I am surprised that the last photo Pegah has taken is the one of us leaving Hobbiton, so I don't have any photos of the unpleasant and uncooperative manager of the Kiwi Camper place or our trip back to Brisbane. I had expected when we got back to photograph the places we had visited at the University of Queensland but bad weather intervened. Because I forgot to take my iPad, I don't have any photos of the spaghetti dinner and ice cream shop visit that was a going away treat from my landlady Stephanie and her friend Eunice. I also don't have the photos I thougth Pegah was taking of the Nowruz (Persian New Year) party with her friends Behnam and Niloufar and their mom. Since the camera belonged to Niloufar, Pegah left it with her after having transferred our New Zealand photos to flash memory for me earlier. Fortunately, I did manage to take this one picture of Pegah at the party. This may be the very best one of all I have of her. I think her dress is absolutely stunning, and goes so well with the Arwen pendent I gave her as a souvenir of our trip. She informed me that it would be illegal in her country to wear this beautiful outfit in public, which I think is a real shame! After a last pizza dinner with Pegah's friend Safa, I walked Pegah home even though she didn't want me to. I just couldn't face climbing that steep hill back to where I was staying one more time!
The road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow if I can.
Pursuing it with weary feet
Until it finds a wider way
Where many friends and errands meet,
And whither then? Who can say?

                                         - Bilbo Baggins