Subject Cross Reference Index of The Catechism of the Catholic Church

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This index appears in the hypertext Catechism of the Catholic Church just before the abbreviations. It is presented here to allow users to search it before downloading the entire three megabyte(!) hypertext Catechism. You can scroll around in this index to find the subjects you are looking for. The named links (i. e. Gospel) will take you to the appropriate place in this index (which is already downloaded to your hard disk) lightning fast!

Scattered along the right side of this index are little "cross reference symbols" (). and "Catechism symbols" (©). Clicking on one of these or any of the numbered links (i. e. 1234) will download the entire 3 MB Catechism in a new window. There is an index exactly like this one in that document. The symbols take you to the top of it; the © symbols will take you to the beginning of the text. EITHER ONE OPENS THE CATECHISM IN ANOTHER WINDOW. To see how this works, take a look at the site map. Once you have downloaded the whole Catechism, you can scroll around in that index without having to reload anything. Trust me, you only want to download the entire Catechism once! (Note - Your browser will "hang up" for a bit after loading about 26% (771K), 39% (1157K), 45% (1334K), 54% (1601K), 61% (1809K) and 98% (2906K) of the Catechism. This is normal. There are huge tables that your computer needs to format. Don't quit; it's worth the wait!)

Hypertext markup language permits much more cross-indexing capability than the printed text. For this reason, I have provided links which I think might help a user search the index, and which are, of course, not in the printed version. What you see is, however, as close as I could get to presenting the information as it appears in the printed text, except for italics, which I have so far not incorporated.

In printed texts, the main entry words are printed in bold type as are references to definitions or exact descriptions (for example, Angels; demons: 327-330). References to "In Brief" entries in some texts are printed in italics . The sub-headings that follow main entries provide additional information about the same or closely related topics (for example: Abraham: call of Abraham: 59, 72, 762). Cross references with "see:" or "see also:" supply information about relevant main entry words. The primary objective of the Church publishers in constructing this index was to provide the most comprehensive survey possible of the contents, not the most complete listing of all references to a given subject.

God Bless.

John Lindorfer
February 10, 2003

Me at work

Left Alphabetical Index:         A         B         C         D         E         F         G         H         I         J
Right Alphabetical Index:      Jesus      K      L      M      N      O      P      R      S      T      U      V      W      Y
Abortion: 2270-75 Jesus Christ: names and designations: designations, ContinuedDOWN
condemnation in the early Church: 2271   "New Adam": 411, 504LOAD
excommunication as penalty: 2272   "Rabbi": 581-82CCC
inalienable right to life: 2273   "YHWH": 211 ©
protection of human life from the moment of conception: 2270, 2319, 2322-23 pictorial representation: 477 
Abraham:  prayer of Jesus:  
call of Abraham: 59, 72, 762  as model for the prayer of disciples: 2601 
faith of Abraham: 144-46, 165, 1080, 2676  as prayer of the Son of the Father: 2599 
hope of Abraham: 1819  before important salvation events: 2600, 2602 
in the Muslim religion: 841  high priestly prayer: 2746-51 
prayer of Abraham: 2570-72, 2592, 2635  important prayers of Jesus: 2603-6 
promise to Abraham: 705-6, 762, 1222, 1716, 2810  Jesus hears prayers: 2616 
 fulfillment of the promises: 422, 1725, 2619  Jesus teaches to pray: 2607-15 
Absolution: see: Penance, sacrament of: as liturgical celebration  "Our Father": 2759 
Acedia: (spiritual sloth) Resurrection of Jesus:  
as capital sin: 1866  apparitions of the Risen One: 641 
as sin against love: 2G94  as proof of divine omnipotence: 272 
as temptation in prayer: 2733  as transcendent event: 647, 656DOWN
Act; action  interpretation: LOAD
beatitude as meaning and end: 1719, 1723   as basis for our resurrection: 655, 658CCC
circumstances and consequences: 1754   as fulfillment of the promises of the Old Covenant: 652 ©
end does not justify the means: 1753, 1759   as the final confirmation of Jesus' authority: 649-51, 653 
intention and goal: 1752-53   as work of the Trinity: 648 
judgment as good or bad: 1749-50, 1755-56, 1757, 1760  Jesus' resurrected body: 645-46 
object: 1751, 1758  meaning and significance: 651-55 
Adoration  message:  
and blessing: 1078, 2628, 2781   apostles' living tradition of the Resurrection: 639 
and respect for God's name: 2143, 2145   as the central theme of Christian preaching: 638 
and sacred art.: 2502  significance for the apostles: 642-44 
of the Blessed Sacrament: 1178, 1183, 1378-81, 1418, 2691, 2696  significance of the empty grave: 640, 657 
prayer as expression of: 2098  Sunday as the day of the Resurrection: 2174 
sacrifice as sign of: 2C99 Second Coming:  
worship of God by the Church: 1083  before Christ's return, the Antichrist will come: 675 
see also: Worship  Church remains universal until Christ's return: 830 
Adultery: 2380-81  could occur at any moment: 673 
as grave sin: 1756, 1856, 1858, 2400  Jesus' messianic kingship: 440, 680, 1060 
importance of conjugal fidelity: 1646, 2364-65, 2397  Kingdom of God on earth not yet achieved: 671 
in Jesus' preaching: 2336  Last Judgment: 677-78, 681-82, 1038-41, 1051-52DOWN
Advent: 524, 1095   Christ as Judge: 679, 1040LOAD
see also: Liturgy: liturgical seasons   message of the Last Judgment: CCC
Agnosticism    as call for conversion: 1041 ©
as practical atheism: 2128    in Jesus' preaching from the beginning: 678 
forms: 2127  resurrection of the dead: 988 
Alcohol  significance for the Church:  
abuse: 2290   liturgy focused on Christ's return: 1107, 1130 
Almsgiving   missionary task of the Church until the end of time: 849 
as act of religion: 1969  the "hardening" of Israel and the end time: 674 
as expression of penance: 1434, 1438  waiting for the definitive reign: 672 
as form of piety: 575, 2101 sent by the Father: 422 
as witness to fraternal charity: 2447, 2462 signs and wonders:  
on behalf of the dead: 1032  accompany his preaching: 547 
Altar: 1181-82, 1383, 2570  as messianic signs: 549 
Amputation: see: Medical treatment  bear witness to his mission:  
Analogy  exorcisms: 550 
between Creator and creature: 41 themes of Jesus' preaching:  
of faith: 114  abandonment to God's providence: 305 
Anamnesis  Beatitudes as central: 1716 
in the Eucharistic celebration: 1354, 1362  Decalogue: 2052-55DOWN
in the general liturgical celebration: 1103  Jewish Law: 577-82, 592LOAD
in the sacramental celebration: 1106  Kingdom of God: 542-46, 567CCC
Angels; demons: 327-330, 350  Last Judgment: 678 ©
as servants of Christ: 331, 351, 1034, 1038  marriage:  
"fall" of angels:   indissolubility of: 1614-15 
 as irrevocable sin: 392-93, 414   original meaning of conjugal union: 1614 
 by their free decision: 391-92   significance of the wedding at Cana: 1613 
 Satan as a "fallen angel": 391, 414   the "marriage of the Lamb": 1612 
given intelligence and free will: 311  message and mission of the Holy Spirit: 728-30 
guardian angels: 336  parables of Jesus: 546 
heaven as "place" of angels: 326, 1023  "peace of Christ": 2305 
in salvation history: 332-33  prohibition against murder: 2262 
significance for the Church: 334-35, 352  resurrection of the dead: 994 
"son of God" as title for angels: 441  Temple of Jerusalem: 583-86, 593 
Anger; wrath  the poor: 544, 2444 
as passion: 1765 Jesus Prayer: 2616, 2667-68 
as sin:  Jews: see: Israel 
 consequence of original sin: 2259 John the Baptist 
 desire for vengeance: 2302 Baptism of Jesus: 535-37 
 forbidden in Sermon on the Mount: 2262 Baptism of repentance: 720, 1224DOWN
 mortal sin: 1866, 2302 filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb: 717LOAD
Animals fire of the Holy Spirit glows in him: 696, 718CCC
experimentation on: 2417 role in salvation history: 523, 719 ©
exploitation forbidden: 2415, 2418 witness given to Jesus: 608 
place in creation: 2415-16 Journalism: 2497 
relationship to man: 2417-18, 2457 Joy: 301, 523, 1829 
Anointing as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 
Anointing of the Sick: 1523 see also: Happiness 
as sign of the Holy Spirit: 695 Judgment, rash: 2477 
Baptism: 1237 Justice: 1807 
Confirmation: 1289, 1293-96 legal commutative and distributive: 2411 
ordination of priests and bishops: 1574 as cardinal virtue: 1805 
Anointing of the Sick see also: Virtues: cardinal virtues 
administration by priests and bishops: 1516, 1530 Justification: 1987, 2018-19 
as a sacrament:  as most excellent work of God'slove: 1994 
 one of the seven sacraments: 1113, 1210 as receiving of God's justice: 1991 
 "sacrament of the dying": 1523 as sanctification of the whole human being: 1995 
 since the beginning of the Church: 1510 collaboration between God'sgrace and man's freedom: 1993 
liturgical celebration: 1517 conferred through Baptism: 1266, 1992 
 elements of the celebration: 1518-19, 1531 grace of conversion precedes justification: 1989DOWN
main effects: 1520-23, 1532 in the Paschal mystery: 654LOAD
 comfort, peace, and courage: 1520 made possible by God'sgrace: 1987CCC
 forgiveness of sins: 1520 merited by Christ's Passion: 1992, 2020 ©
 preparation for death: 1523 possibility to rediscover grace of justification in Penance: 1446 
 sanctification of the Church: 1522 Kidnapping: 2297 
 union with the Passion of Christ: 1521 Killing 
purpose: 1499, 1511, 1526-27 concern for eugenics never justifies: 2268 
reception: Eucharist as "viaticum": 1517, 1524-25 failure to give assistance: 2277 
 preparation: 1516-17 forbidden in Jesus' preaching: 2262 
 reception recommended: 1515, 1528 forbidden in the Old Testament: 2261 
 recipient: 1514 legitimate defense: 2263-67 
 repeated reception: 1515, 1529 murder as sin that cries out to heaven: 2268 
rite: 1513 stopping or omitting medical treatment: 2278 
tradition of Extreme Unction: 1512 suicide: 2280-83, 2325 
Antichrist: 675 unintentional killing, 2269 
see also: Jesus Christ: Second Coming Kindness 
Anxiety: 2088 as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 
Apostasy: 2089, 817 God's kindness: see: God: attributes 
Apostles Knowledge 
apostolic teaching as way to heaven: 75-77, 1724 as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831DOWN
called by Jesus to follow him: 1506 Knowledge of GodLOAD
Church built on the foundation of the apostles: 857, 860 and human soul: 33CCC
commissioned by Jesus: 2, 858-60 God lets himself be known: 31, 34, 54-55 ©
power of the keys: 981  in historical circumstances: 37 
preach the Paschal mystery: 571  natural knowledge of God: 32, 47 
share in Christ's ministry of healing: 1506, 1510-11  through grace: 35 
share in Christ's power of sanctification: 1087  through reason: 35, 36 
successors: 3  through revelation: 35, 38 
witnesses of the Resurrection: 860 Laity: 897 
see also: Apostolic succession civil duties: 912 
Apostolate: 863, 864, 900, 905 importance:  
Apostolic succession  in catechesis: 906 
and the sacrament of Holy Orders: 1576  in governing the Church: 911 
apostles' appointment of successors: 77, 860-62  in secular institutes: 928-29 
as bond of the Church's unity: 815  in the Church's teaching office: 906 
as sign of the Church's catholicity: 830, 833  in the mass media: 906 
in the Eastern Churches: 1399  m the preaching of the Gospel: 900, 905 
significance for the liturgy: 1087 mission in the Church and in the world: 873-75 
see also: Apostles participation in Christ's kingly office: 908-13 
Armed forces; soldiers: 2310 participation in Christ'spriestly office: 901-3DOWN
Arms production: 2316 participation in Christ's prophetic office: 904LOAD
Arms trade: 2316 right and duty to manifest opinions: 907CCC
Art: 2501, 2513 vocation: 898 see also: Vocation ©
task of sacred art: 2502-3 Last Judgment: see: Jesus Christ: Second Coming 
truth and beauty: 2500 Last Supper: see: Jesus Christ: life of Jesus 
Artificial insemination: see: Matrimony: purpose Law; commandment; Church precept; natural moral law: 1951, 1975-76 
Ascension: see: Jesus Christ: Ascension of Jesus as "scandal": 2286 
Ascesis in God's salvation pedagogy: 707-10, 1980-82 
as means to self-mastery: 1734, 2340  Law of the Gospel:  
as way to perfection: 2015   and the evangelical counsels: 1973-74, 1986 
Astrology: 2116   as fulfillment of the Mosaic Law: 1968, 1984 
Atheism: 2123-26, 2128, 2140   as fulfillment of the divine promises: 1967 
Authority   as Law of love, grace, and freedom: 1972, 1983, 1985 
and common good: 1906   Christ as "end of the law": 1953, 1977 
and duties of citizens: 2238-43   expressed in the Sermon on the Mount: 1965 
and family: 2199, 2207   "golden rule" and "new commandment": 1970 
basis for authority:    practices the acts of religion: 1969 
 God: 1899   transmitted through the moral teaching of the apostles: 1971 
 human nature: 1898  Law of the Old Covenant. 
 respect for the human person: 1930   as expression of truths accessible to reason: 1961DOWN
duty to respect public authority: 2234   as preparation for the Gospel: 1964LOAD
legitimate exercise of authority: 1903, 2236   as sign of the Covenant: 709CCC
limitations: 2235   Decalogue: 1962 ©
necessary for human community: 1898   to be interpreted in the light of the Gospel: 1963-64 
role of service: 2235 love as fulfillment of the law: 2055 
tasks: 1902, 2236 natural moral law: 1954, 1978-79 
Autopsy: 2301  and revealed Law: 1960 
Avarice: 1866, 2539, 2541, 2552  and sin: 1949 
Aversion: see: Passions: diversity in  application: 1957 
Baptism  as "work of divine Wisdom": 1950 
administration and reception: administration by the laity: 903  as basis for other laws: 1959 
 cannot be repeated: 1272  forms of expression: 1952 
 eligibility: 1246  function: 1955 
 in emergency: 1284  immutable: 1958 
 ordinary ministers: 1256  universality: 1956 
as sacrament:  precepts of the Church and the natural law: 1952 
 common character of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders: 1121  celebration of Sunday: 2180 
 one of the seven sacraments: 1113, 1210  confession: 2042 
 sacrament of Christian initiation: 1212  feast days: 2043 
 sacrament of faith: 1253  meaning: 2041DOWN
 sacrament of regeneration: 1213  participation in the Eucharistic celebration: 2042LOAD
Baptism and sin:   reception of Communion: 2042CCC
 Baptism erases effects of original sin: 405  times of fast and abstinence: 2043 ©
 first sacrament of forgiveness of sins: 977-78, 985 see also: Decalogue 
 further struggle against sin is necessary: 978, 1264, 2520 Laws of nature: 341 
 justification granted: 1266, 1992 Laying on of hands 
 loss of baptismalgrace through sin: 1446 as sign accompanying the administration of a sacrament:  
 makes a "new creation" of the neophyte: 1265  at Confirmation: 1288 
 remission of all sins and punishment for sins: 1263, 2520  at ordination: 1538, 1568, 1569, 1573 
 Baptism and the Sacrament of Penance: 1425-26  at the Anointing of the Sick: 1507 
Baptism in the Church: 1226-28, 1277 as sign accompanying the administration of sacramental: 1668 
Baptism of adults: 1247-49 as sign of authorization of the apostles' successors: 1556 
Baptism of infants:  Lectern: 1184 
 and catechetical instruction: 1231 Lectio divina: 1177, 2708 
 and parental duty: 1251 Lectors: see: Readers 
 as practice from the beginning of the Church: 1252, 1282 Lent: see: Liturgy: liturgical seasons 
 needed to free from original sin: 1250 Lie: 2482 
Baptism of Jesus:  and culpability: 2485 
 Baptism of Jesus by John : 438 gravity: 2484 
 Baptism of the Holy Spirit compared to John's baptism: 720 importance: 2483DOWN
 importance of Jesus' Baptism: 536-37, 1223 violation of the virtue of truthfulness: 2486, 2505LOAD
baptismal name: 2156, 2165 LifeCCC
baptismal promises: 2340 as God's gift: 2260 ©
basic contents: 14 God as sole Lord over human life: 2258 
called:  intentional murder: 2261, 2320 
 " Baptism": 1214 society has the duty to protect: 2273 
 "illumination": 1216 threats to freedom from bodily harm: 2297 
 "washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit": 1215 to be protected from the moment of conception: 2270 
effects: 1279:  Light as symbol of the Holy Spirit: 697 
 ability to celebrate the liturgy: 1119, 1141 Liturgy: 1069-70 
 builds up the Body of Christ: 798 as constitutive element of Tradition: 1124 
 entrance into eternal beatitude: 1257 catechesis in the liturgy:  
 gives the gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1266  liturgy and catechesis: 1074-75, 1095 
 gives the moral virtues: 1266  use of images: 1159-62, 1192 
 gives the theological virtues: 1266 celebration:  
 grace of rebirth in God: 683  adaptation in different cultures: 1204-6 
 grants participation in the common priesthood: 1268  basic form: 1101 
 reception as son of God: 1997  elements:  
 reception into People of God: 804   music and song: 1156-58, 1191 
 reception into the "Body of Christ": 790, 1267   sign and symbol: 1145-52, 1189DOWN
 reception into the Church of Christ: 1267-70   word and action: 1153-55LOAD
 rights and duties: 1269-70  how one should celebrate: 1145-62CCC
 seals with an indelible spiritual mark: 1272-74, 1280  in community preferred to private: 1140 ©
 unites with Christ: 790  Jewish liturgy as aid in understanding: 1096 
importance of godparents: 1253-55  ministers: 1142-44 
interpretation and importance:    choir: 1143 
 being set apart for God: 931   commentators: 1143 
 connected with faith: 1226   Eucharistic ministers: 1348 
 dying with Christ: 628   readers: 1143 
 foundation of Christian life: 1213   servers: 1143 
 foundation of Christian unity: 838, 855, 1271  modifications of the rite: 1125 
 in the Apostle Paul: 1227  of Christ's Paschal mystery: 1067-68 
 "nuptial mystery": 1617  of entire assembly: 1141, 1188 
 prefigured in salvation history: 1217-22  of saints as examples of Christianholiness: 2030 
 symbol of Christ'sdeath on the Cross: 1220  place: 1179-86, 1197-99 
necessity:   who celebrates: 1136-44 
 "Baptism of blood": 1258 contents:  
 Baptism of desire: 1258, 1260, 1281  Christ's Paschal mystery made present: 1104 
 for salvation: 846, 1257  meeting of Christ and the Church: 1097 
 unbaptized infants: 1261  unity of Christ's Paschal mystery in diverse forms: 1200-1201DOWN
rite: 1235-45 different traditions: 1202-3, 1208-9LOAD
 anointing with chrism: 1241-42 God in the liturgy: CCC
 blessing: 1245  Christ and the liturgy: 1084-90, 1111, 1187, 1188 ©
 blessing of baptismal water: 1238  Holy Spirit and the liturgy: 1091-1109, 1112 
  water as symbol: 694  presence of Christ in the liturgy: 1088 
 essential rite: 1239, 1278  the Father and the liturgy: 1077-83, 1110 
 exorcism: 1237 "heavenly liturgy": 1090, 1137-39 
 First Holy Communion: 1244 interpretations:  
 formula for administering: 189, 232, 1240  act of the whole Christ: 1136, 1187 
 proclamation of the Word of God: 1236  action of the Church: 1071-72 
 profession of faith: 1237  carried out by the community: 1140 
 renunciation of evil: 1427  exercise of Christ'spriestly of fire: 1070 
 sign of the Cross: 1235  expression of the mystery of Christ: 1068 
 white garment and candle: 1243  memorial in the mystery of salvation: 1099 
see also: Catechumenate  participation in Christ's prayer: 1073 
Baptism of infants: see: Baptism  response of faith: 1083 
Beatific vision  source of prayer: 2655 
as fulfillment of all man's longing: 2548  work of the Trinity: 1077-1109 
as goal of life: 163 liturgical seasons: 1163-78 
perfect communion with God: 2550  liturgical year: 1168-73, 1194DOWN
see also: Beatitude   as unfolding of Paschal mystery: 1171LOAD
Beatitude   commemoration of Mary: 1172CCC
as God's gift of grace: 1722   commemoration of saints: 1173, 1195 ©
as meaning and end of human acts: 1719, 1723, 2548   liturgical interpretation from Easter on: 1168 
Christian path to beatitude: 1724   liturgical meaning shapes the seasons: 1095 
in the New Testament: 1720  Liturgy of the Hours:  
see also: Beatific vision   and other forms of devotion: 1178 
Beatitudes   contents: 1176-77 
as central proclamation of Jesus' preaching: 1716   participants: 1175 
contents and importance: 1717, 1726   purpose: 1174, 1196 
correspond to man's desire for happiness: 1718  Sunday:  
portray Christianhope: 1820   as Day of Lord: 1166-67, 1193 
reveal the meaning and goal of human acts: 1719   importance of Sunday Eucharistic celebration: 2177-79 
shed light on characteristics of Christian life: 1717, 1728   occasion for the celebration of Sunday: 1166 
Benevolence: 1829   purpose of Sunday: 1167 
Births, regulation of: see: Matrimony: purpose mystery of the liturgy: 1075 
Bishop; Episcopate Word of God in the liturgy: 1100-02, 1190 
as degree in the sacrament of Holy Orders: 1536 Liturgy of the Word 
as most important office of service: 1555 and the Sunday obligation: 2183 
as successor of the apostles: see: Apostolic succession as part of the Eucharistic celebration: 1346, 1349DOWN
power and position: 895 function: 1103LOAD
preaching and teaching: 888 Lord's Day: see: SundayCCC
presider at the Eucharistic celebration: 1142, 1561 Love: (see also: Charity)1766 ©
responsible for his particular Church: 879, 1560 conjugal love: 1604, 1643 
steward of grace: 893 interpretation and place:  
task of governing in the Church: 873, 894  and freedom: 1828 
see also: Orders, sacrament of Holy  and the law of Christ: 1824 
Bishops, college of  as "soul of sanctification": 826 
as expression of the universality of the People of God: 885  as "soul of the apostolate": 864 
bishop, college of bishops, and the Pope: 877, 879, 881, 883, 886  as fundamental passion: 1765 
charism of infallibility: 891  as most important social commandment: 1889 
common concern for the universal Church: 879, 1560  as source of prayer: 2658 
instituted by Christ: 880  as virtue:  
Blasphemy: 2148   love of enemies: 1825 
magical use of God's name forbidden: 2149   new commandment of love: 1823 
Blessing love of God and love of neighbor:  
and hope: 2090  Christ's love as source of all human merit before God: 2011 
every baptized person called to bless: 1669  commandment to love one's neighbor: 2196 
in God's plan of salvation: 1079-81, 2645 consecrated life as expression of God'slove: 914-30 
of God in the liturgy of the Church: 1082-83  God created man out of love: 1604DOWN
of the Creator: 1078  relationship of love of God to love of men: 2069LOAD
Boasting: 2481  sin as offense against love: 1849, 1855CCC
Body:  Lukewarmness: 2094 ©
body and soul: 364-65 Lust: 2351, 1866, 2514, 2529, 2530, 2542 
Call: see: Vocation Magic: 2117, 2138 
Calumny (slander): 2475, 2477, 2479, 2507, 2542 Magisterium: see: Church 
Capitalism: 2425 Man 
Catechesis: 5 as creature:  
and the liturgy: 1074-75  as a good creation: 374 
catechesis on creation as decisive: 282  recognition of limitations as creature: 396 
Christ as the heart of catechesis: 426-29, 1698  with body and soul: 327, 355, 362-65, 382, 1703, 1711 
exercise of catechesis:   with reason: 1704 
 by the laity: 906  with understanding and free will: 311 
 in preaching and teaching: 2033 characteristics and actions:  
goal: 4  action of man: 16, 2085 
in the family: 2226  capacity for natural knowledge of God: 32, 46 
parable of the two ways: 1696  desire for happiness: 1718 
significance for the Church: 6-10  desire to do good: 1706-07 
task: 1697, 2688  endowed with freedom: 1705 
"Catechism of the Catholic Church"  expresses himself in signs and symbols: 1146DOWN
adaptations and inculturation: 24  is a religious being: 28, 44LOAD
addressee: s: 12  constant struggle to decide in favor of the good: 409CCC
as organic presentation of the faith: 18  needs social life: 1879-80 ©
development: 10  obligation to follow his conscience: 1706, 1713 
division and numbering of the Decalogue: 2066  striving of man for truth: 2467 
goal: 11  virtuous man: 1803-4 
main sources: 11 Christ's right to judge men: 679 
orientation to the Apostles' Creed: 196 Church proclaims full revelation about man: 2419 
pastoral principle: 25 consequences of sin:  
precursors: 9  according to Sacred Scripture: 399-400 
presentation of the liturgy: 1075  choice between eternal life and eternal death: 1470 
structure: 13-17  deprived of resemblance to God: 705 
Catechumenate;  every man affected from birth on: 403 
Catechumens  freedom and original sin: 396-401 
as members of the Church: 1249  harm through the activity of the devil: 395 
as way of Christian initiation: 1229  temptation of man: 394 
Baptism of desire: 1258-60  through sin, the devil has a certain power over man: 407 
for adults: 1232  woundedness of human nature: 405 
in the first centuries of the Church: 1230 consummation at the end of time: 1045 
inculturation of the initiation rites: 1232 duty to protect and help the sick or handicapped: 2276DOWN
see also: Baptism end: 16, 356, 260LOAD
 Catechumens, oil of equality of all men: CCC
in the anointing at Baptism: 1237  according to nature, origin, and goal: 1934 ©
see also: Baptism  human dignity as fundamental element: 1935 
"Catholic": 830  unjust inequalities: 1938 
Celibacy  with differences in aptitudes: 1936-37 
in the Eastern Churches: 1580 God-man relationship:  
in the Roman Catholic Church: 1579  profession of faith: 199 
see also: Orders, sacrament of Holy; Virginity; Chastity  question of God's existence: 33, 41 
Charisms: 799 human dignity, rights, and duties:  
are to be tested: 801  basis for and importance of human dignity: 1700 
as gift of grace: 2003  dignity of the creature's cooperation with the Creator: 306-8 
as place of encounter with the Holy Spirit: 688  human dignity: 27 
as means by which the Church is built up: 951, 2003  human dignity manifested in moral life: 1706 
meaning and purpose: 799-801  origin of human rights in human dignity: 1930 
special charisms:  human sexual identity:  
 healing: 1508  created as "male and female": 355, 383 
 infallibility of the Pastors of the Church: 890  difference and complementarity of the sexes: 369-73, 1605, 2333 
 infallibility of the Pope: 2035  equal dignity of both sexes: 369, 2334, 2393 
Charity: (see also: Love)  vocation to love and communion: 2331-32DOWN
as theological virtue: 1813, 1822-29, 1844 in creation: LOAD
and hope: 1818  goal of creation: 358CCC
fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832  hierarchy of creatures: 342 ©
in the Decalogue: 2086, 2093-94, 2197  importance of the order of creation: 346 
interpretation and place and the Law of Christ: 1824  interdependence of creatures: 340 
 as "soul of the apostolate": 864  original harmony: 374-79, 384 
 as most important social commandment: 1889  respect for the order of creation: 339 
 as virtue:   responsibility for the world: 373 
  love of enemies: 1825  unique place of man: 343, 355 
  new commandment of love: 1823 in humanity:  
 bond of the Church's unity: 815  brotherhood of all men: 361, 1947-48 
 fulfillment of the Law: 2055  origin and goal of the whole human race: 842 
sin as offense against charity: 1849, 1855, 2094  unity of mankind: 360 
Charms (amulets): 2117 not abandoned by God after the fall: 410 
Chastity origin:  
as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 1832  created out of love by God: 1, 315, 1604 
as evangelical counsel: see: Evangelical counsels promise to restore man's likeness to God: 705 
see also: Virtues: cardinal virtues; Matrimony  sin and the rejection of God: 29, 398, 1739 
Children; Childrearing: see: Parents  sin as offense to human nature: 1849, 1714 
Choir resemblance to God: DOWN
as liturgical ministry: 1143  before and after redemption by Christ: 1701LOAD
Chrism: 1241  created in the image of God: 356-61, 380, 1702CCC
reservation: 1183  whole of man willed by God: 362 ©
see also: Anointing respect for personal dignity: 1738 
"Chrismation" right to a good reputation: 2479, 2507 
as name for Confirmation in the Eastern Churches: 1113, 1289 right to act in accord with one's conscience: 1782 
Christ: see: Jesus Christ:  right to freedom of religion: 2106 
 names and designations:  search for God:  
 titles; Messiah  God calls man first: 2567 
Christian  knowledge of God:  
called to sanctity: 825   God speaks in human words: 101, 109 
Christians as "temple of the Holy Spirit": 1695   through reason: 50 
commission to imitate Christ: 1694   through revelation: 35, 50, 52, 208 
life and activity of the Christian:    ways: 31 
 according to the evangelical counsels: 915  man always in search of God: 30, 2566 
 depicted in the Sermon on the Mount: 1717 sexuality:  
 for the building up of the Church: 2045  importance: 2332, 2362 
 for the coming of the Kingdom of Christ: 2046  importance of conjugal union: 2335 
 fundamental: 1692, 1695  integration in the human person: 2337 
 goal is to attain the mind of Christ: 1694  twofold purpose of Matrimony: 2360-63DOWN
 in the mission of the Church: 2044  see also: MatrimonyLOAD
 sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1830 transmission of life: 372CCC
relations between Catholics and non-Catholics: 818 vocation: 1710, 1878, 2133 ©
Christmas: 525  divinization of man as Jesus' goal: 460 
Church  to communion with God: 27 
and non-Christians: 839  to cooperation in God'screation: 307, 378 
 Church as assembly of men scattered and led astray by sin: 845  to eternal beatitude: 1703 
 common origin and goal of all men: 842  to free submission to God: 144, 396 
 limitations and errors in men's image of God: 844  to friendship with God: 355, 396 
 necessity of the Church for salvation: 846-48  to life in the Holy Spirit: 1699 
 search for God in non-Christian religions: 843  to manifest God: 2085 
 the Church and the Jews: 839-40 Manichaeanism: 285 
 the Church and the Moslems: 841 Market economy within the state's responsibility: 2431 
and revelation:  Marriage: see: Matrimony 
 judgment of the Church about the meaning of Scripture: 119 Martyrdom 
 place of the Gospels: 127 as bearing witness to the truth: 2473, 2506 
 relation with the Old Testament: 128-29 importance for the Church: 2474 
 respect of the Church for revelation: 82 Mary 
 revelation about man: 2419 and the Church:  
 revelation of the Church: 726  in Mary the Church is all-holy: 829 
 revelation of the Holy Spirit: 688  Marian dimension of the Church: 773, 973DOWN
 Sacred Scripture: 104, 113, 119, 127, 131, 572  Mary supports the beginning of the Church through her prayer: 965LOAD
 veneration of Sacred Scripture: 103  place of Mary in the mystery of the Church: 963-72CCC
as communion:   place of Mary inseparable from Christ: 964 ©
 as priestly communion: 1119 as example and model:  
 as sacrament of the communion in the liturgy: 1108  Christian example of holiness: 2030 
 communion as deepest vocation of the Church: 959  example of faith in God's omnipotence: 273 
  communion in charisms: 951 Assumption into heaven: 966, 974 
  communion of faith: 949 beliefs about Mary based on beliefs about Christ: 487 
  communion in charity: 953 conceived and gave birth to the Son of God: 485, 509, 723 
 "communion of saints": 946-48, 953, 960 devotion to Mary:  
 with Jesus: 787-96  in the liturgy of the Church: 971 
 with the dead: 958  not Adoration: 971 
 with the saints: 954-57 in God's plan of salvation:  
attributes: 750, 811, 825-26, 865  "full of God'sgrace": 490 
 historical dimension: 770  God's choice of Mary: 488-93, 508 
 point to essential characteristics: 811, 870  "Immaculate Conception": 491-92 
 the "apostolic" Church: 857-65, 869  preparation in the Old Covenant: 489 
  apostolic character of the Church: 863 interpretation:  
  "apostolic" in threefold sense: 857  dwelling of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 721 
  apostolicity of bishops: 862  "Mother of Grace": 968-70DOWN
  successors appointed by apostles: 859, 861   as mediator, not source, of God'sgrace: 970LOAD
 the "catholic" Church: 830-35, 838, 868   in restoration of supernatural life to souls: 968CCC
  by virtue of Christ: 831   intercessor before God: 969, 975 ©
  by virtue of her divine source: 812   only through the mediation of Christ: 970 
  call to catholic unity of the People of God: 836  "Mother of the Church":  
  "catholic": 830  "Panagia": 493 
  contact with non-Catholic Churches: 838  personification of the Church: 507 
  full incorporation into the Church: 837  "Theotokos": 495 
  missionary work as furthering catholicity: 849  "Throne of Wisdom": 721 
 the "holy" Church: 823-29, 867  "Type" of the Church: 967 
  and Mary: 829 obedience of faith of Mary: 144, 494, 511 
  both holy and sinful: 825, 827 prayer of Mary: 2617-19 
  by virtue of Christ: 823 prepared by the Holy Spirit: 722 
  canonization: 828 prophecy of Jesus' birth: 484 
  sanctifying by virtue of Christ: 824 sinless during her life: 411 
 the "one" Church: 813-22, 866 virginity of Mary: 496-507, 510 
  by virtue of her source and "soul": 813  as sign of her faith: 506 
  Christ's concern to maintain unity: 820-22  in God's plan of salvation: 502-6 
  diversity within this unity: 814  in the faith of the Church: 499 
  missionary work toward unity: 855  in the Gospels: 497-98, 500DOWN
  non-Catholic Christian Churches: 818-19  in the Tradition of the Fathers: 496LOAD
  Pope and bishops as bond of unity: 815-16 Mass: see: Eucharistic celebrationCCC
  renewal to preserve unity: 821 Masturbation: 2352 ©
  wounds to Church unity: 817 Materialism: 285 
built on confession of Jesus Christ as Messiah: 414 Matrimony, sacrament of; marriage; wedding: 1601 
Christ as Head: 669 and consecrated virginity: 1620 
Church and State:  and the unmarried: 2230 
 principles of the Church-State relationship: 2244-46 as instituted by God: 1603 
 protection of the transcendent character of the human person by the Church: 2245 as one of the seven sacraments: 1113, 1210 
Church of Rome presides: 834  as sacrament:  
goal:   administration: 1623 
 proclaiming the Paschal mystery: 571  as sign of Christ's presence: 1613 
 sanctification of men: 824  bride and bridegroom receive the Holy Spirit: 1624 
 union of mankind with God: 772, 773  celebration of Matrimony: 1621-24 
important aspects:   grace of the sacrament: 1615, 1641-42 
 aid in social development: 2442  main effects: 1638-40 
 catechesis: 6, 7  obligatory form in the Church: 1630-31 
 Church at the end of time: 665-67, 675, 686, 1042  of covenant between Christ and the Church: 1617, 1661 
 "depositum fidei": 84, 97, 175  preparation for: 1622, 1632 
 discrepancy between the message proclaimed and the human reality: 672, 853  special consecration: 1535 
 faith of the Church: 1124 characteristics of conjugal love: 1643DOWN
 guidance and support by the Holy Spirit: 737, 768 conjugal chastity: 2349LOAD
 Mary's place in the mystery of the Church: 963-75 disparity of cult in Matrimony: 1633, 1637CCC
 presence of Christ in the Church: 1380 in Holy Scripture: 1602 ©
interpretation:  in the order of creation: 1603-05, 1660 
 Body of Christ: 779, 789, : 805 in the preaching of Jesus: 1612-17 
  Christ as Head of the Body: 792, 807 m the preaching of Paul: 1616, 1659 
  close union of the faithful with Christ: 790 indissolubility:  
  individual members and the Body: 791  as required by spousal love: 1644, 1664 
  instrument of Christ: 775-76  foundation: 1646-47 
  provided with charisms and ministries by Christ: 794, 806  in Holy Scripture and Tradition: 1610, 2382 
 Bride of Christ: 796, 808  in the preaching of Jesus: 1614-15, 2336 
 "goal of all things": 760  lifelong duration of marriage: 1648 
 historical as well as spiritual reality: 770-71 matrimonial consent: 1625 
 mystery and sacrament: 774-76  as the essential element of marriage: 1626, 1662 
 pilgrim Church on the way to perfection: 769  nature of the consent: 1627-28 
 sacrament of the life of God: 932  receipt by the priest or deacon: 1630, 1663 
 sacrament of the mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit: 738  significance for the family: 2201 
 temple of the Holy Spirit: 797-98, 809  significance of witnesses: 1630-31, 1663 
 universal sacrament of salvation: 849, 780 mixed marriages: 1633-36 
liturgy:  monogamy: 1644-45DOWN
 Church and Eucharist:  offenses against the dignity of Matrimony: 2400LOAD
  Church made by the Eucharist: 1396  "free unions and concubinage: 2390CCC
  Eucharist as center of the Church's life: 1343, 2177  incest: 2388 ©
  Eucharist as mystery of communion with God: 1118  premarital sexual relations: 2391 
 examination of forms of prayer by the Magisterium: 2663  "trial marriage": 2391 
 liturgy as action of the Church: 1070-72 polygamy: 2387 
 presence of Christ in the liturgy: 1088 purpose:  
 sacraments:   original meaning: 1614 
  belonging to the Church: 1118  as a state of life in the Church: 1631 
  Church as dispenser: 1117  ordered to the procreation and education of offspring: 1652, 2249 
  communication of Christ: 947  marriage union of man and woman: 2335, 2363 
mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit accomplished in the Church: 737, 778  fruitfulness: 1653-54, 2366-67, 2398-99 
name "Church": 751-52, 777   and adoption of children: 2379 
necessity for salvation:    and regulation of births: 2368 
 correct understanding of concept: 846-48   artificial insemination: 2376 
origin:    as human vocation: 1604, 2371 
 from the pierced heart of Jesus: 766   infertility and medical techniques: 2375-77 
 in the call of the Twelve: 763-65   infertility as a great suffering: 2374 
 prepared in the Old Covenant: 762   periodic continence and contraception: 2370 
 revelation of the Church at Pentecost: 767, 1076 MediaDOWN
 the Father's decision: 759, 761 and civil authorities: 2498-99LOAD
particular churches with their own traditions: 814 critical use of mass media: 2496CCC
structure, states, and constitution:  importance: 2493 ©
 apostles as foundation stones: 642, 935 in the service of public welfare: 2494-95 
 catechumens: 1249 obligations and limitations: 2497 
 Christ as source of ministry: 874 Medical treatment 
 hierarchical constitution: 771, 874-87, 914 amputations or sterilizations as threats to bodily integrity: 2297 
 importance of the family as "domestic church": 1656-58, 1666 organ transplants: 2296 
 Israel as root: 60 scientific experiments as contribution to healing: 2292 
 Jesus as Head: 669 scientific experiments on human beings not permissible: 2295 
 laity in the Church: 897-913, 940-43 stopping or omitting medical treatment: 2278-79 
 ministry: 888-96 Medicine abuse: 2290 
 ministry of sanctification: 893 Meditation: 2705-08 
 state of consecrated life: 914, 944-45 Men 
  approval of new forms: 919 man created as "male and female": 355, 383 
  consecrated virginity: 922-24 see also: Man: human sexual identity 
  ecumenical life: 920-21 Mercy: 1829, 2447 
  in the Church from the beginning: 918 Merit: 2006 
  not part of hierarchical structure: 914 Christ'slove as source of all merit before God: 2011 
  religious life:  merit of grace: 2010, 2023-25DOWN
   all religious as collaborators of diocesan bishop: 927 no merit on man's part in God's sight: 2007-08LOAD
   and the spread of the Gospel: 927 MessiahCCC
   as expression of God'slove: 926 anointing as sign of the Messiah: 695 ©
   characteristic features: 925 Ascension as beginning of Messiah's reign: 664 
   in institutes canonically erected by the Church: 925 characteristics: 712-16 
   profession of the evangelical counsels: 915 expectation of the Messiah in Israel: 711-16 
  secular institutes: 928-29 first announcement after the fall: 410 
  significance: 916, 931-33 in Judaism and Christianity: 840 
  societies of apostolic life: 930 Jesus Christ the Messiah: 436-40, 528-29, 535, 540, 590, 674 
  various forms: 917 messianic kingship of Jesus: 440 
 task of governing:  preparation for his arrival by the Holy Spirit: 702 
   as ministry of service: 876, 894-95 suffering of the Messiah "according to Scripture": 572 
   bishops' conferences and patriarchates: 887 see also: Jesus Christ 
   bond between the Pope and the college of bishops: 879 Millenarianism: 676 
   collegial character: 877 Misappropriation of funds: 2409 
   cooperation of the laity in governing Church: 911 Missions; missionary work 
  personal character: 878 and consecrated life: 931 
  Peter and the apostles: 881, 936 and unity of the Church: 855 
  place of an Ecumenical Council: 884 Christ's missionary mandate in the Church: 849, 858-59 
  place of individual bishops: 886, 938 discrepancy between the message proclaimed and human reality: 853DOWN
  place of the college of bishops: 883, 939 Holy Spirit as principal agent: 852LOAD
  place of the Pope: 882, 937 importance of inculturation: 854CCC
  sacramental conferral: 875 love of God as motive: 851 ©
  symbolism of the college of bishops: 885 origin and goal: 850 
 teaching ministry: 888-92 respectful dialogue with other cultures: 856 
  as service to the Word of God: 86 Modesty 
  authority over the natural law: 2036 as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 1832 
  bishop commissioned by Christ to preach and teach: 888 different forms of expressions: 2523-24 
  charism of infallibility:  purity requires modesty: 2521 
   of an Ecumenical Council: 891 task: 2522 
   of the Church: 889 Monophysitism: 467 
   of the college of bishops: 891 Moral Law: see: Law 
   of the faithful's "supernatural sense of the faiths: 889 Morality and sin: 407 
   of the Pope: 891, 2035 Mortal sin: see: Sin: mortal sin 
   of the shepherds of the Church: 890, 2051 Mother: see: Parents; Church; Mary 
  exercised through catechesis and preaching: 2033, 2049-50 Murder: see: Killing 
  laity in the teaching ministry: 906 Music 
  meaning: 890 importance of songs and music: 1158 
  necessity to instruct the faithful: 2037 liturgical music as Church's treasure: 1156 
  obedience to: 87, 892, 2037 sign function in the liturgy: 1157DOWN
  regular teaching office of the Pope and bishops: 2034 Muslims: see: IslamLOAD
  spirit in which exercised: 2039 Mutilation2297CCC
  task: 85, 100, 2032 Myron: see: Chrism ©
 the three states: 954, 934 Mystagogy: 1075 
symbols: 753 Name 
 building: 756 baptismal name: 2156, 2165 
 cultivated field: 755 name of God: see: God 
 "holy remnant": 710 Natural sciences: 284 
 "Jerusalem above": 757 Neighbor, love of 
 Mary as "type" of the Church: 507, 967 and truth: 2488 
 Mother: 169, 757 as Christ's commandment: 2196 
 olive tree: 755 in the parish: 2179 
 sheepfold: 754 love for the poor as special form of love of neighbor: 2443-49 
 teacher in faith: 169 "to make ourselves the neighbor of those farthest away": 1825 
 temple of God: 756 New Covenant 
tasks and opportunities:  Law of the Gospel: 1965-74 
 accompanying the dead: 1683 relationship between the people of the New and Old Covenants: 839-40 
 attestation to the goodness of creation: 299 sacrifice of the New Covenant: 612-14 
 concern for the temporal common good: 2420, 2458 New Testament 
 confession:  contents: 124DOWN
  of faith: 172-75 Gospels as center of the New Testament: 125-27LOAD
  of the Kingship of Christ: 2105 relationship between Old and New Testaments: 128-30CCC
  of the triune God: 152, 258, 738 revelation of the Trinity: 684 ©
 conversion as a continuing task: 1428 Oaths 
 example of Christianholiness: 2030 breaking an oath: 2152 
 mission in the world: 2044-45 conditions for refusing an oath: 2155 
 moral judgment: 2420 false oaths: 2150-51 
 preservation of the faith: 98, 168, 171, 173 in the preaching of Jesus: 2153 
 remission of sins:  in the Tradition of the Church: 2154 
  commanded by Christ: 1442 perjury: 2152 
  granting of indulgences: 1478 Obedience 
  power of absolution: 827, 979-83, 1442 civil obedience and disobedience: 2242 
 speaking about God: 39 duty of obedience to government authorities: 1900 
 transmission and interpretation of revelation: 82 Jesus' obedience: 615 
vocation:  obedience in war: 2313 
 as missionary Church: 767 as evangelical counsel: see: Evangelical counsels 
 as People of God from the Jews and Gentiles: 781-86 Oikonomia: 236 
 as pilgrim Church: 671 Oil: see: Chrism 
 as the "family of God": 1 Old Covenant 
 to the service of God: 783-86 Law of the Old Covenant: 1961-64DOWN
Clairvoyance: 2116 the Church and Judaism: 839-40LOAD
Collectivism: 1885 priesthood of the Old Covenant: 1539-41CCC
Commandment: see: Decalogue; Law Old Testament ©
Common good: 1906 as indispensable: 121 
acceptance of personal responsibility: 1914 theophany in the Old Testament: 697, 707 
and society: 1905 unity of Old and New Testaments: 128-30 
and the State: 1910 use in the Church'sliturgy: 1093, 1156 
concern of the Church with temporal aspects: 2420 Orders, sacrament of Holy: 1536 
 elements: 1906-9 administration: 1575-76 
 peace and security: 1909 as one of the seven sacraments: 1113, 1210 
 respect for the person: 1907 as commission to guide the Church: 1119 
 social well-being: 1908 celebration:  
obligation of all to promote: 1913  essential rite of all three degrees: 1573, 1597 
universal common good: 1911  external signs of consecration: 1538 
Communion: see: Eucharist; Eucharistic celebration  place and time of the consecration: 1572 
Communion of saints: see: Church: as communion consecrated state: 897 
Concubinage: 2390  obligation to celibacy: 1579, 1599 
Concupiscence: 1264, 1426 designations:  
see also: Desires, disordered  "consecration": 1538 
Confession: see: Penance, sacrament of  "ordination": 1538DOWN
Confirmation  "ordo": 1537LOAD
administration:  effects: CCC
 bishop as ordinary minister: 1312-13  received as unmerited gift: 1578 ©
 by a priest: 1313-14  effected through the grace of the Holy Spirit: 1585 
 given only once: 1304  confers full power to forgive sins: 1461 
as one of the seven sacraments: 1113, 1210  empowers to act as representative of Christ: 1581 
as sacrament of Christian initiation: 1212, 1285  confers indelible spiritual character: 1582 
celebration:   not impaired by unworthiness: 1584 
 anointing: 1293-96  grace granted to bishops: 1586, 1594 
  biblical and ancient meaning: 1293  grace granted to priests: 1587, 1595 
  kiss of peace: 1301  grace granted to deacons: 1588, 1596 
  sacramental meaning in Confirmation: 1294-95 priesthood of the Old Covenant: 1539-41 
 consecration of the holy chrism: 1297 priesthood of Christ: 1544-45, 1591 
 different traditions in the East and in the West: 1290-92, 1328 reception:  
 essential rite: 1300, 1320  fundamental: 1577-80 
 invocation for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: 1299  no one has the right to receive: 1578 
 renewal of baptismal promises: 1298, 1321  only men: 1577, 1598 
effects: confers indelible spiritual mark: 1304, 1317  practice in the Eastern Churches: 1580 
 deepens baptismalgrace: 1303 three degrees: 1536, 1554, 2593 
 deeper rooting in the divine sonship: 1303  consecration of bishops: DOWN
 gives special power to confess the Christianfaith: 1303   as conferral of the mission of the apostles: 1556LOAD
 increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1303   as incorporation into the college of bishops: 1559CCC
 inner union with Christ: 1303   confers the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders: 1557 ©
 more perfect bond with the Church: 1303   confers the office of sanctification, teaching, and ruling: 1558 
 outpouring of the Holy Spirit: 1302   requires approval of Pope: 1559 
 perfects the common priesthood of the faithful: 1305   see also: Bishop 
necessary to complete the grace of Baptism: 1285, 1306, 1314, 1316  consecration of deacons:  
reception:    consecrated to "service of the bishop": 1569 
 at the age of discretion": 1306-8, 1319   laying on of hands by the bishop alone: 1569 
 in danger of death: 1307   stamped with indelible character: 1570 
 preparation for reception: 1309-10   see also: Deacon 
roots:   consecration of priests:  
 anointing with chrism: 1289   anointing: 1563 
 descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus: 1286   conferral of the priestly ministry by the bishop: 1562 
 early Christian practice: 1288, 1315   importance of the promise of obedience to the bishop: 1567 
 outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost: 1287   incorporation into the priestly state: 1568 
significance of the name Confirmation": 1242, 1289   meaning and tasks: 1564 
 sponsor: 1311   presupposes reception of sacraments of initiation: 1563 
the "Chrismation" of the Eastern Churches: 1242   stamped with indelible character: 1563 
Conscience, examination of   see also: priestDOWN
 as preparation to receive the Sacrament of Penance: 1454 Original justice: 379LOAD
Conscience: 1778: 1795-96 Original sin: see: SinCCC
decisions in conformity with: 1780, 1786-89, 1799-1800, 1806 Orthodox Churches: 838 ©
effect: 1776-77, 1797 Our Father 
erroneous judgment: 1790-94 eschatological character: 2771 
formation of: 1783-85, 1798, 1971 importance: 2761-64, 2774 
need to examine: 1779 in the sacraments of initiation: 2769 
permits acceptance of responsibility: 1781 in the Eucharistic celebration: 2770 
right to act according to: 1782 "Lord's Prayer": 2765-66, 2773, 2775 
sin as offense against: 1849 prayer of the Church: 2767-68, 2776 
stirring of: 1453 seven petitions: 2803-54, 2857-65 
Conscientious objectors: 2311 Palliative care 
Consecration as exemplary form of selfless love: 2279 
at administration of the sacrament of Holy Orders: 1538 Pantheism: 285 
of the Eucharistic species: 1377 Parables 
Consecration of virgins: see: Evangelical counsels in the preaching of Jesus: 546 
Consummation at the end of time Paraclete 
of heaven and earth: 1042-44 as name for the Holy Spirit: 692 
of man: 1045 see also: Holy Spirit 
of the Church: 1042, 1053 Parents; children; childrearingDOWN
of the cosmos: 1046-47 childrearingLOAD
precise time unknown: 1048  basic right and duty to educateCCC
Contraception: see: Matrimony: purpose  children: 2221 ©
Contracts: 2410-11  duty to provide for physical and 
Contrition; conversion  spiritual needs: 2228 
as confidence in God'sgrace: 1431  duty to educate children in 
as first act of the penitent: 1451  the faith: 2225-26 
as hope for God's mercy: 1431  fundamental right to choose a 
as the work of God: 1432-33, 1489  school: 2229 
as turning from evil: 1431, 1490  substance of childrearing: 2222-24 
as turning toward God: 821-22 children as a sign of God'sblessing: 2373 
call to conversion in the proclamation of the Gospel: 1427 commandment to honor parents:  
conversion:   addressee: s and scope: 2199 
 continuing task for the Christian: 1428  as foundation of the Church's social teaching: 2198 
 continuing task of the whole Church: 1428  in the Decalogue: 2197, 2247-48 
described in the parable of the prodigal son: 1439  observance of: 2200 
expressions:  duties of parents: 2221-31, 2253 
 almsgiving: 1434 duties of children: 2214-20, 2251 
 fasting: 1434 God's fatherhood and human fatherhood: 2214 
 prayer: 1434 "right to a child": 2378DOWN
external expression necessary: 1430 see also: Matrimony; FamilyLOAD
"imperfect contrition": 1453 Parish: 2179CCC
interior contrition important: 1430 Particular Church: 833 ©
"perfect contrition": 1452 as richness of the Church: 814, 835 
Conversion: see: Contrition presidency of the Church of Rome: 834 
Correction: 1829 Passions: 1763-64, 1771 
Cosmos and the imputability of an action: 1735 
as source of knowledge about God: 1147 and sin: 1860 
see: Creation; World consummation of the passions in Christ: 1769 
Council contribution of the passions to actions: 1762 
infallibility of a Council: 891 diversity in: 1765 
place of Ecumenical Councils: 884 influence of love on the other passions: 1766 
see also: Church love as most fundamental passion: 1765, 1772 
Counsel as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831 moral perfection: 1770, 1775 
Creation:  moral determination of: 1767, 1773, 2552 
act of creation as beginning of God's work: 198, 280, 338 Passover of Christ; Paschal mystery: 571 
Adoration of God as task of all creation: 347 as foundation of Christ's Reign: 671 
beauty of creation: 341 as center of Christ's Good News: 571-72 
conservation of creation: 2415-18, 2456 for the salvation of men: 1067 
creatures:  fullness in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: 731DOWN
 consequences of original sin for creation: 400 Passover of Israel: 1164LOAD
 goodness of every creature: 339 Sunday as the fulfillment of Christ's Passover: 2175CCC
 hierarchy: 342 see also: Easter ©
 importance of the order of creation: 346 Patience 
 interdependence of creatures: 340 as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 
 man as summit of the work of creation: 343, 353, 355 Patriarch: 61, 205, 707 
 man created in God's image: 355, 374, 380 Patriarchate: 887 
 purpose of the creation of man: 356, 381 Peace: 2304 
 solidarity: 344 as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 
culmination of creation in the redemption: 349 as fruit of love: 1829 
entrusted to man: 299 disorders threatening freedom to be eliminated: 2317 
God creates "out of nothing": 296, 317-18 earthly peace as an image of the peace of Christ": 2305 
God the Creator:  Penance: see: Penance, sacrament of; Contrition 
 beauty of the Creator: 341 Penance, sacrament of; Confession 
 Christ is Lord of creation: 668 acts of reconciliation in daily life: 1435 
 created in freedom: 296 and Baptism: 1425-26, 1427, 1429 
 mystery of Christ as illumination of the mystery of creation: 280 and the Eucharist: 1436 
 revelation of the Creator God:  as liturgical celebration:  
  in Genesis: 289 absolution:  
  inseparable from the Covenant: 288   does not dispense from reparation: 1459DOWN
  through reason: 286   formula of absolution: 1449LOAD
  to the People Israel: 287   in danger of death: 1483CCC
 sustains creation: 301, 320   of sins: 1424 ©
 transcends creation: 300  confession of sins: 1456, 1458 
order of creation: 299, 354  essential parts: 1491 
origin in the Trinity: 258, 291-92, 316, 320  fundamental structure: 1480 
reason for creation: 293-94, 315, 319  historically: 1447-48 
respect for creation: 2415  penance imposed by the confessor: 1460, 1494 
Sabbath rest: 314, 345, 347  preparation: 1454 
spiritual and corporeal creation: 327 as sacrament of reconciliation with God and the Church: 980, 1440, 1486 
theology of creation and natural science: 283, 284 called:  
theology of creation and philosophy: 285  "sacrament of confessional: 1424 
see also: World  "sacrament of conversion": 1423 
"Credo": see: Faith, profession of  Sacrament of forgiveness": 1424 
Creed  "Sacrament of Penance": 1423 
as name of a profession of faith: 187  Sacrament of reconciliation": 1424 
important creeds: 193-95 effects:  
structure: 190-91  basic effects: 1422, 1496 
see also: Faith, profession of  reconciliation with God: 980, 1468 
Cremation: 2301  reconciliation with the Church: 980, 1469DOWN
Cross: see: Jesus: death of Jesus eschatological sense: 1470LOAD
Cult: see: Worship further means to obtain forgiveness of sins: 1434CCC
Damage of private or public property: 2409  prayer and the reading of Scripture: 1437 ©
Deacon; diaconate in communal celebration: 1482 
as degree of ordination: 1536, 1543, 1569, 1593 instituted by Christ: 1446, 1485 
grace of office: 1588 meaning of contrition: 1430-33, 1452-53, 1492 
"permanent diaconate": 1571 minister:  
tasks: 1570, 1596, 1630  through the bishop and priest: 1461, 1495 
see also: Orders, Sacrament of Holy necessity for salvation:  
Death  as liturgical expression of conversion and forgiveness: 1440 
after death:   for reconciliation with God and the Church: 1484 
 "beatific vision": 1028  for forgiveness of mortal sin: 1395 
 consummation of heaven and earth: 1042-50  for satisfaction: 1459 
 God predestines no one to damnation: 1037  for preparation to receive Communion: 1385 
 heaven: 1023-29, 1053  to attain the grace of justification: 1446 
 hell: 1033-37, 1056-58 obligation to receive: 1457, 1493, 2042 
 inconceivable mystery of beatific union with God: 1027 sacramental seal of confession: 1467, 2490 
 Last Judgment: 1038-41, 1051-52, 1059 Penance, works of 
 no "reincarnation": 1013 conversion as precondition: 1430 
 Purgatory: 1030-32, 1054 meaning: 1460DOWN
as limitation of earthly life: 1021 on behalf of the dead: 1032LOAD
Christian dealings with death: bodies of the deceased: 2300-2301 Pentateuch: 702CCC
 Christian interpretation expressed in the liturgy: 1012 Pentecost ©
 good preparation important: 1014 and Confirmation: 1287 
 importance of burial: 2300 beginning of the "age of the Church": 1076 
 reception of the sacraments for the dying: 2299 completion of Christ's Passover: 731 
 reverence and attention for the dying: 2299 opening of the Reign of God: 732 
Christian interpretation of death:  revelation of the Church in the world: 726, 830, 1076 
 as entrance into eternal life: 1020 revelation of the entire Trinity: 732 
 consequence of original sin: 400-403, 413, 1008, 1018 Perfection: see: Holiness 
 contradiction of the Good News: 164 Perjury: 2476 
 end of earthly life: 1007 see also: Oaths 
 last enemy of man: 1008 Permissiveness: 2526 
 participation in the death of the Lord: 1006 Person: see: Trinity; Society; Man 
 the positive meaning in the Christian interpretation: 1010-14 Peter 
death of Jesus:  as foundation of the Church: 442 
 human death transformed by Christ's obedience: 1009 as witness to the Resurrection: 640-42 
 Jesus as dead: 650 authority: 552-53, 765, 816, 862 
 the descent of Jesus to the dead: 632-35 commissioned by Christ: 881 
separation of soul and body: 1005, 1016 confession of the Messiah: 440, 442-43, 554-56DOWN
Death penalty: see: Punishment power to bind and to loose: 1444LOAD
Decalogue: 2056 Piety as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831CCC
and the evangelical counsels: 2053 Piety forms of ©
contents: basic: 2067, 2080-81 as expression of the Christian life: 1674, 1679 
 faith, hope, and charity in the Decalogue: 2086 significance of these forms and manners of expression: 1674-76 
 the most important commandment: 2055 Plants 
division and numbering of the Decalogue: 2066 exploitation forbidden: 2415 
full meaning revealed in New Covenant: 2056 Politics: 407 
in the preaching of Jesus: 2052-55, 2075-76 Polygamy: 1610, 1645, 2387 
made fruitful only in union with Jesus: 2074 see also: Matrimony 
meaning: as announcement of God's will: 2063 Polytheism: 2112 
 as expression of man's fundamental duties: 2072, 2081 Pope: see: Apostolic succession; Church: structure: hierarchical constitution 
 as foundation and light of the conscience: 1962 Pornography: 2354 
 as part of God'srevelation: 2059, 2070-71 Poverty; the poor 
 as path to the Kingdom of heaven: 1724 active love for the poor: 2443-49, 2462-63 
 basic: 2070 moral responsibility of wealthy nations: 2439-40 
moral life as response to God's initiative: 2062 poverty as evangelical counsel: 915, 944 
obligation of the Decalogue: 2072 poverty of heart in imitation of Christ: 2544-47 
place in the Church's Tradition: 2064-68, 2078 see also: Development aid; Evangelical counsels; Justice 
place in the Old Covenant: 2056-63, 2077 Praise: see: Doxology; Prayer, forms ofDOWN
the unity of the text: 2069, 2079 PrayerLOAD
Decision, arriving at: see: Conscience and ordained ministers: 2636, 2695CCC
Defense as always possible: 2743 ©
conditions for military defense: 2309 as vital necessity: 2744 
legitimate defense and murder: 2263 bound up in the history of man:  
obligation to legitimate defense: 2265, 2231  between the fall and restoration of man: 2568 
right to collective and personal self-defense: 1909  conversation at the burning bush: 2575 
right to defend society: 2266  in creation: 2569 
right to preserve life: 2263  in Judaism: 2577, 2579, 2586 
Deism: 285  in the Old Covenant: 2568-89, 2592-97 
Demons: see: Angels  prayer of Jesus: 2598-2616, 2620 
"Depositum fidei": see: Church: important aspects; Tradition  prayer of Mary: 2617-19, 2622 
Desires, disordered: 2515, 2514-17, 2535-37  prayer of the Church: 2623-25 
 see also: Concupiscence Christian prayer: 2564-65 
Despair: 2091  as cooperation with God's providence: 2738 
Detraction: 2477, 2479, 2507  as man's answer to God's call: 2560-62 
Development aid  as precondition for obeying God's commandments: 2098 
direct aid: 2440  different traditions: 2650-51, 2684 
fundamental reforms: 2440  Lord's Prayer: 17 
goal: 2441  meaning of the word "Amen": 1061-65DOWN
necessity: 2437-38  prayer and life as inseparable: 2725, 2745, 2752LOAD
responsibility of wealthy nations: 2439  relationship to God in: 2592: 2786-88CCC
see also: Poverty; Justice  special place of Jesus in:  ©
Devil; Satan   Jesus' name as heart of Christian prayer: 435 
as "fallen" angel: 391, 414   possible only in Christ's name: 2664 
his activity permitted by divine providence: 395 efficacy: 2738-41 
his rebellion against God: 392 family prayer: 2685, 2694 
Jesus' exorcisms: 550 for the dying: 2299 
power of the devil is limited: 395 God's thirst and human thirst: 2560 
temptation of Jesus by the devil: 538-40 heaven as God's "place": 2794-96 
temptation of man by the devil: 397-98 humility as foundation: 2559 
through sin a certain control over man: 394, 407 importance of catechesis: 2688 
Diocese: 833 in communion with Mary: 2673-79, 2682 
Disciples in the community of believers: 2790-93 
achieve miracles in Christ's name: 434 Jesus teaches how to pray:  
Jesus gathers them around him: 542, 787  by means of his own prayer: 2607, 2621 
Jesus reveals himself to them as the Risen One: 645, 647  conversion of heart: 2608 
receive the Holy Spirit from Jesus: 730  m order to do the will of the Father: 2611 
tasks:   in three important parables: 2613 
 preserve and hand on the message of Christ: 425, 1816  prayer in faith: 2609DOWN
 take up the cross and follow: 618  prayer in filial boldness: 2610LOAD
will be guided by the Holy Spirit: 243, 725  prayer in the Holy Spirit: 2615, 2661CCC
Dissension: 1852  to ask in his name: 2614 ©
Divination: 2116  vigilance in prayer: 2612, 2730 
Divine service: see: Liturgy meaning and importance: 17, 2590 
Divorce: 1650-51, 2382, 2384-86 necessary for Church unity: 821 
Church annulment: 1629 objections to: 2726-27 
conjugal separation: 1649, 2383 saints as masters of prayer: 2683-84, 2692 
consequences for the family: 2385 sources of: 2662 
contracting a new civil marriage: 2384, 1665  every day: 2659-60 
immorality of divorce: 2384-85  faith: 2098, 2656 
see also: Matrimony; Adultery  Holy Spirit: 688, 741, 2652 
Docetism: 465  hope: 2098, 2657 
Dogma: 88  liturgy of the Church: 1073, 2655 
and the spiritual life: 89  love: 2098, 2658 
"hierarchy of truths": 90, 234  Word of God: 2653-54 
understanding and formulation: 94 to Jesus: 451, 2616, 2665-69, 2681 
Doubt to the Father: 2680, 2779-85, 2788, 2792, 2797-2802 
voluntary and involuntary: 2088 to the Holy Spirit: 2670-72 
Dove trust in prayer: 2777-78DOWN
as symbol for the Holy Spirit: 701 Without ceasing": 2742LOAD
Doxology: 1103, 2639-49, 2760, 2855 Prayer, difficulties in: 2728CCC
 see also: Prayer, forms of inner dryness: 2731 ©
Drug traffic; drug consumption: 2291 distractions: 2729 
Drugs: 2291 doubts: 2735-37, 2756 
Dualism: 285 Prayer, forms of 
Dying Adoration: 2628 
accompanied by the Church: 1683 blessing: 2626-27 
significance of dying:  ecclesial forms of prayer: 2625 
 end of the sacramental life: 1682 great range of forms of Christian prayer: 2644, 2663, 2684, 2693 
 homeward journey to God: 1681 petition: 2629 
 see also: Death  for the "coming" of the Kingdom of God": 2646, 2816 
Earth: see: Creation; World  in every need and occasion: 2633 
Easter  in Holy Scripture: 2630 
as central Christian feast: 638, 1169  intercession: 2634-36, 2647 
date of Easter: 1170  praise of God: 2639-43, 2649 
Easter event: 639, 640   as foundational movement of Christian prayer: 2626 
institution of the Eucharist: 1339-40   the "hallowing" of God's name: 2807-15 
Paschal feast as memorial of God's act of salvation: 1363-64  request for daily bread: 2828-37 
twofold Paschal mystery: 654  request for deliverance from evil: 2850-54DOWN
Ecclesiastical provinces: 887  request for forgiveness: 2631, 2838-41LOAD
Economy  request for love of neighbor and of enemies: 2842CCC
different economic interests: 2430  request for the spirit of discernment and power: 2846 ©
goal and service of economic activity: 2426  thanksgiving: 2637-38 
responsibility of business managers: 2432  see also: Doxology 
responsibility of the state: 2431  see also: Prayer, ways of 
right to economic initiative: 2429 Prayer, life of: 2697 
Economy of salvation: 489, 1092, 1095, 1168 Prayer, places of: 2691, 2696 
Ecumenism: 820-22 Prayer, temptations at 
see also: Baptism: interpretation and importance acedia: 2733, 2755 
Embryo lack of faith: 2732, 2755 
 a human person from conception on: 2274 Prayer, ways of 
 duty to protect embryos: 2274 contemplative prayer: 2709-19, 2721, 2724 
see also: Matrimony meditation: 2705-08, 2721, 2723 
Emmanuel vocal prayer: 2700-2704, 2721-22 
as name for the Messiah: 712 Prayer groups: 2689 
Emotions: see: Passions Precepts of the Church: 2041-6, 2048 
End time: see: Jesus Christ: Second Coming Prenatal diagnosis: 2274 
Enmity: 1852 Presumption: 2091, 2092 
Environment: see: Creation PrideDOWN
Envy: 2539 capital sin: 1866LOAD
as capital sin and mortal sin: 1866, 2538-39, 2553-54 root of envy: 2540CCC
roots and consequences: 2540 sin against love: 2094 ©
Eparchy: 833 Priest priesthood; presbyterate 
Epiclesis Christ'spriesthood: 1551 
as prayer for communion with the mystery of Christ: 1109 common priesthood of the baptized: 1546-47, 1591 
in the celebration of the liturgy: 1105 human weakness: 1550 
in the sacramental celebration: 1106, 1127 ministerial priesthood:  
Episcopal conferences: 887  acts "in persona Christi": 1548 
Episcopate: see: Bishop  acts "in the name of the whole Church": 1552-53 
Eremetical life:   as Christ's means for the building up of his Church: 1547 
see: Evangelical counsels; Church: structure  as connection to Christ and the apostles: 1120 
Eternal life  as service to the common priesthood: 1120, 1547, 1592 
death as entrance into eternal life: 1020  complete dependence on the priesthood of Christ: 1544-45 
vision of the divine being: 1023  connection to the bishops: 1564 
see also: Resurrection of the dead  for the sake of men and the community of the Church: 1551 
Eucharist  presence of Christ: 1088, 1548-49 
as sacrament presbyterate:  
 as one of the seven sacraments: 1113, 1210  as degree of ordination: 1536 
 as the central Christiansacrament: 1211, 1324  collegiality with bishop: 877DOWN
 of Christian initiation: 1212, 1322  importance of the promise of obedience to the bishop: 1567LOAD
 of passage from death to life: 1524  "presbyterium": 1567CCC
 of those in full communion of the Church: 1395  priesthood of the Old Covenant: 1539-41 ©
called:   subordinate to the office of the bishop: 1562 
 as designation of the Eucharistic form: 1355  unity of: 1568 
 "Breaking of the Bread": 1329 prohibition or release from priestly obligations: 1583 
 "Communion": 1331 tasks of the priest:  
 "Eucharist": 1328  administers the Anointing of the Sick: 1516 
 "Eucharistic assembly": 1329  administers the Sacrament of Penance: 1461-67 
 "Holy and Divine Liturgy": 1330  cooperation of the laity: 900 
 "Holy Mass": 1332  co-worker of the bishop: 1562 
 "Holy Sacrifice" or "Sacrifice of the Mass": 1330  exercise of obligations and functions: 1583 
 "Lord's Supper": 1329  Liturgy of the Hours: 1175 
 "Memorial": 1330  presides at Eucharist: 1142, 1566 
 "wedding feast": 1617  receives marital consent: 1630 
Christ's presence:   represents the bishop in local assembly: 1567 
 Adoration of the Eucharistic species: 1378, 1418 see also: Orders, sacrament of Holy 
 in the Eucharistic species: 1088, 1373-77, 1413 Private revelations: 67 
 presence of the mystery of Christ: 737 Proclamation of the Gospel 
 significance of Christ's presence in the Church: 1380-81 and catechesis: 6DOWN
commits us to the poor: 1397 as liturgy: 1070LOAD
eschatological interpretation:  Church's obligation to evangelize: 848CCC
 as anticipation of heavenly glory: 1402 command to proclaim the Good News: 2, 3, 58, 74 ©
 as manifest sign of hope: 1405 fulfillment at Christ's descent into hell: 634 
 Jesus' interpretation at the Last Supper: 1403 motive and source: 49, 429 
 the Church's continuation of this interpretation: 1404 transmission of Christ's legacy: 3 
importance:  Profession 
 as abridgment and summation of faith: 1327 access to employment: 2433 
 as enabling participation in the divine life: 1325 free choice of profession: 2230 
 as enabling the unity of the People of God: 1325 professional secrets: 2491 
 as foretaste of the resurrection: 1000, 1370 Promises: 2410 
 as memorial of the mystery of salvation: 1099 in God's name: 2147 
 as source and summit of Christian life: 1324-27 to God: 2101 
 as source of strength for the priestly ministry: 1566 see also: Vows 
 as union with Christ: 790, 1382, 1416 Property 
 as union with God: 1118 administration of goods: 2407, 2451 
 in the Church's ministry of sanctification: 893 appropriation of goods: 2402 
institution:  right to private property: 2401, 2403 
 by Jesus Christ: 611, 1323, 1337-40, 1406 and political authority: 2406 
 "for the forgiveness of sins": 1846 universal destination of goods: 2402, 2452DOWN
main effects:  use of goods: 2404-5LOAD
 delivers from sin: 1393-94 ProphetCCC
 increases the grace of Baptism: 1392 as authors of Sacred Scripture: 702 ©
 increases union with Christ: 1391, 1416 Christ's function as prophet: 436 
 makes the Church: 1396, 1407 John the Baptist as "more than a prophet": 719 
 preserves from future mortal sins: 1395 prophecy of the Holy Spirit: 715 
 strengthens the spiritual life: 1394 task of the prophets in Israel: 64, 218 
only validly ordained priests can preside: 1411 veneration of the prophets: 61 
reception of Communion: 1415, 1417 Prostitution: 2355 
sacrificial character:  Providence 
 as sacrifice of praise: 1359-61, 2643 and evil: 309-14, 324 
 Eucharist as sacrifice: 1365-72, 1410, 1414 and the cooperation of the creature: 306-7, 323 
 full participation of the faithful: 1372 God can reveal the future: 2115 
 represents the sacrifice of the Cross: 1366 God's dispositions in creation: 302, 321 
 sacrifice offered for the faithful departed: 1371 Jesus asks for abandonment to providence: 305, 322 
 union of the entire Church in the Eucharistic sacrifice: 1369 testimony of Sacred Scripture: 303 
 union with the heavenly liturgy: 1326, 1370 Provinces: see: Ecclesiastical provinces 
sacrilege against the Eucharist especially grave: 2120 Prudence 
signs: 1333-36, 1412 as a cardinal virtue: 1805-6 
 bread and wine: 1333 PsalmsDOWN
 bread and wine in the Old Covenant: 1334 as prayer of the People of God: 2586LOAD
 Eucharist as "stumbling block": 1336 as school of prayer: 2587CCC
 Jesus' use of bread and wine: 1335 importance for daily prayer: 2589 ©
transubstantiation": 1373-77, 1413 in the Church'sliturgy: 1093 
Eucharistic celebration; Communion; celebration of Mass in the liturgy of the Old Covenant: 2588 
 commanded by Christ: 1341-44 People of God as expressed in the 
 as center of the Church's life: 1343 Psalms: 716 
 as memorial celebration: 1356-57, 1409 Psalms as book of the Old Testament: 2585 
 in the Church from the beginning: 1342-43, 1345 Psalms of David: 2579 
 participation as Church precept: 2042 Punishment 
Eucharistic communion:  death penalty:  
 with other Churches: 1398-1401  imposition according to the traditional teaching of the Church: 2266 
 with the Eastern Churches: 1399  nonaggression as mark of love: 2306 
 with the Reformed Churches: 1400  preference for punishment without bloodshed: 2267 
obligation to participate: 1389, 2180 limitations on punishment: 2267 
significance of the Sunday Eucharistic celebration: 2177-79 meaning and effect: 2266 
structure and movement as action of the ministerial priesthood: 1552 right of society to protect itself: 2265 
 basic structure:  see also: Torture 
  most important elements: 1345-55 Purgatory: 1030-32 
  two parts: 1346, 1408 Purity of heart: 2518DOWN
 corresponds to Paschal meal of the risen Jesus: 1347 demands purification of the social atmosphere: 2525LOAD
 movement:  goal: 2519, 2531CCC
  assembly of the faithful: 1348 in the struggle against carnal desires: 2517, 2530 ©
  collection: 1351 means for preserving purity: 2520, 2532 
  distribution of Communion:  requires modesty: 2521, 2533 
   in danger of death: 1401 Rape: 2356 
   by the laity: 903 Readers: 1143 
   significance: 1355 Reason 
 Eucharistic prayer: 1352-54 and faith: 156-59, 286 
  anamnesis and epiclesis: 1105-6, 1353-54 and Law: 1951 
  as memorial: 1362-66 as ability of man: 286 
  preface: 1352 sin as offense against: 1849 
 Liturgy of the Word: 1349 Redemption 
 Lord's Prayer: 1355, 2770 as center of the Christian message: 571, 601 
 presentation of the gifts: 1350 as source of Christ's authority over the Church: 669 
 reception of Communion:  continues in the liturgy: 1069 
  admission: 1244 meaning ascertainable only in faith: 573 
  as Church precept: 2042 requires perseverance in charity: 837 
  fruits of Communion: 1391-96 Religion, virtue of 
  in every celebration of the Mass: 1388 duty of religious worship: 2105DOWN
  insistent invitation to Communion: 1384 oaths as lack of respect for God: 2149LOAD
  preparation: 1385-87 offenses against virtue of religion: 2118-22CCC
  "under both species": 1390  sacrilege: 2120 ©
 presider: 1142  simony: 2121 
 significance of bishop's Eucharistic celebration: 893  tempting God: 2119 
Eucharistic ministers: 1348 respect for God's name: 2143 
Eucharistic prayer: see: Eucharistic celebration use of words with respect to holy things: 2142 
Euthanasia Religious life; religious: see: Church: structure; Evangelical counsels 
direct euthanasia: 2277, 2324 Reparation 
discontinuing medical procedures: 2278 in the New Testament: 2412, 2424 
duty to protect those who are weak or handicapped: 2276 for offenses against the truth: 2487: 2509 
Evangelical counsels Reproduction: see: Matrimony: purpose 
and the Decalogue: 2053 Resistance 
and the Gospel Law: 1973-74 against unjust authority: 2242 
as vows in following Christ more closely:  with force of arms: 2243 
 as expression of consecrated life: 914-16, 944-45 Responsibility 
 consecrated virgins: 922-24 and participation in the common good: 1914 
 eremitical life: 920-21 for the sins of others: 1868 
 eschatological aspect: 931-33 imputability: 1735-36 
 in diverse forms: 917-19 in virtue of man's freedom: 1734DOWN
 religious life: 925-27 role of conscience: 1781LOAD
 secular institutes: 928-29 Resurrection of Christ: see: Jesus Christ: CCC
 societies of apostolic life: 930  Resurrection of Jesus ©
recommended as guiding rules for every Christian: 915 Resurrection of the dead: 988-1004 
see also: Poverty; Obedience; Chastity; Virginity; Church: structure already risen with Christ in Baptism: 1002-4 
Evil and Jesus: 994-95, 1019 
Christ delivered us from evil: 1708 as work of the Trinity: 989 
Christianfaith as answer to evil: 309 in Christianity: 991 
consequences of evil:  in the Old Testament: 992-93 
 deception in religious behavior: 844 on the last day: 1001 
 evil and the resurrection from the dead: 998 "resurrection of the flesh": 686, 990, 1015, 1017 
 further inclination toward evil: 1707 the transfigured body of the resurrected: 999-1000 
 the Kingdom of God and evil: 671, 677 Revelation 
 universality of evil in human history: 401 can appear obscure: 157 
experience of evil: 385, 1606 complete with Jesus Christ: 65-66 
God can draw good from every evil: 312 contents:  
invocation of evil powers: 2117  revelation of:  
moral evil: 311-12   Decalogue in the context of the Covenant: 2060 
 judging an action as good or bad: 1755-56   definitive truth: 124 
origin of evil:    future: 2115DOWN
 derived from sin: 403, 1607   God'slove: 1701LOAD
 human limitations: 844   God's plan of salvation: 50CCC
 permitted by God: 412   law of the Old and New Covenants: 1952 ©
 scandal as inducement to evil: 2284   man: 2419 
physical evil: 310   Mary's virginity: 502 
prevention of evil: 1431   mercy of God with sinners: 1846 
question about evil to be answered only in faith: 385   reason for choosing Israel: 218 
Excommunication   resurrection of the dead: 992 
absolution: 1463   sinfulness of man: 386-90 
as penalty: 1463   the Church: 726, 1076 
Exorcism: 1673  revelation of God:  
Jesus' exorcisms: 550   God as liberator: 2084 
at Baptism: 1237   in Israel: 2085 
Extravagance; waste: 2409  of the Decalogue: 2059, 2070-71 
Extreme Unction: see: Anointing of the Sick  of the Father: 23842 
Faith: 26, 142, 146, 150, 155, 176  of the Holy Spirit: 243-48, 688 
"analogy of faith": 114  of the name of God: 203-14, 2143 
and eternal life: 163-65  of the Son: 152, 240, 647-48, 651 
and science: 159  of the Trinity:  
and understanding: 156-59   as mystery of faith: 237DOWN
as answer to evil: 309   on Pentecost: 732LOAD
as assent to revealed truths: 150   through the Holy Spirit: 684, 687CCC
as foretaste of eternal life: 163, 184 faith as response: 142-43, 153-65 ©
as God'sgrace: 153, 179, 224 God willed to reveal himself: 35, 50-53, 68-69 
as human act: 154-55, 180 in human words: 101 
as source of moral life: 2087 m Sacred Scripture: 80-83, 124 
as source of prayer: 2656 in salvation history:  
as theological virtue: 1813-16  after the fall: 55 
certainty of faith: 157  in Abraham: 59, 72 
content:   in Israel: 60-64 
 Christianfaith:   in Jesus Christ: 65-67, 73 
  in God: 178, 223  in Noah: 56-58, 71 
  in God the Creator: 14, 229  in our first parents: 54, 70 
  in Jesus Christ: 14, 108, 147, 151, 202, 463, 573 in Tradition: 80-83 
  in the Holy Spirit: 14, 152, 202 natural knowledge of God possible: 36 
  in the one God: 150, 200, 202, 222-27, 228, 233, 2086 private revelations: 67 
  in the signs of revelation: 156 transmission of revelation:  
  in the Trinity: 234  through the apostles: 75 
 consequence of faith: 222-27  through the bishops: 77 
 ecclesial faith:   through the Church: 74, 79, 82DOWN
  Church as mediator of faith: 168-69, 181, 197  through the evangelists: 76LOAD
  Church as preserver of faith: 171, 181  through the teaching office: 78CCC
  faith only possible in the community of believers: 166 Revenge: 2262 ©
 fundamentally:  Rite 
  act of faith aims at reality expressed: 170 different rites within the universal Church: 1203 
  meaning of the formulas of faith: 170 modification of rite: 1125 
  rooted in the Church'sfaith: 162, 182 Rosary: 971, 2678, 2708 
  vivid understanding of the content of revelation: 158 Sabbath; Sabbath rest 
cooperation of intellect will, and grace: 155 as center of Israel's Law: 348 
crises of faith:  as end of God's work of creation: 345, 347 
 conflict with reason: 159 distinguished from the Christian Sunday: 2175, 2190 
 doubt regarding faith: 2088 holiness of the Sabbath: 2168 
 separation from God by one's own free choice: 1033 Jesus and the Sabbath commandment: 2173 
 support from the witnesses of faith: 165 meaning and importance of the third commandment: 2168-73, 2189 
 trials: 164 meaning of the Sabbath:  
duties of faith:   as sign of God's irrevocable covenant: 2171 
 duty to a life of faith: 13  day of rest based on God's example: 2172 
 duty to preserve faith: 162  for the praise of God: 2171 
 duty to protect and nourish faith: 2088  memorial of God's act of creation: 2169 
 man's fundamental duty of faith: 2087  memorial of Israel's deliverance: 2170 
examples and models:  Sacrament: 1084, 1131DOWN
 Abraham: 145, 146 as "masterpieces of God": 1116LOAD
 Israel: 147, 212 concept: 774CCC
 Mary: 148-49, 487 ecclesial dimension of the sacraments:  ©
 the Church: 1124  belong to the Church: 1118 
freedom of faith: 160  communicate growth and healing: 798 
motives for faith: 156  communicate riches of Christ: 947 
necessity of faith: 161, 183, 846  form the bond of the Church's unity: 815 
obedience of faith:   role of the sacraments:  
 general obedience of faith: 143, 144  in catechesis: 6 
 Mary's obedience of faith: 494   m liturgical catechesis: 1074-75 
 no coercion in faith: 160   in the dialogue for Christian unity: 1126 
preservation of faith: 162  sacramental mission of the Church: 738-40, 1132 
transmission of faith:  effects:  
 in preaching Christ: 425  acts "ex opere operator: 1128 
 places for instruction in the faith: 2226  confers the grace it signifies: 1127 
 within the scope of this Catechism: 18  fruit benefits all believers: 950 
unity of faith: 172-74  sacramental grace: 1134, 2003 
various "recipients": 150, 177  stamps with an indelible mark: 698, 1121 
Faith, profession of foundation in mysteries of Jesus' life: 1115 
as designation for a formula of faith: 186-89 importance of sacramental signs: 1130DOWN
content of Christian profession of faith:  in the life of the Christian administration of sacraments in danger of death: 1401LOAD
 confession of faith in one God: 199-202  as preparation for death: 1680CCC
 mention of the mysteries of Christ: 512  Baptism as the first sacrament of the forgiveness of sins: 977-78 ©
 profession within the framework of the Church: 167, 815  conferral of ministry in the Church: 875 
faith itself as the first and most important confession: 199  end of sacramental life at death: 1682 
formulas of faith:   for strength on the way to Christianholiness, 1133, 2030 
 Apostles' Creed: 194  importance of the sacraments of Christian initiation: 1212, 1275, 1425, 1533 
 articles of faith: 190, 191  sacrament of Holy Orders and Matrimony as sacraments of singular mission: 1534-35 
 baptismal profession: 189  sacraments of healing: 1420-21 
 formulas of faith throughout history: 192, 193 instituted by Jesus Christ: 1114, 1210 
 Nicene Creed: 195 necessity for salvation: 1129 
 significance of common statement of faith: 185 prefigured by signs of the Old Covenant: 1150 
witnessing to faith necessary for salvation: 1816 presence of Christ in the sacraments: 1088 
see also: Creed purpose: 1123 
Faithful, the; believers: 871 "sacramental economy": 1076 
called to different missions: 873 seven in number: 1113, 1117, 1210 
common priesthood of Christ: 1141 unique place of the Eucharist: 1211 
"effects" of faith: 737 "Sacrament, Most Blessed" 
equal dignity of all believers: 872 as name for the Eucharistic elements: 1330 
infallibility of the faithful:  SacramentalsDOWN
 as a whole without error in faith: 92 forms: LOAD
 "supernatural sense of the faith": 889  blessings: 1669, 1671, 1678CCC
invited to accept the faith of the Church: 1124  consecration of things and people: 1672 ©
obedience of faith:   exorcism: 1673 
 obedience to the bishop: 896 instituted by the Church: 1667 
 obedience to the teaching authority: 87, 91, 93, 892, 2073 meaning and purpose: 1667-68, 1670, 1677 
right:  Sacrifice 
 to free access to Sacred Scripture: 131 as sign of Adoration and thanksgiving: 2099 
 to information about God's commandments: 2037 inner and outward acts of sacrifice: 2100 
Faithfulness Sacrilege: 2120 
as gift of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 Sadness: 1765, 2553 
in marriage: see: Matrimony; Divorce Saints: see: Holiness 
Family: 2204 Salvation 
and the call to follow Christ more closely: 2232-33 and faith: 161 
and the consequences of a divorce: 2385 comes from God alone: 169 
duties of the family members:  in the New Testament: 124 
 duties of grown children toward parents: 2217-18 in the Old Testament: 122 
 obedience of minor children to their parents: 2216-17 promised by God: 55 
 respect of children for parents: 2215 see also: Beatitude; Economy of salvation 
family and society:  "Sanctus": 559DOWN
 as privileged community: 2206 Satan: see: DevilLOAD
 family as natural society: 1882 ScandalCCC
 family as original cell of society: 2207 by persons commanding respect: 2285 ©
foundation, nature, and purpose: 2201-3 nature and meaning: 2284, 2326 
importance of family prayer: 2685 provoked by laws, institutions, or public opinion: 2286 
importance of relationships between brothers and sisters: 2219 responsibility for: 2287 
significance: 1655-58, 2208 Schism: 2089 
see also: Parents as destruction of the unity of the Church: 817 
Famine: 2269 Science 
Fasting; Lenten fasting values and dangers: 2293-94 
as Church precept: 2043 Scripture, Sacred: 81 
as expression of penance: 1434, 1438 and Tradition: 78, 80-84, 95 
Jesus' fast and the Lenten season: 538-40 authorship and inspiration:  
 see also: Liturgy: liturgical seasons  Christ as the only Word of the Father: 102, 134 
Father: see: Parents; Trinity, God  God as author: 105, 136, 304, 688 
Fathers of the Church  men as inspired authors: 105, 702 
and catechesis: 8  Sacred Scripture as Word of God: 103, 104, 135 
as source of knowledge of the Holy Spirit: 688 meaning and interpretation:  
Fear: 1765  exegesis: 109, 119 
and imputability for an act: 1735  free access necessary: 131DOWN
Fear of the Lord  fundamental principle of the interpretation: 111, 137LOAD
as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831  multiple senses of Scripture: 115-19CCC
Feast days: see: Holy Days of Obligation  study of Sacred Scripture: 132, 133 ©
Fertility; infertility: see: Matrimony: purpose  task of exegetes: 119 
Fertilization: see: Matrimony: purpose  typology: 128-30 
"Filioque": 246 Scripture as a whole:  
Eastern and Western tradition: 248  Christian canon of Scripture: 120, 138 
in the development of the understanding of the faith: 247  Christian reading of the whole Scripture: 129, 140 
see also: Trinity  Jewish arrangement of Scripture: 702 
Fire  New Testament: 124-27 
as symbol of the Holy Spirit: 696, 718   Christ as central theme: 124 
Flattery: 2480   significance of the Gospels: 125, 127, 139 
Force: see: Violence  Old Testament: 121-23 
Forgery: 2409   indispensability of: 123 
Fornication: 2353, 1852   special place of the book of Genesis: 289 
Fortitude significance:  
as cardinal virtue: 1805, 1808  as nourishment for Christian life: 141 
as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831  as source of prayer: 2653-54 
Fortune-telling: 2116  as source of strength for the Church: 104, 131 
Fraternal harmony teaches the truth: 107DOWN
and solidarity: 1939 see also: New Testament; Old TestamentLOAD
in society: 2213 SealCCC
significance of fraternal harmony for the Church: 815, 821 as symbol of anointing: 698 ©
Fraud: 2409 of the Holy Spire at Confirmation: 1295-96 
Freedom: 1731, 1744 of the sacraments: 1121 
and evil: 1733 sacramental seal: see: Penance, sacrament of 
and responsibility: 1734, 1746 Seat, cathedra 
 as man's merit: 2008 of priest or bishop in the liturgy: 1184 
and the good: 1733 Secular institutes: see: Evangelical counsels; Church: structure 
as gift from God:  Self-control 
 and grace: 1742 as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 
 freedom through Christ: 908, 1741, 1748 Self-knowledge: 2340 
 man was created free: 1730 Self-mastery 
as possibility to choose between good and evil: 1732 as life-long task: 2342 
effects and perfection of freedom: 1731 means for self-mastery: 2340 
exercise of freedom:  see also: Ascesis; Self-control 
 in the relationship between human beings: 1738 Servant of God 
 possibility of freedom: 1861 features of Messiah revealed in the songs of the Servant: 713 
 prerequisites for the exercise of this right: 1740 Jesus as "Servant of God": 555, 580, 601, 608, 615 
 right to the exercise of freedom: 1738, 1747 Servers: 1143 
freedom makes man a moral subject: 1749, 1745 Sexual abuse: 2389DOWN
limits of freedom: 1739 see also: RapeLOAD
Freedom of religion Sexual identity: see: Man: human sexual identityCCC
as right: 2108-9 Sexuality: see: Man: human sexual identity; Matrimony: purpose ©
see also: Society: duties of the state Sickness 
Friendship charism of healing as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1508 
and chastity: 2347 Christ's healing mission: 1503-05 
and grace: 2010  in the Church: 1509 
and solidarity: 1939  in the disciples: 1506-07 
friendship with God: 277, 374, 396, 1468 interpretation of sickness in the Old Testament: 1502 
Funerals significance in human life: 1500-01 
gestures and rites: 1687-90 Signs 
liturgical celebration, not a sacrament: 1684-85 from the world of men: 1146-48 
types of funerals: 1686 liturgical signs: 1149 
Games of chance: 2413 of the Covenant of the People of Israel: 1150 
Generosity sacramental signs of the New Covenant: 1145, 1152 
as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 1832 sign function of music in the liturgy: 1157 
Genocide: 2313 taken up by Christ: 1151 
Gentleness Simony: 2121 
as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 Sin; fall; original sin: 387, 1440, 1871-72 
Gluttony: 1866 and involuntary ignorance: 1860DOWN
Gnosticism: 285 and lies: 2484LOAD
God and the Law: 1949CCC
actions with respect to man:  consequences of:  ©
 adopts men as children: 2782-85  death: 1008 
 calls man: 30, 2567  harm to the community of believers: 953 
 desires all men to be saved: 74  injury to the unity of the Church: 817 
 does not abandon man after the fall: 410  punishment:  
 God alone can satisfy man's desire for happiness: 1718   as purification of the bad consequences of sin: 1472 
 God's work: 1, 275   for mortal sins: 1861 
 predestines no one to damnation: 1037   for venial sins: 1863 
 reveals himself: 35   in the communion of saints: 1474-75 
 reveals himself in history as liberator: 2084   "temporal and eternal": 1472 
 wants glorification of man: 2012  robs man of resemblance to God: 705 
attributes:   separation of people from each other: 845 
 characteristics of a father: 370  sickness: 1505 
 characteristics of a husband: 370  vice: 1865 
 characteristics of a mother: 370 differentiation of 
 goodness: 385  according to their object: 1853, 1873 
 love: 218-21, 733  diversity of sins: 1852 
 neither man nor woman: 370  grave sins: DOWN
 truth: 214-17, 2465   capital sins: 1866, 1876LOAD
existence of God: 33, 231   difference between mortal sins and venial sins: 1854CCC
God the Almighty:    grave matter of a sin: 1854, 1858 ©
 God can reveal the future: 2115   loss of eternal life: 1472 
 God's omnipotence: 268-74, 275-7   mortal sins: 1855, 1874 
  and evil: 277, 309-12, 314, 395, 412    and forgiveness: 1856 
  in Holy Scripture: 269    as radical possibility of human freedom: 1861 
  is not despotism: 271    conditions: 1857-59 
 God's providence: 302-14    consequences: 1861 
 the mystery of God's apparent powerlessness: 272-74   sins that cry to heaven": 1867 
God the Creator:   individual grave sins:  
 as "fist cause": 300, 304, 308   anger: 2302 
 Creator of the world: 295-300   blasphemy: 2148 
 dignity of creatures: 308   blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: 1864 
 God is acting in creatures: 308   envy: 2539 
 God transcends creation: 300, 303   hatred: 2303 
 sustainer of the world: 301   malice: 1860 
God the Creator of man:    murder: 2268 
 allowed man to cooperate in his creation: 307   neglect of Sunday obligation: 2181 
 created man as rational, free person: 1730   sins against faith: 2088-89DOWN
 created man: 1   sins against hope: 2091LOAD
 out of love: 1604   sins against love: 2094CCC
God the Holy One as mystery of his divinity: 2807  venial sins: 1855, 1875 ©
 God'sholiness and glory: 2809   consequences: 1863 
 in the life and prayer of the Christian: 2814   nature: 1862 
 in the revelation of the Old Testament: 2810-11 explained by revelation: 388 
 in the revelation of Jesus: 2812 fall of the angels: 392 
name:  gathering together of the People of God: 761 
 abuse of God's name forbidden: 2146, 2161-62 in the Church: 827 
 God's name in oaths: 2150, 2164 interpretations:  
 God wants to be called personally: 203  personal act: 1868 
 magical use of God's name forbidden: 2149  "social sin": 1869 
 names of God:   threat to the unity of the Church: 814 
  "Adonai": 209  Work of the flesh": 1852 
  "Kyrios": 209 Jesus "died for our sins: 601, 654 
  "YHWH": 206, 210-11, 213-14 man and sin:  
 significance of the revelation of God's names: 203-14, 2143  afflicted by sin from birth: 403 
 sin as offense against God: 1850  man sins freely: 1739, 1874 
speaking about God: 39-43, 48  sin as rejection of God: 398, 415, 1487 
special salvific actions:  mankind not abandoned by God after the fall: 410, 1609, 1870DOWN
 calls Israel: 62-64, 218-19, 2085 nature: 1849-50LOAD
 inspires the authors of Holy Scripture: 105-6 necessity of Baptism: 1250CCC
 New Covenant: 64 original sin: 390, 397, 416-17 ©
 reveals himself to Moses: 205  and the history of mankind: 390 
 saves Israel from sin: 431  concupiscence as most important consequence: 405 
 sends his Son: 422  consequences: 55-58, 399-400, 402-09, 418-19 
Good  meaning of the teaching about original sin: 389 
in judging an action: 1755-56  seduction by the devil: 391, 414-15 
Goodness  transmission to all men: 404 
as fruit of the Holy Spirit: 736, 1832 permitted by God: 412 
Good News: see: Gospel reality: 386-87 
Gospel responsibility for the sins of others: 1868 
and the Law of the Old Covenant: 1963 sinners are to blame for Christ's suffering: 598 
as Good News: 571 Sins, forgiveness of 
as revelation of God's mercy: 1846 absolution during confession: 1424 
command to proclaim: 2 and profession of faith in the Church: 976 
formation: 126 and profession of faith in the Holy Spirit: 976 
place and significance in the New Testament: 125-27 as treasury of the Church: 1476-77 
record of Jesus' life: 514-15, 534, 573 as reconciliation with the Church: 1443 
two ways of recording Jesus' message: 76 exercised by the Church at God's command: 986, 1442DOWN
Grace God alone can forgive sins: 1441LOAD
as God's gift:  God gives the power to forgive sins to men: 984, 1441CCC
 as charism: 2003 Gospel as revelation of God's mercy with sinners: 1846 ©
 as gift of the Holy Spirit: 2003 importance of the power to bind and loose: 1444-45 
 as God's gratuitous help: 1996, 2021 in the course of the Anointing of the Sick: 1520 
effects:  justification through Jesus'death: 421, 615, 1708 
 as uniting with Christ in active love: 2011 mandate of punishment for sin: 1473 
 forges the human character: 1810 role of confession of sins:  
 justification: 654, 1987, 1989  as essential component in Sacrament of Penance: 1456 
 parent-child relationship with God: 1997  importance: 1455, 1847 
 participation in the life of God: 1997  of mortal sins: 1456 
 sanctification: 824, 1999, 2023-24  of venial sins: 1458 
 vocation to eternal life: 1998  supported by grace: 1848 
faith as grace: 153-55 see also: Penance, sacrament of 
graces of state: 2004 Slander: see: Calumny 
habitual and actual grace: 2000 Slavery 
reception:  forbidden: 2414 
 and human experience: 2005 Sloth: see: Acedia 
 meriting grace: 2010, 2025-27 Social Communications: see: Media 
 readiness to receive: 2001 Social Doctrine of the ChurchDOWN
 requirements: 2002 concern with temporal aspects of the common good: 2420LOAD
 unbelief as refusal of grace: 678 contents: 2422-23CCC
 within man's earthly life: 1021 critique of capitalist and communist social theories: 2424-25 ©
role of grace in the man-God relationship: 35, 2022 occasion for development: 2421 
sacramental grace: 2003 Societies of apostolic life: see: Evangelical counsels; Church: structure 
Greed: see: Desires, disordered Society; State: 1880 
Habits authority in society:  
and the imputability of an act: 1735  function: 1897-98, 1918-21 
Hail Mary: 435, 2676-78  obedience toward: 1899, 2238 
Happiness  stipulations for various forms of government: 1901, 1922 
substance of true happiness: 1723 duties of citizens:  
virtue of hope and desire for happiness: 1818  armed resistance: 2243 
Hatred  defense of one's country: 2240 
as grave sin: 2303  duty of obedience: 1900 
as passion: 1765  exercising the right to vote: 2240 
forbidden in Sermon on the Mount: 2262  limitations on civil obedience: 2242, 2256 
Health  participation in public life: 1915, 2255 
and the virtue of temperance: 2290  payment of taxes: 2240 
and use of drugs: 2291  receiving foreigners: 2241 
and worship of the body: 2289 duties of the state: DOWN
duty of concern for health: 2288  concern for the health of citizens: 2288LOAD
Heart of Jesus, Adoration of: 2669, 1439  defense: 2310, 2265CCC
Heaven:   promotion of the common good: 1927, 2237 ©
as "place of God": 326  protection of the life of every innocent person: 2273 
as "place of the deceased": 1023-29  provision for conscientious objectors: 2311 
"seen and unseen" world: 325  provision for religious worship: 2104-8, 2137 
see: World; Creation  recognition of neighbors: 1931-33 
Hell: 1033  respect for the dignity of the person: 1907, 1930, 1926, 1943, 2254 
as consequence of mortal sin: 1861 responsibility for the economy: 2431 
as location of the damned: 633 fundamental principles:  
God predestines no one to damnation: 1037  charity as the most important social commandment: 1889, 1896 
in Jesus' preaching: 1034  common good: 1924-25 
in the teaching of the Church: 1035  conditions for a society of fraternal harmony: 1931 
teaching about hell as admonition: 1036  just hierarchy of values: 1886-87, 1895 
Heresy: 2089, 817  right to information: 2494, 2512 
Hierarchy  rule of law: 1904 
of truths: see: Truth; Dogma in the Church  solidarity: 1948 
see: Church: structure  subsidiarity: 1883-85, 1894 
Holiness; sanctity; saints human person as subject and end: 1881, 1892, 1929, 2459 
holiness:  natural societies: 1882, 1891DOWN
 all Christians called to holiness: 2013-14, 2028-29 necessity of life in society: 1879LOAD
 entails asceticism: 2015 primary and subsidiary societies: 1883-85CCC
 God wants man to be glorified: 2012 relationships within society:  ©
 taught by the Church: 2030  Church and State: fundamental relationship: 2244-46 
saints:   dangers of socialization: 1883 
 and the Holy Spirit's activity in the Church: 688  State and family:  
 and the Holy Spirit's activity in men: 686   duty to protect the family: 2209-11 
 as companions in prayer: 2683-2684   family as the original cell of society: 2207 
 as example of Christianholiness: 1717, 2030   subsidiary support for the family: 2208 
 as patrons: 2156  State and its impact on population growth: 2372 
 communion of saints: 946-59  State and mass media: 2498-99 
 intercession of saints: 956  State and social justice: 1928 
 significance of canonization: 828  State and the common good: 1905-12 
Holy Days of Obligation: 2042-43, 2177, 2180, 2185, 2187-88, 2192-93  State and the renewal of society: 1888 
2192-93 social order: 1912 
Holy Spirit voluntary associations: 1882, 1893 
 acts:  Soldiers: see: Armed forces; soldiers 
 in all mankind:  Solidarity 
  animates all creation: 703 in brotherhood: 1939 
  awakens faith: 684 in Church's role: 1942DOWN
  comes unceasingly into the world: 732 in the communion of love: 953LOAD
  enables communication with Christ: 683 in the distribution of goods and work: 1940CCC
  grants gifts to all: 2003 in the economy and politics: 1941 ©
  helps man grow in spiritual freedom: 1742 Son: see: Trinity; Jesus Christ 
  master and source of prayer: 741, 2652 Sorcery: 1852, 2117 
  "principal author" of Holy Scripture: 304 see also: Magic 
  restores the divine likeness: 734 Soul: 363 
  reveals God: 687 and "heart" of man: 368 
  reveals the Trinity: 244, 684 and "spirit" of man: 367 
  source of all holiness: 749 created directly by God: 366 
 in the Church:  immortal: 366 
  brings about the unity of the Church: 813 one nature with the human body: 365 
  Church as temple of the Holy Spirit: 797-98 Speculation: 2409 
  directs and supports the Church: 768, 747 Speed: 2290 
  in the liturgy of the Church: 1091-1109 Spirit: see: Holy Spirit 
  living memory of the Church: 1099 Spiritism 
  mission in the Church: 737, 739 forbidden: 2117 
  responsible for the Church's mission: 852 State: see: Society 
consubstantial with the Father and the Son: 685, 689 Sterilization 
faith in the Holy Spirit: 14, 152, 202, 742 and integrity of the human body: 2297, 2398DOWN
gifts of the Holy Spirit: 768, 798-801, 1830 see also: Matrimony; Medical treatmentLOAD
 at Confirmation: 1303 Strikes: 2435CCC
 first gift is love: 733, 735 Subsidiarity, principle of ©
 fruits of the Spirit: 736, 1832 and collectivism: 1885 
 in Baptism: 1266 contents: 1883-85 
 in the Anointing of the Sick: 1520 in the relationship between society and family: 2209 
 in the charism of healing: 1508 see also: Social doctrine of the Church 
 in the sacrament of Holy Orders: 1585-89 Substance: 252 
 in the sheltering of sinners: 827 see also: Trinity; Transubstantiation 
 the seven gifts: 1831, 1845 Suffering 
in God's work of salvation:  as consequence of original sin: 1521 
 in the preaching of Jesus: 714, 728 as participation in Jesus' work of salvation: 1508, 1521 
 in the theophanies of the Old Testament: 707 experience of suffering: 164 
 Jesus gives the Holy Spirit: 730 Suicide 
 John the Baptist and the preparation of the people: 718, 720 as contrary to love of self, neighbor, and God: 2281, 2325 
 Mary's conception and the birth of the Son of God: 723 eschatological importance: 2283 
 outpouring on Pentecost: 731 factors that can diminish responsibility: 2282 
 place in the economy of salvation: 685-86 responsibility for one's own life: 2280 
 preparation for the Messiah: 702 voluntary cooperation in suicide: 2282 
 preparation of Mary: 722, 725, 744 Sunday; Sunday restDOWN
 prophetic texts: 715 as "the Lord's Day": 2174, 2191LOAD
 the promised coming of the Holy Spirit: 706, 729 as the day of Jesus'Resurrection: 2174, 2190CCC
joint mission with the Son: 689-90, 727, 743 celebration:  ©
life "in the Holy Spirit": 740, 1699, 2017  as Church precept: 2043, 2192-93 
 conversion: 1433  as fulfillment of the commandment of the Old Covenant: 2176 
 forgiveness of sins: 976  assembly for Eucharistic celebration: 1343 
 sin of "blaspheming against the Holy Spirit": 1864  early Church practice of assembly: 2178 
manifestation as a divine Person: 731  importance of sharing in the Sunday Eucharist: 2182 
names:   Sunday Eucharist as center of the Church's life: 2177 
 "Holy Spirit": 691  Sunday Eucharist as foundation of Christian life: 2181 
 in the Acts of the Apostles and Letters of the New Testament: 693 Sunday obligation:  
 "Paraclete": 692  as precept of the Church: 2180 
 "Spirit of Truth": 692  deliberate failure to fulfill: 2181 
self-revelation: 687  in absence of minister: 2183 
symbols:   obligation for and dispensation from: 2181 
 cloud and light: 697 Sunday rest:  
 "Finger of God": 700  as commandment: 2185-86, 2194-95 
 fire: 696  protection of Sunday as day of rest: 2187-88 
 "Hand of God": 699  as opportunity for family, cultural, and religious life: 2184 
in anointing: 695 Superstition: 2110-2111, 2138DOWN
the dove: 701 Surrogate motherhood: 2376LOAD
the seal: 698 "Symbolon"CCC
water: 694 as term for a formula of faith: 188 ©
Holy Water: 1668 see also: Creed; Faith, profession of 
Homily: 2033 Symbols 
Homosexuality: 2357 from the world of men: 1146-49 
and chastity: 2359 in the celebration of a sacrament: 1145 
Honor right to a good reputation and honor: 2479 Tabernacle: 1183, 1379 
Hope: 2090 Tax evasion: 2436 
as source of prayer: 2657 Technology: 2293-94 
as theological virtue: 1813, 1817-21 Temperance 
Christianhope and that of the Jewish People: 1819 as cardinal virtue: 1805 
in the final commandment of the Decalogue: 2086 assures the will's mastery over the instincts: 1809 
sins against hope: 2091 Terrorism: 2297 
Horoscopes: 2116 Theft: 2408, 2453-54 
Hostages, taking of: 2297 in urgent necessity: 2408 
Humility obligation for reparation: 2412 
and Baptism: 2540 Theological Life: 2607, 2803 
and prayer: 2559, 2628, 2631, 2706, 2713 see also: Virtues, theological 
of Jesus: 525, 559 TheologyDOWN
of Mary: 724 and the economy of salvation: 236LOAD
Hypostasis; hypostatic union: 252, 464-69 importance for the Magisterium of the Church: 2033, 2038CCC
see also: Trinity Time ©
Icon: 1159 and creation: 338 
significance: 1160-61, 2141 Tobacco 
Idolatry: 2113, 1852, 2112-14 abuse: 2290 
Ignorance and imputability of an act: 1735 Torture 
Impurity: 1852 as offense against mankind: 2297-98 
Inadvertence and imputability of an act: 1735 Tradition: 81 
Incarnation and Sacred Scripture: 80, 83, 95, 113, 120 
as unique event in God'seconomy of salvation: 464, 470 "depositum fidei": 84, 97 
see also: Jesus Christ: life of Jesus liturgy as constitutive element: 1124 
Incest: 2388-2389 most important content: 638 
Incredulity: 2089 Transubstantiation: 1373-77, 1413 
Inculturation see also: Eucharist 
in the catechumenate: 1232 Trinity 
in the liturgy: 1205-6 as central mystery of the faith: 232, 234, 237, 261, 266 
in the mission of the Church: 854 concept of "hypostasis": 252 
Indifference as a sin against love: 2094 concept of substance: 252 
Indulgences: 1471 divine economy as common work of the divine Persons: 257-60DOWN
Church's doctrine on indulgences: 102-79, 1498 divine Persons: LOAD
Infertility: see: Matrimony: purpose  concept of Person: 252CCC
Ingratitude  consubstantiality: 242, 253 ©
as sin against love: 2094  real distinction between: 254, 267 
Initiation: see: Baptism; Confirmation; Eucharist; Catechumenate  unity of being: 685, 689 
Inspiration expression of the Trinity:  
of Sacred Scripture: 106  in Baptism: 233, 265 
see also: Scripture, Sacred  in philosophical concepts: 251 
"Intercommunion": see: Eucharistic celebration: Eucharistic communion  in the early Councils: 250 
Irony: 2481  in the liturgy: 249, 1066 
Irreligion: 2110, 2112-14 family as image of the communion of the Trinity: 2205 
Islam "Filioque": 246-48, 264 
Church's relationship with Muslims: 841 indwelling of the triune God in men: 260 
Muslims profess to hold the faith of Abraham: 841 liturgy as work of the Trinity: 1077-1109 
Israel; Israelites revelation of this mystery:  
Adoration of the Savior God in Israel: 433  of God the Father: 238, 240 
announcement of Jesus in Israel: 436-40, 522  of God the Holy Spirit: 243-48, 263, 731 
assembly of the People of God as "Church": 751  of God the Son: 240, 242, 262, 663 
between the giving of the Law and the Exile: 708-10  of the entire Trinity: 684, 732 
call of Israel irrevocable: 839 "Theologia" and "Oikonomia": 236DOWN
chosen by God: 62-64, 218, 238, 2085 the triune God: 202LOAD
Church formed in advance in Israel: 759-62 the unity of the Trinity and the unity of the Church: 813CCC
God reveals himself to Israel as unity of God: 228, 255 ©
Creator: 287-88  and unity of the Church: 813 
God reveals his Law to Israel: 1961 Truth 
God reveals his name to Israel: 203-4 and beauty: 2500 
God'slove for Israel: 218-19 giving witness to the truth:  
Israel as God's "people of the poor": 711, 716  and martyrdom: 2473 
Israel's hope: 674  duty of Christians: 2472 
Israel's reproaches to Jesus: 576, 579  in the New Testament: 2471 
Israel's sin: 401 God as source of all truth: 2465 
Jacob as ancestor of the twelve tribes of Israel: 2573 "hierarchy of truths": 90, 234 
Jesus as fulfillment of Israel's vocation: 539 in communications media: 2492 
Sabbath as the heart of Israel's Law: 348 in following Christ: 2470 
saved from sin by God: 431 in relationships with others: 2464 
"Son of God" as title for the Jewish people: 441 in the virtue of truthfulness: 2468 
see also: Prayer; Liturgy man's striving after truth: 2467 
Jealousy: 1852 manifestation in Jesus: 2466 
Jesus Christ offenses against the truth: 2464, 2475-87 
and the Church:  right to truth not unconditional: 2488-92DOWN
 communication through the sacraments: 947, 1115 "Two ways," parable of: 1696LOAD
 following of Jesus: 520 UnderstandingCCC
 imitation of Jesus: 520 as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831 ©
 Jesus acts through the sacraments: 1084 Unity, Christian: see: Ecumenism 
 Jesus as Head of the Church: 669, 792 Veneration of images 
 liturgy of the Church: 662, 1069, 1084-90 new "economy" of images through Christ'sIncarnation: 2131 
 mystery of Christ as something that perdures: 1085 Old Testament prohibition of the representation of God: 2129 
 preservation and transmission of Jesus' legacy: 3, 126 veneration, not Adoration: 2132 
as Word of God: 102 Viaticum: see: Anointing of the Sick: reception 
Ascension of Jesus: 659-64, 665-67, 670, 673 Vice 
 as the final apparition of the Risen One to the disciples: 659 and capital sins: 1866 
 as the beginning of Jesus' lordship over creation: 668 and the passions: 1768 
 as the beginning of Jesus' lordship as Messiah: 663-64 see also: Sin 
 despite the Ascension, Jesus remains present in his Church: 669 Violence; force 
 with the Ascension, the final age is with us: 670 and imputability of an act: 1735 
Christian confession of Jesus: 202, 422-24 value of nonaggression: 2306 
death of Jesus:  Virginity for the Kingdom of heaven 
 as real death: 619, 627, 629 and Matrimony: 1620 
 burial of Jesus: 624-26, 630 as unfolding of baptismalgrace: 1619 
 descent to the underworld: 624, 631-35, 636-37 in the call by Christ: 1618DOWN
 God turns murder into salvation: 312, 622 see also: Evangelical counsels; VirtuesLOAD
 interpretation of Jesus'death:  Virtues: 1804, 1833-34CCC
  elevation on the Cross and the Ascension: 662 and grace: 1810 ©
  God "made him to be sin": 602-3 and the passions: 1768 
  in the mystery of God's plan: 599, 620 cardinal virtues: 1805 
  self-sacrifice of Jesus: 605-18, 621, 623  fortitude: 1808, 1837 
  the death of the "Servant of God": 601, 713  justice: 1807, 1836 
divine Sonship:    as "virtue of religions: 1807 
 Jesus as Son of God and of the Virgin: 724  prudence: 1806, 1835 
 Jesus declares himself to be the Son of God: 443  temperance: 1809, 1838 
 significance first realized in the Paschal mystery: 444-45   important for reasonable care of health: 2290 
 the Father gives witness to it: 444   in distribution of goods: 2407 
divinity:  chastity:  
 "homoousios": 465  and homosexuality: 2359 
 Jesus as true God and true Man: 464-69, 480-82  as cultural effort: 2344 
 the two natures in the Church's confession: 469  as gift of self: 2346 
interpretation and significance:   as grace of God: 2345 
 "Amen" of God'slove for us: 1065  as preservation of the integrity of the person: 2337-38 
 center of angelic world: 331  as process of personal growth: 2343, 2395 
 center of Christian life: 1618  as vocation of all the baptized: 2348, 2394DOWN
 deliverer from Satan and from sin: 1708  conjugal chastity: 2349LOAD
 end of the Law: 1953  engaged couples: 2350CCC
 eschatological judge: 679  importance of friendship: 2347 ©
 heart of catechesis: 426  lust: 2351 
 illuminator of the mystery of creation: 280  offenses against chastity: 2351-56, 2396 
 liberator of men for freedom: 908, 1741  relationship to temperance: 2341 
 Lord over history: 450, 668  self-mastery: 2339-40 
 model: 520-21 gift at Baptism: 1266 
 model of the Beatitudes: 459 moral virtues: 1839 
 new creation: 349 perfection of through the gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1831 
 perfect man: 520 solidarity:  
 physician: 1503-5  in the distribution of goods: 2407 
 priest: 1544-45  virtue of solidarity: 1942 
 restoration of man to the Father: 518 theological virtues:  
 revelation: 516  and participation in the divine nature: 1812 
 Risen One: 625  and the virtue of religion: 1840, 2095-96 
 Servant of God: 555, 580, 601, 608, 615  as foundation of Christian moral activity: 1813, 1840 
 teacher: 427  faith, hope, and charity as theological virtues: 1813, 1841 
Jesus event" the:    charity: 1822-29, 1844 
 preparation in salvation history: 522-24   faith: 1814-16, 1842DOWN
 the Gospel account: 514-15   hope: 1817-21, 1843LOAD
Jewish protest against his teaching:  truthfulness: 2468, 2505CCC
 attitude toward the Law, the Temple, and monotheism: 576  in human relationships: 2469 ©
 contact with tax collectors and sinners": 588  lies as offense against the virtue of truthfulness: 2486, 2508 
 mercy toward and forgiveness of sinners: 589 Vocation: see also: vocation of the laity 
 relation with the Sabbath law: 2173 of our first parents: 54 
 reproach of blasphemy: 591 to follow Christ: 1694 
 role in forgiving sins: 587, 594 to sanctity: 825 
 statements about himself: 590 to the catholic unity of the People of God: 836 
life of Jesus:  call of all by Jesus: 3, 542-43 
 agony in Gethsemane: 612 call of all by the Creator: 1 
 as mystery of Redemption: 517, 561-62 see also: Evangelical counsels 
 Baptism by John the Baptist: 535-36, 556, 565, 1223-25 Vows: 2102 
 birth of Jesus: 437, 525 dispensation from: 2103 
 call of the apostles: 551, 858 of the evangelical counsels: 915, 2103 
 entry into Jerusalem: 559-60, 570 see also: Evangelical counsels; Promises 
 events of childhood: 527-30, 534, 563 Voyeurism: 2523, 2525 
 exorcisms: 517 Wagers: 2413 
 healings as sign of his divinity: 517, 1507 Wages 
 hidden life of Jesus:  just wage as legitimate fruit of work: 2434DOWN
  daily life: 531, 533 unjust wages: 2409LOAD
  obedience in life of the family: 517, 532, 564 WarCCC
 Incarnation: 461-63, 479, 483 and the moral law: 2312, 2328 ©
  faith in Incarnation as distinguishing sign of Christianfaith: 463 arms race: 2315, 2329 
 Incarnation in relation to salvation:  disorders threatening peace: 2317 
  as preparation for the marriage of the Lamb: 1612 duty to prevent war: 2307-08, 2327 
  Incarnation and Ascension: 661 "just war": 2309 
  Incarnation and Resurrection: 653-54 obedience in war: 2313 
  mystery of the Incarnation and the mystery of man: 359 production and sale of arms: 2316 
  preparation:  treatment of the wounded and civilians: 2313 
   in God's plan of salvation: 522 weapons: 2314 
   through John the Baptist: 523 Way of the Cross: 2669 
  questions with respect to the Incarnation:  Wedding: see: Matrimony 
   full humanity of Jesus: 470 Will 
   Jesus' divine ability to know: 473 faith and will: 143, 155 
   Jesus' human ability to know: 472 strengthening the will's mastery: 1734 
   Jesus' human body: 476 see also: Man 
   Jesus' human will: 475 Wisdom as gift of the Holy Spirit: 1831 
   thesis of Apollinaris of Laodicia: 471 Witchcraft: see: Sorcery 
 Incarnation, reasons for: according to the Creed: 456 WomenDOWN
   that men might come to know the love of God: 458 as image of the Church: 2853LOAD
   to be our model of holiness: 459 in the salvation history of the Old Covenant: 489CCC
   to inaugurate the new creation: 504 man "created as male and female": 355, 383 ©
   to make men partakers of the divine nature: 460 ordination of: 1577 
   to save and reconcile mankind: 457, 606-7 see also: Mary, Man: human sexual identity 
 Last Supper: 610-11 Work 
 main mysteries of the life of Christ: 429 access to employment: 2433 
 preaching of Jesus in Galilee: 541 just wage as legitimate fruit: 2434 
 temptation in the desert: 538-40, 566 meaning and value: 2427-28, 2460 
 Transfiguration of Jesus: 554-56, 568 strikes: 2435 
 trial against Jesus:  unemployment: 2436 
  accusation: 574, 575, 585 World 
  divisions among the Jewish authorities about him: 595-96 created by God: 295 
  Jesus' suffering: 572 creation of the "visible world": 325, 337 
  question of guilt:  Jesus as Lord of the world: 450 
   no "collective guilt" of the Jews in Jesus'death: 597 "sin of the world": 408 
   sinners are guilty of the death of Jesus: 598 subjugation by man: 373 
 way to Jerusalem: 557-58, 569 transitoriness: 677 
names and designations:  "world of men": 326 
 significance of the name "Jesus": 430, 432, 434, 435, 452 world order and natural law: 341DOWN
 titles:  see also: CreationLOAD
  "Christ": 429, 436, 453 WorshipCCC
  "Lord": 209, 429, 446-51, 455 as the first act of the virtue of religion: 2096, 2135 ©
  "Son of God": 429, 441, 454 meaning of worship: 2097 
  see also: Messiah in liturgical celebration: 1070 
 designations see also: Adoration 
  "Lamb of God": 608 YHWH: see: God: names of God; Jesus Christ 
  "messianic Son of David": 439, 727   

John Lindorfer