no matter what else happens to them. | |
[13:29] Those who believe and lead a righteous life have deserved happiness and a joyous destiny. | [13:29] As long as they do what they know they are supposed to, they deserve the everlasting rewards. | |
[13:30] We have sent you to this community, just as we did for other communities in the past. You shall recite to them what we reveal to you, for they have disbelieved in the Most Gracious. Say, "He is my Lord. There is no god except He. I put my trust in Him alone; to Him is my ultimate destiny." | [13:30] God has sent Mohammed to the inhabitants of the holy city of Mecca just as previous prophets were sent to their communities to deliver God's message. The Meccans are proving to be an especially hard case. They are passionately resisting the main message; that there is only One God, and Mohammed is His prophet. | |
[13:31] Even if a recitation caused mountains to move, or the earth to tear asunder, or the dead to speak. God controls all things. Is it not time for the believers to give up and realize that if God willed, He could have guided all the people? The disbelievers will continue to suffer disasters, as a consequence of their own works, or have disasters strike close to them, until God's promise is fulfilled. God will never change the predetermined destiny. | [13:31] This continues the theme about God not forcing people to believe by working miracles. Even if the Messenger's words moved mountains, caused earthquakes or made the dead to speak, those who choose not to believe will invent some excuse. God could force them to accept His Message if he chose, but He doesn't do that. They will continue to suffer the disastrous consequences of their disbelief as long as the world lasts, until every creature recognizes Him. | |
[13:32] Messengers before you have been ridiculed; I permitted the disbelievers to carry on, then I punished them. How terrible was My vengeance! | [13:32] The same thing has happened before, when previous prophets were allowed to be taunted and mocked before God punished them all. | |
[13:33] Is there any equal to the One who controls every single soul? Yet, they set up idols to rival God. Say, "Name them. Are you informing Him of something on earth that He does not know? Or, are you fabricating empty statements?" Indeed, the schemes of those who disbelieve have been adorned in their eyes. They are thus diverted from the right path. Whomever God sends astray can never find a guiding teacher. | [13:33] The idol worshipers are not able to name a single one of their gods who even compares the God from whom Mohammed receives his revelation and who controls everything and everyone. Their protestations (against Mohammed) are merely empty arguments, having no serious meaning. They pretend to have a theology like Mohammed, but they have nothing to compare to his. Because of this, they have no moral direction. | |
[13:34] They have incurred punishment in this life, and the penalty in the Hereafter is far worse. Nothing can protect them against God. | [13:34] They will ultimately be punished for their stubbornness in this life as well as in the afterlife. There is no way for them to protect themselves from God. | |
[13:35] The allegory of Heaven, which is promised for the righteous, is flowing streams, inexhaustible provisions, and cool shade. Such is the destiny for the righteous, while the destiny for the disbelievers is Hell. | [13:35] This is another (imperfect, allegorical) description of the rewards of Paradise; plenty of water, anything they want to eat, and protection from the hot sun. The disbelievers in Hell will have none of these things. | |
[13:36] Those who received the scripture rejoice in what was revealed to you; some others may reject parts of it. Say, "I am simply enjoined to worship God, and never associate any idols with Him. I invite to Him, and to Him is my ultimate destiny."
[13:37] We revealed these laws in Arabic, and if you ever acquiesce to their wishes, after this knowledge has come to you, you will have no ally, nor a protector, against God. |
[13:36] Some of the idol worshipers wanted to compromise, adding the One God to the list of those they worshiped. This practice is expressly forbidden. The true believers will worship God alone.
[13:37] Unlike the Jews (whose Scriptures were in Hebrew and Greek) and the Christians (who used Latin), the Koran is in Arabic, the language of the common people. They thus have no excuse not to understand it. | |
[13:38] We have sent messengers before you, and we made them husbands with wives and children. No messenger can produce a miracle without God's authorization, and in accordance with a specific, predetermined time.
[13:39] God erases whatever He wills, and fixes (whatever He wills). With Him is the original Master Record. |
[13:38] The prophets are common people, having wives and children just like everyone else. They do not have any special powers. In particular, they do not have the power to produce miracles by themselves, but only if God wills, and then only at times and in ways that He specifies.
[13:39] God does whatever He wants and reveals whatever He chooses in the Scriptures. | |
[13:40] Whether we show you what we promise them, or terminate your life before that, your sole mission is to recite. It is us who will call them to account.
[13:41] Do they not see that every day on earth, brings them closer to the end, and that God decides their life span, irrevocably? He is the most efficient Reckoner. |
[13:40] God may allow Mohammed to see the rewards of his labors, or allow him to die before that happens. Either way, his only mission is to recite the Message God has given to him. God will deal with the recipients in due course.
[13:41] Each day of life brings one closer to the time of his death, when God will reward or punish him, and only He knows when that will be. | |
[13:42] Others before them have schemed, but to God belongs the ultimate scheming. He knows what everyone is doing. The disbelievers will find out who the ultimate victors are. | [13:42] This may be directed at the Quraish, who were plotting to get rid of Mohammed one way or the other. God knows what they are doing, and will let them know whom He favors in His own good time. | |
[13:43] Those who disbelieved will say, "You are not a Messenger!" Say, "God suffices as a witness between me and you, and those who possess knowledge of the scripture." | [13:43] Mohammed knows that God will eventually convict those who claim that he is a fraud, but only He knows when that will be because only He knows the future. |
SURA 14: Ibrahim - Abraham | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[14:1] A.L.R. This is a Scripture that we revealed to you, in order to lead the people out of darkness into the light - in accordance with the will of their Lord - to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy. [14:2] God; the One who possesses everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Woe to the disbelievers; they have incurred a terrible punishment. [14:3] They are the ones who give priority to this life over the Hereafter, repel from the way of God, and seek to make it crooked; they have gone far astray. |
[14:1-2] The purpose of this revelation is to enlighten the people according to God's will so that they will follow His path. It is obviously a veiled threat to those who don't accept it, specifically the Quraish who were violently opposed to anything Islamic. The tone is very much like that used in a similar situation by Jesus when he was preaching against the scribes and Pharisees {Matthew 23:13-26, Luke 11:42-52}. The language, like the attitude of the people addressed, is almost the same in both cases.
[14:3] These are basically the indictments of the Quraish. Idolatry requires only a few rituals to fulfill one's religious obligations, not the righteous life and concern for his fellow man that Mohammed demanded of the converts to Islam. | |
[14:4] We did not send any messenger except in the tongue of his people, in order to clarify things for them. God then sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise. | [14:4] The excuse that Islam was difficult to understand does not make sense. Unlike the Jews' Hebrew and Greek and Christians' Latin, the Koran is in the language of the common people, so they should have no difficulty understanding it. | |
[14:5] Thus, we sent Moses with our miracles, saying, "Lead your people out of darkness into the light, and remind them of the days of God." These are lessons for every steadfast, grateful person. | [14:5] Nothing about Islam violates common sense. Mohammed is able to demonstrate the reasonableness of everything his Message requires his followers to believe and practice, unlike the idol worshipers. | |
[14:6] Recall that Moses said to his people, "Remember God's blessings upon you. He saved you from Pharaoh's people who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, slaughtering your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial from your Lord." | [14:6] Moses' teaching is a good analogy. The Jews were an undisciplined rabble of self-centered slaves whom the Bible calls "rebellious." {Deuteronomy 9:7, 24; 31:27}. In addition to rescuing them from the Egyptians, Moses gave them a sense of dignity and self worth that persists to this very day. | |
[14:7] Your Lord has decreed: "The more you thank Me, the more I give you." But if you turn ungrateful, then My vengeance is severe. | [14:7] Historically, God has been generous to those who acknowledge Him and has punished those who ignore or reject Him, as Mohammed's detractors are doing. | |
[14:8] Moses said, "If you disbelieve, along with all the people on earth, God is in no need, Praiseworthy." | [14:8] Unlike the pagan concepts, belief in God is for the people's benefit, not His. | |
[14:9] Have you not heard about those before you - the people of Noah, 'Ad, Thamud, and others who came after them and known only to God? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they treated them with contempt and said, "We disbelieve in what you are sent with. We are skeptical about your message; full of doubt." | [14:9] The repetition of the stories of Noah ([7:59-69], [10:71-74], [11:25-89]), 'Ad ([7:65-78], [11:50-61]), and Thamud ([7:73-91], [11:61-95]) suggests that these tales were well known to the Quraish. Mohammed suggests that these are only a few of many historical instances of disasters befalling those who reject the messengers of God. | |
[14:10] Their messengers said, "Do you have doubts about God; the Initiator of the heavens and the earth? He invites you only to forgive your sins, and to give you another chance to redeem yourselves." They said, "You are no more than humans like us, who want to repel us from the way our parents used to worship. Show us some profound authority." | [14:10] Mohammed uses history, common sense and appeal to their own self interest to contradict the pseudo-argument that the long-established idolatrous practices of their ancestors were good enough. They want some kind of miraculous proof that Islam is better than that. Jesus had the same problem {Matthew 12:38; 16:1, Mark 8:11, Luke 11:16, 29, John 2:18; 6:30} | |
[14:11] Their messengers said to them, "We are no more than humans like you, but God blesses whomever He chooses from among His servants. We could not possibly show you any kind of authorization, except in accordance with God's will. In God the believers shall trust. | [14:11] In answer to the demand for signs, Mohammed points out that the historical prophets of the past were ordinary people, having no miraculous certification of their identity as messengers of God. It is God who works the miracles, but He does this as He wills, not in response to a challenge from disbelieving people. | |
[14:12] "Why should we not trust in God, when He has guided us in our paths? We will steadfastly persevere in the face of your persecution. In God all the people shall trust." | [14:12] Islam has worked in the past far better than idol worship. Submission to the Will of God is the only way one can cooperate with the fortunes God gives him, including the present persecution of the believers. | |
[14:13] Those who disbelieved said to their messengers, "We will banish you from our land, unless you revert to our religion." Their Lord inspired them: "We will inevitably annihilate the transgressors. | [14:13] The Quraish had been trying to get rid of Mohammed for some time, just like past disbelievers treated their prophets. The remark about annihilation of the transgressors is especially prophetic. The Muslims did that nine years later. | |
[14:14] "And we will let you dwell in their land after them. This is for those who reverence My majesty, and reverence My promise."
[14:15] They issued a challenge, and consequently, every stubborn tyrant ended up doomed. |
[14:14] The conquest of Mecca established Muslim control over the city that persists to the present day.
[14:15] Anyone who challenges God is doomed to failure. Those who tried it have demonstrated the truth of this fact. | |
[14:16] Awaiting him is Hell, wherein he will drink putrid water. | [14:16] The tyrants who opposed God are now drinking poisoned water in Hell. | |
[14:17] He will gulp it down, though he cannot stand it, as death comes to him from every direction, but he will never die. Awaiting him is a terrible punishment. | [14:17] Normally, people who drink poisoned water in the desert get sick and die. Here the tyrants are getting sick, but they're not dying, because Hell is eternal. | |
[14:18] The allegory of those who disbelieve in their Lord: their works are like ashes in a violent wind, on a stormy day. They gain nothing from whatever they earn; such is the farthest straying. | [14:18] This is another clever analogy. A violent wind or storm will scatter ashes so completely it is as if they never existed. This is what will happen to the condemned. | |
[14:19] Do you not realize that God has created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose? If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute a new creation in your place. | [14:19] The concept of man as part of the universe, created for a specific purpose (as opposed to just finding himself here for no reason), is one of the differences between Islam and idolatry. | |
[14:20] This is not too difficult for God. | [14:20] God is the supreme Creator. | |
[14:21] When they all stand before God, the followers will say to the leaders, "We used to follow you. Can you spare us even a little bit of God's punishment?" they will say, "Had God guided us, we would have guided you. Now it is too late, whether we grieve or resort to patience, there is no exit for us." | [14:21] On the Last Day, those who followed the practices of the idol worshipers will ask them to propitiate God as they had claimed to do to their gods before. Their reply will be that now that the truth is forced upon them, they have to admit they were all frauds, their priesthood a sham. | |
[14:22] And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, "God has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a severe punishment." | [14:22] Islam sees the devil as a clever, evil trickster, who promises things and then doesn't deliver. Here, he points out that both he and God promised rewards to the people, some of whom accepted God and some of whom accepted him. Because the truth of God is so obviously better than the lies of the devil, the people should have known better, and have only themselves to blame for believing him in the first place. At that point, neither will be able to help the other escape the punishment of their unwise choices. | |
[14:23] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they will be admitted into gardens with flowing streams. They live there forever, in accordance with the will of their Lord. Their greeting in them is: "Peace." | [14:23] Those who rejected the lies of the devil and believed in the truth of God instead will be rewarded with the often-described delights of Paradise. One of these is peace, the freedom from strife that in life is caused by the devil. | |
[14:24] Do you not see that God has cited the example of the good word as a good tree whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches are high in the sky? | [14:24] A "good tree," with branches "high in the sky" is a remarkable sight, very unusual in a desert, where the trees tend to be stunted and gnarled. | |
[14:25] It produces its crop every season, as designed by its Lord. God thus cites the examples for the people, that they may take heed. | [14:25] Jesus also spoke of a good tree with good fruit, although he was talking about hearers of the Word, not the Word itself. {Matthew 7:17, Luke 6:43} | |
[14:26] And the example of the bad word is that of a bad tree uprooted at the surface of the soil; it has no roots to keep it standing. | [14:26] This bad tree is falsehood. It doesn't need to be chopped down {Matthew 7:19} because it falls over all by itself, from its lack of structural support. | |
[14:27] God strengthens those who believe with the proven word, in this life and in the Hereafter. And God sends the transgressors astray. Everything is in accordance with God's will. | [14:27] Islam provides the comfort that, one is cooperating with the Devine Plan by submitting to it. Those who don't believe that tend to suffer stress-related psychological and emotional problems. | |
[14:28] Have you noted those who responded to God's blessings by disbelieving, and thus brought disaster upon their own families? | [14:28] These impact a person's relationships and members of his family as well as himself. This is a common problem in modern society. | |
[14:29] Hell is their destiny, wherein they burn; what a wretched downfall! | [14:29] The punishment of Hell for these people thus begins even before they die. | |
[14:30] They set up equals to God and divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy the present; your final destiny is Hell." | [14:30] Those who worship other things (wealth, influence, sex, fame, etc.) may enjoy them for a while, but these things will do them no good in the end. | |
[14:31] Exhort My servants who believed to observe the Contact Prayers, and to give from our provisions to them, secretly and publicly, before a day comes where there is neither trade, nor family ties. | [14:31] Prayer and charitable works are essential aspects (pillars) of Islam that were not required of idol worship. People cannot always depend upon their families or their ability to buy the things they need. | |
[14:32] God is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and He sends rain down from the sky to produce all kinds of fruit for your sustenance. He has committed the ships to serve you on the sea in accordance with his command. He has committed the rivers as well to serve you. | [14:32] The ability to fulfill one's physical needs actually comes from God. Without His help, farmers would have nothing to farm, traders would have no means to reach foreign markets, irrigation measures would have no purpose. Everything God has created is part of His plan to provide blessings upon mankind. | |
[14:33] He has committed the sun and the moon in your service, continuously. He has committed the night and the day to serve you.
[14:34] And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count God's blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, ungrateful. |
[14:33] Even the sun and moon, the cycle of night and day, are part of God's plan to benefit mankind.
[14:34] In addition to the things God supplies even without asking, He also provides blessings for which people pray to Him, even though many don't appreciate His goodness. The blessings of God upon mankind are simply too numerous to count. | |
[14:35] Recall that Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and protect me and my children from worshiping idols. | [14:35] This specific statement is not recorded in the Bible, but Abraham certainly encountered idol worshipers in his many travels. See also [2:126]. | |
[14:36] "My Lord, they have misled so many people. As for those who follow me, they belong with me. As for those who disobey me, You are Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [14:36] Abraham seems here to be distancing himself from the idolaters, which may have been difficult. The Koran and the Bible {Joshua 24:2} says that his father was an idolater. See [6:74] and [26:69-104]. | |
[14:37] "Our Lord, I have settled part of my family in this plantless valley, at Your Sacred House. Our Lord, they are to observe the Contact Prayers, so let throngs of people converge upon them, and provide for them all kinds of fruits, that they may be properly grateful. | [14:37] Muslims believe that Abraham built the Kaaba, so he had to have lived in or near Mecca. {Genesis 13:3-10} suggests that he finally settled near Bethel and Hai, between Jerusalem and modern Nablus. The "plantless valley" may be Saudi Arabia; the Jordan valley is exceptionally fertile. | |
[14:38] "Our Lord, You know whatever we conceal and whatever we declare nothing is hidden from God on earth, nor in the heavens. | [14:38] Although it does not appear to be logically connected, this appears to be part of Abraham's prayer of thanksgiving he offered to God, wherever he was. | |
[14:39] "Praise be to God for granting me, despite my old age, Ishmael and Isaac. My Lord answers the prayers. | [14:39] The time period is after the birth of Isaac, but before he had any children by Keturah {Genesis 25:1}. Apparently Sarah and Hagar were still with him. | |
[14:40] "My Lord, make me one who consistently observes the Contact Prayers, and also my children. Our Lord, please answer my prayers. | [14:40] Surrounded by pagans, Abraham prays that both he and his family remain firm adherents of the religion later known as Islam. | |
[14:41] "My Lord, forgive me and my parents, and the believers, on the day when the reckoning takes place." | [14:41] Abraham's father was a pagan ([6:74] and {Joshua 24:2}) (and presumably his mother as well). God would not later forgive idolatry ([4:48]) | |
[14:42] Do not ever think that God is unaware of what the transgressors are doing. He only respites them until a day where the eyes stare in horror. | [14:42] The monotheistic religion of Noah had been long forgotten, so Abraham's parents might not have realized how bad idolatry was. | |
[14:43] As they rush, their faces will be looking upward, their eyes will not even blink, and their minds will be horrified. | [14:43] Nevertheless, it is a very serious sin (now), and those who practice it will regret it when they are called to judgment. | |
[14:44] You shall warn the people of the day when the punishment comes to them. Those who transgressed will say, "Our Lord, give us one more respite. We will then respond to Your call and follow the messengers." Did you not swear in the past that you will last forever? | [14:44] This is the mission of Mohammed, to warn the idolaters (specifically, at this time, the pagan residents of Mecca) that this is their last chance to reform. Whatever their choice is now, they will have no opportunity later to recant. They will have to live with their choice forever. | |
[14:45] You dwelled in the homes of those before you, who wronged their souls, and you have seen clearly what we did to them. We have set many precedents for you.
[14:46] They schemed their schemes, and God is fully aware of their schemes. Indeed, their schemes were sufficient to erase mountains. |
[14:45] God has punished people like the Meccans in the past for refusing to listen to His prophets. They are here warned not to make the same mistake.
[14:46] The idolaters are pictured as actively plotting to rebel against God. "Moving mountains" symbolizes something unimaginably difficult. See {Matthew 17:20; 21:20, Mark 11:23, I Corinthians 13:2}. | |
[14:47] Do not think that God will ever break His promise to His messengers. God is Almighty, Avenger. | [14:47] The promise may be the covenant God made with the people as announced by His prophets. | |
[14:48] The day will come when this earth will be substituted with a new earth, and also the heavens, and everyone will be brought before God, the One, the Supreme. | [14:48] This prophecy is also found in the Bible {Isaiah 65:17; 66:22, II Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1}. The present heaven and earth will pass away {Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33, II Peter 3:10}. | |
[14:49] And you will see the guilty on that day chained in shackles. | [14:49] Muslim Hell is a place of torment from which the condemned can never escape. | |
[14:50] Their garments will be made of tar, and fire will overwhelm their faces. | [14:50] They will wear clothes of combustible material that remain always on fire. | |
[14:51] For God will pay each soul for whatever it earned; God is the most efficient reckoner. | [14:51] The imagery of Hell conveys the seriousness of the sins for which it is the just compensation. | |
[14:52] This is a proclamation for the people, to be warned herewith, and to let them know that He is only One God, and for those who possess intelligence to take heed. | [14:52] This summarizes the sura, a warning that there is only One God, and the day of His vengeance against evildoers is coming very soon (for the Quraish in Mecca, about nine years!). |
SURA 15: Al-Hijr - the Rock | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[15:1] A.L.R. These are proofs of this scripture; a profound recitation. [15:2] Certainly, those who disbelieved will wish they were submitters. [15:3] Let them eat, enjoy, and remain blinded by wishful thinking; they will find out. | [15:1-3] The revelation contained in this sura is a general warning to those who have continued to oppose the spread of Islam in Mecca, and a comfort and encouragement to Mohammed and his followers. Like the civilizations before them that were destroyed because they rejected God, the Meccans are eating and drinking without a thought to the fate they are preparing for themselves, just as in the days of Noah. The sura also draws upon the story of Adam and the Fall and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of what can happen to those who refuse to follow the mandates of God. {Matthew 24:38} | |
[15:4] We never annihilated any community, except in accordance with a specific, predetermined time. | [15:4] The disbelieving people have already incurred the punishment of God. | |
[15:5] The end of any community can never be advanced, nor delayed. | [15:5] Once a community has rejected God, it has determined the day of its own destruction. | |
[15:6] They said, "O you who received this reminder, you are crazy.
[15:7] "Why do you not bring down the angels, if you are telling the truth?" | [15:6-7] The doubters claimed that Mohammed must be crazy, and demanded to know why God had not sent down angels or some other miraculous message to demonstrate the truth of the Message He intended to convey. | |
[15:8] We do not send down the angels except for specific functions. Otherwise, no one will be respited. | [15:8] God does not work that way. If the angels were to destroy mankind, nobody would survive. | |
[15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it. | [15:9] God has already done all that He intended to do to warn mankind of the need for repentance. | |
[15:10] We have sent before you to the communities in the past.
[15:11] Every time a messenger went to them, they ridiculed him. [15:12] We thus control the minds of the guilty. |
[15:10-11] He has sent messengers to humanity in times past to reveal what He intended, but every time, the messenger was ridiculed and persecuted. The actions of the guilty are thus exposed.
[15:12] In this way, even the actions of the guilty conform to God's plan. | |
[15:13] Consequently, they cannot believe in him. This has been the system since the past generations. | [15:13] As always, once they have made the decision to reject Him, they cannot change it. | |
[15:14] Even if we opened for them a gate into the sky, through which they climb;
[15:15] They will say, "Our eyes have been deceived. We have been bewitched." | [15:14-15] Even if God chose to perform some obvious miracle like opening a gate in the sky for them, the disbelievers would say that it some kind of trick or mass hallucination, because, having chosen not to believe, they are committed to their choice. | |
[15:16] We placed constellations in the sky, and adorned it for the beholders.
[15:17] And we guarded it against every rejected devil. [15:18] If any of them sneaks around to listen, a mighty projectile will chase him back. | [15:16-18] As proof of His power, God created the stars in the sky and arranged them in the form of the constellations so that people could see and appreciate His handiwork. Even the devils were powerless to destroy what He had created. Those who try to overhear what God is planning to frustrate His plan are driven back by His almighty power (possibly a comet or meteoroid). | |
[15:19] As for the earth, we constructed it, and placed on it mountains, and we grew on it a perfect balance of everything. | [15:19] God also created the earth, fixed it in place with heavy mountains, and created all things in perfect harmony. | |
[15:20] We made it habitable for you, and for creatures you do not provide for. | [15:20] The earth is home not only for people, but also for the wild animals who roam its expanses. | |
[15:21] There is nothing that we do not own infinite amounts thereof. But we send it down in precise measure.
[15:22] And we send the winds as pollinators, and cause water to come down from the sky for you to drink. Otherwise, you could not keep it palatable. |
[15:21] There is no limitation on God. He rations his creation so that mankind can live in harmony with it.
[15:22] God controls the precise operation of nature; the pollination of the plants, irrigation provided by rain, and the way in which it is caught and purified in the oases. | |
[15:23] It is we who control life and death, and we are the ultimate inheritors. | [15:23] God is the master of life and death, and everything that lives eventually returns to Him. | |
[15:24] And we fully know those among you who advance, and we fully know those who regress. | [15:24] He knows which of the people are growing in his service, and which shrink from it. | |
[15:25] Your Lord will surely summon them. He is Most Wise, Omniscient. | [15:25] Eventually all of them will have to answer to Him, for He is the master of all. | |
[15:26] We created the human being from aged mud, like the potter's clay.
[15:27] As for the djinns, we created them, before that, from intensely hot fire. | [15:26-27] Just as a potter creates a pot or jar from lumps of formless clay, so God created mankind from the earth {Genesis 2:6-7} God created the djinns from "intensely hot" fire (possibly lightning) long before that. They were around when Adam was created. | |
[15:28] Your Lord said to the angels, "I am creating a human being from aged mud, like the potter's clay. | [15:28] God announced to the angels what He intended to do and how He was going to do it. |
[15:29-43] This is a restatement of the story of the creation of Adam ([7:11-18] and [38:71-87]), some of the comments to which are repeated here. The angels and the djinns are commanded to pay their respects to Adam, who is to be God's vice-regent on earth. (See [2:34] and following.) Iblis protests, and God casts him out of heaven but grants his request for a respite from Hell. Iblis vows to lead Adam and his progeny away from God and thus deprive them of the blessings that God has planned for them. God curses Iblis, and promises that all who follow him will share in his fate. The exceptions are those who remain steadfast in the service of God (the Muslims) who are therefore immune to the temptations of Iblis. He assumes power only over those who have chosen to follow him. He and his followers will eventually end up in Hell. |
[15:44] "It will have seven gates. Each gate will get a specific share of them." | [15:44] Here again the number seven stands for a perfect or complete number. The idea here is that there are a lot of gates in Hell, enough for everyone who goes there. |
[15:45-48] The righteous will end up in Paradise, a peaceful and secure place where no one will have any quarrels or problems. |
[15:49] Inform My servants that I am the Forgiver, Most Merciful. [15:50] And that My vengeance is the most agonizing punishment. |
[15:49-50] Mohammed is therefore to announce to the Meccans that God's punishment is coming, and it will be truly terrible. |
[15:51-55] The story of Abraham in {Genesis 18:1-15} is presented as an analogy of Mohammed's situation. When Abraham saw the messengers of God, he welcomed them with traditional Semitic hospitality, although he was anxious about their presence. The messengers, however, had good news for him, that he and his wife were going to have a child. Abraham and Sarah didn't believe God's messengers then any more than the Meccans are believing Mohammed now, but the news was true, nonetheless. |
[15:56] He said, "None despairs of his Lord's mercy, except the strayers." | [15:56] In spite of his previous doubts, Abraham reaffirms his believe in God's mercy. |
[15:57-60] The story continues with the mission of the messengers to investigate the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to see if they should be destroyed. {Genesis 18:16-21}. |
[15:62-66] The story is told here in abbreviated form, apparently turning from Abraham to Lot as the main characters. It stresses the fact that God warned Lot and his family of what was going to happen. |
[15:67-72] The narration of the attempted molestation of the messengers {Genesis 19:2-11} does not appear to be really relevant here except to underscore the analogy of the shameful treatment of the messengers at Lot's house and similar treatment of Mohammed in Mecca. |
[15:73] Consequently, the disaster struck them in the morning. [15:74] We turned it upside down, and showered them with devastating rocks. | [15:73-74] The Koran says that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by rocks, [11:82], not "brimstone and fire" as in {Genesis 19:24}. |
[15:75] This is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. [15:76] This will always be the same road. [15:77] This is a sign for the believers. |
[15:75-77] The Meccans wanted a sign, this is it, if they can recognize that the history lesson applies to them as well. |
[15:78-84] Who the "people of the woods" are is not clear. The context suggests that they are the same as "the people of Al-Hijr" ([15:80]), but this is not definite. They may have lived in Midian (See [26:176-191]). |
[15:85-87] This remaining revelation appears to be directed at Mohammed. Here God reminds him that He has created everything, including the disbelievers, for His own purposes, they should be given the respect they deserve as creatures of God. What the "seven verses" are is not clear. |
[15:88-98] Some of the other prophets fared slightly better than Mohammed, who at this point is a marked man. God tells him here not to be discouraged, but to keep up his special concern for the converts. |
[15:94-99] In conclusion, God again commands Mohammed to carry out the mission entrusted to him, ignoring the critics and idol worshipers. God knows how irritating they can be, but Mohammed is to stand fast to attain the final victory over them. |
SURA 16: An-Nahl - The Bee | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[16:1] God's command has already been issued, so do not try to hasten it. Be He glorified; the Most High, far above any idols they set up. [16:2] He sends down the angels with the revelations, carrying His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His servants: "You shall preach that there is no other god beside Me; You shall reverence Me." |
[16:1] The sura begins with an immediate reply to the challenge of the unbelievers. The condemnation they have called down upon themselves has already been established.
[16:2] This explains the general redemptive activity of God. He sends information and commands as He chooses, using the angels as messengers. The remark about "other god" addresses those who still believed that Mohammed's God was essentially the preeminent one of many. | |
[16:3] He created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose. He is much too High, far above any idols they set up. | [16:3] This is a refutation of that belief. The One God, who created the heavens and the earth, is completely unlike any of the idols worshiped by the pagans. | |
[16:4] He created the human from a tiny drop, then he turns into an ardent opponent. | [16:4] This is a bit of sarcasm. God created out of nothing the very people who so fiercely oppose Him. | |
[16:5] And He created the livestock for you, to provide you with warmth, and many other benefits, as well as food. | [16:5] God demonstrates His cleverness by creating livestock, which provide meat and milk, hair and skin for clothing, cooking fuel, and many other benefits... | |
[16:6] They also provide you with luxury during your leisure, and when you travel. | [16:6] ...including camels for transportation, carrying heavy loads, setting up heavy tents, and camel racing. | |
[16:7] And they carry your loads to lands that you could not reach without a great hardship. Surely, your Lord is Compassionate, Most Merciful. | [16:7] The trade on which the Arabs depended in their infertile desert lands would have been impossible without specialized draft animals. | |
[16:8] And (He created) the horses, the mules, and the donkeys for you to ride, and for luxury. Additionally, He creates what you do not know. | [16:8] The camels were the ships of the desert, but horses, mules and donkeys are the animal transportation equivalent of speedboats and runabouts. | |
[16:9] God points out the paths, including the wrong ones. If He willed, He could have guided all of you. | [16:9] God fulfills man's physical needs, and for his emotional, intellectual and psychological needs also. | |
[16:10] He sends rain down from the sky for your drink, and to grow trees for your benefit. | [16:10] The fact that God's blessings are constantly being sent down is proof of His existence (above). | |
[16:11] With it, He grows for you crops, olives, date palms, grapes, and all kinds of fruits. This is proof for people who think. | [16:11] Water, one of the greatest gifts of God, results in the creation of all different kinds of good things is proof of his cleverness and power as well. | |
[16:12] And He provides the night and the day, as well as the sun and the moon, for your benefit. Also, the stars are committed by His command. These are (sufficient) proofs for people who understand. | [16:12] The cycle of night and day is one of the more conspicuous gifts of God. The day provides light, ability to work, warmth, etc., which are relieved by the night. Even the sun, moon and stars are under God's control. | |
[16:13] And He created for you on earth things of various colors. This is a proof for people who take heed. | [16:13] The diversity of all living creatures is proof of the limitless depth and breadth of the creative power of God. | |
[16:14] And He committed the sea to serve you; you eat from it tender meat, and extract jewelry that you wear. And you see the ships roaming it for your commercial benefits, as you seek His bounties, that you may be properly grateful. | [16:14] An additional wonder is the limitless expanse of the sea. It provides fish and turtles, shells and semiprecious stones, and a means of transportation to foreign lands. The ability to trade with virtually every civilized community on earth made Arabia rich. | |
[16:15] And He placed mountains on earth, lest it tumbles with you, as well as rivers and roads, that you may be guided. | [16:15] God created mountains to hold the shaky earth (that sometimes shudders with earthquakes and is rent with rivers and mountain passes) in place. | |
[16:16] And landmarks, as well as the stars; to be used for navigation. | [16:16] Landmarks and constellations in a trackless desert are an indispensable blessing! | |
[16:17] Is One who creates like one who does not create? Would you now take heed? | [16:17] How can anyone suggest that God, who did all this, is anything like an idol that sits and does nothing? | |
[16:18] If you count God's blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[16:19] And God knows whatever you conceal and whatever you declare. |
[16:18] No one can count all the blessings of God, no matter how hard he tries. God is supreme.
[16:19] In addition to His almighty power, God is also supreme in His knowledge. He knows everything, however public or private. | |
[16:20] As for the idols they set up beside God, they do not create anything; they themselves were created. | [16:20] The gods of the idol worshipers haven't any power at all. They are merely constructs. | |
[16:21] They are dead, not alive, and they have no idea how or when they will be resurrected. | [16:21] Unlike people, idols have always been lifeless, so there is no possibility of them being "resurrected." | |
[16:22] Your God is One God. As for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, their hearts are denying, and they are arrogant. | [16:22] The God that Muslims worship is the Supreme Deity. Those who don't believe that He will judge them being stubbornly defiant. | |
[16:23] Absolutely, God knows everything they conceal and everything they declare. He does not love those who are arrogant. | [16:23] They are not keeping anything from God by denying that He exists. Their denial is one of the transgressions for which they will be punished. | |
[16:24] When they are asked, "What do you think of these revelations from your Lord," they say, "Tales from the past." | [16:24] One of the objections of the Arab pagans was that monotheism was an obsolete concept, preserved only in the outdated folklore of the Jews. | |
[16:25] They will be held responsible for their sins on the Day of Resurrection, all of them, in addition to sins of all those whom they misled by their ignorance. What a miserable load! | [16:25] The people who disbelieve in God will be held accountable by Him on the Day of Resurrection. Those most culpable will be the ones who not only doubted Him, but who led others to follow them. | |
[16:26] Others like them have schemed in the past, and consequently, God destroyed their building at the foundation, causing the roof to fall on them. The punishment struck them when they least expected.
[16:27] Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them and ask, "Where are My partners that you had set up beside Me, and had opposed Me for their sake?" Those blessed with knowledge will say, "Today, the shame and misery have befallen the disbelievers." |
[16:26] The reference to the building may be allegorical. It may correspond to a specific incident, or it may refer to a community environment or the earth. Earthquakes are mentioned several times in the Koran as being the means by which God punishes evildoers.
[16:27] When the disbelievers come before God to be judged, He will ask them where all their other gods are, for the sake of which the idolaters opposed Him. The believers whom the pagans also opposed will resoundingly rejoice in their vindication and victory. | |
[16:28] The angels put them to death in a state of wronging their souls. That is when they finally submit, and say, "We did not do anything wrong!" Yes indeed. God is fully aware of everything you have done. | [16:28] The death of the disbelievers at the hands of the angels will be the moment when they are forced to submit to God's will. They will protest that they really didn't do anything wrong, but God will know of their evil works, including their oppression of the Muslims. | |
[16:29] Therefore, enter the gates of Hell, wherein you remain forever. What a miserable destiny for the arrogant ones. | [16:29] As their punishment for opposing those who voluntarily submitted, they will be cast into the everlasting punishment of Hell. | |
[16:30] As for the righteous, when they are asked, "What do you think of these revelations from your Lord," they say, "Good." For those who lead a righteous life, happiness; and the abode of the Hereafter is even better. What a blissful abode for the righteous. | [16:30] The Koran endorses the reward of the "righteous," not exclusively the Muslims. Those who lead a "righteous life" will be rewarded with a life that is "even better." The chief argument against the "arrogant ones" is that they were wicked. | |
[16:31] The gardens of Eden are reserved for them, wherein rivers flow. They have anything they wish in them. God thus rewards the righteous. | [16:31] Paradise is the same place that Adam lived before he was mislead by Iblis (Satan) ([7:19]). The people there have all their wishes fulfilled. | |
[16:32] The angels terminate their lives in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise (now) as a reward for your works." | [16:32] The angels will greet the righteous and invite them into Paradise. (See also [2:154], [3:169], [8:24], [22:58], [36:26-27] and [44:56]) | |
[16:33] Are they waiting for the angels to come to them, or until your Lord's judgment comes to pass? Those before them did the same thing. God is not the one who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls. | [16:33] Much of the unbelievers' oppression of Mohammed was their increasingly vehement challenge God to destroy them. They regarded His refusal to do that as proof that He does not exist. They are here warned that those who did the same thing regretted it. | |
[16:34] They have incurred the consequences of their evil works, and the very things they ridiculed came back to haunt them.
[16:35] The idol worshipers say, "Had God willed, we would not worship any idols besides Him, nor would our parents. Nor would we prohibit anything besides His prohibitions." Those before them have done the same. Can the messengers do anything but deliver the complete message? |
[16:34] When God does get around to punishing them, they find that their own challenge condemned them.
[16:35] One of the more sophisticated arguments of the idol worshipers was that if God controls everything, He could certainly have prevented them from worshiping their idols. Since He has not done that, He must not exist. The answer to this is that God can make them do or not do anything He wants, but He prefers to allow them to exercise their free will. | |
[16:36] We have sent a messenger to every community, saying, "You shall worship God, and avoid idolatry." Subsequently, some were guided by God, while others were committed to straying. Roam the earth and note the consequences for the rejecters. | [16:36] The way God works is to allow people their freedom, while at the same time sending them prophets to tell them how to do that properly. Those who reject this message do so with God's permission. The problem of free will versus predestination is still being argued. | |
[16:37] No matter how hard you try to guide them, God does not guide the ones He had committed to straying. Thus, no one can help them. | [16:37] The people whom God allows to condemn themselves do so freely, yet in accordance with His divine will. | |
[16:38] They swore solemnly by God: "God will not resurrect the dead." Absolutely, such is His inviolable promise, but most people do not know. | [16:38] One of the objections of the idol worshipers was the idea of resurrection of the dead. God, however, has promised otherwise. | |
[16:39] He will then point out to everyone all the things they had disputed, and will let those who disbelieved know that they were liars. | [16:39] God will point out to them by raising them from the dead what a monstrous lie rejection of the Resurrection was. | |
[16:40] To have anything done, we simply say to it, "Be," and it is. | [16:40] This is another instance of the simple power of God to make anything happen. | |
[16:41] Those who emigrated for the sake of God, because they were persecuted, we will surely make it up to them generously in this life, and the reward of the Hereafter is even greater, if they only knew. | [16:41] This ayat indicates the time period of this sura, and places it just before the Hijrah. Some of the persecuted Muslims have already left Mecca. God will certainly make up to them what they lost, especially in the Hereafter. | |
[16:42] This is because they steadfastly persevere, and in their Lord they trust. | [16:42] The reward will not be because they lost their homes, but because they trusted in God. | |
[16:43] We did not send before you except men whom we inspired. Ask those who know the scripture, if you do not know. | [16:43] The appeal here is to the Christians and Jews of Mecca (who know the Scripture). Mohammed's treatment is the same as the prophets in the Bible. | |
[16:44] We provided them with the proofs and the scriptures. And we sent down to you this message, to proclaim for the people everything that is sent down to them, perhaps they will reflect. | [16:44] The mission of prophets is to proclaim what God wants people to know. The proof of its authenticity is in the message. If the Meccans think about it, they will see the Koran as like previous prophecies. | |
[16:45] Did those who scheme evil schemes guarantee that God will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the punishment will not come to them when they least expect it? | [16:45] When people mistreated the prophets, they refused to believe in the consequences. When those things did happen, the fact that the people did not believe in them didn't save them. | |
[16:46] It may strike them while they are asleep; they can never escape. | [16:46] God's punishment will strike when the people least expect it... | |
[16:47] Or it may strike them while they are fearfully expecting it. Your Lord is Compassionate, Most Merciful. | [16:47] ...or it may overtake them as they watch. However it happens, it will be as God wills, and nothing can change that. | |
[16:48] Have they not seen all the things created by God? Their shadows surround them right and left, in total submission to God, and willingly. | [16:48] The movement of the sun is a manifestation of God. The fact that each person's shadow moves (from right to left) should remind him of that. | |
[16:49] To God prostrates everything in the heavens and everything on earth - every creature - and so do the angels; without the least arrogance. | [16:49] Everything on earth and heaven, including the angels themselves, acknowledges the power and authority of God. | |
[16:50] They reverence their Lord, high above them, and they do what they are commanded to do. | [16:50] The angels are obedient to God because they acknowledge that He is supreme. | |
[16:51] God has proclaimed: "Do not worship more than one God. There is only one. Reverence Me alone." | [16:51] This may be directed at the Christians idea of the divinity of Jesus. Muslims consider this idolatry. | |
[16:52] To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth and therefore, the religion shall be devoted absolutely to Him alone. Would you worship other than God? | [16:52] God is the Supreme master and ruler of everything in heaven and on earth. If one truly understands this, it does not make sense to worship anyone or anything else. | |
[16:53] Any blessing you enjoy is from God. Yet, whenever you incur any adversity you immediately complain to Him. | [16:53] Some people are willing to acknowledge the power of God when they want something from Him, but now when they receive His many blessings. | |
[16:54] Yet, as soon as He relieves your affliction, some of you revert to idol worship. | [16:54] Some people will accept monotheism if they think it will benefit them, but reject it otherwise. | |
[16:55] Let them disbelieve in what we have given them. Go ahead and enjoy temporarily; you will surely find out.
[16:56] They designate for the idols they set up out of ignorance, a share of the provisions we bestow upon them. By God, you will be held accountable for your innovations. [16:57] They even assign daughters to God, be He glorified, while they prefer for themselves what they like. |
[16:55] The price of their vacillation is that when they recognize the truth, but then it will be too late.
[16:56] A main ritual of all religious practices at this time was sacrifice. Here the idol worshipers are castigated for sacrificing to their idols the very animals that God gave them for their own food. [16:57] Al-Uzza, Al-Lat, and Manat were supposedly "daughters of god," sometimes likened to the Christian Trinity. The remark may otherwise refer to infanticide of newborn daughters. | |
[16:58] When one of them gets a baby girl, his face becomes darkened with overwhelming grief. | [16:58] This text clearly refers to the practice, condemned below, of preferring male children. | |
[16:59] Ashamed, he hides from the people, because of the bad news given to him. He even ponders: should he keep the baby grudgingly, or bury her in the dust. Miserable indeed is their judgment. | [16:59] A firstborn daughter was considered a disgrace among some of the pagans. Infanticide, by abandoning the baby girl in the desert, was one way to get rid of one while avoiding the onus of having murdered her. | |
[16:60] Those who do not believe in the Hereafter set the worst examples, while to God belongs the most sublime examples. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise. | [16:60] This is a condemnation of the practice of infanticide, as well as the preference of sons over daughters. God decides on the gender of the child. | |
[16:61] If God punished the people for their transgressions, He would have annihilated every creature on earth. But He respites them for a specific, predetermined time. Once their interim ends, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it.
[16:62] They ascribe to God what they dislike for themselves, then utter the lie with their own tongues that they are righteous! Without any doubt, they have incurred Hell, for they have rebelled. |
[16:61] This is the reply to the detractors' question "Why doesn't your God punish us if we're so wicked?" God withholds His punishment so that the evildoers can repent. If they refuse, their punishment is certain.
[16:62] This remark may apply to something else, but it appears to suggest that the pagans blame God for giving them daughters instead of sons, and thus claim that they are doing nothing wrong by undoing the "evil" that God has forced upon them. | |
[16:63] By God, we have sent to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a severe punishment.
[16:64] We have revealed this scripture to you, to point out for them what they dispute, and to provide guidance and mercy for people who believe. [16:65] God sends rain down from the sky to revive the land after it had died. This should be proof for people who hear. [16:66] And in the livestock there is a lesson for you: we provide you with a drink from their bellies. From the midst of digested food and blood, you get pure milk, delicious for those who drink. |
[16:63] Those who have rejected the prophets that God has sent to them in the past have thus taken the devil as their leader. He will lead them all into Hell.
[16:64] The people now have an opportunity to avoid that fate by rejecting the devil and complying the guidance that is now being offered to them through Mohammed's Message. [16:65] This is not only a restatement of [16:10] but an analogy to the Resurrection. The blooming of plants after a desert rain is a demonstration of reanimating what appears to be dead land. [16:66] This is another analogy to the Resurrection. A mammal consists of blood, meat and dung, yet one is able to get milk from such components. | |
[16:67] And from the fruits of date palms and grapes you produce intoxicants, as well as good provisions. This should be proof for people who understand. | [16:67] God also provides (good) food from fruits that man uses to produce (bad) intoxicating alcohol. Conversely, God produces good from evil. | |
[16:68] And your Lord inspired the bee: build homes in mountains and trees, and in (the hives) they build for you. | [16:68] Another example of good from evil is that of the bees, who are directed by God to build their homes in places accessible to people. | |
[16:69] Then eat from all the fruits, following the design of your Lord, precisely. From their bellies comes a drink of different colors, wherein there is healing for the people. This should be proof for people who reflect. | [16:69] The bees eat from the pollinated plants. Although one can get stung by them, the bees provide honey and beeswax, both of which had medicinal uses for the Arabs. The influence of God in this should be obvious to anyone. | |
[16:70] God created you, then He terminates your lives. He lets some of you live to the oldest age, only to find out that there is a limit to the knowledge they can acquire. God is Omniscient, Omnipotent. | [16:70] God creates everyone. Some die when they are young. Others get their wish to live to old age, only to discover that they become senile. What they get is therefore what they wanted, but didn't expect. | |
[16:71] God has provided for some of you more than others. Those who are given plenty would never give their properties to their subordinates to the extent of making them partners. Would they give up God's blessings? | [16:71] God gives to each person as He wills, but even those to whom He gives the greatest blessings would not go so far as to make those subject to them equal to themselves. (In the same way, God does not allow any of His creatures, the idols to be gods equal to Himself.) | |
[16:72] And God made for you spouses from among yourselves, and produced for you from your spouses children and grandchildren, and provided you with good provisions. Should they believe in falsehood, and turn ungrateful for God's blessings? | [16:72] God is also the author of marriage and family relationships and the generation of one's progeny and heirs and all other good things. Should He be paid back by turning one's children and grandchildren against Him, or teaching them not to be properly grateful? | |
[16:73] Yet, they worship beside God what possesses no provisions for them in the heavens, nor on earth, nor can provide them with anything. | [16:73] In spite of all these considerations, the pagans still worship false gods who do nothing for them nor, indeed, have the ability to do anything for them. | |
[16:74] Therefore, do not cite the examples for God; God knows while you do not know. | [16:74] So don't argue that God is just one of many, because God (and His worshipers) know better. | |
[16:75] God cites the example of a slave who is owned, and is totally powerless, compared to one whom we blessed with good provisions, from which he gives to charity secretly and publicly. Are they equal? Praise be to God, most of them do not know.
[16:76] And God cites the example of two men: one is dumb, lacks the ability to do anything, is totally dependent on his master. Whichever way he directs him, he cannot produce anything good. Is he equal to one who rules with justice, and is guided in the right path? |
[16:75] Consider the example of a slave and his master. The slave (like the idol) is a chattel, owning nothing and totally powerless to do anything, while his master has plenty to eat and (like God) enough wealth to give it away any time he wants. Are they both equal? The idolaters would claim so.
[16:76] Or consider the example of two men, one unable to speak (mentally retarded?) or do anything, (like the idol) totally dependent on other people. Is he the same as a person (like God) in a position of power and authority over others? | |
[16:77] To God belongs the future of the heavens and the earth. As far as He is concerned, the end of the world (the Hour) is a blink of an eye away, or even closer. God is Omnipotent.
[16:78] God brought you out of your mothers' bellies knowing nothing, and He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains, that you may be properly grateful. |
[16:77] God is master of everything. Even the end of the world is merely a momentary event for Him. He is all-powerful.
[16:78] God brought you into this world, totally helpless and knowing nothing. He gave you sight and hearing, the ability to see and hear and understand, so that you can come to an understanding of Him. | |
[16:79] Do they not see the birds committed to fly in the air of the sky? None holds them up in the air except God. This should be proof for people who believe. | [16:79] Don't the doubters see the birds flying in the air? Nothing holds them up except God. This should be sufficient proof of His existence for those who give it some thought. | |
[16:80] And God provided for you stationary homes where you can live. And He provided for you portable homes made of the hides of livestock, so you can use them when you travel, and when you settle down. And from their wools, furs, and hair, you make furnishings and luxuries for now. | [16:80] God makes it possible for people to build homes of stones and mud and bricks and timbers so that they have a place to live. He also makes animal hides for tents, so that people have shelter away from home. The wool and hair and fir and other materials; all come from God. | |
[16:81] And God provided for you shade through things that He created, and provided for you shelters in the mountains, and provided for you garments that protect you from heat, and garments that protect when you fight in wars. He thus perfects His blessings upon you, that you may submit. | [16:81] God created the shade trees and cliffs and caves in the mountains. He provides the wool and other fibers for making clothing, and the leather and iron for making armor. He is therefore the provider of all the things that protect from the heat and cold and sun and danger, so one must be properly grateful. | |
[16:82] If they still turn away, then your sole mission is the clear delivery (of the message). | [16:82] It is not your fault (Mohammed) if the disbelievers turn away after hearing this. | |
[16:83] They fully recognize God's blessings, then deny them; the majority of them are disbelievers. | [16:83] They cannot help but know of God's blessings, even if they deny His existence. | |
[16:84] The day will come when we raise from every community a witness, then those who disbelieved will not be permitted (to speak), nor will they be excused. | [16:84] The time will come when every community will be forced to acknowledge the authority of God, and no one will be able to contradict the truth of His existence. | |
[16:85] Once those who transgressed see the punishment, it will be too late; it will not be commuted for them, nor will they be respited. | [16:85] The people who disbelieved in Him will be sorry, but it will be too late. They will not be rescued from the punishment they deserve for doubting Him. | |
[16:86] And when those who committed idol worship see their idols, they will say, "Our Lord, these are the idols we had set up beside You." The idols will then confront them and say, "You are liars." | [16:86] The idol worshipers will be confronted with the fact that they paid homage to the gods they created instead of the God they should have worshiped. They will be exposed for the liars that they are. | |
[16:87] They will totally submit to God on that day, and the idols they had invented will disown them. | [16:87] They will be forced to acknowledge God. Their idols will not be able to help them. | |
[16:88] Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of God, we augment their punishment by adding more penalty, due to their transgressions. | [16:88] In addition to the disadvantage of not living in accordance with God's commandments, they will incur further punishment for their idolatry. | |
[16:89] The day will come when we will raise from every community a witness from among them, and bring you as the witness of these people. We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters. | [16:89] This statement refers to the same event as in [16:84], in which the disbelieved will not be permitted to speak. Here, the one who will be permitted to speak will be Mohammed, through whom God has revealed the truth of His existence and his solicitation in the revelation of the Koran. | |
[16:90] God advocates justice, charity, and regarding the relatives. And He forbids evil, vice, and transgression. He enlightens you, that you may take heed. | [16:90] Idols don't require any kind of morality, God desires that people be just, charitable and concerned for their relatives. He forbids any kind of immorality, and provides moral guidance for those who listen. | |
[16:91] You shall fulfill your covenant with God when you make such a covenant. You shall not violate the oaths after swearing (by God) to carry them out, for you have made God a guarantor for you. God knows everything you do. | [16:91] Anyone who promises God that he will do anything is bound in conscience to do it, and to fulfill any oath sworn by God. This is because an oath makes God a witness of your intention to do what you promised, and God will hold you to that. | |
[16:92] Do not be like a woman who strongly pinches her yarn, only to have it unravel by making false oaths only to take advantage of one another. Whether one group is larger than the other, God thus puts you to the test. He will surely show you on the Day of Resurrection everything you had disputed.
[16:93] Had God willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He sends astray whoever chooses to go astray, and He guides whoever wishes to be guided. You will surely be asked about everything you have done. |
[16:92] When spinning yarn, it is not enough to pinch the fibers, they must be twisted as well, otherwise the yarn falls apart. In the same way, it is not enough to swear a great oath to do something. In order to be trusted, one must actually do what he promised. Swearing falsely is a sure way to show oneself to be a liar, especially with potential adversaries.
[16:93] God can force people to do anything, but He does not take away one's free will to disobey Him if he chooses. On the Day of Resurrection, each person will be confronted with the choices he has made. | |
[16:94] Do not abuse the oaths among you, lest you slide back after having a strong foothold, then you incur misery. Such is the consequence of repelling from the path of God; you incur a terrible punishment. | [16:94] It is important that people keep their oaths, otherwise they will begin to mistrust one another, with obvious consequences. This is what happens when people don't follow God's commandments. | |
[16:95] Do not exchange your commitment to God for anything. What God possesses is far better for you, if you only knew. | [16:95] Don't let anything come between you and God. The reward for being steadfast in commitment to God is far better than you can ever imagine. | |
[16:96] What you possess runs out, but what God possesses lasts forever. We will surely reward those who steadfastly persevere; we will reward them for their righteous works. | [16:96] Anything that one acquires in this life eventually decays or is used up, but the reward for perseverance from God lasts forever. This reward is assured for those who obey God and do good. | |
[16:97] Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full reward for their righteous works.
[16:98] When you read the Koran, you shall seek refuge in God from Satan the rejected. [16:99] He has no power over those who believe and trust in their Lord. [16:100] His power is limited to those who choose him as their master, those who choose him as their god. [16:101] When we substitute one revelation in place of another, and God is fully aware of what He reveals, they say, "You made this up!" Indeed, most of them do not know. |
[16:97] This underscores the necessity for good works in addition to faith. Almost everywhere else in the Koran appears to be addressed exclusively to men, but here the righteous women are also assured that they, too, will participate in the rewards of the righteous.
[16:98] The believers must not only pay lip service to the Koran. It must be a true guide to life. [16:99] The devil has no power over those who are dedicated to God. [16:100] The only power the devil has is over those who choose to make him their leader and their god. [16:101] Mohammed's opponents claim that each time he recites a new revelation that he is making it up. They don't understand where it is coming from. | |
[16:102] Say, "The Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord, truthfully, to assure those who believe, and to provide a beacon and good news for the submitters." | [16:102] All of his teaching comes directly from God, who has revealed it for the assurance benefit of those who believe in Him (against the oppression of the doubters). | |
[16:103] We are fully aware that they say, "A human being is teaching him!" the tongue of the source they hint at is non-Arabic, and this is a perfect Arabic tongue. | [16:103] God knows that Mohammed's detractors accuse him of either making his revelations up or of getting them from someone else, yet what he says is perfectly clear. | |
[16:104] Surely, those who do not believe in God's revelations, God does not guide them. They have incurred a severe punishment. | [16:104] Those who refuse to believe these revelations reject the guidance of God Himself. They will eventually be sorry. | |
[16:105] The only ones who fabricate false doctrines are those who do not believe in God's revelations; they are the real liars. | [16:105] Only the nonbelievers (probably the idol priests) make up things to tell to their followers. They are the ones who are really lying. | |
[16:106] Those who disbelieve in God, after having acquired faith, and become fully content with disbelief, have incurred wrath from God. The only ones to be excused are those who are forced to profess disbelief, while their hearts are full of faith. | [16:106] Some of the converts recanted under persecution. They are excused for their apparent backsliding if they are otherwise sincere. The ones who are really liable to the wrath of God are the ones who really fall back into idolatry after professing Islam. | |
[16:107] This is because they have given priority to this life over the Hereafter, and God does not guide such disbelieving people. | [16:107] The ones who actually fall away put more importance on the present life than they do on the Hereafter. God will disown them. | |
[16:108] Those are the ones whom God has sealed their hearts, and their hearing, and their eyesight. Consequently, they remain unaware. | [16:108] Because they have chosen falsehood after believing the truth, they are prevented from again choosing the truth. | |
[16:109] Without a doubt, they will be the losers in the Hereafter. | [16:109] There is no question that they will be among the condemned in the afterlife. | |
[16:110] As for those who emigrate because of persecution, then continue to strive and steadfastly persevere, your Lord, because of all this, is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [16:110] The believers who were chased out of Mecca because of their faith, and continue to be steadfast in it will receive mercy from God because of what they have suffered in their devotion to Him. | |
[16:111] The day will come when every soul will serve as its own advocate, and every soul will be paid fully for whatever it had done, without the least injustice.
[16:112] God cites the example of a community that used to be secure and prosperous, with provisions coming to it from everywhere. But then, it turned ungrateful for God's blessings. Consequently, God caused them to taste the hardships of starvation and insecurity. Such is the requital for what they did. [16:113] A messenger had gone to them from among them, but they rejected him. Consequently, the punishment struck them for their transgression. |
[16:111] The time will come when everyone will have to answer for himself, and everyone will receive precisely what he or she deserves.
[16:112] The penalty of God is fixed at a time in the future, but the community referred to here may have been Mecca itself. The city is said to have experienced a famine shortly after Mohammed began his mission as a prophet. If so, he may have seen that as a foretaste of what God had in store for those who opposed him. [16:113] If so, the Messenger referred to here is Mohammed himself, and the famine is God's punishment for the opposition of those to whom he had been sent. | |
[16:114] Therefore, you shall eat from God's provisions everything that is lawful and good, and be grateful for God's blessings, if you do worship Him alone. | [16:114] The people may have turned to a diet of meat from animals able to find fodder in spite of the shortage of produce and grains on which they usually depended. | |
[16:115] He only prohibits for you dead animals, blood, the meat of pigs, and food that is dedicated to other than God. If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [16:115] This is a restatement of [2:173], [5:3], and [6:145]. During a time of famine, the Muslims in Mecca might not have been able to observe these restrictions all the time. If the choice is to eat prohibited mean or starve, Muslims don't have to starve. | |
[16:116] You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is lawful, and this is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will never succeed. | [16:116] This probably refers to additional dietary restrictions that the idol worshipers claimed had to be observed, possibly to influence the grocery business in Mecca. It is immoral to pretend that lawful foods aren't. | |
[16:117] They enjoy briefly, then suffer agonizing punishment. | [16:117] They might make a little money, but they will be poorer in the long run. | |
[16:118] For the Jews, we prohibited what we narrated to you previously. It was not us who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls. | [16:118] The dietary restrictions of {Leviticus 11:2-43} are here seen as a punishment for corrupting the religion of Abraham. Muslim dietary rules are less restrictive. See [2:173] and [4:160]. | |
[16:119] Yet, as regards those who fall in sin out of ignorance then repent afterward and reform, your Lord, after this is done, is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [16:119] God will forgive those who eat things that are unlawful out of ignorance, if they desist from the practice after they find out that it is wrong. | |
[16:120] Abraham was indeed an exemplary vanguard in his submission to God, a monotheist who never worshiped idols. | [16:120] Abraham, the ancestor of both Arabs and Jews, is held up as a model of one who submitted to the Will of God and worshiped only Him. | |
[16:121] Because he was grateful for His Lord's blessings, He chose him and guided him in a straight path. | [16:121] Because Abraham submitted to His will, God made him a renowned prophet and guided him throughout his long and eventful life. | |
[16:122] We granted him happiness in this life, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous. | [16:122] He not only had a successful and profitable life, he also enjoys the blessings of the righteous now. | |
[16:123] Then we inspired you to follow the religion of Abraham, the monotheist; he never was an idol worshiper. | [16:123] Similarly, God chose Mohammed to be His Messenger to the people of Mecca by proclaiming the same religion practiced by Abraham. | |
[16:124] The Sabbath was decreed only for those who ended up disputing it. Your Lord is the One who will judge them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their disputes. | [16:124] This may refer to the disagreement about which day is the Sabbath. Jews observe Saturday, while Christians observe Sunday (to commemorate Easter). God will eventually settle the matter. | |
[16:125] You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.
[16:126] And if you punish, you shall inflict an equivalent punishment. But if you resort to patience (instead of revenge), it would be better for the patient ones. [16:127] You shall resort to patience - and your patience is attainable only with God's help. Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their schemes. |
[16:125] In spite of the fierce opposition of the Meccans, Mohammed is to continue to spread his Message with "wisdom and kind enlightenment." He must not succumb to the temptation to argue when debating or explaining his teaching. God knows who the sincere listeners are.
[16:126] If he argues, the only thing that he will accomplish will be to make his opponents angry. Whereas if he teaches calmly and patiently, everybody (including the persecuted Muslims) will benefit. [16:127] Mohammed must continue to be patient with God's help, even in the face of overwhelming provocation. | |
[16:128] God is with those who lead a righteous life, and those who are charitable. | [16:128] If he remains righteous and charitable to everybody, God will continue to be with him. |
SURA 17: Banu Israel - The Israelites
The "night journey" (Isra and Miraj), related by Mohammed in the Hadith, is regarded as either a real journey or a dream. According to the story, Mohammed was resting in the Kaaba in Mecca, when the archangel Gabriel brought him the winged steed, Barack, that carried Mohammed to the "farthest place of prostration*" where "other prophets" were. (This part of the journey is the Isra.) After leading them in prayer, Mohammed flew up to heaven (the Miraj). There, he toured Paradise, conversed with the earlier prophets, and had an audience with God, who told him to command the Muslims to pray fifty times a day. Moses privately advised Mohammed that they would never do it, and urged him to intercede on their behalf. Mohammed went back to God and, in a haggling session reminiscent of {Genesis 18:23-33}
, he prevailed upon God to whittle it down to five. The story is the basis for the Muslim holiday of Lailat Al-Miraj. Muslims celebrate with lights and candles and bring their children to the mosques. There they are told the story, allowed to pray with the adults, and then afterwards get food and treats. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[17:1] Most glorified is the One who summoned His servant (Mohammed) during the night, from the Sacred Mosque (of Mecca) to the farthest place of prostration,* whose surroundings we have blessed, in order to show him some of our signs. He is the Hearer, the Seer. | [17:1] *The "farthest place of prostration" is conjectural. It may refer to the mosque in Medina, 210 miles to the north, or to the town of Jirana, which Mohammed once visited, or to Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, or to somewhere else. On the assumption that the place where Mohammed went on the Isra and from which he ascended into heaven was the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the mosque built there about 80 years later was named the Masjid Al-Aqsa, "The Farthest Mosque." | |
[17:2] Similarly, we gave Moses the scripture, and rendered it a beacon for the Children of Israel that: "You shall not set up any idol as a Lord and Master beside Me." | [17:2] Mohammed's journey is compared to that of Moses. In both cases, they met and spoke with God. He gave them commandments for their people, such as {Exodus 20:3 and Deuteronomy 5:7} | |
[17:3] They are descendants of those whom we carried with Noah; he was an grateful servant. | [17:3] Everybody is a descendant of the people carried with Noah. We ought to appreciate being here at all. | |
[17:4] We addressed the Children of Israel in the Scripture: "You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined to fall into great heights of arrogance.
[17:5] "When the first time comes to pass, we will send against you servants of ours who possess great might, and they will invade your homes. This is a prophecy that must come to pass. [17:6] "Afterwards, we will give you a turn over them, and will supply you with a lot of wealth and children; we will give you the upper hand. |
[17:4] What two gross evils the Children of Israel committed or will commit is not clear. One interpretation is rejection of God, once with the golden calf idol {Exodus 32:4}
, and once when they refused to embrace Islam.
[17:5] If the golden calf was the first gross evil, the "servants" could have been the Philistines who invaded Caanan after the Israelites had occupied it, or perhaps the Romans, who drove them out of Caanan. [17:6] The Israelites eventually defeated the Philistines and established themselves as the ruling class of Caanan. | |
[17:7] "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will defeat you and enter the masjid, just as they did the first time. They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished."
[17:8] Your Lord showers you with His mercy. But if you revert to transgression, we will counter with punishment. We have designated Hell as a final abode for the disbelievers. [17:9] This Koran guides to the best path, and brings good news to the believers who lead a righteous life, that they have deserved a great reward. [17:10] As for those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, we have prepared for them a severe punishment. |
[17:7] The analogy of the "second time" can be interpreted several ways and applied to several events. Assuming it refers to the refusal of contemporary Jews to embrace Islam, it may be a foretelling of the conquest of Mecca by the Muslims. Although the main focus was subduing the idol worshipers, the few Jews there didn't fare much better.
[17:8] This continues the theme that God is withholding His punishment of those who refuse Islam to give them some more time, but when the punishment comes, it will be everlasting. [17:9] These revelations provide guidance for the culture and social requirements that will eventually become the standard on which the Islamic society will be built. [17:10] The disbelievers will not be able fully to share in the benefits of an Islamic society. | |
[17:11] The human being often prays for something that may hurt him, thinking that he is praying for something good. The human being is impatient. | [17:11] People often pray for things that are not good for them. The only way to guarantee that they get only good things is to Submit to the Will of God. | |
[17:12] We rendered the night and the day two signs. We made the night dark, and the day lighted, that you may seek provisions from your Lord in them. This also establishes for you a timing system, and the means of calculation. We thus explain everything in detail. | [17:12] The cycles of night and day are proof of God's solicitude for humanity. Not only do they provide for sleep and wakefulness, they also are a means of measuring time (planning for maturity and old age, gestation of livestock, planting and harvest, planning journeys, etc.). | |
[17:13] We have recorded the fate of every human being; it is tied to his neck. On the Day of Resurrection we will hand him a record that is accessible. | [17:13] God already knows what is going to happen to everyone. Each person will eventually be provided with this record and see that things happened just as foretold. | |
[17:14] Read your own record. Today, you suffice as your own reckoner. | [17:14] On that day, each person will recognize that God knew what he was going to do. | |
[17:15] Whoever is guided, is guided for his own good, and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. No sinner will bear the sins of anyone else. We never punish without first sending a messenger. | [17:15] Therefore, whether a person will be saved or not is already known to God. Nobody will be able to blame anyone else for his own faults, because they are already written down in his own record, which will include how he responded to God's revelation. | |
[17:16] If we are to annihilate any community, we let the leaders commit vast corruption in it. Once they deserve punishment, we annihilate it completely. | [17:16] God withholds punishment to allow repentance. The unrepentant continue to do evil. Once the time allotted for their repentance is past, He destroys them. | |
[17:17] Many a generation have we annihilated after Noah. Your Lord is most efficient in dealing with the sins of His servants; He is fully Cognizant, Seer. | [17:17] Many civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history after the Flood. In each case, the fall of a society is the result of the actions of its people. | |
[17:18] Anyone who chooses this fleeting life as his priority, we will rush to him what we decide to give him, then we commit him to Hell, where he suffers forever, despised and defeated. | [17:18] People who put their emphasis on the acquisition of wealth, power or other things instead of God usually get what they work for. In the end, they end up in Hell. See also {Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 12:15-21} . | |
[17:19] As for those who choose the Hereafter as their priority, and work righteousness, while believing, their efforts will be appreciated. | [17:19] Conversely, those whose priority is the afterlife will also get what they are working for, and God will bless their efforts. | |
[17:20] For each one of them we provide; we provide for those and these from your Lord's bounties. Your Lord's bounties are inexhaustible. | [17:20] Both the worldly person and the spiritual person receives gifts from God, because everything that man achieves is a blessing from God. | |
[17:21] Note how we preferred some people above others. The differences in the Hereafter are far greater and far more significant. | [17:21] The inequality between people in this life pale in comparison to the inequality that will exist between the rewarded and the punished in the afterlife. | |
[17:22] You shall not set up any other god beside God, lest you end up despised and disgraced. | [17:22] Therefore, one must never worship wealth, power, position, relationships, or other things; only God. | |
[17:23] Your Lord has decreed that you shall not worship except Him, and your parents shall be honored. As long as one or both of them live, you shall never say to them, "uff," nor shall you shout at them; you shall treat them amicably. | [17:23] An essential part of the worship of God is honor of one's parents, who are His representatives to their children. The word "uff" can be translated various ways. What the statement means is that one must never treat them with even the slightest bit of contempt. | |
[17:24] And lower for them the wings of humility, and kindness, and say, "My Lord, have mercy on them, for they have raised me from infancy." | [17:24] But not mistreating them is not enough; the devout child will treat them with kindness and gentleness, and will pray to God for their welfare. | |
[17:25] Your Lord is fully aware of your innermost thoughts. If you maintain righteousness, He is Forgiver of those who repent. | [17:25] Treatment of parents is one of the criteria of righteousness. God knows even what one thinks about them. He will forgive momentary lapses of respect. | |
[17:26] You shall give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the traveling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant. | [17:26] This is part of the necessary charity (zakat) required of all Muslims. Contributions to charity should not be a way to show off. See also {Matthew 6:1-4} | |
[17:27] The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is ungrateful to his Lord.
[17:28] Even if you have to turn away from them, as you pursue the mercy of your Lord, you shall treat them in the nicest manner. [17:29] You shall not keep your hand stingily tied to your neck, nor shall you foolishly open it up, lest you end up blamed and sorry. |
[17:27] There are two thoughts here: (1) Extravagant giving is intrinsically evil, and (2) It doesn't appreciate that all things come from God.
[17:28] Family members who embraced Islam sometimes had to separate from unbelieving parents. Nevertheless, they must continue to treat them kindly. [17:29] One should not give too little nor too much to charity. It is best to be moderate in one's generosity. | |
[17:30] For your Lord increases the provision for anyone He chooses, and reduces it. He is fully Cognizant of His creatures, Seer. | [17:30] Moderate giving incurs God's blessing by enriching the recipient without leaving imposing an undue hardship on the giver. | |
[17:31] You shall not kill your children due to fear of poverty. We provide for them, as well as for you. Killing them is a gross offense. | [17:31] The pagans tolerated killing children they felt they could not afford (especially daughters). The Koran condemns this. See [6:151]. | |
[17:32] You shall not commit adultery; it is a gross sin, and an evil behavior. | [17:32] Adultery (zina) is one of the capital offenses. See [6:151] and {Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 5:18} . | |
[17:33] You shall not kill any person - for God has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. If one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed the limits in avenging the murder; he will be helped. | [17:33] This is an expansion of the prohibition against killing, which is confusing and contradictory in the Bible. God has made all life sacred, so the taking of any human life requires justification. The heirs of one killed unjustly are allowed to deal (justly) with the criminal. | |
[17:34] You shall not touch the orphans' money except for their own good, until they reach maturity. You shall fulfill your covenants, for a covenant is a great responsibility. | [17:34] See [6:152]. Foster families could adopt the orphan and use his money to help raise him [2:220], but were not allowed to make a profit. The orphans were to be given their property at maturity. See also [4:6]. | |
[17:35] You shall give full measure when you trade, and weigh equitably. This is better and more righteous. | [17:35] This is also in [6:152]. The establishment and enforcement of fair business practices was one of the goals of the Islamic state. | |
[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you hearing, eyesight, and brains, and you are responsible for using them. | [17:36] Where communication media is the spoken word, it is very important for the speakers to be truthful. One of the ways of dispelling lies and misunderstandings is to verify information personally. | |
[17:37] You shall not walk proudly on earth; you cannot bore through the earth nor can you be as tall as the mountains. | [17:37] Compared to God's earth, man is insignificant. Here he is reminded to be aware of the fact and recognize his place in creation. | |
[17:38] All bad behavior is condemned by your Lord. | [17:38] God expects believers to set a good example. | |
[17:39] This is some of the wisdom inspired to you by your Lord. You shall not set up another god beside God, lest you end up in Hell, blamed and defeated. | [17:39] Don't be a pagan, but don't act like one, either. One is condemned by worshiping anything other than God (wealth, etc.) just as surely as he can by worshiping idols. | |
[17:40] Has your Lord given you boys, while giving Himself the angels as daughters?! How could you utter such a blasphemy? | [17:40] This is another condemnation of daughter killing (filiacide). Claiming that girls are not as human as boys (i.e. angels) is blasphemy. | |
[17:41] We have cited in this Koran, that they may take heed. But it only augments their aversion. | [17:41] God has vigorously condemned killing of daughters, but the pagans go right on doing it anyway. | |
[17:42] Say, "If there were any other gods beside Him, as they claim, they would have tried to overthrow the Possessor of the throne." | [17:42] If there were other gods, they would have tried to dethrone God. The gods of the Greeks and Romans had this kind of trouble. | |
[17:43] Be He glorified, He is much too exalted, far above their utterances. | [17:43] God is incomparably greater than gods made of clay and wood. | |
[17:44] Glorifying Him are the seven universes, the earth, and everyone in them. There is nothing that does not glorify Him, but you do not understand their glorification. He is Clement, Forgiver. | [17:44] "Seven" universes really means "all there are." The word "universes" probably meant something other to the Arabs of the seventh century than it does today. The meaning is clear, though. Everything praises God. | |
[17:45] When you read the Koran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier. | [17:45] The believers are already separated from the unbelievers in a way that neither can see. The separation will be manifest in the afterlife. | |
[17:46] We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Koran alone, they run away in aversion. | [17:46] This is another explanation of predestination versus free will. The unbelievers have freely chosen their fate, but, having chosen it, they make themselves immune to redemption. | |
[17:47] We are fully aware of what they hear, when they listen to you, and when they conspire secretly - the disbelievers say, "You are following a crazy man." | [17:47] The more charitable of Mohammed's detractors thought it possible he was just crazy. The story about his trip to "farthest place of prostration" on a flying horse didn't help. | |
[17:48] Note how they describe you, and how this causes them to stray off the path. | [17:48] Those who dismissed Mohammed as a crazy man missed the importance of his Message. | |
[17:49] They said, "After we turn into bones and fragments, we get resurrected anew?!" | [17:49] Resurrection of the dead was a most difficult concept for the Arabs and Jews. See {Ezekiel 37:5-14} . | |
[17:50] Say, "Even if you turn into rocks or iron. | [17:50] They would rise even if they were stone or iron. | |
[17:51] "Even if you turn into any kind of creation that you deem impossible." They will then say, "Who will bring us back?" Say, "The One who created you in the first place." They will then shake their heads and say, "When will that be?" Say, "It may be closer than you think." | [17:51] Everybody knows that it no one can turn dead bones back into living things. On the other hand, no one can create living things, either. Yet there are living things, even in vast profusion. Doesn't it make sense that Whoever created them in the first place could resurrect them? It might happen sooner than anybody expects. | |
[17:52] The day He summons you, you will respond by praising Him, and you will then realize that you had lasted in this life but a short while. | [17:52] When it happens to you, you will be awestruck, and realize that the life you thought was your entire existence was only a small part of it. | |
[17:53] Tell My servants to treat each other in the best possible manner, for the devil will always try to drive a wedge among them. Surely, the devil is man's most ardent enemy. | [17:53] The best way to avoid clan conflicts or civil war is for everybody to be nice to each other. The devil, who is dedicated to keeping people away from God, will do everything he can to prevent this. | |
[17:54] Your Lord knows you best. According to His knowledge, He may shower you with mercy, or He may punish you. We did not send you to be their advocate. | [17:54] This is the essence of Islam (Submission). God knows what is best for you, whether you like it or not. Mohammed is here to tell people that, not to make things easier for them. | |
[17:55] Your Lord is the best knower of everyone in the heavens and the earth. In accordance with this knowledge, we preferred some prophets over others. For example, we gave David the Psalms. | [17:55] As a result of his limitless knowledge, God decides who should be prophets and who should listen to them. David is thought to have been the author of from 73 to 82 Psalms. | |
[17:56] Say, "Implore whatever idols you have set up beside Him." They have no power to relieve your afflictions, nor can they prevent them. | [17:56] It is easy to demonstrate the powerlessness of idols by praying to them to give you something or take away an affliction. Either way, it doesn't do any good. | |
[17:57] Even the idols that they implore are seeking the ways and means towards their Lord. They pray for His mercy, and fear His punishment. Surely, the vengeance of your Lord is dreadful.
[17:58] There is not a community that we will not annihilate before the Day of Resurrection, or inflict severe punishment upon them. This is already written down in the book. |
[17:57] The idols, being part of God's creation, join with all other creation in praising Him and seeking His glory. See [17:44]. And just like the rest of perverted creation that God will destroy as part of His punishment, they will be destroyed as well.
[17:58] Everything on earth will be destroyed before the Day of Resurrection. God has already determined for everyone what will happen and when. | |
[17:59] What stopped us from sending the miracles is that the previous generations have rejected them. For example, we showed Thamud the camel, profound, but they transgressed against it. We sent the miracles only to instill reverence.
[17:60] We informed you that your Lord fully controls the people, and we rendered the vision that we showed you a test for the people, and the tree that is accursed in the Koran. We showed them solid proofs to instill reverence in them, but this only augmented their defiance. |
[17:59] The reason miracles don't happen like they did in Biblical times is that the people have rejected them. Here is another reference to Thamud and the camel. See [7:73] and [11:64].
[17:60] This ayat is believed to refer to Mohammed's night journey. The "test for the people" is cited as evidence that it was a real trip (not a dream) that people will find difficult to accept. The accursed tree is not otherwise identified, either. Since the story itself is not included in the infallible Koran, it is difficult to say with certainty just what is being explained here. | |
[17:61] When we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam," they fell prostrate, except Satan. He said, "Shall I prostrate to one You created from mud?"
[17:62] He said, "Since You have honored him over me, if You respite me till the Day of Resurrection, I will possess all his descendants, except a few." [17:63] He said, "Then go; you and those who follow you will end up in Hell as your requital; an equitable requital. [17:64] "You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises is no more than an illusion. |
[17:61] This is the same story recorded in [7:11-18] and 15:29-43]. Why it is incorporated here is not clear. It may be an analogy with refusal of the people to believe in Mohammed's famous night journey.
[17:62] In any case, Iblis thought he should not pay his respects to Adam because he was a higher class of creation. In exchange for God's mercy, he vowed to pervert God's creation by misleading mankind. [17:63] Having granted Iblis mercy, God did not go back on His word, but cursed Iblis and his followers to Hell. [17:64] Iblis is given the freedom to do whatever he wants to enlist his followers. He can use other people, wealth, children (success, fame, power, etc.) as bribes, and he can promise people anything to join him, but it will all be lies. | |
[17:65] "As for My servants, you have no power over them." Your Lord suffices as an advocate. | [17:65] The believers are immune to his temptations, because God is on their side. | |
[17:66] Your Lord is the One who causes the ships to float on the ocean, that you may seek His bounties. He is Most Merciful towards you. | [17:66] Seafarers recognized that there were unseen powers at work on the sea. They may have been idolaters, but they weren't atheists. | |
[17:67] If you are afflicted in the middle of the sea, you forget your idols and sincerely implore Him alone. But as soon as He saves you to the shore, you revert. Indeed, the human being is ungrateful. | [17:67] The pagans probably prayed to their gods when they were in peril. This ayat may be directed at the backsliding converts, who were content to go so sea with idol worshipers, but prayed to God if they were lost. | |
[17:68] Have you guaranteed that He will not cause the land, on shore, to swallow you? Or, that He will not send upon you a tempest, then you find no protector?
[17:69] Have you guaranteed that He will not return you to the sea another time, then send upon you a storm that drowns you because of your disbelief? Once this happens, we will not give you another chance. |
[17:68] This is an example of why it is better to submit to God's will, whatever it is, rather than to ask Him for things. The sailors pray to find their way back, but forget that they might encounter an earthquake or a tornado.
[17:69] Even if everything goes well, they might run into a storm on their next voyage. If this is the way God wants to destroy them, it will happen just that way, as He wills. | |
[17:70] We have honored the children of Adam, and provided them with rides on land and in the sea. We provided for them good provisions, and we gave them greater advantages than many of our creatures. | [17:70] God has singularly blessed man as no other creature. Only man rides other animals and builds ships so he can travel the whole land and the limitless sea sitting down. All of this is possible through the limitless blessings of God. | |
[17:71] The day will come when we summon every people, together with their record. As for those who are given a record of righteousness, they will read their record and will not suffer the least injustice.
[17:72] As for those who are blind in this life, they will be blind in the Hereafter; even a lot worse. |
[17:71] This is another reference to the fixed record of everyone's life referred to in [17:13-15] Those who have been righteous will gladly read their own records.
[17:72] Those who refused to believe in this life will be condemned in the next. It will be in an even worse way than they had imagined. | |
[17:73] They almost diverted you from the revelations we have given you. They wanted you to fabricate something else, in order to consider you a friend. | [17:73] This probably refers to Mohammed. On the pretext of trying to help or protect him, his friends attempted to keep him from publishing his revelations. | |
[17:74] If it were not that we strengthened you, you almost leaned towards them just a little bit. | [17:74] Mohammed might have considered their invitation a little had God not strengthened him. | |
[17:75] Had you done that, we would have doubled the punishment for you in this life, and after death, and you would have found no one to help you against us. | [17:75] If Mohammed had turned aside from his mission, he would have been doubly guilty, and would have had no assistance from either the believers or the pagans. | |
[17:76] They almost banished you from the land to get rid of you, so they could revert as soon as you left.
[17:77] This has been consistently the case with all the messengers that we sent before you, and you will find that our system never changes. [17:78] You shall observe the Contact Prayer (Salat) when the sun declines from its highest point at noon, as it moves towards sunset. You shall also observe the Koran at dawn. The Koran at dawn is witnessed. [17:79] During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank. |
[17:76] At this time, the Meccans were doing everything they could to make Mohammed leave them alone so they could get back to the idol worshiping business.
[17:77] All of the prophets before him had the same problem. Their history of persecution and final triumph always repeats itself. [17:78] Muslims pray from three to five times a day at specific times. One of these is early in the morning. The morning prayer is especially important, because it gathers the people to begin the day. [17:79] Mohammed is instructed to pray constantly, even at night. This extra prayer will earn him additional merit. | |
[17:80] And say, "My Lord, admit me an honorable admittance, and let me depart an honorable departure, and grant me from You a powerful support." | [17:80] Mohammed's ambition must be to come and go as an honorable man, and to have faith and confidence in the support of God to guide and strengthen him against oppression and opposition. | |
[17:81] Proclaim, "The truth has prevailed, and falsehood has vanished; falsehood will inevitably vanish." | [17:81] The truth of his Message had overcome the falsehood of the pagans. Falsehood can never withstand truth. | |
[17:82] We send down in the Koran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors. | [17:82] The Koran promises repentance and forgiveness for those who accept its precepts, and indictment of the wicked for the evil that they do. | |
[17:83] When we bless the human being, he becomes preoccupied and heedless. But when adversity strikes him, he turns despondent.
[17:84] Say, "Everyone works in accordance with his belief, and your Lord knows best which ones are guided in the right path." |
[17:83] Man takes God's blessings for granted, but when trouble befalls him, he becomes depressed. The Message of the Koran solves this problem by giving him hope and confidence.
[17:84] God knows which people believe in His revelations and are doing what He wants them to do. | |
[17:85] They ask you about the revelation. Say, "The revelation comes from my Lord. The knowledge given to you is minute." | [17:85] Mohammed is to admit to anyone who asks that his revelation comes from God, and that each part of it is only a fraction of what God wants him to know. | |
[17:86] If we will, we can take back what we revealed to you, then you will find no protector against us. | [17:86] God could retract His revelation any time, but then mankind would be totally lost, with no means of redemption. | |
[17:87] This is but mercy from your Lord. His blessings upon you have been great. | [17:87] The fact that He has sent down His revelation is a great blessing. | |
[17:88] Say, "If all the humans and all the djinns banded together in order to produce a Koran like this, they could never produce anything like it, no matter how much assistance they lent one another." | [17:88] One of the proofs of the authenticity of the Koran is the Koran itself. There has never been anything like it (except God's other Scripture), and even if all men and djinns got together to produce one, they couldn't do it. | |
[17:89] We have cited for the people in this Koran all kinds of examples, but most people insist upon disbelieving. | [17:89] Many different examples of God's truth are presented in the Koran, but most of the people (of Mecca) refuse to accept it. | |
[17:90] They said, "We will not believe you unless you cause a spring to gush out of the ground.
[17:91] "Or unless you own a garden of date palms and grapes, with rivers running through it. [17:92] "Or unless you cause masses from the sky, as you claimed, to fall on us. Or unless you bring God and the angels before our eyes. [17:93] "Or unless you own a luxurious mansion, or unless you climb into the sky. Even if you do climb, we will not believe unless you bring a book that we can read." Say, "Glory be to my Lord. Am I any more than a human Messenger?" | [17:90-93] The Meccans insisted that Mohammed demonstrate his authority with some kind of miracle, like creating a spring or a beautiful garden or calling down meteorites or bringing God and the angels to earth where all can see them. It was actually a clever argument. Mohammed claimed that the idols had no power to do anything, unlike God, who has power to do everything. The idolaters replied that if God was so powerful, He should be able at least to do something more than their idols, which was nothing. If He did not, they argued, He was no more powerful than their gods. They pointed out that Mohammed was just ordinary, and if he had access to the Word of God, it should be something that they could read, too. His reply, as always, was that he was only a Messenger, not God Himself. | |
[17:94] What prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them is their saying, "Did God send a human being as a Messenger?"
[17:95] Say, "If the earth were inhabited by angels, we would have sent down to them from the sky an angel Messenger." [17:96] Say, "God suffices as a witness between me and you. He is fully Cognizant of His worshipers, Seer." [17:97] Whomever God guides is the truly guided one. And whomever He sends astray, you will never find for them any lords and masters beside Him. We will summon them on the Day of Resurrection forcibly; blind, dumb, and deaf. Their destination is Hell; whenever it cools down, we will increase their fire. |
[17:94] The idol priests were all human beings themselves. If Mohammed wanted any more credibility than they, he would have to do something extraordinary.
[17:95] The reply is that the appropriate Messenger to ordinary people is an ordinary person. If the people were angels, God would have sent an angel. [17:96] God knows exactly what He is doing, and His Word itself is sufficient proof of its authenticity. [17:97] It is God, not Mohammed, who guides the believers and turns away the disbelievers, by their own free choice. Once they have made it, they will not find anyone to be their advocate on the Day of Resurrection. They will be brought before God, condemned for their unbelief, and thrown into Hell. | |
[17:98] Such is their just punishment, since they rejected our revelations. They said, "After we turn into bones and fragments, do we get resurrected into a new creation?" | [17:98] They deserve their fate because they refuse to believe (among other things) in the Resurrection. They don't understand how God can resurrect a complete human being from bones and fragments. | |
[17:99] Could they not see that the God who created the heavens and the earth is able to create the same creations? He has predetermined for them an irrevocable life span? Yet, the disbelievers insist upon disbelieving. | [17:99] The answer to this confusion is very simple. God is all powerful; therefore He can do anything He chooses, whether people can understand how He does it or not. Their fate has already been determined, but the pagans choose not to believe that. | |
[17:100] Proclaim, "If you possessed my Lord's treasures of mercy, you would have withheld them, fearing that you might exhaust them. The human being is stingy." | [17:100] The lack of understanding shows the difference between men and God. Men would have limited treasures of mercy, fearing that they might be used up, but not God. | |
[17:101] We supported Moses with nine profound miracles - ask the Children of Israel. When he went to them, Pharaoh said to him, "I think that you, Moses, are bewitched."
[17:102] He said, "You know full well that no one can manifest these except, obviously, the Lord of the heavens and the earth. I think that you, Pharaoh, are doomed." |
[17:101] The conversation with Pharaoh is not in the Bible, but follows the theme of Moses being sent as a prophet to Pharaoh, who rejected him. What the "nine miracles" are is not clear. It might have been the Plagues {Exodus 7:14-12:30}
, but there were ten of them.
[17:102] This is a little tete-a-tete between Moses and Pharaoh also not recorded in the Bible. (Pharaoh: "I think you're crazy!" Moses: "I think you're doomed!") | |
[17:103] When he pursued them, as he chased them out of the land, we drowned him, together with those who sided with him, all of them. | [17:103] {Exodus 14:23-28} The moral is clear. Pharaoh didn't listen to Moses, so he and his followers suffered an "agonizing punishment." | |
[17:104] And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into this land. When the final prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in one group."
[17:105] Truthfully, we sent it down, and with the truth it came down. We did not send you except as a bearer of good news, as well as a counselor. [17:106] A Koran that we have released slowly, in order for you to read it to the people over a long period, although we sent it down all at once. [17:107] Proclaim, "Believe in it, or do not believe in it. " Those who possess knowledge from the previous scriptures, when it is recited to them, they fall down to their chins, prostrating. [17:108] They say, "Glory be to our Lord. This fulfills our Lord's prophecy." |
[17:104] This pretty much summarizes the rest of the story of the journey to the Promised Land in the Torah. In the same way as the unbelieving Pharaoh and his followers were destroyed for their refusal to accept the Message of his prophet (Moses), the believers were all saved by because of their submission to God.
[17:105-108] In summary, this sura, as well as the entire Koran, has been sent down to mankind from God, using Mohammed as a Messenger. He brings good news to those who believe and act upon it, and warnings to those who do not. The reason it has been released piecemeal is so that the people to whom it is directed have time to hear and understand it and put into practice what it teaches, although the truth of the message itself is timeless. It is presented to mankind for their free choice, either acceptance or rejection. The Jews and Christians who are familiar with their Bible will recognize it as the authentic Word of God. They will accept it on that basis as the fulfillment of the previous revelations they have received. | |
[17:109] They fall down on their chins, prostrating and weeping, for it augments their reverence.
[17:110] Say, "Call Him God, or call Him the Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." |
[17:109] It is all right for them to be overcome with emotion when it is revealed to them, because this is a sign of their belief and acceptance.
[17:110] Whatever name they want to call Him, they will recognize Him and the One God whom they all worship. | |
[17:111] And proclaim: "Praise be to God, who has never begotten a son, nor does He have a partner in His kingship, nor does He need any ally out of weakness," and magnify Him constantly. | [17:111] (However, it must be pointed out that the Christians are mistaken about His having a son or two other partners, or needing a priesthood to mediate for Him). Praise Him constantly (amen!) |
SURA 18: Al-Kahf - The CaveIn an attempt to expose Mohammed as a fraud, a deputation of pagans and Jews asked him, (1) "Who were 'the Sleepers of the Cave?' (2) 'What is the real story of Al-Khidr?' and (3) 'What do you know about Dhul-Qarnayn?'" They expected him not to know the answers, but he replied with this sura in such a way that denounced his opponents. The story of "The Sleepers of the Cave" has been noted in [2:259-260]. They were persecuted for their Christian belief in monotheism, but God saved them from certain death and demonstrated that resurrection is possible even after over a century in a tomb. Al-Khidr ("the green one") was a prophet and folk hero whom Moses allegedly observed on a sea voyage. Al-Khidr agreed to allow Moses to accompany him only if Moses wouldn't criticize him for anything he did. On the way, Al-Khidr damaged a ship, killed a child, and restored a wall of a village that wouldn't feed them. Moses became so critical that Al-Khidr left him, but not before explaining his actions: Al-Khidr knew that the ship was about to be impounded for military service. Damaging the ship allowed its poor owner to keep it to repair and use again instead of losing his means of livelihood. The child was about to dishonor his parents, who are thus able to produce a better one. The damage to the wall exposed a treasure left for two poor orphans of a righteous man. Rebuilding the wall prevented the treasure from being looted and saved the orphans' inheritance. The analogy is that the actions of one who has knowledge of the future (God) may not make sense to men, no matter how influential (Moses). In addition, the damage to the boat is analogous to the damage to the Meccan society created by Islam, which would later prove to be a blessing. The evil child represents Arab excesses, which Islam would destroy and replace with civilized behavior. The inhospitable town consists of Christians and Jews, whose "boys," Jesus and Moses, the children of righteous Abraham, had a treasure of truth that the Koran would safeguard.
Dhul-Qarnayn ("The two-horned one") was a great and righteous folk hero king, likened to Alexander, Cyrus the Great, and others. He built a great wall to keep monsters out of his kingdom, but recognized that the wall would stand only as long as God willed. The Meccan's walled city was not nearly so magnificent, yet they thought it would hold without God's help, even against God Himself. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[18:1] Praise God, who revealed to His servant this Scripture, and made it flawless. | [18:1] The answer Mohammed gives to the unbelievers comes from the revelation given to him by God, not from his own knowledge or recollection. In spite of any disagreement over the details, the versions of the stories here are the correct ones. | |
[18:2] A perfect warning of severe punishment from Him, and delivery of good news to the believers who lead a righteous life, that they have earned a generous reward. | [18:2] It has been revealed not only to demonstrate the authenticity of Mohammed's Message, but also as a warning to those who oppose him and a comfort to those who believe him and follow his teaching... | |
[18:3] Wherein they remain forever. | [18:3] ...who will receive an eternal reward. | |
[18:4] And to warn those who said, "God has begotten a son!" | [18:4] It is also especially a warning to the Christians concept of Jesus. | |
[18:5] They possess no knowledge about this, nor did their parents. What a blasphemy coming out of their mouths! What they utter is a gross lie. | [18:5] Islam maintains that the claim that Jesus is the "son of God" is a perversion of the Bible, or perhaps a misunderstanding. It considers the idea blasphemous. | |
[18:6] You may blame yourself on account of their response to this narration, and their disbelieving in it; you may be saddened. | [18:6] One of Mohammed's greatest sorrows was that the people of his beloved city didn't listen to him. Here God recognizes the grief this causes him. | |
[18:7] We have adorned everything on earth, in order to test them, and thus distinguish those among them who work righteousness. | [18:7] It's not Mohammed's fault that they don't believe. They don't listen because they are attracted to the things of this earth rather than spiritual things. | |
[18:8] Inevitably, we will wipe out everything on it, leaving it completely barren. | [18:8] But earthly things will be destroyed, leaving them without anything. | |
[18:9] Why else do you think we are telling you about the people of the cave, and the numbers connected with them? They are among our wondrous signs. | [18:9] Mohammed doesn't really need to know anything about the Seven Sleepers, but God gave him this knowledge to demonstrate his authenticity. | |
[18:10] When the youths took refuge in the cave, they said, "Our Lord, shower us with Your mercy, and bless our affairs with Your guidance." | [18:10] This begins the story. The seven youths were Christians who were sealed up in the cave for their beliefs. Naturally, they prayed to God to save them. | |
[18:11] We then sealed their ears in the cave for a predetermined number of years. | [18:11] When they were sealed up in the cave, the Sleepers didn't have to endure their oppressors. | |
[18:12] Then we resurrected them to see which of the two parties could count the duration of their stay in it. | [18:12] The Sleepers were in the cave for at least 128 years. By the time they were released, all of their oppressors were long dead. | |
[18:13] We narrate to you their history, truthfully. They were youths who believed in their Lord, and we increased their guidance. | [18:13] The Sleepers were Christians, but they believed in the same God that the Muslims do. He blessed them for being willing to suffer for their faith. | |
[18:14] We strengthened their hearts when they stood up and proclaimed: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will never worship any other beside Him. Otherwise, we would be far astray. | [18:14] He also gave them the moral courage they needed to proclaim their belief in spite of the oppression that was sure to follow. The analogy to the situation of the Muslims in Mecca at this time is obvious. | |
[18:15] "Here are our people setting up gods beside Him. If only they could provide any proof to support their stand! Who is more evil than the one who fabricates lies and attributes them to God? | [18:15] The analogy continues with the Sleepers' conversation about the ignorance of people who would set up their own gods without any factual or Scriptural justification. "Who is more evil," indeed! | |
[18:16] "Since you wish to avoid them, and their worshiping of other than God, let us take refuge in the cave. May your Lord shower you with His mercy and direct you to the right decision." | [18:16] In this version of the story, the Sleepers take refuge in the cave to avoid the idolaters and pray. In other versions, they are sealed up on the cave as punishment for refusing to worship the pagan gods. | |
[18:17] You could see the sun when it rose coming from the right side of their cave, and when it set, it shone on them from the left, as they slept in the hollow thereof. This is one of God's portents. Whomever God guides is the truly guided one, and whomever He sends astray, you will not find for him a guiding teacher. | [18:17] The general location of the cave is almost directly south of Byzantium, the capitol of the Roman Empire during Mohammed's time. The location of the rising and setting sun puts the mouth of the cave facing north, and would have kept the cave itself in shadow at that latitude. The Sleepers couldn't see the sun to count days. | |
[18:18] You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his forelegs at the entrance. Had you looked at them, you would have fled from them, stricken with terror. | [18:18] The dog is not mentioned in the other stories, but is included here possibly to suggest that the cave was not sealed, but that the Sleepers (and their dog) were in some kind of trance, unaware of the passage of time. (Perception of time is different for the dead. See [17:52]) | |
[18:19] When we resurrected them, they asked each other, "How long have you been here?" "We have been here one day or part of the day," they answered. "Your Lord knows best how long we stayed here, so let us send one of us with this money to the city. Let him fetch the cleanest food, and buy some for us. Let him keep a low profile, and attract no attention. | [18:19] This is obviously a bit of literary license. In both stories, the Sleepers thought they had only taken a short nap, and would have had no reason to suspect otherwise or to send only one of their member to buy groceries. As told here, the story underscores the fact that the Sleepers were humble, God-fearing folk who had no intention of seeking the notoriety they received. | |
[18:20] "If they discover you, they will stone you, or force you to revert to their religion, then you can never succeed." | [18:20] The Sleepers were unaware that Ephesus had become a Christian city. They still thought they would be persecuted. | |
[18:21] We caused them to be discovered, to let everyone know that God's promise is true, and to remove all doubt concerning the end of the world. The people then disputed among themselves regarding them. Some said, "Let us build a building around them." Their Lord is the best knower about them. Those who prevailed said, "We will build a place of worship around them." | [18:21] In spite of their attempt to keep a low profile, the Sleepers were ultimately found out. Only one of them returned to Ephesus to find buildings with crosses on them, and the merchants were astonished to find someone trying to spend pagan money. In the Christian version, the Sleepers finally tell their miraculous story to the local bishop and ultimately die praising God. (The Grotto of the Seven Sleepers, near Ephesus, is a church.) | |
[18:22] Some would say, "They were three; their dog being the fourth," while others would say, "Five; the sixth being their dog," as they guessed. Others said, "Seven," and the eighth was their dog. Say, "My Lord is the best knower of their number." Only a few knew the correct number. Therefore, do not argue with them; just go along with them. You need not consult anyone. | [18:22] Although the story today is known as the "Seven Sleepers of Ephesus," the "perfect" number (seven) may have been a later Christian invention. (The dog is not mentioned in the Christian version.) Mohammed is here told not to argue about the unimportant details of the story. His hearers should have been sufficiently impressed that he knew about the legend at all! | |
[18:23] You shall not say that you will do anything in the future, | [18:23] Another thing he should not do is give scandal by appearing to utter a blasphemy. | |
[18:24] without saying, "God willing." If you forget to do this, you must immediately remember your Lord and say, "May my Lord guide me to do better next time."
[18:25] They stayed in their cave three hundred years, increased by nine. [18:26] Say, "God is the best knower of how long they stayed there." He knows all secrets in the heavens and the earth. By His grace you can see; by His grace you can hear. There is none beside Him as Lord and Master, and He never permits any partners to share in His kingship. |
[18:24] To state an intention without the qualifier "God willing" suggests an attempt to predict the future, which is blasphemous.
[18:25-26] The Christian version of the story suggests that the Sleepers were entombed under the persecution of Emperor Decius, around CE 250, and released during the reign of Theodosius (378-395), who made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. This makes their entombment anywhere from 128-145 years. Where the 309 years comes from is not clear, but the important thing is that God knows. (And there is only one of Him, not three, so the Christians are obviously confused) | |
[18:27] You shall recite what is revealed to you of your Lord's scripture. Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it. | [18:27] Mohammed is enjoined to stick to the story God revealed to him, and not to argue about details or change them to placate the Christians. This is the true version. | |
[18:28] You shall take care to be with those who worship their Lord day and night, seeking Him alone. Do not turn your eyes away from them, seeking the vanities of this world. Nor shall you obey one whose heart we rendered oblivious to our message; one who pursues his own desires, whose priorities are confused. | [18:28] This continues the above admonition. Mohammed must not betray his followers by attempting to seek any kind of accommodation with the opponents of Islam, whatever they might offer. Whether "one whose heart we rendered oblivious to our message" is a specific individual or anyone who refuses to accept Islam is unclear. | |
[18:29] Proclaim: "This is the truth from your Lord," then whoever wills let him believe, and whoever wills let him disbelieve. We have prepared for the transgressors a fire that will completely surround them. When they scream for help, they will be given a liquid like concentrated acid that scalds the faces. What a miserable drink! What a miserable destiny! | [18:29] Regardless, Mohammed is to stick to the truth. He is not to attempt to force anyone to accept it. (This is another instance of the rule that there is to be no compulsion in religion, see [2:256].) On the other hand, those who choose freely to reject the Word of God will face the "agonizing punishment" of Hell, one of the torments of which are noted here. | |
[18:30] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, we never fail to reward those who work righteousness.
[18:31] They have deserved gardens of Eden wherein rivers flow. They will be adorned in them with bracelets of gold, and will wear clothes of green silk and velvet, and will rest on comfortable furnishings. What a wonderful reward; what a wonderful abode! [18:32] Cite for them the example of two men: we gave one of them two gardens of grapes, surrounded by date palms, and placed other crops between them. |
[18:30] This is in contrast to the reward of the righteous, who will be properly rewarded.
[18:31] One has to wonder why the delights of Paradise are mentioned so often in the Koran, which specifically states that they are allegorical ([2:25]). One possibility is that the hearers of any given revelation might not have been expected to have heard the others. [18:32] This appears to be a parable not associated with the three stories. The geography described suggests that of a large, fertile valley. The owner of the land was therefore unimaginably wealthy! | |
[18:33] Both gardens produced their crops on time, and generously, for we caused a river to run through them. | [18:33] The two gardens may be a parable with an analogy to the two factions in Mecca, both blessed by God. | |
[18:34] Once, after harvesting, he boastfully told his friend: "I am far more prosperous than you, and I command more respect from the people." | [18:34] The Meccans were some of the most wealthy and powerful people in Arabia. They might have felt superior to others because of their favored position. | |
[18:35] When he entered his garden, he wronged his soul by saying, "I do not think that this will ever end. | [18:35] This landowner made the same mistake as the one in {Luke 12:16-20}. | |
[18:36] "Moreover, I think this is it; I do not think that the Hour will ever come to pass. Even if I am returned to my Lord, I will possess an even better one over there." | [18:36] The landowner lived like there was no tomorrow. If he thought about it at all, he assumed that God would continue to bless him abundantly because he was so deserving. | |
[18:37] His friend said to him, as he debated with him, "Have you disbelieved in the One who created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then perfected you into a man? | [18:37] True to form, the poor but wise friend chastises him for his misplaced priorities, and wonders why the rich guy doesn't recognize that he wasn't always so great or impressively wonderful. | |
[18:38] "As for me, God is my Lord, and I will never set up any other god besides my Lord. | [18:38] The poor guy worships God rather than wealth, and so has imperishable riches beyond measure. | |
[18:39] "When you entered your garden, you should have said, 'This is what God has given me. No one possesses power except God.' You may see that I possess less money and less children than you. | [18:39] These are two common prayers, "Ma aha Allah" and "La quwwata ella B'Allah." The rich man doesn't even say the common prayers, even though he has more reason to be thankful than his more pious friend. | |
[18:40] "My Lord may grant me better than your garden. He may send a violent storm from the sky that wipes out your garden, leaving it completely barren. | [18:40] The friend points out that the rich man can be reduced to poverty overnight if God so chooses. A sandstorm could destroy it completely... | |
[18:41] "Or, its water may sink deeper, out of your reach." | [18:41] ...or the river could sink into the sand, leaving a vast wasteland. | |
[18:42] Indeed, his crops were wiped out, and he ended up sorrowful, lamenting what he had spent on it in vain, as his property lay barren. He finally said, "I wish I never set up my property as a god beside my Lord." | [18:42] Sure enough, the rich man's farm and vineyards were all destroyed. Too late, he wishes he had not made his property his God. This appears to be a particularly apt analogy to the fate of the Meccans. | |
[18:43] No force on earth could have helped him against God, nor was it possible for him to receive any help. | [18:43] The destruction caused by a storm is the most direct evidence of intervention by God. | |
[18:44] That is because the only true Lord and master is God; He provides the best reward, and with Him is the best destiny. | [18:44] The only true master of the universe is God. If one seeks His kingdom first, he doesn't have to worry about anything else. {Matthew 6:33, Luke 12:31} | |
[18:45] Cite for them the example of this life as water that we send down from the sky to produce plants of the earth, then they turn into hay that is blown away by the wind. God is able to do all things.
[18:46] Money and children are the joys of this life, but the righteous works provide an eternal reward from your Lord, and a far better hope. [18:47] The day will come when we wipe out the mountains, and you will see the earth barren. We will summon them all, not leaving out a single one of them. [18:48] They will be presented before your Lord in a row. You have come to us as individuals, just as we created you initially. Indeed, this is what you claimed will never happen. [18:49] The record will be shown, and you will see the guilty fearful of its contents. They will say, "Woe to us. How come this book leaves nothing, small or large, without counting it?" They will find everything they had done brought forth. Your Lord is never unjust towards anyone. [18:50] We said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam." They fell prostrate, except Satan. He became a djinn, for he disobeyed the order of His Lord. Will you choose him and his descendants as lords instead of Me, even though they are your enemies? What a miserable substitute! |
[18:45] This is another example of the cyclic nature of creation. The rain produces an abundance of growing things, but then when dry season occurs, the plants dry up and are eventually blown away, leaving the desert where they grew as barren as before.
[18:46] Money and children are good things, but they belong to this life. One's true blessing is the reward he receives in the afterlife for having lived a righteous life. [18:47] The imagery of mountains being wiped out also appears in {Revelation 16:20}. Mountains deflect wind, bring rain, and keep the earth from being totally barren. [18:48] The image here seems to be mankind standing in ranks, like a military formation. Standing in ranks has been used to count soldiers for thousands of years, and may be the intended idea here. [18:49] On the Day of Resurrection, all the works of each person will be made known to all. Those who have done evil things will be exposed for all to see and will be indicted for their wickedness, which they will deeply and sincerely regret. Not the slightest evil that they have done will be overlooked, for God is just. [18:50] This is the same story as [2:34], [7:11-18], [15:29-43] and [17:61-65]. Its inclusion here is additional evidence that the foregoing parable is about the misplaced priorities of the Meccans. They cooperate with Iblis, who was similarly arrogant, to their own destruction. | |
[18:51] I never permitted them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor the creation of themselves. Nor do I permit the wicked to work in My kingdom. | [18:51] The subordinate nature of the djinns, like Iblis (Satan) is evident from the fact that they are created beings, not allowed to work in God's kingdom. (Iblis was thrown out for his disobedience.) | |
[18:52] The day will come when He says, "Call upon those whom you claimed to be gods beside Me." They will call on them, but they will not respond to them. An insurmountable barrier will separate them. | [18:52] On the Day of Resurrection, those who worshiped other gods (idols? worldly goods?) will find that their "gods" have no power, and they will not receive any help from anyone else. | |
[18:53] The guilty will see Hell, and will realize that they will fall into it. They will have no escape from it. | [18:53] The guilty will thus realize the inevitability of the fate to which they condemned themselves by choosing other gods. | |
[18:54] We have cited in this Koran every kind of example, but the human being is the most argumentative creature. | [18:54] The Message of the Koran should be enough to divert everyone from their other gods, but human beings are extremely stubborn. | |
[18:55] Nothing prevented the people from believing, when the guidance came to them, and from seeking the forgiveness of their Lord, except that they demanded to see the same (kind of miracles) as the previous generations, or challenged to see the punishment beforehand. | [18:55] Everyone is free to accept God as their master. He sent the revelations of the Koran to them, and was ready to forgive them for their past transgressions. The idolaters, however, demanded their own kinds of proofs, just as those before them. This included carrying out God's threatened punishment. | |
[18:56] We only send the messengers as simply deliverers of good news, as well as counselors. Those who disbelieve argue with falsehood to defeat the truth, and they take My proofs and warnings in vain. | [18:56] Messengers of all ages brought God's truth to mankind, both as good news and as a warning. The disbelievers countered the truth with made-up lies, and did not heed the warnings they had been given. | |
[18:57] Who are more evil than those who are reminded of their Lord's proofs, then disregard them, without realizing what they are doing. Consequently, we place shields on their hearts to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what you do to guide them, they can never ever be guided. | [18:57] The really evil people are those who recognize the truth that God has made known to them, but still refuse to believe it. They do not realize the magnitude of the evil that they are doing, but, having freely chosen to reject God, they become incapable of being inspired by subsequent teaching. No matter what Mohammed says, they will never be convinced. | |
[18:58] Yet, your Lord is the Forgiver, full of mercy. If He called them to account for their deeds, He would annihilate them right there and then. Instead, He gives them a respite until a specific, predetermined time; then they can never escape. | [18:58] Of course, God is always willing to forgive those who are sorry and repent, and if He convicted them here and now, they would instantly do so. Instead, he gives them time to hear and believe, but they don't do that. As a result, they are doomed! | |
[18:59] Many a community we annihilated because of their transgressions; we designated a specific time for their annihilation. | [18:59] People like this in the past has been destroyed, and the date of destruction of the present generation of transgressors has already been decided. | |
[18:60] Moses said to his servant, "I will not rest until I reach the point where the two rivers meet, no matter how long it takes." | [18:60] This begins the story of Al-Khidr. "Where the two rivers meet" is not an actual location, but an allegory for the goal of Moses. | |
[18:61] When they reached the point where they met, they forgot their fish, and it found its way back to the river. | [18:61] In his haste to get to his destination, Moses forgot his cache of fish, which he had planned to eat. The fish all eventually got away. | |
[18:62] After they passed that point, he said to his servant, "Let us have lunch. All this traveling has exhausted us."
[18:63] He said, "Remember when we sat by the rock back there? I paid no attention to the fish. It was the devil who made me forget it, and it found its way back to the river. How unexpected!" [18:64] (Moses) said, "That was the place we were looking for." They traced their steps back. |
[18:62] Moses doesn't realize his lunch is missing until he decides to take a break.
[18:63] When he finds out that the fish are missing, he recalls where he last left them. "The devil made me do it" may be just an expletive here; Moses is tired and hungry, the fish are gone, and he's grumpy. [18:64] The purpose of retracing their steps is not clear. The idea seems to be that they were looking for something to eat. | |
[18:65] They found one of our servants, whom we blessed with mercy, and bestowed upon him from our own knowledge. | [18:65] Instead, they find Al-Khidr who (perhaps unknown to Moses) has a special blessing from God, including directly revealed knowledge. | |
[18:66] Moses said to him, "Can I follow you, that you may teach me some of the knowledge and the guidance bestowed upon you?" | [18:66] Recognizing that Al-Khidr possesses supernatural revelation, Moses asks if he can travel along with him to learn from him. | |
[18:67] He said, "You cannot stand to be with me.
[18:68] "How can you stand that which you do not comprehend?" [18:69] He said, "You will find me, God willing, patient. I will not disobey any command you give me." [18:70] He said, "If you follow me, then you shall not ask me about anything, unless I choose to tell you about it." |
[18:67] Al-Khidr doesn't think it's a good idea, because he's grumpy too.
[18:68] He also doesn't think Moses is capable of accepting the knowledge he might receive. [18:69] Moses assures him that he will be respectful, and is willing to do what it takes to get along. [18:70] Al-Khidr imposes the condition that Moses not ask questions about what he does on the journey. | |
[18:71] So they went. When they boarded a ship, he bore a hole in it. He said, "Did you bore a hole in it to drown its people? You have committed something terrible." | [18:71] Moses quickly forgets his promise when Al-Khidr puts a hole in the ship as soon as they get on board. He is aghast that his traveling companion would jeopardize the lives of the passengers (including his!). | |
[18:72] He said, "Did I not say that you cannot stand to be with me?" | [18:72] Al-Khidr sternly reminds Moses of his promise not to criticize. | |
[18:73] He said, "I am sorry. Do not punish me for my forgetfulness; do not be too harsh with me." | [18:73] Moses repents and asks Al-Khidr's forgiveness, and the journey continues. | |
[18:74] So they went. When they met a young boy, he killed him. He said, "Why did you kill such an innocent person, who did not kill another person? You have committed something horrendous." | [18:74] The very next things that happens is that Al-Khidr kills a young boy. Again Moses is furious with him and rebukes him for this horrible crime against an innocent victim. | |
[18:75] He said, "Did I not tell you that you cannot stand to be with me?" | [18:75] Once again, Al-Khidr reminds Moses of the conditions he imposed and of Moses' promise. | |
[18:76] He said, "If I ask you about anything else, then do not keep me with you. You have seen enough apologies from me." | [18:76] Moses repents a second time and tells Al-Khidr that if he breaks his promise a third time, they will agree to part company. | |
[18:77] So they went. When they reached a certain community, they asked the people for food, but they refused to host them. Soon, they found a wall about to collapse, and he fixed it. He said, "You could have demanded a wage for that!" | [18:77] When they get to the village with the broken wall, the people refuse to give (sell?) them any provisions, a great sin. When Al-Khidr fixes the wall, Moses is angry once again, pointing out that Al-Khidr should have demanded payment. | |
[18:78] He said, "Now we have to part company. But I will explain to you everything you could not stand.
[18:79] "As for the ship, it belonged to poor fishermen, and I wanted to render it defective. There was a king coming after them, who was confiscating every ship, forcibly. |
[18:78] Having violated his promise three times, Moses has to part company with Al-Khidr, but not before he receives the some of the knowledge he wanted.
[18:79] Al-Khidr knew that the local king was seizing ships for his navy, and made this one unfit for military service so the poor fisherman wouldn't lose it. | |
[18:80] "As for the boy, his parents were good believers, and we saw that he was going to burden them with his transgression and disbelief. | [18:80] Al-Khidr also knew that the boy he killed would be an unendurable burden to his parents (in this case, by "transgression and disbelief"). | |
[18:81] "We willed that your Lord substitute in his place another son; one who is better in righteousness and kindness. | [18:81] It was God's will that the boy be killed so that his place in the family could be taken by another son who would be a blessing to his parents. | |
[18:82] "As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city. Under it, there was a treasure that belonged to them. Because their father was a righteous man, your Lord wanted them to grow up and attain full strength, then extract their treasure. Such is mercy from your Lord. I did none of that of my own volition. This is the explanation of the things you could not stand." | [18:82] The broken wall actually belonged to the orphans, not the people who wouldn't feed them. Repair of the wall was thus a good deed for the orphans, and also allowed them to safeguard their inheritance until they were old enough to manage it. (See [4:6].) Al-Khidr also points out that none of the things he did were his idea, he was merely obeying God. This was actually what Moses could not stand. | |
[18:83] They ask you about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say, "I will narrate to you some of his history." | [18:83] Next is the story of Dhul-Qarnayn. Mohammed proposes not to tell the whole story, only a part of it. | |
[18:84] We granted him authority on earth, and provided him with all kinds of means. | [18:84] He was a great king, by the grace of God, who had bestowed many blessings upon him. | |
[18:85] Then, he pursued one way. | [18:85] So, he pursued his goals. | |
[18:86] When he reached the far west, he found the sun setting in a vast ocean, and found people there. We said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, you can rule as you wish; either punish, or be kind to them." | [18:86] When he got to the western shore (one of his "two horns"), God informed him that he could establish his authority over the people of that land, ruling harshly or kindly, as he chose. | |
[18:87] He said, "As for those who transgress, we will punish them; then, when they return to their Lord, He will commit them to more punishment. | [18:87] Dhul-Qarnayn decided to rule in a godly manner. He would punish the evildoers, who would be punished even more in the afterlife. | |
[18:88] "As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they receive a good reward; we will treat them kindly."
[18:89] Then he pursued another way. [18:90] When he reached the far east, he found people who had nothing to shelter them from the sun. |
[18:88] He would also reward those who lived righteously, and treat them with kindness.
[18:89] Then he went back east. [18:90] When he got to the far east (his "second horn), he found people with no shelter. (Polytheistic nomads? Persians? Hindus?) | |
[18:91] Naturally, we were fully aware of everything he found out. | [18:91] Of course, God knew what he found (because God had created all of it). | |
[18:92] He then pursued another way. | [18:92] Then Dhul-Qarnayn went somewhere else. | |
[18:93] When he reached the valley between two palisades, he found people whose language was barely understandable.
[18:94] They said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, Gog and Magog are corrupters of the earth. Can we pay you to create a barrier between us and them?" | [18:93-94] When he got to the valley between two mountains (Mesopotamia? The Jordan valley?), he found people speaking a strange language. They informed him that they were troubled by two monsters, Gog and Magog. Recognizing that he was a mighty king and a man who got things done, they asked him to build a wall to keep the monsters out. | |
[18:95] He said, "My Lord has given me great bounties. If you cooperate with me, I will build a barrier between you and them. | [18:95] Dhul-Qarnayn, agrees because he has lots of resources at his disposal, but the people have to do what they can to help. | |
[18:96] "Bring to me masses of iron." Once he filled the gap between the two palisades, he said, "Blow." Once it was red hot, he said, "Help me pour tar on top of it." | [18:96] The description here suggests that the wall is a structure of such a tremendous size that constructing it required the entire labor and resources of a large community. | |
[18:97] Thus, they could not climb it, nor could they bore holes in it. | [18:97] Reinforced with iron and covered with tar, the wall was sturdy and slippery. | |
[18:98] He said, "This is mercy from my Lord. When the prophecy of my Lord comes to pass, He will cause the dam to crumble. The prophecy of my Lord is truth."
[18:99] At that time, we will let them invade with one another, then the horn will be blown, and we will summon them all together. |
[18:98] Unfortunately for the people of the valley, the barrier is not permanent. It will last only as long as God wills, and then it will fail. (The works of man, no matter how great, are transitory!)
[18:99] On the other hand, the day it fails looks like it might be the Last Day. It may last long enough after all! | |
[18:100] We will present Hell, on that day, to the disbelievers. | [18:100] When it fails, the disbelievers will be cast into Hell. | |
[18:101] They are the ones whose eyes were too veiled to see My message. Nor could they hear. | [18:101] These will be the ones who were oblivious to the Message of God. | |
[18:102] Do those who disbelieve think that they can get away with setting up My servants as gods beside Me? We have prepared for the disbelievers Hell as an eternal abode. | [18:102] The disbelievers may have thought that anyone who could build such a mighty wall was certainly equal to God. For their transgression (whatever it was), they will be thrown into Hell. | |
[18:103] Say, "Shall I tell you who the worst losers are?
[18:104] "They are the ones whose works in this life are totally astray, but they think that they are doing good." [18:105] Such are the ones who disbelieved in the revelations of their Lord and in meeting Him. Therefore, their works are in vain; on the Day of Resurrection, they have no weight. [18:106] Their just requital is Hell, in return for their disbelief, and for mocking My revelations and My messengers. [18:107] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they have deserved a blissful Paradise as their abode. |
[18:103] God is about to reveal who the real losers are.
[18:104] They are the ones whose accomplishments are evil, but are so involved with them that they convince themselves they are actually good. [18:105] These are the ones who rejected God's revelations from Mohammed and persisted in their wickedness, idol worship, and refusal to believe in the Resurrection. [18:106] The torments of Hell will be a fitting punishment for all of the evil things they have done, including persecuting Mohammed and the Muslim converts. [18:107] The righteous believers, on the other hand, will deserve the rewards of Paradise that they will receive. | |
[18:108] They live there forever; they will never want any other substitute. | [18:108] They will live there forever, and will never want to go anywhere else. | |
[18:109] Say, "If the ocean were ink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would surely run dry before the words of my Lord would be exhausted, even if we double the ink supply." | [18:109] There would not be enough ink in two oceans to write down all the truth that God has sent down to mankind. (But what people need know has already been written. Now they have to accept it.) | |
[18:110] Say, "I am no more than a human like you, being inspired that your God is One God. Those who hope to meet their Lord shall work righteousness, and never worship any other god beside his Lord." | [18:110] Having answered their questions and proven his authenticity as a Messenger of God, Mohammed must remind his hearers that he is only a man delivering the truth that there is only One God for all, and that no one must ever worship any god except Him. |
SURA 19: Maryam - Mary
The Quraish slandered the migrants and attempted to bribe King Nagus of Habash and his advisors with lavish gifts. They portrayed the migrants as heretical troublemakers whom his kingdom could do well without. When the king asked them about their beliefs, Jafar, their spokesman, chose to reply with parts of this sura. When he finished his recital, the king said, "Most surely this Revelation and the message of Jesus have come from the same source. By God, I will not give you up into the hands of these people". | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[19:1] K. H. Y. A. S. [19:2] A narration about your Lord's mercy towards His servant Zachariah. [19:3] He called his Lord, a secret call. [19:4] He said, "My Lord, the bones have turned brittle in my body, and my hair is aflame with gray. As I implore You, my Lord, I never despair. |
[19:1] As in other suras, the significance of the opening (Arabic) letters is open to speculation.
[19:2] This is the (true) story of God's interaction with Zachariah. [19:3] {Luke 1:9} Zachariah was alone at the "altar of incense" in the Harod's Temple. [19:4] {Luke 1:7} says that Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth were old, long past childbearing age. In addition, Elizabeth had never borne a child. The Bible does not suggest that he expected this to change. | |
[19:5] "I worry about my dependents after me, and my wife has been sterile. Grant me, from You, an heir.
[19:6] "Let him be my heir and the heir of Jacob's clan, and make him, my Lord, acceptable." [19:7] "O Zachariah, we give you good news; a boy whose name shall be John (Yahya). We never created anyone like him before." |
[19:5-6] It does suggest that this was Zachariah's secret desire, because the angel said that his prayer had been heard {Luke 1:13}.
[19:7] The salutation recalls that recorded in [3:39] and to Mary in [3:45], as well as in {Luke 1:13-17}. Gabriel is the bearer of "good news" to mankind throughout history. See [2:97-98]. He is the same angel who brought Mohammed the Koran. | |
[19:8] He said, "My Lord, will I have a son despite my wife's sterility, and despite my old age?"
[19:9] He said, "Thus said your Lord: 'It is easy for Me to do. I created you before that, and you were nothing.'" [19:10] He said, "My Lord, give me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three consecutive nights." [19:11] He came out to his family, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them: "Meditate day and night." |
[19:8] {Luke 1:18} records that Zachariah was just concerned that they were both old. Here he notes, as in {Luke 1:7} that she was sterile. See also [3:40].
[19:9] God therefore has to overcome two problems, Zachariah's age and Elizabeth's age and lifelong sterility. Fortunately, it's easy for Him to do. [19:10] {Luke 1:20} [19:11] {Luke 1:22} says only that he could not speak. The rest of the description of John is not contained in the Bible. |
[19:16] Mention in the scripture Mary. She isolated herself from her family, into an eastern location. | [19:16] Mohammed is directed to talk about Mary. Much of what appears here is not in the Bible. | |
[19:17] While a barrier separated her from them, we sent to her our Spirit. He went to her in the form of a human being. | [19:17] The spirit of God here is the angel Gabriel. The conversation between the two also appears in [3:45], where it is more like {Luke 1:30-38}. |
[19:34] That was Jesus, the son of Mary, and this is the truth of this matter, about which they continue to doubt. | [19:34] The story of Mary is here presented as "the truth" about her and Jesus. What follows is a theological discourse about Christian "misunderstandings". | |
[19:35] It does not befit God that He begets a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be," and it is. | [19:35] Denial of Jesus being the Son of God is so strong in Islam that it denies Mary's genetic parenthood as well, making her at best Jesus' surrogate mother. See [3:47]. | |
[19:36] He also proclaimed, "God is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path." | [19:36] The Muslim idea of the sonship of Jesus appears (to them) to suggest the worship of two gods, which they find repugnant. | |
[19:37] The various parties disputed among themselves. Therefore, woe to those who disbelieve from the sight of a terrible day. | [19:37] The First Council of Nicaea (CE 325) defined Christian belief regarding the divinity of Jesus. The Council of Ephesus (CE 431) defined Christian belief regarding the maternity of Mary. | |
[19:38] Wait till you hear them and see them when they come to face us. The transgressors on that day will be totally lost.
[19:39] Warn them about the day of remorse, when judgment will be issued. They are totally oblivious; they do not believe. [19:40] We are the ones who inherit the earth and everyone on it; to us everyone will be returned. | [19:38-40] The condemnations are of the Christians who considered Jesus "consubstantial" with God. This was a dangerous position to take before Christian King Nagus, but the leader of the Muslim migrants declared to King Nagus when asked about Jesus, "He was a Servant of God and His Messenger. He was a Spirit and a Word of God that had been sent to the virgin Mary." At this the King picked up a straw from the ground and said, 'By God, Jesus was not worth this straw more than what you have said about him. Stay here in perfect peace." | |
[19:41] Mention in the scripture Abraham; he was a saint, a prophet. | [19:41] Mohammed is here directed to declare that Abraham was a prophet and a saint. | |
[19:42] He said to his father, "O my father, why do you worship what can neither hear, nor see, nor help you in any way? | [19:42] See [6:74-78]. Abraham never worshiped idols, although his father did. It was unusual for a son to attempt to instruct the father, but Abraham was justified. |
[20:39] "Saying: 'Throw him into the box, then throw him into the river. The river will throw him onto the shore, to be picked up by an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his.' I showered you with love from Me, and I had you made before My watchful eye. | [20:39] {Exodus 2:3-6} Here God reveals that it was actually His idea all along for Moses' mother to put him in the ark in which the Pharaoh' daughter* found him. She was an enemy of both God and Moses, because she was an idol worshiper. | |
*Note - There seems to be some disagreement about who rescued the baby Moses. {Exodus 2:5} says that the daughter of Pharaoh noticed the floating box, and ordered one of her maids to fetch it. Pharaoh's wife refers to him as "a joyous find for me and you" ([28:9]). If that is so, who the "enemy of Mine and an enemy of his" is not clear, because God cited "the wife of Pharaoh as an example of those who believed" in [66:11]. The Bible doesn't mention her at all. It may be that Pharaoh's idolatrous daughter found Moses, didn't want him, and offered him to her believing mother to raise. Daughters do things like that! | ||
[20:40] "Your sister walked to them and said, 'I can tell you about a nursing mother who can take good care of him.' We thus returned you to your mother, that she may be happy and stop worrying. And when you killed a person, we saved you from the grievous consequences; indeed we tested you thoroughly. You stayed years with the people of Midian, and now you have come back in accordance with a precise plan. | [20:40] {Exodus 2:7-15; 4:20} God also reveals that arranging to have his sister to tell Pharaoh's daughter that she knew about a nurse ([28:12]), arranging to have his mother nurse him so she wouldn't worry ([28:13]), his murder of the Egyptian that caused him to flee Egypt, the flight into Midian to avoid punishment, his sojourn there, and all the things that happened to him were also part of His plan. |
SURA 21: Al-Anbiyaa - The Prophets | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[21:1] Fast approaching is the reckoning for the people, but they are oblivious, averse. [21:2] When a proof comes to them from their Lord, that is new, they listen to it heedlessly. [21:3] Their minds are heedless. And the transgressors confer secretly: "Is he not just a human being like you? Would you accept the magic that is presented to you?" [21:4] He said, "My Lord knows every thought in the heaven and the earth. He is the One who hears and knows everything." |
[21:1] The introductory theme of this sura is the approach of God's punishment for their callous attitude.
[21:2] At this time, the Meccans were ignoring Mohammed's teachings. [21:3] Their main objection was that Mohammed was a mortal human being just as they were. He had no obvious education or other credentials to indicate that he was anything special. [21:4] As usual, Mohammed's answer to their condemnation is that God, who knows everything (including their objections) does not feel Himself constrained to act as people think He should. | |
[21:5] They even said, "Hallucinations," "He made it up," and, "He is a poet. Let him show us a miracle like those of the previous messengers." | [21:5] God will not force Mohammed's detractors to believe him. The fact that they are allowed to believe something is not a sign that they are right. | |
[21:6] We never annihilated a believing community in the past. Are these people believers? | [21:6] Prophets of God have been sent to communities slated for destruction in the past, so spare them. | |
[21:7] We did not send before you except men whom we inspired. Ask those who know the scripture, if you do not know. | [21:7] The prophets whom God sent in the past were all inspired. The history of previous prophets in Scripture shows that this is so. | |
[21:8] We did not give them bodies that did not eat, nor were they immortal. | [21:8] There is nothing spectacular about prophets that would force people to believe in them. | |
[21:9] We fulfilled our promise to them; we saved them together with whomever we willed, and annihilated the transgressors. | [21:9] They were saved by the power of God, just as were those who believed their messages and heeded their warnings. The rest were annihilated. | |
[21:10] We have sent down to you a scripture containing your message. Do you not understand? | [21:10] Mohammed's Message is from God, just as the messages of prophets before him. | |
[21:11] Many a community we terminated because of their transgression, and we substituted other people in their place. | [21:11] This is a reminder that God deals harshly with societies that are habitually sinful, and replaces them with others. | |
[21:12] When our requital came to pass, they started to run. | [21:12] When the punishment is finally imposed, the victims attempt to avoid it. | |
[21:13] Do not run, and come back to your luxuries and your mansions, for you must be held accountable. | [21:13] The can run, but they can't hide. By the time God's wrath is imposed upon them, it is too late. | |
[21:14] They said, "Woe to us. We were really wicked." | [21:14] They are forced to face their guilt... | |
[21:15] This continued to be their proclamation, until we completely wiped them out. | [21:15] ...but it doesn't save them, because they have used up all their opportunities for redemption. | |
[21:16] We did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them just for amusement. | [21:16] This begins a discussion on the unwisdom of treating life as a pastime having no ultimate purpose. | |
[21:17] If we needed amusement, we could have initiated it without any of this, if that is what we wanted to do. | [21:17] This was the attitude of the Meccans that Mohammed condemned, that there was no accountability, reward or punishment. | |
[21:18] Instead, it is Our plan to support the truth colliding with falsehood, in order to defeat it. Woe to you for the utterances you utter. | [21:18] The sense here is of truth and falsehood colliding head-on, with falsehood being destroyed. The destruction includes those who hold false beliefs. | |
[21:19] To Him belongs everyone in the heavens and the earth, and those at Him are never too arrogant to worship Him, nor do they ever waver. | [21:19] The main part of the falsehood is the idea of polytheism and idol worship. The pagans here are cast as too arrogant to worship only One God... | |
[21:20] They glorify night and day, without ever tiring. | [21:20] ...whose worshipers constantly praise Him... | |
[21:21] Have they found gods on earth who can create? | [21:21] ...while the pagans try to find a competitor. | |
[21:22] If there were in them (the heavens and the earth) other gods beside God, there would have been chaos. Glory be to God; the Lord with absolute authority. He is high above their claims. | [21:22] This is a very profound theological argument, one used by Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and Carl Sagan. The order of the universe implies a single author. The opposite of "chaos" is "cosmos." | |
[21:23] He is never to be asked about anything He does, while all others are questioned. | [21:23] The operation of God ("Cosmos") is not limited by the understanding of His creatures. | |
[21:24] Have they found other gods beside Him? Say, "Show me your proof. This is the message to my generation, consummating all previous messages." Indeed, most of them do not recognize the truth; this is why they are so hostile. | [21:24] This is very close to the summary of Mohammed's challenge to the polytheists, to demonstrate any evidence at all that their gods are anything more than constructs. They could not do this, of course; that's why they were so hostile. | |
[21:25] We did not send any messenger before you except with the inspiration: "There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone." | [21:25] None of the prophets of Scripture ever even suggested that there was more than one, all perfect, supreme God. Even the Christians admit this. | |
[21:26] Yet, they said, "The Most Gracious has begotten a son!" Glory be to Him. All (messengers) are (His) honored servants. | [21:26] The Christians are confused about Jesus, but they still honor the prophets (including Jesus), the monks, and the saints. | |
[21:27] They never speak on their own, and they strictly follow His commands. | [21:27] The (prophets? Christians?) do not teach on their own authority, but only what God has revealed. | |
[21:28] He knows their future and their past. They do not intercede, except for those already accepted by Him, and they tremble before Him. | [21:28] God knows everything about His messengers who stand in awe of Him, and who cannot intercede for anyone He has not already decided to save. | |
[21:29] If any of them claims to be a god beside Him, we punish him with Hell; we thus punish the wicked. | [21:29] Anyone who claims to be a god is condemned. (Note: Jesus is not believed to have claimed this.) | |
[21:30] Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe? | [21:30] This is a remarkably concise description of the modern theories of the origin of the universe (the "Big Bang") and the evolution of life in the primordial sea. all of which was orchestrated by God. | |
[21:31] And we placed on earth mountains, lest it tumbles with them, and we placed straight roads in them, that they may be guided. | [21:31] Contemporary concepts of the earth was that the mountains held the desert down. Mountain passes were deliberately installed as roads mankind. | |
[21:32] And we rendered the sky a guarded ceiling. Yet, they are totally oblivious to all the portents in it. | [21:32] The sky was regarded as a "firmament" that kept things from falling through it. | |
[21:33] And He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in its own orbit. | [21:33] This is the short form of the description of God, who is seen not as the creator of a static universe, but one He actively manages. | |
[21:34] We never decreed immortality for anyone before you; should you die, are they immortal? | [21:34] The discussion turns to the nature of prophets. They are just as mortal as their detractors. | |
[21:35] Every person will taste death, after we put you to the test through adversity and prosperity, then to us you ultimately return. | [21:35] This is seen by some as intended to comfort Mohammed during this period of adversity. At his death, he will be rewarded. | |
[21:36] When those who disbelieve see you, they ridicule you: "Is this the one who challenges your gods?" Meanwhile, they remain totally heedless of the message from the Most Gracious. | [21:36] The people who are making fun of him for challenging their gods are not only demonstrating their ignorance, they are depriving themselves of the benefits of the revelations of the real God. | |
[21:37] The human being is impatient by nature. I will inevitably show you My signs; do not be in such a hurry.
[21:38] They challenge: "Where is that (punishment), if you are telling the truth?" [21:39] If only those who disbelieve could envision themselves when they try to ward the fire off their faces and their backs! No one will help them then. |
[21:37] This is especially true where they regard warnings of a scourge from God as empty threats.
[21:38] They believed this because their persistent rejection so far had no obvious consequences. [21:39] Muslim hell includes torment by fire. It is described in detail in the Koran to let people know how bad it is so they will earnestly want to avoid it. This is one of those instances. | |
[21:40] Indeed, it will come to them suddenly, and they will be utterly stunned. They can neither avoid it, nor can they receive any respite. | [21:40] Like Christian hell, Muslim hell is immediate and everlasting, and much, much worse than any living person can possibly imagine. | |
[21:41] Messengers before you have been ridiculed, and, consequently, those who mocked them incurred the punishment for their ridicule. | [21:41] The Meccan pagans who are now making fun of Mohammed will have the tables turned on them, just the same as those who ridiculed the other prophets. | |
[21:42] Say, "Who can protect you from the Most Gracious during the night or during the day?" Indeed, they are totally oblivious to the message of their Lord. | [21:42] The utter inevitability of the punishment of the pagans is here compared to the inevitability of the day following the night and vice versa. | |
[21:43] Do they have gods who can protect them from us? They cannot even help themselves. Nor can they accompany one another when they are summoned to face us.
[21:44] We have provided for these people and their ancestors, up until an old age. Do they not see that every day on earth brings them closer to the end? Can they reverse this process? |
[21:43] The pagan gods will be of no more use in protecting their worshipers from the wrath of God than they are of doing anything to help them now.
[21:44] Interpretation of this passage is difficult. It appears to refer to the pagan ancestors who, when they became old, had nothing to anticipate except death. Every day brought them closer to that end, and they could do nothing about it. | |
[21:45] Say, "I am warning you in accordance with divine inspiration." However, the deaf cannot hear the call, when they are warned. | [21:45] Mohammed it to continue to maintain that his teaching comes from God, in spite of the resistance and opposition he is experiencing from the Meccans. | |
[21:46] When a sample of your Lord's punishment afflicts them, they readily say, "We were indeed wicked." | [21:46] Even the pagans recognize the error of their ways when what they do causes them to suffer as a consequence. | |
[21:47] We will establish the scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection. No soul will suffer the least injustice. Even the equivalent of a mustard seed will be accounted for. We are the most efficient reckoners. | [21:47] On the Day of Resurrection, all the frustrations of the present time will be assuaged. Punishment will be rendered strictly according to each person's works, and nothing will be overlooked. | |
[21:48] We gave Moses and Aaron the Statute Book, a beacon, and a reminder for the righteous. | [21:48] This begins a discussion of the lives of famous prophets showing that they were all like Mohammed. | |
[21:49] The ones who reverence their Lord, even when alone in their privacy, and they worry about the Hour. | [21:49] They all worshiped (the One) God, were righteous in their public and private lives, and were concerned about the End of the World. | |
[21:50] This too is a blessed reminder that we sent down. Are you denying it? | [21:50] This revelation is intended for the hearers, so that they will recognize Mohammed as a true prophet. | |
[21:51] Before that, we granted Abraham his guidance and understanding, for we were fully aware of him. | [21:51] Abraham is one of the favorite prophets, because he championed worship of God over idols. | |
[21:52] He said to his father and his people, "What are these statues to which you are devoting yourselves?" | [21:52] Common Islamic belief holds that Abraham's father was an idol worshiper. Joshua 24:2 says that his ancestors down to Terah, his father, "served other gods." | |
[21:53] They said, "We found our parents worshiping them." | [21:53] The common defense of polytheism is that is traditional, a mark of respect for one's ancestors. | |
[21:54] He said, "Indeed, you and your parents have gone totally astray." | [21:54] Abraham found this excuse totally unacceptable, as did Mohammed. | |
[21:55] They said, "Are you telling us the truth, or are you playing?" | [21:55] Because idol worship was traditional, monotheism was a novel, and unsettling idea. | |
[21:56] He said, "Your only Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who created them. This is the testimony to which I bear witness. | [21:56] Abraham's position, like that of Moses later on, was that there is only One God, the Creator of heaven and earth and all other things. | |
[21:57] "I swear by God, I have a plan to deal with your statues, as soon as you leave." | [21:57] This begins a little story not in the Bible. Abraham had a plan to frustrate the pagans. | |
[21:58] He broke them into pieces, except for a big one, that they may refer to it. | [21:58] While they weren't looking, Abraham destroyed all but the greatest of their idols. | |
[21:59] They said, "Whoever did this to our gods is really a transgressor." | [21:59] The people were furious when they returned and found their gods all broken. | |
[21:60] They said, "We heard a youth threaten them; he is called Abraham." | [21:60] Abraham (apparently very young) was instantly indicted as the culprit. | |
[21:61] They said, "Bring him before the eyes of all the people, that they may bear witness." | [21:61] The people decided to give him a "fair" trial before executing him, but Abraham was too clever. | |
[21:62] They said, "Did you do this to our gods, O Abraham?"
[21:63] He said, "It is that big one who did it. Go ask them, if they can speak." |
[21:62] Abraham denied doing anything.
[21:63] Either the "big one" did it, in which case Abraham was innocent, or else young Abraham was able to vanquish even their greatest god. | |
[21:64] They were taken aback, and said to themselves, "Indeed, you are the ones who have been transgressing." | [21:64] The logic of the situation was not lost on the idolaters, who were thrown into confusion and began to argue among themselves. | |
[21:65] Yet, they reverted to their old ideas: "You know full well that these cannot speak." | [21:65] Abraham pointed out that the "big god" was not able even to speak in "his" own defense. | |
[21:66] He said, "Do you then worship beside God what possesses no power to benefit you or harm you? | [21:66] If "he" couldn't even say anything, how did they expect "him" to do anything for them? | |
[21:67] "You have incurred shame by worshiping idols beside God. Do you not understand?" | [21:67] Finally, young Abraham castigated the pagans for worshiping what had no power to do anything. | |
[21:68] They said, "Burn him and support your gods, if this is what you decide to do." | [21:68] The pagans were so angry with him that they decided to offer him as a sacrifice to their idols. | |
[21:69] We said, "O fire, be cool and safe for Abraham." | [21:69] But God put out the fire and rescued him. | |
[21:70] Thus, they schemed against him, but we made them the losers. | [21:70] The moral of the story is essentially that no one's arms are long enough to box with God. | |
[21:71] We saved him, and we saved Lot, to the land that we blessed for all the people. | [21:71] The mention of Lot ties this in with the story of Sodom and Gomorra {Genesis 18:20-19:26}. | |
[21:72] And we granted him Isaac and Jacob as a gift, and we made them both righteous. | [21:72] This appears to be an appeal to the Jews; Isaac and Jacob were both ancestors of the Jews, not Arabs. | |
[21:73] We made them imams who guided in accordance with our commandments, and we taught them how to work righteousness, and how to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the Obligatory Charity (zakat). To us, they were devoted worshipers. | [21:73] An imam is the Muslim equivalent of a rabbi. Imams are Muslim teachers and religious leaders, but have no prophetic authority or power. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were believed to have instituted modern Islamic practices of prayer and charity. | |
[21:74] As for Lot, we granted him wisdom and knowledge, and we saved him from the community that practiced abominations; they were wicked and evil people. | [21:74] Lot was mostly a prophet to his immediate family, having received the wisdom and knowledge to get them out of the doomed cities of the wicked in the nick of time. | |
[21:75] We admitted him into our mercy, for he was righteous. | [21:75] God's favor was because of Lot's righteousness among the wicked. | |
[21:76] And, before that, Noah called and we responded to him. We saved him and his family from the great disaster. | [21:76] Noah was likewise a prophet to his family, and also saved them from the disaster his wicked neighbors had called down upon themselves. | |
[21:77] We supported him against the people who rejected our revelations. They were evil people, so we drowned them all. | [21:77] Noah, like Mohammed, was supported by God against people who refused to believe the messages of God he proclaimed to them. | |
[21:78] And David and Solomon, when they once ruled with regard to someone's crop that was destroyed by another's sheep, we witnessed their judgment. | [21:78] The origin of this story is obscure. It involves a judgment in the case of the destruction of someone's crops by another's sheep that grazed there. | |
[21:79] We granted Solomon the correct understanding, though we endowed both of them with wisdom and knowledge. We committed the mountains to serve David in glorifying (God), as well as the birds. This is what we did. | [21:79] This passage may also refer to a folk tale about David, not familiar to modern Christians. It appears to suggest that the birds and mountains sing God's praises just as David did. (David is thought to have been the author of from 73 to 82 of the Psalms.) | |
[21:80] And we taught him the skill of making shields to protect you in war. Are you then thankful? | [21:80] This does not involve any kind of miracle. All human inventions come ultimately from God. | |
[21:81] For Solomon, we committed the wind gusting and blowing at his disposal. He could direct it as he wished, to whatever land he chose, and we blessed such land for him. We are fully aware of all things. | [21:81] This may be another folk tale peculiar to Arab culture. It suggests that God gave Solomon authority to command the wind. In Arabia, winds from seaward bring life-giving rain. See also [38:36]. | |
[21:82] And of the devils there were those who would dive for him (to harvest the sea), or do whatever else he commanded them to do. We committed them in his service.
[21:83] And Job implored his Lord: "Adversity has befallen me, and, of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful." [21:84] We responded to him, relieved his adversity, and restored his family for him, even twice as much. That was a mercy from us, and a reminder for the worshipers. |
[21:82] Even the devils obeyed Solomon, who used them to harvest seafood (and possibly shells, pearls and other treasures out of reach of human divers. See also [38:37]).
[21:83] This is a quick summary of the rather involved story of long-suffering Job, a famous figure of ancient history as well as the Bible. [21:84] Job was a rich and happy faithful servant of God, whom He allowed Satan to test with sickness and adversity. In the end of the Book of Job, God rewards Job with sons and daughters and double his previous possessions. See also [38:41-43]. | |
[21:85] Also, Ishmael, Idris, Zal-Kifl; all were steadfast, patient. | [21:85] Ishmael was Abraham's firstborn son. Idris and Zal-Kifl are identified with Enoch and Ezekiel, respectively. See also [38:48]. | |
[21:86] We admitted them into our mercy, for they were righteous. | [21:86] All of them received mercy from God because of their righteousness. | |
[21:87] And Jonah abandoned his mission in protest, thinking that we could not control him. He ended up imploring from the darkness: "There is no god other than You. Be You glorified. I have committed a gross sin." | [21:87] Jonah was directed to warn the people of Nineveh of God's impending wrath, but he didn't want to do it. He tried to get away by sea, but was thrown overboard and swallowed by a giant fish, from the belly of which he finally got his mind right. | |
[21:88] We responded to him, and saved him from the crisis; we thus save the believers. | [21:88] Jonah finally brought his message to Nineveh, which immediately repented and was saved. | |
[21:89] And Zachariah implored his Lord: "My Lord, do not keep me without an heir, though You are the best inheritor." | [21:89] The story of Zachariah in the Koran ([3:37-41], [19:2-11]) suggests that Zachariah wanted an heir, but didn't really expect God to give him one. | |
[21:90] We responded to him and granted him John; we fixed his wife for him. That is because they used to hasten to work righteousness, and implored us in situations of joy, as well as fear. To us, they were reverent. | [21:90] Zachariah and his wife (Elizabeth) were reverend and righteous people, in good times as well as bad. Because of their faithfulness, God cured Elizabeth's lifelong sterility and granted them their son, John the Baptist See [19:2-11]. | |
[21:91] As for the one who maintained her virginity, we blew into her from our spirit, and thus, we made her and her son a portent for the whole world. | [21:91] The "one who maintained her virginity" is obviously Mary, the mother of Jesus. This is one of the few indications of the antiquity of this doctrine. | |
[21:92] Your congregation is but one congregation, and I alone am your Lord; you shall worship Me alone. | [21:92] Only those who are believers in the One God will be successful in the final judgment. | |
[21:93] However, they divided themselves into disputing religions. All of them will come back to us (for judgment). | [21:93] The reference to "disputing religions" probably refers to Christians and Jews as well as (or perhaps in lieu of) pagans. | |
[21:94] As for those who work righteousness, while believing, their work will not go to waste; we are recording it. | [21:94] This points out the Muslim (and Catholic) view that faith alone is not sufficient for salvation, which requires righteous works as well. | |
[21:95] It is forbidden for any community we had annihilated to return. | [21:95] Once God has annihilated a community for wickedness, it is never revived. | |
[21:96] Not until Gog and Magog reappear, will they then return - they will come from every direction. | [21:96] Gog and Magog were the evil monsters kept at bay by the wall built by Dhul-Qarnayn, ([18:83-99]). | |
[21:97] That is when the inevitable prophecy will come to pass, and the disbelievers will stare in horror: "Woe to us; we have been oblivious. Indeed, we have been wicked." | [21:97] As recorded many times, the evildoers will be forced to acknowledge their guilt when the Day of Judgment arrives, but by then it will be too late, for their fate will already have been determined. | |
[21:98] You and the idols you worship besides God will be fuel for Hell; this is your inevitable destiny. | [21:98] This is the most direct confrontation with and the idol worshipers. They are all headed for Hell. | |
[21:99] If those were gods, they would not have ended up in Hell. All its inhabitants remain in it forever. | [21:99] If the gods they worshiped had any power at all, they would be able to save their servants. | |
[21:100] They will sigh and groan there, and they will have no access to any outside influence. | [21:100] The punishments of Hell are everlasting. Nothing can alleviate them. See also {Luke 16:19-31}. | |
[21:101] As for those who deserved our magnificent rewards, they will be protected from it. | [21:101] The residents Paradise are relieved of care, including concern for those burning in Hell. | |
[21:102] They will not hear its hissing. They will enjoy an abode where they can get everything they desire, forever. | [21:102] Muslim Paradise is a place of comfort, light, peace and pleasure. It is incompatible with any kind of distraction or worry. | |
[21:103] The great horror will not worry them, and the angels will receive them joyfully: "This is your day, that has been promised to you." | [21:103] The righteous will enjoy the company of the angels and the rewards that have been promised them as a result of their steadfastness forever. | |
[21:104] On that day, we will fold the heaven, like the folding of a book. Just as we initiated the first creation, we will repeat it. This is our promise; we will certainly carry it out.
[21:105] We have decreed in the Psalms, as well as in other scriptures, that the earth shall be inherited by My righteous worshipers. [21:106] This is a proclamation for people who are worshipers. [21:107] We have sent you out of mercy from us towards the whole world. [21:108] Proclaim, "I have been given divine inspiration that your god is One God. Will you submit?" [21:109] If they turn away, then say, "I have warned you sufficiently, and I have no idea how soon or late it will come to you. |
[21:104] As in the Christian view, the fate of the earth is to be destroyed and then recreated as an everlasting abode of the just and righteous.
[21:105] It is not likely that this refers to any specific psalm, rather to the laudatory and hopeful themes of the psalms (and "other scriptures") in general. [21:106] This is part of the substance of Mohammed's message. [21:107] It is a blessing for the Meccans that God has shown them mercy by sending Mohammed. [21:108] His Message is simple; there is One God to whom they must all submit, and he is His Messenger. [21:109] His Message, however, does not include any compulsion, or time limit for the Meccans to accept it. Mohammed himself does not know when God may decide to act against them. | |
[21:110] "He is fully aware of your public utterances, and He is fully aware of everything you conceal. | [21:110] God does. He is watching the Meccans and recording everything that they do. | |
[21:111] "For all that I know, this world is a test for you, and a temporary enjoyment." | [21:111] Life may be a temporary sport, as they claim, but it has eternal repercussions. | |
[21:112] Say, "My Lord, Your judgment is the absolute justice. Our Lord is the Most Gracious; only His help is sought in the face of your claims." | [21:112] The same God who judges the Meccans will do the same for Mohammed, who has faithfully carried out his prophetic task. |
SURA 22: Al-hajj - The Pilgrimage | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[22:1] O people, you shall reverence your Lord, for the quaking of the Hour is something horrendous. | [22:1] The opposition between Mohammed and the Quraish has obviously reached a climax, the consequences of which are discussed here. By driving Mohammed out of Mecca, they have sealed their doom. | |
[22:2] The day you witness it, even a nursing mother will discard her infant, and a pregnant woman will abort her fetus. You will see the people staggering, as if they are intoxicated, even though they are not. This is because God's punishment is so awesome. | [22:2] Description of the coming cataclysm here is reminiscent of a similar warning in {Matthew 24:16-22 and Mark 13:12-20}. The imagery of mothers rejecting their babies, an unthinkable occurrence in Mohammed's time, is perhaps an indictment of the present generation. | |
[22:3] Among the people, there is he who argues about God without knowledge, and follows every rebellious devil. | [22:3] The condemnation here may not be of a single person, but of anyone who holds to pagan practices, which have no basis other than in tradition. | |
[22:4] It is decreed that anyone who allies himself with him, he will mislead him and guide him to the agony of Hell. | [22:4] Anyone who allies himself with these false teachers will not be mislead, but will be punished eternally as a result. | |
[22:5] O people, if you have any doubt about resurrection, We created you from dust, and subsequently from a tiny drop, which turns into a embryo, then it becomes a fetus that is given life or deemed lifeless. We thus clarify things for you. We caused them to remain in the wombs for a predetermined period, and then We bring you out as infants, then you reach maturity. While some of you die young, others live to the worst age, only to find out that no more knowledge can be attained beyond a certain limit. Also, you look at a land that is dead, then as soon as we shower it with water, it vibrates with life and grows all kinds of beautiful plants.
[22:6] This proves that God is the Truth, and that He revives the dead, and that He is Omnipotent. [22:7] And that the Hour is coming, no doubt about it, and that God resurrects those who are in the graves. |
[22:5] This is a remarkably clever illustration of the reasonableness of the doctrine of resurrection, using concepts with which the Arabs were familiar. The fetus of all mammals develops from a tiny embryo, initially to small even to be seen. It develops in an inexplicable way, and for a predetermined time, either to be born alive or miscarried dead. In the same way, one's "second life" develops in an unknown way for a predetermined time, at the end of which one either dies in the prime of life or becomes senile. He is then resurrected in the same way that an apparently lifeless desert is transformed into a riot of life by a simple rain shower.
[22:6] These commonly known, but inexplicable, phenomena are simple proofs of the power of God. [22:7] Therefore it is illogical to doubt that the God who does all this on a regular basis is capable of bringing the dead back to life. | |
[22:8] Among the people there is the one who argues about God without knowledge, and without guidance, and without an enlightening scripture. | [22:8] One of the main criticisms of the pagans was that they had no logical or scriptural basis for their beliefs. Anything they believe is merely conjecture. | |
[22:9] Arrogantly he strives to divert the people from the path of God. He thus incurs humiliation in this life, and we commit him on the Day of Resurrection to the agony of burning. | [22:9] Arguing one's beliefs without any basis for holding them is the height of arrogance. Those who do such things will ultimately be humiliated in this life and punished with everlasting torment in the next. | |
[22:10] This is what your hands have sent ahead for you. God is never unjust towards the people. | [22:10] The punishment of the idol worshipers will be the inevitable result of their own doing. | |
[22:11] Among the people there is the one who worships God conditionally. If things go his way, he is content. But if some adversity befalls him, he makes an about-face. Thus, he loses both this life and the Hereafter. Such is the real loss. | [22:11] This is directed at those who had nominally accepted Islam, but were not fully committed. They were a real danger to the true believers who were at risk of betrayal. By their lack of dedication, they make themselves unwelcome on both sides. | |
[22:12] He idolizes beside God what possesses no power to harm him or benefit him; such is the real straying. | [22:12] Having nominally accepted Islam, these people forsake the benefits provided by true commitment. | |
[22:13] He idolizes what is more apt to harm him than benefit him. What a miserable lord! What a miserable companion! | [22:13] In addition, he incurs the punishment of those who condemn themselves by worshiping what they admit to be profane. | |
[22:14] God admits those who believe and lead a righteous life into gardens with flowing streams. Everything is in accordance with God's will. | [22:14] The pleasures of Paradise are reserved for those who actually live a righteous life, not to those who merely claim to adhere to His teachings. | |
[22:15] If anyone thinks that God cannot support him in this life and in the Hereafter, let him turn completely to heaven, and sever all else. He will then see that this plan eliminates anything that bothers him.
[22:16] We have thus revealed clear revelations herein, then God guides whoever wills. |
[22:15] The nominal Muslims who are still wavering in their faith should devote themselves absolutely to Islam. They will find that true dedication will resolve all of their doubts and fears.
[22:16] The revelations in which they profess to believe are clear enough for anyone whom God chooses to guide. | |
[22:17] Those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, the Christians, the Zoroastrians, and the idol worshipers, God is the One who will judge among them on the Day of Resurrection. God witnesses all things. | [22:17] Nobody, regardless of his religion, has any special favor with God. He will judge all of them equally regarding the righteousness of their lives, and will reward or punish each one of them accordingly. | |
[22:18] Do you not realize that to God prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people? Many others among the people are committed to doom. Whomever God shames, none will honor him. Everything is in accordance with God's will. | [22:18] Everything in heaven and on earth bows down before God. The "many people" who do so therefore join all the rest of creation in acknowledging His majesty. He allows the rest of them commit themselves to condemnation and shame. This is one of the many explanations found in the Koran of the simultaneity and compatibility of both free will and divine providence. | |
[22:19] Here are two parties feuding with regard to their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, they will have clothes of fire tailored for them. Hellish liquid will be poured on top of their heads.
[22:20] It will cause their insides to melt, as well as their skins. [22:21] They will tormented with weapons of iron. | [22:19-21] This graphic description of the torments of hell is obviously an emotional appeal to avoid them at all costs. Judeo-Christian "hell" is the underground "place of the dead," but similar descriptions of burning and fire are found in {Deuteronomy 32:22, Matthew 5:22; 13:42, 50; 18:8-9; 15:41, Mark 9:43-49, Luke 3:17, II Thessalonians 1:8, James 3:6, II Peter 3:7, Jude 7, and Revelation 20:14} and the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man {Luke 16:19-31} | |
[22:22] Whenever they try to exit such misery, they will be forced back in: "Taste the agony of burning." | [22:22] Islam (like Christianity) maintains that the punishment of the damned is everlasting. | |
[22:23] God will admit those who believe and lead a righteous life into gardens with flowing streams. They will be adorned in them with bracelets of gold, and pearls, and their garments in them will be silk. | [22:23] Hell and paradise are often mentioned together in the Koran, apparently as an emotional appeal to desire one and reject the other. Those who choose Hell have been adequately warned. | |
[22:24] They have been guided to the good words; they have been guided in the path of the Most Praised. | [22:24] Those who choose Paradise are nonetheless saved by God, who invariably guides their choice. | |
[22:25] Surely, those who disbelieve and repulse others from the path of God, and from the Sacred Masque that we designated for all the people, be they natives or visitors, and seek to pollute it and corrupt it, we will afflict them with agonizing punishment. | [22:25] The abrupt transition here is believed to represent the interruption caused by the Hijrah, the flight to Medina. In addition to driving the Muslims out of Mecca, the Quraish prevented them from returning to Mecca to worship. | |
[22:26] We appointed Abraham to establish the Shrine: "You shall not idolize any other god beside Me, and purify My shrine for those who visit it, those who live near it, and those who bow and prostrate." | [22:26] The Kaaba was thought to have been built by Abraham as a place of worship of the One God. The are here indicted for profaning it and for keeping their fellow Arabs from worshiping there. | |
[22:27] "And proclaim that the people shall observe hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you walking or riding on exhausted camels. They will come from the farthest locations." | [22:27] The Kaaba was traditionally a meeting place for people from the furthest reaches of Arabia for fellowship and worship. The tradition of hajj therefore predates the development of Islam. | |
[22:28] They may seek commercial benefits, and they shall commemorate God's name during the specified days for providing them with livestock. "Eat from them and feed the despondent and the poor." | [22:28] Mecca's business was catering to the needs of the pilgrims. One of the fears of the Meccans was that if there was only One God to worship, their income would decrease. | |
[22:29] They shall complete their obligations, fulfill their vows, and visit the ancient shrine. | [22:29] Muslims making the hajj. Just visiting Mecca is not enough; they have to observe the proper rituals. | |
[22:30] Those who reverence the rites decreed by God have deserved a good reward at their Lord. All livestock is made lawful for your food, except for those specifically prohibited for you. You shall avoid the abomination of idol worship, and avoid bearing false witness. | [22:30] Those who do this will receive a special blessing. Also, unless Meccan meat is known to be taken from an idol altar, or if it is the only meat available, they are allowed to eat it. However, they must remain true to their worship of God alone, and must acknowledge that they are Muslims. See also [5:3]. | |
[22:31] You shall maintain your devotion absolutely to God alone. Anyone who sets up any idol beside God is like one who fell from the sky, then gets snatched up by vultures, or blown away by the wind into a deep ravine. | [22:31] In view of the hostility between the Quraish and the Muslims, this was not easy to do. The Muslims might have been tempted to pay homage to an idol or two just to ingratiate themselves with the locals. Here they are warned not to do that. | |
[22:32] Indeed, those who reverence the rites decreed by God demonstrate the righteousness of their hearts. | [22:32] The Muslims must maintain the purity of their religious practices to receive the associated blessings. | |
[22:33] The (livestock) provide you with many benefits for a period, before being donated to the ancient shrine. | [22:33] Up until they are sacrificed, the animals may be used for transportation, milk and wool. | |
[22:34] For each congregation we have decreed rites whereby they commemorate the name of God for providing them with the livestock. Your God is one and the same God; you shall all submit to Him. Give good news to the obedient. | [22:34] The rituals practiced by the Muslims were somewhat different from those of the Jews, but both sacrificed meat animals and ate them. Here the Muslims are encouraged to patronize Jewish restaurants, since their meat is likely to be lawful in all respects. | |
[22:35] They are the ones whose hearts tremble upon mentioning God, they steadfastly persevere during adversity, they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them, they give to charity. | [22:35] This probably refers to "the obedient" above, but who they are is obscure. This seems to say that those who act like Muslims should be treated like Muslims without requiring them to declare themselves openly. | |
[22:36] The camel offerings are among the rites decreed by God for your own good. You shall mention God's name on them while they are standing in line. Once they are offered for sacrifice, you shall eat from it and feed the poor and the needy. This is why we subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation. | [22:36] One of the rituals is sacrificing camels. This is an economic as well as religious necessity. Such large meat animals are required for the large number of pilgrims during the hajj. They are to be properly blessed, and portions of the meat are to be saved for the poor. God made the camels subservient to man so that they may be used in this way. | |
[22:37] Neither their meat, nor their blood reaches God. What reaches Him is your righteousness. He has subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation by glorifying God for guiding you. Give good news to the charitable. | [22:37] Animal sacrifice, like all religious rituals, is intended to benefit man, not God, who has no need of anything the animals can supply. One of these benefits is the remembrance of God's blessings. Another is the opportunity to feed the poor. | |
[22:38] God defends those who believe. God does not love any betrayer, ungrateful. | [22:38] The discourse now turns to the question of how to address the expulsion from Mecca. | |
[22:39] Permission is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and God is certainly able to support them. | [22:39] The cardinal rule of Muslim warfare is that one must not be an aggressor. Here they are given permission to fight because they have been persecuted. | |
[22:40] They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is God." If it were not for God's supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques - where the name of God is commemorated frequently - would have been destroyed. Absolutely, God supports those who support Him. God is Powerful, Almighty. | [22:40] This is a list of Muslim grievances, intended to show that the Meccans are the aggressors, and that the Muslims are merely defending their rights, the most basic of which is freedom of worship. Without this freedom, all the people (Arabs, monks, Christians, Jews and Muslims) are at risk of becoming victims of tyranny and oppression. Their cause is just because they are on the side of God. | |
[22:41] They are those who, if we appointed them as rulers on earth, they would establish the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and would advocate righteousness and forbid evil. God is the ultimate ruler. | [22:41] If the Muslims were in charge, things would be a lot different. Everyone would be free to say Muslim prayers and contribute to Muslim causes, live according to Muslim righteousness and avoid the things that Muslims consider sinful. | |
[22:42] If they reject you, the people of Noah, ''Ad, and Thamud have also disbelieved before them. | [22:42] The Meccans are acting just like the people of civilizations that God destroyed for their wickedness... | |
[22:43] Also the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot. | [22:43] ...including those who persecuted Abraham and his nephew, Lot. | |
[22:44] And the dwellers of Midian. Moses was also rejected. I led all those people on, then I called them to account; how (devastating) was My requital! | [22:44] Midian was a community unsuccessfully warned by the prophet Shoaib. God destroyed the evildoers. See [7:85] and following. | |
[22:45] Many a community we have annihilated because of their wickedness. They ended up in ruins, dried-up wells, and great empty fortresses. | [22:45] When God smites a community for their evil ways, He does not employ half measures. The Meccans can expect no less from His servants. | |
[22:46] Did they not roam the earth, then use their minds to understand, and use their ears to hear? Indeed, the real blindness is not the blindness of the eyes, but the blindness of the hearts inside the chests. | [22:46] The Meccans have the benefit of knowledge imported by centuries of trading from all over the civilized world. If they don't believe as the Muslims do, it because they have hardened their hearts. | |
[22:47] They challenge you to bring punishment, and God never fails to fulfill His prophecy. A day of your Lord is like a thousand of your years. | [22:47] They have been daring Mohammed to bring down God's wrath upon them if he is indeed a prophet of God. They are about to get what they asked for. | |
[22:48] Many a community in the past committed evil, and I led them on for a time, then I punished them. To Me is the ultimate destiny. | [22:48] God always allows evildoers an opportunity to repent, and He has been more than patient with the Meccan pagans. Their doom is just about to occur. | |
[22:49] Say, "O people, I have been sent to give you a profound warning." | [22:49] Mohammed is to warn them again that they must turn from their evil ways. | |
[22:50] Those who believe and lead a righteous life have deserved forgiveness and a generous reward. | [22:50] All of the Meccans who have embraced Islam will be rewarded for steadfastness in the face of persecution. | |
[22:51] As for those who strive to challenge our revelations, they incur Hell. | [22:51] The others are all headed for everlasting punishment in Hell. | |
[22:52] We did not send before you any messenger, nor a prophet, without having the devil interfere in his wishes. God then nullifies what the devil has done. God perfects His revelations. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [22:52] Whenever God sends a messenger or a prophet to try to convince the people to turn away from evil, the devil interferes. God has to restrain him for the message to be delivered to those for whom it is intended. | |
[22:53] He thus sets up the devil's scheme as a test for those who harbor doubts in their hearts, and those whose hearts are hardened. The wicked must remain with the opposition. | [22:53] Those (Muslim converts) who waver in their faith, or fail under persecution are just as much ignorant followers of the devil as those who openly reject God and His prophetic messengers. | |
[22:54] Those who are blessed with knowledge will recognize the truth from your Lord, then believe in it, and their hearts will readily accept it. God always guides the believers in the right path. | [22:54] The smart ones are those who hear the messages of God, recognize what they are, accept them, believe what they say, and do what they command. These are the ones that God guides. | |
[22:55] As for those who disbelieve, they will continue to harbor doubts until the Hour comes to them suddenly, or until the punishment of a terrible day comes to them. | [22:55] In contrast to the certainty of the believers, the disbelievers will be plagued by doubts and uncertainty until the time that God's punishment befalls them, and then it will be too late for them. | |
[22:56] All sovereignty on that day belongs to God, and He will judge among them. As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they have deserved the gardens of bliss. | [22:56] On that day, God will triumph, and those who have believed and lived righteous lives will reap the rewards He has promised through the messages of His prophets. | |
[22:57] While those who disbelieved and rejected our revelations have incurred a shameful punishment. | [22:57] While those who have not accepted the revelations of the prophets will be condemned to Hell. | |
[22:58] Those who leave their homes for the sake of God, then get killed, or die, God will surely shower them with good provisions. God is certainly the best Provider. | [22:58] Many of the evacuees to Medina were homesick for Mecca, and were concerned that they might die as outcasts. Here they are told that God will more than compensate them. | |
[22:59] He will certainly admit them an admittance that will please them. God is Omniscient, Clement. | [22:59] Whatever reward they receive from God, it will be much more than they could ever have wished or expected. | |
[22:60] It is decreed that if one avenges an injustice that was inflicted upon him, equitably, then he is persecuted because of this, God will surely support him. God is Pardoner, Forgiving. | [22:60] Someone who has already avenged an injustice cannot use the injustice as an excuse for further action. However, if he is persecuted as a result, he is justified in avenging this second injustice. | |
[22:61] It is a fact that God merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night, and that God is Hearer, Seer. | [22:61] The cycle of injustice, restitution, persecution and redress mimics the cycle of day and night that has been established by God. | |
[22:62] It is a fact that God is the Truth, while the setting up of any idols beside Him constitutes a falsehood, and that God is the Most High, the Supreme. | [22:62] It is sufficient cause for jihad that the Meccans have committed the sin of idolatry, and have therefore incurred punishment for offending God. | |
[22:63] Do you not see that God sends rain down from the sky that turns the land green? God is Sublime, Cognizant. | [22:63] By offending God in this way, the Meccans have jeopardized all life on earth of which He is the Creator and Sustainer. | |
[22:64] To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Absolutely, God is the Most Rich, Most Praiseworthy. | [22:64] Everything good that anyone receives comes ultimately from God. The Meccans are jeopardizing God's continued largess by setting up false gods. | |
[22:65] Do you not see that God has committed in your service everything on earth? The ships run in the ocean by His command. He prevents the heavenly bodies from crashing onto the earth, except in accordance with His command. God is Most Kind towards the people, Most Merciful.
[22:66] He is the One who granted you life, then He puts you to death, then He brings you back to life. Surely, the human being is ungrateful. [22:67] For each congregation, we have decreed a set of rites that they must uphold. Therefore, they should not dispute with you. You shall continue to invite everyone to your Lord. You are absolutely on the right path. |
[22:65] In addition to blessing mankind with good things, God provides the sea for trading and keeps the heavenly bodies from smashing into the earth. All this might change if something permanent is not done about those evil, oppressive, obstinate, stiff-necked, idol-worshiping Meccans!
[22:66] Considering that God is the author of all life, in addition to the Resurrection, this Meccan insult to Him cannot be allowed to go unavenged. [22:67] Since the just cause for warfare in this case is idolatry, all worshipers of God (Jews, Christians) are allies. This alliance should not be jeopardized on the Muslims' part by frivolous theological arguments with them. | |
[22:68] If they argue with you, then say, "God is fully aware of everything you do." | [22:68] If they start the arguments, the appropriate response is "God knows what you are doing." | |
[22:69] God will judge among you on the Day of Resurrection regarding all your disputes. | [22:69] He will judge among all His worshipers regarding who is right and who is wrong. | |
[22:70] Do you not realize that God knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? All this is recorded in a record. This is easy for God to do. | [22:70] God is keeping track of what is going on, and will reveal the information in due course. It is not necessary for the Muslims to do that. | |
[22:71] Yet, they idolize beside God idols wherein He placed no power, and they know nothing about them. The transgressors have no helper. | [22:71] The Muslims should be content to know that they have God on their side, and the idol worshipers have only their impotent and ineffective false gods. | |
[22:72] When our revelations are recited to them, clearly, you recognize wickedness on the faces of those who disbelieve. They almost attack those who recite our revelations to them. Say, "Shall I inform you of something much worse? Hell is promised by God for those who disbelieve; what a miserable destiny." | [22:72] Mohammed was first ignored, then ridiculed, then actively opposed, then driven out of Mecca by those who refused to acknowledge his Message. What happened to him, however, is nothing compared to those who refuse to believe his revelations, because they are destined for everlasting punishment in Hell. | |
[22:73] O people, here is a parable that you must ponder carefully: the idols you set up beside God can never create a fly, even if they banded together to do so. Furthermore, if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it; weak is the pursuer and the pursued. | [22:73] In contrast to God who creates life, all living things and the earth and heavens in which they remain, all the idols together cannot create even a fly, or keep one from stealing from them. (This might have been inspired by the flies feeding off the altars on which animals had been sacrificed to the idols!) | |
[22:74] They do not value God as He should be valued. God is the Most Powerful, the Almighty. | [22:74] The idolaters have no concept of the true nature of God, who is the creator and sustainer of everything. | |
[22:75] God chooses from among the angels messengers, as well as from among the people. God is Hearer, Seer. | [22:75] Prophets do not choose themselves (as the pagans and Christians choose their priests and other clergy). God chooses them. | |
[22:76] He knows their past and their future. To God belongs the ultimate control of all matters. | [22:76] God has already planned the manner in which the missions of true prophets will succeed. | |
[22:77] O you who believe, you shall bow, prostrate, worship your Lord, and work righteousness, that you may succeed. | [22:77] In summation, the Muslims must be steadfast in prayer and good works so that they will be successful when the time comes to return home. | |
[22:78] You shall strive for the cause of God as you should strive for His cause. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in practicing your religion - the religion of your father Abraham. He is the One who named you "Submitters" originally. Thus, the messenger shall serve as a witness among you, and you shall serve as witnesses among the people. Therefore, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and hold fast to God; He is your Lord, the best Lord and the best Supporter. | [22:78] The Muslims must do their duty to God and their religion. They have been chosen by Him to protect the freedom of religion that was given to Abraham, their ancestor. It was he who first practiced Islam and gave his religion its name. God's current Messenger (Mohammed) will be a witness for Him of the degree to which the Muslims carry out their duty, including the prayers and charitable works that are the hallmarks of their religion. If they are faithful, God will continue to support them in their struggle against oppression. |
[23:17] We created above you seven universes in layers, and we are never unaware of a single creature in them. | [23:17] God's creation exists in perfect balance and harmony as a blessing for mankind. | |
[23:18] We send rain down from the sky, in exact measure, then we store it in the ground. Certainly, we can let it escape.
[23:19] With it, we produce for you orchards of date palms, grapes, all kinds of fruits, and various foods. | [23:18] The phenomenon of rainfall in a desert is a miracle of nature. God provides just the right amount of moisture for the profusion of flowering plants that it generates. In addition, the rainfall is a blessing that can be seen and felt, and that can be seen to provide additional blessings for mankind. | |
[23:20] Also, a tree native to Sinai produces oil, as well as relish for those who eat it. | [23:20] The reference may be to olive trees. Olive oil has many medicinal and industrial uses. | |
[23:21] And the livestock should provide you with a lesson. We let you drink (milk) from their bellies, you derive other benefits from them, and some of them you use for food. | [23:21] Uses of the camel are many and varied. They are used as draft animals for cargo and passengers. They provide milk, hair for fabric, leather, dung for cooking, and meat and bone tools. | |
[23:22] On them, and on the ships, you ride. | [23:22] Trade by ship and camel made Arabia rich. | |
[23:23] We sent Noah to his people, saying, "O my people, worship God. You have no other god beside Him. Would you not be righteous?" | [23:23] This is an introduction to the discourse on prophethood. All the prophets carry the same message: "There is One God; worship only Him." | |
[23:24] The leaders who disbelieved among his people said, "This is no more than a human like you, who wants to gain prominence among you. Had God willed, He could have sent down angels. We never heard of anything like this from our ancestors.
[23:25] "He is simply a man gone crazy. Just ignore him for the time being." [23:26] He said, "My Lord, grant me victory, for they have disbelieved me." [23:27] We then inspired him: "Make the ark under our watchful eyes, and in accordance with our inspiration. When our command comes, and the atmosphere boils up, put on it a pair of every kind, and your family, except those condemned to be doomed. Do not speak to Me on behalf of those who transgressed; they will be drowned. |
[23:24] In all cases, those who opposed the prophets argued that they were only human beings, having no special powers or authority. But this argument is totally irrelevant, because all things, including human beings, are God's creatures, and He can use them as He wills for His purposes.
[23:25] In the Koran, Noah is said to have tried to convince his neighbors to change their ways. [23:26] He was frustrated that they refused to listen to him or prepare for the Flood. See [7:60-64]. [23:27] The story of Noah and the Ark in {Genesis 6:1-8:22} emphasizes the righteousness of Noah, who was saved from the Flood that engulfed everyone else. In the Koran, Noah is a prophet who warns his neighbors about God's coming vengeance. | |
[23:28] "Once you are settled, together with those who are with you, on the ark, you shall say, 'Praise God for saving us from the evil people.' | [23:28] This is another element of the story not found in the Bible. The prayer is very much in the format of common Muslim prayers. | |
[23:29] "And say, 'My Lord, let me disembark onto a blessed location; You are the best deliverer.'" | [23:29] Noah is here commanded to pray to arrive at a "blessed location" to start a "better" race. | |
[23:30] These should provide sufficient proofs for you. We will certainly put you to the test. | [23:30] The fact that God guided Noah so that he and his family were saved is proof of God' solicitude for him. | |
[23:31] Subsequently, we established another generation after them. | [23:31] Generations after Noah fell into idolatry. Monotheism was reestablished by Abraham. | |
[23:32] We sent to them a messenger from among them, saying, "You shall worship God. You have no other god beside Him. Would you not be righteous?" | [23:32] The reference here may be to a specific historical figure, although who is not clear. The message is similar to that of Noah ([23:23]) | |
[23:33] The leaders among his people who disbelieved and rejected the idea of the Hereafter - although we provided for them generously in this life - said, "This is no more than a human being like you. He eats from what you eat, and drinks as you drink. | [23:33] In addition to the doctrine of monotheism, (Tauhid) Mohammed taught the doctrine of resurrection from the dead. This was perhaps a more difficult concept for the pragmatic Arabs. Mohammed has no special qualifications to inspire their belief. | |
[23:34] "If you obey a human being like you, then you are really losers. | [23:34] This was one of the bases for their ridicule of him. |
[23:50] We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign, and we gave them refuge on a mesa with food and drink. | [23:50] The son of Mary is Jesus. He was also a prophet who brought God's message to disbelievers, as a result of which, God sustained him and his mother. | |
[23:51] O you messengers, eat from the good provisions, and work righteousness. I am fully aware of everything you do. | [23:51] The messengers were sent to live among the people and to share their life, not like hermits or monks. | |
[23:52] Your religion is a single congregation, and I am your Lord; you shall reverence Me. | [23:52] The Catholic view is expressed in the dogmatic constitution of the Church, Lumen Gentium. | |
[23:53] But they tore themselves into disputing factions; each party happy with what they have. | [23:53] The multiplicity of modern religions (even in Mohammed's time) was caused by human pride. | |
[23:54] Therefore, just leave them in their confusion, for now. | [23:54] They will eventually recognize that this confusion is not a good thing. |
[23:91] God has never begotten a son. Nor was there ever any other god beside Him. Otherwise, each god would have declared independence with his creations, and they would have competed with each other for dominance. God be glorified; far above their claims. | [23:91] In addition to the arguments against the polytheists, the subject now turns to condemnation of the Christian concepts of the Incarnation and the Trinity. Islam maintains that both of these doctrines necessarily imply multiple gods. | |
[23:92] The Knower of all secrets and declarations; be He exalted, far above having a partner. | [23:92] They maintain that both are incompatible with the Muslim concept of the One True God. |
SURA 24: Al-Noor - The LightZainab bint Jahsh was his first cousin, whom he had persuaded, over her objection, to marry his adopted son, a former slave named Zaid ibn Harithah. The marriage predictably failed and they divorced, precisely at a time when the question of the status of adopted children was being debated. Traditionally, an adopted child was the same as a real child for all practical purposes, while the social consequences of the large number of orphans resulting from the Muslim military campaigns made this custom untenable in practice. Assimilating orphans into other families jeopardized property rights of both the step-siblings and the orphans themselves. In addition, it often made marriages which otherwise would have been perfectly lawful legally incestuous. Socially, there was a powerful incentive for the Muslim community to consider adopted children as unrelated to their adopted families as, biologically, they were. To demonstrate the moral acceptability of marrying someone who was forbidden only by adoption (and to provide his unhappy cousin a secure home), Mohammed married his former daughter in law. This particular marriage was permitted to the Prophet by Al-Ahzab as an exception to An-Nisa, but some of the people of Medina, especially the non-Muslims who had little love for him, felt that the whole affair was highly suspicious. The second incident involved Mohammed's child bride Ayesha, daughter of his close friend and staunch supporter, Abu Bakr. She had inadvertently been left behind when a caravan in which she had been traveling broke camp during the night while she was searching for a lost necklace. While waiting for someone to come back after her, she fell asleep, and was spotted in the morning by a passing young Muslim military commander, Safwan ibn al-Mu'attal al-Sulami. He put her on his camel and rejoined the caravan about noon, before anyone else had realized she was missing. The sight of these two young people, one of them the wife of the Prophet, calmly rejoining the convoy after a night unchaperoned set Medina abuzz with gossip.
The matter might have blown over except for Abdullah ibn Ubayy, Mohammed's chief political rival in Medina. He had nominally accepted Islam in an effort to ingratiate himself with the Muslims, but was actively working against them. He saw this as a golden opportunity publicly to challenge Mohammed's morality, wisdom and suitability as a spiritual and political leader. Mohammed himself investigated and found the whole matter frivolous. Nevertheless, this sura sets forth protocols to help forestall such social problems in the future. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[24:1] A sura that we have sent down, and we have decreed as law. We have revealed in it clear revelations, that you may take heed. | [24:1] This is one of the strongest exhortations in the Koran. It states unequivocally that what follows are not merely suggestions or admonitions, they are strict laws regarding proper behavior and etiquette imposed directly by God on all Muslims (and presumably everyone else) everywhere. | |
[24:2] The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out God's law, if you truly believe in God and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty. | [24:2] Unlike Judeo-Christian tradition, which considered adultery the fault of the woman, Islam considers all adulterers equally guilty. The sentence is intended not only as punishment of the guilty, but as an object lesson to the community of believers. | |
[24:3] Let the adulterer marry only an adulteress or an idol worshiper, and the adulteress marry only an adulterer or an idol worshiper. This is prohibited for the believers. | [24:3] This probably refers to habitual or incorrigible sex offenders, not those who are generally chaste. Although sins against chastity are among the most serious, they can be forgiven. See [4:15-16]. | |
[24:4] Those who accuse free women of adultery, then fail to produce four witnesses, you shall whip them eighty lashes, and do not accept any testimony from them; they are wicked. | [24:4] Unjust accusations against innocent free women are 80% as bad as the crimes of which they are accused. The prohibition does not pertain to accusing slaves, who may not have a choice to remain chaste. | |
[24:5] If they repent afterwards and reform, then God is Forgiver, Merciful. | [24:5] False accusers may be admitted back into the community after punishment if they repent. | |
[24:6] As for those who accuse their own spouses, without any other witnesses, then the testimony may be accepted if he swears by God four times that he is telling the truth. | [24:6] Each of these oaths takes the place of a witness in the case of an accusation against one's spouse. Married people are considered most likely to know the intimate details of the sex lives of their spouses. | |
[24:7] The fifth oath shall be to incur God's condemnation upon him, if he was lying. | [24:7] The accuser must be ready to accept God's judgment against him if he is lying. | |
[24:8] She shall be considered innocent if she swears by God four times that he is a liar. | [24:8] The wife can escape punishment for adultery by swearing equally earnestly that he is lying. | |
[24:9] The fifth oath shall incur God's wrath upon her if he was telling the truth. | [24:9] The wife is held equally accountable as the husband if she lies under oath. | |
[24:10] This is God's grace and mercy towards you. God is Redeemer, Most Wise. | [24:10] This applies only to accusations of husbands against wives, not the reverse. | |
[24:11] A party among you produced a big lie. Do not think that it was bad for you; instead, it was good for you. Meanwhile, each one of them has earned his share of the guilt. As for the one who initiated the whole incident, he has incurred a terrible punishment. | [24:11] This "big lie" may be the one told about Ayesha. Far from impugning her good name, the manner of propagation of this story identified those hostile to Mohammed and Islam and prompted revelation of this sura (among other things). | |
[24:12] When you heard it, the believing men and the believing women should have had better thoughts about themselves, and should have said, "This is obviously a big lie." | [24:12] The gossip mongers, especially those who claimed to be devout Muslims, should have known better than to believe silly accusations or to discredit themselves by spreading them. | |
[24:13] Only if they produced four witnesses (you may believe them). If they fail to produce the witnesses, then they are, according to God, liars. | [24:13] The "four witness" rule is set down in [4:15]. Even if Ayesha and Safwan had been guilty, there was insufficient evidence to convict them. | |
[24:14] If it were not for God's grace towards you, and His mercy in this world and in the Hereafter, you would have suffered a great punishment because of this incident. | [24:14] Unsupported accusation of sin is considered almost as evil (80%) as the sin itself. The real sinners in this case are reminded of the seriousness of their transgression. | |
[24:15] You fabricated it with your own tongues, and the rest of you repeated it with your mouths without proof. You thought it was harmless, when it was serious in the sight of God. | [24:15] One who repeats false accusations is equally as guilty as the one who started them. The spreading of any kind of gossip that impugns another's reputation is a serious offense against God. | |
[24:16] When you heard it, you should have said, "We will not repeat this. Glory be to You. This is a gross falsehood." | [24:16] In addition to refraining from spreading the accusations, the gossipers should have known that the accusations were a big lie. | |
[24:17] God admonishes you that you shall never do it again, if you are believers. | [24:17] The prohibition against ever doing this sort of thing again comes directly from God Himself... | |
[24:18] God thus explains the revelations for you. God is Omniscient, Wise. | [24:18] ...just in case anyone has any doubts about the authority behind the prohibition. | |
[24:19] Those who love to see immorality spread among the believers have incurred a severe punishment in this life and in the Hereafter. God knows, while you do not know. | [24:19] Those who spread these lies maliciously (Abdullah ibn Ubayy) have committed a serious sin, and will be punished appropriately. God knows what the intentions of his confederates are. | |
[24:20] God showers you with His grace and mercy. God is Most Kind towards the believers, Most Merciful. | [24:20] Relations within a Muslim community should be based on kindness and good faith. | |
[24:21] O you who believe, do not follow the steps of Satan. Anyone who follows the steps of Satan should know that he advocates evil and vice. If it were not for God's grace towards you, and His mercy, none of you would have been purified. But God purifies whomever He wills. God hears and knows everything. | [24:21] To do otherwise is to be misled by the devil, who is the father, not only of lies, but also immorality. One of the blessings of acceptance of Islam is the standard of chastity and faithfulness by which God's mercy is called down upon those who submit to His will and live righteously. | |
[24:22] Those among you who are blessed with resources and wealth shall be charitable towards their relatives, the poor, and those who have immigrated for the sake of God. They shall treat them with kindness and tolerance; do you not love to attain God's forgiveness? God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [24:22] Many of the Muhajirs (the immigrants from Mecca) had been required to abandon their belongings at home, and so arrived destitute in Medina. The indigenous tribes (the Banu Quraiza) were enjoined to share with them and treat them not as foreigners but as equals. | |
[24:23] Surely, those who falsely accuse married women who are pious believers have incurred condemnation in this life and in the Hereafter; they have incurred a horrendous punishment. | [24:23] False accusations against married Muslim women undermine the sanctity of family life on which the practice of Islam is based. It is a very serious sin against God and against the institution of Islam. | |
[24:24] The day will come when their own tongues, hands, and feet will bear witness to everything they had done. | [24:24] The maximum punishment under Islamic law is amputation of hands and feet on opposite sides. This appears to be the punishment here. | |
[24:25] On that day, God will punish them fully for their works, and they will find out that God is the Truth. | [24:25] God will impose this punishment in the afterlife upon those who have escaped it during this one. | |
[24:26] The impure women for the impure men, and the impure men for the impure women, and the pure women for the pure men, and the pure men for the pure women. The latter are innocent of such accusations. They have attained forgiveness and a generous reward. | [24:26] A clear distinction is to be made between the chaste person and the unchaste one. Chastity is one of the marks of the true Muslim, and any behavior that suggests even the appearance of impropriety must be avoided to receive the benefits of being a true Believer. | |
[24:27] O you who believe, do not enter homes other than yours without permission from their inhabitants, and without greeting them. This is better for you, that you may take heed. | [24:27] The following rules provide appropriate guidelines. For example, a person must not enter other people's homes without their permission and without making his presence known. | |
[24:28] If you find no one in them, do not enter them until you obtain permission. If you are told, "Go back," you must go back. This is purer for you. God is fully aware of everything you do. | [24:28] One must obtain permission to enter even an empty home. If the owner or resident refuses permission to enter, the appropriate response is to go away and not bother him. | |
[24:29] You commit no error by entering uninhabited homes wherein there is something that belongs to you. God knows everything you reveal, and everything you conceal. | [24:29] This prohibition does not apply to entry into legitimate places of business, including shops, restaurants, guest houses, and other places that are generally considered open to all. | |
[24:30] Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes, and to guard their private parts. This is purer for them. God is fully Cognizant of everything they do.
[24:31] And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to God, O you believers, that you may succeed. |
[24:30] As aids to maintaining chastity, the men are forbidden to gaze lustfully at the women or to display an erection to them.
[24:31] Prohibition against immodest dress of women appears to be different than the prohibitions in {Leviticus 18:6-19} which are directed primarily toward temptations against incest. The prohibitions for Muslim women protect them from lecherous advances of men whom they might lawfully marry, but not from the sight of close male family members, who are expected to know better, or those such as other women, children or eunuchs who would not be tempted in any case. The most strict interpretation of this rule forbids the women to expose anything in public, although that is not what the rules actually say. They do prohibit women from jiggling unnecessarily when they walk and from exposing their breasts (nursing) in public. | |
[24:32] You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. God will enrich them from His grace. God is Bounteous, Knower. | [24:32] Marriage among eligible persons is encouraged in Islam, even between free persons and slaves if they are righteous. Poverty (or slavery) does not necessarily make either a man or woman unfit for marriage. | |
[24:33] Those who cannot afford to get married shall maintain morality until God provides for them from His grace. Those among your servants who wish to be freed in order to marry, you shall grant them their wish, once you realize that they are honest. And give them from God's money that He has bestowed upon you. You shall not force your girls to commit prostitution, seeking the materials of this world, if they wish to be chaste. If anyone forces them, then God, seeing that they are forced, is Forgiver, Merciful.
[24:34] We have revealed to you clarifying revelations, and examples from the past generations, and an enlightenment for the righteous. [24:35] God is the light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree, that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. God guides to His light whoever wills (to be guided). God thus cites the parables for the people. God is fully aware of all things. |
[24:33] Neither poverty nor slavery are excuses for fornication. If one cannot afford to marry, he (or she) must remain chaste. Muslims are required to free their slaves who would otherwise be unable to marry (because of not being able to support a family), but the slaves must not abuse this right, and may be required to pay the cost of their emancipation. Prostitution was already prohibited for free women, but Muslims are here forbidden to force slave girls into prostitution if they do not wish it. (Pagan slaves are free to make their living this way, however.)
[24:34] Some of these prescriptions are at odds with traditions of the time. These rules supersede traditional Arab practices for devout Muslims. [24:35] Although these comments appear misplaced, they do follow the basic theme of this sura, namely, that the precepts here set down by God provide a beacon of morality and propriety in an otherwise immoral and corrupt world. As in sura 23 (the Believers, which may have been revealed some years previously), the devout Muslims set a standard compared to which others, even other monotheists, are found wanting. The source of this blessing is God, who guides whom He will. | |
[24:36] In houses exalted by God, for His name is commemorated in them. Glorifying Him in them, day and night. | [24:36] This light is found in the homes of families where the spouses are faithful, the children are respectful, and all worship God with piety and prayer. | |
[24:37] People who are not distracted by business or trade from commemorating God; they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and they are conscious of the day when the minds and the eyes will be horrified. | [24:37] In such families, the worship of God takes first priority above all else, and is expressed by the Salat prayers and contributions to charity (zakat). All members keep in mind that the purpose of their existence is the life beyond the Resurrection. | |
[24:38] God will certainly reward them for their good works, and will shower them with His grace. God provides for whomever He wills without limits. | [24:38] Families who live in accordance with the precepts of Islam enjoy a great reward from God, who rewards them for the good works they do. | |
[24:39] As for those who disbelieve, their works are like a mirage in the desert. A thirsty person thinks that it is water. But when he reaches it, he finds that it is nothing, and he finds God there instead, to punish him fully for his works. God is the most efficient reckoner. | [24:39] The disbelievers have cut themselves off from the source. Like the thirsty person described, they believe that what they are doing will bring them happiness, but is all a mirage. They will come to realize that the only thing that matters is submitting to God. | |
[24:40] Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever God deprives of light, will have no light. | [24:40] This allegory may be confusing to those who have not actually experienced it, as in a deep cave. The darkness described is absolute; in such a situation, one can see absolutely nothing, for there is no source of light at all. The person deprived of the blessings (light) of God is in such a condition. | |
[24:41] Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies God, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. God is fully aware of everything they do. | [24:41] The magnificence of God is reflected in the attributes of His creatures, including the majestic manner in which flocks of birds fly in formation. Each creature has a unique way of glorifying God. | |
[24:42] To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to God is the final destiny. | [24:42] Variations of this statement occur eight times in the Koran. There is One God, master of the universe. | |
[24:43] Do you not realize that God drives the clouds, then, gathers them together, then piles them on each other, then you see the rain coming out of them? He sends down from the sky loads of hail to strike whomever He wills, while diverting it from whomever He wills. The brightness of the lightning almost blinds the eyes. | [24:43] The gathering together of clouds is seen as a manifestation of the unseen power of God. The water that issues from cumulonimbus clouds provides lifegiving rain with resulting blossoming of life from seemingly dead earth. But the same power of God can produce devastating hailstorms and blinding lightning, both of which are also manifestations of God's power. | |
[24:44] God controls the night and day. This should be a lesson for those who possess eyes. | [24:44] The cycle of night and day is also a manifestation of the power of God. | |
[24:45] And God created every living creature from water. Some of them walk on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. God creates whatever He wills. God is Omnipotent. | [24:45] The profusion of the diversity of living creatures is a demonstration of the scope of God's power. Whatever their means of locomotion, God created them all. | |
[24:46] We have sent down to you clarifying revelations, then God guides whoever wills (to be guided) in a straight path. | [24:46] It is a further demonstration of God's power that He has sent His revelations to mankind, to enable man to participate willingly in His creation. | |
[24:47] They say, "We believe in God and in the Messenger, and we obey," but then some of them slide back afterwards. These are not believers. | [24:47] Although all Muslims claim to believe in One God and the prophethood of Mohammed, some of them (Abdullah ibn Ubayy and his friends) are liars. | |
[24:48] When they are invited to God and His Messenger to judge among them, some of them get upset. | [24:48] They do not willingly submit to the judgment of God when it goes against them. | |
[24:49] However, if the judgment is in their favor, they readily accept it! | [24:49] Of course, they readily agree to judgments in their favor. | |
[24:50] Is there a disease in their hearts? Are they doubtful? Are they afraid that God and His Messenger may treat them unfairly? In fact, it is they who are unjust. | [24:50] As nominal Muslims, they should be happy to submit to the judgment of God. It is they who judge unfairly, as in the case of their summary condemnation of young Ayesha. | |
[24:51] The only utterance of the believers, whenever invited to God and His Messenger to judge in their affairs, is to say, "We hear and we obey." These are the victors. | [24:51] The only appropriate reaction of devout Muslims to the judgment of God is to submit to it completely and willingly, without qualification. They ultimately will be victorious. | |
[24:52] Those who obey God and His Messenger, and reverence God and observe Him, these are the triumphant ones. | [24:52] Victory against temptation comes from following good example, obedience to God and Mohammed, and reverence of both of them. | |
[24:53] They swear by God, solemnly, that if you commanded them to mobilize, they would mobilize. Say, "Do not swear. Obedience is an obligation. God is fully Cognizant of everything you do." | [24:53] The hypocrites swear that they will do anything, even to go war, for Islam. Their oaths are hollow, because defense of Islam is an obligation for all. Words without accompanying deeds are worthless. | |
[24:54] Say, "Obey God, and obey the Messenger." If they refuse, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. If you obey him, you will be guided. The sole duty of the Messenger is delivering. | [24:54] It is not necessary to swear allegiance with solemn oaths. What is necessary is simply to obey God and His Messenger. Mohammed has done his duty to deliver the Message; it us up to those who claim to be true Believers to follow it. | |
[24:55] God promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked. | [24:55] The political powerlessness of the immigrants to Medina (the Muhajirs) is a temporary condition. God has destined them to become rulers, just as He did for Abraham and his progeny, who practiced the worship of God. When this time comes, the Muslims will experience the peace and security of a society in which God reigns supreme and the pagans are completely vanquished. Anyone who opposes this process commits a great evil. | |
[24:56] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and obey the Messenger, that you may attain mercy. | [24:56] The Salat prayers and contributions to charity required of all Muslims are the beginning of the means of establishing such a society. | |
[24:57] Do not think that those who disbelieve will ever get away with it. Their final abode is Hell; what a miserable destiny. | [24:57] Although those who oppose this process appear to achieve isolated victories, they will ultimately be consigned to Hell. | |
[24:58] O you who believe, permission must be requested by your servants and the children who have not attained puberty. This is to be done in three instances - before the Dawn Prayer, at noon when you change your clothes to rest, and after the Night Prayer. These are three private times for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to mingle with one another. God thus clarifies the revelations for you. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [24:58] The discourse now turns back to propriety in family life. The sanctity of marriage must be respected, even with one's own children. The children and servants must not enter private quarters when the residents are likely to be undressed or praying. At other times, family members should be encouraged to mingle with one another (unlike rich Arab families in which the children rarely, if ever, met their parents) to promote good relations. | |
[24:59] Once the children reach puberty, they must ask permission like those who became adults before them have asked permission. God thus clarifies His revelations for you. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [24:59] Once the children have reached puberty, they must follow the same protocols as adults regarding entering the homes or rooms of others ([24:27]). This is a commandment from God. | |
[24:60] The elderly women who do not expect to get married commit nothing wrong by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not reveal too much of their bodies. To maintain modesty is better for them. God hears and knows everything. | [24:60] The requirement for modesty to avoid unnecessarily enticing the men ([24:31]) is relaxed for women who are too old to be concerned about doing that, but it is better for them to observe the requirements imposed on the younger women. | |
[24:61] The blind is not to be blamed, the crippled is not to be blamed, nor is the handicapped to be blamed, just as you are not to be blamed for eating at your homes, or the homes of your fathers, or the homes of your mothers, or the homes of your brothers, or the homes of your sisters, or the homes of your fathers' brothers, or the homes of your fathers' sisters, or the homes of your mothers' brothers, or the homes of your mothers' sisters, or the homes that belong to you and you possess their keys, or the homes of your friends. You commit nothing wrong by eating together or as individuals. When you enter any home, you shall greet each other a greeting from God that is blessed and good. God thus explains the revelations for you, that you may understand. | [24:61] Gathering of extended families for meals is encouraged as a way of fostering good family relationships and creating a sense of family identity within the larger community. The Muslims are also encouraged to have similar gatherings with their fellow Muslims to foster a sense of religious solidarity. At such gatherings, the participants are enjoined to be courteous and respectful to one another, and to greet each other as fellow Muslims. Such gatherings should also be an occasion to provide for the blind, lame or handicapped. Because these people are incapable of providing for themselves, they have a right to be provided for by the community, and to do so is a praiseworthy work of charity for which God will reward the charitable. | |
[24:62] The true believers are those who believe in God and His Messenger, and when they are with him in a community meeting, they do not leave him without permission. Those who ask permission are the ones who do believe in God and His Messenger. If they ask your permission, in order to tend to some of their affairs, you may grant permission to whomever you wish, and ask God to forgive them. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [24:62] Another means of fostering a sense of Muslim religious solidarity exists at community meetings. Once the meeting is convened, participants should not leave until it is adjourned or unless they ask permission from the moderator. They may have a legitimate reason to leave early, to tend to their own affairs. In such cases, permission should be granted to them. If they follow these rules, they should not be held blameworthy. | |
[24:63] Do not treat the Messenger's requests as you treat each others' requests. God is fully aware of those among you who sneak away using flimsy excuses. Let them beware - those who disobey his orders - for a disaster may strike them, or a severe punishment.
[24:64] Absolutely, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. He fully knows every condition you may be in. The day you are returned to Him, He will inform them of everything they had done. God is fully aware of all things. |
[24:63] Because he is the Messenger of God, meetings convened by Mohammed should be regarded with special significance, not like ordinary social gatherings. Those who request permission to leave should have an overriding reason for doing so. God will punish those who abuse his patience and forbearance.
[24:64] God is the ultimate judge of the propriety of Muslim conduct. He knows everything they do and the reasons for it, and will reward everyone according to his deeds and motivations. |
SURA 25: Al-Furqan - The Statute Book | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[25:1] Most blessed is the One who revealed the Statute Book to His servant, so he can serve as a counselor to the whole world. | [25:1] As usual, this sura begins with the bismallah. The "statute book" from which this sura takes its name is the Koran, revealed by God to Mohammed so that he can transmit it to the rest of the world. The name implies a compendium of laws or regulations that is published for universal understanding. | |
[25:2] The One to whom belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He never had a son, nor does He have any partners in sovereignty. He created everything in exact measure; He precisely designed everything. | [25:2] At the outset, it immediately takes aim at Islam's two greatest objections to Christianity, the doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation. The objections are not to the Christian concepts themselves, but to the Muslim interpretations of them. | |
[25:3] Yet, they set up beside Him gods who do not create anything - they themselves are created - and who possess no power to even harm or benefit themselves, nor do they possess any power to control life, or death, or resurrection. | [25:3] The doctrine of the Trinity is here compared to polytheism, which Islam considers essentially the same thing. The gods of the idolaters are fundamentally different from the Creator because they themselves are created things. | |
[25:4] Those who disbelieved said, "This is a fabrication that he produced, with the help of some other people." They have uttered a blasphemy and a falsehood. | [25:4] This was the main source of contention between the Muslims and the pagans of Mecca. Both sides claimed that the other's theology was based upon lies and deceit. | |
[25:5] They also said, "Tales from the past that he wrote down; they were dictated to him day and night." | [25:5] The pagans recognized that the Islamic concept of God closely paralleled that of the Jews and Christians. | |
[25:6] Say, "This was revealed by the One who knows the Secret in the heavens and the earth. He is Forgiving, Most Merciful." | [25:6] The fact of the matter, expressed here, is that God himself revealed His secrets to Mohammed, that he, in turn, could reveal them to the people. | |
[25:7] And they said, "How come this Messenger eats the food and walks in the markets? If only an angel could come down with him, to serve with him as a preacher!" | [25:7] A common objection to Mohammed's credibility with his opponents was that he was an ordinary man. "If only" there were some divine manifestation, they would accept him. | |
[25:8] Or, "If only a treasure could be given to him!" Or, "If only he could possess an orchard from which he eats!" the transgressors also said, "You are following a bewitched man." | [25:8] "If only" is a common, but illogical argument. They might just as well have said, "if only he were rich," or "if only he owned a fertile oasis." Absence of these "proofs" is in no way proof of absence. | |
[25:9] Note how they called you all kinds of names, and how this led them astray, never to find their way back. | [25:9] The opposition to Mohammed at this stage in his prophethood consisted mostly of objection and ridicule. Active persecution would come later. | |
[25:10] Most blessed is the One who can, if He wills, give you much better than their demands - gardens with flowing streams, and many mansions. | [25:10] God could provide any proof the pagans want. However, God is not bound to provide whatever proof they demand, or, in fact, any proof at all. | |
[25:11] In fact, they have disbelieved in the Hour, and we have prepared for those who disbelieve in the Hour a flaming Hell. | [25:11] The fact that the pagans do not believe in their final judgment, or in the punishment that will follow it, does not detract in the slightest from its reality. | |
[25:12] When it sees them from afar, they will hear its rage and fuming. | [25:12] When the pagans realize the direction in which they are headed, it will be too late. | |
[25:13] And when they are thrown into it, through a narrow place, all shackled, they will declare their remorse. | [25:13] They will be sorry, but their sorrow won't do them any good. They will have already been condemned for refusing to believe God's revelation. | |
[25:14] You will not declare just a single remorse, on that day; you will suffer through a great number of remorses. | [25:14] The punishment of the pagans will not be simply for refusing to believe, but also for all their other sins. | |
[25:15] Say, "Is this better or the eternal Paradise that is promised for the righteous? It is their well deserved reward; a well deserved destiny." | [25:15] This is a bit of sarcasm. The fate of the pagans will be that which they have chosen. Is this really better than the Paradise that the righteous will receive? | |
[25:16] They get anything they wish there, forever. This is your Lord's irrevocable promise. | [25:16] God has irrevocably promised the believers that they will get everything they want. | |
[25:17] On the day when He summons them, together with the idols they had set up beside God, He will say, "Have you misled these servants of Mine, or did they go astray on their own?" | [25:17] Punishment of the pagans will result not from what they did, but from the guilt associated with it. They will have to admit that the idols force them into idolatry, because the idols have no power. | |
[25:18] They will say, "Be You glorified, it was not right for us to set up any lords beside You. But You allowed them to enjoy, together with their parents. Consequently, they disregarded the message and thus became wicked people." | [25:18] The pagans will agree that they were wrong to set up idols in opposition to God. One objection they might propose is that they simply followed the religion of their ancestors, as a result of which they disregarded the Message of God when it came to them. | |
[25:19] They have disbelieved in the message you have given them, and, consequently, you can neither protect them from the penalty they have incurred, nor can you help them in any way. Anyone among you who commits evil, we will commit him to severe punishment. | [25:19] The pagans' argument is specious, at best. God's revelation was intended precisely to counter the false doctrines that they had accepted without any proof from their ancestors. Their religions cannot save them from their own voluntary choice to reject the truth that could have saved them. | |
[25:20] We did not send any messengers before you who did not eat food and walk in the markets. We thus test you by each other; will you steadfastly persevere? Your Lord is Seer. | [25:20] All the prophets of the past were ordinary men just like Mohammed. The lack of embellishment of His messengers is one of the things the believers must accept in order to be worthy of His revelation. | |
[25:21] Those who do not expect to meet us said, "If only the angels could come down to us, or we could see our Lord!" Indeed, they have committed a gross arrogance, and have produced a gross blasphemy. | [25:21] It wouldn't take any act of faith at all to believe in God's revelation if it were forced upon them by signs and wonders. The assertion that these are necessary for belief is itself blasphemous. | |
[25:22] The day they see the angels, it will not be good news for the guilty; they will say, "Now, we are irreversibly confined." | [25:22] When the disbelievers do see the signs and wonders, they will be convinced as they desire, but it will be too late for them. | |
[25:23] We will look at all the works they have done, and render them null and void. | [25:23] Everything they have done will count for nothing, because they will have lost their own selves. | |
[25:24] The dwellers of Paradise are far better on that day; they will hear better news. | [25:24] Those who have accepted God's revelation will also see the same signs and wonders, but they will not need them. | |
[25:25] The heaven will break apart, into masses of clouds, and the angels will descend in multitudes. | [25:25] Their experiences will be much more wonderful, because their expectations will be fulfilled. | |
[25:26] All sovereignty on that day belongs to the Most Gracious. For the disbelievers, it will be a difficult day. | [25:26] On that day, God will demonstrate once and for all His absolute superiority over all things, much to the pagans' dismay. | |
[25:27] The day will come when the transgressor will bite his hands and say, "Alas, I wish I had followed the path with the Messenger. | [25:27] On the day of judgment, those who refused to accept the Message of Mohammed will fervently wish they had done so. (Biting one's hands is a sign of shock.) | |
[25:28] "Alas, woe to me, I wish I did not take that person as a friend. | [25:28] They will also wish that they had not befriended those who joined them in making fun of him. | |
[25:29] "He has led me away from the message after it came to me. Indeed, the devil lets down his human victims." | [25:29] They will recognize that their fellows who joined in the ridicule were following the devil in denying God's Message. | |
[25:30] The Messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Koran." | [25:30] For his part, Mohammed has been praying to God for those who have rejected his Message... | |
[25:31] We also set up against every prophet enemies from among the guilty. Your Lord suffices as a guide, a master. | [25:31] ...but, like all the other prophets before Him, he is surrounded by those who refuse to accept him, and thus oppose both him and God. | |
[25:32] Those who disbelieved said, "Why did not the Quran come through him all at once?" We have released it to you gradually, in order to fix it in your memory. We have recited it in a specific sequence. | [25:32] Another objection of the pagans was that God should have revealed the Koran all at once. Given the way the subject matter is associated with ongoing events, this would not have provided time for memorization. | |
[25:33] Whatever argument they come up with, we provide you with the truth, and a better understanding. | [25:33] God has a ready answer for each objection, because He has an overall plan, based on simple truth, to promote understanding. | |
[25:34] Those who are forcibly summoned to Hell are in the worst position; they are the farthest from the right path. | [25:34] Those who are destined for Hell are the greatest sinners; that is, those who have committed the worst offenses. | |
[25:35] We have given Moses the scripture, and appointed his brother Aaron to be his assistant. | [25:35] They are like the Egyptians, to whom Moses and Aaron were sent. (See [10:84-87] and following.) | |
[25:36] We said, "Go, both of you, to the people who rejected our revelations," and subsequently, we utterly annihilated the rejectors. | [25:36] Pharaoh's people rejected the revelations of Moses, and were subsequently all drowned in the Red Sea {Exodus 14:13-31} | |
[25:37] Similarly, when the people of Noah disbelieved the messengers, we drowned them, and we set them up as a sign for the people. We have prepared for the transgressors a severe punishment. | [25:37] The same thing happened to the people to whom Noah was sent as a prophet (See [7:60-64].) The Meccan pagans should recognize the similarity to their own situation, and not invite the same destruction. | |
[25:38] Also 'Ad, Thamud, the inhabitants of Al-Rass, and many generations between them. | [25:38] The same fate befell 'Ad and Thamud. The identity of Al-Rass is not clear. | |
[25:39] To each of these groups, we delivered sufficient examples, before we annihilated them. | [25:39] However, it must have been one of the cities God annihilated as a result of their disbelief. | |
[25:40] They have passed by the community that was showered with a miserable shower. Did they not see it? The fact is, they never believed in resurrection. | [25:40] The "shower" probably refers here to the city of Sodom ([7:84], [11:82-83]). The location of Sodom is not precisely known. | |
[25:41] When they saw you, they always ridiculed you: "Is this the one chosen by God to be a Messenger? | [25:41] Mohammed is simply the last in a long line of prophets who have been ridiculed by those to whom God has sent them as a warning. | |
[25:42] "He almost diverted us from our gods, if it were not that we steadfastly persevered with them." They will certainly find out, when they see the punishment, who are the real strayers from the path. | [25:42] Some of the disbelievers may almost be persuaded to accept the truth, but will be misled by their traditions of idolatry. They will realize their mistake when they are confronted with the final judgment. | |
[25:43] Have you seen the one whose god is his own ego? Will you be his advocate? | [25:43] Many of those who oppose Mohammed do so because of stubbornness. | |
[25:44] Do you think that most of them hear, or understand? They are just like animals; no, they are far worse. | [25:44] These people refuse to hear or understand because they are committed to their own opinions. They are far worse than dumb animals. | |
[25:45] Have you not seen how your Lord designed the shadow? If He willed, He could have made it fixed, then we would have designed the sun accordingly. | [25:45] God could have designed the sun to stand in one spot, making the shadows all fixed. In the same way, He could have revealed the Koran in one act of revelation. | |
[25:46] But we designed it to move slowly. | [25:46] He chose to reveal it slowly, as the sun moves. | |
[25:47] He is the One who designed the night to be a cover, and for you to sleep and rest. And He made the day a resurrection. | [25:47] With the same cleverness of purpose, God designed nighttime for rest and sleep, so that people could be "resurrected" again in the daytime. | |
[25:48] He is the One who sends the winds with good omens of His mercy, and we send down from the sky pure water. | [25:48] Such is the power of God that He moves the very winds around, and causes the gathering of the clouds that produces rain. | |
[25:49] With it, we revive dead lands and provide drink for our creations, multitudes of animals and humans. | [25:49] The rain, in turn, produces a "resurrection" in the desert, providing sustenance for both men and animals. | |
[25:50] We have distributed it among them in exact measure, that they may take heed. But most people insist upon disbelieving. | [25:50] The rain falls in once place, but is distributed as it is needed to many. All the men and animals can therefore partake of its benefits. | |
[25:51] If we willed, we could have sent to every community a counselor. | [25:51] In the same way, God could have distributed his Messengers to many places. | |
[25:52] Therefore, do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with this, a great striving. | [25:52] But since He has sent the last one, he must be steadfast in his mission, in spite of any opposition. | |
[25:53] He is the One who merges the two seas; one is fresh and palatable, while the other is salty and undrinkable. And He separated them with a formidable, inviolable barrier. | [25:53] Mecca is located in mountainous terrain next to the Red Sea. Fresh water likely collects in oases, which resemble little "seas," but are distinguishable by the fact that they contain fresh, not salt, water. | |
[25:54] He is the One who created from water a human being, then made him reproduce through marriage and mating. Your Lord is Omnipotent. | [25:54] Man is believed to have been created from mud ([15:26]), the most expensive ingredient of which is water. This creation is perpetuated by childbearing. | |
[25:55] Yet, they still set up beside God idols that cannot benefit them, nor harm them. Indeed, the disbeliever is an enemy of his Lord. | [25:55] Yet the idolaters continue to worship created things that have no power at all. By doing so, they set themselves up in opposition to God. | |
[25:56] We have sent you as a deliverer of good news, as well as a counselor. | [25:56] Mohammed has been sent to deliver information, not to compel anyone. | |
[25:57] Say, "I do not ask you for any money. All I seek is to help you find the right path to your Lord, if this is what you choose." | [25:57] He must not ask for any payment for this task. All he should ask for is the people's own help in accepting the truth he has brought to them. | |
[25:58] You shall put your trust in the One who is Alive - the One who never dies - and praise Him and glorify Him. He is fully Cognizant of His creatures' sins. | [25:58] The truth is this: there is One God, who is all knowing and eternal, and to whom belongs all honor and glory from all of His creatures. | |
[25:59] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, in six days, then assumed all authority. The Most Gracious; ask about Him those who are well founded in knowledge. | [25:59] The "six days" agrees with {Genesis 1:5-31, Exodus 20:11; 31:17}. The Koran says the earth was created in two "periods" and the "foods" were created in an additional four. See also [41:10-11] and [7:54]. | |
[25:60] When they are told, "Fall prostrate before the Most Gracious," they say, "What is the Most Gracious? Shall we prostrate before what you advocate?" Thus, it only augments their aversion.
[25:61] Most blessed is the One who placed constellations in the sky, and placed in it a lamp, and a shining moon. [25:62] He is the One who designed the night and the day to alternate: a sufficient proof for those who wish to take heed, or to be grateful. |
[25:60] "Falling prostrate" by kneeling and touching one's face to the ground is an acknowledgment of inferiority. (The angels were commanded to do it before Adam. See [2:34], [7:11], [15:29], [17:61], [18:50], [20:116]) this was something the pagans were not about to do on only Mohammed's admonition.
[25:61] They are reminded that God provides the light of the sun and the moon as a blessing for them. [25:62] The unfathomable cycle of day and night is also proof of His overwhelming power over creation. | |
[25:63] The worshipers of the Most Gracious are those who tread the earth gently, and when the ignorant speak to them, they only utter peace. | [25:63] Those who really worship God are kind and gentle, and express their differences of opinion with the unbelievers only in a quiet and peaceful manner. | |
[25:64] In the privacy of the night, they meditate on their Lord, and fall prostrate. | [25:64] When they are alone with God, they meditate on the nature of God and acknowledge His greatness. | |
[25:65] And they say, "Our Lord, spare us the agony of Hell; its punishment is horrendous. | [25:65] They also pray to be spared the punishment of those who do not do His will... | |
[25:66] "It is the worst abode; the worst destiny." | [25:66] ...because they know how horrible it will be. | |
[25:67] When they give, they are neither extravagant nor stingy; they give in moderation. | [25:67] Charity is an obligation imposed on all Muslims, but it must be genuine, not an excuse for showing off. | |
[25:68] They never implore beside God any other god, nor do they kill anyone - for God has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. Nor do they commit adultery. Those who commit these offenses will have to pay. | [25:68] True believers do not worship any but God alone. They recognize that life is sacred, and so do not kill unjustly (See [6:151] and [17:33].) Adultery (zina) is one of the capital offenses. See [6:151] and {Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 5:18} | |
[25:69] Punishment is doubled for them on the Day of Resurrection, and they dwell there in humiliation. | [25:69] Those who commit the "gross sins" will receive twice the regular punishment of Hell. | |
[25:70] Exempted are those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life. God transforms their sins into credits. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [25:70] Repentance, however, is always possible, because God is always ready to forgive. But the repentance must be genuine, verified by a righteous subsequent life. | |
[25:71] Those who repent and lead a righteous life, God redeems them; a complete redemption. | [25:71] If the believers truly repent, all the guilt of their former sins is removed (like Christian baptism). | |
[25:72] They do not bear false witness. When they encounter vain talk, they ignore it. | [25:72] Believers also do not lie or swear falsely, and they do not indulge in gossip. | |
[25:73] When reminded of their Lord's revelations, they never react to them as if they were deaf and blind. | [25:73] If they are reminded of an admonition that has been revealed to them but which they have forgotten, the accept it gladly. | |
[25:74] And they say, "Our Lord, let our spouses and children be a source of joy for us, and keep us in the forefront of the righteous." | [25:74] They encourage moral family values, and practice the virtues that lead to a happy and wholesome family and social life. | |
[25:75] These are the ones who attain Paradise in return for their steadfastness; they are received in it with joyous greetings and peace. | [25:75] They will receive the rewards of their faithful adherence to the precepts of their religion, and will join others who have lived righteously. | |
[25:76] They live there forever; what a beautiful destiny; what a beautiful abode. | [25:76] They will enjoy forever the rewards God has promised to the faithful. | |
[25:77] Say, "You attain value at my Lord only through your worship. But if you disbelieve, you incur the inevitable consequences." | [25:77] Those who worship God obtain his blessings of everlasting happiness, but those who worship idols obtain their "blessings," of everlasting punishment. |
SURA 26: Ash-Shuaraa - The Poets | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [26:1] T. S. M. | [26:1] God appears to be consoling Mohammed for the opposition he is experiencing. | |
[26:2] These constitute proofs of this clarifying scripture. | [26:2] This particular sura reinforces what has been previously revealed. | |
[26:3] You may blame yourself that they are not believers. | [26:3] Mohammed feels that he is responsible for the lack of acceptance of the Meccans. | |
[26:4] If we will, we can send from the sky a sign that forces their necks to bow. | [26:4] God could produce a miracle that would force the Meccans to believe. |
SURA 27: Al-Naml - The Ant | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[27:1] T. S. These constitute proofs of the Koran; a profound scripture. [27:2] A beacon, and good news, for the believers. |
[27:1] This is a continuation of the revelation of God to Mohammed, to be incorporated into the Koran, His message for all mankind.
[27:2] It is a source of enlightenment and instruction for all mankind, but one must accept and believe it to receive these rewards. | |
[27:3] Who observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and they are, with regard to the Hereafter, absolutely certain. | [27:3] This includes those who say the Necessary Prayers (Salat), contribute to charity (Salat), and acknowledge life after death. | |
[27:4] Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, we adorn their works in their eyes. Thus, they continue to blunder. | [27:4] One of the beliefs of Islam at odds with the pagan religions of the Meccans was life after death. The pagans considered this absurd. | |
[27:5] It is these who incur the worst punishment, and in the Hereafter, they will be the worst losers. | [27:5] People who refuse to believe in or prepare for the Resurrection condemn themselves. | |
[27:6] Surely, you are receiving the Koran from a Most Wise, Omniscient. | [27:6] The teachings about life after death come from its Author God Himself. | |
[27:7] Recall that Moses said to his family, "I see a fire; let me bring you news from it, or a torch for warmth."
[27:8] When he came to it, he was called: "Blessed is the One within the fire, and those around it." Glory be to God, Lord of the universe. |
[27:7] Moses first met God in the form of a burning bush that was not consumed ([20:10] {Exodus 3:2).
[27:8] The salutation is not recorded in the Bible. It says that when Moses approached the bush, he was told to take off his shoes. {Exodus 3:5}. Muslims do this before praying. | |
[27:9] "O Moses, this is Me, God, the Almighty, Most Wise.
[27:10] "Throw down your staff." When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. "O Moses, do not be afraid. My messengers shall not fear. |
[27:9] The Bible {Exodus 3:6} says that God identified Himself as the God of Moses' ancestors.
[27:10] The incident in which Moses' staff is turned into a serpent is recorded in {Exodus 4:3} | |
[27:11] "Except those who commit a transgression, then substitute righteousness after sinning; I am Forgiving, Most Merciful. | [27:11] This is also a bit of Islamic theology not recorded in the Bible. It is, however, compatible with the Hebrew concept of a forgiving God. | |
[27:12] "Put your hand in your pocket; it will come out white, without a blemish. These are among nine miracles to Pharaoh and his people, for they are wicked people." | [27:12] The "white" was a sign of leprosy {Exodus 4:6}. The "nine miracles," also mentioned in [17:101] may have been nine of the "ten plagues" {Exodus 7:14-12:30}. | |
[27:13] When our miracles were presented to them, clear and profound, they said, "This is obviously magic." | [27:13] The magicians that Pharaoh assembled to counter the miracles of Moses are also mentioned in {Exodus 7:11, 22; 8:7, 18; 9:11}. | |
[27:14] They rejected them and were utterly convinced of their wrong ways, due to their arrogance. Note the consequences for the evildoers. | [27:14] Pharaoh and his army refused to heed Moses' warnings of their imminent destruction and were consequently destroyed in the Red Sea {Exodus 14:28}. | |
[27:15] We endowed David and Solomon with knowledge, and they said, "Praise God for blessing us more than many of His believing servants."
[27:16] Solomon was David's heir. He said, "O people, we have been endowed with understanding the language of the birds, and all kinds of things have been bestowed upon us. This is indeed a real blessing." [27:17] Mobilized in the service of Solomon were his obedient soldiers of djinns and humans, as well as the birds; all at his disposal. [27:18] When they approached the valley of the ants, one ant said, "O you ants, go into your homes, lest you get crushed by Solomon and his soldiers, without perceiving." |
[27:15] In sharp contrast to Pharaoh, who refused to believe and persisted in their evil ways even after seeing God's miracles are David and Solomon, who had also been blessed with wealth and power.
[27:16] Unlike Pharaoh, Solomon recognizes that he has been singularly blessed by God, not only with material possessions, but also with understanding, even the understanding of the languages of birds. [27:17] In addition to an army of human soldiers, Solomon fielded an army of djinns and an air force consisting of the talking birds. [27:18] This may be an allegory of the difference between man and God. God's power and purpose is to man as that of Solomon's army is to that of the ants. | |
[27:19] He smiled and laughed at her statement, and said, "My Lord, direct me to be grateful for the blessings You have bestowed upon me and my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Admit me by Your mercy into the company of Your righteous servants."
[27:20] He inspected the birds, and noted: "Why do I not see the hoopoe? Why is he missing? |
[27:19] The kind and generous Solomon is solicitous even for the concerns of the ant, and recognizes that he is like the ant when compared to the magnificence of God. His prayer is a recognition of this fact and a petition to be a "righteous servant" of God.
[27:20] The hoopoe, Upupa epops, is a bird similar to the kingfisher, native to Europe, Asia, Africa, and Madagascar. It is the state bird of Israel. | |
[27:21] "I will punish him severely or sacrifice him, unless he gives me a good excuse." | [27:21] As a member of Solomon's armed forces, the hoopoe was apparently absent without leave. | |
[27:22] He was not long in coming and said, "I have news that you do not have. I brought to you from Sheba, some important information. | [27:22] The hoopoe was on a strategic reconnaissance mission to Sheba, a Arabian kingdom at the end of the spice route, in what is now modern Yemen. | |
[27:23] "I found a woman ruling them, who is blessed with everything, and possesses a tremendous palace. | [27:23] The fabulously rich Queen of Sheba appears in {I Kings 10:1-13 and II Chronicles 9:1-12} and Sura 34. | |
[27:24] "I found her and her people prostrating before the sun, instead of God. The devil has adorned their works in their eyes, and has repulsed them from the path; consequently, they are not guided." | [27:24] Historical and archeological evidence suggests that the people of Sheba worshiped the sun, moon and the planet Venus. Ilumqah, the moon-god, was their national deity. | |
[27:25] They should have been prostrating before God, the One who manifests all the mysteries in the heavens and the earth, and the One who knows everything you conceal and everything you declare. | [27:25] Being a good Muslim bird, the hoopoe reminds Solomon that the people of Sheba should have been worshiping God. This is a lesson for Mohammed's followers, for whom this story is intended, as well. | |
[27:26] God: there is no other god beside Him; the Lord with the great dominion.
[27:27] He said, "We will see if you told the truth, or if you are a liar. |
[27:26] The hoopoe declares its belief in God.
[27:27] Solomon is incredulous that anyone "blessed with everything, and possesses a tremendous palace" could be a polytheist. | |
[27:28] "Take this letter from me, give it to them, then watch for their response." | [27:28] The hoopoe is pressed into service as an airmail transport to the Kingdom of Sheba. | |
[27:29] She said, "O my advisers, I have received an honorable letter. | [27:29] The reaction of the queen to the unintended insult demonstrates her basic righteousness. | |
[27:30] "It is from Solomon, and it is, 'In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.'*
[27:31] "Proclaiming: 'Do not be arrogant; come to me as submitters.'" [27:32] She said, "O my advisers, counsel me in this matter. I am not deciding anything until you advise me." |
[27:30-31] The content of this letter would be similar to the ones Mohammed sent some years later to the world's rulers. See [5:15]. *Note that the salutation is the bismallah, which is missing from sura Al-Tawba
[27:32] In spite of the obvious insult, the intelligent queen demonstrates her wisdom and humility by asking for advice before responding. | |
[27:33] They said, "We possess the power, we possess the fighting skills, and the ultimate command is in your hand. You decide what to do." | [27:33] The advisors take stock of their position and assure the queen that possible responses include a military option. | |
[27:34] She said, "The kings corrupt any land they invade, and subjugate its dignified people. This is what they usually do. | [27:34] The queen, however, recognizes that there are significant, and potentially catastrophic, undesirable consequences of going to war over something as trivial as an insult to a monarch. | |
[27:35] "I am sending a gift to them; let us see what the messengers come back with." | [27:35] She decides to answer Solomon's invitation with a diplomatic mission. | |
[27:36] When the hoopoe returned to Solomon, and he responded: "Are you giving me money? What God has given me is far better than what He has given you. You are the ones to rejoice in such gifts." | [27:36] Solomon interprets the diplomatic overture as an attempt to bribe him. He knows that the blessings he has received from God are worth far more than the wealth that is the criterion of wealth of the unbelievers. | |
[27:37] "Go back to them. We will come to them with forces they cannot imagine. We will evict them, humiliated and debased." | [27:37] His immediate reaction is not only to threaten to wipe the kingdom of Sheba off the map, but to evict, humiliate, and debase the inhabitants. | |
[27:38] He said, "O you elders, which of you can bring me her throne, before they arrive here as submitters?" | [27:38] He decides to demonstrate the extent of his power by stealing the queen's throne. | |
[27:39] One audacious djinn said, "I can bring it to you before you stand up. I am powerful enough to do this." | [27:39] The djinns can travel faster than light, so one of them volunteers for the task. | |
[27:40] The one who had knowledge of the Scripture said, "I can bring it to you in the blink of your eye." When he saw it settled in front of him, he said, "This is a blessing from my Lord, whereby He tests me, to show whether I am grateful or ungrateful. Whoever is grateful is thankful for his own good, and if one turns ungrateful, then my Lord is in no need for him, Most Honorable." | [27:40] This was obviously a good djinn, "one who had knowledge of the Scripture." When Solomon saw the throne magically appear before him, he realized that this power was a special blessing from God, a test to see whether he would abuse it or not. He seems to have realized the rashness of his earlier intention, and decides, tentatively at least, to consider negotiating with Sheba's queen. | |
[27:41] He said, "Disguise her throne for her. Let us see if she will be guided, or continue with the misguided." | [27:41] He decides to shock the queen with a display of his awesome power. | |
[27:42] When she arrived, she was asked, "Does your throne look like this?" She said, "It seems that this is it." "We knew beforehand what she was going to do, and we were already submitters." | [27:42] When the queen arrives, Solomon amazes her by showing her own throne. Apparently for the Jewish onlookers, Solomon explains that he knew in advance that she would recognize it . | |
[27:43] She had been diverted by worshiping idols instead of God; she belonged to disbelieving people. | [27:43] He also recognizes that she is a decent person who, unfortunately, belongs to a nation of idolaters. | |
[27:44] She was told, "Go inside the palace." When she saw its interior, she thought it was a pool of water, and she exposed her legs. He said, "This interior is now paved with crystal." She said, "My Lord, I have wronged my soul. I now submit with Solomon to God, Lord of the universe." | [27:44] In addition to the throne trick, he dazzles her with the magnificence of his palace, which includes an incredibly shiny floor that looks so much like water that she tries to wade in it. Overwhelmed by all this, the basically righteous queen repents, recognizes Solomon's God, and accepts Islam. | |
[27:45] We have sent to Thamud their brother Saleh, saying, "You shall worship God." But they turned into two feuding factions. | [27:45] A different situation occurred with the people of Thamud, who were split into factions by the preaching of Saleh, the prophet who was sent to them. | |
[27:46] He said, "O my people, why do you hasten to commit evil instead of good works? If only you implore God for forgiveness, you may attain mercy." | [27:46] Saleh preached a doctrine of monotheism, righteousness and mercy, but the people of Thamud refused to listen to him. | |
[27:47] They said, "We consider you a bad omen for us, you and those who joined you." He said, "Your omen is fully controlled by God. Indeed, you are deviant people." | [27:47] This is an addition to the story of Saleh recounted in [7:73] and elsewhere. The people considered him a bad influence because of his teaching. | |
[27:48] There were nine gangsters in the city who were wicked, and never did anything good. | [27:48] This is the first time in the Koran that the "nine gangsters" are mentioned. | |
[27:49] They said, "Let us swear by God that we kill him and his people, then tell his tribe, 'We know nothing about their death. We are telling the truth." | [27:49] They obviously formed a conspiracy to kill Saleh and his followers, and then to pretend that they didn't now anything about it. | |
[27:50] They plotted and schemed, but we also plotted and schemed, while they did not perceive. | [27:50] God knew all about their conspiracy and frustrated it from the very beginning. | |
[27:51] Note the consequences of their plotting; we annihilated them and all their people. | [27:51] As a result of rejecting Saleh, the gangsters and all of the people of Thamud were destroyed. | |
[27:52] Here are their homes utterly ruined, because of their transgression. This should be a lesson for people who know. | [27:52] Because the people of Thamud tolerated these people in their midst (as well as being idolaters), they were all destroyed. | |
[27:53] We save those who believe and lead a righteous life. | [27:53] The moral of this story is to either believe in God and live righteously, or be destroyed. | |
[27:54] Lot said to his people, "How could you commit such an abomination, publicly, while you see? | [27:54] Destruction of the wicked is also illustrated by the story of Sodom and Gomorrah ([7:80-83]). | |
[27:55] "You practice sex with the men, lustfully, instead of the women. Indeed, you are ignorant people."
[27:56] The only response from his people was their saying, "Banish Lot's family from your town; they are people who wish to be pure." [27:57] Consequently, we saved him and his family, except his wife; we counted her among the doomed. |
[27:55] Their particular brand of wickedness involved homosexual behavior, as well as other things.
[27:56] Not only did the people of Sodom and Gomorrah not heed Lot's prophetic warnings, they banished him from the town because he wanted to remain "straight." [27:57] God saved Lot and his family, except for his wife, who was turned into a pillar of salt. {Genesis 19:26}. | |
[27:58] We showered them with a certain shower. It was a miserable shower upon people who had been warned.
[27:59] Say, "Praise be to God and peace be upon His servants whom He chose. Is God better, or the idols some people set up?" [27:60] Who is the One who created the heavens and the earth? Who is the One who sends down to you from the sky water, whereby we produce gardens full of beauty - you could not possibly manufacture its trees? Is it another god with God? Indeed, they are people who have deviated. |
[27:58] The Bible {Genesis 19:24-25}.says that they cities were destroyed by "brimstone and fire," while the Koran [11:82] says the "shower" was "devastating rocks."
[27:59] The second of the two discourses in this sura is a comparison of the evidence for Meccan paganism versus evidence of the teaching in the Koran. [27:60] The Meccans didn't have any ready answers for which of their gods (if any) created the universe or sends down the rain or is the Author of the beauty of living creation. The existence of all these things is proof of the existence of an uncreated Creator. | |
[27:61] Who is the One who made the earth habitable, caused rivers to run through it, placed on it mountains, and created a barrier between the two waters? Is it another god with God? Indeed, most of them do not know. | [27:61] None of the false gods is claimed to have made the earth the abode of mankind or created the rivers or mountains or the barriers that separate oases from the sea. It is the One God who is the creator of all of these things. | |
[27:62] Who is the One who rescues those who become desperate and call upon Him, relieves adversity, and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is it another god with God? Rarely do you take heed. | [27:62] It is this same God who answers the prayers of those who call upon Him, relieves anxiety and has made mankind the inheritor of the entire earth. None of the idols has done any of these things. | |
[27:63] Who is the One who guides you in the darkness of land and sea? Who is the One who sends the winds with good news, signaling His mercy? Is it another god with God? Most exalted is God, above having any partner. | [27:63] The same God has placed the constellations in the heavens to guide travelers in the darkness and sends the seaward winds that bring refreshing rain. This should be sufficient proof that there is only one all-powerful God. | |
[27:64] Who is the One who initiates the creation, then repeats it? Who is the One who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Is it another god with God? Say, "Show me your proof, if you are telling the truth." | [27:64] The cycles of day and night, phases of the moon, tides, growth and decay, rain and drought, etc. are seen as part of the continuous creative activity of God. The Meccans are invited to show evidence that this is not so. | |
[27:65] Say, "No one in the heavens and the earth knows the future except God. They do not even perceive how or when they will be resurrected." | [27:65] In addition to the doctrine of monotheism, the pagan Meccans also rejected the concept of life after death. They are here criticized for their stubbornness. | |
[27:66] In fact, their knowledge concerning the Hereafter is confused. In fact, they harbor doubts about it. In fact, they are totally heedless thereof. | [27:66] Their knowledge of the afterlife is not only confused, they live their lives as if there is no afterlife at all. Thus they will be totally unprepared for it. | |
[27:67] Those who disbelieved said, "After we turn into dust, and also our parents, do we get brought out? | [27:67] The whole idea impossible to comprehend. Their arguments are based on its apparent absurdity. | |
[27:68] "We have been given the same promise in the past. These are nothing but tales from the past." | [27:68] The pagans do not have any evidence at all from their ancestors that there is an afterlife. | |
[27:69] Say, "Roam the earth and note the consequences for the guilty." | [27:69] Mohammed is here told to invite the doubters to find any evidence anywhere for their position. | |
[27:70] Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their scheming. | [27:70] He is also enjoined not to let them annoy him with their lack of belief. | |
[27:71] They say, "When will that promise come to pass, if you are telling the truth?" | [27:71] In response to their questions as to when the punishment of God will come about... | |
[27:72] Say, "You are already suffering some of the vengeance you challenge." | [27:72] ...they should be told that they are already experiencing some of it. | |
[27:73] Your Lord is full of grace towards the people, but most of them are ungrateful. | [27:73] God is attempting to bless them, but they are rejecting His blessing. | |
[27:74] Your Lord fully knows what their chests hide, and what they declare. | [27:74] God knows what they are doing, both in public and in secret. | |
[27:75] There is nothing in the heavens and the earth that is hidden (from God); everything is in a profound record. | [27:75] Everything that they are doing or are planning to do is known to Him, and will one day be revealed when they are finally judged. | |
[27:76] This Koran settles many issues for the Children of Israel; issues that they are still disputing. | [27:76] The Koran is a continuation of the Scripture that the Jews have already received. | |
[27:77] And it is a certain guide and mercy for the believers. | [27:77] It is a standard of behavior and a promise of mercy for those who accept it. | |
[27:78] Your Lord is the One who judges among them in accordance with His rules. He is the Almighty, the Omniscient. | [27:78] God will judge among all men according to the standards which He has set, which will apply to all, whether they believe it or not. | |
[27:79] Therefore, put your trust in God; you are following the manifest truth. | [27:79] Everyone should therefore have faith and trust in the One God. | |
[27:80] You cannot make the dead, nor the deaf, hear the call, if they turn away. | [27:80] Mohammed cannot force people to believe if they choose not to do so. | |
[27:81] Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying. The only ones who will hear you are those who believe in our revelations, and decide to be submitters. | [27:81] Those who choose not to see or hear his Message will not be forced to do otherwise. Those who accept it must freely choose to believe in what has been revealed. | |
[27:82] At the right time, we will produce for them a creature, from the earth, declaring that the people did not believe our revelations.
[27:83] The day will come when we summon from every community some of those who did not believe in our proofs, forcibly. |
[27:82] The disbelieving people who are totally committed to their earthly life, instead of believing what was revealed to then, will find that their lack of faith will work against them.
[27:83] Everyone will eventually be summoned to be judged, regardless of their beliefs or desires. | |
[27:84] When they arrive, He will say, "You have rejected My revelations, before acquiring knowledge about them. Is this not what you did?" | [27:84] God will convict those who rejected His revelation outright of rejecting them before they even knew what they were. | |
[27:85] They will incur the requital for their wickedness; they will say nothing. | [27:85] He will punish them for their lack of belief, for they will have no defense. | |
[27:86] Have they not seen that we made the night for their rest, and the day lighted? These should be sufficient proofs for people who believe. | [27:86] The existence of all creation, and the continuation of God's creative activity should be sufficient proof of His existence. | |
[27:87] On the day when the horn is blown, everyone in the heavens and the earth will be horrified, except those chosen by God. All will be forced before Him. | [27:87] Those who do not believe in the afterlife will be horrified when they are raised from the dead and hauled before God to be judged. | |
[27:88] When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds. Such is the manufacture of God, who perfected everything. He is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [27:88] The mountains (that were believed to hold the rest of the earth in place) are actually moving under the direction of God, just as the clouds. (It took geologists about 1300 more years to reach this same conclusion!) | |
[27:89] Those who bring good works (in their records) will receive far better rewards, and they will be perfectly secure from the horrors of that day. | [27:89] Those who have prepared for the afterlife by a mortal life of faith and good works will be richly rewarded. | |
[27:90] As for those who bring evil works, they will be forced into Hell. Do you not get punished for what you have done? | [27:90] Those who did not prepare, and wasted their lives by doing evil will be cast into Hell. They will be punished for their wickedness. | |
[27:91] I am simply commanded to worship the Lord of this town - He has made it a safe sanctuary - and He possesses all things. I am commanded to be a submitter. | [27:91] For his part, Mohammed is following the dictates of the Message he has received, to worship the One Lord of Mecca who is also Lord of all things. | |
[27:92] And to recite the Koran. Whoever is guided is guided for his own good, and if they go astray, then say, "I am simply a counselor." | [27:92] He has also been commanded to recite this Message to others for their guidance. If they choose to ignore it, it is not his fault. | |
[27:93] And say, "Praise be to God; He will show you His proofs, until you recognize them. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do." | [27:93] God will continue the cycle of creation He has established until the people acknowledge Him, either in this life, or in the one that follows. |
SURA 28: Al-Qasas - The Stories | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[28:1] T. S. M. [28:2] These constitute proofs of this profound book. |
[28:1] As usual, this sura begins with the invocation of God, the bismallah.
[28:2] These verses of the Koran are set down to make its revelation understandable. The disbelievers considered that this cast doubt on its authenticity. | |
[28:3] We recite to you herein some history of Moses and Pharaoh, truthfully, for the benefit of people who believe. | [28:3] A large portion of what follows ([28:4-42]]) constitutes an addition to the stories of Moses and Pharaoh in [26:10-68] and [27:7-14]. | |
[28:4] Pharaoh turned into a tyrant on earth, and discriminated against some people. He persecuted a helpless group of them, slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He was indeed wicked. | [28:4] Under the patronage of Joseph, Egypt initially welcomed the Israelites. But when they became too numerous, the Egyptians enslaved them and limited their numbers by killing their sons {Exodus 1:7-22}. | |
[28:5] We willed to compensate those who were oppressed on earth, and to turn them into leaders, and make them heirs. | [28:5] {Exodus 3:7}, when God speaks to Moses from the burning bush, is the first instance of Him referring to the Israelites as "my people." | |
[28:6] And to establish them on earth, and to show Pharaoh, Haman, and their troops a the same thing that they feared. | [28:6] Haman is also mentioned in [40:36] which recounts the same story. He may or may not be the son of Hammedatha the Agagite in{Esther 3:1}. | |
[28:7] We inspired Moses' mother: "Nurse him, and when you fear for his life, throw him into the river without fear or grief. We will return him to you, and will make him one of the messengers." | [28:7] When Pharaoh couldn't force the midwives to kill the Hebrew boys, he ordered them thrown into the Nile {Exodus 1:22}. Moses' mother complied with the letter of this command by putting him in an ark {Exodus 2:3}. | |
[28:8] Pharaoh's family picked him up, only to have him lead the opposition and to be a source of grief for them. That is because Pharaoh, Haman, and their troops were transgressors. | [28:8] This summarizes the story of Moses and Pharaoh recorded in {Exodus 2:5-14:28} and in [7:104-136], [10:75-92], [26:10-68] (and elsewhere) in the Koran. What follows here is the prequel. | |
[28:9] Pharaoh's wife said, "This can be a joyous find for me and you. Do not kill him, for he may be of some benefit for us, or we may adopt him to be our son." They had no idea. | [28:9] The Bible says that Moses was rescued by Pharaoh's daughter {Exodus 2:5-6}. Although his wife is not mentioned, Pharaoh's extended family, in which Moses was raised, probably lived all together. | |
[28:10] The mind of Moses' mother was growing so anxious that she almost gave away his identity. But we strengthened her heart, to make her a believer. | [28:10] Moses mother hid him for three months, but couldn't keep him longer than that. Her actions show surprising ingenuity. | |
[28:11] She said to his sister, "Trace his path." She watched him from afar, while they did not perceive. | [28:11] She had his older sister Miriam watch the ark to rescue him if it became necessary {Exodus 2:4}. | |
[28:12] We forbade him from accepting all the nursing mothers. (His sister) then said, "I can show you a family that can raise him for you, and take good care of him." | [28:12] When she realized that Pharaoh's daughter had decided to keep Moses, Miriam immediately volunteered that she knew a woman who could nurse him. {Exodus 2:7-8}. | |
[28:13] Thus, we restored him to his mother, in order to please her, remove her worries, and to let her know that God's promise is the truth. However, most of them do not know. | [28:13] Pharaoh's daughter had no way of knowing that the nurse was Moses' own mother. He was thus restored to her, and provided a generous source of income as a wet nurse as well {Exodus 2:8-9}. | |
[28:14] When he reached maturity and strength, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous. | [28:14] By his upbringing in the royal household, Moses was uniquely qualified to be the political, moral and military leader he eventually became. | |
[28:15] Once he entered the city unexpectedly, without being recognized by the people. He found two men fighting; one was from his people, and the other was from his enemies. The one from his people called on him for help against his enemy. Moses punched him, killing him. He said, "This is the work of the devil; he is a real enemy, and a profound misleader." | [28:15] Moses' killing of the Egyptian, but not his entry to the city where he was certainly known, is recorded in {Exodus 2:11-12}. The Hebrews are described as "his brethren," but it is not clear at this point that he realized that he was one of them. At the time, he may not have realized that he was not an "Egyptian" as he identified himself to the women in {Exodus 2:19}. | |
[28:16] He said, "My Lord, I have wronged my soul. Please forgive me," and He forgave him. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [28:16] The Bible states that Moses "feared" {Exodus 2:14} only after his deed became known, because he knew Pharaoh would want to "slay him." {Exodus 2:15} | |
[28:17] He said, "My Lord, in return for Your blessings upon me, I will never be a supporter of the guilty ones." | [28:17] In {Exodus 2:15-22}, Moses is hardly contrite. Instead, he leaves Egypt, flees to Midian, gets married, and raises a family. | |
[28:18] In the morning, he was in the city, afraid and watchful. The one who sought his help yesterday, asked for his help again. Moses said to him, "You are really a trouble maker." | [28:18] The Bible does not record that the Hebrews asked for his help. When he intervened in a subsequent dispute between two of them, one revealed that they knew about the murder {Exodus 2:14}. | |
[28:19] Before he attempted to strike their common enemy, he said, "O Moses, do you want to kill me, as you killed the other man yesterday? Obviously, you wish to be a tyrant on earth; you do not wish to be righteous." | [28:19] In the Bible, Moses avoids the second altercation, but {Exodus 2:14} is an almost exact quotation: "Who has appointed you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?" | |
[28:20] A man came running from the other side of the city, saying, "O Moses, the people are plotting to kill you. You better leave immediately. I am giving you good advice." | [28:20] The Bible version also does not include the man from the other side of the city, and Moses was, in fact, guilty before the law. On the other hand, "You better leave immediately" was certainly good advice! | |
[28:21] He fled the city, afraid and watchful. He said, "My Lord, save me from the oppressive people." | [28:21] He not only fled the city, he fled Goshen, Egypt, the Sinai desert, and a large portion of Arabia. | |
[28:22] As he traveled towards Midian, he said, "May my Lord guide me in the right path." | [28:22] Moses may have gone up the Nile and then taken the road from Heliopolis to Midian. | |
[28:23] When he reached Midian's water, he found a crowd of people watering, and noticed two women waiting on the side. He said, "What is it that you need?" They said, "We are not able to water, until the crowd disperses, and our father is an old man." | [28:23] The Bible {Exodus 2:16-17} says that there were seven daughters who had drawn water for their father's flock. The local shepherds had driven them away. Outnumbered and alone, Moses, in turn, drove off the shepherds, truly an heroic act. | |
[28:24] He watered for them, then turned to the shade, saying, "My Lord, whatever provision you send to me, I am in dire need for it." | [28:24] This is another element not mentioned in the Bible. Moses had certainly impressed the old man (not to mention the daughters)! | |
[28:25] Soon, one of the two women approached him, shyly, and said, "My father invites you to pay you for watering for us." When he met him, and told him his stories, he said, "Have no fear. You have been saved from the oppressive people." | [28:25] {Exodus 2:18-20} says that the girls went home early, surprising their father with the story of how Moses had defended them against the unruly shepherds. He immediately told them to find Moses and invite him to dinner. | |
[28:26] One of the two women said, "O my father, hire him. He is the best one to hire, for he is strong and honest." | [28:26] Who the "two" daughters were is not clear, but Jethro's daughters were obviously infatuated with, suave, sophisticated, heroic Moses. | |
[28:27] He said, "I wish to offer one of my two daughters for you to marry, in return for working for me for eight years; if you make them ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, God willing, righteous."
[28:28] He said, "It is an agreement between me and you. Whichever period I fulfill, you will not be averse to either one. God is the guarantor of what we said." |
[28:27] This is another part of the Koranic story not recorded in the Bible. {Exodus 2:21} simply says that Jethro "gave Moses Zipporah his daughter." Moses was tending Jethro's flock when he noticed the burning bush on Mount Horeb {Exodus 3:1-2}.
[28:28] Moses here seems to be protecting his options regarding his employment. He fulfills the debt incurred by marrying Jethro's daughter and then stays on for some additional time. | |
[28:29] When he had fulfilled his obligation, he traveled with his family. He saw a fire from the slope of a mountain. He said to his family, "Stay here. I have seen a fire. Maybe I can bring to you news, or a portion of the fire to warm you." | [28:29] The Biblical version suggests that Moses was alone tending Jethro's sheep when he spoke with God in the burning bush {Exodus 3:1-2}. It also suggests that he was far away from the usual grazing grounds, so he may have brought his family with him. | |
[28:30] When he reached it, he was called from the edge of the right side of the valley, in the blessed spot where the burning bush was located: "O Moses, this is Me. God; Lord of the universe. | [28:30] At this point, the story parallels that of [27:7] and following. The insertion of these extra verses appears to fulfill the stated intent of making the earlier revelation more understandable. | |
[28:31] "Throw down your staff." When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. "O Moses, come back; do not be afraid. You are perfectly safe. | [28:31] Moses' staff turning into a serpent is a unique and profound miracle recorded in [7:107, 117], [20:17-21], [26:32, 45], and [27:10] as well as {Exodus 4:3 and 7:10}. | |
[28:32] "Put your hand into your pocket; it will come out white without a blemish. Fold your wings and settle down from your fear. These are two proofs from your Lord, to be shown to Pharaoh and his elders; they have been wicked people." | [28:32] The whitening of Moses' hand is recorded in [7:108], [20:22], [26:33], [27:12] as well as {Exodus 4:6-7}. "Fold your wings" is a figure of speech, suggesting the alighting of a bird. Moses must have been really frightened. | |
[28:33] He said, "My Lord, I killed one of them, and I fear lest they kill me. | [28:33] He was also afraid of being killed for the murder he had committed. | |
[28:34] "Also, my brother Aaron is more eloquent than I. Send him with me as a helper to confirm and strengthen me. I fear lest they disbelieve me." | [28:34] It was God who selected Aaron to be the spokesman {Exodus 4:14-16}. Moses protested that he was "slow of speech" {Exodus 4:10}. | |
[28:35] He said, "We will strengthen you with your brother, and we will provide you both with manifest authority. Thus, they will not be able to touch either one of you. With our miracles, the two of you, together with those who follow you, will be the victors."
[28:36] When Moses went to them with our proofs, clear and profound, they said, "This is fabricated magic. We have never heard of this from our ancient ancestors." |
[28:35] The sense both here and in the Bible is that Moses did not want to be a prophet, and sought every excuse not to undertake the mission God had intended for him. But, like it or not, he fulfilled God's plan for him.
[28:36] The charge that Moses is a magician is made in [7:109, 132], [10:2, 76], [20:57], [26:34], and [27:13]. In the Bible, Pharaoh's magicians finally admitted that Moses' "magic" was "the finger of God." {Exodus 8:19} | |
[28:37] Moses said, "My Lord knows best who brought the guidance from Him, and who will be the ultimate victors. Surely, the transgressors never succeed." | [28:37] Moses puts his trust in the omniscience of God to know how all the proofs will be received. He also knows that God will give him victory over the unbelievers. | |
[28:38] Pharaoh said, "O you elders, I have not known of any god for you other than me. Therefore, fire the adobe, O Haman, in order to build a tower, that I may take a look at the God of Moses. I am sure that he is a liar." | [28:38] Who Haman is is not clear. He appears to be the evil henchman of Pharaoh. Here he is ordered to fire bricks to build a tower so Pharaoh can get up to heaven to chat with God. He is apparently convinced that God won't be there. | |
[28:39] Thus, he and his troops continued to commit arrogance on earth, without any right, and thought that they would not be returned to us. | [28:39] Pharaoh demonstrated by this that he and his people were incredibly arrogant, and that they also did not believe they would eventually meet God. | |
[28:40] Consequently, we punished him and his troops, by throwing them into the sea. Note the consequences for the transgressors. | [28:40] As a result, they were all drowned in the Red Sea {Exodus 14:28}. This should be a lesson for those who would make similar mistakes. | |
[28:41] We made them imams who led their people to Hell. Furthermore, on the Day of Resurrection, they will have no help. | [28:41] They were leaders of their people, but they led them into Hell. There is no one who will be able (or willing) to help them get out. | |
[28:42] They incurred in this life condemnation, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be despised.
[28:43] We gave Moses the scripture - after having annihilated the previous generations, and after setting the examples through them - to provide enlightenment for the people, and guidance, and mercy, that they may take heed. |
[28:42] During their lifetime, they worked out their eternal destiny, which is to be despised when everyone will be judged for his works.
[28:43] The Scripture given to Moses represents the "new order" of Islam to generations who had forgotten the revelations to Noah and Abraham. But like their ancestors, those following corrupted Moses' message. | |
[28:44] You were not present on the slope of the western mount, when we issued the command to Moses; you were not a witness. | [28:44] Mohammed was not a witness to the revelation given to Moses. His revelation is a "new order" for those who deviated from the religion established by Moses. | |
[28:45] But we established many generations, and, because of the length of time, (they deviated). Nor were you among the people of Midian, reciting our revelations to them. But we did send messengers. | [28:45] Mohammed was also not present when the prophet Shoaib was sent to Midian, another disbelieving community whose people outlived their dedication to previous revelation. | |
[28:46] Nor were you on the slope of Mount Sinai when we called (Moses). But it is mercy from your Lord, (towards the people,) in order to warn people who received no counselor before you, that they may take heed. | [28:46] Mohammed was also not present when God called Moses to be a prophet. Yet, like Moses, he has been called to be a prophet to those (Arabs?) to whom no prophet has yet come, to warn them of the consequences of their sinful lives. | |
[28:47] Thus, they cannot say, when a disaster strikes them as a consequence of their own deeds, "Our Lord, had You sent a Messenger to us, we would have followed Your revelations, and would have been believers." | [28:47] When the present generation of unbelievers is destroyed just as those who refused to listen to past prophets, no one will have the excuse that they were not warned. They cannot claim that they did not have a prophet to reveal God's message to them. | |
[28:48] Now that the truth has come to them from us, they said, "If only we could be given what was given to Moses!" Did they not disbelieve in what was given to Moses in the past? They said, "Both (scriptures) are works of magic that copied one another." They also said, "We are disbelievers in both of them." | [28:48] They also do not have the excuse that Mohammed's Message is not accompanied by the same miracles as those of Moses, because the wicked didn't believe in Moses, either. No matter what kind of proofs are given to the unbelievers, they will make up some kind of argument against them. | |
[28:49] Say, "Then produce a scripture from God with better guidance than the two, so I can follow it, if you are telling the truth." | [28:49] If they cannot produce a better scripture than that revealed to Moses and Mohammed, theirs is obviously the best. | |
[28:50] If they fail to respond to you, then know that they follow only their own opinions. Who is farther astray than those who follow their own opinions, without guidance from God? God does not guide such wicked people. | [28:50] If they cannot produce anything better, then it is certain that their objections are only a result of their own opinion, and not from anything they have been given. God will not give these people any private revelation because they are wicked. | |
[28:51] We have delivered the message to them, that they may take heed. | [28:51] They have received God's revelation, to accept or reject as they choose. | |
[28:52] Those whom we blessed with the previous Scriptures will believe in this. | [28:52] Those who have received the previous Scripture will recognize its authenticity. | |
[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters." | [28:53] When the revelations to Mohammed are recited to them, they readily accept them because they realize that it comes from God. | |
[28:54] To these we grant twice the reward, because they steadfastly persevere. They counter evil works with good, and donate from our provisions to them. | [28:54] He will reward them not only for countering evil, but also, in addition, for doing good, including charity. Thus, they will be rewarded twice. | |
[28:55] When they come across vain talk, they disregard it and say, "We are responsible for our deeds, and you are responsible for your deeds. Peace be upon you. We do not wish to behave like the ignorant ones." | [28:55] True believers will try to get along with their neighbors. They will refrain from engaging in debate or discussion about revelation as the doubters do. Each person is personally accountable for what he or she believes and practices. | |
[28:56] You cannot guide the ones you love. God is the only one who guides in accordance with His will, and in accordance with His knowledge of those who deserve the guidance. | [28:56] It is not possible to force someone to believe God's revelations, even if you love that person. If they are to be guided, they must be worthy, and they will have to be guided by God. | |
[28:57] They said, "If we follow your guidance, we will suffer persecution." Did we not establish for them a Sacred Sanctuary, to which all kinds of fruits are offered, as a provision from us? Indeed, most of them do not know.
[28:58] Many a community we annihilated for turning ungrateful for their lives. Consequently, here are their homes, nothing but uninhabited ruins after them, except a few. We were the inheritors. |
[28:57] It is not an excuse for the disbelievers to claim that by embracing Islam they will be persecuted, because God has prepared a safe refuge (Paradise) for true Believers. The doubters do not believe this (yet).
[28:58] Besides, the homes of the unbelievers will eventually be destroyed anyway, just as they were in the past. Those who cling to the pagan religions that ruined their ancestors' lives the past can expect to suffer a similar fate. | |
[28:59] For your Lord never annihilates any community without sending a messenger in the midst thereof, to recite our revelations to them. We never annihilate any community, unless its people are wicked. | [28:59] God never punishes a community unless He sends a messenger to give them His revelations and to warn them of the consequences of their wicked ways. Even then, He does not punish them unless they refuse to accept them. | |
[28:60] Everything that is given to you is only the material of this life, and its vanity What is with God is far better, and everlasting. Do you not understand? | [28:60] No matter how rich and powerful the pagans are, what they possess is only fleeting. It is far better to be concerned about the things of God, which are everlasting. | |
[28:61] Is one whom we promised a good promise that will surely come to pass, equal to one whom we provide with the temporary materials of this life, then suffers eternal doom on the Day of Resurrection?
[28:62] The day will come when He calls upon them, saying, "Where are those idols you had set up beside Me?" |
[28:61] Wealth and power are surely signs of favor from God, but they are only temporary favors. Those who receive them can still suffer eternal damnation. It is much better to be favored by God with the promise of Paradise.
[28:62] On the Day of Resurrection, God will challenge the idolaters to call upon their idols to help them. | |
[28:63] Those who incurred the judgment will say, "Our Lord, these are the ones we misled; we misled them only because we ourselves had gone astray. We now devote ourselves totally to You. They were not really worshiping us." | [28:63] They will have to admit that the idols have no power, and that those who claimed they did were not only misled themselves, but that they wickedly misled others. They will reject their idols, and will acknowledge the supremacy of God. | |
[28:64] It will be said, "Call upon your idols (to help you)." They will call upon them, but they will not respond. They will suffer the punishment, and wish that they were guided!
[28:65] On that day, He will ask everyone, "How did you respond to the messengers?" [28:66] They will be so stunned by the facts on that day, they will be speechless. |
[28:64] Unfortunately for them, it will be too late. They will already have incurred the punishment of those who have put their trust in false gods.
[28:65] As part of his judgment, God will ask everyone how they responded to the messengers He sent. [28:66] The pagans, who put all their trust in the idols, will not be prepared for the vindication of the messengers they rejected. | |
[28:67] As for those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life, they will end up with the victors. | [28:67] The true Believers will finally achieve the victory over ignorance they had been promised. | |
[28:68] Your Lord is the One who creates whatever He wills, and chooses; no one else does any choosing. Glory be to God, the Most Exalted. He is far above needing partners. | [28:68] The last story in this sura illustrates the absolute power of God to do anything He chooses in a way that demonstrates that He is far above needing any help from anyone or anything. | |
[28:69] Your Lord knows the innermost thoughts hidden in their chests, as well as everything they declare. | [28:69] It also establishes that God knows everything that happens and everything that anyone thinks or desires. | |
[28:70] He is the One God; there is no other god beside Him. To Him belongs all praise in this first life, and in the Hereafter. All judgment belongs with Him, and to Him you will be returned. | [28:70] The power of God is absolute, both in worldly life and in the life after death. Everyone will eventually return to Him to be judged, and no one will be able to escape what He decrees. | |
[28:71] Say, "What if God made the night perpetual, until the Day of Resurrection? Which god, other than God, can provide you with light? Do you not hear?" | [28:71] If God chose to create perpetual darkness, none of the idols would be able to provide any light. This should prove that God is far above them. | |
[28:72] Say, "What if God made the daylight perpetual, until the Day of Resurrection? Which god, other than God, can provide you with a night for your rest? Do you not see?" | [28:72] Similarly, if God provided perpetual daylight, none of the idols would be able to provide darkness to enable people to rest. It should be obvious that He is Lord of all creation. | |
[28:73] It is mercy from Him that He created for you the night and the day in order to rest (during the night), then seek His provisions (during the day), that you may be properly grateful. | [28:73] He demonstrates this by His continual act of creation of daylight for wakefulness and business, followed by the night for restfulness and sleep. Everyone should be properly grateful. | |
[28:74] The day will come when He asks them, "Where are the idols you had fabricated to rank with Me?" | [28:74] This is a restatement of [28:62]. It is apparently inserted here apparently as an introduction to the following story. | |
[28:75] We will select from every community a witness, then say, "Present your proof." They will realize then that all truth belongs with God, while the idols they had fabricated will abandon them. | [28:75] Every community will be called upon to demonstrate that in which they believe. All those who have believed correctly will be vindicated, and those who believed falsely will be put to shame. | |
[28:76] Qaroon was one of Moses' people who betrayed them and oppressed them. We gave him so many treasures that the keys thereof were almost too heavy for the strongest band. His people said to him, "Do not be so arrogant; God does not love those who are arrogant. | [28:76] (As an example), there once was an Hebrew overseer named Qaroon, an oppressive slave driver. He was so rich that even the many keys to his treasures would have been a heavy burden for strong men. His neighbors told him not to be so proud, because God does not love the proud. | |
[28:77] "Use the provisions bestowed upon you by God to seek the abode of the Hereafter, without neglecting your share in this world. Be charitable, as God has been charitable towards you. Do not keep on corrupting the earth. God does not love the corrupters."
[28:78] He said, "I attained all this because of my own cleverness." Did he not realize that God had annihilated before him generations that were much stronger than he, and greater in number? The (annihilated) transgressors were not asked about their crimes. [28:79] One day, he came out to his people in full splendor. Those who preferred this worldly life said, "Oh, we wish that we possessed what Qaroon has attained. Indeed, he is very fortunate." [28:80] As for those who were blessed with knowledge, they said, "Woe to you, God's reward is far better for those who believe and lead a righteous life." None attains this except the steadfast. |
[28:77] They urged him to use his wealth in a positive way, to seek the eternal rewards of Paradise along with the rewards of this world. They exhorted him to give to the poor in the same manner that God had given to him, and not to do evil with God's gifts.
[28:78] Qaroon, in his arrogance, would not listen. He claimed that all he had acquired was due to his own efforts. He did not realize that men like him had perished in the past because of their arrogance, and God did not ask them what they thought their punishment should be. [28:79] Qaroon used to flaunt his wealth before his neighbors. Those who were concerned only with worldly things were jealous of him, and wished that they possessed what he did. [28:80] The wise recognized his true situation, and warned him that his attention to worldly things would lead him to ruin. They knew that the reward of the righteous is much better than the rewards of the worldly. | |
[28:81] We then caused the earth to swallow him and his mansion. No army could have helped him against God; he was not destined to be a victor. | [28:81] One day, without warning, an earthquake swallowed him, his mansion, and all that he possessed. Nothing could save him against the judgment of God. | |
[28:82] Those who were envious of him the day before said, "Now we realize that God is the One who provides for whomever He chooses from among His servants, and withholds. If it were not for God's grace towards us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us too. We now realize that the disbelievers never succeed." | [28:82] The people who used to be jealous of him realized that God provides for some and withholds from others as He chooses, that whatever one has comes from God. They came to recognize that, were it not for God's grace, the same thing could have happened to them, that those who defy God are eventually punished. | |
[28:83] We reserve the abode of the Hereafter for those who do not seek exaltation on earth, nor corruption. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous. | [28:83] The reward of Paradise is reserved for those who are not dedicated to the things of this world or to immoral behavior. The righteous will be victorious over these vices. | |
[28:84] Whoever works righteousness receives a far better reward. As for those who commit sins, the punishment for their sins is precisely equivalent to their works. | [28:84] If someone does good, the reward he will receive is better his good deeds. But if someone does evil, the punishment he receives will be in proportion to the evil he has done. | |
[28:85] Surely, the One who decreed the Koran for you will summon you to a predetermined appointment. Say, "My Lord is fully aware of those who uphold the guidance, and those who have gone astray." | [28:85] God, who has given the Koran and the mission of a prophet to Mohammed, will eventually reward him. God alone knows who will have fully accepted it and who will have rejected it. | |
[28:86] You never expected this scripture to come your way; but this is a mercy from your Lord. Therefore, you shall not side with the disbelievers.
[28:87] Nor shall you be diverted from God's revelations, after they have come to you, and invite the others to your Lord. And do not ever fall into idol worship. |
[28:86] Mohammed never expected that he would be selected to be a prophet, but God has chosen him anyway, and it is thus his duty to remain steadfast in the face of persecution.
[28:87] Like the prophets before him, Mohammed is commanded to preach what has been revealed to him, and to call all mankind to the worship of the One God. | |
[28:88] You shall not worship beside God any other god. There is no other god beside Him. Everything perishes except His presence. To Him belongs all sovereignty, and to Him you will be returned. | [28:88] The sura ends with a summation of the Message that Mohammed has been given: There is One God. He is the supreme creator and sustainer of all things. Everyone will eventually come back to Him. |
SURA 29: Al-Ankaboot - The Spider | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[29:1] A. L. M. [29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe," without being put to the test? | [29:1-2] The sura immediately begins a discourse on the similarity between present and past believers in God and the sufferings they are called upon to undergo. All of them had to prove their faith by undergoing trials of some kind. Believers of every age have been oppressed, but that the signs of the doom of the unbelievers is surely at hand. | |
[29:3] We have tested those before them, for God must distinguish those who are telling the truth, and He must expose the liars. | [29:3] The current oppression is a test from God, to distinguish between the true believers and those who only pretend to embrace Islam. | |
[29:4] Do those who commit sins think that they can ever fool us? Wrong indeed is their judgment. | [29:4] People are foolish if they think that they can fool God. They will receive the evil that they do. | |
[29:5] Anyone hoping to meet God, such a meeting with God will definitely come to pass. He is the One who hears and knows everything. | [29:5] Anyone who claims to want to meet God should be aware that such a meeting will surely take place at his death, and God knows everything. | |
[29:6] Those who strive, strive for their own good. God is in no need of anyone. | [29:6] Those who are "for God" are actually working for their own good, for God is not in need of any help. | |
[29:7] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will certainly remit their sins, and will certainly reward them generously for their righteous works. | [29:7] He will definitely reward those who believe, live righteously and do good works. He will also forgive sins they have committed. | |
[29:8] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. But if they try to force you to set up idols beside Me, do not obey them. To Me is your ultimate return, then I will inform you of everything you had done. | [29:8] Pagan parents of Muslim converts sometimes argued that Islam requires children to honor and obey their parents. Here the Muslims are told that this requirement does not apply if the parents command them to do something wrong. | |
[29:9] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will certainly admit them with the righteous. | [29:9] Those who believe and lead a righteous life will be admitted into the company of the saints. | |
[29:10] Among the people there are those who say, "We believe in God," but as soon as they suffer any hardship because of God, they equate the people's persecution with God's punishment. But if blessings from your Lord come your way, they say, "We were with you." Is God not fully aware of the people's innermost thoughts? | [29:10] Some of the Muslim converts had the mistaken idea that when anything good happened to them, it was a sign of God's favor. But when the pagans began to persecute them, they considered their sufferings as some kind of punishment from God. They should have known that bad things sometimes happen to good people. | |
[29:11] God will most certainly distinguish those who believe, and He will most certainly expose the hypocrites. | [29:11] God knows everyone's innermost thoughts; He will surely distinguish between genuine believers and opportunists. | |
[29:12] Those who disbelieved said to those who believed, "If you follow our way, we will be responsible for your sins." Not true; they cannot bear any of their sins. They are liars. | [29:12] Some of the clan leaders said that they would take the blame (if any) for forcing the Muslim converts to recant. Islam teaches that this cannot be done; each person is responsible for his own actions. | |
[29:13] In fact, they will carry their own sins, in addition to loads of other people's sins for which they were responsible. Most certainly, they will be asked on the Day of Resurrection about their false claims. | [29:13] This does not excuse the guilt incurred by an individual if he leads another into sin. Such a person is guilty of the other's sins, as well as his own, and will ultimately be judged accordingly. | |
[29:14] We sent Noah to his people, and he stayed with them one thousand years, less fifty. Subsequently, they incurred the flood because of their transgressions. | [29:14] The time Noah stayed with his people agrees with his age given in {Genesis 9:29}, 950 years. The Flood is believed to have occurred in his 600th year {Genesis 9:28}. | |
[29:15] We saved him and those who accompanied him in the ark, and we set it up as a lesson for all the people. | [29:15] The salvation of Noah and his family proves God's ability to rescue His faithful from even the worst disaster. | |
[29:16] Abraham said to his people, "You shall worship God, and reverence Him. This is better for you, if you only knew. | [29:16] In accepting belief in the One God, the Arabs are following the religion of Abraham, their venerable ancestor. See [21:51-70]. | |
[29:17] "What you worship instead of God are powerless idols; you have invented a lie." The idols you worship beside God do not possess any provisions for you. Therefore, you shall seek provisions only from God. You shall worship Him alone, and be grateful to Him; to Him is your ultimate return. | [29:17] Abraham recognized that the idols his neighbors worshiped were nothing more than constructs, having no power to provide any benefit to anyone. The only benefit to be gained is the worship of the One God, the source from whom all blessings flow, to whom all men will eventually return. | |
[29:18] If you disbelieve, generations before you have also disbelieved. The sole function of the messenger is to convey plainly. | [29:18] The disbelievers are simply repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. The Message of God now brought to them will not make them believe. | |
[29:19] Have they not seen how God initiates the creation, then repeats it? This is easy for God to do. | [29:19] Cyclic phenomena (day/night, tides, birth/death, etc.) are all examples of God's continuous creation. | |
[29:20] Say, "Roam the earth and find out the origin of life." For God will thus initiate the creation in the Hereafter. God is Omnipotent. | [29:20] These are the same everywhere. They all show the cyclic nature of creation, including that of death and resurrection. | |
[29:21] He condemns to punishment whomever He wills, and showers His mercy upon whomever He wills. Ultimately, to Him you will be turned over. | [29:21] God decides whom to try with adversity and whom to favor with good fortune. Eventually, everyone will get his due. | |
[29:22] None of you can escape from these facts, on earth or in the heaven, and you have none beside God as a Lord and Master. | [29:22] It is not possible to escape either trial or good fortune, because everybody is totally dependent upon the will of God. | |
[29:23] Those who disbelieve in God's revelations, and in meeting Him, have despaired from My mercy. They have incurred a severe punishment. | [29:23] Those who choose not to believe the revealed Word of God, or the Resurrection, have condemned themselves to the consequences. | |
[29:24] The only response from his people was their saying, "Kill him, or burn him." But God saved him from the fire. This should provide lessons for people who believe. | [29:24] When Abraham was a young man, he challenged the idolaters of his time and made them look foolish. They planned to throw him into the fire, but God rescued him. See [21:68-69]. | |
[29:25] He said, "You worship beside God powerless idols due to peer pressure, just to preserve some friendship among you in this worldly life. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will disown one another, and curse one another. Your destiny is Hell, wherein you cannot help one another." | [29:25] This declaration of Abraham does not seem to appear anywhere else, but the speech is obviously directed at the idolaters of Mecca, to whom it also applies. Their reaction to the indictment of Mohammed seems to have been much the same as their ancestors' reaction to Abraham. | |
[29:26] Lot believed with him and said, "I am emigrating to my Lord. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise." | [29:26] When Lot's life with the people of Sodom and Gomorrah got too difficult for him he wisely moved away from them. | |
[29:27] We granted him Isaac and Jacob, we assigned to his descendants prophethood and the Scriptures, we endowed him with his due reward in this life, and in the Hereafter he will surely be with the righteous. | [29:27] As a blessing for his obedience to God and righteous life, Abraham was saved from the general catastrophe, and blessed with children and grandchildren. Many of them became prophets and recipients of the revelations of God. | |
[29:28] Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination, no one in the world has ever done it before you. | [29:28] Like Mohammed, Lot was thoroughly disgusted with the wickedness of his neighbors. He felt that they had set new standards of evil behavior. | |
[29:29] "You practice sex with the men, you commit highway robbery, and you allow all kinds of vice in your society." The only response from his people was to say, "Bring to us God's punishment, if you are telling the truth." | [29:29] Among these were they most serious of sins. These included homosexual acts, armed robbery, and public immorality. None of his neighbors were the least bit contrite. They dared Lot to call down God's punishment on them. | |
[29:30] He said, "My Lord, grant me victory over these wicked people." | [29:30] Finally, Lot had enough of his sinful neighbors, and asked God to make him victorious over them. | |
[29:31] When our messengers went to Abraham with good news, they also said, "We are on our way to annihilate the people of that town (Sodom), for its people have been wicked." | [29:31] The messengers' "good news" was that Sarah was going to have a son in {Genesis 18:1-14}. They were also on their way to investigate the rumors about Sodom and Gomorrah {Genesis 18:20-21}. | |
[29:32] He said, "But Lot is living there." They said, "We are fully aware of everyone who lives in it. We will of course save him and his family, except his wife; she is doomed." | [29:32] Abraham's haggling over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in {Genesis 18:23-32} and also noted in [11:74]. Both accounts suggest that Lot was not the only righteous person in the towns. | |
[29:33] When our messengers arrived at Lot's place, they were mistreated, and he was embarrassed by their presence. But they said, "Have no fear, and do not worry. We will save you and your family, except your wife; she is doomed. | [29:33] The mistreatment of the messengers is recorded in {Genesis 19:4-11} and noted in [11:77]. The lack of hospitality among Semitic people was almost as great a sin against the messengers as the implied attempts of homosexual assault. | |
[29:34] "We will pour upon the people of this town a disaster from the sky, as a consequence of their wickedness." | [29:34] God's final decision to destroy the wicked cities, but not the intended method of destruction, is noted in {Genesis 19:13}. | |
[29:35] We left standing some of their ruins, to serve as a profound lesson for people who understand. | [29:35] Whatever was left of the ruins is not enough for archeologists to locate the cities. | |
[29:36] To Midian we sent their brother Shoaib. He said, "O my people, you shall worship God and seek the Last Day, and do not roam the earth corruptingly." | [29:36] Shoaib's prophetic mission to Midian in [7:85-92], [11:84-95], [22:44] and [26:176-191] is not narrated in the Bible. | |
[29:37] They disbelieved him and, consequently, the earthquake annihilated them; they were left dead in their homes by morning. | [29:37] What happened to Midian is historical. There is no firm archeological evidence of the existence or location of Shoaib's civilization. | |
[29:38] Similarly with 'Ad and Thamud. This is made manifest to you through their ruins. The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and had diverted them from the path, even though they had eyes. | [29:38] Hud's prophetic mission to 'Ad is described in [7:65-72], [11:50-60] and [26:123-140]. Saleh's prophetic mission to Thamud is described in [7:73-79], [11:61-68] and [26:141-159]. | |
[29:39] Also Qaroon, Pharaoh, and Haman; Moses went to them with clear signs. But they continued to commit tyranny on earth. Consequently, they could not escape. | [29:39] Qaroon, Pharaoh, and Haman are all associated in the Koran with the story of Moses, a prophet to Pharaoh and his kingdom. The Egyptians rejected him, with disastrous results. | |
[29:40] All those disbelievers were doomed as a consequence of their sins. Some of them we annihilated by violent winds, some were annihilated by the quake, some we caused the earth to swallow, and some we drowned. God is not the one who wronged them; it is they who wronged their own souls. | [29:40] God's penalty for sin, in particular the sin of mistreating His messengers, is absolute. The disasters noted are far worse than the oppression that the Muslims are experiencing at the hands of the pagan Meccans. The magnitude of these terrible catastrophes is indicative of the magnitude of the sins for which they are God's just punishment. | |
[29:41] The allegory of those who accept other masters beside God is that of the spider and her home; the flimsiest of all homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew. | [29:41] The remark about the spider seems out of place here, but the flimsy home of the spider* would save Mohammed and Islam itself several years later when he was fleeing for his life. | |
*Because of the increasing persecution in Mecca, and the difficulty of emigrating to Ethiopia, the Muslims began to look for a refuge somewhere in Arabia. They were invited to move to Medina, 210 miles north of Mecca, by the Ansar clans. In twos and threes, the Muslims began to emigrate to Medina, even though they still considered Mecca their home. The Quraish, realizing what was happening, decided to put an end to Mohammed once and for all. But Mohammed and his close friend, Abu Bakr, slipped southward out of Mecca and hid for three days (September 10-12, CE 622) in the nearby Cave of Thawr, where he had received his first revelations.
The Quraish knew all about the cave, and looked there almost immediately. They found a dove nesting in a tree at the mouth of the cave, with a spider web across it. Assuming that anyone entering the cave would have frightened the dove and broken the web, they decided to search elsewhere, and Mohammed and Abu Bakr eventually escaped to Medina. This event is known as the Hijrah, when the fate of Mohammed and Islam literally hung on a flimsy spider's web! | ||
[29:42] God knows full well that whatever they worship beside Him are really nothing. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise. | [29:42] Like the spider's web, the worship of false gods is based on the flimsiest of evidence, unworthy of acknowledgment. | |
[29:43] We cite these examples for the people, and none appreciate them except the knowledgeable. | [29:43] These examples are so profound that only those who have real wisdom will fully understand them. | |
[29:44] God created the heavens and the earth, truthfully. This provides a sufficient proof for the believers. | [29:44] The simple fact of the existence of the universe should be sufficient proof of the existence and characteristics of its creator for anyone. | |
[29:45] You shall recite what is revealed to you of the Scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice. But the remembrance of God (through Salat) is the most important objective. God knows everything you do. | [29:45] The commandments of God are that one should (1) recite the Koran, (2) observe the Salat prayers. The act of praying is an aid to virtue, but the intent of praying, to raise the mind and heart to God, is its most important element. | |
[29:46] Do not argue with the people of the Scripture except in the nicest possible manner - unless they transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our God and your God is one and the same; to Him we are submitters."
[29:47] We have revealed to you this Scripture, and those whom we blessed with the previous Scripture will believe in it. Also, some of your people will believe in it. Indeed, those who disregard our revelations are the real disbelievers. [29:48] You did not read the previous Scriptures, nor did you write them with your hand. In that case, the rejecters would have had reason to harbor doubts. |
[29:46] Muslims are enjoined to avoid religious arguments, especially with those who worship the same God and (most of) the same Scripture. Religious discussions should be conducted with reverence and mutual respect.
[29:47] The Koran and the Bible have the same source, Almighty God. The Jewish and Christian Scriptural scholars will recognize in the Koran what they already know, and even some of the pagans will recognize its divine origin. (See the introduction to sura Maryam.) [29:48] God knows that Moses was unfamiliar with Jewish and Christian Scripture, and had not written anything about them. His detractors might otherwise have had reason to doubt the Koran's authenticity. | |
[29:49] In fact, these revelations are clear in the chests of those who possess knowledge. Only the wicked will disregard our revelations. | [29:49] The truth contained in the Koran is so profound that wise people will recognize it instinctively. Only evil people will doubt it. | |
[29:50] They said, "If only miracles could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "All miracles come only from God; I am no more than a manifest counselor." | [29:50] The wicked want convincing signs and wonders, but Mohammed does not have divine power to produce them. His function is merely to convey the truth. | |
[29:51] Is it not enough of a miracle that we sent down to you this book, being recited to them? This is indeed a mercy and a reminder for people who believe. | [29:51] The Koran itself, filled with profound truth, should be sufficient verification of its authenticity. Those who hear it should recognize what a manifest blessing it is to them. | |
[29:52] Say, "God suffices as a witness between me and you. He knows everything in the heavens and the earth. Surely, those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in God are the real losers." | [29:52] The Koran is in fact the revelation from God, regardless of whether anyone believes in it or not. Those who believe in it believe in truth, while those who do not believe in it believe in falsehood. | |
[29:53] They challenge you to bring the punishment! If it were not for a predetermined appointment, the vengeance would have come to them immediately. Certainly, it will come to them suddenly, when they least expect it. | [29:53] God's decision not to be provoked into calling down catastrophe at the present time to prove the authenticity of the Koran proves nothing. Had He willed, He could have imposed it at any time. When it comes, it will come suddenly and unexpectedly. | |
[29:54] They challenge you to bring vengeance! Hell already surrounds the disbelievers. | [29:54] The challenge of the disbelievers has already been answered. Hell already awaits them. | |
[29:55] The day will come when the punishment overwhelms them, from above them and from beneath their feet; He will say, "Taste the consequences of your works." | [29:55] The punishment of the unbelievers, when it comes, will suddenly and completely overwhelm them. They will be surrounded with the same evil they have been dispensing to the Muslims. | |
[29:56] O My servants who believed, My earth is spacious, so worship Me. | [29:56] The whole earth has been given to mankind for a home, Mecca is not the only place to live. | |
[29:57] Everyone will taste death, then to us you will be ultimately returned. | [29:57] Eventually, everyone will have to leave his home when he dies. | |
[29:58] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will surely settle them in Paradise, with mansions and flowing streams. They live there forever. What a beautiful reward for the workers. | [29:58] The steadfast and righteous believers will find a new home with the other saints in Paradise. It will be much better than where they are living now, no matter where that place is. | |
[29:59] They are the ones who steadfastly persevere, and trust in their Lord. | [29:59] The ones who will receive this reward are those who are steadfast in their faith. | |
[29:60] Many a creature that does not carry its provision, God provides for it, as well as for you. He is the One who hears and knows everything. | [29:60] Like He does for all other creatures that do not carry their shelters with them, God provides for mankind. He will do that for the Muslims as well. | |
[29:61] If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth, and put the sun and the moon in your service," they will say, "God." Why then did they deviate? | [29:61] Those who acknowledge the creative power of God must recognize that the entire universe exists as a home for mankind. They have no reason to waver in their faith because they are losing their homes. | |
[29:62] God is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses from among His creatures, and withholds it. God is fully aware of all things. | [29:62] God provides for all of His creatures, wherever they are. Believers therefore should not be concerned about living somewhere else. | |
[29:63] If you ask them, "Who sends rain down from the sky, to revive dead land," they will say, "God." Say, "Praise God." Most of them do not understand. | [29:63] The rain will still fall; the desert will still bloom; God will continue to care for His worshipers no matter where they are (praise God!). | |
[29:64] This worldly life is no more than vanity and play, while the abode of the Hereafter is the real life, if they only knew. | [29:64] Their homeland is temporary at best, while their real home is in Paradise, if only they had the faith to realize it. | |
[29:65] When they ride on a ship, they implore God, devoting their prayers to Him. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, they revert to idolatry. | [29:65] People probably prayed especially fervently on the rough voyage across the Red Sea to Ethiopia. Once ashore they may have reverted to old habits. | |
[29:66] Let them disbelieve in what we have given them, and let them enjoy temporarily; they will surely find out. | [29:66] They will be allowed for the time being to enjoy the temporary pleasures they have chosen instead of true devotion to God. | |
[29:67] Have they not seen that we have established a Sacred Sanctuary that we made secure, while all around them the people are in constant danger? Would they still believe in falsehood, and reject God's blessings? | [29:67] The (Christian) Kingdom of Ethiopia (Habash) is a sanctified place of safety that God has made available as a refuge for Muslims who have been dispossessed from their homeland. This should prove how much God cares for them. | |
[29:68] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies and attributes them to God, or rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is Hell not a just punishment for the disbelievers? | [29:68] The doubters are not really evil. The truly evil ones are those who deliberately concoct lies and reject God's truth when it is presented to them. They deserve the punishment of Hell. | |
[29:69] As for those who strive in our cause, we will surely guide them in our paths. God is certainly with the pious. | [29:69] The Muslims who remain devoted to the principles of Islam will continue to be guided by God, who never forsakes the faithful. |
SURA 30: Ar-Room - The Byzantines
At that time, the world surrounding Arabia was in political turmoil. A coup had left the Byzantine Empire unable to stop attacks by the Zoroastrian Persians who had already captured Damascus and Jerusalem. Heraclius had been Emperor for five years, but had been unable to stop the Persian onslaught. The surrounded and disunited Arab clans had little love for either side, and were vulnerable to conquest had either the Christians or the pagans found Arabia worth conquering. Muslim sympathy lay with the monotheists, but the Jews, along with the heretical Christian Nestorians and Jacobians, had joined forces with the pagans against the power of the Byzantine/Papal empire, so the nominal allies of the Muslims were themselves bitterly divided. For their part, the Muslims wanted no part of any quarrels that would jeopardize friendly relations with the Christian King Nagus of Ethiopia. These are the conditions under which this sura was revealed. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[30:1] A. L. M. [30:2] Certainly, the Byzantines will be defeated. [30:3] In the nearest land. After their defeat, they will rise again and win. | [30:1-3] The sura begins with mention of the chaos in Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Mesopotamia, the countries surrounding Arabia. It predicts that the Byzantines will be defeated "in the nearest land," and that they will rise again and "win within several years." Some commentators have suggested that this also refers to the Battle of Badr, but that conclusion, and the reason for the apparent division of sentences between these ayats, is not clear. | |
[30:4] Within several years. Such is God's decision, both in the first prophecy, and the second. On that day, the believers shall rejoice. | [30:4] Both prophecies (that they will lose and that they will win) is the decision of God. This should please the Believers, who are rooting for the Christians. | |
[30:5] In God's victory. He grants victory to whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, Most Merciful. | [30:5] The victory of the Byzantines, a benefit for the Muslims, actually belongs to God, because it is He who grants victory or defeat. | |
[30:6] Such is God's promise - and God never breaks His promise - but most people do not know. | [30:6] God has promised temporary defeat for the Christian Empire, followed by victory. | |
[30:7] They care only about things of this world that are visible to them, while being totally oblivious to the Hereafter. | [30:7] Most people see only the events which are transpiring, and do not recognize the underlying fact that everything is going according to God's plan. | |
[30:8] Why do they not reflect on themselves? God did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except for a specific purpose, and for a specific life span. However, most people, with regard to meeting their Lord, are disbelievers. | [30:8] A little reflection will show that this is the case. Everything that exists does so for a specific purpose, and then only for a specific time. It should therefore come as no surprise that world events also have specific purposes and durations, because they have been brought about the same Author. | |
[30:9] Have they not roamed the earth and noted the consequences for those who preceded them? They used to be more powerful, more prosperous, and more productive on earth. Their messengers went to them with clear signs. Consequently, God was not the one who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.
[30:10] The consequences for those who committed evil had to be evil. That is because they rejected God's revelations, and ridiculed them. | [30:9-10] The reversals of fortune for the Christians were largely due to the tumult that followed the overthrow and brutal murder of Emperor Maurice and his family (longtime patrons of Persian king Khusrau Parvez) by Phocus, who was himself deposed by Heraclius. These events gave Parvez a moral cause to avenge his friend Maurice as wall as an opportunity to take advantage of the political instability that resulted in the abrupt change of leadership within the Byzantine Empire. The whole affair violated every principle of Christian charity or justice. | |
[30:11] God is the One who initiates the creation and repeats it. Ultimately, you will be returned to Him.
[30:12] On the Day when the Hour comes to pass, the guilty will be shocked. [30:13] Their idols will have no power to intercede on their behalf; on the contrary, they will disown their idols. [30:14] On the day when the Hour comes to pass, they will part company. | [30:11-14] Later commentaries suggest that the Muslims saw the conflict as very much of a battle between heretical monotheists on the one hand, and the forces of paganism on the other. They felt that the very survival of the Byzantine Empire was in jeopardy. The one element of sanity in all of this was the fact that, however chaotic it might have appeared to external observers, the whole conflict was being orchestrated by God for His own purposes. The Persians had no prospect of success because of their worship of Zoroaster, a pagan idol. It was only a matter of time, therefore, until God prevailed over the idols. | |
[30:15] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they will be in Paradise, rejoicing.
[30:16] As for those who disbelieve, and reject our revelations and the meeting of the Hereafter, they will last in the punishment forever. [30:17] Therefore, you shall glorify God when you retire at night, and when you rise in the morning. | [30:15-17] The Muslims saw in the conflict between the Christians and the Zoroastrians a parallel with their own conflict with the Quraish. The eventual triumph of the worshipers of God over the pagans was a foregone conclusion, but the method and timing of the destruction of the Persians was an event eagerly anticipated. No doubt many of the prayers of petition offered by the Muslims during this time included a request for a speedy Byzantine victory. | |
[30:18] All praise is due to Him in the heavens and the earth, throughout the evening, as well as in the middle of your day. | [30:18] This begins a discourse on the excellence of God, possibly as a rebuttal of the belief that God should not have allowed the Persian successes. | |
[30:19] He produces the live from the dead, and produces the dead from the live, and He revives the land after it had died; you are similarly resurrected. | [30:19] Living things grow, reproduce and die. The desert blooms, scorches, dies and blooms again. The human is born, dies and is resurrected. | |
[30:20] Among His proofs is that He created you from dust, then you became reproducing humans. | [30:20] As an example the human being, created from dust, is capable of bringing forth new life. | |
[30:21] Among His proofs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquillity and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts love and care towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who think. | [30:21] The relationship between God and mankind is mirrored in the relationship between husband and wife. Spouses are a blessing to each other. They love each other, which is the vital activity of God. This image and likeness of mankind to God should be obvious for the perceptive. | |
[30:22] Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable. | [30:22] The limitless range of God's creative abilities is demonstrated to those with an open mind by the variety and diversity of his creatures, including the many activities of mankind. | |
[30:23] Among His proofs is your sleeping during the night or the day, and your working in pursuit of His provisions. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who can hear. | [30:23] The creative activity of God reflected in the cyclic nature of night and day is also a popular topic in the Koran. The manifestation of God in this phenomenon should be obvious for perceptive people. | |
[30:24] Among His proofs is that He shows you the lightning as a source of fear, as well as hope, then He sends rain down from the sky to revive a land that has been dead. In these, there are sufficient proofs for people who understand. | [30:24] Another demonstration of the nature of God is the intimate association of lighting, which inspires fear, and rain, which causes new life to rise from the dead land. The awesome yet beneficial aspect of God is therefore made manifest. | |
[30:25] Among His proofs is that the heaven and the earth are standing at His disposal. Finally, when He calls you out of the earth, one call, you will immediately come out. | [30:25] All creation is under the control of God, who commands it absolutely. In the same way, when he commands the dead to rise, they will do it, because everything obeys the will of God. | |
[30:26] To Him belongs everyone in the heavens and the earth; all are subservient to Him. | [30:26] All creatures in the entire universe belong to God, and all that they do serves His purposes. | |
[30:27] And He is the One who initiates the creation, then repeats it; this is even easier for Him. To Him belongs the most sublime similitude, in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, Most Wise. | [30:27] This appears to be the conclusion to this discourse, in preparation for another that beings in the following ayat. The spirit (but not the words) expressed here is known in Christianity as "the great doxology." | |
[30:28] He cites for you herein an example from among yourselves: Do you ever elevate your servants or subordinates to the level where they rival you, and to the point that you pay them as much allegiance as is being paid to you? We thus explain the revelations for people who understand. | [30:28] What follows is a discourse on the affirmation of monotheism, beginning with a comparison between man and God. No one elevates his servant to the same status that he himself enjoys. In the same manner, God does not elevate any other gods to the same status as Himself. Therefore, there is only One God. | |
[30:29] Indeed, the transgressors have followed their own opinions, without knowledge. Who then can guide those who have been sent astray by God? No one can ever help them. | [30:29] The nature of the universe and man himself testify to the existence of a single, unlimited, everlasting God. Those who dispute this have only their own misguided opinions as evidence. | |
[30:30] Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by God. Such creation of God will never change. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know. | [30:30] It is only good sense to follow the natural instinct of man and worship only the One God. This instinct, to worship an incomprehensible deity, is built into man as the means by which man comes to know the God he does not understand. | |
[30:31] You shall submit to Him, reverence Him, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and - whatever you do - do not ever fall into idol worship. | [30:31] A fundamental part of this worship (enjoined by God) is to observe the Salat prayers and avoid worshiping false gods. | |
[30:32] Like those who divide their religion into sects; each party rejoicing with what they have. | [30:32] Those who divide into sects (Christian heretics?) are like idolaters, each devoted to his own god. | |
[30:33] When adversity afflicts the people, they turn to their Lord, totally devoting themselves to Him. But then, as soon as He showers them with mercy, some of them revert to idol worship. | [30:33] They all pray to the same God when they want something from Him, but as soon as they get it, they divide again into factions, as if each of them had a different god to worship. | |
[30:34] Let them be ungrateful for what we have given them. Enjoy temporarily; you will surely find out. | [30:34] They don't really appreciate what God has given to them. If they did, they would all be united (with the Muslims) and worship only Him. | |
[30:35] Have we given them authorization that justifies their idolatry? | [30:35] Nothing that God has done to them is a justification for behaving in this way. | |
[30:36] When we bestow mercy upon the people, they rejoice in it. But when adversity befalls them, as a consequence of their own works, they become despondent. | [30:36] Some people are only pleased to praise God when He gives them what they want. When they do something wrong that causes them to suffer misfortune, they blame Him. | |
[30:37] Do they not realize that God increases the provision for whomever He wills, or reduces it? These should be lessons for people who believe. | [30:37] Everyone should know that God increases His bounty for some and decreases it for others. This should not be a problem for true believers. | |
[30:38] Therefore, you shall give the relatives their rightful share (of charity), as well as the poor, and the traveling alien. This is better for those who sincerely seek God's pleasure; they are the victors. | [30:38] Therefore, the devout should contribute to the welfare of those whom God has not blessed as much as they. This is a meritorious work for those who desire to find favor with God, and they will be triumphant. | |
[30:39] The usury that is practiced to increase some people's wealth, does not gain anything with God. But if you give to charity, seeking God's pleasure, these are the ones who receive their reward manifold.
[30:40] God is the One who created you. He is the One who provides for you. He is the One who puts you to death. He is the One who resurrects you. Can any of your idols do any of these things? Be He glorified. He is much too exalted to have any partners. |
[30:39] Therefore, those who profit excessively from lending money to others who need it achieve nothing in the sight of God. The ones with whom he is pleased and whom He will reward for good works are those who freely give to charity.
[30:40] God is responsible for man's creation, sustenance, death and resurrection. None of these activities require Him to have any assistants. None of the pagan idols can do any of these things. | |
[30:41] Disasters have spread throughout the land and sea, because of what the people have committed. He thus lets them taste the consequences of some of their works, that they may return. | [30:41] The works of mankind have wrought destruction on the land and on the sea (land battles? naval engagements?) God allows this evil so that they can see the error of their ways. | |
[30:42] Say, "Roam the earth and note the consequences for those before you." Most of them were idol worshipers. | [30:42] Everywhere one goes, he can see the same thing. The evil that men do lives after them, especially if they worship idols. | |
[30:43] Therefore, you shall devote yourself completely to this perfect religion, before a day comes which is made inevitable by God. On that day, they will be shocked. | [30:43] It is therefore incumbent on everyone to devote himself to the worship of the One God perfected in the religion of Islam, to avoid the calamity that will befall those who worship false gods. | |
[30:44] Whoever disbelieves, disbelieves to the detriment of his own soul, while those who lead a righteous life, do so to strengthen and develop their own souls. | [30:44] He who chooses not to believe in God jeopardizes the eternal life of his immortal soul. Those who believe in God and do good works in His service improve and strengthen theirs. | |
[30:45] For He will generously reward those who believe and lead a righteous life from His bounties. He does not love the disbelievers. | [30:45] God will provide great rewards for those who believe in Him and lead a life worthy of His blessing. He will not reward the ones who don't believe in Him. | |
[30:46] Among His proofs is that He sends the winds with good omen, to shower you with His mercy, and to allow the ships to run in the sea in accordance with His rules, and for you to seek His bounties, that you may be properly grateful. | [30:46] One such blessing is the wind. Those who believe in it and use it in accordance with its capabilities can employ it to move great ships across the ocean, to explore, find new markets, and conduct trade. The sailors thus appreciate God's blessings for them. | |
[30:47] We have sent messengers before you to their people, with profound signs. Subsequently, we punished those who transgressed. It is our duty that we grant victory to the believers. | [30:47] Those who did not listen to the Messengers that God sent were punished for their misdeeds. The victory granted to those who listened and acted appropriately is God's justice for them. | |
[30:48] God is the One who sends the winds, to stir up clouds, to be spread throughout the sky in accordance with His will. He then piles the clouds up, then you see the rain coming down from them. When it falls on whomever He chooses from among His servants, they rejoice. | [30:48] The winds and the gathering together of storm clouds is a manifestation of the unseen power of God. The water that falls from the clouds provides lifegiving rain that makes the desert bloom everywhere it falls. The people in need of it are happy to see it and thank God for the rain. | |
[30:49] Before it fell on them, they had resorted to despair. | [30:49] But before the storm, they worry that their land won't get enough rainfall. | |
[30:50] You shall appreciate God's continuous mercy, and how He revives the land that has been dead. He will just as certainly resurrect the dead. He is Omnipotent. | [30:50] The believers rely on God to continuously sustain life with the rain. If the land appears dead, they know He will revive it. In the same way, the dead will be revived in the hereafter. | |
[30:51] Had we sent upon them instead a yellow sandstorm, they would have continued to disbelieve. | [30:51] If God had sent a sandstorm, disbelievers would think that the land was permanently dead. | |
[30:52] You cannot make the dead, nor the deaf, hear the call, once they turn away. | [30:52] Once people decide not to believe in God and His blessings, they cannot be made to change. | |
[30:53] Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying. You can only be heard by those who believe in our revelations, and decide to become submitters. | [30:53] The only people who are going to be moved by God's Message are those who are willing to believe and decide to do what He has revealed for them to do. | |
[30:54] God is the One who created you weak, then granted you after the weakness strength, then substituted after the strength weakness and gray hair. He creates whatever He wills. He is the Omniscient, the Omnipotent. | [30:54] God creates everyone as a weak child who grows to the strength of adulthood. Then, in his old age, he becomes weak again. He can (and will!) just as easily restore the strength of life to those dead, because He can do anything. | |
[30:55] On the day when the Hour comes to pass, the guilty will swear that they lasted (in this world) only one hour. That is how wrong they were. | [30:55] Compared to eternity, man's mortal life is brief. Those who did not expect to experience eternity will recognize how short their mortal lives were. | |
[30:56] Those who are blessed with knowledge and faith will say, "You have lasted, according to God's decree, until the Day of Resurrection. Now, this is the Day of Resurrection, but you failed to recognize it." | [30:56] Those who understood the necessity to get ready for eternity will recognize that the disbelievers were allowed to do what they would until the Day of Resurrection, but there are now not prepared for it. | |
[30:57] Therefore, no apology, on that day, will benefit the transgressors, nor will they be excused. | [30:57] They had the same opportunity as the believers, so they will have no excuse for being unready. | |
[30:58] Thus, we have cited for the people in this Koran all kinds of examples. Yet, no matter what kind of proof you present to the disbelievers, they say, "You are falsifiers." | [30:58] The Koran provides various demonstrations for the necessity of believing in God and preparing for the Day of Resurrection, but no matter what is said to the disbelievers, they claim that it is all lies. | |
[30:59] God thus seals the hearts of those who do not know. | [30:59] In this way, God forces them to adhere to the decision they have freely chosen. | |
[30:60] Therefore, you shall steadfastly persevere - for God's promise is the truth - and do not be intimidated by those who have not attained certainty. | [30:60] The devout should therefore persevere in their faith, and not allow themselves to be intimidated by those who have not achieved the certainty of Islam. |
SURA 31: Luqman - Luqman (The Sage)He was later captured by slavers and sold to a kindly man who emancipated him in his will. Luqman subsequently journeyed to Palestine. He reportedly became a judge of Israel, but he does not seem to be mentioned in the Bible, even under another name. According to tradition, he was once asked how he attained such a high rank. His reply was, "Telling the truth, being trustworthy, and leaving alone what does not concern me!"
The sura contains some more sound advice from Luqman to his son. It appears to have been revealed during the early stages of opposition to Mohammed's teaching, when pagan parents were urging their children not to embrace Islam. It deals with the absurdity of polytheism and the reasonableness of monotheism, and suggests that the nature of God is obvious from the nature of His creation. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[31:1] A. L. M. [31:2] These constitute proofs of this book of wisdom. [31:3] A beacon and a mercy for the righteous. [31:4] Who observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and as regards the Hereafter, they are absolutely certain. [31:5] They are following the guidance from their Lord, and they are the victorious. [31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless beliefs, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful punishment. [31:7] And when our revelations are recited to the one of them, he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them, as if his ears are deaf. Promise him a severe punishment. [31:8] Surely, those who believe and lead a righteous life have deserved the gardens of bliss. [31:9] They live there forever. This is the truthful promise of God. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. |
[31:1-5] The introduction to the sura calls the Koran a "book of wisdom," for the righteous (Muslims) who observe the Necessary Salat prayers, contribute the zakat charity, and believe firmly in the eschatology of Islam. At this early stage of revelation, without that which came later on, it may have been necessary to incorporate this sura as part of Mohammed's "official" revelations for his followers, to tell them how they should behave as Muslims in a pagan world. This introduction also provides an inspirational message to those converts who were beginning to experience rejection from their families and friends.
[31:6] The certainty of the Koran is contrasted with the pagan traditions and practices of the time that were based on nothing more than tradition. Some of the converts were confused about the differences. [31:7] Although Mohammed was eager to explain his revelation to anyone who would listen, the pagans considered it all foolishness and refused to take him seriously. Here they are warned of the consequences. [31:8] The blessings of Paradise were the main attraction of the righteous life that Mohammed promoted. [31:9] It was important to emphasize the absolute certainty of the rewards of the faithful, in view of the pagans' opposition. | |
[31:10] He created the heavens without pillars that you can see. He established on earth stabilizers lest it tumbles with you, and He spread on it all kinds of creatures. We send rain down from the sky to grow all kinds of beautiful plants. | [31:10] Mohammed has as much trouble explaining the nature of "God" in a polytheistic culture as Moses did to people who clung to the idea of something they could see {Exodus 32:1}. Here God is described as the unseen source of all creation and blessings. | |
[31:11] Such is the creation of God; show me what the idols you set up beside Him have created. Indeed, the transgressors are far astray. | [31:11] The idea that God was not something that could be seen and touched was difficult for the people to comprehend, let alone accept. | |
[31:12] We have endowed Luqman with wisdom: "You shall be grateful to God." Whoever is grateful is thankful for his own good. As for those who turn ungrateful, God is in no need, Praiseworthy.
[31:13] Recall that Luqman said to his son, as he enlightened him, "O my son, do not set up any idols beside God; idolatry is a gross injustice." [31:14] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bears him, and the load gets heavier and heavier. It takes two years until weaning. You shall be grateful to Me, and of your parents. To Me is the ultimate destiny. [31:15] If they try to force you to set up any idols beside Me, do not obey them. But continue to treat them amicably in this world. You shall follow only the path of those who have submitted to Me. Ultimately, you all return to Me, then I will inform you of everything you have done. |
[31:12] As a person "endowed with wisdom" and superhuman perception, Luqman was uniquely capable of appreciating that God was beyond even his understanding. The point is made here that God does not need to be understood by man.
[31:13] Luqman's advice to his son is first and foremost to avoid the mistake of worshiping idols, a gross injustice to the dignity of God. [31:14] Respect for one's parents is commanded by God as a just compensation for the intense care a child receives in the first part of his life. This was one of the few doctrines on which both the Muslims and the pagans could agree. [31:15] This is a distinction between honoring one's parents {Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16} and obeying them. The duty to honor is absolute, while one is not permitted to obey them if doing so would violate a specific commandment of God. | |
[31:16] "O my son, know that even something as tiny as a mustard seed, deep inside a rock, be it in the heavens or the earth, God will bring it. God is Sublime, Cognizant.
[31:17] "O my son, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat). You shall advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and remain steadfast in the face of adversity. These are the most honorable traits. [31:18] "You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth proudly. God does not like the arrogant showoffs. [31:19] "Walk humbly and lower your voice; surely, the ugliest voice is the donkey's voice." |
[31:16] The mustard seed seems to be a good example of something great emerging from something small in the Bible {Matthew 13:31-32; 17:20, Mark 4:31-32, Luke 13:19; and 17:6} as well.
[31:17] This is a summation of Muslim religious observance, probably intended for the new Muslim converts. It consists of prayer, doing good, avoiding evil, and remaining steadfast in the face of adversity. [31:18] Muslims are enjoined to be considerate of others, and to respectfully tolerate different beliefs and social customs. [31:19] In other words, don't act like a jackass! | |
[31:20] Do you not see that God has committed in your service everything in the heavens and the earth, and has showered you with His blessings - obvious and hidden? Yet, some people argue about God without knowledge, without guidance, and without the enlightening scripture. | [31:20] One argument for monotheism is the balance of nature. Everything on earth and heaven is in the service of mankind. A more scientific explanation is that man's environment has shaped his evolutionary development. Either way, the author of all this is God. | |
[31:21] When they are told, "Follow these revelations of God," they say, "No, we follow only what we found our parents doing." What if the devil is leading them to the agony of Hell? | [31:21] The chief argument in favor of polytheism is tradition; it is the religion of the ancestors. This is no reason to continue it, for the ancestors may have been (and were!) wrong. | |
[31:22] Those who submit completely to God, while leading a righteous life, have gotten hold of the strongest bond. For God is in full control of all things. | [31:22] God is in control of each person's destiny, so the spiritual and physical well being of man is guaranteed by submission to God and living a righteous life. | |
[31:23] As for those who disbelieve, do not be saddened by their disbelief. To us is their ultimate return, then we will inform them of everything they had done. God is fully aware of the innermost thoughts. | [31:23] At this point in the development of Islam, conversion of a family member was a severe trial for both the convert and his pagan family. They should rely on God to resolve this problem. | |
[31:24] We let them enjoy temporarily, then commit them to severe punishment. | [31:24] The pagans are seen as enjoying only their mortal life, as a prelude to everlasting sorrow. | |
[31:25] If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth," they will say, "God." Say, "Praise be to God." Yet, most of them do not know. | [31:25] If the pagans gave matter enough thought, they would have to admit that God is the creator of all things. Unfortunately, most of them don't do that. | |
[31:26] To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is the Most Rich, Most Praiseworthy. | [31:26] But the fact is that God is the creator of all things, which therefore belong exclusively to Him. | |
[31:27] If all the trees on earth were made into pens, and the ocean supplied the ink, augmented by seven more oceans, the words of God would not run out. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [31:27] The "words of God" probably refer to the rule of His creation, which will go on forever. The Gospels record a similar sentiment {Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33}. | |
[31:28] The creation and resurrection of each of you is the same as that of one person. God is Hearer, Seer. | [31:28] The being that is raised from the dead will be the same one that died. | |
[31:29] Do you not realize that God merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night, and that He has committed the sun and the moon in your service, each running in its orbit for a specific life span, and that God is fully Cognizant of everything you do? | [31:29] The cyclic nature of creation is one of the many indications of the continuous creative power of God. Even if something is reputed to have been created by an idol, none of them has ever demonstrated the ability to keep things running. | |
[31:30] This proves that God is the truth, while any idol they set up beside Him is falsehood, and that God is the Most High, Most Great. | [31:30] This is considered proof of the unlimited creative power of God and a refutation of idolatry which is the main theme of the Koran. | |
[31:31] Do you not see that the ships roam the sea, carrying God's provisions, to show you some of His proofs? Indeed, these should be sufficient proofs for everyone who is steadfast, grateful. | [31:31] God is the invisible force behind the power of the wind. He has provided it as a blessing for mankind, to allow trade across the sea. This was a major source of income for soil poor Arabia. | |
[31:32] When violent waves surround them, they implore God, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, some of them revert. None discards our revelations except those who are betrayers, ungrateful. | [31:32] Seafarers don't hesitate to pray to God when a storm threatens to overwhelm them. Yet many of them cling to their belief in false gods. Those who do so do not fully appreciate the manner in which God has revealed Himself. | |
[31:33] O people, you shall reverence your Lord, and fear a day when a father cannot help his own child, nor can a child help his father. Certainly, God's promise is truth. Therefore, do not be distracted by this life; do not be distracted from God by mere illusions. | [31:33] The family division from conversion of some of the members to Islam will become permanent on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, all members of a family should convert, and not be dissuaded by worldly concerns that might suggest otherwise. | |
[31:34] With God is the knowledge regarding the Hour. He is the One who sends down the rain, and He knows the contents of the womb. No soul knows what will happen to it tomorrow, and no one knows in which land he or she will die. God is Omniscient, Cognizant. | [31:34] Unlike man, who is totally ignorant of the future, including the time, place and circumstances of his death, God is in complete control of the future, the forces of nature, and the development of each individual human being. |
SURA 32: Al-Sajdah - Prostration | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[32:1] A. L. M. [32:2] The book is, without a doubt, a revelation from the Lord of the universe. | [32:1-2] When Mohammed began teaching ideas and doctrines that were such a radical departure from the traditional pagan beliefs of Mecca, the Meccans' natural reaction was doubt and skepticism. Mohammed felt that the divine authorship of the Koran was self evident. Here he asserts that this sura (along with the others) is God's revelation. | |
[32:3] They said, "He fabricated it." Indeed, this is the truth from your Lord, to warn people who never received a counselor before you, that they may be guided. | [32:3] Although many of the Arabs believed that his Message was essentially a fabrication, Mohammed pointed out that it was from God of the same type as previous prophecies. | |
[32:4] God is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and everything between them in six days, then assumed all authority. You have none beside Him as Lord, nor do you have an intercessor. Would you not take heed? | [32:4] The Arabs were familiar with the Semitic view of creation. They are here reminded of the fact that God created the entire universe and assumed authority over it. None of the pagan idols was believed to have done anything like that. | |
[32:5] All matters are controlled by Him from the heaven to the earth. To Him, the day is equivalent to one thousand of your years. | [32:5] The Arabs had to radically alter their view of "God," totally different from their artifacts of wood and stone. | |
[32:6] Knower of all secrets and declarations; the Almighty, Most Merciful. | [32:6] They also had to undergo a radical transformation in their understanding of the abilities of God. | |
[32:7] He is the One who perfected everything He created, and started the creation of the human from clay. | [32:7] God created mankind in harmony with His other creation, not the other way around as the pagans thought. | |
[32:8] Then He continued his reproduction through a certain lowly liquid. | [32:8] This creation continues even to the present, as each human being arises from human sexual activity. | |
[32:9] He shaped him and blew into him from His spirit. And He gave you hearing, and eyesight, and brains; rarely are you thankful. | [32:9] The result of this creative activity is the infusion of breath into the (living) human being, endowed with wonderful powers, yet rarely grateful. | |
[32:10] They wonder, "After we vanish into the earth, do we get created anew?" Thus, as regards meeting their Lord, they are disbelievers. | [32:10] The concept of Resurrection was especially difficult for the pragmatic Arabs to comprehend. They recognized that dead bodies decay away, eventually to turn into dust. | |
[32:11] Say, "You will be put to death by the angel in whose charge you are placed, then to your Lord you will be returned." | [32:11] In response, Mohammed is to explain that the person remains in the care of his angel until he is ultimately returned to God. | |
[32:12] If only you could see the guilty when they bow down their heads before their Lord: "Our Lord, now we have seen and we have heard. Send us back and we will be righteous. Now we have attained certainty." | [32:12] Those who have experienced this know well how it happens. They wish that they could go back to life with what they have learned and live their lives over again in a different manner, now that they know the facts. | |
[32:13] Had we willed, we could have given every soul its guidance, but it is already predetermined that I will fill Hell with djinns and humans, all together.
[32:14] Taste the consequences of your forgetting this day; now we forget you. You have incurred eternal punishment in return for your own works. [32:15] The only people who truly believe in our revelations are those who fall prostrate upon hearing them. They glorify and praise their Lord, without any arrogance. |
[32:13] If God had wanted, He could have provided this experience for all mankind before they die, but He knows that there are people who will still do wicked things, for which they will be punished.
[32:14] The consequence of failure to recognize the divine guidance contained in the Koran is to be disowned by God and to be truly lost for all eternity. [32:15] The revelation of God is so profound that anyone who realized its import would immediately fall down in humble adoration. | |
[32:16] Their sides readily forsake their beds, in order to worship their Lord, out of reverence and hope, and from our provisions to them, they give. | [32:16] True believers will be so profoundly affected by their knowledge of God that they will gladly forego sleep to praise and honor Him. | |
[32:17] You have no idea how much joy and happiness are waiting for you as a reward for your works.
[32:18] Is one who is a believer the same as one who is wicked? They are not equal. |
[32:17] The rewards that God has prepared for those who faithfully serve Him are truly incomprehensible.
[32:18] Certainly there is a difference between the faithful and the wicked. God will eventually demonstrate this. | |
[32:19] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they have deserved the eternal Paradise. Such is their abode, in return for their works. | [32:19] The reward of the believers who put their belief into practice by living righteously is eternal life in a Paradise of happiness. | |
[32:20] As for the wicked, their destiny is Hell. Every time they try to leave it, they will be forced back. They will be told, "Taste the agony of Hell which you used to disbelieve in." | [32:20] The existence of Hell as a punishment for the wicked is a fact, whether they choose to believe it or not. If they have the misfortune to place themselves there, they will never be able to escape it. | |
[32:21] We let them taste the smaller punishment, before they incur the greater penalty, that they may reform. | [32:21] The trials of this world are samples of eternal punishment. The wicked should recognize this and reform their lives accordingly. | |
[32:22] Who is more evil than one who is reminded of these revelations of his Lord, then insists upon disregarding them? We will certainly punish the guilty.
[32:23] We have given Moses the scripture; do not harbor any doubt about meeting Him - and we made it a guide for the Children of Israel. [32:24] We appointed from among them leaders who guided in accordance with our commandments, because they steadfastly persevered and attained certainty about our revelations. |
[32:22] They are truly evil who have been given these reminders of the punishment of the wicked and then choose to disregard them. God will surely punish them.
[32:23] This is not the first time that God has sent down His revelation as a warning to mankind. The first revelation was given to the Hebrews. [32:24] God gave the Children of Israel leaders who were steadfast in their faith and learned all there was to know about the Scripture. They guided their followers according to the commandments that God had established. | |
[32:25] Your Lord is the One who will judge them on the Day of Resurrection, regarding everything they disputed. | [32:25] All of the debate about scriptures will be resolved when they are explained on the Day of Resurrection. | |
[32:26] Does it ever occur to them how many generations we have annihilated before them? They now live and walk in their ancestors' homes. This should provide sufficient proofs. Do they not hear? | [32:26] The reference here appears to be some ruins near Mecca that the caravans passed along the trading routes. The suggestion is that these ruins were once the homes of people whom God destroyed for their wickedness. | |
[32:27] Do they not realize that we drive the water to barren lands, and produce with it crops to feed their livestock, as well as themselves? Do they not see? | [32:27] Raising life out of the dust is no problem for God. He does this after every rain, producing fruits and vegetables in profusion out of "dead" land. | |
[32:28] They challenge: "Where is that victory, if you are telling the truth?" | [32:28] The source of God's miracles is therefore sometimes not at all obvious. | |
[32:29] Say, "The day such a victory comes, believing will not benefit those who did not believe before that, nor will they be given another chance." | [32:29] The fact that the disbelievers now don't understand how the Resurrection could happen is therefore not relevant. When they do understand, it will be too late. | |
[32:30] Therefore, disregard them and wait, they too are waiting. | [32:30] Mohammed can wait with the disbelievers, for their punishment will surely come. |
SURA 33: Al-Ahzab - The ConfederatesAfter the Hijrah, the Muslims won military engagements against the Meccans in the Battle of Badr in CE 625 and lost to them at the Battle of Uhud in CE 626. The maneuvering of Muslim forces impressed the local Arab tribes and increased Muslim political influence at the expense of both the Jews and pagans of Mecca. The Meccans found the situation intolerable. The Banu Nadir were a clan of Arabian Jews who had been driven out of Medina by the Muslims as noted in Al-Hashr. They settled at the oasis of Khaybar, about 95 miles north of Medina, and made their living by agriculture and trade. They were thus friendly with the Quraish, who had been the Muslims' nemesis in Mecca. In early CE 627, their leader, Huyayy ibn Akhtab, began plotting with the leader of the Quraish, Abu Sufyan, to form a Confederacy to conquer the Muslims of Medina. The Banu Ghatafan were a large Arab tribe living north of Medina, friendly with the Banu Nadir, and with the nomadic Arabs of the geographic central interior of the Arabian peninsula, known as the Najd. One of these tribes was the Banu Sulaym. Others included the Banu Murra and the Banu Shuja. None of them were particularly fond of the Muslims in Medina. The Banu Qurayza were a Jewish tribe that lived in the Oasis of Medina east of the city in a wooded area. They were forced to deal with the Muslims of Medina out of necessity, but had no loyalty to them. They were a party to the Constitution of Medina, which granted them essentially the same rights and duties as those who lived in the city itself. The Banu Khuza'a were an Arab tribe that had been driven out of Mecca by the Quraish, and were therefore sympathetic to the Muslims who had suffered a similar fate. Late in March of CE 627, the pagan Quraish, let by Abu Sufyan, set out toward Medina with 4000 infantry and a cavalry of 300 horsemen and 1000-1500 camels. To this force was added the forces of Banu Ghatafan, with 2000 infantry and 300 horse cavalry. Minor additions from other tribes brought the strength of the invading army to about 10,000 men, about the size and relative strength of a modern armored division. The assembly of such a large force was impossible to keep secret, and as soon as they learned of it, the Banu Khuza'a sent a warning to Medina. Riding almost 60 miles per day in the desert, the messengers reached Medina in four days to announce the impending invasion. The people of Medina, under the command of Mohammed, immediately began harvesting their crops to deny the invaders the ability to forage and to alleviate a famine. The inhabitants of Medina knew that it was relatively impregnable from the east, south and west because of impassable lava flows and trees, an effective barrier to a large army, especially the horses and camels. Accordingly, they put every able-bodied person to work building a massive trench in the north, to connect the east and west lava ramparts. Behind the trench was Sala, a small hill, where Mohammed established his headquarters and observation post, and arrayed his army of about 3000 men. The Banu Qurayza provided tools for the digging of the trench, but were otherwise uninvolved. When the invaders arrived, they were surprised and confused to find the corridor to Medina blocked by the trench, which was a virtually unknown fortification in sandy and rocky Arabia. Unable to break through the Muslim defense, a group of militants challenged the defenders to a duel, which promptly resulted in the death of their champion. With their greater numbers, the invaders could have overcome the defenders in a battle of attrition, but none of them wanted to repeat their humiliating and costly massacre at Badr. Unable to win on the battlefield, Huyayy ibn Akhtab approached the Banu Qurayza. Suspicious of the Arabs and fearful of the Muslims, they initially refused to talk to him. Eventually, however, he managed to convince them that breach of the Muslim fortification was only a matter of time, and the Banu Qurayza would then be at the mercy of the invaders, the impressive size of whose army was a convincing argument. The Banu Qurayza therefore secretly renounced the Constitution of Medina and cast their lot with the Confederacy. When he learned of it, this situation caused Mohammed grave concern. Relying on the Constitution of Medina, he had not planned a defense against a Banu Qurayza revolt. He sent three leading Muslims to spy out the situation and report back to him, openly declaring the news if the Banu Qurayza remained neutral, but keeping it secret otherwise to protect Muslim morale. Unfortunately, rumors began to spread of a massive attack from the east aimed at the Muslim women and children, who were hiding in the center of the city. To allay their fears, Mohammed sent 100 armed men and 300 horsemen into the city to protect against saboteurs. In addition to the concern about a second front, food was running short, the defenders were demoralized and exhausted from digging and fighting, and everyone was reaching the limit of endurance. The situation is recorded in [33:9-27], and was so desperate that the Muslims were allowed to abandon their afternoon prayers for much needed naps. Unexpectedly, Mohammed received a visit from Nuaym ibn Masud, an Arab well respected by the Confederates who was secretly a Muslim. He volunteered to use his contacts however he could, and together, they formulated a plan of misdirection, intrigue and psychological warfare to disrupt the Confederacy. Masud first approached the Banu Qurayza and, exploiting their suspicions, convinced them that the Confederacy planned to abandon them if the siege, the failure of which had prompted overtures to the Banu Qurayza in the first place, ultimately collapsed. This would have left them to face the wrath of the Muslims whose trust they had already betrayed. He convinced them that they should ask for Confederate hostages to guarantee that they would not be abandoned by their new allies. He next approached Abu Sufyan, the Banu Nadir leader, with the fiction that the Banu Qurayza were planning to ask for hostages to turn over to Mohammed to restore his faith in their neutrality. As a result of the distrust created, the Banu Qurayza refused to participate in a coordinated attack until they received the hostages. Abu Sufyan angrily summoned Huyayy ibn Akhtab, the leader of the Quraish who had brokered the deal with the Banu Qurayza. He now appeared to have betrayed Abu Sufyan and the entire Confederacy to the Banu Qurayza, the Muslims, and perhaps even to Mohammed himself. Huyayy fled for his life, and eventually found refuge, for what it was worth, with the Banu Qurayza, whom he had convinced to betray their trust with Medina. After this, the tide of battle turned rapidly in the Muslims' favor. The Banu Ghatafan and other Arab tribes had joined the Confederacy in the expectation of the plunder of Medina, and quickly lost interest when the siege appeared to be faltering. In addition, their food and fodder were running low, their horses and camels were starving, cold winter winds blew out the campfires, and none of the Confederates trusted anyone else. Finally, the Confederates broke and withdrew during the night, leaving an empty battlefield and a paltry six Muslim and from three to ten Confederacy casualties. The only remaining matter was to deal with the duplicitous Banu Qurayza. After twenty five days of fighting, they finally surrendered unconditionally to the Muslims. Mohammed allowed them to choose a judge from a friendly tribe, the Banu Aus, to decide their fate. The judge, Sa'ad ibn Mua'dh, was a Jewish Muslim convert who had been severely wounded in the fighting and thus had personal reasons for dealing harshly with the Banu Qurayza. Before dying of his wounds, he ruled that all the Banu Qurayza men should be killed and the women and children enslaved in accordance with Jewish law {Deuteronomy 20:10-14}. The sentence was carried out the next day. When the Muslims entered the Banu Qurayza stronghold to divide the spoils, they found 1,500 swords, 300 coats of mail, 2,000 spears and 1,500 shields. These, of course, could have contributed greatly to the military stockpile of the defenders, had the Banu Qurayza made them available. The destruction of the Banu Qurayza effectively brought to an end the intertribal squabbles that Mohammed had been invited to Medina to mediate. It also marked the coming of age of the Muslim community in Medina, which had been developing over the past five years from a destitute band of outcasts to the strongest political force in Arabia. Part of this development had been the establishment of progressive and enlightened social reforms based on the requirement for "righteous living" of all Muslims. One of these reforms involved adoption of orphans, which basically consisted of inviting them into one's home and allowing them to stay. Traditionally, there was no way to differentiate between what today would be called adoption and foster care of orphans. Men socially and physically able to support a family could simply marry a biologically unrelated girl if both were eligible (Mohammed's wife Ayesha was six or seven years old), but the same option was not available for foster mothers whose orphan "husband" would then be expected to have authority over her and support her, instead of the other way around. Adopted sons presented a problem! The Jewish prohibitions against tempting family members to incest {Leviticus18:6-19} were almost the opposite of the restrictions for Muslims imposed by [24:31]. Muslim men were expected to know better and behave themselves in the presence of female relatives. The Jewish rules for sexual decorum within the household, on the other hand, protected the morality of the adopted children as well as the biological ones. Some of the considerations involved in raising orphans are noted in [2:220], [4:2-3], [4:5-6], [4:10], [4:127], [6:152], and [17:34], but there was no custom for preventing a male teenaged adoptee, boiling with hormones and sexually frustrated, from being exposed, in all senses of the word, to his otherwise unrelated "sister" essentially running around the house unclothed. The frustration was exacerbated by the fact that he couldn't even hope ever to consummate his natural passion for someone who might otherwise be a perfectly lawful wife because circumstances beyond his control made him her "brother" Something had to give! Zainab bint Jahsh was a Quraishi woman, and Mohammed's first cousin. They had been raised together in Meccan high society as children, and could have been married as soon as they had reached maturity. Marriage to first cousins was permitted traditionally for Arabs and specifically for Muslims in [4:23]. Instead, Mohammed persuaded her to marry his "adopted son," Zaid ibn Harithah, a former slave. The marriage was politically attractive, because it raised Zaid to the status of a member of Zainab's rich and powerful Quraishi family. It thus erased what dishonor he (and other Muslims) might have felt for his having been a slave, and established a precedent that slaves were equal in Islam to free persons. At this time, Mohammed was also trying to mollify the Quraish, who were rapidly becoming his most fierce political enemies. For many reasons, only a few of them obvious, the marriage failed, and they formally divorced about three months before The Battle of the Trench. Seeing an opportunity to demonstrate the essential difference between an adopted "son" and a real one (whose former wife would have been mahram under the restrictions of [4:23]) Mohammed took time off from the siege of the Banu Qurayza to marry his former daughter in law, a fifth wife! (See [4:3].) After the humiliation of their military defeat, all of Mohammed's enemies filled their waking hours fabricating, circulating, amplifying and (in some cases) believing that Mohammed had stolen his "son's" wife. Even some of the Muslims began to think that perhaps all was not right in the Prophet's domestic life, and some gossip mongers wondered silently (or, in some cases, not so silently) if he was fit to be a moral leader. The dying scandal would be revived some months later by an incident involving his young wife Ayesha. Mohammed's financial affairs were not going well, either. Originally a successful businessman, he gave up a life of ease when he became a Prophet. The pay of prophets had never been great, and his was no exception. Some of the lands vacated by the Banu Nadir were reserved for his use, but he obviously did not have time for farming. Having five wives, all of whom had anticipated a married life of something other than virtuous poverty, didn't help matters at all!
Such is the background of this sura. It appears to be at least three separate discourses regarding these considerations. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[33:1] O you prophet, you shall reverence God and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [33:1] The first eight verses appear to have been revealed before the Battle of the Trench, shortly after Zaid ibn Harithah and Zainab bint Jahsh had been divorced. Here, God instructs Mohammed not be concerned about public controversy surrounding this matter, because God knows exactly what He is doing. | |
[33:2] Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. God is fully Cognizant of everything you all do. | [33:2] God will has taken the matter in hand and is about to reveal some new regulations that will resolve it. | |
[33:3] And put your trust in God. God suffices as an advocate. | [33:3] Mohammed is urged to continue to put his trust where it belongs, in the wisdom of God. | |
[33:4] God did not give any man two hearts in his chest. Nor did He turn your wives whom you estrange into your mothers.* Nor did He turn your adopted children into genetic offspring. All these are mere utterances that you have invented. God speaks the truth, and He guides in the (right) path. | [33:4] God does not give a man two kinds of romantic love, and He doesn't turn ex-wives into mothers* (i.e. Zaid's ex-wife/stepmother Zainab) any more than He turns former strangers into biological sons. The conventions that support these fictions are human inventions, but God's laws take precedence. | |
*Arabian custom allowed a man to deny his wife sex, and even divorce her, by claiming that she reminded him of his mother, a practice known as zihar. If a man had more than one wife, this was an effective and unjust method of discipline. Here this practice is discouraged. It also violates the admonition of [4:129]. It is forbidden in [58:1-6]. | ||
[33:5] You shall give your adopted children names that preserve their relationship to their genetic parents. This is more equitable in the sight of God. If you do not know their parents, then, as your brethren in religion, you shall treat them as members of your family. You do not commit a sin if you make a mistake in this respect; you are responsible for your purposeful intentions. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [33:5] Arab names of the time identified the father ("bin" or "ibn" for boys, "bint" for girls). To avoid confusing rights for which this convention was established, the child's identification with his or her biological parents was to be preserved if possible. If it was not possible, the Muslims were to use common sense and charity, and not worry about it. (Mohammed's adopted son's name was "bin Harithah," not "bin Mohammed.") | |
[33:6] The prophet is closer to the believers than they are to each other, and his wives are like mothers to them. The relatives ought to take care of one another in accordance with God's scripture. Thus, the believers shall take care of their relatives who immigrate to them, provided they have taken care of their own families first. These are commandments of this Scripture. | [33:6] As Mohammed is like a father to all the Muslims, so his wives are to be treated as mothers. This includes showing proper respect for them (!) and their reputations (!), taking care of them when the "father" is away on business (!) and taking care of their material needs, as long as one does not jeopardize the welfare of his own family. These requirements are from God, and make them ineligible to marry any other Muslim. | |
[33:7] Recall that we took from the prophets their covenant, including you, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary. We made a solemn covenant with them. | [33:7] Like the other prophets listed, God has established a covenant with Mohammed that can never be broken. He has no choice but to carry out the responsibility that this covenant entails. | |
[33:8] Subsequently, He will surely question the truthful about their truthfulness, and has prepared for the disbelievers a severe punishment. | [33:8] If those practices result in gossip and scandal, so be it. The gossippers and scandalmongers will be convicted of their slander, and dealt with accordingly. | |
[33:9] O you who believe, remember God's blessing upon you; when soldiers attacked you, we sent upon them violent wind and invisible soldiers. God is Seer of everything you do. | [33:9] This appears to refer to the Battle of the Trench, the result of which was certainly a blessing for the Muslims. The "violent wind" blew out their campfires, and the "invisible soldiers" (rumors) spread discord. | |
[33:10] When they came from above you, and from beneath you, your eyes were terrified, your hearts ran out of patience, and you harbored unbefitting thoughts about God. | [33:10] Seeing an attacking army that outnumbered them by over three to one must certainly have been terrifying to the Muslim defenders. No doubt some of them thought that God had abandoned them. | |
[33:11] That is when the believers were truly tested; they were severely shaken up. | [33:11] The faith of the Muslims was sorely tested, as was their physical strength, courage and endurance. | |
[33:12] The hypocrites and those with doubts in their hearts said, "What God and His Messenger promised us was no more than an illusion!" | [33:12] Medina was never free of the doubters who secretly doubted the Muslims' eventual victory, and disregarded Mohammed's leadership. | |
[33:13] A group of them said, "O people of Medina, you cannot attain victory; go back." Others made up excuses to the prophet: "Our homes are vulnerable," when they were not vulnerable. They just wanted to flee. | [33:13] The Trench was an unconventional obstacle to the attacking forces. Many of the defenders may have harbored doubts about its effectiveness beforehand. Others were concerned about the safety of their families hidden in the inner city. | |
[33:14] Had the enemy invaded and asked them to join, they would have joined the enemy without hesitation. | [33:14] Some of the defenders were ready to change sides. Fortunately, the tactical situation made this difficult. | |
[33:15] They had pledged to God in the past that they would not turn around and flee; making a pledge with God involves a great responsibility. | [33:15] All of the Muslims had formally sworn to protect Medina from invading forces. The moral responsibility for such a solemn oath is grievous. | |
[33:16] Say, "If you flee, you can never flee from death or from being killed. No matter what happens, you only live a short while longer." | [33:16] A coward can run but he can't hide. Those who run away to live to fight another day will eventually die anyway, and will be held accountable for their actions. | |
[33:17] Say, "Who would protect you from God if He willed any adversity, or willed any blessing for you?" They can never find, beside God, any other Lord and Master. | [33:17] God is in charge of everyone's destiny. He can overcome any defense if He chooses, or repel any attack He wants. Everyone must recognize that God is ultimately the decider of the battle. | |
[33:18] God is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." Rarely do they mobilize for defense. | [33:18] God knows who the cowards are, and who the ones are who try to avoid military service, even when the defense of their own homes is involved. | |
[33:19] Also, they are too stingy when dealing with you. If anything threatens the community, you see their eyes rolling with fear, as if death had already come to them. Once the crisis is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. They are too stingy with their wealth. These are not believers, and, consequently, God has nullified their works. This is easy for God. | [33:19] Those who do not have the moral courage to defend their homes lack other virtues, including charity, as well. The ones who were miserly in their support of the expense of digging the trench or hastily harvesting the crops were the very ones who cowered in the face of the enemy and spread rumors about Mohammed's personal life. God will deal with them accordingly. | |
[33:20] They thought that their Confederates might come back. In that case, they would wish that they were lost in the desert, asking about your news from afar. Had the parties attacked you while they were with you, they would rarely support you. | [33:20] These people are so faint-hearted that they are afraid even when the enemy is gone. If he should come back, instead of hastening to mobilize for defense again, the would prefer to be out in the desert, observing from a safe distance. These people are not to be trusted. | |
[33:21] The Messenger of God has set up a good example for those among you who seek God and the Last Day, and constantly think about God. | [33:21] Mohammed's example is an inspiration for all Muslims. (This is the basis for the Sunnah, the deeds of Mohammed, and the Hadith, their written records.) | |
[33:22] When the true believers saw the Confederates, they said, "This is what God and His Messenger have promised us, and God and His Messenger are telling the truth." This only strengthened their faith and augmented their submission. | [33:22] The devout Muslims were not afraid during the attack, because they knew that God was on their side and that, under the leadership of Mohammed, they would eventually be victorious. Even before the outcome, the battle strengthened their faith. | |
[33:23] Among the believers there are people who fulfill their pledges with God. Some of them died, while others stand ready, never wavering. | [33:23] Very few (3) of the devout Muslims had the opportunity to demonstrate their faith by the sacrifice of their lives, but all of them were ready to do so. | |
[33:24] God will surely reward the truthful for their truthfulness, and will punish the hypocrites, if He so wills, or redeem them. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [33:24] God will surely reward those who told the truth (about the tactical situation). Those who spread rumors still have a chance for redemption, because God is willing to forgive them. | |
[33:25] God repulsed those who disbelieved with their rage, and they left empty handed. God thus spared the believers any fighting. God is Powerful, Almighty. | [33:25] The pagans (Banu Ghatafan) who had planned to plunder Medina retired without even fighting. Thus, God spared the Muslims from the casualties of a pitched battle. | |
[33:26] He also brought down their allies among the people of the Scripture from their secure positions, and threw terror into their hearts. Some of them you killed, and some you took captive. | [33:26] It was also God who arranged to have the Banu Qurayza utterly defeated and subsequently judged by another Jewish tribe. The men were all killed and the women and children were sold into slavery. | |
[33:27] He made you inherit their land, their homes, their money, and lands you had never stepped on. God is in full control of all things. | [33:27] The Muslims thus inherited all the property east of Medina that was once Banu Qurayza land, according to God's plan for them. | |
[33:28] O prophet, say to your wives, "If you are seeking this life and its vanities, then let me compensate you and allow you to go amicably. | [33:28] This is a gentle rebuke of Mohammed's wives who were dissatisfied with their lives of relative poverty. He is permitted to divorce them if they wish. | |
[33:29] "But if you are seeking God and His Messenger, and the abode of the Hereafter, then God has prepared for the righteous among you a great reward." | [33:29] On the other hand, they can be no greater spiritual honor, whatever the physical or economic difficulty, of being the wife of the last and greatest Prophet of God. | |
[33:30] O wives of the prophet, if any of you commits a gross sin, the punishment will be doubled for her. This is easy for God to do. | [33:30] Mohammed's wives are expected to be exemplary in their practice of Islam, and will be doubly punished if they fail to live up to their noble calling. | |
[33:31] Any one of you who obeys God and His Messenger, and leads a righteous life, we will grant her double the reward, and we have prepared for her a generous provision. | [33:31] Of course, they will be doubly rewarded in the hereafter if they set the example of righteousness by adherence to the requirements of Islam and obedience to God and their husband. | |
[33:32] O wives of the prophet, you are not the same as any other women, if you observe righteousness. Therefore, you shall not speak too softly, lest those with disease in their hearts may get the wrong ideas; you shall speak only righteousness. | [33:32] The Prophet's wives must recognize that they are held to a much higher ethical standard than other women. They must accept the duties and responsibilities of this position by setting the example, speaking plainly, and being paragons of virtue. | |
[33:33] You shall settle down in your homes, and do not mingle with the people excessively, like you used to do in the old days of ignorance. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and obey God and His Messenger. God wishes to remove all unholiness from you, O you who live around the Sacred Shrine, and to purify you completely. | [33:33] The wives must preserve the tranquillity of their homes, and not get involved excessively in social affairs, as they did in their former lives before their conversion to Islam. They must be scrupulous in formal prayer and works of charity, and be perfectly obedient to God and Mohammed. Those who live near a mosque (Ayesha and Sawda at the time) must be especially circumspect to avoid the possibility of scandal. | |
[33:34] Remember what is being recited in your homes of God's revelations and the wisdom inherent in them. God is Sublime, Cognizant. | [33:34] They must also be attentive to the recitation of the Koran. (Listening to the recitation was doubly important for any of them who couldn't read.) | |
[33:35] Muslims, both men and women, must be faithful, obedient, truthful, steadfast, reverent, charitable, fasting, chaste, and commemorative. God will surely forgive and bless such people. | [33:35] One is reminded of the injunction to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent, which are desirable attributes of youth (Boy Scouts). | |
[33:36] No believing man or believing woman, if God and His Messenger issue any command, has any choice regarding that command. Anyone who disobeys God and His Messenger has gone far astray. | [33:36] This rule applies generically, but here it probably specifically addresses the marriage of Zaid ibn Harithah and Zainab bint Jahsh. Neither reasonably could have refused the union. | |
[33:37] Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by God, and blessed by you, "Keep your wife and reverence God," and you hid inside yourself what God wished to proclaim. Thus, you feared the people, when you were supposed to fear only God. When Zaid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in order to establish the precedent that a man may marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. God's commands shall be done. | [33:37] This appears to be God's gentle and kindly rebuke of Mohammed. The one "blessed" is obviously Zaid ibn Harithah, whose marriage to his cousin he arranged in order to demonstrate the equality of all Muslims, slave as well as noble. God allowed Zaid's marriage to Zainab bint Jahsh to fail to provide an opportunity for Mohammed to marry her. This established the precedent, through the marriage, that an adopted son was not to be considered the same as a natural son. | |
[33:38] The prophet is not committing an error by doing anything that is made lawful by God. Such is God's system since the early generations. God's command is a sacred duty. | [33:38] In spite of the fact that Mohammed already had four wives, he is not bound by [4:3]. Like the prophets of ancient times, God gave him a dispensation to carry out a higher purpose. | |
[33:39] Those who deliver God's messages, and who reverence Him alone, shall never fear anyone but God. God is the most efficient reckoner. | [33:39] Prophets don't have to be afraid of anyone except God, certainly not the condemnation of those with dirty minds and wagging tongues. | |
[33:40] Mohammed was not the father of any man among you. He was a Messenger of God and the final prophet. God is fully aware of all things. | [33:40] The fact is that Mohammed never had a son who lived to maturity. His fatherhood is to all the Muslims, because he is the last and greatest Prophet to all mankind. | |
[33:41] O you who believe, you shall remember God frequently. | [33:41] The believers must keep God and His commandments foremost in their minds. | |
[33:42] You shall glorify Him day and night. | [33:42] They put this into practice by constant prayer. | |
[33:43] He is the One who helps you, together with His angels, to lead you out of darkness into the light. He is Most Merciful towards the believers. | [33:43] It is God who, along with His angels, provides the guidance mankind needs to go from the darkness (of ignorance) to the light (of understanding). | |
[33:44] Their greeting the day they meet Him is, "Peace," and He has prepared for them a generous reward. | [33:44] On the day that they meet God, the believers will be greeted by the angels and will be welcomed by them into Paradise. | |
[33:45] O prophet, we have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, as well as a counselor.
[33:46] Inviting to God, in accordance with His will, and a guiding beacon. [33:47] Deliver good news to the believers, that they have deserved from God a great blessing. [33:48] Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard their insults, and put your trust in God; God suffices as an advocate. [33:49] O you who believe, if you married believing women, then divorced them before having intercourse with them, they do not owe you any waiting interim (before marrying another man). You shall compensate them equitably, and let them go amicably. |
[33:45] God has sent Mohammed to be a witness to His existence, to bring good news to those who believe in him, and a warning to those who don't.
[33:46] Those who listen go Mohammed will have a light to guide them. [33:47] The "good news" is that the believers are worthy of a great blessing from God. [33:48] As for those who spread lies and gossip, don't be concerned about them. Trust in God is sufficient help for anyone. [33:49] This is the alternative to the "three menstruations" rule of [2:228]. If the woman cannot be pregnant, she can remarry immediately. This did not apply in Zainab's case, because she had been married to Zaid for some time. | |
[33:50] O prophet, we made lawful for you your wives to whom you have paid their due dowry, or what you already have, as granted to you by God. Also lawful for you in marriage are your first cousins on either your mother' or your father's side who emigrated to Medina. Also, if a believing woman gave herself to the prophet - by forfeiting the dowry, the Prophet may marry her without a dowry, if he so wishes. However, her forfeiting of the dowry applies only to the Prophet, and not to the other believers. We have already decreed their rights in regard to their spouses or what they already have. This is to spare you any embarrassment. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [33:50] This is a special dispensation for Mohammed to marry as many wives as he wants, both from the general population of eligible women and from those "whom his right hand possesses." Other Muslims were limited to four by [4:3], but all were permitted to marry first cousins or more distant relatives, both by Islamic law and Arab tradition. In addition, the rules for dowry do not apply to women Mohammed wishes to marry, and he may disregard them if he chooses to do so. This dispensation is given to him specifically for the purpose of instructing the people (as in the case of Zainab bint Jahsh) and to put to rest the controversy which, at the time, was tearing the Muslim community of Medina apart. | |
[33:51] You may gently shun any one of them, and you may bring closer to you any one of them. If you reconcile with any one you had estranged, you commit no error. In this way, they will be pleased, will have no grief, and will be content with what you equitably offer to all of them. God knows what is in your hearts. God is Omniscient, Clement. | [33:51] Mohammed is also allowed to divorce any of his wives as long as he observes the requirements for divorce ([2:226-237] and [65:0]). The wives may choose to stay even if he prefers one over the other(s), ordinarily a violation of [4:129]. His wife Sawda was said to have volunteered to forego his conjugal visits in favor of Ayesha in return for being allowed to remain married. | |
[33:52] Beyond the categories described to you, you are enjoined from marrying any other women, nor can you substitute a new wife, no matter how much you admire their beauty. You must be content with those already made lawful to you. God is watchful over all things. | [33:52] Unless specifically excepted, the rules of mahram ([4:23]) still apply, and even Mohammed is not allowed to divorce one wife to marry another. The rest of this verse seems to suggest that his subsequent wives were required to be already under his protection. See [4:3]. | |
[33:53] O you who believe, do not enter the prophet's homes unless you are given permission to eat, nor shall you force such an invitation in any manner. If you are invited, you may enter. When you finish eating, you shall leave; do not engage him in lengthy conversations. This used to hurt the prophet, and he was too shy to tell you. But God does not shy away from the truth. If you have to ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier. This is purer for your hearts and their hearts. You are not to hurt the Messenger of God. You shall not marry his wives after him, for this would be a gross offense in the sight of God. | [33:53] The rules that follow are regulations for Muslim etiquette for which a need had been demonstrated in the emerging Muslim community. Mohammed used to do housework and talk (and even argue) with his wives. Men from the community would drop in unexpectedly at mealtime to eat, receive instruction, and generally hang out. Here, the practice of arriving unexpectedly or overstaying a welcome is discouraged. Also, because of the potential for scandal, the men who visited were required to talk to his wives only from behind a curtain. His wives were considered mothers to all the Muslims ([33:6]), and so where mahram to all believers. None of them subsequently married anyone. | |
[33:54] Whether you declare anything, or hide it, God is fully aware of all things. | [33:54] Believers were cautioned not to do in private what they would not do before witnesses. | |
[33:55] The women may relax around their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, the other women, and their (female) servants. They shall reverence God. God witnesses all things. | [33:55] This is essentially a more rigid restriction than [24:31]. Here, the women are not permitted to reveal themselves around their fathers in law, their stepsons, eunuchs and young children. Whether this applies only to Mohammed's wives is not clear. | |
[33:56] God and His angels help and support the prophet. O you who believe, you shall help and support him, and regard him as he should be regarded. | [33:56] This passage appears to be deliberately vague. The Muslims are told to stop criticizing the Prophet and to do the right thing by helping him instead, just as God and the angels do. | |
[33:57] Surely, those who oppose God and His Messenger, God afflicts them with a curse in this life, and in the Hereafter; He has prepared for them a shameful punishment. | [33:57] Obviously, the person who opposes the work of God's Messenger opposes the work of God. They will be cursed in this life, and also in the hereafter with a degrading punishment. | |
[33:58] Those who persecute the believing men and the believing women, who did not do anything wrong, have committed not only a falsehood, but also a gross sin. | [33:58] All the Muslims serve God in various ways, so any persecution of a fellow Muslim is a hindrance of the service of God. Considering the danger they were facing, this is a serious sin indeed! | |
[33:59] O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. Thus, they will be recognized and avoid being insulted. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [33:59] The specific behavior enjoined by this euphemism is not clear. It appears simply to restate the requirements of [24:31], possibly to identify the women as Muslims. It does not say that the women should cover their faces or wear gloves. | |
[33:60] Unless the hypocrites, and those with disease in their hearts, and the vicious liars of the city refrain, we will surely grant you the upper hand, then they will be forced to leave within a short while. | [33:60] This promises that God will not allow the discord caused by loose talk and gossip in Medina to continue. If those jeopardizing good order by spreading scandal and gossip do not stop forthwith, they will be forced to leave the city. | |
[33:61] They have incurred condemnation wherever they go; they may be taken and killed. | [33:61] Expulsion from the city is not the worst fate. If they continue to spread discord, they can be killed. | |
[33:62] This is God's eternal system, and you will find that God's system is unchangeable. | [33:62] This warning is not subject to negotiation or repeal, since it comes directly from God. | |
[33:63] The people ask you about the Hour. Say, "The knowledge thereof is only with God. For all that you know, the Hour may be close." | [33:63] The final part of the sura turns to concerns about the punishment of those who hinder the work of God and His Prophet. No one knows when that will be. | |
[33:64] God has condemned the disbelievers, and has prepared for them Hell. | [33:64] Those who refuse to believe in God's revelation have already been condemned to Hell. | |
[33:65] They will stay there forever. They will find no lord, nor a supporter. | [33:65] In Hell, there will be no one to lead or care for them or to provide support or comfort. | |
[33:66] The day they are thrown into Hell, they will say, "Oh, we wish we obeyed God, and obeyed the Messenger." | [33:66] When the punishment is imposed, the wicked will be sorry, but by then it will be too late, and their sorrow will not help them. | |
[33:67] They will also say, "Our Lord, we have obeyed our masters and leaders, but they led us astray. | [33:67] Some of them may offer the excuse that they were just following orders; that their leaders are responsible, but it won't help them. | |
[33:68] "Our Lord, give them double the punishment, and curse them a tremendous curse." | [33:68] They will receive double punishment, once for their sins, and once for trying to blame others for them. | |
[33:69] O you who believe, do not be like those who hurt Moses, then God absolved him of what they said. He was, in the sight of God, honorable. | [33:69] None believed with Moses except a few of his people, while fearing the tyranny of Pharaoh and his elders ([10:83]). This passage may refer to that one. | |
[33:70] O you who believe, reverence God and utter only the correct utterances. | [33:70] This is an apparent injunction to the Muslims to pray to God, but otherwise to keep their mouths shut. | |
[33:71] He will then fix your works, and forgive your sins. Those who obey God and His Messenger have triumphed a great triumph. | [33:71] If they do that, God will bless what they do and make their efforts successful. They will have won a great victory over themselves. | |
[33:72] We have offered the responsibility to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid of it. But the human being accepted it; he was transgressing, ignorant. | [33:72] The only creature that is permitted to trust in God is man. Even the whole earth, with its mighty mountains, cannot withstand the weight of such responsibility. Man can, but he doesn't always do it because he is ignorant. | |
[33:73] For God will inevitably punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idol worshiping men and the idol worshiping women. God redeems the believing men and the believing women. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [33:73] The hypocrites among the believers are just as bad as those who worship idols, and they will be similarly punished. Those whom God will forgive and redeem are the ones who fully embrace Islam by doing what they are supposed to do. |
SURA 34: Saba - Sheba
This sura may have been revealed in Mecca, about the time when Mohammed was being ridiculed for his teaching, but before his enemies became vicious. It deals with arguments for monotheism and the hereafter, and the unreasonableness of polytheism. It appears to draw upon Arabian folk tales and legends with which western culture is unfamiliar. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[34:1] Praise be to God - to whom belongs everything in the heavens and the earth; all praise is also due to Him in the Hereafter. He is the Most Wise, the Cognizant. | [34:1] The sura begins immediately with a hymn of honor and praise of the One and only ("Most High, Most Wise, Cognizant") God, a clear indication of its subject matter. The praise and honor to God both in this life and in the hereafter presumes that God and the hereafter both exist. | |
[34:2] He knows everything that goes into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is the Most Merciful, the Forgiving. | [34:2] Pagan concepts of the universe involved the earth, the abode of mankind, and a heaven that was the home of the gods. Here God is shown as knowing about it all. | |
[34:3] Those who disbelieve have said, "The Hour will never come to pass!" Say, "Absolutely - by my Lord - it will most certainly come to you. He is the Knower of the future. Not even the equivalent of an atom's weight is hidden from Him, be it in the heavens or the earth. Not even smaller than that, or larger. All are in a profound record." | [34:3] "The Hour" is the time of judgment in the hereafter. The pagans denied that it would ever come, and suggested that even if it did, it might be possible to fool the gods or placate them somehow so that the defendants could avoid whatever evil might be associated with it. Islam asserts that God knows everything, and will judge accordingly. | |
[34:4] Most certainly, He will reward those who believe and lead a righteous life. These have deserved forgiveness and a generous provision. | [34:4] The main attraction of the concept of the hereafter is the idea of the final reward of the righteous, regardless of their earthly troubles. | |
[34:5] As for those who constantly challenge our revelations, they have incurred a punishment of painful humiliation. | [34:5] For the rich and powerful, whose troubles on earth are insignificant, they are promised punishment for challenging Mohammed's teaching. | |
[34:6] It is evident to those who are blessed with knowledge that this revelation from your Lord to you is the truth, and that it guides to the path of the Almighty, the Most Praiseworthy. | [34:6] An appeal is also made to the ego of his challengers, suggesting that if they had any brains, they would recognize that what he says is the truth from God Himself, and a sure guide to His favor. | |
[34:7] Those who disbelieve have said, "Let us show you a man who tells you that after you are torn apart you will be created anew. | [34:7] Life after death was a really difficult concept for pagans. Like Jews, they knew that dead people eventually reached equilibrium with the environment. | |
[34:8] "Either he fabricated lies about God, or he is crazy." Indeed, those who disbelieve in the Hereafter have incurred the worst punishment; they have gone far astray. | [34:8] Mohammed had not yet encountered the violent rejection that would force him ultimately to leave Mecca. The pagans dismissed him as either a liar or a madman. | |
[34:9] Have they not seen all the things in front of them and behind them, in the heaven and the earth? If we willed, we could have caused the earth to swallow them, or caused masses to fall on them from the sky. This should be a sufficient proof for every obedient servant. | [34:9] The existence and nature of the universe proves the existence and nature of its creator. If God wanted, he could have manifested His power with earthquakes or meteorites, but the fact of the universe should be sufficient for those with an open mind. | |
[34:10] We endowed David with blessings from us: "O mountains, submit with him, and you too, O birds." We softened the iron for him. | [34:10] The reference to David involving mountains, birds or softened iron does not appear to correspond to anything in the Bible, but see [21:79]. | |
[34:11] "You may make shields that fit perfectly, and work righteousness. Whatever you do, I am Seer thereof." | [34:11] If David had the technology to make "softened" iron, he may well have been able to make individually tailored shields. | |
[34:12] To Solomon we committed the wind at his disposal, traveling one month coming and one month going. And we caused a spring of oil to gush out for him. Also, the djinns worked for him, by his Lord's leave. Any one of them who disregarded our commands, we subjected him to a severe punishment. | [34:12] This appears to be based on the same story as [21:81]. Solomon was said to be able to command the winds. The source of the "spring of oil" is obscure, although with all the petroleum deposits in Arabia, springs of them may not have been uncommon, and might have been used for fuel to smelt iron. | |
[34:13] They made for him anything he wanted - arches, statues, bowls as large as watering troughs, and heavy cooking pots. O family of David, work to show your appreciation. Only a few of My servants are grateful. | [34:13] The djinns, being made of fire, may have been natural, intuitive blacksmiths. The artifacts mentioned sound like they may have been made of iron. Iron implements would have been very useful for Solomon's populous court. | |
[34:14] When the appointed time for his death came, they had no clue that he had died. Not until one of the animals tried to eat his staff, and he fell down, did the djinns realized that he was dead. They thus realized that if they really knew the unseen, they would have stopped working so hard as soon as he died. | [34:14] The story appears to suggest that Solomon was overseeing the blacksmith work of the djinns, and died standing up. The djinns didn't realize he was dead until an animal gnawed off the end of his staff, causing him to fall over. Had the djinns known that he was dead, they wouldn't have worked so hard. | |
[34:15] Sheba's homeland used to be a marvel, with two gardens on the right and the left. Eat from your Lord's provisions, and be grateful to Him - good land, and a forgiving Lord. | [34:15] The location of the kingdom is not precisely known. If it extended across the Red Sea from Yemen to Ethiopia, the two lands may be the "right and the left" to which this passage refers. | |
[34:16] They turned away and, consequently, we poured upon them a disastrous flood, and we substituted their two gardens into two gardens of bad tasting fruits, thorny plants, and a skimpy harvest. | [34:16] The people forsook the service of God and were punished with a flood (tsunami?) that coincided with (caused?) the failure of the orchards and other crops, and the infiltration of weeds. | |
[34:17] We thus punished them for their disbelief. Do we not punish only the disbelievers? | [34:17] This was their punishment for not believing in (forsaking?) God. (The Sabeans were all pagans.) | |
[34:18] We placed between them and the communities that we blessed other oases, and we secured the journey between them: "Travel in them days and nights in complete security." | [34:18] The roads well traveled in Arabia were those supplied by the oases where caravans could stop, provide food and fodder, and water the camels. Journeys were planned with respect to the location of oases. | |
[34:19] But they challenged: "Our Lord, we do not care if You increase the distance of our journeys." They thus wronged their own souls. Consequently, we made them history, and scattered them into small communities throughout the land. This should provide lessons for those who are steadfast, grateful. | [34:19] Apparently the people didn't appreciate the abundance of oases that God had provided for them and eventually forgot Him. As their punishment, God scattered them across the land. He might have caused some of the oases to dry up, so the caravans took up a different route, cutting them off from trade. | |
[34:20] Satan found them readily fulfilling his expectations. They followed him, except a few believers. | [34:20] The Sabeans had been followers of God, but because they forgot Him, they became followers of Satan, with predictable results. | |
[34:21] He never had any power over them. But we thus distinguish those who believe in the Hereafter from those who are doubtful about it. Your Lord is in full control of all things. | [34:21] The devil himself has no power over mankind, so any influence he has is given to him by the people themselves. Some of them are those who refuse to believe in the hereafter. | |
[34:22] Say, "Implore the idols you have set up beside God. They do not possess as much as a single atom in the heavens, or the earth. They possess no partnership in them, nor does He permit them to be His assistants." | [34:22] Since the Sabeans worshiped celestial objects, the word "idols" here may refer to them, or possibly to the gods of which they were the manifestation. In any event, they are all false gods. | |
[34:23] Intercession with Him will be in vain, unless it coincides with His will. When their minds are finally settled down, and they ask, "What did your Lord say," they will say, "the truth." He is the Most High, the Most Great. | [34:23] The false gods of the pagans have no power at all, even to intercede with God on behalf of their worshipers. Eventually, the people will recognize this fundamental truth, and will abandon all allegiance to the idols in favor of God. | |
[34:24] Say, "Who provides for you, from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "God," and "Either we or you are guided, or have gone far astray." | [34:24] Here Mohammed is told to give a little test his followers. To the question: "Who gives you everything?" the answer is "God!" | |
[34:25] Say, "You are not responsible for our crimes, nor are we responsible for what you do." | [34:25] Mohammed is not responsible if they fail the test after he has given them the answer. | |
[34:26] Say, "Our Lord will gather us all together before Him, then He will judge between us equitably. He is the Judge, the Omniscient." | [34:26] On the Day of Resurrection, the test will be administered again, this time by God Himself. At that time, the people better have the right answer! | |
[34:27] Say, "Show me the idols you have set up as partners with Him!" Say, "No; He is the One God, the Almighty, Most Wise." | [34:27] Just in case his hearers don't understand it the first time, Mohammed is told to continue to instruct them in the difference between idols and God. | |
[34:28] We have sent you to all the people, a bearer of good news, as well as a counselor, but most people do not know. | [34:28] The people do not yet realize what Mohammed's mission is, which is to present God's message and warn them of impending punishment. | |
[34:29] They challenge, "When will this promise come to pass, if you are telling the truth?" | [34:29] The people want Mohammed to tell them when this punishment will come about. | |
[34:30] Say, "You have a specific time, on a specific day, that you cannot delay by one hour, nor advance." | [34:30] But he is to tell them that the time has been fixed, although neither he nor they know what it is. | |
[34:31] Those who disbelieve have said, "We will not believe in this Koran, nor in the previous Scriptures." If you could only envision these transgressors when they stand before their Lord! They will argue with one another back and forth. The followers will tell their leaders, "If it were not for you, we would have been believers." | [34:31] The arrogant idol worshipers refuse to believe in the Word of God, either in the Koran or in the Bible. When they stand before God, they will fervently reject their previous haughtiness and argue with each other concerning where to lay the blame for their refusal to believe. They will probably claim that they were all misled. | |
[34:32] The leaders will say to those who followed them, "Are we the ones who diverted you from the guidance after it came to you? No; it is you who were wicked." | [34:32] The leaders will refuse to accept the responsibility, pointing out that the people all had the Word of God already, but chose to ignore it. | |
[34:33] The followers will say to their leaders, "It was you who schemed night and day, then commanded us to be ungrateful to God, and to set up idols to rank with Him." They will be ridden with remorse, when they see the punishment, for we will place shackles around the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they not justly punished for what they did? | [34:33] The people will reply that it was their leaders who established the idols and their worship in the first place, convincing the people to worship them and to ignore the warnings that God gave them through Mohammed and the other prophets. They will be sorry to be forever shacked with the ignorance they chose for themselves. | |
[34:34] Every time we sent a counselor to a community, the leaders of that community said, "We reject the message you are sent with." | [34:34] When a prophet it sent to any established community to warn them of God's disfavor, the leaders of that community reject him. | |
[34:35] They also said, "We are more powerful, with more money and children, and we will not be punished." | [34:35] They argue that it is they who have the money, power and children, and so are God's favorites. | |
[34:36] Say, "My Lord is the One who controls all provisions; He grants the provisions to whomever He wills, or reduces them, but most people do not know." | [34:36] God bestows His blessings on whom He pleases. They should not consider His previous blessings to be a guarantee that they will continue. | |
[34:37] It is not your money or your children that bring you closer to us. Only those who believe and lead a righteous life will receive the reward for their works, multiplied manifold. In the abode of Paradise they will live in perfect peace. | [34:37] The money and children with which the leaders of Mecca have been blessed do not bring them close to God. What does that is to live righteously and do good works. The ones who do that will be rewarded eternally in Paradise. | |
[34:38] As for those who consistently challenge our revelations, they will suffer eternal punishment. | [34:38] The ones who don't will be punished for challenging the Word of God. | |
[34:39] Say, "My Lord is the One who controls all provisions; He increases the provisions for whomever He chooses from among His servants, or reduces them. Anything you spend, He will reward you for it; He is the best Provider." | [34:39] This is a restatement of [34:36], with the addition that God's servants can be instruments of His largess by spending their portion of His blessings in His service. He will surely reward them for whatever they spend for this purpose. | |
[34:40] On the day when He summons them all, He will say to the angels, "Did these people worship you?" | [34:40] On the Day of Resurrection, God will ask the angels whether they invited worship from mankind. | |
[34:41] They will answer, "Be You glorified. You are our Lord and Master, not them. Instead, they were worshiping the djinns; most of them were believers in them." | [34:41] The angels will respond that they have never had the slightest interest in being worshiped. Those who did not worship God must be followers of the evil djinns. | |
[34:42] On that day, you possess no power to help or harm one another, and we will say to the transgressors, "Taste the punishment of the Hell that you used to deny." | [34:42] Those who worshiped other than God will find no one to intercede for them or to relieve the punishments they incurred. | |
[34:43] When our proofs were recited to them, perfectly clear, they said, "This is simply a man who wants to divert you from the way your parents are worshiping." They also said, "These are fabricated lies." Those who disbelieved also said about the truth that came to them, "This is obviously magic." | [34:43] Mohammed came to the people with convincing proofs of the authenticity of his Message, but they rejected and ridiculed him and called him a liar. They criticized him for attempting to dissuade them from the false religious of their ancestors. The prophets of the past were similarly rejected for their teaching. | |
[34:44] We did not give them any other books to study, nor did we send to them before you another counselor. | [34:44] The pagan objectors have no logical reasons. They don't have anything like a Scripture or a prophet. | |
[34:45] Those before them disbelieved, and even though they did not see one tenth of what we have given to this generation, when they disbelieved My messengers, how severe was My vengeance! | [34:45] Those who did have prophets, ('Ad, Thamud, Midian, etc.) even though what they received was less than the Arabs, God destroyed them completely when the prophets He sent were rejected. | |
[34:46] Say, "I ask you to do one thing: Devote yourselves to God, in pairs or as individuals, then reflect. Your friend is not crazy. He is a manifest counselor to you, just before the advent of a terrible punishment." | [34:46] This is a good technique for convincing somebody to abandon a cherished, but false, idea. "Go somewhere to pray and think about it, examine the logic, and figure it out for yourself." | |
[34:47] Say, "I do not ask you for any wage; you can keep it. My wage comes only from God. He witnesses all things."
[34:48] Say, "My Lord causes the truth to prevail. He is the Knower of all secrets." [34:49] Say, "The truth has come; while falsehood can neither initiate anything, nor repeat it." [34:50] Say, "If I go astray, I go astray because of my own shortcomings. And if I am guided, it is because of my Lord's inspiration. He is Hearer, Near." |
[34:47] Mohammed has nothing to gain from the conversion of the pagans. He works for God.
[34:48] God's truth will ultimately triumph, and those who accept it will be on the winning side. [34:49] Now that God's final truth has been revealed the falsehood of idolatry has been forever banished. [34:50] Personal responsibility for one's own actions is very much an element of Islam, but it recognizes that God inspires virtue. Catholics refer to this inspiration as "actual grace." | |
[34:51] If you could only see them when the great terror strikes them; they cannot escape then, and they will be taken away forcibly. | [34:51] Those who do not respond to God's blessing are punished essentially for refusing the gift. When they fully realize what they have lost, they will be sorry! | |
[34:52] They will then say, "We now believe in it," but it will be far too late. | [34:52] They will be forced to believe, but by then it will be too late! | |
[34:53] They have rejected it in the past; they have decided instead to uphold conjecture and guesswork. | [34:53] The pagans have rejected the truth of God in favor of false beliefs that have no rational basis. | |
[34:54] Consequently, they were deprived of everything they longed for. This is the same fate as their counterparts in the previous generations. They harbored too many doubts. | [34:54] Their rejection of the guidance of God has deprived them of all of His blessings. They will be destroyed in the same way as those who rejected God and His prophets in the past. |
[38:8] "Why did the proof come down to him, instead of us?" Indeed, they are doubtful of My proof. Indeed, they have not yet tasted My vengeance. | [38:8] They thought that if God had revealed something to him, He should have revealed it to them as well. God, however, is not bound by what they think. |
[38:9-10] He can do whatever He wants, because He's God. | |
[38:9] Do they own the treasures of mercy of your Lord, the Almighty, the Grantor. [38:10] Do they possess the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them? Let them help themselves. |
[38:11] Instead, whatever forces they can muster - even if all their parties banded together - will be defeated. | [38:11] They have no hope of defeating God. |
[38:27] We did not create the heaven and the earth, and everything between them, in vain. Such is the thinking of those who disbelieve. Therefore, woe to those who disbelieve; they will suffer in Hell. | [38:27] God did not create the universe for people to do whatever they please. Their existence is an opportunity for them to be saved or condemned. |
[38:28-29] The righteous will be separated from the wicked, and to each will be given according to his works. | |
[38:28] Shall we treat those who believe and lead a righteous life as we treat those who commit evil on earth? Shall we treat the righteous as we treat the wicked? [38:29] This is a Scripture that we sent down to you, that is sacred - perhaps they reflect on its verses. Those who possess intelligence will take heed. |
SURA 39: Al-Zumar - The Throngs | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[39:1] This is a revelation of the Scripture, from God, the Almighty, the Wise. | [39:1] The sura begins with the reminder that it is an authentic part of the Scripture of Islam, revealed to mankind by God. This was particularly important to the Muslim migrants to Ethiopia, to whom it appears to be addressed. | |
[39:2] We sent down to you this Scripture, truthfully; you shall worship God, devoting your religion to Him alone. | [39:2] It sets the tone of the rest of the sura; God has revealed Himself to man, and man must worship Him alone. | |
[39:3] Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to God alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to God; for they are in a better position!" God will judge them regarding their disputes. God does not guide such liars, disbelievers. | [39:3] This may be a rebuke of the use of Christian images; Muslims consider this idolatrous. The Christian argument is that one who venerates the icon honors the person depicted. Christian iconography expresses in images the same Gospel message that Scripture communicates by words. | |
[39:4] If God wanted to have a son, He could have chosen whomever He willed from among His creations. Be He glorified; He is God, the One, the Supreme. | [39:4] This appears to repudiate the Christian belief that God has a son (Jesus). Islam considers Jesus a fatherless human being. | |
[39:5] He created the heavens and the earth truthfully. He rolls the night over the day, and rolls the day over the night. He committed the sun and the moon, each running for a finite period. Absolutely, He is the Almighty, the Forgiving. | [39:5] The cyclic nature of day and night is evidence of the continuous creative activity of God. Some commentators have suggested that the word "roll" in the context suggests that it reveals that the world is round. Eratosthenes measured it to within 1% in 240 BC. | |
[39:6] He created you from one person, then created from him his mate. He sent down to you eight kinds of livestock. He creates you in your mothers' bellies, creation after creation, in trimesters of darkness. Such is God your Lord. To Him belongs all sovereignty. There is no other god beside Him. How could you deviate? | [39:6] This is the second story of creation in the Bible, in which Eve was created from the rib of Adam. {Genesis 2:7, 21-22}, but what the "eight kinds" of livestock are is not clear. The cyclic creation of human beings from gestation through life to death to Resurrection is the manifestation of the continuous creative activity of God. | |
[39:7] If you disbelieve, God does not need anyone. But He dislikes to see His servants make the wrong decision. If you decide to be grateful, He is pleased for you. No soul bears the sins of any other soul. Ultimately, to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you of everything you had done. He is fully aware of the innermost thoughts. | [39:7] The power or prestige of pagan gods was related to the number of worshipers they had. This is a fundamental difference between them and God, who needs no one but desires that people make the right decision by worshiping Him alone. The guilt of not doing so rests squarely on the individual; social pressure is no excuse. | |
[39:8] When the human being is afflicted, he implores his Lord, sincerely devoted to Him. But as soon as He blesses him, he forgets his previous imploring, sets up idols to rank with God and to divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy your disbelief temporarily; you have incurred the hellfire." | [39:8] The worship of One God is instinctive for human beings, and is expressed most explicitly under the stress of fear. See [10:22] and [31:32]. The pagans disconnect this instinct from the worship of idols. They are told to enjoy themselves, because their idolatrous practices have condemned them to Hell. | |
[39:9] Is it not better to be one of those who meditate in the night, prostrating and staying up, being aware of the Hereafter, and seeking the mercy of their Lord? Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?" Only those who possess intelligence will take heed. | [39:9] As opposed to the public demonstrations of the pagans' worship of their idols, Muslims pray individually, often in private, to the God they cannot see. Part of the theme of this sura is that the worship of God has nothing in common with the worship of idols, and only a moron would think otherwise. | |
[39:10] Say, "O My servants who believed, you shall reverence your Lord." For those who worked righteousness in this world, a good reward. God's earth is spacious, and those who steadfastly persevere will receive their reward generously, without limits. | [39:10] The Muslims who have accepted Islam in spite of persecution and opposition of their neighbors and families have earned a great reward. God has provided an earth vast enough for them to find somewhere else to live and practice their faith. | |
[39:11] Say, "I have been commanded to worship God, devoting the religion absolutely to Him alone. | [39:11] The fact that they now live in a city inhabited by those who worship of idols is no excuse to imitate them. | |
[39:12] "And I was commanded to be the utmost submitter." | [39:12] They must adhere to the standards of behavior that they have been taught. | |
[39:13] Say, "I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the punishment of a great day." | [39:13] If they do not, they will receive the punishment appropriate to their sins. | |
[39:14] Say, "God is the only one I worship, devoting my religion absolutely to Him alone. | [39:14] The must adhere to worship of the One God in spite of temptations to become lax. | |
[39:15] "Therefore, worship whatever you wish beside Him." Say, "The real losers are those who lose their souls, and their families, on the Day of Resurrection." Most certainly, this is the real loss. | [39:15] The idol worshipers will be allowed (by God) to persist in their ignorance because there is no compulsion in religion. Their idolatrous practices will cost them their souls and their loved ones on the Day of Resurrection. | |
[39:16] They will have masses of fire on top of them, and under them. God thus alerts His servants: O My servants, you shall reverence Me. | [39:16] The punishment for idolatry is to be buried in burning coals. When it happens to them, those who have chosen not to be God's servants will have been warned. | |
[39:17] As for those who discard the worship of all idols, and devote themselves totally to God alone, they have deserved happiness. Give good news to My servants. | [39:17] Because Islam was a new religion, no one at this time had been born into it. Most of the converts had been idolaters; their conversion has earned them the reward of God's servants. | |
[39:18] They are the ones who examine all words, then follow the best. These are the ones whom God has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence. | [39:18] They were attracted to Islam because of the logic and reasonableness of its teachings, and also because they were guided by God to use their intelligence. | |
[39:19] With regard to those who have deserved the punishment, can you save those who are already in Hell? | [39:19] Many of the converts came from pagan families. Their loved ones who rejected them and persisted in ignorance were doomed. | |
[39:20] As for those who reverence their Lord, they will have mansions upon mansions constructed for them, with flowing streams. This is God's promise, and God never breaks His promise. | [39:20] Regardless of how they are mistreated in the present, the Muslim converts eventually will be rewarded in Paradise. They can look forward with confidence for God to fulfill His promise for them. | |
[39:21] Do you not see that God sends rain down from the sky, then places it into underground wells, then produces with it plants of various colors, then they grow until they turn yellow, then He turns them into hay? This should be a reminder for those who possess intelligence. | [39:21] The cyclic nature of rainfall and drought is also a manifestation of God's creative power. The desert is dead and bare except at oases or until the rain falls. The water nourishes a variety of beautiful and beneficial plants that sprout, bloom and eventually die. Even the, they are useful as fodder. | |
[39:22] If God renders one's heart content with Submission, he will be following a light from his Lord. Therefore, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against God's message; they have gone far astray. | [39:22] The opposition experienced by the Muslim converts no doubt caused much anxiety. This should be assuaged somewhat by the knowledge that they are doing the right thing. | |
[39:23] God has revealed herein the best Hadith; a book that is consistent, and points out both ways. The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe from it, then their skins and their hearts soften up for God's message. Such is God's guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills. As for those sent astray by God, nothing can guide them. | [39:23] The Koran is the most excellent of all written records (the Hadith), and is totally consistent in its explanation of the way to righteousness. Those who recognize it as God's word tremble before it, resulting in the proper frame of mind to accept its teaching. This is the way God guides those whom He has chosen and rejects those who reject Him. | |
[39:24] What is better than saving one's face from the terrible punishment on the Day of Resurrection? The transgressors will be told, "Taste the consequences of what you earned." | [39:24] There can be no greater triumph than the salvation of one's soul. Conversely, there can be no greater tragedy than the punishment of those who have earned eternal damnation. | |
[39:25] Others before them have disbelieved and, consequently, the punishment afflicted them whence they never expected. | [39:25] The disbelievers of the past never expected the punishment they experienced as the result of their rejection of the guidance of God. | |
[39:26] God has condemned them to humiliation in this life, and the punishment in the Hereafter will be far worse, if they only knew. | [39:26] The idolaters will eventually be humiliated in this life and condemned to eternal punishment that will be far worse than anything they can imagine. | |
[39:27] We have cited for the people every kind of example in this Koran, that they may take heed. | [39:27] There are many examples of the consequences for people who refused to believe God's messages. | |
[39:28] An Arabic Koran, without any ambiguity, that they may be righteous. | [39:28] This Koran is written in Arabic, the language of the people, so that there can be no misinterpretation. | |
[39:29] God cites the example of a man who deals with disputing partners, compared to a man who deals with only one consistent source. Are they the same? Praise be to God; most of them do not know. | [39:29] This may be an allegory to the religious disputes of the day (Jews, Christians, pagans). If one adheres to one consistent teaching (the Koran), he doesn't have to deal with such controversies. | |
[39:30] You will surely die, just like they will die. | [39:30] This applies to all Muslims, not just Mohammed. | |
[39:31] On the Day of Resurrection, before your Lord, you people will feud with one another. | [39:31] The religious controversies (of others) will continue right up to the Day of Resurrection. | |
[39:32] Who is more evil than one who attributes lies to God, while disbelieving in the truth that has come to him? Is Hell not a just requital for the disbelievers? | [39:32] The "false" teachers (Christians, Jews, pagans) not only refuse to believe in the truth from God, but claim that their false beliefs come from Him. | |
[39:33] As for those who promote the truth, and believe in it, they are the righteous. | [39:33] The righteous ones are those who believe and proclaim the truth of the Koran. | |
[39:34] They will get everything they wish, at their Lord. Such is the reward for the righteous. | [39:34] Their just reward will be to receive everything they have ever desired. | |
[39:35] God remits their sinful works, and rewards them generously for their good works. | [39:35] Their good works deserve God's reward, including forgiveness of their past sins. | |
[39:36] Is God not sufficient for His servant? They frighten you with the idols they set up beside Him. Whomever God sends astray, nothing can guide him. | [39:36] The Muslim converts who have found life in Arabia intolerable should realize that God will take care of them, and not be frightened by pagan curses. | |
[39:37] And whomever God guides, nothing can send him astray. Is God not Almighty, Avenger? | [39:37] Whomever follows the path laid out by God has nothing to fear. God will ultimately avenge him. | |
[39:38] If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they will say, "God." Say, "Why then do you set up idols beside God? If God willed any adversity for me, can they relieve such an adversity? And if He willed a blessing for me, can they prevent such a blessing?" Say, "God is sufficient for me." In Him the trusters shall trust. | [39:38] Although the Arabs recognized instinctively that there was a Power behind the immensity of the universe, they had difficulty connecting this concept with that of a deity to be worshiped and obeyed. Unlike God, who governs all things, their gods were powerless to bless or curse anyone. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to worship anyone else but God. | |
[39:39] Say, "O my people, do your best and I will do my best; you will surely find out. | [39:39] God expects all to do as well as they can. He will take care to separate those who do their best... | |
[39:40] "Who has incurred shameful punishment, and has deserved an eternal vengeance." | [39:40] ...from those who deserve a humiliating punishment for not doing what they were supposed to. | |
[39:41] We have revealed the Scripture through you for the people, truthfully. Then, whoever is guided is guided for his own good, and whoever goes astray goes astray to his own detriment. You are not their advocate. | [39:41] Because God has revealed the Koran, Mohammed is not responsible for whether they follow it of not. If they choose it, it is to their benefit, and if they refuse it, it to their destruction. They are totally responsible in either case. | |
[39:42] God puts the souls to death when the end of their life comes, and also at the time of sleep. Thus, He takes some back during their sleep, while others are allowed to continue living until the end of their predetermined interim. This should provide lessons for people who reflect. | [39:42] One of the arguments for the Resurrection was that the precedent for death and resurrection is already set by the phenomenon of sleep and wakefulness. God is the author of both. Those who are dead should be considered to be only in another kind of "sleep," eventually to waken again. | |
[39:43] Have they invented intercessors to mediate between them and God? Say, "What if they do not possess any power, nor understanding?" | [39:43] This may also refer to Christian clergy, whose purported functions {Matthew 16:19; 18:18, Luke 10:16, John 20:22-23} Muslims see this as blasphemous. | |
[39:44] Say, "All intercession belongs to God." To Him belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be returned. | [39:44] God Himself is the intercessor for man. This is because He controls everything that happens to anyone in the heavens, the earth, and the hereafter. | |
[39:45] When God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied. | [39:45] The pagans didn't like the idea that there was only One God, even if they instinctively tended to believe it. They preferred as many gods as possible, especially since they could make money off of each one. | |
[39:46] Proclaim: "Our god, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of all secrets and declarations, You are the only one who judges among Your servants regarding their disputes." | [39:46] In spite of the Meccans' opposition, Mohammed is to continue to proclaim that there is exactly One God, who created and sustains all things, knows everything, and is the Ultimate Arbiter. | |
[39:47] If those who transgressed owned everything on earth, even twice as much, they would readily give it up to avoid the terrible punishment on the Day of Resurrection. They will be shown by God what they never expected. | [39:47] The punishment of Hell is really, really, really bad, and anyone who knows how bad it will be would give twice as much as he could ever hope to own to avoid it. The reason people don't do that is because they don't believe it will be all that bad. | |
[39:48] The sinful works they had earned will be shown to them, and the very things they used to mock will come back to haunt them. | [39:48] The people who end up in Hell will be shown the reason why they are there. The fact that they didn't believe in Hell will not protect them from being in it. | |
[39:49] If the human is touched by adversity, he implores us, but as soon as we bestow a blessing upon him, he says, "I attained this because of my cleverness!" Indeed, this is only a test, but most of them do not know. | [39:49] In times of trouble, people tend to pray and be devout, but afterwards they tend to believe that they got out of the trouble by chance or by their own efforts. They don't realize that their real piety is being tested by God in this way. | |
[39:50] Those before them have uttered the same thing, and their earnings did not help them in the least. | [39:50] Past generations have behaved the same way, but it didn't help them any more than the present one. | |
[39:51] They suffered the consequences of their evil works. Similarly, the transgressors among the present generation will suffer the consequences of their evil works; they cannot escape. | [39:51] The Koran recalls societies (Pharaoh's Egypt, Sodom and Gomorrah, 'Ad, Thamud, Midian, etc.) that were destroyed because they were wicked. The unrepentant Meccans cannot escape a similar fate. | |
[39:52] Do they not realize that God is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses, and withholds? These are lessons for people who believe. | [39:52] God alone decides who gets what in this life. The Muslim converts need to understand that their present tribulations are also a test from God. | |
[39:53] Proclaim: "O My servants who exceeded the limits, never despair of God's mercy. For God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful." | [39:53] Converts who feel that God might be punishing them for past sins should remember that God is supremely merciful, and forgives everyone who repents. | |
[39:54] You shall obey your Lord, and submit to Him totally, before the punishment overtakes you; then you cannot be helped. | [39:54] The way to do this is to submit to God and obey His commandments without reservation. Only in this way can one avoid the punishment that is sure to come. | |
[39:55] And follow the best path that is pointed out for you by your Lord, before the punishment overtakes you suddenly when you least expect it. | [39:55] By doing this, the faithful will be following the destiny that God has chosen for them. Otherwise, their destiny will be to be overwhelmed unexpectedly. | |
[39:56] Lest a soul may say, "How sorry I am for disregarding God's commandments; I was certainly one of the mockers." | [39:56] The lost will not have any time to repent when the punishment arrives; they have already been given sufficient opportunity and time. | |
[39:57] Or say, "Had God guided me, I would have been with the righteous." | [39:57] Thus, they will not have the excuse that they weren't taught any better. | |
[39:58] Or say, when it sees the punishment, "If I get another chance, I will work righteousness." | [39:58] They won't get another chance, either. God has given them a sufficient number of chances already. | |
[39:59] Yes indeed, My proofs came to you, but you rejected them, turned arrogant, and became a disbeliever. | [39:59] The revelation that God has provided is sufficient for anyone to understand and believe. Those who don't are basically arrogant. | |
[39:60] On the Day of Resurrection you will see the faces of those who lied about God covered with misery. Is Hell not the right punishment for the arrogant ones? | [39:60] Lying about God, especially if it deceives the devout, is a most serious sin. Those who do that (Christian clergy?) are certainly deserving of Hell. | |
[39:61] And God will save those who have maintained righteousness; He will reward them. No harm will touch them, nor will they have any grief. | [39:61] Those who are truly devout don't have to worry, because God will reward them and rescue them from those who try to harm them. | |
[39:62] God is the Creator of all things, and He is in full control of all things. | [39:62] The reason He is able to do this is because He created and controls everything. | |
[39:63] To Him belongs all decisions in the heavens and the earth, and those who disbelieve in God's revelations are the real losers. | [39:63] God's decisions govern what happens to everyone, and anyone who doesn't believe that or opposes it is in real trouble. | |
[39:64] Say, "Is it other than God you exhort me to worship, O you ignorant ones?" | [39:64] The Meccans want the converts to renounce their belief in the One God and return to idolatry. | |
[39:65] It has been revealed to you, and to those before you that if you ever commit idol worship, all your works will be nullified, and you will be with the losers. | [39:65] The Muslims had better not do that. If they reject the truth now, the reward for all their good works will be repealed, and they will be condemned with the pagans. | |
[39:66] Therefore, you shall worship God alone, and be grateful. | [39:66] Therefore, they must persist in their faith, regardless of the opposition they are experiencing. | |
[39:67] They can never fathom the greatness of God. The whole earth is within His fist on the Day of Resurrection. In fact, the universes are folded within His right hand. Be He glorified; He is much too high above needing any partners. | [39:67] It is simply impossible for the limited human mind to comprehend the limitlessness of God. Compared to Him, the entire universe is very small. He is so great that He doesn't need any help with anything, certainly not the help of worthless false gods. | |
[39:68] The horn will be blown, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth will be struck unconscious, except those who will be spared by God. Then it will be blown another time, whereupon they will all rise up, looking.
[39:69] Then the earth will shine with the light of its Lord. The record will be proclaimed, and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forth. Everyone will then be judged equitably, without the least injustice. [39:70] Every soul will be paid for whatever it did, for He is fully aware of everything they have done. |
[39:68] At the end of the world, everyone will be struck down except those whom God has designated to be spared. Then everyone, dead or alive will rise to behold the Day of Resurrection.
[39:69] On that day, the earth will be renewed by the glory of God. The record of every person's deeds will be revealed, along with His prophets and witnesses, and everyone will be judged strictly according to his works. [39:70] Everyone will be repaid for whatever he did during life, because God knows and remembers everything that he did. | |
[39:71] Those who disbelieved will be led to Hell in throngs. When they get to it, and its gates are opened, its guards will say, "Did you not receive messengers from among you, who recited to you the revelations of your Lord, and warned you about meeting this day?" They will answer, "Yes indeed." But their sentence will already have been established. | [39:71] One argument against the potential for everlasting punishment was that Hell was so bad that only a few people would end up there. The imagery here is that at the end of the world, people will be trooping into Hell in "throngs." They will have to admit that they were warned about it and how to prevent their fate, but by then it will already have been established. | |
[39:72] It will be said, "Enter the gates of Hell, wherein you remain forever." What a miserable destiny for the arrogant. | [39:72] The throngs will thus dejectedly enter Hell, never to escape. This is the inevitable consequence of their arrogance in life. | |
[39:73] Those who reverenced their Lord will be led to Paradise in throngs. When they get to it, and its gates are opened, its guards will say, "Peace be upon you; you have won. Therefore, you remain herein forever." | [39:73] The throngs of the righteous will likewise enter Paradise to live there forever. They will have triumphed over the temptations that resulted in the downfall of the wicked. | |
[39:74] They will say, "Praise be to God, who fulfilled His promise to us, and made us inherit the earth*, enjoying Paradise as we please." What a beautiful reward for the workers! | [39:74] They will praise God for having given them the inheritance of the "new, improved" earth. (*Note - Jesus said that the meek would inherit the earth {Matthew 5:5}. The same concept seems to be expressed here.) | |
[39:75] You will see the angels floating around the throne, glorifying and praising their Lord. After the equitable judgment is issued to all, it will be proclaimed: "Praise be to God, Lord of the universe." | [39:75] This is the first time appearance of the imagery of angels circling around the throne of God, not unlike the perambulation around the Kaaba during the hajj. {Revelation 5:11-13; 7:12-13} has similar images. |
SURA 40: Al-Mu'min - The BelieverIt is clear that the opposition to Mohammed from the Quraish at this time was becoming intolerable. The professed Muslims were being subjected to oppression and ridicule, and were being involved in disputes that had no purpose other than to annoy and harass them. Some converts were so intimidated that they refused to declare themselves openly or to take sides, thus denying their fellow Muslims much needed moral support.
The "believer among Pharaoh's people" is not noted in the Bible, and may, in fact, be a parable to illustrate a point. This man recognizes that the people have been sent a great blessing, but they are allowing it to slip away, thus condemning themselves to God's wrath and eventual defeat. The pagans might have recalled this story fifteen years later, when their civilization was defeated by the Muslims. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[40:1] H. M. | [40:1] Suras 40 through 46 begin with the Arabic initials ha mim. Like the initials that introduce some of the other suras, their significance is unknown. | |
[40:2] This revelation of the scripture is from God, the Almighty, the Omniscient. | [40:2] Like the others, this sura is also a message revealed by God. | |
[40:3] Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing punishment, and possessor of all power. There is no other god beside Him. To Him is the ultimate destiny. | [40:3] These attributes are particularly relevant to this sura. God will forgive sins and accept repentance, but He will also impose the most harsh punishment. | |
[40:4] None argues against God's revelations except those who disbelieve. Do not be impressed by their apparent success. | [40:4] At this time, the opponents of Islam seemed to have the upper hand. Here the Muslims are warned not be influenced by this. | |
[40:5] Disbelieving before them were the people of Noah, and many other opponents after them. Every community persecuted their messenger to neutralize him. And they argued with falsehood, to defeat the truth. Consequently, I punished them; how terrible was My vengeance! | [40:5] The Quraish are only the last in a long line of opponents of God. In every age, prophets are sent to societies that reject them. In the end, God, strict in enforcing penalty has punished all of them with a terrible punishment. | |
[40:6] Thus, the judgment of your Lord is already stamped upon those who disbelieve, that they are the dwellers of Hell. | [40:6] God has already identified the oppressors of Mohammed and his followers as those who will be consigned to the everlasting punishment of Hell. | |
[40:7] Those who serve the throne and all those around it glorify and praise their Lord, and believe in Him. And they ask forgiveness for those who believe: "Our Lord, Your mercy and Your knowledge encompass all things. Forgive those who repent and follow Your path, and spare them the punishment of Hell. | [40:7] Because of the increasingly fierce opposition, many Meccans who secretly believed in Mohammed's teachings were afraid to reveal themselves openly for fear of reprisal. Here the devout are commended for praying for them and asking God's forgiveness for their lack of commitment. | |
[40:8] "Our Lord, and admit them into the gardens of Eden that You promised for them and for the righteous among their parents, spouses, and children. You are the Almighty, Most Wise. | [40:8] This especially true of the family members and other loved ones of the professed Muslims. This establishes an important theological principle, that it is a good thing for the faithful to pray for one another. | |
[40:9] "And protect them from falling in sin. Whomever You protect from falling in sin, on that day, has attained mercy from You. This is the greatest triumph." | [40:9] They should also pray for them not to be led into temptation and to be delivered from evil. {Matthew 6:13, Luke 11:4} | |
[40:10] Those who disbelieve will be told, "God's abhorrence towards you is even worse than your own abhorrence towards yourselves. For you were invited to believe, but you chose to disbelieve." | [40:10] The Meccan disbelievers are guilty not only of disbelief, but of rejecting the truth when it was sent specifically to them. Unlike the ignorant or cowardly, they have chosen not to believe. | |
[40:11] They will say, "Our Lord, you have put us to death twice, and You gave us two lives; now we have confessed our sins. Is there any way out?" | [40:11] The faithful die, and then will be Resurrected to eternal life in Paradise. The disbelievers will die a second time in the "everlasting death" of Hell. | |
[40:12] This is because when God alone was advocated, you disbelieved, but when others were mentioned beside Him, you believed. Therefore, God's judgment has been issued; He is the Most High, the Great. | [40:12] Some of the guilty were willing to worship God, but balked at worshiping only one. This may be a rebuke of the Christians, who worship the same God Muslims do, but maintain the doctrine of the Trinity. | |
[40:13] He is the One who continuously shows you His proofs, and sends down to you from the sky provisions. Only those who totally submit will be able to take heed. | [40:13] God continually proof of His existence ("in heaven") by sending "down" gifts (sunlight, night, rain, etc.), but only His worshipers recognize the source. | |
[40:14] Therefore, you shall devote your worship absolutely to God alone, even if the disbelievers dislike it. | [40:14] Since they recognize God, Muslims should acknowledge Him, regardless of the pagans' attacks. | |
[40:15] Possessor of the highest ranks, and Ruler of the whole dominion. He sends inspiration, bearing His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His servants, to warn about the Day of Summoning. | [40:15] God does not consider Himself bound by the opinion of the Quraish regarding who should be an appropriate Prophet or Messenger, or what the content of the Message should be. | |
[40:16] That is the day when everyone will be completely exposed; none of them will hide anything from God. To whom belongs all sovereignty on that day? To God, the One, the Supreme. | [40:16] On the Day of Summoning, the false attitude of the disbelievers will be exposed for what it is, and God will take His rightful place as the acknowledged Supreme Ruler of all things. | |
[40:17] On that day, every soul will be punished for whatever it had earned. There will be no injustice on that day. God is most efficient in reckoning. | [40:17] All persons will be judged for what they earned (not necessarily for what they believed). God will know what that was. | |
[40:18] Warn them about the imminent day, when the hearts will be terrified, and many will be remorseful. The transgressors will have no friend nor an intercessor to be obeyed. | [40:18] The reaction of the guilty will certainly include regret that they didn't do what they were supposed to, but it will be too late; their fate will already have been sealed. | |
[40:19] He is fully aware of what the eyes cannot see, and everything that the minds conceal. | [40:19] God knows everything, even the secret beliefs of those whose actions do not reveal them. | |
[40:20] God judges equitably, while the idols they implore beside Him cannot judge anything. God is the One who is the Hearer, the Seer. | [40:20] God is the most just judge. The false gods cannot judge at all. Therefore, it behooves everyone to conduct himself as God would have him do. | |
[40:21] Did they not roam the earth and note the consequences for those before them? They used to be stronger than they, and more productive on earth. But God punished them for their sins, and nothing could protect them from God. | [40:21] As world travelers and traders, the Arabs were familiar with the rise and fall of famous ancient civilizations. Their demise is seen as punishment for unrighteous behavior or rejecting the commandments of God. | |
[40:22] That is because their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they disbelieved. Consequently, God punished them. He is Mighty, strict in enforcing punishment. | [40:22] In all cases, God sent messengers to warn the people to repent, but they were rejected. Having chosen the path to destruction, the disbelievers were all destroyed. | |
[40:23] We sent Moses with our signs and a profound authority. | [40:23] One such case involved Moses. (See [7:104], [10:84], [17:104] and following.) | |
[40:24] To Pharaoh, Haman, and Qaroon. But they said, "A magician; a liar." | [40:24] Haman is mentioned in [28:6, 38], [29:39], and [40:36]. The story of Qaroon is in [28:76-82]. | |
[40:25] And when he showed them the truth from us, they said, "Kill the sons of those who believed with him, and spare their daughters." Thus, the scheming of the disbelievers is always wicked. | [40:25] This suggests that the Hebrew babies were killed because their parents believed Moses. {Exodus 1:9-10, 15, 22} says that they were drowned to prevent a rebellion. Moses escaped this fate. | |
[40:26] Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Moses, and let him implore his Lord. I worry lest he corrupts your religion, or spreads evil throughout the land." | [40:26] The Koran says that Pharaoh wanted to kill the adult Moses. The Bible asserts that Pharaoh wanted him drowned at birth. {Exodus 1:22} | |
[40:27] Moses said, "I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord, from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning." | [40:27] Moses has complete confidence that God will protect him against any foe. Moses died a healthy man at 120 years old. {Deuteronomy 34:7} | |
[40:28] A believer among Pharaoh's people, who was concealing his belief, said, "How can you kill a man just for saying, 'My Lord is God,' and he has shown you clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, that is his problem, and if he is truthful, you benefit from his promises. Surely, God does not guide any transgressor, liar. | [40:28] This passage recalls an event that happened while Mohammed was praying outside the Kaaba. One of his enemies, Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ait, slipped a noose over his head and tried to strangle him. Abu Bakr came to his aid and, while struggling, said, "Would you kill a man only because he says: 'My Lord is God'?" | |
[40:29] "O my people, today you have kingship and the upper hand. But who will help us against God's judgment, should it come to us?" Pharaoh said, "You are to follow only what I see fit; I will guide you only in the right path." | [40:29] At the time this sura was revealed, the Quraish had the same "upper hand" as Pharaoh. The "believer" is warning that they won't be able to withstand God's punishment. Pharaoh disagrees and attempts to usurp the authority of God. | |
[40:30] The one who believed said, "O my people, I fear for you the same fate as the previous opponents. | [40:30] The believer was afraid that his people were making the same mistake as their ancestors... | |
[40:31] "The opponents of Noah, and 'Ad, Thamud, and others who came after them. God does not wish any injustice for the people. | [40:31] ...among them Noah's people and the citizens of 'Ad and Thamud. God really doesn't want to destroy anyone; that's why He sends them prophets. | |
[40:32] "O my people, I fear for you the Day of Summoning. | [40:32] The believer is worried about his neighbors' fate. | |
[40:33] "That is the day when you may wish to turn around and flee. But nothing will protect you then from God. Whomever God sends astray, nothing can guide him."
[40:34] Joseph had come to you before that with clear revelations, but you continued to doubt his message. Then, when he died you said, "God will not send any other messenger after him. God thus sends astray those who are transgressors, doubtful. |
[40:33] The believer knows that when God's punishment comes upon them, the people will have no recourse, in spite of the power of Pharaoh.
[40:34] The story of Joseph appears in Sura 12 and elsewhere. It points out the similarity of the treatment of Joseph and Mohammed (at this time) by their respective adversaries. Moses was a prophet after Joseph, proving that there were subsequent prophets. | |
[40:35] They argue against God's revelations, without any basis. This is a trait that is most abhorred by God and by those who believe. God thus seals the hearts of every arrogant tyrant. | [40:35] At this point in his prophethood, Mohammed was thoroughly frustrated by the arguments of his opponents. This passage says that God hates a confrontational attitude. | |
[40:36] Pharaoh said, "O Haman, build for me a high tower, that I may reach out and discover. | [40:36] This is the story noted in [28:38]. Pharaoh told Haman to building a tower like that of Babel... | |
[40:37] "I want to reach the heaven, and take a look at the God of Moses. I believe he is a liar." Thus were the evil works of Pharaoh adorned in his eyes, and thus was he kept from following the right path. Pharaoh's scheming was truly evil. | [40:37] ...so that Pharaoh could climb up to heaven to see if Moses' God truly existed, which he didn't believe. The story shows how arrogant he was, to think that he could reach the abode of God. The Meccans are making a similar mistake. | |
[40:38] The one who believed said, "O my people, follow me, and I will guide you in the right way. | [40:38] The believer knows better. He wants his neighbors to abandon Pharaoh's foolishness. | |
[40:39] "O my people, this first life is a temporary illusion, while the Hereafter is the eternal abode." | [40:39] He knows that mortal life is nothing more than a prelude to the hereafter, which will last forever. | |
[40:40] Whoever commits a sin is punished for just that, and whoever works righteousness - male or female - while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits. | [40:40] This continuation of the believer's declaration asserts two important theological concepts: that sinners are punished for their sins, and that men and women are judged and rewarded equally. | |
[40:41] "O my people, while I invite you to be saved, you invite me to the hellfire. | [40:41] The believer is trying to reform his neighbors, while they are trying to condemn him. | |
[40:42] "You invite me to be ungrateful to God, and to set up beside Him idols that I do not recognize. I am inviting you to the Almighty, the Forgiver. | [40:42] The similarity to the Quraish treatment of Mohammed is obvious. He was trying to get them to repent and reform. | |
[40:43] "There is no doubt that what you invite me to do has no basis in this world, nor in the Hereafter, that our ultimate return is to God, and that the transgressors have incurred the hellfire. | [40:43] The debates (against both the believer and Mohammed) had no basis in fact or logic, but were merely attempts at useless argument. Both Mohammed and the believer are tired of them. | |
[40:44] "Some day you will remember what I am telling you now. I leave the judgment of this matter to God; God is the Seer of all the people." | [40:44] Both of them are through discussing the matter, and leave it up to the judgment of God. He will have the final verdict. | |
[40:45] God then protected him from their evil schemes, while the people of Pharaoh have incurred the worst punishment. | [40:45] The believer was saved from God's vengeance on Pharaoh. Apparently he wasn't mobilized with the army that was ultimately drowned. | |
[40:46] The Hell will be shown to them day and night, and on the Day of Resurrection: "Admit Pharaoh's people into the worst punishment." | [40:46] Their destruction in the Red Sea will not be the worst disaster to befall them. The worst punishment will be eternal punishment in Hell. | |
[40:47] As they argue in Hell, the followers will say to their leaders, "We used to be your followers, can you spare us any part of this Hell?" | [40:47] Those led into hell will not find anyone to lead them out again, because their leaders will be there, too. They can stay there and argue forever. | |
[40:48] The leaders will say, "We are all in this together. God has judged among the people." | [40:48] They will have to admit then that they are all subject to the judgment of God. | |
[40:49] Those in the hellfire will say to the guardians of Hell, "Call upon your Lord to reduce the punishment for us, for even one day." | [40:49] In addition to its torments, Muslim Hell is seen as a guarded prison from which none can escape. The guardians have no power to commute sentences. | |
[40:50] They will say, "Did you not receive your messengers who delivered to you clear messages?" They will reply, "Yes we did." They will say, "Then implore; the imploring of disbelievers is always in vain." | [40:50] The only thing they can do for the prisoners is to remind them of how they got there. Having cut themselves off from the mercy of God in life, they are unable to do anything to relieve their suffering. | |
[40:51] We will definitely give victory to our messengers and to those who believe, both in this world and on the day the witnesses are summoned. | [40:51] Regardless of the present situation, God will definitely make Mohammed and the Muslims victorious, both in this life and in the next. | |
[40:52] On that day, the apologies of the disbelievers will not benefit them. They have incurred condemnation; they have incurred the worst destiny. | [40:52] When their opponents are finally vanquished (which happened about 15 years later!) their apologies won't save them from the wrath of God. | |
[40:53] We have given Moses the guidance, and made the Children of Israel inherit the scripture. | [40:53] God gave Moses the Torah for the benefit of all; the Children of Israel were its inheritors. | |
[40:54] A lesson and a reminder for those who possess intelligence. | [40:54] The Torah was certainly a lesson for any intelligent person. | |
[40:55] Therefore, be patient, for God's promise is true, and ask forgiveness for your sin, and glorify and praise your Lord night and day. | [40:55] The Muslims should therefore wait patiently for God to settle things, and not get caught up in useless argument and debate. | |
[40:56] Surely, those who argue against God's revelations without proof are exposing the arrogance that is hidden inside their chests, and they are not even aware of it. Therefore, seek refuge in God; He is the Hearer, the Seer. | [40:56] The people who want to argue are not interested in truth. They are motivated only by arrogance that they refuse to acknowledge. The Muslims' refuge is the certainty that comes from God. | |
[40:57] The creation of the heavens and the earth is even more awesome than the creation of the human being, but most people do not know. | [40:57] The Quraish are powerful people, but the Muslims are actually more powerful, because they cooperate with God, who created the entire universe. | |
[40:58] Not equal are the blind and the seer. Nor are those who believe and work righteousness equal to the sinners. Rarely do you take heed. | [40:58] He is no more equal to the power of the Quraish than the blind is equal to the sighted or the righteous are equal to the wicked. | |
[40:59] Most certainly, the Hour (Day of Judgment) is coming, no doubt about it, but most people do not believe. | [40:59] Those who do not believe in the hereafter dismiss the Resurrection, but it is coming nonetheless. | |
[40:60] Your Lord says, "Implore Me, and I will respond to you. Surely, those who are too arrogant to worship Me will enter Hell, forcibly." | [40:60] God Himself invites all mankind to save themselves by submitting to Him. Those who proudly disdain this invitation will be cast into Hell. | |
[40:61] God is the One who designed the night so you can rest in it, and the day lighted. God bestows many blessings upon the people, but most people are not thankful. | [40:61] The cycle of night and day is a demonstration of God's great concern for the physical and psychological needs of mankind. Most people, however, do not sufficiently appreciate this great gift. | |
[40:62] Such is God your Lord, the Creator of all things. There is no god except He. How could you deviate? | [40:62] How could anyone fail to recognize the implicit majesty of God? Yet the pagans do just that. | |
[40:63] Deviating are those who disregard God's revelations. | [40:63] They continue to reject the revelation sent to them by God. | |
[40:64] God is the One who rendered the earth habitable for you, and the sky a formidable structure, and He designed you, and designed you well. He is the One who provides you with good provisions. Such is God your Lord; Most Exalted is God, Lord of the universe. | [40:64] The nature of God is demonstrated by the balance of nature, by which the entire universe, earth and sky, constitute an environment that satisfies all man's needs and into which he fits precisely. This is the God the Muslims acknowledge and worship. | |
[40:65] He is the Living; there is no god except He. You shall worship Him alone, devoting your religion absolutely to Him alone. Praise be to God, Lord of the universe. | [40:65] Unlike the lifeless idols of the pagans, God is alive and active. He is absolutely unique. Religion therefore consists of worshiping only Him. | |
[40:66] Say, "I have been enjoined from worshiping the idols you worship beside God, when the clear revelations came to me from my Lord. I was commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe." | [40:66] In response to the argument that Mohammed refuses to compromise his idea of God with that of the pagans, there is no compromise. He is commanded to worship God alone, and reject all other gods. | |
[40:67] He is the One who created you from dust, and subsequently from a tiny drop, then from a hanging embryo, then He brings you out as a child, then He lets you reach maturity, then you become old - some of you die earlier. You attain a predetermined age, that you may understand. | [40:67] The relationship between man and God is demonstrated by the development of the human being. Each person develops during gestation from a tiny drop into a fully formed human being. Yet it takes much longer than that to reach true maturity, and some people never make it. | |
[40:68] He is the only one who controls life and death. To have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be," and it is. | [40:68] God doesn't have to do anything to maintain the operation of the universe. He simply has to will it. | |
[40:69] Have you noted those who argue against God's proofs, and how they have deviated? | [40:69] The ignorant will offer all kinds of objections to these truths, because they are just plain ignorant. | |
[40:70] They are the ones who have disbelieved in the scripture, and in the messages we have sent with our messengers. Therefore, they will surely find out. | [40:70] The pagans have chosen ignorance, in spite of the revelation that God has sent down to them. Eventually, they will be forced to learn the truth. | |
[40:71] The shackles will be around their necks, and the chains will be used to drag them. | [40:71] Their choice of ignorance has enslaved them to the fate that awaits the unbelievers. | |
[40:72] In boiling water, then in the Fire, they will burn. | [40:72] Their torments in Hell will be terrible. | |
[40:73] They will be asked, "Where are the idols you used to worship, | [40:73] When they are asked what help they are getting from the gods they used to worship... | |
[40:74] "beside God?" They will say, "They have abandoned us. In fact, when we worshiped them, we were worshiping nothing." Thus does God send the disbelievers astray. | [40:74] ...instead of God, they will have to admit that their gods have no power at all. By choosing to worship false gods, they will have eternally separated themselves from God. | |
[40:75] This is because you used to rejoice in false doctrines on earth, and you used to promote them. | [40:75] They chose to believe falsehood and tried to get others to believe in them as well. | |
[40:76] Enter the gates of Hell, wherein you remain forever. What a miserable destiny for the arrogant ones. | [40:76] Because they were arrogant on earth, they spend eternity regretting it. | |
[40:77] You shall be patient, for God's promise is truth. Whether we show you some of what we have promised for them, or terminate your life before that, they will be returned to us. | [40:77] The Muslims should be patient; God has assured them that they will be victorious. Some of them may die beforehand, but some may live to see it (15 years as it turned out). | |
[40:78] We have sent messengers before you. Some of them we mentioned to you, and some we did not mention to you. No messenger can produce any miracle without God's authorization. Once God's judgment is issued, the truth dominates, and the falsifiers are exposed and humiliated. | [40:78] God has sent messengers before. Some of these have been mentioned in the Koran, but there were others. God did not give all of them power to work miracles, but all of them were messengers of truth. Anyone who does not accept this will eventually be shown to be a liar. | |
[40:79] God is the One who created the livestock for you; some you ride, and some you eat. | [40:79] God has provided all good things for mankind, including food animals and beasts of burden. | |
[40:80] They also provide you with additional benefits that satisfy many of your needs. On them, as well as on the ships, you are carried. | [40:80] They also provide milk, hair, wool, leather, bone tools, etc. as well as transportation on the land just as the ships provide it on the sea. | |
[40:81] He thus shows you His proofs. Which of God's proofs can you deny? | [40:81] All of these blessings are proof of the solicitude of God. | |
[40:82] Have they not roamed the earth and noted the consequences for those who preceded them? They used to be greater in number, greater in power, and possessed a greater legacy on earth. Yet, all their achievements did not help them in the least. | [40:82] Some of the civilizations of history were much greater and more powerful than the Quraish, yet their greatness and power did not avail them against the power of God. They were ultimately destroyed, and only their ruins can be seen by travelers today. | |
[40:83] When their messengers went to them with clear proofs, they rejoiced in the knowledge they had inherited, and the very things they ridiculed were the cause of their fall. | [40:83] When God sent them messengers with compelling arguments for repentance, they reveled in the beliefs they already had. They ridiculed the truth that God had sent to them. | |
[40:84] Subsequently, when they saw our punishment they said, "Now we believe in God alone, and we now disbelieve in the idol worship that we used to practice." | [40:84] When they were forced to accept the consequences of their false beliefs, they recognized their ignorance, and rejected their pagan ways. | |
[40:85] Their belief then could not help them in the least, once they saw our punishment. Such is God's system that has been established to deal with His creatures; the disbelievers are always doomed. | [40:85] Unfortunately, by the it was too late for them, because God's punishment, foretold by the prophets, had already come upon them. This is the way God deals with those who choose not to believe in Him. |
SURA 41: Ha Mim - H. M. (Fussilat - Explained in Detail)Tradition relates that early in his prophethood, Mohammed was praying and meditating by himself in a corner in the Kaaba while some Quraish chiefs were sitting in their assembly nearby. Foremost among them, Utbah bin Rabi'ah, was Mohammed's second cousin, once removed. He was also the father of Walid Ibn Utbah, the brother-in-law of Mohammed's political opponent, Abu Sufyan. The old chief proposed a plan to reach an accommodation with the Prophet, to which the others agreed. "Look," Utbah began after he approached Mohammed and was invited to sit with him, "you know that you have a very high status here because of your family, but you are causing no end of trouble with all this business about there being only one God. You are creating divisions among your neighbors: disparaging their religions, offending their gods, and talking as if all their ancestors were godless atheists. We'd like to see all this dissension stop. I would like to suggest some ideas; maybe one of them might be acceptable to you." "Say what you want, Abul Walid," Mohammed told him, "and I will listen." "Nephew," he continued, "If you are doing this for money, we can give you enough money that you will be the wealthiest of us all. If you want power, we will make you our chief, and never make a decision without you. We'll even make you our king, if that's what you want. If you are possessed by a demon of which you cannot rid yourself, we will have you treated at our expense by the best physicians available." He continued speaking this way for some time, and finally asked, "Well, what do you say?" "Are you finished?" Mohammed asked him quietly. "Yes, I am," Utbah replied. "Well, then, Abul Walid" Mohammed responded, "now you listen to me!" Then, beginning with the bismallah, he began to recite this very sura. Utbah, fascinated, put his hands in back of him and leaned back, listening. When Mohammed recited "I am warning you of a disaster like the disaster that annihilated 'Ad and Thamud," Utbah clapped his hand over Mohammed's mouth. "For God's sake, have mercy on your people!" he cried. When Mohammed came to the phrase, "you shall fall prostrate before the God who created them," he prostrated himself and then raised his head, saying, "This was my reply; now do what you please." Utbah rose and walked back to the chiefs, such a changed man that the others noticed it immediately and even commented upon it. Crowding around him, they inquired, "Utbah, what did you hear?" Utbah replied, "By God! I have heard something the like of which I had never heard before. By God, it's neither poetry, nor sorcery, nor magic! Chiefs of the Quraish, listen to me! You had better leave this man alone! I think his teaching is going to have an impact! If the other Arabs defeat him, you will be saved the dishonor of raising your hand against your brother. On the other hand, if he conquers Arabia, we will all be sovereigns with him, and share in his honor!" "Abul Walid, why did you stop him from speaking?" they asked. "He warned of a disaster to befall us." Utbah replied. "You know that what he says is always fulfilled. I was afraid it would descend on us here. "You have been bewitched by this man's tongue just like the others!" they scolded." "Well," Utbah replied, "I have given you my opinion; now you may do what you please." | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[41:1] H. M. [41:2] A revelation from the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. [41:3] A scripture whose verses provide the complete details, in an Arabic Koran, for people who know. | [41:1] Although it does not say so in so many words, this sura appears to address the circumstances under which it was revealed. It refutes the claim that it, and the rest of the Koran, are merely attempts by Mohammed to acquire wealth, fame, power or prestige, or an indication that he is crazy of possessed by some kind of demon. It reiterates that it is most definitely the revealed Word of God, set down to His Messenger in the Arabic language for all its potential hearers to understand. | |
[41:4] A bearer of good news, as well as a counselor. However, most of them turn away; they do not hear. | [41:4] The good news is for those who listen to it, and the warning is for those who turn away and reject it. | |
[41:5] They said, "Our minds are made up, our ears are deaf to your message, and a barrier separates us from you. Do what you want, and so will we." | [41:5] The Quraish chiefs had already decided that Mohammed was a fraud, and were doing everything they could to oppose him. | |
[41:6] Say, "I am no more than a human being like you, who has been inspired that your God is One God. You shall be devoted to Him, and ask His forgiveness. Woe to the idol worshipers. | [41:6] Mohammed continued to assert that he was no more than a Messenger for God's message. Whether it was accepted or rejected was not his responsibility or under his control. | |
[41:7] "Who do not give the Obligatory Charity (zakat), and with regard to the Hereafter, they are disbelievers." | [41:7] This sura repeats that faith must be made manifest by good works, including works of charity. | |
[41:8] As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they receive a well deserved reward. | [41:8] If a person believes in God and persists in these pious acts, he will be rewarded in the next life. | |
[41:9] Say, "You disbelieve in the One who created the earth in two days, and you set up idols to rank with Him, though He is Lord of the universe." | [41:9] The Koran and the Bible say that the earth was created in two days {Genesis 1:1-8}, and that the "foods" [41:10] in an additional four, for a total of six. | |
[41:10] He placed mountains on it, made it productive, and He calculated its foods in four days, to satisfy the needs of all its inhabitants. | [41:10] Mountains are seen as holding the earth in place. God not only made the earth and everything in it for its inhabitants, He also guarantees its stability. | |
[41:11] Then He turned to the sky, when it was still gas, and said to it, and to the earth, "Come into existence, willingly or unwillingly." They said, "We come willingly." | [41:11] The "Big Bang" theory says that elements formed as a result of condensation of primordial gas. This appears to be the process described here. | |
[41:12] Thus, He completed the seven universes in two days, and set up the laws for every universe. And we adorned the lowest universe with lamps, and placed guards around it. Such is the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient. | [41:12] The "seven universes" are also mentioned in [17:44], [23:17], and [23:86], apparently meaning "everything that is." The "lowest universe" can be seen (the earth and solar system against the stellar background), lit by the lamps of the sun and moon. | |
[41:13] If they turn away, then say, "I am warning you of a disaster like the disaster that annihilated 'Ad and Thamud." | [41:13] The power that God manifested in creating the universe in the first place can also be used to remove those parts of it that are found to be defective. | |
[41:14] Their messengers went to them, as well as before them and after them, saying, "You shall not worship except God." They said, "Had our Lord willed, He could have sent angels. We are disbelievers in what you say."
[41:15] As for 'Ad, they turned arrogant on earth, opposed the truth, and said, "Who is more powerful than we?" Did they not realize that God, who created them, is more powerful than they? They were ungrateful for our revelations. |
[41:14] Having created the earth, God desires to preserve it, especially the people who populate it. He sends messengers again and again to warn the people who have become wicked. He could have sent angels, but He chose to send human beings.
[41:15] Traditionally, 'Ad was only five generations removed from the flood of Noah ([7:65-69]). Even in this short time, the people had forgotten the punishment of the Flood and had turned arrogant once more. | |
[41:16] Consequently, we sent upon them violent wind, for a few miserable days. We thus afflicted them with humiliating punishment in this life, and the penalty of the Hereafter is more humiliating; they can never win. | [41:16] Apparently 'Ad was destroyed in a sandstorm of several days' duration. One that persists for long enough could completely obliterate any community, no matter how large, which is why there is no trace of 'Ad today. See [46:21]. | |
[41:17] As for Thamud, we provided them with guidance, but they preferred blindness over guidance. Consequently, the disastrous and shameful penalty annihilated them, because of what they earned. | [41:17] Thamud was destroyed by an earthquake ([7:78]). Its people had earned this punishment for their refusal to listen to the messengers God had sent them, just like the Quraish with respect to Mohammed. | |
[41:18] We always save those who believe and lead a righteous life. | [41:18] Salvation through faith and good works is the central theme of the Koran. | |
[41:19] The day will come when the enemies of God will be summoned to the hellfire, forcibly. | [41:19] Another theme is the eternal punishment that awaits those who oppose God and His messengers. | |
[41:20] Once they get there, their own hearing, eyes, and skins will bear witness to everything they had done. | [41:20] The witness of their skins may be the pain of hellfire. They will not be able to ignore it. | |
[41:21] They will say to their skins, "Why did you bear witness against us?" They will reply, "God made us speak up; He is the One who causes everything to speak. He is the One who created you the first time, and now you have been returned to Him." | [41:21] This appears to be an extension of the previous thought. The disbelievers will be forced to accept the condemnation from the God in which they chose not to believe, even though they had chosen in life to believe otherwise. | |
[41:22] There is no way you can hide from your own hearing, your eyes, or your skins. In fact, you thought that God was unaware of much of what you do. | [41:22] The proofs of God's existence in the Koran are so compelling, that anyone who still does not believe must choose to do that, and God knows that he does it. | |
[41:23] This kind of thinking about your Lord will cause you to fall, and then you become losers. | [41:23] The consequence of this decision consists of loss of a person's immortal soul in Hell. | |
[41:24] If they continue the way they are, Hell will be their destiny, and if they make up excuses, they will not be excused.
[41:25] We assign to them companions who adorn everything they do in their eyes. Thus, they end up incurring the same fate as the previous communities of djinns and humans, who were also losers. |
[41:24] If the disbelievers persist in their disbelief, their destiny is irrevocable. No excuse will be good enough.
[41:25] The "companions" mentioned here are sometimes considered to be devils or djinns, but they may well be simply other disbelievers, like the Quraish chiefs, who made each other's opposition to Mohammed seem to be the right thing. | |
[41:26] Those who disbelieved said, "Do not listen to this Koran and distort it, that you may win." | [41:26] One of their tactics was to misquote the Koran, making it seem to say other than what it actually says. | |
[41:27] We will certainly afflict these disbelievers with a severe punishment. We will certainly punish them for their evil works. | [41:27] God has promised that He will punish those who attempt to distort the Koran or restrict its dissemination. | |
[41:28] Such is the requital that awaits God's enemies. Hell will be their eternal abode; a just requital for discarding our revelations. | [41:28] Those who distort or oppose the Koran have declared themselves to be the enemies of God. This is a crime deserving of eternal punishment. | |
[41:29] Those who disbelieved will say, "Our Lord, show us those among the two kinds - djinns and humans - who misled us, so we can trample them under our feet, and render them the lowliest." | [41:29] Belief in the revelations contained in the Koran is opposed by both human beings and the djinns. The disbelievers will reject both of them when they are made to suffer their chosen fate. | |
[41:30] Those who proclaim: "Our Lord is God," then lead a righteous life, the angels descend upon them: "You shall have no fear, nor shall you grieve. Rejoice in the good news that Paradise has been reserved for you. | [41:30] The company of the angels may have been welcome news for the Muslim converts who were becoming dejected from the continuous objection and antagonism of their friends and neighbors. | |
[41:31] "We are your allies in this life, and in the Hereafter. You will have in it anything you wish for; you will have anything you want. | [41:31] The angels are the allies of the Muslim converts. Eventually, they will get whatever they want, which will probably include not being persecuted. | |
[41:32] "The ultimate abode, from a Forgiver, Most Merciful." | [41:32] Whatever else happens, God will take care of them. | |
[41:33] Who can utter better words than one who invites to God, works righteousness, and says, "I am one of the submitters"? | [41:33] Whatever the objectors say or do, they can produce no better words that those already contained in the Koran. | |
[41:34] Not equal is the good response and the bad response. You shall resort to the nicest possible response. Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend. | [41:34] The converts must not give into the temptation to trade evil for evil, or they will lose the moral superiority of their cause. They must attempt to overcome evil with good. {Romans 12:21} | |
[41:35] None can attain this except those who steadfastly persevere. None can attain this except those who are extremely fortunate. | [41:35] Doing this, however, is a very hard thing, and only those who have the help of God (and maybe the angels) can accomplish it. | |
[41:36] When the devil whispers an idea to you, you shall seek refuge in God. He is the One who hears and knows everything. | [41:36] The ultimate source of the temptation to become angry and spiteful is the devil. To be protected against him, one must take refuge in God. | |
[41:37] Among His proofs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate before the sun, nor the moon; you shall fall prostrate before the God who created them, if you truly worship Him alone. | [41:37] This is a reminder that the sun and the moon, which some claimed were gods, are merely creations of God. One must made a distinction between the created and the Creator, and worship only Him. | |
[41:38] If they are too arrogant to do this, then those at your Lord glorify Him night and day, without ever tiring. | [41:38] The idol worshipers aren't really necessary for the worship of God; He has angels that worship Him all the time. | |
[41:39] Among His proofs is that you see the land still, then, as soon as we shower it with water, it vibrates with life. Surely, the One who revived it can revive the dead. He is Omnipotent. | [41:39] Here again, the luxuriant blooming of the apparently dead desert after the rain, a blessing from above, is surely proof of the ability of God to raise dead human beings to new life as well. | |
[41:40] Surely, those who distort our revelations are not hidden from us. Is one who gets thrown into Hell better, or one who comes secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do whatever you wish; He is Seer of everything you do. | [41:40] This addresses the people who picked and chose from the Koran, tanking statements out of context or sequence to attempt to misconstrue its meaning. God sees it, and will eventually put things right. | |
[41:41] Those who have rejected the Koran's proof when it came to them, have also rejected an Honorable book. | [41:41] The Koran is a book of unchangeable truth. It cannot be corrupted or made to say anything it doesn't. | |
[41:42] No falsehood could enter it, in the past or in the future; a revelation from a Most Wise, Praiseworthy. | [41:42] By preserving each word of the Koran in its original language, it is protected from error. | |
[41:43] What is said to you is precisely what was said to the previous messengers. Your Lord possesses forgiveness, and He also possesses agonizing punishment. | [41:43] The message from God is always the same. God is willing to forgive transgressions if the people believe and repent. If not, they will be destroyed. | |
[41:44] If we made it a non-Arabic Koran they would have said, "Why did it come down in that language?" Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, "For those who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are being addressed from faraway." | [41:44] One of the objections to the Koran is that it is in Arabic, so Mohammed could have made it all up. It would have been more impressive if it had been in a foreign language. It if had been in a foreign language, none of the Arabs could have understood it. God revealed in Arabic precisely for this reason. See [13:37]. | |
[41:45] We have given Moses the Scripture and it was also disputed. If it were not for your Lord's predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, they harbor too many doubts. | [41:45] Moses' Scripture was in Hebrew, the language of the people, and they didn't agree with all of it, either. God dealt gently with them, however. The Quraish still have the opportunity for similar treatment. | |
[41:46] Whoever works righteousness does so for his own good, and whoever works evil does so to his own detriment. Your Lord is never unjust towards the people. | [41:46] The Quraish have to make their own decisions for themselves. No one else can save them, and no one else can condemn them. God will reward their own works. | |
[41:47] With Him is the knowledge about the Hour. No fruits emerge from their sheaths, nor does any female conceive or give birth, without His knowledge. The day will come when He asks them: "Where are those idols that you set up beside Me?" They will say, "We proclaim to You that none of us bears witness to them." | [41:47] God knows everything, the exact date and time of the end of the world, the exact time for plants to ripen and young to be born. The idols don't know anything. Those to whom God will call on behalf of the idols may be their worshipers, or the idols themselves. Either way, none will be able to favor the idols. | |
[41:48] The idols they had idolized will disown them, and they will realize that there will be no escape. | [41:48] The faith the idol worshipers have in their gods will not help them. They will all be condemned. | |
[41:49] The human being never tires of imploring for good things. And when adversity befalls him, he turns despondent, desperate. | [41:49] This is essentially the same theme expressed in [11:9], [17:83] and [30:36]. People pray to God in times of trouble, but not before. | |
[41:50] And when we bless him after suffering some adversity, he says, "This belongs to me. I do not believe that the Hour will ever come to pass. Even if I am returned to my Lord, I will find at Him better things." Most certainly, we will inform the disbelievers of all their works, and will commit them to severe punishment. | [41:50] Yet when God answers their prayers, they think that their good fortune is their due, and do not give proper gratitude to God who answered their prayers. In the case of the disbelievers, however, their time of enjoying God's blessing is coming to an end, and they will eventually get what they deserve. | |
[41:51] When we bless the human being, he turns away, and drifts farther and farther away, and when he suffers any affliction, he implores loudly. | [41:51] When God blesses people, they turn from Him, but when He punishes them, they pray for relief. In this way, they invite punishment upon themselves. | |
[41:52] Proclaim: "What if this is truly from God, then you decide to reject it? Who are farther astray than those who decide to oppose this?" | [41:52] There can be no harm in accepting the Koran even if it is made up. But rejecting what could be the Word of God is something done only by a fool. | |
[41:53] We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient as a witness of all things? | [41:53] The majesty of creation is proof of the majesty of the Creator. God will continue to demonstrate His existence until He convinces everyone (on the Day of Resurrection). | |
[41:54] Indeed, they are doubtful about meeting their Lord. He is fully aware of all things. | [41:54] Those who have not yet accepted Him have a right to be concerned about meeting Him. |
SURA 42: Ash-Shura - Consultation | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[42:1] H. M. [42:2] A. S. Q. [42:3] Inspiring you, and those before you, is God, the Almighty, Most Wise. |
[42:1-2] As in previous suras, the significance of the introductory letters is unknown.
[42:3] This sura reiterates the theme that the teaching of Mohammed is nothing new; that it is, in fact, the same revelation that has been given to mankind by all the other prophets before him, namely, that there is One God and one religion dedicated to the worship of Him alone. | |
[42:4] To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth, and He is the Most High, the Great. | [42:4] God is the Lord and Master of everything, as opposed to the idols, which are only objects of worship. | |
[42:5] The heavens above them almost shatter, out of reverence for Him, and the angels praise and glorify their Lord, and they ask forgiveness for those on earth. Absolutely, God is the Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [42:5] The worship of false gods is such a serious crime that the heavens almost shatter at its enormity. The angels, taken aback by this blasphemy, are quick to ask God's forgiveness for such monumental guilt. | |
[42:6] Those who set up other lords beside Him, God is the One in charge of them; you are not their advocate. | [42:6] Prophethood does not imply that the prophet is in any way responsible for their response. | |
[42:7] We thus reveal to you an Arabic Koran to warn the central community and all around it, and to warn about the Day of Summoning that is inevitable. Some will end up in Heaven, and some in Hell. | [42:7] God has revealed His Message through the instrumentality of His Prophet in the language of the people of his community, so that they may have advance warning of the seriousness of their idolatry. | |
[42:8] Had God willed, He could have made them one community. But He redeems into His mercy whomever He wills. As for the transgressors, they have no master, nor a helper. | [42:8] God could have made each human being righteous by birth, but that would take away man's freedom. God wishes instead that man, unlike all other creatures, should have a choice. | |
[42:9] Did they find other lords beside Him? God is the only Lord and Master. He is the One who resurrects the dead, and He is the Omnipotent One. | [42:9] It is not as if this were a hard choice to make. The difference between God and anything else one chooses to worship should be obvious. | |
[42:10] If you dispute any part of this message, the judgment for doing this rests with God. Such is God my Lord. In Him I trust, and to Him I submit. | [42:10] Mohammed has not been sent to judge anyone; that authority rests with God alone. He does, however, set the example of one who submits to the will of God. | |
[42:11] Initiator of the heavens and the earth. He created for you from among yourselves spouses - and also for the animals. He thus provides you with the means to multiply. There is nothing that equals Him. He is the Hearer, the Seer.
[42:12] To Him belongs absolute control of the heavens and the earth. He is the One who increases the provision for whomever He wills, or reduces it. He is fully aware of all things. [42:13] He decreed for you the same religion decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it." |
[42:11] Instead of creating all human beings at one time in a state of eternal righteousness, God's creative process is gradual. He thus gives mankind the blessing of participating in its own creation and justification.
[42:12] This is not a fixed, static process, but one that involves a diversity of opportunities for everyone, to do and be done to, help and be helped, all under His direction. [42:13] The relationship between God and man is therefore very simple: God is the Creator and Patron of the human race, the sole duty of which is to acknowledge Him. This is the same religion given to man since the time of Noah. | |
[42:14] Ironically, they broke up into sects only after the knowledge had come to them, due to jealousy and resentment among themselves. If it were not for a predetermined decision from your Lord to respite them for a definite interim, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the later generations who inherited the scripture are full of doubts. | [42:14] In spite of the simplicity of this relationship, man has corrupted it by confusing God's messages, forming into different sects, and arguing with one another. As a result, modern (seventh century) man is totally confused. God has suspended His judgment to give mankind an opportunity to reestablish man's relationship to God. | |
[42:15] This is what you shall preach, and steadfastly maintain what you are commanded to do, and do not follow their wishes. And proclaim: "I believe in all the scriptures sent down by God. I was commanded to judge among you equitably. God is our Lord and your Lord. We have our deeds and you have your deeds. There is no argument between us and you. God will gather us all together; to Him is the ultimate destiny." | [42:15] This is the essence of Mohammed's Message, which he is obliged to proclaim in spite of objections and persecution. Its contents show that it is nothing new, because it says the same thing as all previous revelations. It is not meant in any way to condemn the Quraish personally, but simply to proclaim the truth that their evil deeds, especially their worship of idols, will lead to their ruin. | |
[42:16] Those who argue about God, after receiving His message, their argument is nullified at their Lord. They have incurred condemnation, and have deserved a severe punishment. | [42:16] Therefore, the argument that one is doing something holy by worshiping any god is false. God will not accept it, and will punish those who use it as an excuse for following a false religion. | |
[42:17] God is the One who sent down the scripture, to deliver the truth and the law. For all that you know, the Hour may be very close. | [42:17] The only religion mankind is obliged to follow is the one sent down by God Himself. When each person is judged, it will be by that criterion. | |
[42:18] Challenging it are those who do not believe in it. As for those who believe, they are concerned about it, and they know that it is the truth. Absolutely, those who deny the Hour have gone far astray. | [42:18] Those who challenge this do so because they don't believe it. Those who do believe the truth recognize that believe is not enough; it must be a guide for their thoughts and actions. | |
[42:19] God is fully aware of all His creatures; He provides for whomever He wills. He is the Powerful, the Almighty. | [42:19] Fortunately, they have help in doing this, because God provides appropriate help for all His creatures. | |
[42:20] Whoever seeks the rewards of the Hereafter, we multiply the rewards for him. And whoever seeks the materials of this world, we give him from them, then he receives no share in the Hereafter. | [42:20] This help is generously available. Those who seek the rewards of the hereafter will be helped to receive them, and those who seek worldly rewards will also be helped to acquire them. | |
[42:21] They follow idols who decree for them religious laws never authorized by God. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a severe punishment. | [42:21] The seekers of worldly rewards have established religious practices that have as their object the worship of worldly things, not God. Had God not held back the consequences of their decision, they would have already been condemned. | |
[42:22] You will see the transgressors worried about everything they had committed; everything will come back and haunt them. As for those who believed and led a righteous life, they will be in the gardens of Paradise. They will receive whatever they wish from their Lord. This is the great blessing. | [42:22] Even so, the worshipers of worldly things are constantly anxious about acquiring them. In contrast, those who seek the eternal rewards of the righteous know that they don't have to worry, because they will eventually receive everything they want. See also {Matthew 6:25-33 and Luke 12:16-31} | |
[42:23] This is the good news from God to His servants who believe and lead a righteous life. Say, "I do not ask you for any wage. I do ask each of you to take care of your own relatives." Anyone who does a righteous work, we multiply his reward for it. God is Forgiver, Appreciative. | [42:23] This is perhaps a direct response to the Quraish chiefs who proposed to bribe Mohammed to avoid controversy. His Message is, in fact, good news, that those who do good things will be rewarded. As God's appointed Messenger, he offers it free to all, asking nothing in return. | |
[42:24] Are they saying, "He has fabricated lies about God!"? If God willed, He could have sealed your mind, but God erases the falsehood and affirms the truth with His words. He is fully aware of the innermost thoughts. | [42:24] Mohammed was deeply grieved that his tribe did not accept the revelation that had been sent to them. God could have made it so he didn't care, but chose instead to comfort him with the words of the Koran instead. | |
[42:25] He is the One who accepts the repentance from His servants, and remits the sins. He is fully aware of everything you do. | [42:25] His concern for his fellow Arabs will be rewarded when they repent of their evil ways and accept the truth that he is bringing to them. | |
[42:26] Responding to Him are those who believe and lead a righteous life. He will shower them with His blessings. As for the disbelievers, they have incurred a severe punishment. | [42:26] Those who accept the blessing which Mohammed has brought them by believing and living righteously will receive even more blessings. Those who reject it will suffer the inevitable consequences. | |
[42:27] If God increased the provision for His servants, they would transgress on earth. This is why He sends it precisely measured to whomever He wills. He is fully Cognizant and Seer of His servants. | [42:27] If God were to bestow all of His blessings at once, those who reject them at first would have no opportunity to repent. By sending them in small doses, He provides continuing opportunities for acceptance. | |
[42:28] He is the One who sends down the rain after they had despaired, and spreads His mercy. He is the only Master, Most Praiseworthy. | [42:28] As an example, when the desert dries up and appears lifeless, God sends down the rain to renew it. In the same way he renews mankind. | |
[42:29] Among His proofs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He spreads in them. He is able to summon them, when He wills. | [42:29] The proof of God's existence is that everything in creation has a source. The uncaused source of all this is God. | |
[42:30] Anything bad that happens to you is a consequence of your own misdeeds, and He overlooks many of them. | [42:30] Unlike the rest of the universe, man can choose to violate the natural order of things to his detriment. Sometimes he gets away with this. | |
[42:31] You can never escape, and you have none beside God as a Lord and Master. | [42:31] Eventually, however, every person's misdeeds will catch up with him. | |
[42:32] Among His proofs are the ships that sail the sea with sails like flags. | [42:32] One of God's many blessings for man is the wind that makes sea travel possible. | |
[42:33] If He willed, He could have stilled the winds, leaving them motionless on top of the water. These are proofs for those who are steadfast, grateful. | [42:33] He could have arranged things so that there was no wind on the sea, leaving sailing ships stranded (and requiring all vessels to be propelled by oars). | |
[42:34] He can annihilate them, as a consequence of their own evil works. Instead, He overlooks many of them. | [42:34] God could even make the ships sink or disappear to punish evil crew members, but He gives them time to reform. | |
[42:35] Those who argue against our proofs will find out that they have no basis. | [42:35] In view of this, the arguments against the existence of God are groundless. | |
[42:36] Whatever you are given is no more than temporary material of this life. What God possesses is far better and everlasting, for those who believe and trust in their Lord. | [42:36] Those who insist that their material rewards are due solely to their own efforts do not understand that they are in fact part of the bounty that God has planned for the righteous. | |
[42:37] They avoid gross sins and vice, and when angered they forgive. | [42:37] These are they who avoid sin and forgive those who transgress against them. {Luke 11:4} | |
[42:38] They respond to their Lord by observing the Contact Prayers (Salat). Their affairs are decided after due consultation among themselves, and from our provisions to them they give (to charity). | [42:38] The demonstrate their devotion to God by daily prayer and charitable contributions. They examine the moral consequences of their choices before deciding upon them. | |
[42:39] When gross injustice befalls them, they stand up for their rights. | [42:39] Although quick to forgive, they defend the justice of what is due to them. | |
[42:40] Although the just requital for an injustice is an equivalent punishment, those who pardon and maintain righteousness are rewarded by God. He does not love the unjust. | [42:40] Although they deserve punishment, they forgive injuries so that they might be defended by God See {Matthew 5:38-39; 6:12-14, Mark 11:25, Luke 6:37; 11:4, Romans 12:19-21} | |
[42:41] Certainly, those who stand up for their rights, when injustice befalls them, are not committing any error. | [42:41] This does not oblige them to give up any of their rights to placate those who want to oppress and persecute them. | |
[42:42] The wrong ones are those who treat the people unjustly, and resort to aggression without provocation. These have incurred a severe punishment. | [42:42] The ones who are in the wrong are those who oppress and persecute others. They will receive a severe punishment for their sins. | |
[42:43] Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character. | [42:43] Those who forgive their oppressors and persecutors demonstrate real strength. | |
[42:44] Whomever God sends astray will never find any other lord, and you will see such transgressors, when they see the punishment, saying, "Can we get another chance?" | [42:44] Those whom God has rejected because of their rejection of Him will not find anything else to satisfy them. When their past catches up with them, they will wish their fate could be changed. | |
[42:45] You will see them facing it, humiliated and debased, and looking, yet trying to avoid looking. Those who believed will proclaim: "The real losers are those who lost their souls and their families on the Day of Resurrection. The transgressors have deserved an everlasting punishment." | [42:45] When they are forced to accept their fate, the wicked will be afraid to face it. Those whom they humiliated will recognize that the ultimate humiliation is that of losing everything; one's soul, his family, and the chance he was given to enjoy everlasting happiness. | |
[42:46] There will be no allies to help them against God. Whomever God sends astray can never be guided. | [42:46] Those who humiliated others in this life will find no one to save them from humiliation in the next. | |
[42:47] You shall respond to your Lord before a day comes which is decreed inevitable by God. There will be no refuge for you on that day, nor an advocate. | [42:47] The time for each person to respond to God's blessings is fixed. Those who exceed this fixed limit are doomed; nothing anyone can do will help them. | |
[42:48] If they turn away, we did not send you as their guardian. Your sole mission is delivering the message. When we shower the human beings with mercy, they become proud, and when adversity afflicts them, as a consequence of their own deeds, the human beings turn into disbelievers. | [42:48] In spite of the grief that Mohammed has for the disbelief of the people to whom he was sent, he must not hold himself responsible for it. Their reaction is one of pride, and when the consequences of it befall them, they will still refuse to believe in what he is telling them. | |
[42:49] To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He creates whatever He wills, granting daughters to whomever He wills, and granting sons to whomever He wills. | [42:49] It is God who determines what the appropriate blessing is to give to each person or family. For example, so some families He gives sons, and to others He gives daughters. | |
[42:50] Or, He may have the men and women marry each other, then render whomever He wills sterile. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent. | [42:50] Or, He may choose not to give a couple any children at all. He can do whatever He wants, because He's all knowing and all powerful. | |
[42:51] No human being can communicate with God except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier, or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise. | [42:51] God never communicates with mankind directly. He puts thoughts into men's minds, or conceals Himself in various ways, or by using intermediaries. | |
[42:52] Thus, we inspired to you a revelation proclaiming our commandments. You had no idea about the scripture, or faith. Yet, we made this a beacon to guide whomever we choose from among our servants. Surely, you guide in a straight path. | [42:52] In Mohammed's case, he didn't have any background in religion or Scripture for the first forty years of his life, yet God chose him to be the last Messenger to mankind, to provide illumination and guidance to God's people. | |
[42:53] The path of God, to whom belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Absolutely, all matters are controlled by God. | [42:53] In this way, God carries out His plan of salvation for the entire universe, which He controls by His almighty power. |
SURA 43: Al-Zukhruf - The Ornaments
This sura a forceful condemnation of opposition to his Message and the arguments raised against it, especially that idolatry is the religion of the Arab's ancestors. In addition to the possibility that their ancestors were misguided, it points out that the premise is false anyway, because all the prophets, including Abraham, preached monotheism. It also addresses other contemporary objections, and refutes each one. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[43:1] H. M. [43:2] And the enlightening Scripture. | [43:1-2] This sura begins as usual with the bismallah, but it atypically is incorporated into an oath, apparently taken by God Himself ("We" in the next ayat). It swears by God and "the enlightening Scripture" as a prelude or prologue to the rest of the sura, indicating the seriousness of its subject matter. | |
[43:3] We have rendered it an Arabic Koran, that you may understand. | [43:3] God does not need to make His revelation mysterious. It is in Arabic so people can understand it. | |
[43:4] It is preserved with us in the original master, honorable and full of wisdom. | [43:4] Like the other Scriptures, the Koran is revealed directly by God, straight from Him. | |
[43:5] Should we just ignore the fact that you have transgressed the limits? | [43:5] God is not going to leave the idol worshipers alone and more than He did in the past. | |
[43:6] We have sent many a prophet to the previous generations. | [43:6] Previous generations of sinners also had prophets sent to them. | |
[43:7] Every time a prophet went to them, they ridiculed him. | [43:7] They treated their prophets the same way the Quraish are treating Mohammed. | |
[43:8] Consequently, we annihilated people who were even more powerful than these. We thus set the examples from the previous communities. | [43:8] As a result of rejecting God's messages and messengers, even people more powerful than the Arab tribes were destroyed. | |
[43:9] If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and the earth," they would say, "The Almighty, the Omniscient has created them." | [43:9] Even most of the pagans agreed that the creator of the world was the "chief" or major deity, only one of many they worshiped. | |
[43:10] He is the One who made the earth habitable for you, and created for you roads in it, that you may follow the right way. | [43:10] The discourse here appears to make the point that "all" the blessings of life come from the same all-knowing God. | |
[43:11] He is the One who sends rain down from the sky, in exact measure, to revive dead lands therewith. Similarly, you will be resurrected. | [43:11] He not only creates all that lives on earth, but also renews it by life-giving rain, a clear analogy to the resurrection of the dead. | |
[43:12] He is the One who created all kinds, in pairs (male and female), and He created for you ships and livestock to ride. | [43:12] This creative process is gradual. God creates new life, including animals necessary to man, from their own reproductive activity. | |
[43:13] As you rest on top of them, you shall appreciate such a blessing from your Lord, and say, "Glory be to the One who subdued this for us. We could not have controlled them by ourselves. | [43:13] If God had not willed that the winds and animals should serve man, they would have been able to be controlled. Those who employ them should recognize the activity of God in their everyday lives... | |
[43:14] "We ultimately return to our Lord." | [43:14] ...because they will ultimately return to Him. | |
[43:15] They even assigned for Him a share from His own creation! Surely, the human being is profoundly ungrateful.
[43:16] Has He chosen from among His creations daughters for Himself, while blessing you with sons? |
[43:15] The pagans (and possibly Christians) believe that God is somehow subject to His own creation.
[43:16] For example, some maintain that God has children, and daughters (the angels) at that! Would God have female servants? | |
[43:17] When one of them is given news as they claimed for the Most Gracious, his face is darkened with misery and anger! | [43:17] When one (of the chiefs) has a daughter instead of a son he wanted, as they claim for God, he becomes angry and frustrated. | |
[43:18] "What is good about an offspring that is brought up to be beautiful, and cannot help in war?" | [43:18] "What good is even a beautiful child?" they say, "if it's only a daughter who can't fight?" | |
[43:19] They claimed that the angels, who are servants of the Most Gracious, are females! Have they witnessed their creation? Their claims are recorded, and they will be asked. | [43:19] Yet they claim the angels are all female. Do they really know? Were they there when the angels were created? They will surely be asked about this. Their claims will be used as evidence against them. | |
[43:20] They even said, "If the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshiped them." They have no basis for such a claim; they only conjecture. | [43:20] Others claim that if God didn't want people to worship idols, He would have prevented it. This is as silly as it is illogical. | |
[43:21] Have we given them a book before this, and they are upholding it? | [43:21] Have they all been following the instruction that God has already revealed to them? | |
[43:22] The fact is that: they said, "We found our parents carrying on certain practices, and we are following in their footsteps." | [43:22] The truth is that they reason they worship idols is because their ancestors did, not because they have any logical reason. | |
[43:23] Invariably, when we sent a counselor to any community, the leaders of that community would say, "We found our parents following certain practices, and we will continue in their footsteps." | [43:23] It has been the same with previous prophets. When the leaders of a community are asked to justify their religious practices, they invariably claim that they are the same as those of their ancestors. | |
[43:24] He said, "What if I brought to you better guidance than what you inherited from your parents?" They would say, "We are disbelievers in the message you brought." | [43:24] Even when the prophets sent to them demonstrate clearly that their religions had no basis, they still rejected them, and arbitrarily chose to follow tradition rather than common sense. | |
[43:25] Consequently, we punished them. Note the consequences for the rejecters. | [43:25] Therefore God destroyed them. The present generation should learn from their mistakes. | |
[43:26] Abraham said to his father and his people, "I disown what you worship. | [43:26] The fact is, their most revered ancestor, Abraham, rejected all forms of idol worship. | |
[43:27] "Only the One who initiated me can guide me." | [43:27] He worshiped the One True God. | |
[43:28] This example was rendered an everlasting lesson for subsequent generations; perhaps they redeem their souls. | [43:28] If any Arab wants to justify his religion on the basis of his ancestors, he should accept the monotheism of Abraham and save his soul. | |
[43:29] Indeed, I have given these people and their ancestors sufficient chances, then the truth came to them, and a clarifying messenger. | [43:29] The idolaters cannot blame God for their ignorance, because He has given them many opportunities to accept the truth. | |
[43:30] When the truth came to them, they said, "This is magic, and we are disbelievers in it." | [43:30] Yet when they receive the truth, they reject it, claiming it's magic or some other nonsense. | |
[43:31] They said, "If only this Koran was sent down through another man from the two communities (Mecca or Medina) who is prominent!" | [43:31] The ignorant claim that God would have revealed His message only through the most prominent of men from Mecca or Medina. | |
[43:32] Are they the ones who assign your Lord's mercy? We have assigned their shares in this life, raising some of them above others in ranks, in order to let them serve one another. The mercy from your Lord is far better than any material they may hoard. | [43:32] Do they get to decide whom God may or may not appoint to be His messengers? God is the One who elevates or debases each person for His own purposes. God's determination of who is prominent or not is far more important than measuring it with money. | |
[43:33] If it were not that all the people might become one congregation, we would have granted everyone who disbelieves in the Most Gracious mansions with silver roofs, and stairs upon which they could climb. | [43:33] If it were not for the danger that everyone would choose to be an idolater, God could have made the idolaters wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, with silver roofs and tall houses. | |
[43:34] Their mansions would have impressive gates, and luxurious furnishings. | [43:34] Their mansions and furnishings would be extravagantly luxurious... | |
[43:35] Also many ornaments. All these are the temporary materials of this lowly life. The Hereafter - at your Lord - is far better for the righteous. | [43:35] ...with ostentatious ornamentation. But this would all be temporary trappings of the worldly life. The next life is worth far more. | |
[43:36] Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a devil to be his constant companion.
[43:37] Such companions will divert them from the path, yet make them believe that they are guided. |
[43:36] Anyone who rejects the revelations of God will get a companion devil (instead of a guardian angel).
[43:37] The devil will make the disbeliever think that everything is all right, when in fact he is headed to eternal damnation. | |
[43:38] When he comes before us he will say, "Oh I wish you were as far from me as the east is from the west. What a miserable companion!" | [43:38] When he finally comes before God, he will wish he had never accepted the devil as companion, that he was far away beyond the horizon. | |
[43:39] It will not console you on that day, as transgressors, that both of you will share in the punishment. | [43:39] But his regret at that time will not save him. Both he and his personal devil will be condemned to the same eternal fate. | |
[43:40] Can you make the deaf hear; can you make the blind see, or those who are far astray? | [43:40] Mohammed is no more able to convince them than he is to make the blind see or the deaf hear. | |
[43:41] Whether we let you die before it or not, we will surely punish them. | [43:41] Whether they kill Mohammed or not, they will still get what is coming to them. | |
[43:42] Or, we may show you what we promised for them. We are in full control over them. | [43:42] God may choose to let him see their ultimate defeat; it is He who decides. | |
[43:43] You shall steadfastly preach what is revealed to you; you are in the right path. | [43:43] Mohammed must continue to carry out his mission to proclaim the revelation of God. | |
[43:44] This is a message for you and your people; all of you will be questioned. | [43:44] This is a warning for all the Arabs. They will be questioned about how they treated Mohammed. | |
[43:45] Check the messengers we sent before you: Have we ever appointed any other gods beside the Most Gracious to be worshiped? | [43:45] None of Mohammed's teaching is new; every messenger before him has proclaimed that there is only One God. | |
[43:46] For example, we sent Moses with our proofs to Pharaoh and his elders, proclaiming: "I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe." | [43:46] Moses is a good example. He was sent to Pharaoh and his people with a message that there is only One God, the Lord of the Universe. | |
[43:47] When he showed them our proofs, they laughed at them. | [43:47] Yet, when he demonstrated God's power, they ridiculed him. | |
[43:48] Every sign we showed them was bigger than the one before it. We afflicted them with the plagues to encourage them to repent. | [43:48] Moses demonstrated sign after sign, each one more impressive than the one before. God even sent the plagues so that they would believe him. | |
[43:49] They said, "O you magician, implore your Lord on our behalf, since you have an agreement with Him; we will then be guided." | [43:49] Actually, Pharaoh believed that Moses represented God, and begged him to ask God to remove the plagues that He had sent. | |
[43:50] But as soon as we relieved their affliction, they reverted. | [43:50] Yet each time God lifted a plague, Pharaoh's heart was hardened. | |
[43:51] Pharaoh announced to his people, "O my people, do I not possess the kingship over Egypt, and these flowing rivers belong to me? Do you not see? | [43:51] Pharaoh was arrogant of his power, claiming that he controlled all of Egypt; that even the rivers flowed only by his leave. | |
[43:52] "Which one is better; me or that one who is lowly and can hardly speak? | [43:52] He thought he was superior to Moses, who was "slow of speech, and of a slow tongue" {Exodus 4:10}. | |
[43:53] "How come he does not possess a treasure of gold; how come the angels do not accompany him?" | [43:53] He thought Moses could not be a prophet. He was not wealthy, or accompanied by angels. | |
[43:54] He thus fooled his people, and they obeyed him; they were wicked people. | [43:54] By these arguments, Pharaoh deceived his people, all of whom were wicked. | |
[43:55] When they persisted in opposing us, we punished them and drowned them all. | [43:55] Because they continued to oppose God, He drowned them all as punishment. | |
[43:56] We rendered them a precedent and an example for the others. | [43:56] This should be a warning for those who act the same way towards God's messengers. | |
[43:57] When the son of Mary was cited as an example, your people disregarded it. | [43:57] Another example is Jesus, son of Mary, who was also a rejected prophet of God. | |
[43:58] They said, "Is it better to worship our gods, or to worship him?" They said this only to argue with you. Indeed, they are people who have joined the opposition. | [43:58] Those who did not believe in him asked if it was better to worship him or their own gods, but they were merely being argumentative, for they had already decided. | |
[43:59] He was no more than a servant whom we blessed, and we sent him as an example for the Children of Israel. | [43:59] Jesus was a servant whom God blessed, sent by him as an example for the Jews. {Matthew 11:29, John 13:15, 1 Peter 2:21} | |
[43:60] If we willed, we could have made you angels who colonize and reproduce on earth. | [43:60] If He wanted to, God could have sent angels instead of people to populate the earth. | |
[43:61] He is to serve as a marker for knowing the end of the world, so you can no longer harbor any doubt about it. You shall follow Me; this is the right path. | [43:61] Jesus is an example also of the Resurrection. (Islam claims that he returned to earth, but that he did not die. See [3:55]). | |
[43:62] Let not the devil repel you; he is your most ardent enemy. | [43:62] The disbelievers should not listen to their enemy, the devil. | |
[43:63] When Jesus went with the proofs, he said, "I bring to you wisdom, and to clarify some of the matters in which you dispute. You shall reverence God and obey me." | [43:63] The miracles that Jesus worked, as recorded in the Bible, were proof that he was sent by God to bring God's message to the Jews. He preached that they should worship only God. | |
[43:64] "God is my Lord and your Lord, you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path." | [43:64] This appears to be a refutation of the Christian belief that Jesus is God. | |
[43:65] The opponents disputed among themselves. Woe to those who transgress from the vengeance of a painful day. | [43:65] The enemies of Jesus disputed his claim to be a prophet opposed his mission. They will ultimately face the punishment of the wicked. | |
[43:66] Are they waiting for the Hour to come to them suddenly when they least expect it? | [43:66] By not repenting, the wicked are essentially waiting for the hour of their punishment to arrive. | |
[43:67] The close friends on that day will become enemies of one another, except for the righteous. | [43:67] Even their close friends will turn against them, and they will have no one to speak for them. | |
[43:68] O My servants, you will have no fear on that day, nor will you grieve. | [43:68] The righteous, on the other hand, will have no reason to fear God's judgment. | |
[43:69] They are the ones who believed in our revelations, and were submitters. | [43:69] These are the ones who believed in the prophets and did what they were told. | |
[43:70] Enter Paradise, together with your spouses, and rejoice. | [43:70] They will be invited to enter into Paradise to live together forever. | |
[43:71] Offered to them will be golden trays and cups, and they will find everything the hearts desire and the eyes wish for. You live there forever. | [43:71] They will enjoy the luxuries of the very rich, and will receive everything they had ever dreamed of wanting. They will live there forever. | |
[43:72] Such is the Paradise that you inherit, in return for your works. | [43:72] This is the essence of Paradise, the reward for those who do good. | |
[43:73] You will have in it all kinds of fruits, from which you eat. | [43:73] They will always have enough to eat. (This might be the main blessing!) | |
[43:74] Surely, the guilty will be punished in Gehenna forever. | [43:74] Similarly, the punishment of the wicked will also last forever. | |
[43:75] Never will the punishment be commuted for them; they will be confined in it. | [43:75] They will never be able to escape the suffering of Hell, in which they will be eternally confined. | |
[43:76] It is not us who wronged them; it is they who wronged their own souls. | [43:76] Their suffering will be the result of their own doing, in spite of the warnings they received. | |
[43:77] They will implore: "O master, let your Lord finish us off." He will say, "You are staying forever. | [43:77] They will wish that they could die to escape their torment, but it will hot happen. | |
[43:78] "We have given you the truth, but most of you hate the truth." | [43:78] They have no legitimate complaint, because they were given the truth. | |
[43:79] Have they schemed some scheme? We too are scheming. | [43:79] This passage is taken to refer to the Quraish plot to assassinate Mohammed. | |
[43:80] Do they think that we do not hear their secrets and conspiracies? Yes indeed; our messengers are with them, recording. | [43:80] Even though they tried to keep it secret, God knows all about their plans. They are being noted as evidence for their judgment. | |
[43:81] Proclaim: "If the Most Gracious did have a son, I would still be the foremost worshiper." | [43:81] Even if the Christians were correct about Jesus, Mohammed would still be God's best proponent. | |
[43:82] Be He glorified; He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord with the great dominion, far above their claims. | [43:82] God's majesty is far above that of anything else in the heavens or on the earth; He has dominion over everything. | |
[43:83] Let them blunder and play until they meet their day that is awaiting them. | [43:83] God will leave His enemies to their own devices until the day of judgment. | |
[43:84] He is the only one who is God in the heaven and God on earth. He is the Most Wise, the Omniscient. | [43:84] This appears to be a refutation of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. | |
[43:85] Most Exalted is the One who possesses all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them. With Him is the knowledge about the Hour, and to Him you will be returned. | [43:85] It may also be a refutation of the pagan concept of the gods of home, hearth, field, sun, moon, etc. God Himself has no associates. He knows everything, even the end of the world. | |
[43:86] None of those whom they idolize beside Him possess any power to intercede, unless their intercession coincides with the truth, and they fully know. | [43:86] None of the false gods will be of any worth on that day. The only ones who can help the judged are those who have already brought them the truth, but they have rejected that. | |
[43:87] If you asked them who created them, they would say, "God." Why then did they deviate? | [43:87] The judged will have to recognize that they owe their very existence to God alone. | |
[43:88] It will be proclaimed: "O my Lord, these people do not believe." | [43:88] The idolaters will be convicted of their unbelief, to be humiliated before the faithful. | |
[43:89] You shall disregard them and say, "Peace;" they will surely find out. | [43:89] So Mohammed need not argue with them; God will see to their disposition. |
SURA 44: Ad-Dukhan - The Smoke
Faced with mounting opposition, Mohammed prayed that a famine might occur that would cause the Meccans to call upon God to relieve them. This is precisely what happened. Some of the Quraish chiefs, reputedly even Abu Sufyan, implored Mohammed to ask God to make the famine cease. This sura is a response to that plea. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [44:1] H. M. | [44:1] Like the sura before it, this sura also begins with an oath in the name of God, indicating the seriousness of its subject matter, each topic of which will be introduced by a comment below. | |
SURA 45: Al-Jathiyah - The Kneeling | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[45:1] H. M. | [45:1] The discourse begins with the familiar argument that the harmony of the visible universe undeniably demonstrates the existence of a single, all-powerful Creator, God. | |
[45:2] The revelation of this scripture is from God, the Almighty, Most Wise. | [45:2] He has revealed Himself not only through His creation, but also His Scripture. | |
[45:3] The heavens and the earth are full of proofs for the believers. | [45:3] The proofs of His nature are everywhere, for all perceptive people to appreciate. | |
[45:4] Also in your creation, and the creation of all the animals, there are proofs for people who are certain. | [45:4] They extend to the animals, and even in each individual person, so that everyone can know them. | |
[45:5] Also, the alternation of the night and the day, and the provisions that God sends down from the sky to revive dead lands, and the manipulation of the winds; all these are proofs for people who understand. | [45:5] The power of God is manifested in the cyclic nature of day and night, the alternation of rain and drought, the nature of the winds, and the harmony and interaction of all these things. | |
[45:6] These are God's revelations that we recite to you truthfully. In which proclamation other than God and His revelations do they believe? | [45:6] This is an accurate recitation of the revelation of this same God. What other contemporary Scripture is there for man to believe in? | |
[45:7] Woe to every fabricator, guilty.
[45:8] The one who hears God's revelations recited to him, then insists arrogantly on his way, as if he never heard them. Promise him a severe punishment. | [45:7-8] Anyone who distorts or misrepresents this revelation, or who hears it and then refuses to acknowledge its authenticity, ignoring it as if he had never heard it, is surely liable to the most severe punishment! | |
[45:9] When he learns anything about our revelations, he mocks them. These have incurred a shameful punishment. | [45:9] Equally guilty are those who have been blessed by hearing these revelations and respond by making fun of them. | |
[45:10] Awaiting them is Gehenna. Their earnings will not help them, nor the idols they had set up beside God. They have incurred a terrible punishment. | [45:10] Hell is open for them. Neither their wealth, nor their gods, nor anything else will be able to help them on the day they will be called to account. | |
[45:11] This is a beacon, and those who disbelieve in these revelations of their Lord have incurred condemnation and a severe punishment. | [45:11] This revelation is a guiding light against the darkness of ignorance. Anyone who refuses to believe in it has sealed his own awful fate. | |
[45:12] God is the One who committed the sea in your service, so that the ships can roam it in accordance with His laws. You thus seek His provisions, that you may be properly grateful. | [45:12] All the elements of nature that man has exploited for his own use, such as the wind and sea, are, in fact, blessings from God, for which everyone should be properly thankful. | |
[45:13] He committed in your service everything in the heavens and the earth; all from Him. These are proofs for people who reflect. | [45:13] In fact, everything in heaven and earth was made for man's benefit. This should be sufficient proof for anyone. See {Genesis 1:28-30}. | |
[45:14] Tell those who believed to forgive those who do not expect the days of God. He will fully pay everyone for whatever they have earned. | [45:14] Those who accept the Koran must be kind to those who do not. The day when God will make His own distinction between them is coming. | |
[45:15] Whoever works righteousness does so for his own good, and whoever works evil does so to his own detriment. To your Lord you will be returned. | [45:15] The righteous will be rewarded, and the wicked will be punished, because everyone is ultimately accountable to the justice of God. | |
[45:16] We have given the Children of Israel the scripture, wisdom, and prophethood, and provided them with good provisions; we bestowed upon them more blessings than any other people. | [45:16] Originally, God blessed the Jewish people by providing Scripture and wisdom, and sending them prophets and other blessings. He chose them to be His people. {Genesis 17:7, Exodus 3:7} | |
[45:17] We have given them herein clear commandments. Ironically, they did not dispute this until the knowledge had come to them. This is due to jealousy on their part. Surely, your Lord will judge them on the Day of Resurrection regarding everything they have disputed.
[45:18] We then appointed you to establish the correct laws; you shall follow this, and do not follow the wishes of those who do not know. [45:19] They cannot help you at all against God. It is the transgressors who ally themselves with one another, while God is the Lord of the righteous. |
[45:17] In the same way, God has given the Arabs His revelation in the Koran. They Arabs did not argue with the Jewish Scriptures; they only began opposing the Word of God when He gave this blessing also to them. They will surely suffer for their arrogance.
[45:18] Mohammed has been sent to reestablish the correct beliefs and practices what the Jews have abandoned and lost. [45:19] It would be pointless to try to appease his opponents, because they have conspired with each other to oppose God. He remains on the side of the believers. | |
[45:20] This provides enlightenment for the people, and guidance, and mercy for those who are certain. | [45:20] His revelation is sufficient guidance for them as long as they are steadfast in their belief. | |
[45:21] Do those who work evil expect that we will treat them in the same manner as those who believe and lead a righteous life? Can their life and their death be the same? Wrong indeed is their judgment. | [45:21] It is unreasonable to think that the God who created the universe would treat the evildoers and the righteous the same. There must be an opportunity (in the afterlife) for justice to be served. | |
[45:22] God created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose, in order to pay each soul for whatever it earned, without the least injustice. | [45:22] God has created the entire for man's benefit. That purpose is not accomplished in life, so there must be an afterlife in which it is accomplished. | |
[45:23] Have you noted the one whose god is his ego? Consequently, God sends him astray, despite his knowledge, seals his hearing and his mind, and places a veil on his eyes. Who then can guide him, after such a decision by God? Would you not take heed? | [45:23] Those who worship themselves invariably suffer the consequences. Even though they should know better, the do evil things, acting as if they were deaf and blind. No one can reason with them, because God has made them immune to reason. | |
[45:24] They said, "We only live this life; we live and die and only time causes our death!" They have no sure knowledge about this; they only conjecture. | [45:24] For example, they are certain that there is no afterlife, but they do not have a shred of evidence to support this belief. They simply choose to believe it. | |
[45:25] When our revelations are recited to them, clearly, their only argument is to say, "Bring back our forefathers, if you are telling the truth." | [45:25] The only argument they can give against the truth is to demand that their ancestors be brought back now if there really is an afterlife. | |
[45:26] Say, "God has granted you life, then He puts you to death, then He will summon you to the Day of Resurrection, which is inevitable. But most people do not know."
[45:27] To God belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. The day the Hour (Judgment) comes to pass, that is when the falsifiers lose. |
[45:26] God does not consider Himself bound by their demands that He prove what He has revealed to them. They will personally see the truth soon enough.
[45:27] God, in fact, is not bound to do anything that man demands, because it is He who does the demanding. Those who believe otherwise will be overcome. | |
[45:28] You will see every community kneeling. Every community will be called to view their record. Today, you get paid for everything you have done. | [45:28] Every person who has ever lived will one day acknowledge this sovereignty, and will be forced to accept the consequences of his life. | |
[45:29] This is our record; it utters the truth about you. We have been recording everything you did. | [45:29] God maintains a record of the deeds of each person, and will be rewarded or punished accordingly. | |
[45:30] As for those who believe and work righteousness, their Lord will admit them into His mercy. This is the great triumph. | [45:30] God's justice will assure that the believers and righteous will ultimately triumph over the wicked who oppress them. | |
[45:31] As for those who disbelieve: "Were not My revelations recited to you, but you turned arrogant and were wicked people?" | [45:31] The wicked will be confronted with the fact that they refused to accept the truth that God sent down to them. | |
[45:32] When it is proclaimed that God's promise is the truth and that the Hour is inevitable, you said, "We do not know what the Hour is! We are full of conjecture about it; we are not certain." | [45:32] Even when they are assured by God Himself that they will all be judged for their works, they still don't believe it. They claim that are still unconvinced, that God's word is not sufficient for them. | |
[45:33] The evils of their works will become evident to them, and the very things they mocked will come back and haunt them. | [45:33] This attitude has led to immorality and loss of conscience. At the Resurrection, they will be made aware of the wickedness of their behavior. | |
[45:34] It will be proclaimed: "Today we forget you, just as you forgot the meeting of this day. Your abode is the hellfire, and you will have no helpers. | [45:34] God will separate Himself from the wicked in the same way that they chose to separate themselves from Him. See {Matthew 7:23; 25:41 and Luke 13:27} | |
[45:35] "This is because you took God's revelations in vain, and were preoccupied with the first life." Consequently, they will never exit from it, nor will they be excused. | [45:35] The reason they will not be given another chance is because they had the very best chance there is, God's own revelation, but they chose to pursue their own concerns instead of His. | |
[45:36] To God belongs all praise; Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth, Lord of the universe. | [45:36] God's concerns take precedence over those of man, because He is Lord of everything. | |
[45:37] To Him belongs all supremacy in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. | [45:37] This passage might be considered the "Muslim doxology." See also [30:27] and {Jude 25} |
SURA 46: Al-Ahqaf - The Sand DunesNow despondent, Mohammed trudged back to Mecca after having stayed only a day at Ta'if, assuming that the Meccans would persecute him even more vehemently after hearing about his humiliation there. Some traditions maintain that on the way back he saw the Angel Gabriel, who offered to drop two mountains on the disbelievers. Reportedly, Mohammed talked him out of it because their children might eventually grow up to accept Islam even if they didn't. One night shortly after he returned, the story goes that a group of djinns heard him reciting the Koran (up to that time) and stopped to listen. They were so impressed that they returned to their fellow djinns to preach Islam. When revealing this sura, God informed Mohammed in [46:29-32] that even though his human neighbors had rejected his Message, the djinns were actively spreading it.
The visit to Ta'if took place around CE 620, so this sura dates from that time. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[46:1] H. M. | [46:1] The theme of this sura is a refutation of the errors of the unbelievers that the universe has no purpose. It is also a warning that they were opposing the one who was trying to help them. | |
[46:2] The revelation of this scripture is from God, the Almighty, Most Wise. | [46:2] The revelation that he is bringing to them comes directly from God. | |
[46:3] We did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them except for a specific purpose, and for a finite interim. Those who disbelieve are totally oblivious to the warnings given to them. | [46:3] The idolaters of Mohammed's time regarded the world as capricious and arbitrary, essentially having no rationale or purpose. Here that belief is refuted and substituted with the assertion that it was created for a God's purposes. | |
[46:4] Say, "Consider the idols you have set up beside God. Show me what on earth did they create. Do they own part of the heavens? Show me any other scripture before this one, or any piece of established knowledge that supports your idolatry, if you are telling the truth." | [46:4] The contemporary view of God was that He was one of many, or that the other gods were His associates. The only reason for their belief was that it was the same as their ancestors'. Here the idolaters are challenged to show any evidence whatever that the idols had anything to do with creation. | |
[46:5] Who is farther astray than those who idolize beside God idols that can never respond to them until the Day of Resurrection, and are totally unaware of their worship? | [46:5] The idolaters choose to ignore the fact that their false gods haven't the ability to do anything at all, much less create anything or acknowledge the homage of the people who are worshiping them. | |
[46:6] And when the people are summoned, their idols will become their enemies, and will denounce their idolatry. | [46:6] Therefore, the idolaters' foolish dedication to their false gods will condemn them on the Day of judgment. | |
[46:7] When our revelations were recited to them, perfectly clear, those who disbelieved said of the truth that came to them, "This is obviously magic!" | [46:7] They steadfastly maintained that the revelation presented by Mohammed was made up by him, or was the result of demonic possession. | |
[46:8] When they say, "He fabricated this," say, "If I fabricated this, then you cannot protect me from God. He is fully aware of everything you scheme. He suffices as a witness between me and you. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful." | [46:8] Surely, if Mohammed was making it all up, he was committing a terrible blasphemy, for which he could fully expect God to punish him. Yet he was obviously not afraid. God is his witness that he is telling the truth. | |
[46:9] Say, "I am not different from other messengers. I have no idea what will happen to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a profound counselor." | [46:9] Also at issue was the question of what a constitutes a prophet and how to recognize one. On this basis, the idolaters did not believe that Mohammed could be a prophet. | |
[46:10] Say, "What if it is from God and you disbelieved in it? A witness from the Children of Israel has borne witness to a similar phenomenon, and he has believed, while you have turned arrogant. Surely, God does not guide the wicked people." | [46:10] Who the "witness from the Children of Israel" might be is unclear, but it may refer to a converted rabbi. Conversion of a rabbi would have been a powerful argument for the similarity of Islam and Judaism. This may be what is referred to here. | |
[46:11] Those who disbelieved said about those who believed, "If it were anything good, they would not have accepted it before us." Because they were not guided to it, they said, "This is an old fabrication!" | [46:11] Like Judaism and Christianity, the first converts were common people. The idolaters' argument here is that if Islam were worth anything, it would have been accepted by the chiefs and leaders. | |
[46:12] Before this, the book of Moses provided guidance and mercy. This too is a scripture that confirms, in Arabic, to warn those who transgressed, and to give good news to the righteous. | [46:12] The counter argument is that the principles and practices contained in the Koran are the same as those in the Old Testament; good news for the pious, bad news for the wicked. | |
[46:13] Surely, those who say, "Our Lord is God," then lead a righteous life, will have no fear, nor will they grieve. | [46:13] Both Scriptures maintain that those who believe God and live according to His commandments will be rewarded. | |
[46:14] They have deserved Paradise, where they remain forever; a reward for their works. | [46:14] In addition, the New Testament promises the reward of eternal life for the righteous. | |
[46:15] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him arduously, gave birth to him arduously, and took intimate care of him for thirty months. When he reaches maturity, and reaches the age of forty, he should say, "My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Let my children be righteous as well. I have repented to You; I am a submitter." | [46:15] This may refer to Mohammed's refusal to agree to Gabriel's dropping mountains on the disbelievers in the hope that their children might grow up to accept Islam. The "thirty months" of intimate care probably refers to the nine months of gestation and the additional time that Arab infants nursed where baby bottles had yet to be invented. Children were not considered fully mature until they were old enough to become grandparents, at which time they honored their own parents by accepting Islam. | |
[46:16] It is from these that we accept the righteous works, and overlook their sins. They have deserved Paradise. This is the truthful promise that is promised to them. | [46:16] In this way, the children of the blasphemers free themselves from their parents' sins and gain credit for their own good works that merit eternal life in Paradise. | |
[46:17] Then there is the one who says to his parents, "Woe to you; are you telling me that I will come back to life? How come those who died before us never come back?" the parents would cry for God's help and say, "Woe to you; please believe! God's promise is the truth." He would say, "Tales from the past!" | [46:17] On the other hand, there were some parents who accepted Islam but their children did not. One of their arguments was that they never met anyone who came back from the dead. No doubt this greatly distressed their believing parents as much as the same situation affects modern parents. | |
[46:18] Such are the ones stamped as disbelievers among every generation of djinns and humans; they are losers. | [46:18] This appears to be a problem with children of all religions, ages, races, and, apparently, even other species as well. | |
[46:19] They all attain the ranks they have deserved, in accordance with their works. He will pay them for their works, without the least injustice. | [46:19] However, each person is responsible, and is rewarded or punished, for his own works, not those of his parents or children. | |
[46:20] The day will come when those who disbelieved will be introduced to the hellfire: "You have wasted the good chances given to you during your worldly life, and you rejoiced in them. Consequently, today you incur a shameful punishment as a requital for the arrogance you committed on earth without any basis, and for your evil works." | [46:20] As a result, the disbelievers, regardless of the piety (or lack of it) of their relatives, will be thrown into hell. The rebuke here should be familiar to all parents of wayward adolescents. They wasted the chances they were given, rejoiced in dissipation, persisted in arrogance and ignorance, and now must pay the price. | |
[46:21] Recall that the brother of 'Ad warned his people at the sand dunes numerous warnings were also delivered before him and after him: "You shall not worship except God. I fear for you the punishment of a great day." | [46:21] The "brother of 'Ad here may be the prophet Hud, who exhorted his people to worship God alone. This happened about five generations after Noah. They didn't do it, so God destroyed 'Ad in a prolonged sandstorm. See [41:16]. | |
[46:22] They said, "Did you come to divert us from our gods? We challenge you to bring what you threaten, if you are telling the truth." | [46:22] The people of 'Ad foolishly challenged Hud to bring God's punishment on them. God obliged them by destroying them utterly. | |
[46:23] He said, "The knowledge about this is with God; I only deliver to you what I was sent to deliver. However, I see that you people are ignorant." | [46:23] Hud did not bring on the sandstorm himself, he only warned his people that the day of punishment was coming. | |
[46:24] When they saw the storm heading their way, they said, "This storm will bring to us much needed rain." Instead, this is what you challenged him to bring; violent wind wherein there is agonizing punishment. | [46:24] Even after they had been warned to return to the worship of God, they challenged Hud to destroy them. As the sand storm approached, the people of 'Ad stubbornly persisted in their refusal to believe that it was the coming punishment of God. | |
[46:25] It destroyed everything, as commanded by its Lord. By morning, nothing was standing except their homes. We thus punish the guilty people. | [46:25] Just as God had warned them through the message of Hud, the sandstorm covered everything. The homes were probably buried in the sand. | |
[46:26] We had established them in the same way as we established you, and provided them with hearing, eyes, and minds. But their hearing, eyes, and minds did not help them at all. This is because they decided to disregard God's revelations. Thus, the prophecies and warnings that they ridiculed have caused their doom. | [46:26] The people of 'Ad were no different human beings than Mohammed. They had the same faculties as he, and the same ability to know and understand, but these abilities didn't help them. This is because they chose not to believe the revelation that God had sent down to them. They things they didn't believe in caused their destruction. | |
[46:27] We have annihilated many communities around you, after we had explained the proofs, that they might repent. | [46:27] There were many other instances in which wicked communities were warned to repent, and were annihilated when they did not. | |
[46:28] Why then did the idols they set up to bring them closer to God fail to help them? Instead, they abandoned them. Such were the false gods they idolized; such were the innovations they fabricated. | [46:28] One of the arguments for idol worship is that the worship of any god is praiseworthy. But they abandoned their false gods when they recognized that the idols had no power to save them. | |
[46:29] Recall that we directed a number of djinns to you, in order to let them hear the Koran. When they got there, they said, "Listen." As soon as it was over, they rushed to their people, warning. | [46:29] This is the incident in which the djinns overheard Mohammed reciting the Koran and came to believe in it and spread it among the other djinns. Why they were in Mecca is not explained. | |
[46:30] They said, "O our people, we have heard a book that was revealed after Moses, and confirms the previous scriptures. It guides to the truth; to the right path. | [46:30] Even the evil djinns recognized that it was the Word of God, the same revelation that was given to Moses, confirming them and providing guidance for believers. | |
[46:31] "O our people, respond to the call of God, and believe in Him. He will then forgive your sins, and spare you a severe punishment." | [46:31] The djinns themselves thus responded to the Message that had been revealed to Mohammed, even though the people had not. | |
[46:32] Those who fail to respond to God's call cannot escape, and will have no Lord other than Him; they have gone far astray. | [46:32] Those who choose not to respond to God's call will not find any other god with whom they can find refuge. | |
[46:33] Do they not realize that God, who created the heavens and the earth without the least effort, is able to revive the dead? Yes indeed; He is Omnipotent. | [46:33] Certainly if God is powerful enough to create the heavens and earth, including mankind, He is powerful enough to raise the dead. | |
[46:34] The day the disbelievers are introduced to the Hellfire, they will be asked, "Is this not the truth?" They will answer, "Yes indeed, by our Lord." He will say, "Then suffer the punishment for your disbelief." | [46:34] Those who disbelieved in the Resurrection will be forced to do so when they are presented with the punishment for their disbelief. They will finally admit the truth, but it will be too late. | |
[46:35] Therefore, be patient like the messengers before you who possessed strength and resorted to patience. Do not be in a hurry to see the punishment that will inevitably come to them. The day they see it, it will seem as if they lasted one hour of the day. This is a proclamation: Is it not the wicked who are consistently annihilated? | [46:35] The sura concludes with an exhortation to Mohammed to be patient. It is important that he not give up hope in his mission. Even though at the moment it seems that it will take forever, he should not be concerned about the time it is taking him. When the end comes, everything before will seem to have been but a short time. |
SURA 48: Al-Fath - The VictoryThe Meccans, however, especially the Quraish, were in no mood to tolerate anything that had to do with Medina, Muslims, or Mohammed. They were still smarting from the humiliation of the Battle of the Trench, and were looking for any excuse to pick a fight. Leaving the sanctuary of Medina would put the Muslim caravan in a militarily disadvantageous position, allowing their enemies to attack them at a time, place and circumstance of their choosing. Mohammed's public announcement that he was going gave them all the warning they could possibly want. Mohammed believed that God, possibly through the instrumentality of public opinion, would protect him. The Quraish would be foolish to attack an inoffensive congregation of peaceful pilgrims on their way to a common Arab religious observance upon which Mecca's livelihood depended. If they did, they would face severe criticism, censure, ridicule, and possibly economic boycott by all of Arabia. This was especially true at that particular time, when a general truce prevailed for the purpose of allowing pilgrims to travel unmolested through all Arab territories, even those of their acknowledged enemies. Accordingly, the 1400 Muslims that assembled for the 250 mile journey went out of their way to demonstrate their peaceful intentions. Along the way, they acquired their seventy sacrificial camels, decorated them with the garlands that identified them as having been consecrated, changed their traveling clothes for their pilgrims' garments, and divested themselves of all weapons except their ceremonial swords, which they kept sheathed. As Mohammed had foreseen, the Quraish were disconcerted by this dilemma. On the one hand, if they prohibited Mohammed from entering the city, they would arouse the ire of all Arabs and perhaps precipitate an economic and political backlash. On the other hand, if they allowed the caravan to proceed, they would lose face, adding to their loss of prestige at the Battle of the Trench. To resolve this predicament, they decided to provoke a confrontation with Mohammed that would make the whole affair seem like a Muslim abuse of Meccan hospitality, a grave sin against Arab custom. Along the way, Mohammed received word from one of his agents in Mecca that the Quraish had dispatched a cavalry force of about 200 to intercept the caravan on the main road. He immediately altered his route to cross the rocky country to Hudaybiyyah, on the outskirts of Mecca. The unexpected arrival of such a large tourist congregation in a town that normally eked out its living from only a few transient worshipers per year instantly disposed the locals to assist the Muslims any way they could. They immediately sent representatives to the Quraish pleading with them to leave the Muslims alone. The Quraish, however, were adamant. They sent one of their chiefs, Hulays bin Alqamah, to Mohammed in the hope that Mohammed would refuse even to speak with his old enemy, but Hulays never got a chance. Shocked and awed by the huge caravan, everyone clothed in their ritual garments and leading their sacrificial camels, he returned to the Quraish with the declaration that no member of his tribe would participate in molesting peaceful pilgrims, whoever they might be. Next, the Quraish sent Urwah bin Mas'ud Thaqafi, a skilled diplomat, to try to talk Mohammed out of his plan on the grounds that he, Mohammed, was provoking an unnecessary confrontation. Urwah was told the same thing as the locals, that the Muslims had no intention of provoking anyone, that they were there only for the purpose of carrying out their religious obligations. Urwah returned to the Quraish. "Friends," he said, "I have been to the courts of the Emperor of Byzantium, the Pharaoh of Egypt, and the Nagus of Ethiopia, but, by God, I have never seen anyone devoted even to their king as these people are devoted to Mohammed. If he spilled his bath water, they would catch it and rub it on themselves and their clothes. You had better make the right decision regarding what you should do about him." While the negotiations were taking place, a group of Quraish launched clandestine attacks on the Muslim camp to provoke a reaction. Mohammed had given strict orders for the Muslims to be on guard against such attacks, and to round up the miscreants using only such force as was absolutely necessary. About 45 men attacked one night with stones and arrows, but the were quickly arrested. On another occasion, about 80 men interrupted prayers with an assault, but were also quickly subdued. Mohammed ordered that all attackers be released unharmed. Finally, Mohammed sent one of his own diplomats to the city. The Quraish immediately imprisoned him and spread the rumor that they had killed him. Enraged at this unspeakable betrayal of diplomatic immunity, Mohammed decided to attack the city in spite of the weakness of his tactical position. All but one of his companions took a solemn oath to fight to the death for the honor of Islam. This oath is known as the Pledge of Ridwan.
Recognizing that they were about to initiate a bloodbath that all Arabia would see as a gross blasphemy and profanation of the holy city, and realizing that the Arabs would hold them personally responsible, the Quraish finally came to their senses. Hoping to save some shred of dignity, they claimed that the whole affair was actually a regrettable misunderstanding. What they were concerned about, they maintained, was that the common people (not the sophisticated Quraish), might regard the Muslim visit with misgivings, and riots might break out in spite of the best and most sincere efforts of the authorities for reconciliation. They protested that they were simply not prepared for such a large delegation, and that if the Muslims would come back the next year, they would accommodate them by having everyone who had any quarrel with them moved out of the city into the surrounding hills to assure the pilgrims' safety. Mohammed told them to put it in writing. The resulting document, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, contained the following provisions: | ||
Provisions of the Treaty | Advantage for the Muslims | Advantage for the Meccans |
The Preamble | The existence of the Treaty itself recognizes Mohammed and his followers as a legitimate political entity, not a band of outlaws. | Mohammed is made to admit the right of the Meccans to retain control over their own territory, and to agree to enter it only on Meccan terms. |
War would remain suspended between the Muslims and the Quraish for ten years. | If anyone from Mecca attacked them, it would put the Meccans in a very bad political light. Absent a violation of the Treaty, the Muslims could relax their vigilance against Mecca and turn their military attention elsewhere, as they did. | The Meccans could claim that they had frightened the Muslims into submission, partly erasing the dishonor of their defeat at the Battle of the Trench. If the Muslims attacked them, they could claim that the Muslims dishonorably broke the Treaty. |
No party would indulge in any hostility, open or secret, against the other. | The Muslims would be freed of the persecution that had caused them to migrate to Medina. Their religion was recognized as not being hostile to the pagans. | The Meccans could discontinue their unprofitable military adventures against the Muslims without the dishonor of appearing to have been beaten. |
Every Arab tribe would have the option to join either side as its ally and enter the Treaty. | The Muslims were recognized as a legitimate power, and could proselyte Arab communities without fear of harassment from Mecca. | With alliances out in the open, the Meccans could honorably deal with Mohammed without having to be concerned with loss of face, political intrigues or secret pacts. |
A young man, or one whose father is alive, if he went to Mohammed without permission from his father or guardian, would be returned to his father or guardian. | The Muslim community was relieved of the responsibility of caring for and protecting adolescent runaways from Mecca who claimed Medina as a place of refuge if they pretended to embrace Islam.* | The Meccans didn't have to worry about the Muslims proselytizing their young people or stealing their women. Quraish wives had been considered eligible for marriage to Muslims without divorce. See [5:5]. |
If anyone went to the Quraish, he would not be returned. | The Muslims were well rid of the hypocrites who found Islamic life in Medina not to their liking. | Muslim defectors were a valuable source of tactical intelligence, especially since there was no fear of reprisal. |
The Muslims would go back without entering Mecca that year. | The Muslims had achieved their goal of forcing an accommodation upon the Quraish, without the necessity for open warfare. | The Meccans had avoided the dishonor of being forced to admit the Muslims, and the very real danger of a popular uprising against them. |
They could return the following year for umrah and stay in Mecca for three days, | The Muslims could again worship in Mecca, and Mohammed could fulfill the obligation of his dream. | The Meccans would appear conciliatory and would have time to prepare for the arrival of the Medina community. |
In those three days the Meccans would vacate the city for them. | The Muslims would not be subjected to persecution by the Meccan townspeople. | The Meccans would avoid the death, destruction and dishonor of a full scale riot. |
The pilgrims could bring only one sheathed sword each, and no other weapon of war. | The Muslims avoided the expense and logistical difficulties of preparing for battle, while retaining their right to keep and bear arms. | The lightly armed Muslims would not pose a credible threat either to the Meccans or their allies during this time. |
They would not be allowed to take along any Meccan on return. | The Muslims would be spared the difficulties of being asked (or having to refuse) refuge to disaffected Meccans. | The Meccans didn't have to worry about the Muslims proselytizing their young people or stealing their women. |
*The benefits of this provision became evident only a few days after the Treaty was signed. A Muslim of Mecca, Abu Basir, escaped from the Quraish and reached Medina. The Quraish demanded him back under the provisions of the Treaty, and Mohammed complied. On the way back to Mecca, he overpowered his escort and escaped. He then began assembling a band of outlaws along the main trade route to Syria. After a time he became a folk hero, a kind of Muslim Robin Hood, and commanded a band of about seventy merry men who regularly waylaid every Quraish-sponsored caravan going to or from Mecca. With equal aplomb, they protected Muslim caravans going the same way from (other) thieves and brigands. Eventually, the Quraish themselves begged Mohammed to allow the outlaws to live in Medina, and the provision about having to return fugitives to Mecca was rescinded by mutual consent. At the time, however the average Muslim pilgrims were enormously unhappy with the Treaty! Controversy erupted even while it was being written. The preamble "In the name of God, these are the conditions of Peace between Mohammed, the Messenger of God and Suhayl ibn Amr, the envoy of Mecca." offended Suhayl, who claimed that if he believed that Mohammed was the Messenger of God, he would never have opposed him in the first place. When Mohammed instructed the Muslim scribe to change it, the scribe refused, whereupon Mohammed himself rubbed out the offending title and ordered it changed to "ibn (son of) Abdulla." Abu Jandal bin Suhayl, the Meccan envoy's own son, had become a Muslim and had subsequently been imprisoned by the Meccans. Seizing an opportunity to make a quick escape, he arrived at the Muslim camp battered and in shackles, even as the Treaty was being written. Suhayl, shocked and dismayed, immediately protested that the deal had been made, even if the formal process of documenting it had not been concluded. Mohammed agreed, and sent Abu Jandal back to his father. About the only Muslim who did not object to the Treaty was Mohammed's chief supporter, confidant and father in law, Abu Bakr, who had absolute confidence in the wisdom of the Prophet. One of the Quraish who had converted to Islam, Umar bin Khattab, was so angry after arguing with Abu Bakr that he confronted Mohammed himself and told him to his face that he considered the Treaty a huge mistake! Mohammed explained each element of the Treaty and pointed out the advantages for the Muslims. When presented with the fact that Mohammed himself had claimed to have been ordered by God to perform umrah in Mecca, he simply replied, "Ah, yes, but He didn't say when. Next year will be soon enough." Many of the Muslims were angry that they had wasted all the time and money to buy provisions for the umrah, only to return unsanctified to Medina. At this, Mohammed ordered them to sacrifice their animals then and there, but nobody complied. Used to instant obedience, he was so shocked that he withdrew to his tent and asked his wife, Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya, what she thought he should do. The wise old woman, widow of a devoted Muslim who had been killed in the Battle of Uhud, replied, "Go change your clothes, get your head shaved, slaughter your own camel, and the people will follow you. You are their leader, after all!" Her advice proved correct, and, after the improvised umrah, the caravan broke camp and headed back to Medina.
On the way back, Mohammed suddenly proclaimed that he had received another revelation from God, about the great victory they had just achieved, and from which this sura gets its name. What follows is that revelation. |
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[48:1] We have bestowed upon you a great victory. | [48:1] The sura begins immediately with a declaration, not appreciated by all at the time, that the Muslims have achieved a great victory, through the grace of God. | |
[48:2] Whereby God forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path. | [48:2] This is a special blessing, in which all the Muslims' sins have been remitted. As a special grace, they are assured that they can be pardoned for their future sins as well. | |
[48:3] Additionally, God will support you with an unwavering support. | [48:3] God will provide steadfast support for the faithful. | |
[48:4] He is the One who places the peace of reassurance into the hearts of believers to augment more faith, in addition to their faith. To God belongs all forces of the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [48:4] The "peace of reassurance" may refer to the attitude with which the Muslims undertook the journey, putting their trust in the protection of God rather than preparing for battle against their former enemies. | |
[48:5] He will certainly admit the believing men and women into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they remain forever. He will remit their sins. This is, in the sight of God, a great triumph. | [48:5] Here again, the allegory of Paradise is presented as a reward for the faithful. Their triumph against the evil intentions of the Quraish is a foretaste of their ultimate triumph. | |
[48:6] And He will punish the hypocrite men and women and the idol worshiping men and women, for they have harbored evil thoughts about God. Their evil will rebound against them. For God is angry with them, condemns them, and has prepared for them Gehenna. What a miserable destiny! | [48:6] The sura appears here particularly to equate the hypocrites with the unbelievers, both men and women, as having evil thoughts about God (possibly questioning His good sense). All of them have aroused God's anger, by which they will become victims of their own evil and will be condemned to Hell. | |
[48:7] To God belongs all the forces in the heavens and the earth. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [48:7] It is God who controls the operation of the heavens and the earth and the destinies of all. | |
[48:8] We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, and a counselor. | [48:8] The Muslims have been blessed by having been sent a Prophet to proclaim God's Word. | |
[48:9] That you people may believe in God and His Messenger, and reverence Him, and observe Him, and glorify Him, day and night. | [48:9] Because they have the blessing of having received the truth so that they can believe it, worship God, see Him at work, and give Him honor. | |
[48:10] Surely, those who pledge allegiance to you, are pledging allegiance to God. God approves their pledge; He places His hand above their hands. Those who violate such a pledge, commit the violation to their own detriment. As for those who fulfill their pledge with God, He will grant them a great reward. | [48:10] The "pledge of allegiance" here probably refers to the Pledge of Ridwan, which bound those who took it be become martyrs if necessary. This confirms the validity of the pledge as a sacred oath, and invokes God's punishment on those who break it. Those who actually do fight to the death for the honor of Islam will receive the eternal reward reserved for martyrs. | |
[48:11] The sedentary Arabs who stay behind will say, "We have been preoccupied with our money and our families, so ask forgiveness for us!" They utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, "Who can protect you from God, if He willed any adversity for you, or if He willed any blessing for you?" God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [48:11] For many reasons, not everybody in Medina accompanied Mohammed on the journey to Mecca. Here the true motives of those who were able to go, but didn't, are challenged, as well as their dedication to the service of God generally. This is also a warning to be aware that whether they go or stay, their destiny is in the hands of God. | |
[48:12] You secretly believed that the Messenger and the believers will be defeated and never come back to their families, and this was firmly established in your hearts. You harbored evil thoughts and turned into wicked people. | [48:12] The challenge becomes more direct as those who stayed behind are indicted for cowardice. For those who did not believe in the protection of God, there was good reason to believe that the caravan was headed for total annihilation. | |
[48:13] Anyone who refuses to believe in God and His Messenger, we have prepared for the disbelievers a hellfire. | [48:13] This is a son not only against the virtue of fortitude, but also against the virtue of faith. They did not believe that God would protect His followers. | |
[48:14] To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whomever He wills, and punishes whomever He wills. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [48:14] They should have known better, because God is fully capable of protecting anyone against anything. Those who boldly follow Him have no reason to fear anything, because He takes care of them. | |
[48:15] The sedentary who stay behind will say, when you are expected to collect spoils of war, "Let us follow you to share in this!" They thus wish to alter God's words. Say, "You will not follow us. This is God's decision." They will then say, "You must be envious of us." Indeed, they rarely understood anything. | [48:15] Although no booty was acquired in this particular campaign, it is common for people who don't participate in a war to expect to reap the rewards of its favorable outcome. If they are refused by the victors, they assume it is because the warriors are jealous of those who avoided the battle. God, however, has decreed that the booty goes only to the victors. | |
[48:16] Say to the sedentary Arabs who stay behind, "You will be invited to face powerful people and to fight them, unless they submit. If you obey, God will reward you with a generous reward. But if you turn away again, as you did in the past, He will punish you with a severe punishment." | [48:16] Those who did not participate in the journey will get their chance to become heroes in future battles, and they had better take it when that time comes. (This actually happened three years later, when the Treaty was broken and the Muslims retaliated by attacking and conquering Mecca and expelling the Quraish. See [9:2] and following.) | |
[48:17] The blind are not to be blamed, the crippled are not to be blamed, and the sick are not to be blamed. Those who obey God and His Messenger, He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. As for those who turn away, He will punish them with a severe punishment. | [48:17] Condemnation of the cowards does not apply to the blind, the crippled or the sick, who had good excuses to stay behind. If they continue to observe the obligations of which they are capable, they will be eligible for the same reward as would be given to the martyrs. | |
[48:18] God is pleased with the believers who pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts and, consequently, He blessed them with contentment, and rewarded them with an immediate victory. | [48:18] The easy victory that the Muslims achieved was a blessing from God to those who were willing to give their lives in His service. This may also be a consolation to those who might have felt that a good fight might have resulted in more favorable terms. | |
[48:19] Additionally, they gained many spoils. God is Almighty, Most Wise. | [48:19] The spoils the Muslims gained consisted of the right to worship again in Mecca. | |
[48:20] God has promised you many spoils that you will gain. He thus advanced some benefits for you in this life, and He has withheld the people's hands of aggression against you, and has rendered this a sign for the believers. He thus guides you in a straight path. | [48:20] The Muslims might have felt that, with God on their side, they might well have been able to plunder Mecca. Here they are told to be patient, that there will be plenty of opportunity for booty in future battles. They should be glad they didn't have to fight in this one. | |
[48:21] As for those whom you have not yet been able to defeat, God has surrounded them; God is Omnipotent. | [48:21] The Muslims need to be patient. God has already identified the enemies they have yet to fight for destruction. | |
[48:22] If the disbelievers ever fought you, they would turn around and flee. They have no Lord and Master; they have no helper. | [48:22] They would have vanquished their enemies in any case, so the honor of winning the battle is not withheld by the fact that they didn't have to fight it. | |
[48:23] Such is God's system throughout history, and you will find that God's system is unchangeable. | [48:23] This has always been the way God works. He grants victory to His followers and defeat to those who oppose Him. | |
[48:24] He is the One who withheld their hands of aggression against you, and withheld your hands of aggression against them in the valley of Mecca, after He had granted you victory over them. God is Seer of everything you do. | [48:24] He in fact blessed the believers with a great victory in Mecca, even though He kept each side from engaging the other. The victory that the Muslims achieved over the Meccans was nonetheless due to their devotion to God. | |
[48:25] It is they who disbelieved and barred you from the Sacred Mosque, and even prevented your offerings from reaching their destination. There were believing men and women (within the enemy camp) whom you did not know, and you were about to hurt them, unknowingly. God thus admits into His mercy whomever He wills. If they persist, He will punish those among them who disbelieve with a severe punishment. | [48:25] For those who were concerned that they had not fulfilled their religious obligations, they are reminded that the onus lies with the disbelievers who prohibited the Muslims from visiting the Kaaba and sacrificing their animals at the required place. If the Muslims had tried to force the issue, there would certainly have been a conflict in which many innocent people, possibly fellow Muslims, would have been injured or killed. | |
[48:26] While those who disbelieved were enraged, and their hearts were filled with the pride of the days of ignorance, God blessed His Messenger and the believers with peaceful contentment, and directed them to uphold the word of righteousness. This is what they well deserved. God is fully aware of all things. | [48:26] The disbelievers were filled with frustration and anger at the arrival of the Muslims in a way that made it impossible to fight, much less win. The Muslims, for their part, maintained the peace and serenity that God had bestowed upon them as a result of their dedication to Him. In this way, both sides got what they deserved from God. | |
[48:27] God has fulfilled His messenger's truthful vision: "You will enter the Sacred Mosque, God willing, perfectly secure, and you will cut your hair or shorten it there. You will not have any fear. Since He knew what you did not know, He has coupled this with an immediate victory." | [48:27] As for Mohammed's vision of performing umrah in Mecca, God will surely make that come to pass, allowing the Muslims to perform their religious rituals in perfect safety. He knew that it would be delayed a year, but that doesn't matter, because the Muslims have already achieved their goal. | |
[48:28] He is the One who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all other religions. God suffices as a witness. | [48:28] The Muslims are fortunate to have God's Prophet in their midst in a cause that will eventually prevail over all other religions. | |
[48:29] Mohammed, the Messenger of God, and those with him are harsh and stern against the disbelievers, but kind and compassionate amongst themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, as they seek God's blessings and approval. Their marks are on their faces, because of prostrating. This is the same example as in the Torah. Their example in the Gospel is like plants that grow taller and stronger, and please the farmers. He thus enrages the disbelievers. God promises those among them who believe, and lead a righteous life, forgiveness and a great reward. | [48:29] True dedication to God, as habitually demonstrated by Mohammed and his officers, consists of being uncompromising in justice against evil yet unwavering in mercy. They can be seen prostrating themselves before God to the extent of acquiring calluses on their foreheads from touching them to the ground so many times (as many Muslims do today). This recalls the phylacteries worn by the Jews. and the rich return of the seed sown on good ground in {Matthew 13:8, 23, Mark 4:8, 20 and Luke 8:8, 15} In this way, God distinguishes between the disbelievers and the righteous. |
SURA 50: Qaf - Q. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[50:1] Q., and the glorious Koran. [50:2] They found it strange that a counselor from among them came to them! the disbelievers said, "This is really strange. | [50:1-2] The sura begins with an affirmation that it is indeed the Word of God, in spite of the strangeness of its subject matter. The pragmatic Arabs found the whole idea of Resurrection after death almost impossible to comprehend. As dwellers in a desert where everything decays very quickly, they knew full well that dead bodies decayed away and eventually disappeared entirely. |
SURA 53: An-Najm - The StarThis sura, revealed around the fifth year of his prophethood, is reportedly the first he recited in the Kaaba, the logical place for anyone in Mecca to hold a large gathering for religious worship and expect respectful silence. Both believers and unbelievers were there, but apparently no one attempted to disrupt the gathering. When he came to the end of the sura, "You shall fall prostrate before God, and worship," All but one of the listeners joined in, touching their faces to the ground in a traditional gesture of Arab respect. The incident had far-reaching effects! First of all, it made the Quraish look foolish, which did not help interfaith relations. In retaliation, they claimed that when they heard Mohammed's reference to the goddesses, Al-lat, Al-'Uzzah and Manat, in [53:19-20] they simply assumed that he had converted back to idolatry, and they were therefore simply praising the female deities along with him as a sign of their sincere support, piety, friendship, fellowship, and willingness to let bygones be bygones. This obvious lie did not convince anyone, and made the Quraish look dishonest, as well as stupid. The claim that everyone had joined Mohammed in worship was reported as far away as Ethiopia, where some of the persecuted Muslims had gone to escape Quraish oppression. Assuming that all of Mecca had converted to Islam, they promptly returned home, only to find that opposition was now more fierce than ever. As a result, they convinced some of their friends and neighbors to return with them to Ethiopia, to the further chagrin of the hostile Quraish.
The known date of this second migration, CE 615, fixes the most recent possible date of this revelation, which takes its name from the first word, "star." | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [53:1] As the stars fell away. | [53:1] The remark "as the stars fell away" suggests to some commentators that it refers to the Miraj, but that event, in Banu Israel, about six years later than this revelation. |
SURA 54: Al-Qamar - The Moon
Tradition maintains that this sura was revealed shortly after the moon appeared to have been split in two and rejoined. It does not include a detailed description or explanation of the phenomenon, or why it has anything to do with Mohammed or Islam. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[54:1] The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split. | [54:1] The observation of the splitting of the moon to which this sura refers is not described here sufficiently well to suggest what actually occurred. It does not appear to be related to any currently known meteorological or astronomical phenomenon. | |
[54:2] Then they saw a miracle; but they turned away and said, "Old magic." | [54:2] Whatever happened, it did not appear sufficiently to impress the pagans. | |
[54:3] They disbelieved, followed their opinions, and adhered to their old traditions.
[54:4] Sufficient warnings have been delivered to alert them. |
[54:3] Whatever they thought about it, they didn't feel that it was any convincing demonstration of the authenticity of Mohammed's revelation.
[54:4] They were certainly warned in other ways... | |
[54:5] Great wisdom; but all the warnings have been in vain. | [54:5] ...but all of Mohammed's admonitions to them were rejected. | |
[54:6] Ignore them; the day will come when the caller will announce a terrible disaster. | [54:6] Therefore, no account need be taken of them any more. They have heard all that needs to be said. | |
[54:7] With their eyes humiliated, ' they come out of the graves like scattered locusts. | [54:7] When the Day of Resurrection comes, they will greet it like scattered insects. | |
[54:8] As they respond to the caller, the disbelievers will say, "This is a difficult day." | [54:8] They will certainly not be happy to have to face it. |
SURA 57: Al-Hadid - Iron
The Islamic city/state in Medina was small, impoverished and weak, and was facing opposition from most of Arabia. The Muslims were drastically in need of a forceful exhortation to spend overwhelmingly in support of the spread of Islam. This sura expresses that theme. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[57:1] Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. | [57:1] The praise that begins this sura appears to be a reminder of who is actually addressing the believers. Because their oppressors are so powerful, it is particularly important for the Muslims to recognize that God is still in control. | |
[57:2] To Him belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. He controls life and death. He is Omnipotent. | [57:2] All that man has actually belongs to God. He has an inherent right to dispose of anything. | |
[57:3] He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Outermost and the Innermost. He is fully aware of all things. | [57:3] Moreover, there is nothing that man has (such as savings or accounts payable) that He does not know about. | |
[57:4] He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. He knows everything that enters into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is with you wherever you may be. God is Seer of everything you do.
[57:5] To Him belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. All matters are controlled by God. |
[57:4] Everything that man has, acquires, earns, uses or relies upon comes from God, who created it all in the first place. This extends to things considered common property, such as the earth, rain, wind and sky. Therefore, there is no rational basis for the argument there is a limit to what one justly owes God.
[57:5] In addition to owning everything, God has a right to control what He has temporarily entrusted to mankind. | |
[57:6] He merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night. He is fully aware of the innermost thoughts. | [57:6] God is intimately involved in all things; the power of God continues to be active in the operation of the world. | |
[57:7] Believe in God and His Messenger, and give from what He has bestowed upon you. Those among you who believe and give (to charity) have deserved a great reward. | [57:7] Submission to the will of God demands not only believing in His Message but also giving to support its dissemination. Both are required to receive the rewards of the faithful. | |
[57:8] Why should you not believe in God when the Messenger is inviting you to believe in your Lord? He has taken a pledge from you, if you are believers. | [57:8] Declaration of belief in Islam implies a pledge to support its promulgation. Fulfillment of the pledge is a demonstration of belief. | |
[57:9] He is the One who sends down to His servant clear revelations, in order to lead you out of the darkness into the light. God is Compassionate towards you, Most Merciful.
[57:10] Why do you not spend in the cause of God, when God possesses all wealth in the heavens and the earth? Distinguished from the rest are those among you who spend before the victory and strive. They attain a greater rank than those who spend after the victory and strive. For each, God promises salvation. God is Cognizant of everything you do. [57:11] Who would like to loan God a loan of righteousness, to have it multiplied for him manifold, and end up with a generous reward? |
[57:9] The requirement so support the spread of Islam by deeds as well as words is part of the Message that God has given to Mohammed to enlighten the faithful.
[57:10] Why would anyone not want to spend what he has in the cause of God? Anyone can be motivated to support a cause after a great victory, but the truly devout are those who support it beforehand, when the outcome is known only by faith. These "distinguished" may be the "elite," closest to God in Paradise, mentioned in [56:7-40]. [57:11] Spending in the cause of God is essentially lending that one spends to God at incomparably high interest. The repayment is absolutely guaranteed. See also [2:245]. | |
[57:12] The day will come when you see the believing men and women with their lights radiating ahead of them and to their right. Good news is yours that, on that day, you will have gardens with flowing streams. You will remain there forever. This is the great triumph.
[57:13] On that day, the hypocrite men and women will say to those who believed, "Please allow us to absorb some of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you, and seek light." A barrier will be set up between them, whose gate separates mercy on the inner side, from punishment on the outer side. |
[57:12] Those who have demonstrated their holiness by generously supporting holy causes will be conspicuous in the hereafter. Everyone in Paradise will recognize that they are among the most blessed by God because of the exceptional merit of their works.
[57:13] The hypocrites, who did not wholeheartedly support the spread of Islam, will be jealous of those who did, and will want to share in their glory. They will be told to go back and do the things the righteous did, but it will be too late. There will be a barrier between them like that between Lazarus and the Rich Man {Luke 16:19-31}. | |
[57:14] They will call upon them, "Were we not with you?" They will answer, "Yes, but you cheated your souls, hesitated, doubted, and became misled by wishful thinking, until God's judgment came. You were diverted from God by illusions. | [57:14] The essence of being a hypocrite is by pretending to be righteous, but doing otherwise. The hypocrites will be told that they cheated only themselves. They wanted to receive the benefits of believers without the generosity that goes with that. | |
[57:15] "Therefore, today no ransom can be taken from you, nor from those who disbelieved. Your abode is the fire; it is your lord, and wretched dwelling." | [57:15] Because they failed to do their duty in this life, they can have no partnership with those who did their duty in the next. They will all be consigned to Hell. | |
[57:16] Is it not time for those who believed to open up their hearts for God's message, and the truth that is revealed herein? They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked. | [57:16] The time to be generous in the cause of God is when such generosity is most needed, when the Muslim community is in peril. The same conditions prevailed for the Jews and the Christians. Some of them did not contribute as much as they should have and so were condemned. | |
[57:17] Know that God revives the land after it had died. We thus explain the revelations for you, that you may understand. | [57:17] In the same way that God revives the "dead" desert with a rain shower, so the "dead" believers will be brought to new life in the Resurrection. | |
[57:18] Surely, the charitable men and women, have loaned God a loan of goodness. They will receive their reward multiplied manifold; they have deserved a generous reward. | [57:18] Those who gave to God in this life have actually made an investment in eternity. They will find that they have received an unimaginable return on their investment in the next. | |
[57:19] Those who believed in God and His messengers are the saints and martyrs. Reserved for them at their Lord are their rewards and their light. As for those who disbelieved and rejected our revelations, they have incurred Hell. | [57:19] The real saints and martyrs (possibly the "elite" of [56:7-40] are the true believers who demonstrate their faith with good works. {Titus 3:8, James 2:17} As for those who do not practice what they preach, the will all be condemned. | |
[57:20] Know that this worldly life is no more than play and games, and boasting among you, and hoarding of money and children. It is like abundant rain that produces plants and pleases the disbelievers. But then the plants turn into useless hay, and are blown away by the wind. In the Hereafter there is either severe punishment, or forgiveness from God and approval. This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion.
[57:21] Therefore, you shall race towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Paradise whose width encompasses the heaven and the earth. It awaits those who believed in God and His messengers. Such is God's grace that He bestows upon whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Infinite Grace. |
[57:20] They are deceiving themselves who believe that the affairs of the world are important, because they are really temporary, like the games children play. Just as the rain produces abundant crops that wither, die and are scattered by the wind, so the successes of this life are just an illusion. They will wither and pass away, leaving nothing for those who have not prepared adequately for the hereafter.
[57:21] Therefore, it is necessary to keep one's final destination in mind, and to work toward that goal {Philippians 2:12}. The blessing of Paradise, greater than the heavens and the earth, awaits those who believe in God and obey the demands of His Messenger, for there is no limit to the reward that God bestows on His faithful. | |
[57:22] Anything that happens on earth, or to you, has already been recorded, even before the creation. This is easy for God to do. | [57:22] God already knows, since before the first moment of creation, the life and ultimate destiny of each human being. | |
[57:23] Thus, you should not grieve over anything you miss, nor be proud of anything He has bestowed upon you. God does not love those who are boastful, proud. | [57:23] Therefore, nobody should be sorry for anything he has not acquired or presumptuous about anything God has given him. | |
[57:24] They are stingy, and enjoin the people to be stingy. If one turns away, then God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy. | [57:24] The presumptuous ones are those who think they owe themselves more than they owe God, and mislead others to believe that as well. | |
[57:25] We sent our messengers supported by clear proofs, and we sent down to them the scripture and the law, that the people may uphold justice. And we sent down the iron, wherein there is strength, and many benefits for the people. All this in order for God to distinguish those who would support Him and His messengers, on faith. God is Powerful, Almighty. | [57:25] The blessings of God are beyond count. He has given mankind prophets, knowledge and law so that people live justly. He has given them iron for durable tools (weapons?) and implements, and many other benefits besides. But God is keeping track of how the people use them, who uses them to support Him and who uses them to support themselves. | |
[57:26] We sent Noah and Abraham, and we granted their descendants prophethood and the scripture. Some of them were guided, while many were wicked. | [57:26] The prophets mentioned were sent to the Jews with knowledge and wisdom, but not all responded properly. Some of them were rebellious and immoral. | |
[57:27] Subsequent to them, we sent our messengers. We sent Jesus the son of Mary, and we gave him the Injeel (Gospel), and we placed in the hearts of his followers kindness and mercy. But they invented hermitism which we never decreed for them. All we asked them to do was to uphold the commandments approved by God. But they did not uphold the message as they should have. Consequently, we gave those who believed among them their reward, while many of them were wicked. | [57:27] Subsequently, God sent Jesus with the Gospel, whose true followers accepted his teachings of kindness and mercy, which were implicit in the commandments that God had previously given to the Jews. Unfortunately, the Christians perverted the message of Jesus with practices such as monasticism that God never enjoined. God punished them for this abuse. (This is perhaps the most direct attack on Christian practices, as opposed to Christian belief in the Koran.) | |
[57:28] O you who believe, you shall reverence God and believe in His Messenger. He will then grant you double the reward from His mercy, endow you with light to guide you, and forgive you. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [57:28] If the Muslims hold steadfastly to the practice of their faith by honoring Mohammed's requests, they will receive a doubly generous reward from God, with abundant guidance and merciful forgiveness of their sins. | |
[57:29] Thus, the followers of previous scripture should know that they have not monopolized God's mercy and grace, and that all grace is in God's hand. He bestows it upon whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Infinite Grace. | [57:29] Neither the Jews nor the Christians should assume that they have a monopoly on God's grace and mercy. God bestows His infinite blessings on whomever He pleases if they adhere to what they profess to believe. |
SURA 59: Al-Hashr - The ExodusThe Arabian Jews were Arab in everything except religion. They considered themselves Jews, but had intermarried with the Arab tribes and had accepted Arab culture, tradition, language and names. Only a few of their scholars could read or understand Hebrew, but because of their religion, they considered themselves superior to the other, polytheistic, Arabs. Their Arab neighbors, predictably, regarded them as arrogant and overbearing. Two of these tribes, the Banu Nadir and the Banu_Qurayza, had settled in the region that would come to be known as Medina. They were especially haughty because they claimed to belong to the priestly class. They effectively controlled the fertile land of the region, and allowed later settlers, the Banu Aus, and Banu Khazraj, to occupy only barren lands. Unable to survive on what they had been allocated, the Banu Aus, and Banu Khazraj called upon relatives in Syria. They invaded Arabia, expelled the Banu Nadir and the Banu Quraiza, and took control of Medina. A third Arabian Jewish tribe, the Banu Qaynuqa, remained in the city under the protection of the Banu Khazraj. The Banu Nadir and the Banu Quraiza settled outside the city and came under the protection of the Banu Aus, putting them at odds with their former allies, the Banu Khazraj. The Arabian Jews encouraged disunity among the non-Jewish Arabs to forestall a united political front against them and to keep the Arabs economically dependent on their trade monopolies. The situation escalated into a bitter battle known as "the Battle of Buath." Having heard of the problems Mohammed was having in Mecca, the Muslim authorities of Medina invited him there to settle their intertribal rivalries and bring peace to their people. His relocation to Medina is known as the Hijrah. Many of the Banu Aus, and Banu Khazraj had converted to Islam, and were now known as the "Ansars." They established a formal Brotherhood with their fellow Muslims. In addition, a "Constitution of Medina" was drawn up in which the Muslims and Jews agreed to mind their own affairs, get along, contribute to common expenses, defend the city against attack, and refer controversies to Mohammed. The last provision caused a good bit of trouble! While the Jews accepted Mohammed as a political leader, they were unprepared for the Muslims' religious proselytization. Conversion to Islam would destroy their Jewish identity that put them apart from (and, in their eyes, superior to) other Arabs. In addition, the brotherhood of the Banu Quraiza was forming precisely the kind of Arab union that they had tried for generations to prevent. Finally, the establishment of Muslim business ethics, especially prohibitions on dishonest practices in [2:275-286], [6:152], and [17:35] under the Constitution of Medina undermined the economic advantages they had established. This situation generated hard feelings between the Jews and Muslims in Medina, as a result of which the Muslims were warned not to trust them in [3:75]. After the overwhelming Muslim victory in the Battle of Badr, Ka'b bin Ashraf, the chief of the Banu Nadir, became so disruptive that Mohammed had him assassinated. The first tribe to openly violate the Constitution of Medina was the Banu Qaynuqa, who were under the protection of the Banu Khazraj and their chief, Abdullah ibn Ubayy, who was Mohammed's chief political rival. After an incident in which a Muslim and Jew were killed and another in which a Muslim woman was publicly humiliated, Mohammed had them all taken prisoner. In a violent confrontation in which he physically laid hands on the Prophet, hypocrite Abdullah ibn Ubayy arranged to have them pardoned on the condition that they leave Medina, taking only their household goods. The other Jews got the message, but when Mohammed was able to mobilize only 1000 men for the Battle of Uhud, 300 of whom deserted, they refused to mobilize to defend Medina, a direct violation of the Constitution of Medina. After the disaster at Uhud, they also secretly decided to support the Quraish by assassinating Mohammed. Amr bin Umayyah Damri, a Muslim, found out about the plot and retaliated by mistakenly killing two Muslim allies. Because he was a Muslim, the Muslim community became obligated to pay blood money to the offended tribe. Since they were allied by the Constitution of Medina, Mohammed asked the Banu Nadir to contribute to the payment. They agreed, but attempted to kill him during the negotiations by dropping a huge rock on him. Mohammed avoided injury, but discovered the perpetrators of the plot and ordered their entire tribe to leave Medina within ten days or be killed. Appealing to their Banu Khazraj protector, Abdullah ibn Ubayy, they received assurance of support of 2000 men, as well as support from the Banu Quraiza and Banu Ghatafan. They replied to Mohammed that they weren't leaving, and that he could do whatever he wanted, not knowing that Abdullah ibn Ubayy was lying through his teeth! Although he didn't mind instigating a war in which he thought the Muslims would lose, he had no intention of participating with his own tribe or his allies.
The Muslims laid siege to Jewish part of the city by isolating them from supplies and customers. Eventually the Banu Nadir agreed to leave their armor and everything else they couldn't carry on three camels. They eventually settled in Khaybar, about 95 miles north of Medina, and became strong allies of the Quraish in Mecca, who were themselves conquered in CE 630. The foregoing is the event discussed in this sura. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[59:1] Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, Most Wise. | [59:1] In the first verse, the Muslims are reminded that the entire universe attests to the glory of God. In this particular instance, the defeat and expulsion of the Banu Nadir, especially since the Muslims were so weak, is part of that witness. | |
[59:2] He is the One who evicted those who disbelieved among the people of the Scripture from their homes in a mass exodus. You never thought that they would leave, and they thought that their preparations would protect them from God. But then God came to them whence they never expected, and threw terror into their hearts. Thus, they abandoned their homes on their own volition, in addition to pressure from the believers. You should learn from this, O you who possess vision.
[59:3] If God did not force them to leave, He would have punished them in this life. In the Hereafter He will commit them to the punishment of Hell. |
[59:2] It was actually God who arranged the events that led to the expulsion of the Jews. No one in Medina believed that they could be forced out, so firmly were they entrenched. They themselves thought that they were invulnerable to any outside power, and never expected that God would be on the side of the people to whom they felt superior. The turn of events so terrified them that in the end they voluntarily went into exile. This should be a lesson for all who oppose God.
[59:3] God in fact forced them to leave as punishment for their wickedness. If He had not punished them this way, He would have done worse. In any case, they are all doomed. | |
[59:4] This is because they opposed God and His Messenger. For those who oppose God and His Messenger, God is most strict in enforcing punishment. | [59:4] The reason for their condemnation is that they opposed God and Mohammed. Anyone who does something like this deserves everything he gets. | |
[59:5] Whether you chop a tree or leave it standing on its trunk is in accordance with God's will. He will surely humiliate the wicked.
[59:6] Whatever God restored for His Messenger was not the result of your war efforts, whether you fought on horses or on foot. God is the One who sends His messengers against whomever He wills. God is Omnipotent. |
[59:5] Cutting down even a single tree in a desert is a serious environmental disaster. This remark probably refers to the necessity of cutting trees as necessary for military purposes.
[59:6] The Muslims are warned here that the property vacated by the Banu Nadir did not become theirs by their own efforts, but by the will of God. Therefore they should not suppose that it belongs to them. | |
[59:7] Whatever God restored to His Messenger from the communities shall go to God and His Messenger. You shall give it to the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien. Thus, it will not remain monopolized by the strong among you. You may keep the spoils given to you by the Messenger, but do not take what he enjoins you from taking. You shall reverence God. God is strict in enforcing punishment. | [59:7] This was the first time the Muslims had acquired real property as the spoils of war. This sura lays down rules for its disposition and allocation. Mohammed will be in charge of its distribution. It will go first to charity as a way of keeping from being acquired unjustly by the rich. The Muslims may keep whatever Mohammed gives them, but nothing else, for fear of God's punishment. | |
[59:8] Give to the needy who immigrated. They were evicted from their homes and deprived of their properties, because they sought God's grace and pleasure, and because they supported God and His Messenger. They are the truthful. | [59:8] Many of the Muslim immigrants (Muhajirs) were destitute because they had abandoned everything in Mecca in order to gain the freedom to practice their religion. They have first claim on the property acquired as a result of the exodus. | |
[59:9] As for those who provided them with a home and a refuge, and were believers before them, they love those who immigrated to them, and find no hesitation in their hearts in helping them. In fact, they readily give them priority over themselves, even when they themselves need what they give away. Indeed, those who overcome their natural stinginess are the successful ones. | [59:9] Equally deserving are the residents (Banu Quraiza) who took the arriving Muhajirs into their homes in Medina, often at great inconvenience and expense, and helped them in other ways. They suffered severe hardship, but were still willing to give everything they had to help their fellow Muslims in need. In some cases, they may have been able to recover household goods to replace those they previously had to sell. | |
[59:10] Those who became believers after them say, "Our Lord, forgive us and our brethren who preceded us to the faith, and keep our hearts from harboring any hatred towards those who believed. Our Lord, You are Compassionate, Most Merciful." | [59:10] Some of the converts had to overcome prejudice against their former enemies to embrace Islam. This is a prayer to remove the ill will that once existed between them and to unite all the Muslims as one congregation. | |
[59:11] Have you noted those who are plagued with hypocrisy, and how they said to their companions in disbelief among the people of the scripture, "If you are evicted we will go out with you, and will never obey anyone who opposes you. If anyone fights you, we will fight on your side." God bears witness that they are liars. | [59:11] This probably refers to the Banu Khazraj and their chief, Abdullah ibn Ubayy who promised that they would support the Banu Nadir against the Muslims. There were also those who were less openly hostile to the Muslims, but equally supportive of the cause of the rebellious Jews. God knows the hypocrisy and guilt of all of them. | |
[59:12] In fact, if they were evicted, they would not have gone out with them, and if anyone fought them, they would not have supported them. Even if they supported them, they would have turned around and fled. They could never win. | [59:12] The fact is, the Banu Khazraj had no intention of intervening actively in support of the Jews. They had nothing to gain by doing so. If they had become involved in an active campaign, they would certainly have deserted. | |
[59:13] Indeed, you strike more terror in their hearts than their fear of God. This is because they are people who do not comprehend. | [59:13] They people who did not believe that God was on the side of the Muslims were not afraid of Him. They were afraid of the Muslims. | |
[59:14] They do not get together to fight you unless they are in well-shielded buildings, or behind walls. Their might appears formidable among themselves. You would think that they are united, when in fact their hearts are divided. This is because they are people who do not understand. | [59:14] Military operations in urban terrain were as difficult in Mohammed's time as they are today. Walls and barriers overwhelmingly supported defensive tactics as well as denying the attacker information about enemy dispositions and strength. The Jews' position was weaker than the Muslims thought. | |
[59:15] Their fate is the same as their counterparts who preceded them. They suffered the consequences of their decisions. They have incurred a severe punishment. | [59:15] The same thing happened to the Banu Nadir as had happened to the Banu Qaynuqa before them. Their humiliation was the direct result of their own political misadventures. | |
[59:16] They are like the devil: he says to the human being, "Disbelieve," then as soon as he disbelieves, he says, "I disown you. I fear God, Lord of the universe." | [59:16] The betrayal of the Banu Nadir by Abdullah ibn Ubayy is an exact parallel to the betrayal of the human race by the devil. Neither can win against God. | |
[59:17] The destiny for both of them is the Hellfire, wherein they remain forever. This is the requital for the transgressors. | [59:17] Both Abdullah ibn Ubayy and the devil are headed for Hell as their punishment. This what anyone gets for opposing God. | |
[59:18] O you who believe, you shall reverence God, and let every soul examine what it has sent ahead for tomorrow. You shall reverence God; God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [59:18] The last part of this Sura is an admonition to the Muslims to examine their consciences to make sure that they are, in fact, practicing the faith that they profess. God already knows who the devout are. | |
[59:19] Do not be like those who forgot God, so He made them forget themselves. These are the wicked. | [59:19] Those who abandoned their faith when it was inconvenient will likewise be abandoned by God. | |
[59:20] Not equal are the dwellers of the Hellfire and the dwellers of Paradise; the dwellers of Paradise are the victors. | [59:20] Those who are headed for eternal damnation are nothing like those headed for eternal happiness in Paradise. The latter will have the ultimate triumph. | |
[59:21] If we revealed this Koran to a mountain, you would see it trembling, crumbling, out of reverence for God. We cite these examples for the people, that they may reflect. | [59:21] The truth revealed in the Koran is so powerful that even a mountain would crumble before it. The people to whom it has been revealed should be no less impacted. | |
[59:22] He is the One God; there is no other god beside Him. Knower of all secrets and declarations. He is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[59:23] He is the One God; there is no other god beside Him. The King, the Most Sacred, the Peace, the Most Faithful, the Supreme, the Almighty, the Most Powerful, the Most Dignified. God be glorified; far above having partners. [59:24] He is the One God; the Creator, the Initiator, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. |
[59:22] The Muslims must remember that the One God in whom they profess to believe knows even the deepest secrets of their souls, so they should take care to be sincere.
[59:23] The litany of some of the names of God here is apparently an emotional appeal to the Muslims to reinforce the previous remark. God is so far above mankind that it is imperative that anyone who aspires to be His servant should have only the purest motives. [59:24] The sura concludes with the conclusion of the foregoing litany and a prayer of praise for the glory, power and beauty of God. | |
SURA 60: Al-Mumtahinah - The Examined OneA party to the planning of the Campaign against Mecca, Hatib bin Abz Baltaa, sent a secret letter to the Quraish, warning them of the impending attack. In doing so, he had intended to secure the safety of his family. The actual conquest was achieved without bloodshed, but if the Quraish had time to prepare a fortified defense, both sides might well have suffered heavy losses, and the outcome might have been much different. This matter is addressed at the very beginning of the sura. The second matter concerns an associated problem posed by believers having unbelieving spouses. Women were arriving in Medina daily, claiming that they had accepted Islam and had left their pagan husbands (possibly due to religious conflicts, possibly due to domestic abuse). There were also many Muslim men already in Medina who had left pagan wives behind. The division of loyalties and conflicts of interest that resulted were every bit as harmful to the Muslim community as Hatib bin Abz Baltaa's betrayal.
This sura addresses both of these issues. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[60:1] O you who believe, you shall not befriend My enemies and your enemies, extending love and friendship to them, even though they have disbelieved in the truth that has come to you. They persecute the Messenger, and you, just because you believe in God, your Lord. If you mobilize to struggle in My cause, seeking My blessings, how can you secretly love them? I am fully aware of everything you conceal, and everything you declare. Those among you who do this have indeed strayed off the right path. | [60:1] What actually got Hatib bin Abi Baltaa in trouble in the first place was his personal concern for the safety of his family at the expense of his obligations to his community and his religion. Here the Muslims are reminded that one's duty to God transcends all personal relationships, even those of close family, and that they can therefore have no friendship for the enemies of God. This rule is frequently cited by "pseudo-Muslim" extremists as Scriptural justification for hating anybody they claim is an enemy and making them suffer or even killing them, but that is not what this ayat says. The admonition is certainly not to hate anyone (or even about relations with strangers at all), but that one should take care not to have divided loyalties. Loyalty to God still takes precedence over all other loyalties. | |
[60:2] Whenever they encounter you, they treat you as enemies, and hurt you with their hands and tongues. They want you to disbelieve. | [60:2] This ayat identifies who the "enemies" are; those who actually do harm, either physically or by slander and deceit. | |
[60:3] Your relatives and your money can never help you. On the Day of Resurrection, He will judge among you. God is Seer of everything you do. | [60:3] The Muslims are reminded that family or personal values can never taken the place of what has value before God. It is He who rewards and punishes. | |
[60:4] A good example has been set for you by Abraham and those with him. They said to their people, "We disown you and the idols that you worship besides God. We denounce you, and you will see nothing from us except animosity and hatred until you believe in God alone." However, a mistake was committed by Abraham when he said to his father, "I will pray for your forgiveness, but I possess no power to protect you from God." "Our Lord, we trust in You, and submit to You; to You is the final destiny. | [60:4] The dispute between Abraham and his people is recorded in [6:74-83]. Abraham recognized that the idolatry of his neighbors and family created perpetual enmity between them unless they repented of their idolatrous practices and worshiped only God. Because of his love for his idolater father (Azer?), he promised to pray for him, but disowned him when he refused to reform, as related in [9:114]. Here, the Muslims are told that even Abraham made a mistake by trying to intercede on behalf of an idol worshiper, even if he was his own father. | |
[60:5] "Our Lord, let us not be oppressed by those who disbelieved, and forgive us. You are the Almighty, Most Wise." | [60:5] This appears to be a continuation of the prayer of the previous ayat, asking not to be persecuted by the pagans. | |
[60:6] A good example has been set by them for those who seek God and the Last Day. As for those who turn away, God is in no need, Most Praiseworthy. | [60:6] The truly devout are those who constantly keep their lives directed toward seeking God and preparing for the Resurrection. As for the others, God doesn't need them. | |
[60:7] God may change the animosity between you and them into love. God is Omnipotent. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [60:7] This is Scriptural repudiation of the idea that Muslims should hate anyone! If anyone hates them, they should try to change that hatred into love. | |
[60:8] God does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. God loves the equitable. | [60:8] For this reason, God does not prohibit befriending those of different faiths, even those who worship idols, as long as they do not oppose Islam or do anything to dispossess the Muslims from their homes. God wants everyone to be just to each other. | |
[60:9] God enjoins you only from befriending those who fight you because of religion, evict you from your homes, and band together with others to banish you. You shall not befriend them. Those who befriend them are the transgressors. | [60:9] On the other hand, God does prohibit befriending anyone who opposes Islam, dispossesses the Muslims or conspires with others to do so. Making friends with such people has the potential to produce divided loyalties between them and God. | |
[60:10] O you who believe, when believing women ask for asylum with you, you shall test them. God is fully aware of their belief. Once you establish that they are believers, you shall not return them to the disbelievers.* They are not lawful to remain married to them, nor shall the disbelievers be allowed to marry them. Give back the dowries that the disbelievers have paid. You commit no error by marrying them, so long as you pay them their due dowries. Do not keep the ties of disbelieving wives. You may ask them for the dowry you had paid, and they may ask for what they paid. This is God's rule; He rules among you. God is Omniscient, Most Wise. | [60:10] This is a rule very similar to that expressed by the "whom your right hands possess" rule, but pertains to relations between Muslims and pagans only. Muslim women who leave their unbelieving husbands are considered unmarried. They are not eligible to marry any other unbeliever, although they are as eligible to marry Muslims as any other single woman. (Muslim men are permitted to marry unbelieving women by [4:25], but here are told not to keep them if they wish to leave. Catholics refer to this dispensation as the "Pauline privilege" {I Corinthians 7:15}.) Dowries are to be returned to those who paid them in all cases as a means of closure. | |
*Note - A test of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah came soon after it was signed. One of the Quraishi women, named Um Cultum, made her way to Medina and joined the Muslims. Her brothers demanded her return from Mohammed, as they interpreted the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah to require, but Mohammed refused. The foregoing rule has been cited as the reason for his refusal, but it is not at all clear that this rule had been promulgated at that time, or that it applied to Um Cultum if it had. She does not appear to have been examined, and whether she had either claimed to embrace Islam, or had actually done so, is unclear. It may be that the rule was a result of this decision, rather than the other way around. The point is moot, however, because the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah applies only to young men, not women. Whether Mohammed deliberately arranged to have the Treaty worded this way to permit asylum to women is conjectural. | ||
[60:11] If any of your wives join the enemies' camp, and you are forced to fight, you shall force the enemy to compensate the men who lost their wives, by giving them what they spent on their wives. You shall reverence God, in whom you believe. | [60:11] Muslim men are required to compensate the unbelievers whose wives they have taken under the rule in [60:10]. They may lawfully force enemies to whom they lost their wives to pay alimony, but they can't demand them back. | |
[60:12] O you prophet, when the believing women seek asylum with you and pledge to you that they will not set up any idols beside God, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor fabricate any falsehood, nor disobey your righteous orders, you shall accept their pledge, and pray to God to forgive them. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [60:12] Claiming that they were leaving their husbands because they were no-good, immoral, Muslim-hating, idol-worshiping pagans was an easy way for desperate pagan housewives to annul their marriages and gain support and sympathy from the Muslim community, except for this rule. If they want the benefits of being Muslims, they have to be Muslims. | |
[60:13] O you who believe, do not befriend people with whom God is angry, and who are hopelessly stuck in disbelief; they are just as hopeless as the disbelievers who are already in the graves. | [60:13] This is essentially a restatement, possibly for emphasis, of [60:9]. Befriending such people can only lead to divided loyalties, and cannot help them in any case, because they are already as good as dead. |
SURA 61: .Al-Saff - The Deployment
There are two themes: the first is to exhort sincere Muslims to actively struggle for the cause of their faith. The second is the challenge those weak in the faith, or who accepted Islam under false pretenses, to live up to the promises they made by accepting Islam. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[61:1] Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. | [61:1] This is almost an exact quotation of [59:1]. The beginning of the sura reminds the Muslims (and people in general) of the great blessing they have received by being able to join the rest of creation in praising the One God, Lord of all. | |
[61:2] O you who believe, why do you say what you do not do? | [61:2] The ones who are chastised are those who do not practice what they claim to believe. | |
[61:3] Most abominable in the sight of God is that you say what you do not do. | [61:3] God is displeased with those who say one thing and do another. | |
[61:4] God loves those who fight in His cause deployed for battle, like the bricks in one wall. | [61:4] Conversely, He loves those who sincerely join together to promote His causes. | |
[61:5] Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, why do you hurt me, even though you know that I am God's messenger to you?" When they deviated, God diverted their hearts. For God does not guide the wicked people. | [61:5] Here the Muslims are warned not to adopt the attitude toward Mohammed that the Jews did toward Moses. Even though they recognized that Moses was a prophet, they did not obey him and incurred God's righteous wrath. | |
[61:6] Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel, I am God's messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be even more praised." Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, "This is profound magic." | [61:6] In the same way the teaching of Jesus was rejected by the Jews of His time, even though many recognized him as a messenger of God. In spite of his miracles, they still rejected him. (Jesus' reference to Mohammed "whose name will be even more praised" is not recorded in the Bible. | |
[61:7] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about God, and he is being invited to Submission? God does not guide the evil people. | [61:7] Anyone who speaks falsely about God even after having been invited to embrace Islam is surely worthy of condemnation. | |
[61:8] They wish to put out God's light with their mouths. But God insists upon perfecting His light, in spite of the disbelievers. | [61:8] This may be a reference to the Jews and Christians. At the time, they were opposing Islam, in addition to the hypocrites. | |
[61:9] He has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the true religion, and will make it dominate all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers. | [61:9] The Muslims are here assured that in spite of the reverses they have suffered, the true religion of God will ultimately prevail. | |
[61:10] O you who believe, let Me inform you of a trade that will save you from agonizing punishment. | [61:10] The Muslims were no doubt looking for redemption after the disaster at Uhud. This is it: | |
[61:11] Believe in God and His Messenger and strive in the cause of God with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you, if you only knew. | [61:11] In order to redeem themselves, they must be sincere in their faith, energetic in its defense, and generous in its support. | |
[61:12] In return, He forgives your sins, and admits you into gardens with flowing streams, with beautiful mansions in the gardens of Eden. This is the greatest triumph. | [61:12] In this way, the sins of greed and failure to follow orders, which led to their defeat, will be forgiven. They will be admitted into the company of those who died as martyrs. | |
[61:13] Additionally, you get something you truly love: support from God and guaranteed victory. Give good news to the believers. | [61:13] In addition, the sincere Muslims will receive the blessing of assurance of success in their quest for holiness. | |
[61:14] O you who believe, be God's supporters, like the disciples of Jesus, son of Mary. When he said to them, "Who are my supporters towards God," they said, "We are God's supporters." Thus, a group from the Children of Israel believed, and another group disbelieved. We helped those who believed against their enemy, until they won. | [61:14] The Muslims were no doubt well aware that the zeal and faithfulness of the early Christians was responsible for the expansion of Christianity with respect to Judaism in the six centuries since it was confined to a mere dozen of Jesus' disciples. By similar perseverance, they can promulgate Islam in a similar manner (as, indeed, they did)! |
SURA 62: Al-Jumu'ah - The Meeting DayThe Battle of Khaybar was fought in CE 629 between Mohammed and his followers against the Arabian Jews living in the oasis of Khaybar, 95 miles north of Medina in the north-western part of the Arabian peninsula, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. The oasis was defended by rugged volcanic terrain and large, well-built family fortresses. After the exile discussed in Al-Hashr, the Banu Nadir settled with their fellow Arabian Jews in Khaybar, but continued to trouble the Muslims. Their position on an important stop on the northern trade route isolated Medina from that direction as effectively as Mecca did from the south. Their tribe was also one of the Confederates in the Battle of the Trench discussed in Al-Ahzab. After their leader, Huyayy ibn Akhtab, was executed along with the men of the Banu Qurayza as punishment for their duplicity, Abu Al-Rafi ibn Abi Al-Huqayq assumed leadership of the Banu Nadir at Khaybar and immediately started raising an army to attack Medina. When the Muslims heard of this, they hired an Arab with a Jewish dialect, Abdullah bin Unays, who assassinated him. Usayr ibn Zarim succeeded to the Banu Nadir leadership, and began conspiring much as his predecessors had done. Seeing that assassinating the leaders wasn't working, the Muslims decided to go to war. They set out for Khaybar in May, CE 628, with around 1600 men and 150 horses. Some Muslim women (including Mohammed's wife, Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya) went along as medical attendants. Moving over 30 miles a day in the blistering summer desert, they arrived with total surprise after only three days. The Jewish forces, six times as large, were favorably disposed but poorly organized. They confidently counterattacked, but after an initial bloody encounter avoided pitched battle on open terrain. Their archers, reportedly the best in Arabia, wounded about fifty Muslims by shooting at extreme range. With the fate of the Banu Qurayza fresh in their minds, the Jews fought with the courage of desperation, forcing the Muslims to take one fortress at a time in what today would be called "set piece" battles. After fighting for five days, the Muslims caught a Jewish spy and persuaded him to reveal that one of the fortresses was poorly guarded and defended and contained a store of weapons, including a ballista, heavy artillery for the time, and two testudos, essentially human-powered light battle tanks. Having bought off or intimidated potential Jewish allies, the Muslims managed to capture enough of the fortresses that the Jews sued for peace. Mohammed agreed to treat them "leniently" and not shed their blood if they evacuated promptly. In addition, he restored some of their property, including their scriptural scrolls. He also agreed to allow the farmers to stay in and continue to cultivate their orchards in exchange for half the produce. The Muslims reportedly lost less than 20 men, while killing about 7,500 of the enemy. Their occupation of the Khaybar oasis required the establishment of precedents for Islamic laws regarding the rights and duties of dhimmis, (non-Muslims living under Muslim rule), and their payment of jizya, or tribute tax, to defray the expenses of their administration. In addition to the farmland and produce the Muslims acquired, they also secured a store of trade goods and weapons that, along with the prestige they gained from the locals, greatly assisted them in the conquest of Mecca the following year. Part of the outcome was that Mohammed got an additional wife. The former Banu Nadir chief, Huyayy ibn Akhtab, had been executed along with the Banu Qurayza after the Battle of the Trench. He had a daughter, Safiyya bint Huyayy, who was known all over Arabia for her great beauty. She was married to Kinana ibn Al-Rabi, the Banu Nadir treasurer. When Mohammed asked Kinana where the tribal treasure was hidden, he claimed that he didn't know, breaking the terms of their treaty. For his deceitfulness, Mohammed had him tortured until he revealed the location of the treasure, and then had him beheaded by Mohammed ibn Maslamah, whose brother was one of the few Muslims killed in the battle. Safiyya was initially claimed as a war prize by another Muslim, but Mohammed paid him seven head of cattle for her, persuaded her to become a Muslim, and subsequently married her. As a widow (!) and one whom "his right hand already possessed," Safiyya was fair game. What old, and admittedly jealous, Umm Salama and his other wives thought of their husband's new Jewish trophy bride can only be imagined!
The sura takes the Banu Nadir, and the Jews generally, to task for their misplaced pride. Their arrogance perverted the religion they received from Moses and Abraham and opposed its restoration and dissemination by Mohammed, for which they have been justly punished by the God they have betrayed. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[62:1] Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and everything on earth; the King, the Most Sacred, the Almighty, the Most Wise. | [62:1] This is a restatement of [61:1] with a slight addition, possibly to impress the Jews that they were being addressed by the same God they claimed to worship as Jews. They should appreciate the fact that the Muslims worship Him also, and that they both share a common bond that should be respected. | |
[62:2] He is the One who sent to the gentiles a Messenger from among them, to recite to them His revelations, purify them, and teach them the scripture and wisdom. Before this, they had gone far astray. | [62:2] Although there was no essential ethnic difference between the Arabian Jews and the other Arabs, the Jews considered other Arabs "gentiles." Mohammed was one of them. | |
[62:3] And to many generations subsequent to them. He is the Almighty, Most Wise. | [62:3] Mohammed has been sent to reestablish the religion that the Jews have perverted. | |
[62:4] Such is God's grace that He bestows upon whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Infinite Grace.
[62:5] The example of those who were given the Torah, then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying great works of literature. Miserable indeed is the example of people who rejected God's revelations. God does not guide the wicked people. |
[62:4] Because they have done such a bad job, they have no reason to believe that God could not select a "gentile" for this important mission.
[62:5] Like the donkey who carries a load of precious books that he is too stupid to understand, so the Jews, given the Torah, have demonstrated their inability to understand the great blessing they have been given. | |
[62:6] Say, "O you who are Jewish, if you claim that you are God's chosen, to the exclusion of all other people, then you should long for death if you are telling the truth!" | [62:6] If the Jews really believed that they were God's Chosen People, they would look forward to death as a way of meeting Him. See also [2:95]. | |
[62:7] They will never long for it, because of what they have committed. God is fully aware of the wicked. | [62:7] Because of their perversion of His previous revelation, they are afraid to face Him. See [2:96]. | |
[62:8] Say, "The death that you are trying to evade will catch up with you sooner or later. Then you will be returned to the Knower of all secrets and declarations, then He will inform you of everything you had done." | [62:8] Unfortunately for them, they do not have a choice in the matter. Eventually, they will all come before the judgment of God, to render an account of their services. See {Luke 12:36-48} | |
[62:9] O you who believe, when the Congregational Prayer is announced on the meeting day, you shall hasten to the commemoration of God, and drop all business. This is better for you, if you only knew. | [62:9] The subject matter abruptly changes to rules for Friday prayer. When the call to prayer is announced, the Muslims are to immediately stop and participate in the community worship. | |
[62:10] Once the prayer is completed, you may spread through the land to seek God's bounties, and continue to remember God frequently, that you may succeed. | [62:10] After the prayers, the Muslims may go about their business. Jews and Christians had to rest. {Exodus 23:12; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2 and Leviticus 23:3} | |
[62:11] When some of them come across a business deal, or some entertainment, they rush to it and leave you standing! Say, "What God possesses is far better than the entertainment or the business. God is the best Provider." | [62:11] On the other hand, the meeting for prayer has the additional purpose of promoting good fellowship. It rudeness in appropriate to a servant of God to leave one's neighbors to rush out of the Mosque and do something else. |
SURA 63: Al-Munaafeqoon - The HypocritesForemost among the hypocrites was Abdullah ibn Ubayy, chief of the Banu Khazraj. He had expected to be elected king of Medina before Mohammed arrived in CE 622 and essentially took over administration of the city. He was especially annoyed when the delegation that invited Mohammed to the city did not ask his blessing. He nominally became a Muslim to be included in political affairs, but held a grudge against Mohammed that would end only with his illness and death in CE 631, shortly after the conquest of Mecca. His children all became devout Muslims. In addition to sarcastic remarks in the assemblies ([63:1]) and secret deals with the Quraish in Mecca, Ubayy personally argued with Mohammed to secure the pardon of the quarrelsome Banu Qaynuqa after falsely promising them the support of 2000 men to defeat the Muslims, as discussed in the introduction to Al-Hashr. He also instigated the desertion of 300 Medina soldiers ([3:140-143]) in the Battle of Uhud, and openly accused Mohammed's wife Ayesha of adultery, as discussed in Al-Noor. The Medina Muslims eventually got sick of him, and in one incident, referred to in [63:5], members of the Muslim congregation told him to sit down and shut up and the ask the Prophet to pray for his forgiveness. His reply was, "I do not want him to pray for my forgiveness!" In another incident, a brawl broke out between Umar bin Khattab (a former enemy who had converted to Islam), and one loyal to Ubayy when the two stopped for water after one of their many skirmishes with Medina's neighbors. Mohammed restored order by accusing the fighters of acting like pagans, but everyone involved was still angry. Ubayy was overheard to refer to the immigrants (Muhajirs) as "dogs," that if they weren't given handouts, they'd go elsewhere ([63:7]), and that the strong would drive out the weak ([63:8]). When the remark was reported to Mohammed, he immediately ordered the force to break camp and march for 30 hours, leaving everyone so exhausted that they forgot all about fighting and simply fell asleep at the next stop. Umar asked permission to kill Ubayy, but Mohammed refused the offer. The grumbling continued, however, and at the gates of Medina, Ubayy's son, Abdullah Junior, suddenly drew his sword, stood before his father, and exclaimed, "You said that when you reached Medina, the strong would drive out the weak. Now we will see who is stronger, you or God and His Messenger! You shall not enter Medina without his permission! Once again, Mohammed defused the situation by ordering the young man to let his father enter. "What do you think, Umar," he asked. "If I had allowed you to kill him when you wanted, the people would have been enraged. Now, I can order him killed any time, and they will do it." Umar humbly agreed.
These were the circumstances under which this sura was revealed. | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[63:1] When the hypocrites come to you they say, "We bear witness that you are the Messenger of God." God knows that you are His Messenger, and God bears witness that the hypocrites are liars. | [63:1] Abdullah ibn Ubayy was known in Medina for making long and insultingly insincere declarations of respect and affection for Mohammed and belief in his commission from God. He sometimes even delayed recitation of the Koran or a sermon with his affirmations of goodwill. He became known as "leader of the Munafiqun (hypocrites)." | |
[63:2] Under the guise of their apparent faith, they repel the people from the path of God. Miserable indeed is what they do. | [63:2] In reality, Ubayy was against anything that Mohammed was for, and vice versa. His followers caused all kinds of trouble. | |
[63:3] This is because they believed, then disbelieved. Hence, their minds are blocked; they do not understand. | [63:3] Having once claimed to accept Islam, they were more obnoxious (and certainly more dangerous) than the unconverted pagans. | |
[63:4] When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. They are like standing logs. They think that every call is intended against them. These are the real enemies; beware of them. God condemns them; they have deviated. | [63:4] Ubayy and his close associates were wealthy and erudite, and had generally been well liked before the arrival of the Muhajirs. In their paranoia, they took every disagreement personally and attempted to undermine Mohammed's authority and influence, even to the point of betraying their own people. | |
[63:5] When they are told, "Come let the Messenger of God pray for your forgiveness," they mockingly turn their heads, and you see them repel others and act arrogantly. | [63:5] This refers to the incident discussed in the introduction. Ubayy's hatred of Mohammed was so intense that refused to admit any wrongdoing, much less atone for it. | |
[63:6] It is the same for them, whether you pray for their forgiveness, or not pray for their forgiveness; God will not forgive them. For God does not guide the wicked people. | [63:6] Since Islam maintains that God hold's everyone accountable for his own actions, praying for His forgiveness for someone else is a waste of time. God does not forgive the intransigent. | |
[63:7] They are the ones who say, "Do not give any money to those who followed the Messenger of God, perhaps they abandon him!" However, God possesses the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not comprehend. | [63:7] The hypocrites begrudged the money that they were obliged to give to charity (zakat) as well as their taxes. Ubayy considered the Muhajirs no better than hobos and thought they might abandon Mohammed if they couldn't get charity in Medina. | |
[63:8] They say, "If we go back to the city, the powerful there will evict the weak." All dignity belongs to God and His Messenger, and the believers. However, the hypocrites do not know. | [63:8] It was Ubayy's desire that if the Muhajirs could not be induced voluntarily to leave Medina, they should be forced out. Eventually, many returned to Mecca after its conquest. in CE 630. | |
[63:9] O you who believe, do not be distracted by your money and your children from remembering God. Those who do this are the losers. | [63:9] The true Muslims should not place undue emphasis on wealth or family. Their first priority should be the service of God. | |
[63:10] You shall give from our provisions to you before death comes to you, then you say, "My Lord, if only You could delay this for a short while! I would then be charitable and join the righteous!" | [63:10] See also {Luke 12:15-21}. Charity should never be deferred to a better opportunity or time. Death comes unexpectedly, and a missed opportunity may be missed for all time. | |
[63:11] God never delays the appointed time of death for any soul. God is fully Cognizant of everything. | [63:11] God does not withhold death so that the living can prepare for it. It happens as He has decreed. | |
SURA 64: Al-Taghaabun - Mutual Denunciation | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[64:1] Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. To Him belongs all kingship, and to Him belongs all praise, and He is Omnipotent. | [64:1] This is very similar to [62:1], possibly for the same purpose; to impress the hearers that they were being addressed by the same God they claimed to worship as Muslims. They should appreciate the unification of spirit and purpose that their common faith should provide. | |
[64:2] He is the One who created you, then among you there is the disbeliever, and the believer. God is fully Seer of everything you do. | [64:2] The beginning of this sura is addressed to all people, believers and disbelievers alike, reminding them of their common heritage as creatures of God. | |
[64:3] He created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose, designed you and perfected your design, then to Him is the final destiny. | [64:3] This creation is for God's intended purpose, as indicated by the perfection of its design and functioning. Man's purpose is to return to Him. | |
[64:4] He knows everything in the heavens and the earth, and He knows everything you conceal and everything you declare. God is fully aware of the innermost thoughts. | [64:4] When each person is reunited with God, He will rewarded or punished for everything that he or she has done, said or thought. Nothing will be hidden from His knowledge. | |
[64:5] Have you noted those who disbelieved in the past, then suffered the consequences of their decision? They incurred a severe punishment. | [64:5] Throughout human history, mankind has turned away from belief in and obedience to God, and has suffered the inevitable result. | |
[64:6] This is because their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they said, "Shall we follow humans like us?" They disbelieved and turned away. God does not need them; God is in no need, Praiseworthy. | [64:6] In every age, God, who is in need of nothing for Himself, has bestowed the opportunity for mankind to be enlightened by sending certain people as prophets. They were all rejected, leaving the rejecters in the darkness they created for themselves. | |
[64:7] Those who disbelieved claim that they will not be resurrected! Yes indeed, by my Lord, you will be resurrected, and you will be held accountable for everything you have done. This is easy for God to do. | [64:7] Part of what was rejected was belief in the Resurrection from the dead, and the ultimate accountability of every person for his deeds during his lifetime. | |
[64:8] Therefore, you shall believe in God and His Messenger, and the light that we have revealed herein. God is fully Cognizant of everything you do. | [64:8] Recognition of this accountability puts man at peace with God. For this reason, it is important to recognize His final message. | |
[64:9] The day will come when He summons you to the Day of Summoning. That is the Day of Mutual Denunciation. Anyone who believes in God and leads a righteous life, He will remit his sins, and will admit him into gardens with flowing streams. They remain there forever. This is the greatest triumph. | [64:9] When each person is called before God to be judged after the Resurrection, those who lived immoral lives will denounce each other as unworthy to associate with those who have believed in God and lived righteously. These alone will be admitted into Paradise as their just reward. | |
[64:10] As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they are the dwellers of the Hellfire; they remain there forever. What a miserable destiny! | [64:10] Those who refused to believe in the revelations of God will be condemned to everlasting punishment in Hell. | |
[64:11] Nothing happens to you except in accordance with God's will. Anyone who believes in God, He will guide his heart. God is fully aware of all things. | [64:11] Nothing happens to man without God's leave. The Muslims know this, and that God will guide them in the way they must live their lives. | |
[64:12] You shall obey God and you shall obey the Messenger. If you turn away, then the sole mission of our Messenger is to deliver the message. | [64:12] Each of them is personally responsible for following the teachings and admonitions of God's final Messenger. | |
[64:13] God: there is no other god besides Him. In God the believers shall trust. | [64:13] There is no other path to salvation except by what God has revealed. | |
[64:14] O you who believe, your spouses and your children can be your enemies; beware. If you pardon, forget, and forgive, then God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. | [64:14] The Muslims must be on guard against divided loyalties and be ready to forgive others if they expect forgiveness. See {Matthew 6:12, Mark 11:25, Luke 11:4}. | |
[64:15] Your money and children are a test, and God possesses a great reward. | [64:15] The potential for divided loyalties is a test of one's true loyalty to God. | |
[64:16] Therefore, you shall reverence God as much as you can, and listen, and obey, and give for your own good. Anyone who is protected from his own stinginess, these are the successful ones. | [64:16] Each person is therefore enjoined to do the best he can and to be alert for opportunities to serve God. Those who will ultimately triumph are those who overcome the temptations from their own selves. | |
[64:17] If you lend God a loan of righteousness, He will multiply the reward for you manifold, and forgive you. God is Appreciative, Clement. | [64:17] Anyone who spends in the service of God will be rewarded. See [2:245], [5:12], [57:11], and [57:18] and also {Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:30, Luke 18:30} | |
[64:18] The Knower of all secrets and declarations; the Almighty, Most Wise. | [64:18] God knows them all, and will reward them accordingly. |
SURA 72: Al-Jinn - The Djinn | ||
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
[72:1] Say, "I was informed that a group of djinns listened, then said, 'We have heard a wonderful Recitation. | [72:1] God here orders Mohammed to recite what He has reported to him about being overheard by the djinns, possibly as an inspiration to Mohammed's human listeners to be equally receptive. It does not appear that God has given him the full account of what happened, because there are discontinuities in his report. | |
[72:2] " 'It guides to righteousness, and we have believed in it; we will never set up any idols beside our Lord. | [72:2] Although they do not admit that they ever worshiped idols, the djinns are obviously so impressed by it that they promise never to do that in the future. | |
[72:3] " 'The Most High is our only Lord. He never had a mate, nor a son. | [72:3] They also reject the errors of the Christians regarding the Trinity and the Incarnation. | |
[72:4] " 'It is the foolish among us who used to utter such nonsense about God. | [72:4] Apparently some of the djinns had been Christians, but this changed their minds. | |
[72:5] " 'We thought that neither the humans, nor the djinns , could possibly utter lies about God. | [72:5] They now recognize how wrong they were, and intend to repent and reform. | |
[72:6] " 'Human beings used to seek power through djinn beings, but they only afflicted them with a lot of adversity. | [72:6] This may be the source of the Arabian nights story about the djinn who granted wishes to get out of a bottle or lamp. | |
[72:7] " 'They thought, just like you thought, that God would not send another. | [72:7] Nobody expected anyone like Mohammed to appear after the previous prophetic failures. | |
[72:8] " 'We touched the heaven and found it filled with formidable guards and flaming stars. | [72:8] Just like people, the djinns wanted to get into Paradise, but they were kept out with fire. | |
[72:9] " 'We used to sit there in order to spy. Anyone who listens is pursued by a powerful flame. | [72:9] They hung around the borders of heaven eavesdropping, but the guards chased them away. | |
[72:10] " 'We have no idea if something bad is intended for the inhabitants of Earth, or if their Lord wills to redeem them. | [72:10] They are curious. They know that something important is being planned in heaven, but they don't know what it is. | |
[72:11] " 'Some of us are righteous, and some are less than righteous; we follow various paths.
[72:12] " 'We knew full well that we can never run away from God on Earth; we can never run away and escape. |
[72:11] Just like people, the djinns have their good and bad representatives. Their problem is that they have no prophet to guide them.
[72:12] All they know is that they can't run away from God, even if they go all the way to earth. | |
[72:13] " 'When we heard the guidance, we believed in it. Anyone who believes in his Lord will never fear any injustice, nor any affliction. | [72:13] This is why they considered themselves so fortunate to have heard prophecy on earth. Who would have expected it to come from a human being? | |
[72:14] " 'Among us are the submitters, and among us are the compromisers.' " As for those who submitted, they are on the right path. | [72:14] Not all of the djinns accept the Koran. Mohammed has his detractors among the djinns as well as among men. | |
[72:15] As for the compromisers, they will be fuel for Gehenna. | [72:15] Those who are still holding out are headed straight for Hell. | |
[72:16] If they remain on the right path, We will bless them with abundant water. | [72:16] God appears to interrupt the record here by pointing out that the righteous will be blessed. | |
[72:17] We will surely test them all. As for him who disregards the message of his Lord, He will direct him to ever increasing punishment. | [72:17] Everybody, humans and djinns, will be tested, and those who fail the test will meet with increasing unhappiness and disappointment. | |
[72:18] The places of worship belong to God; do not call on anyone else beside God. | [72:18] The mosques are to be dedicated to God alone. Having idols in them is a profanation. | |
[72:19] When God's servant advocated Him alone, almost all of them banded together to oppose him. | [72:19] God notes here that Mohammed is finding increased opposition. Whom He's talking to is not clear. | |
[72:20] Say, "I worship only my Lord; I never set up any idols beside Him." | [72:20] Still, he must continue to spread the Message that he worships only God alone. | |
[72:21] Say, "I possess no power to harm you, nor to guide you." | [72:21] As the Messenger, he has no power to prevent or compel acceptance of the Message. | |
[72:22] Say, "No one can protect me from God, nor can I find any other refuge beside Him. | [72:22] Part of the Message is that no one is immune from the power of God, or can be protected by another. | |
[72:23] "I deliver God's proclamations and messages." Those who disobey God and His Messenger incur the fire of Hell, wherein they remain forever. | [72:23] Another part of the Message is that God requires obedience to Him and Mohammed. Anyone who disobeys will suffer eternally in Hell. | |
[72:24] Once they see what is awaiting them, they will find out who is really weaker in power, and fewer in number. | [72:24] At this point in his prophethood, Mohammed has few followers or companions. This should not be taken as weakness. | |
[72:25] Say, "I do not know if what is promised to you will happen soon, or if my Lord will delay it for a time." | [72:25] God is on his side even if he does not know when He will make that clear to Mohammed's opponents. | |
[72:26] He is the Knower of the future; He does not reveal the future to anyone. | [72:26] Only God knows the future. He has not revealed it to anyone (human or djinn)... | |
[72:27] Only to a messenger that He chooses, for surely he makes a band of watchers march before and after him. | [72:27] ...except, in specific cases, to His prophet, to whom He assigned watchers continually to accompany him in front and in back. | |
[72:28] This is to ascertain that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He is fully aware of what they have. He has counted the numbers of all things. | [72:28] This is to make sure that the prophets convey the Messages (at least to somebody) that they have been given by God. He keeps track of their progress. |
SURA 74: Al-Muddaththir - The Cloaked One | |
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful | |
[74:1] The "cloak" was the blanket under which Mohammed was hiding. God tells him to get up and start acting like a Prophet. | |
[74:1] O you cloaked one. [74:2] Come out and warn. [74:3] Extol your Lord. [74:4] Wash your clothes. [74:5] Forsake what is wrong. [74:6] Be content with your lot. [74:7] Steadfastly commemorate your Lord. [74:8] Then, when the horn is blown. [74:9] That will be a difficult day. [74:10] For the disbelievers, not easy. | |
[74:11-25] Without specifically naming him, God promises Mohammed that He will deal with the one (Walid bin Al-Mughirah) who suggested spreading lies about him being a sorcerer. Walid was a successful businessman. | |
[74:11] Let Me deal with one I created as an individual. [74:12] I provided him with lots of money. [74:13] And children to behold. [74:14] I made everything easy for him. [74:15] Yet, he is greedy for more. [74:16] He stubbornly refused to accept these proofs. [74:17] I will increasingly punish him. [74:18] For he reflected, then decided. [74:19] Miserable is what he decided. [74:20] Miserable indeed is what he decided. [74:21] He looked. [74:22] He frowned and whined. [74:23] Then he turned away arrogantly. [74:24] He said, "This is but clever magic! [74:25] This is only the word of a man. | |
[74:26-30] The punishment of Hell is really bad, but it's no worse than what the condemned deserve. | |
[74:26] I will commit him to eternal punishment. [74:27] And what will convey what hell is? [74:28] It leaves nothing and spares nothing. [74:29] It burns up the dweller. [74:30] Over it are nineteen. |
SURA 94: Alam-Nashrah - Cooling the Temper |
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [94:1] Did we not cool your temper? [94:2] And we unloaded your load (of sins). [94:3] One that burdened your back. [94:4] We exalted you to an honorable position. [94:5] With pain there is gain. [94:6] Indeed, with pain there is gain. [94:7] Whenever possible you shall strive. [94:8] Seeking only your Lord. |
SURA 95: Al-Teen |
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [95:1] By the fig and the olive, [95:2] And Mount Sinai, [95:3] And this honored city, [95:4] We created man in the best design, [95:5] Then turned him into the lowliest of the lowly, [95:6] Except those who believe and lead a righteous life; they receive an unending reward. [95:7] So who can still reject the faith? [95:8] Is God wisest of judges? |
SURA 96: Al-'Alaq - The EmbryoKhadijah bint Khuwalid was a teenager when Mohammed was born, During his childhood, she married well, inherited her affluent father's estate when he was killed in battle, and became even more wealthy when her prosperous husband died. Her resulting fortune may not have been the least of the reasons why she had received subsequent proposals of marriage from many of the Quraish nobles, but she rejected them all. Having known Mohammed all his life, she selected the budding entrepreneur to represent her interests on a trading trip to Syria. Respected throughout Mecca as "Al-Amin" ("the trustworthy") young Mohammed returned from the expedition with a huge profit for Khadijah and stories of the journey that only a young, virile, enthusiastic, passionate and eloquent young businessman could tell. Khadijah fell in love with the youthful trader and, after unsuccessfully trying to persuade him to woo her, finally proposed to him instead. His uncle, Abu Talib, who had raised the orphaned Mohammed, approved the union, and in due course the two were married. Mohammed was twenty five at the time; Khadijah was forty. By all accounts, theirs was a most successful marriage. In spite of her age, Khadijah bore Mohammed three sons. Qasim died when he was only two years old and Tayyib and Tahir died in infancy. Their four daughters, Zaynab, Ruqayya, Umm Kulthum and Fatima, all survived to adulthood. Each spouse was a perfect companion for the other. Mohammed brought his youthful exuberance, talent, wit and dedication to the family, while Khadijah supplied experience, wisdom and a cool head. When Mohammed left his family temporarily during Ramadan to pray and meditate in his favorite cave, Khadijah made sure that he had plenty of food, drink and other provisions, and dressed warmly against the cold desert nights. On night, when Mohammed was forty and Khadijah fifty-five, he interrupted one of his solitary Ramadan prayer vigils by appearing unexpectedly at home in the middle of the night, disheveled and shaking with fright. "Cover me up: cover me up!" he pleaded. Alarmed to see him so uncharacteristically disordered, Khadijah quickly wrapped a blanket around him and begged him to tell her what had thrown him into such a panic. "I saw an angel!" he replied. "He told me three times to read, and I replied each time that I cannot! He embraced me so hard he almost squashed me! Finally, I asked him what he wanted me to read. He told me, 'Read, in the name of your Lord, who created man from an embryo. Read, and your Lord, Most Exalted, teaches by means of the pen; he teaches man what he never knew.' I finally ran out of the cave, but wherever I turned, there he was in front of me, filling the entire horizon! He told me that he was Gabriel and that I was the Messenger of God!" Khadijah, my love, what do you think? Am I going crazy? Am I possessed by a djinn? I fear for my life!" "My dear husband," Khadijah replied, "I see no need for you to worry. The Most High would never mistreat you in such a way. You are a good man; you are kind to your relatives; you are true to your word; you help the needy; you support the weak; you are hospitable to all, and you do nothing but good works. By my soul, I hope that you are the Messenger of God! I think you should see old cousin Waraqah; he will be able to advise you better than I." Waraqah ibn Nawfal, although old and blind, was a very religious man, and very wise. He had studied Judaism and Christianity, and was reputed to have written the Christian Gospel in Arabic and Hebrew, and to even have been a Christian, possibly a hermit or monk. When Mohammed related his experience to him, the old man was dumbfounded! "Why, this is the Angel of Revelation!" Waraqah exclaimed (possibly referring to {Isaiah 29:11-18}. "The same one who brought the Word of God to Moses! Wow! I wish I were young enough to be alive when your people drive you out!" "Will my people drive me out?" Mohammed asked incredulously. "Oh, most assuredly," the old man replied. "No one has ever been given what you have without being treated like an enemy! I just wish I were young enough to give you the help you deserve; I'd support you with all my might!" (He died just a few days later!) Khadijah was overjoyed to hear that her understanding of what had happened had been corroborated. When Mohammed began his public teaching, she is reported to have been the first to have uttered the prophetic words, "I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, and that Mohammed is His Prophet." As has been related elsewhere, the years following confirmed Waraqah's prediction of Mohammed's mistreatment, rejection and ultimate expulsion from Mecca. For the next eight years, until her death in CE 620, Khadijah worked tirelessly in support of her husband's mission, spending all of her vast fortune to advance the spread of Islam in spite of fierce hostility and opposition from their own relatives. As reported in the introduction to Al-Ahqaf, Khadijah died only a month after his uncle and guardian, Abu Talib, leaving Mohammed lonely and friendless in a hostile world. It is not obvious how Islam could have survived, much less become the religion of one fifth of the world's population, without the dedication and loving support of this good and holy woman. May God's peace and blessings be upon her!
The following is the very first revelation her husband received. It takes its name from the word "embryo" in [96:2]. It is also sometimes called "Read!" for obvious reasons. |
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [96:1] Read, in the name of your Lord, who created. [96:2] He created man from an embryo. [96:3] Read, and your Lord, Most Exalted. [96:4] Teaches by means of the pen. [96:5] He teaches man what he never knew. |
One of the most ardent opponents of Mohammed in Mecca was Amr ibn Hashim, sometimes called Abu Jahl, "the father of folly." When Mohammed first began teaching, Abu Jahl swore by his favorite gods Al-Lat and Al-Uzza that if he ever found him in the Kaaba, he would set his foot on Mohammed's neck as he touched his forehead to the ground and grind his face into the dirt.
One day, Abu Jahl indeed found Mohammed praying in the Kaaba and by all accounts, approached him with the intent of carrying out his threat. Witnesses are divided on what happened next, but Mohammed survived unscathed, Abu Jahl was humiliated, and the Prophet is said to have remarked that had he tried to carry out his threat, the angels would have torn him to pieces. (Abu Jahl was later killed by two youths in the Battle of Badr). The second part of this sura is believed to have been revealed on that occasion. |
[96:6] Indeed, the human transgresses. [96:7] When he becomes rich. [96:8] To your Lord is the ultimate destiny. [96:9] Have you seen the one who enjoins. [96:10] Others from praying? [96:11] Is it not better for him to follow the guidance? [96:12] Or advocate righteousness? [96:13] If he disbelieves and turns away. [96:14] Does he not realize that God sees? [96:15] Indeed, unless he refrains, we will take him by the forelock. [96:16] A forelock that is disbelieving and sinful. [96:17] Let him then call on his helpers. [96:18] We will call the guardians of Hell. [96:19] You shall not obey him; you shall fall prostrate and draw nearer. |
SURA 110: Al-Nassr - Triumph
This is the last revelation to Mohammed, set down about three months before his death. It promises him that he will see even more people than have already embraced Islam doing so, and reminds him to continue to seek forgiveness for his imperfections. It is almost his epitaph. |
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [110:1] When triumph comes from God, and victory. [110:2] You will see the people embracing God's religion in throngs. [110:3] You shall glorify and praise your Lord, and implore Him for forgiveness. He is the Redeemer. |
After a short illness, Mohammed, the Prophet of God, died in the arms of his favorite wife Ayesha on June 8, CE 632, at the age of 61, in the city of Medina, two years and four months after the liberation of his beloved Mecca from the worship of false gods. He also emancipated forever his native Arabia and one-fifth of the modern human race from slavery to idolatry, ignorance and depravity. His tomb, Ayesha's former home, lies within the Masjid Al-Nabawi, the Mosque of the Prophet, in Medina. Next to it is an empty tomb, reserved as a gesture of faith in the Resurrection, for the Prophet Jesus.
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, may His blessings be upon him, and may he rest in peace."May the Lord bless him and keep him; may the Lord make His face to shine upon him and be gracious to him; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon him, and give him peace."- Numbers 6:24-26
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